The BBC Sydney correspondent Nick Bryant – a chap who clearly just adores OZ PM Kevin Rudd’s climate lunacy – reports here on the news that islands like Tuvalu are not, after all, in any danger of being flooded by global warming; in fact, according to the latest research, the reverse is true, the islands are actually growing. But this doesn’t deter our Nick from pursuing his alarmist agenda:

But although these islands might not be submerged under the waves in the short-term, it does not mean they will be inhabitable in the long-term, and the scientists believe further rises in sea levels pose a significant danger to the livelihoods of people living in Tuvalu, Kiribati and the Federated States of Micronesia.

Never let the facts get in the way is clearly his motto. He also quotes the locals as saying that despite the facts, they still are going to drown (and, by the way, they need milllions of pounds of aid from the west).

This die-hard approach is hardly surprising, really. The BBC has been at the forefront of reporting that half the world (and Tuvalu in particular) is going to drown for at least a decade; the intro to this piece from David Shukman (in 2008) is typical:

The fragile strips of green that make up the small islands of Tuvalu are incredibly beautiful but also incredibly vulnerable.The group of nine tiny islands in the South Pacific only just break the surface of the ocean – but for how much longer?

How long will it be before eco-activists such as Bryant and Shukman acknowledge that whenever claims about climate change are subjected to scientific analysis, they disintegrate? Don’t hold your breath.