And still it comes – the BBC led attack on the McCain-Palin ticket. Here we read read an item entitled “McCain in “hatred” war of words”. The intent of the article is clear; it is to paint McCain-Palin as racists because…sharp intake of breath for Beeboids reading this …they dare criticise The One. It is a well woven piece of race-hustling, using the wild claims of Democrat John Lewis. As we approach the final few weeks of the US Presidential election, the BBC is using its bully pulpit to parrot just about nasty little piece of Democrat driven hatred towards the GOP possible whilst remaining mute on any criticisms of Obama. It’s a disgrace what we are witnessing. If the BBC wants to act as a cheer-leader for Obama that’s fine – but stop taking our cash to fund this BIAS.



Wondered if anyone else has been reading Justin Webb’s blog today? Even by his twisted and prejudiced standards, it is dripping with anti-Palin toxicity! Justin is plainly disturbed to witness just how popular Sarah Palin is with Main Street but he admonishes “And yet the Palin world-view – essentially ignorant, unable to name a single paper read – is not the view that a nation facing an economic catastrophe, complex and international and baffling to most minds, is likely to choose.” He goes further saying that “to hear Palin screeching on about Reagan must be painful to many Republicans who knew him. Reagan knew what papers he read. ” Got that – screeching and ignorant.

For years the lousy BBC ridiculed Ronald Reagan, now they ridicule Sarah Pale and Justin Webb is to the fore in the character assassination. Any pretence of objective reporting has been jettisoned and we now see the full-on pro-Dem bias that the BBC exudes. I hope the McCain-Palin camp are observing this.


I have not watched the Palin/Biden debate yet, but I can only assume Palin has done very well indeed. The reason I say this is that listening to the BBC’s coverage of this event on the Today programme this morning the entire tone was that Palin had not fouled up. Essentially the BBC line was that “gaffe-prone” Palin had managed to just about hold her own, though she wobbled “a bit” on climate change and Iraq. Biden was painted as having glided serenely through the debate. So, if we believe the BBC, instead of being a total train-wreck, Palin just about got through. Talk about raising and lowering expectations. The BBC, like their soul-mates in the Democrat Party, are scare senseless of the values Palin stand for and so they have spent the last several weeks mocking her. Meanwhile, back in the real world, I can but assume that Sarah walloped slow Joe.



Just after the 7am news headlines, Today ran a quick item on current US political reaction to the turbulence in the financial markets and the US response. Only ONE of the candidates for the US Presidency got to speak on it – can you guess which one?



Hi all – been away most of this past week and this is my first chance to blog. So it’s reassuring to see the State Broadcaster continuing to do it’s level best for Obama. It gushes that a “senior Republican” casts doubt on Palin’s experience. Mmm, nice headline. But then we discover that the “senior Republic”happens to be a certain Chuck Hagel speaking to the prestigious and widely read Omaha-World Herald. Hagel is a man whose opinion will influence independent voters, chimes Justin Webb. Who told him that? Hagel is viewed with contempt by GOP voters and he is a hero of the Dem’s ever since he became a campaigning supporter of the Chosen One. The question here is on what basis would “independent voters” choose to pay attention to this Republican traitor? I believe this is mere wishful thinking by Justin and the gang and typical of the determined campaign the BBC is running to try and sideline Sarah Palin.


I think that Justin Webb provides a valuable public service by showing us just how necessary it is to take the axe to the BBC. How does he perform this wonder? Well, reading his blog is essential reading for any student of bias. Today he blogs the story concerning the list of books that “people” are claiming Sarah Palin wanted banned. He states this list is a fake. He then goes on to print it!!! He concludes by telling us that no doubt Palin would laugh it all off and be charming about it. Do you think he is on medication perhaps or has he driven mediocrity to a whole new level?


I see that the BBC have woken up to the news that John McCain has opened up a lead in the polls over Obama. Thing is, when I read this story, it talks of ONE poll when in fact several polls show McCain ahead, including Gallup/UA Today which has him 10 points ahead of the Chosen One. Now like the rest of you, I understand polls can be misleading and it is wise to take them all with a pinch of salt but when Obama was way ahead in the polls there was jubilation amongst the Beeboids and this dominance joyfully broadcast. Note the words under the picture – did the BBC run this same disclaimer during Obama’s post conference glow? The times they are a-changing….but can we trust Al Beeb to tell us?


It’s so touching, isn’t it? I refer to this article on the BBC portal concerning the news that GOP star Sarah Palin’s family is human after all and that her 17 year old daughter is ..gasp horror…pregnant. B-BBC favourite Justin Webb weighs in pointing out that this news “may” not hurt her politically although this is immediately followed by the suggestion that there may be other skeletons in the Palin closet. But here’s the thing; why does the BBC not compare the Palins reaction to the news that their daughter is pregnant (They call the pregnancy a blessing) with what Obama thinks such a pregnancy would mean to him (He calls such a pregnancy a punishment). Here is the link. Surely THAT is a story? Also, when we are at it, where is the BBC when it comes to the news reported elsewhere that Dem V-P nominee Joe Biden reckons Israel better get used to a nuclear Iran? It seems to me that the BBC is so preoccupied with its own toxic narrative (The US must elect a black democrat to the White House) that many more interesting stories get dropped. On purpose.


As has already been noted by B-BBC’s perspicacious readers, the US election has suddenly dropped off the BBC’s lead news portal after days of Obamania dominating its daily agenda. I wonder what could have caused such a mysterious disappearance?

Hang on a second, I found this link related to someone called “The Barracuda”. She seems to be a poor choice for a political role whoever she is since..and I quote from the BBC“By choosing her, Mr McCain may have undercut his best attack against Senator Obama – if he uses the inexperience card now it will be turned against him and his running mate. While conservatives, such as radio host Rush Limbaugh and former Bush adviser Karl Rove, hailed the Palin surprise, there were also dismayed reactions from some Republicans, who felt the choice underscored Mr McCain’s weaknesses and was too risky. In the meantime, Mr McCain and his new partner have something else to worry about – Mrs Palin is facing an investigation in Alaska for alleged abuse of power involving her former brother-in-law. Her deposition is expected to be scheduled soon. ” The BBC – never knowingly fair and balanced.


? I think that the BBC coverage of this US election really does warrant a whole chapter to itself in the forthcoming Biased BBC book. It just goes from bad to worse. Did you catch Sarah Montague’s 7.12am interview with the Beeb Washington correspondent Kim Ghattas concerning the selection of Sarah Palin to run as V-P? It’s laced with subtle and not so subtle attacks on Palin and the buzz words are “inexperience” “anti abortion” “very conservative.” Sarah Montague and Kim Ghattas both agree that McCain has “undercut” his best line of attack against the Obamessiah by choosing such as inexperienced candidate and then tried to present this GOP choice as a victory for the Dems. I am no fan of John McCain but let me say that should he win in November, then there will be at least one bottle of champagne strewn across the corridor in my house! The BBC are bound to declare a day of national mourning with accompanying solemn music, before launching into the “racist” America diatribe that is never far from the surface in their toxic left wing minds. Their coverage of this election has been staggeringly biased and in my mind it is more evidence why the axe needs to be taken to such a powerful but unbalanced State broadcaster.