Guido Fawkes noticeshow upset the BBC are when the mainstay of our economy is not split asunder andthe bankers not fleeing on their private jets to sunny tax exile….. ‘The speculation that the Vickers Commission was going to force the banksabroad by breaking them up clearly got the better of some hacks sympathetic tothe idea. At his press conference earlier John Vickers fielded questions fromthe all the financial press … Continue reading


Oh no. After hyping up the great evil of Conservative created inflation all morning….comes the news that it has fallen. BBC Gutted. What to do? Well, can we ever forget how evil the British were in KENYA when putting down insurrection there? Not if the BBC can help it 😉 Shouldn’t David Cameron apologise and pay reparations? Meanwhile, buried away on regional news, we read about the shockingly callous behaviour of … Continue reading


Call me old-fashioned, but to me, a cat-fight between the zealots at Greenpeace and the creepy control freaks at Facebook over whether the latter has or has not done its best to use green energy in its new server centre ain’t news. It’s simply a greenie bar-room brawl over who has the biggest organ (so to speak), and a massive puff for the corporation’s in-house social networking tool. But to … Continue reading


It’s all about who YOU choose to believe – take it on trust, the BBC Trust. First – consider the comments of Recep Erdogan, PrimeMinister of Turkey who stated that democracy was like a bus: “You ride it until youarrive at your destination, then you step off.”  What other gems has he delighted us with? Islam means Jihad” “The minarets are our bayonets, the domes [of the mosques] our helmets, themosques our barracks.” “There … Continue reading


I think increasingly that a major twist in Britain’s slide into decline began in the 1980s because a number of liberal jurists – who cut their teeth in the so-called siwnging sixties – rose to power and did inestimable damage with their touchy-feely rulings. One such of these lefty lawyers was Lord Scarman, the Law Lord who paved the way for the disastrous Human Rights Act to be incorporated into … Continue reading


Here is an excellent site that also details the BBC’s antipathy towards Israel – recommended and worth a visit! Trevor Asserson should be congratulated for his meticulous work on this! “The bbcwatch Reports demonstrate how the BBC consistently fails to adhere to its legal obligations to produce impartial and accurate reporting. Our systematic, objective and rigorous research points to the firm conclusion that the BBC frequently displays marked and consistent … Continue reading


A perceptive reader picks up on this; Nicky Campbell this morning gave a lot of airtime to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association who are running an advertising campaign to lessen ‘Islamophobia’.This is of course hugely ironic because the Ahmadis are considered heretics by other Muslims and not Muslim…..only recently 100 of them were slaughterd in Pakistan by ‘real’ Muslims. So we have to ask where lies the real violence and conflict?And … Continue reading


A Biased BBC reader asks; “Listening to Professor Madawi Al-Rasheed, rofessor of the Anthropology of Religion at King’s College London, being interviewed on ‘Woman’s Hour’ ) this morning the thought came to me that perhaps the Pope is not Catholic. His, some might say, extreme views on women, homosexuality and contraception are surely not what the Catholic Religion is really about. In other words the Pope is perverting or distorting … Continue reading