. Not a day passes without the BBC leading the charge against the professionalism and integrity of our Armed Forces. Little wonder the Jihadists figure that the biggest damage that can be carried out on the British Army is by the British media, with the BBC to the fore. This past week has carries stories of plummeting moralE, now abuse, compensations for torture – you name it and the BBC have run it. It really sickens me to see the evident delight that the BBC takes in running down our brave men and women who serve this country so diligently, in the teeth of a savage enemy.


The BBC’s dislike of all things British is nowhere more evident than in its dislike of the British Army. Concepts such as patriotism and warrior bravery are perhaps a little too old fashioned in sophisticated metrosexual BBC circles. So a story like this is manna from heaven for Al Beeb and boy does it relish reporting the news that “the Ministry of Defence has agreed to pay almost £3m in damages to Iraqis who were tortured by UK troops in Basra in 2003, their solicitors say.” The use of the word “tortured” is under scrutiny since this is an allegation, not a proven fact. Indeed SIX of the seven soldiers who had this charge levelled against them were found INNOCENT and the a seventh soldier who was rightly punished admitted treating Iraqis inhumanely. Quite where the torture slur comes from I do not know, other than the BBC enthusiastically insert it into the first sentence. It’s not enough that our soldiers have to fight against Jihadi in Iraq, they also have to cope with the State Broadcaster taking every opportunity to stab them in the back.