Is it just me or is Laura Trevelyan not that happy about the news that BP seem to have a degree of success ij capping the spilling oil well in the Gulf? Throughout this period, the BBC seems to have aligned itself with Obama as he takes shots at BP – leading to the survival of the company itself being brought into question. What is it about British Petroleum the BBC seems to have such a problem with….?


I found it interesting that a man who says he is the renegade Afghan soldier who killed three British troops in Helmand province in Afghanistan has contacted the BBC.

The man said he had been angry at the conduct of British troops and that he had acted alone. He said he joined the Taliban after the attack.

Well, he sure knew who to phone, didn’t he? Wonder do the Taliban have the BBC on speed-dial?


The BBC is opposed to war. In the mind of the State Broadcaster it is never right to defend a Nation by taking action against a foreign power. So, when we helped in the liberation of Iraq, it got very cross and still whinges about how “illegal” that war was. Of course even as it churned out a daily mantra of pessimism whilst our brave soldiers were doing their duty in Iraq, it pretended that the “good war” should be in Afghanistan. No sooner is focus switched to Afghanistan than the beat of defeat heard again. The BBC wants us OUT of Afghanistan and now runs almost daily stories informing us that we cannot win and that we should not be there. Here is a particularly vivid example from Kevin Connolly beating the drum as hard as he can. We’re doomed, I tell you, doomed. Retreat….


I suggest that one of the most dangerous features of the BBC is the persistent advocacy of the idea that prison does not work and that criminals should not be punished.

In this new Ken Clarke era of liberal Justice, the BBC is doing everything possible to remove prison as a destination for criminals. This morning, on Today, at 6.50am, Northern Ireland’s “restorative justice” model was held up as a shiny example of “enlightenment” As someone who lives here, I can tell you that “restorative justice” is a massive con, a perverse fraud endorsed by liberals. It is, in fact, an opt out for enforcing the law. If you’ve been watching the news in recent days you will have seen just how effective it has been – as youths riot, burn, attack and rage on our streets – restorative violence?

Anyway, the BBC followed this item up with ANOTHER one at 7.51am when Ann Widdecombe and Sara Nathan debated the same issue. If you listen to it  Widdecombe is berated with the marvel of how “restorative justice” works in Northern Ireland. In fact I felt sorry for Widdecombe as the sneering Nathan and the interrupting BBC interviewer gave her little chance to make her sensible opinions.

Moving on, to 8.30am the BBC was not finished. You see apparently AIDS is still on the increase amongst drug users.An academic doctor (sic) was brought on to discuss the issue. Can you guess the line he was taking? Yes – it would be more enlightened if we legalised all drugs and did not criminalise those who take them.

All morning, the BBC is relentlessly pushing the idea that Prison does not work and that we need to look for new and exciting ways of dealing with crime that do not criminalise the offender. To think that £3.5 BN of OUR money  is being used to subvert our society in this way is truly shocking.  


You have to laugh at it. Earlier this morning, the BBC on Today managed to find a businessman who was not ONLY in favour of the UK joining the Eurozone but ALSO in favour of the creation of a single European political State. I wonder how hard they had to look to find him?  (Sorry but can’t find link, I think it was during Adam Shaw’s business section at 7.16am)

DR CABLE’S £100,000

Former BBC favourite “Dr” Vince Cable was interviewed on Today @7.52am with regard to his suggestion that there should be a Graduate tax. During the interview, and in defence of his iniquitous scheme, Cable trotted out the mantra that the average graduate earned £100,000 across their working life than someone who did not attend University. This outdated assertion was not challenged. In fact there is plenty of evidence to suggest that a combination of over-supply of graduates and a lack of employment prospects seriously erodes this much hyped differential and it was surprising that Cable got away with it. Especially as he is an Economics guru.Then again…  


It is not a good day at the BBC if they can’t snipe at Israel and so it is that B-BBC stalwart Jeremy Al Bowen does his usual routine here As ever the language is so loaded and dripping in anti-Israel sentiment that Hamas would struggle to be less biased than him. It’s outrageous the way the BBC foists this biased coverage of all matters Israel upon us.


The slot between 8am and 8.30am is the prime-time for listenership on Radio 4 so I was surprised that the BBC decided to allocate valuable time here to the Magic Act Penn and Teller. Even more remarkable the primary angle of the story was to explore the Pair’s Atheism! I’m not saying there was bias here but I found the placing of this story and the angle of it odd. I wonder if Penn and Teller had been devout Christians would the BBC have been so keen to run the non-story?