Weekend Thread 30th January 2021

The Far Left Pro EU Biased BBC has a major problem with the vaccine wars . In its eyes the EU can do no wrong . Yet the failure of the EU to roll out vaccines across its’ sub states is both a major embarrassment and a tragedy for citizens . So how will the BBC spin this to favour the EU especially when vaccine exports owed to the UK are stopped ?

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425 Responses to Weekend Thread 30th January 2021

  1. taffman says:

    How will Joe Bidden react to the EU’s Behaviour in the Irish Border fiasco ? Will he side with Great Britain ? Will he be reminded what Sir Winston Churchill and Great Britain did for Europe during the Second World War?
    How will Al Beeb attempt to paint the EU Dictatorship in good light?
    I would say its popcorn time, but my, am I putting weight on !


    • JimS says:

      You have to bear in mind how the citizens of the US see themselves as compared to their immigrant ancestors.

      The newly-arrived African, in chains, probably didn’t have a very high opinion of Africa, having been captured and traded by Africans.

      The newly-arrived Europeans could have been fleeing poverty and persecution or were seeking ‘a better life’.

      Now ‘all’ Irish-Americans are descended from Irish Republican rebel stock, (despite clearly having ‘protestant’ surnames). Other’s of European stock might see themselves as cousins of the EU ‘nation’, and African-Americans are proud of their roots.

      The one exception is the American-Americans, their ancestors, the ones with the English surnames, bravely fought off their British overlords.

      In simple terms everwhere else in the world except England is now looked upon with rose-coloured glasses. The ‘special relationship’ was really just Winston Churchill playing on his mother’s nationality!


      • BRISSLES says:

        Um, yes the blacks in the US did get a raw deal, no one denies that, but the silence is deafening on what the yanks did to the Red Indians and pinching their lands. Or is that just a blip in their history that’s only good as Hollywood fodder ?


  2. richard D says:

    If the vaccine is being sold by the manufacturers at cost price (all these vaccines are supposed to be ‘no profit’, remember ?), and we have the biggest, best, and therefore most cost-effective Astra-Zeneca plants in this part of the world – how come the EU is able to claim that their vaccine is significantly lower cost per dose than the UK supply ? Shouldn’t the BBC be demanding to know the answer to this ?


    • taffman says:

      richard D
      Al Beeb only demands answers that fit their anti-British, Liberal cause.


    • Garry Lavin says:

      Supply and demand. Sell it to the buggers at ten times the cost!
      If someone is not making a profit…..they are, in effect, subsidising the buyer.


  3. richard D says:

    I have to admit that I have not heard every single news programme on the BBC over the past 24-48 hours, but…..I haven’t heard a single member of the Labour Shadow Cabinet, the Lib Dem hierarchy, nor the SNP loudmouths (who are all in favour of distributing confidential UK government data to the EU), criticise the EU for it’s disgusting behaviour, and supporting vaccine manufacturers in the UK.

    Hmmmm – it does seem strange that the BBC seems to be able to provide interviews with those groups at the drop of a hat when there’s potential excoriation to be made of the Conservative government….

    …..and the BBC also hasn’t said anything like ‘we invited these groups to come on the programme, but they refused’ – which seems to be the M.O. when any Conservative has better things to do than appear on the BBC !

    Really ? Is Sir Kneel Starmer still trying to sit on any available fence till he sees which way the wind might be blowing, whilst simultaneously demanding that the UK government react instantly to any and every demand (quite often contradictory) from anyone antagonistic to it ?


    • Fedup2 says:

      Your observation is a very important one – and demonstrates the pro EU bias by omission of the BBC when it wants to avoid criticising the EU – which is visibly openly showing itself for what it is and what many on this site have been saying across the years .
      Thank God we are out .


    • Up2snuff says:

      rD, I’d be inclined, if I was in Bojo’s shoes, to accede to the DUP’s request to invoke Protocol 15 which I gather is now code for the much defamed UK Single Market’s Bill in the latest/final UK Trade Deal with the EU on our departure 31/12/2020. That would really put the Labour Party in a difficult position because they would then have to repeat all their late-autumn ire about ‘breaking International Law on an unprecedented scale’ which is really what the EU are doing.

      I think even Starmer condemned the PM for that Single Markets Bill (I post from memory whcih could be defective) so he would be a bit stuck, having to deny the people of Northern Ireland the Covid vaccine or … admit he and his Party members were wrong.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Sky interviewed Julian Smith MP ( Tory – who used to be NI secretary ) and he explained carefully how the EU Commission drove a coach and horses through the NorthernnIreland agreement , the structures in place between UK NI Eire and the EU regarding changes to the border ….

