Myths and Facts Part 3

A favourite talking head, panellist and guest of the BBC is Green MP for Brighton, Caroline Lucas. She’s the only Green MP, so you’d think she’d be busying herself doing the job she was elected to do. (Saving the planet.) Instead, as Richard Millett shows, she and some other intellectually challenged activists for peace or whatever they call themselves are creating unnecessary carbon footprints with a mock flotilla on the … Continue reading

Myths and Facts part 2

The Rachel Corrie topic led to DB’s reminder of a couple of B-BBC articles we prepared earlier, concerning a journalist called Keira Feldman who had devised a kind of agenda-driven honey trap in order to coax a sensational story from Robert Spencer of Jihadwatch. She gave him the impression that she was “a freelancer working without a specific assignment”, when she was in fact working for the BBC. She now … Continue reading

Myths and Facts part 1

The initial lurid sensationalism is the part of a story that will always stick, never mind what emerges thereafter. Cindy Corrie’s piece in the Guardian’s ‘Comment is Free’ (H/T Too True) reminded me how unfortunate that can be, especially if the story appears to confirm any of the commonly-held negative preconceptions about Israel.Just as people still repeat the Al Dura lies unchallenged on the BBC, the myth of Rachel Corrie’s … Continue reading


A Biased BBC reader writes to advise that despite suggestions to the contrary, BBC Detector Van’s evidence has NEVER been used in Court! Here are details  “Despite being very reluctant the BBC has finally confirmed what we all knew anyway – detector van/portable detector evidence has neverbeen presented in court. The revealing Freedom of Information Act response came after the BBC u-turned on their earlier decision to withhold the information under … Continue reading


You cannot failed to have noticed the frequency with which Alistair Campbell has been appearing on the BBC recently. He has become ubiquitous as the BBC pursues the next target onthe hit-list David Cameron for employing Andy Coulson. A Biased BBC reader asks is this the same BBC that now has Tony Blair’s spin doctor, the man who took usto war on a lie leading to the death of British soldiers … Continue reading


It may be a new week but the BBC is very clear on the need to STOP Rupert Murdoch taking control of BSkyB. Listen to this onslaught led by Robert Peston and were that not enough for you then try this from Nick Robinson. It’s remarkable to see the State Broacaster taking such an active and clearly biased role in this story as it seeks to buttress it’s own massive monopolistic … Continue reading


Reported in the Telegraph: The BBC’s annual report, published tomorrow, will show that it paid 19 presenters, actors and journalists more than £500,000 last year, at a cost of £22 million. However, despite promising MPs that it would reveal how many stars are paid between £500,000 and £750,000, as well as the number on £750,000 to £1million and those on more than £1million, the broadcaster has now dropped the plans. … Continue reading

What You Won’t Be Told About The U.S. Budget Deal

There won’t be a fantastic budget deal tonight, and the President won’t get His big economic victory. The BBC seems to think that only the “newly empowered Republicans” are causing ideologically-driven obstacles to agreeing on a debt package. When the Congressionally-set debt limit has been reached in the past, Congress has voted to raise it. This year, however, newly empowered Republicans are determined to prevent any tax increases and want … Continue reading

PC Puzzle

A B-BBC reader says “There’s much puzzlement in Hampshire about what section of the community feels it is acceptable to put an old pony in a trap and force it into a lake in order to drown it.” Pony ‘beaten’ into Hampshire lake dies. (Or should that be ‘dies’?) When the BBC finally has the monopoly of newsgathering and reporting how will anyone ever know what’s behind the politically correct … Continue reading