Question Time returns tonight after the horrendous 9/11 Special last week. Tonight it is from Londonderry, here in tne peace process terrorist appeasing land of Northern Ireland. David Dimbleby is joined in Londonderry by NI Sec of State Owen Paterson, Diane Abbott, Nigel Dodds, Martina Anderson and Nicola Horlick. Martina Anderson, a convicted IRA bomber, may require subtitles. And as a taster for what lies in store, here’s lovely Diane…you have been warned!
Diane Abbott
Don’t think ASE will be able to join us tonight but if David Mosque is around that would be great!!


My thanks to all those who voted for Biased BBC on Total Politics, now up to 14th, my sincere appreciation and congratulations to all who contribute here, and a hat-tip to to the blog at Number 36. Next year, time for Top 10? My apologies to those offended by the “right-wing” nomenclature. I didn’t seek it nor did I lobby for either of my blogs. I just try to provide regular output, that’s all.


Always good for the BBC to start the day with some good old fashioned NHS shroud waving, Check out the link on the Midwife shortages caused by the fearsome Osborne cuts  that are now “risking lives”in England. One of the reasons for this, according to BBC Today, is the increasing birth-rate in parts of England. Curious how there is a certain coyness about where those areas might be and which communities may be creating this unprecedented pressure on Midwifery. I do seem to recall that indigenous UK birth rate is at an all-time low but the BBC chooses to park the issue there. Do you think that under this story is another story which the BBC has no intention of discussing. If so, isn’t that rather disingenuous of the State Broadcaster?


Was interested to listen to Mark Mardell’s latest love letter to Obama on BBC Today this morning. This time the issue is Europe and Mark’s on the case. The situation is clear, he advises, Obama is very worried about what is happening in Europe and the looming prospect of another banking crisis has made him spell it out – go ahead and have a federalised Europe. The answer to Europe is more Europe. Time to fast-track the process. As further evidence of the urgent need for Europe to dismantle any residual of the Nation State and “sort out” the economic woes that so afflict, I also see that Tim Geithner is trotting along to the EU Financial Minister’s informal meeting tomorow. Maybe he’ll be offering some tax advice? It’s remarkable watching the BBC do everything possible to turn the meltdown on the Eurozone into an argument for more centralised planning. I mean, what could go wrong with that idea?


So, let me get this straight. The Obama-led Democrats lose a seat in New York ninth district for the first time in 90 years and where do the BBC place the story? Well, I tried their main news portal but nothing there. However if I go to the US and Canada portal, yes there is is, just above another story telling us that poverty in the US has hit a record high. Can’t wait for Mark Mardell and the rest of the Obama fan club to start spinning this one! It’s certainly hope and change but not as they want to see it! Meanwhile, back on the MAIN BBC news portal, the burning issue of what Jackie Kennedy thought of other dead people.


There is precious little which gets BBC hearts-a-beating than some good old fashioned Jew baiting. I was reading this report on the comments made by Turkish PM Tayyip Erdogan in which he says recognising “Paletine” is an obligation, not just an option. Well, what to expect from a pig but a grunt – but this is where the BBC reports gets more interesting…

The BBC’s Jonathan Head in Cairo says that, while there were no new threats in the speech, it was fiery enough to sustain Mr Erdogan’s reputation as a champion of ordinary people in the Arab world without alarming Arab governments that have resisted change.

Huh? Surely Erdogan’s “reputation” is as avowed hater of Israel, devout follower of Islam, and facilitator of vicious terrorism. Mr Head should stop being coy as to WHY Erdogan is such a “champion” in the Arab world!


I was touched to read this BBC report on Libya.

Mustafa Abdul Jalil outlined his plans to create a modern democratic state based on “moderate Islam” to thousands of flag-waving supporters in the newly renamed Martyrs’ Square. The head of the National Transitional Council has delivered his first speech in Libya’s capital, Tripoli, since the ousting of Muammar Gaddafi.

Great news, “moderate Islam” it is then – not the gay-hanging. adulterer stoning, limb amputating variant. But soft, what news of transgender rights and the other big issues the BBC likes to pursue?

“He also warned against secularism, envisaging a state “where sharia [Islamic law] is the main source for legislation”.

Might be a while before we get that all important Libyan Gay Pride parade but still, it’s a step in the right direction from the sounds of it…if one believes BBC analysis, that is….