The BBC is determined not to let facts get in the way of a good story.

A B-BBC reader writes;

 ‘You and yours’ Winfred Robinson talks to energy minister Greg Barker. Robinson is asking what Baker is going to do about fuel poverty in UK. Baker states that Labour did nothing to help those in fuel poverty and that thepoverty has doubled since 2005. Robinson says ‘it is absurd to blame Labour…it was fuel prices that causedthe poverty….so let’s move on!’

And yet she is here asking Baker what he is going to do about it…..surely shetold us it is fuel prices that are causing the poverty…didn’t she just saythat…and out of government control obviously? So let’s move on.

Barker suggests we insulate and build to a better standard…UK has the mostexpensive to heat homes in Europe….we must build homes as insulated as theNorwegians who have very low energy bills…even in the Arctic…

Robinson leaps in again….’that’s why their homes are so efficient becausetheir climate is so different(er….cold)…ours is temperate.’

So an arctic region, cold to freezing most of the year, is cheaper to keep warmthan a region where most of the year it is reasonably warm anyway? Clearly likea car it is more fuel efficient to keep a car running than to turn the engineon and off…keep your boiler running all year….the more you run it the loweryour bills! That’s BBC education for you.

More is less.

The BBC logic defeats me….obviously the real solution to fuel poverty is voteLabour!

Why she just doesn’t say that at the beginning and save me listening for anhour…..”