        I’ve yet to hear or see the BBC do a similar informed interview with someone who can explain just how seriously bad the EU conduct currently is … bias by omission again …


    • BRISSLES says:

      Is there STILL a Labour Shadow Cabinet ? because I haven’t seen or heard of any of them since the pandemic began.


      • Up2snuff says:

        Brissles, my dear old thing (well, it will soon be the cricket season in the UK – it’s raining enough now), you obviously missed Angela Rayner’s Car Crash of an Interview on the TOADY Programme on Thursday. It was er …. sort of wonderful .. ummhh … in a sort of buttock clenching ….. this is really going to hurt someone’s leadership/leadership chances in a big way. Dear old Angie managed to make sure her leadership chance was suppressed while simultaneously ensuring Sir Keir gets to survive another week.

        Sir Marmite (abbreviated, usually, I am led to understand to Smarmite) has enough people loving him in the Labour movement – still – just about – to hang onto his job for a while longer. The spectre of Jess Phillips – as a Rayner Replacement – will no doubt cast a shadow over him soon.

        You can read all about it here or even listen, courtesy of Guido’s web-site: https://order-order.com/page/5/


  4. richard D says:

    I think this might be my last ‘vent’ this morning, but why is Katya Adler getting away with claiming, in the middle of her diatribe this morning on the BBC ‘Today’ programme, that Astra-Zeneca are failing to meet their contracts with the EU ?

    That is an unsubstantiated claim by the EU, apparently completely refuted by the copy of the contracts (which have now even been obtained in an unredacted version).

    Couldn’t possibly be caused by her (and her Beeboid mates’) well-known affinity with the EU against the UK, could it ?

    The BBC should apologise for this gross misinformation/didinformation….. at worst, the BBC should make it clear that this EU claim was hotly disputed by loads of people, including independent contract lawyers, over the past couple of days.


  5. Fedup2 says:

    Frau Adler has got to be the most inept at concealing EUBBC bias – really just a spokesman for the EU . Although on Newsnight last night she did describe the commission as ‘chaotic’….
    ….she will be ‘fun’ when Germany has to cut back vaccinations – and the blame being laid at one of their own – the inept Helga running the Commision .

    Don’t get me wrong – this is the most serious of issues – but the best is being done by the EUBBC to distract – such as challenging the reliability of the oxfordAZ vaccine in over 65s .

    I’m guessing that critics of the EU are getting the ‘engaged ‘ signal when they ring up the BBC to make a comment ….


  6. Tabs says:

    On the BBC News Channel about 11:10 they showed the W.H.O. investigative scientists going into a building in China and coming back out a bit later.

    The BBC reporter then shouts across the street to the scientists from 100 meters away, “can you tell us how your trip is going so far?”. The voiceover then states, “we didn’t get a reply”.

    No surprise because you are behaving like the gutter press.


    • Beltane says:

      No need for ‘gutter’ Tabs, just ‘press’ will do, there’s very little difference between any of them these days. The Guardian, Independent and Times might use longer words but the self-congratulation and spite stays the same as the rest.


  7. Up2snuff says:

    BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – Louis’s expression says it all


    The BBC tortured iPlayer and Sounds users with a picture of Steph McGovern gurning away on the sign-in page for a few years. Since then, I haven’t used iPlayer obviously since September 2016 and McG has possibly left the Beeb, anyway. I now know whose image was torturing Sounds users on the sign in page: FKA twigs, apparently.

    I’m sure you all wanted to know that.

    Someone’s PR Agency has been earninga few bob. I’d be very happy if the BBC grounded that photo on the Sounds sign-in page. It really shouldn’t be allowed out at any time of the day. Think of the horses and old ladies at least.


  8. Tabs says:

    Just heard on the BBC News channel at 11:31 some bloke being interviewed from his home. He started off saying, “The vaccination programme is the only thing the government has got right… …. I’m not a fan of Brexit but….”.

    What was the chance of that? The BBC finding an anti Tory and anti Brexit person to interview?


  9. Fedup2 says:

    Week in Westminster watch
    Isabel hardman of the spectator – I could only suffer the beginning and end because the ‘off switch ‘ came into play . …

    It started with the PM doing his apology act for 100 000 covid related death . Swamp types really care about ‘apologies ‘ don’t they ?
    Does it bring anyone back ? Does it change anything ? But on the lady presenter went … so off switch came …
    …..at the end she was having a chat with a sista about ‘wimmin in politics ‘… yawn

    I can only think this programme was recorded yesterday afternoon – before the huge EU crisis really got going …. but there was no apology for this tripe being out of date …..

