The BBC very belatedly and no doubt even more begrudgingly has commissioned a poll probing views about global warming. Despite the years of BBC propaganda to the opposite, a total of 73% are not convinced that climate change has anything to do with humans; only 26% believe it is man-made, a drop from 42% a year ago when the Times newspaper conducted a similar poll. So who does the BBC turn for comment about the results? Why, of course, a spoksman from DEFRA, who professes himself “very disappointed”. What? – that the British people don’t accept being mugged by a battery of government climate change taxes?

It comes as no surprise that there is nothing at all in the report from the ‘sceptics’. And David Shukman, who reported the poll on BBC News 24 in funereal tones last night, blathered on about how people’s views went against what he said was unquestionably “mainstream science”.

Meanwhile, the Today programme this morning continued on its warming mission by bringing on a Green Party candidate and a carbon-obsessed academic to discuss how CO2 taxes must be introduced on everyone who owns a cat or a dog. I kid you not. It would be funny if it weren’t so tragic that the BBC’s editorial values have been traduced in this way.