    … this was followed by “from our own correspondent ‘….. now I would have thought the riots in Holland might have featured somewhere – no – something about the EU? – no – so more of the BBC distracting from what is going on in real life and – what is important to real british lives …..
    ( by the way I know I’m writing a lot at the moment but I see this time as a key moment for the UK EU BBC …

    … and notice that there is no SNP daily political broadcast ( covid show ) today – with crankie and Blackford oh so silent …

    All that stuff about ‘backstop’ … remember ….


    • StewGreen says:

      rather a tame edition of the Week in Westminster this week.
      I take it that it must have recorded on Friday, since a heck of a lot has happened since”

      The week in Westminster on @BBCRadio4 is wall to wall Tory propaganda (those lefties say stuff

      The Holland/Delhi riots were on Thursday’s FooC
      EU cock ups might be on next week’s.


    • StewGreen says:

      “Where are all the women in politics ?”
      Doh despite the show’s London centric title
      The Empress of Scotland is a woman as are half her cabinet
      ..The joint leader of NI is Arlene Foster (leader of that party)
      and in media most of the witchfinder generals are women
      Katya Adler, Laura K, Emily B, Emily M etc.


      • Guest Who says:

        Urs and Mutti showing just what can be done.


      • Guest Who says:

        Katya gets a mensh here….

        Possibly not a good one.


      • JimS says:

        I have a working hypothesis that we are in the state we are because of all the women in politics.

        The best women in politics have been those who have acted like male leaders.

        (Not all men are natural leaders, even fewer women are natural leaders. Trying to bring in a 50:50 rule or more will inevitably shift politics to a worse state.
        It’s like sifting through six foot-plus men for basketball players then insisting that half the team should be five foot-minus men. There might be a good player in that later group but the chances are that there are more in the former).


    • Up2snuff says:

      Fed, I thought funny, ” I could only suffer the beginning and end because the ‘off switch ‘ came into play . …” funny, I thought – exactly the same happened to me during TOADY. Two people with exactly the same nervous twitch! 🙂 What a coincidence.

      I hit the OFF-switch twice, firstly when Richard Coles or sidekick did the trail for Saturday Morning Live. Then the Bee Lady announced that another ‘writer’ had been asked to reveal their Lockdown Diary. Too much, already.


  10. Guest Who says:

    Oooo seems some facts are in question.


    Maybe Wendy and BBC Trendy could investigate, unless the answer is not one the BBC wishes publicised.


  11. StewGreen says:

    FooC is doing its full on #OrangeManBad thing

    Afganistan #OrangeManBad : Here we are with a woman who was attacked by terrorists.
    But #OrangeManBad made a deal with the Taliban to withdraw US troops soon
    so she fears there will be more terrorist attacks and prays for Saint Biden to reverse this.

    Alastair Coleman on US QAnon :
    “shouts of FakeNews have undermined the established media”
    … No the establishment media doing FakeNews undermined themselves.
    Misrepresenting Trump supporteers are all wacky QAnon supporters is a Conspiracy Theory as bad as QAnon themselves

    “There was a conspiracy theory about Hillary’s email server”
    .. That’s spin .. there was an actual conspiracy with the server.
    Making out that wacky talk about a paedophile ring was the only one is misrepresentation..

    Brazil, Manaus “Oh Covid deaths are bad”
    FFS it’s right in the middle of the jungle and malaria central, of course it’s going to be not as easy as in Germany.
    Her real mission is to smear Bolsanaro and she uses the “impeachment word”.
    But she is disappointed to report that even victims families still support him. There is big context to that but she doesn’t explain it

    Claim Arctic Norway/Russian border is getting wetter with climate change


    • StewGreen says:

      Things people say in irony
      ” @bbc radio has been very good on mis/disinformation ”
      Bio : “@alistaircoleman Former internet celebrity.
      Disinfo, fake news & North Korea media analysis at BBC Monitoring. ”


      • richard D says:

        ‘@bbc radio has been very good at mis/disinformation ‘

        There, corrected your gross error for you, mr ‘and_the_like’


    • Fedup2 says:

      Strange that this show avoids anything about the condition of EU states – our good neighbours and friends ..


  12. G.W.F. says:

    Satire is alive. Here is the BBC’s guide to water – a compilation of BBC experts on the nature and origins of water along with information on Water and Climate Change, Water and Brexit, Water and gender, and Water and diversity. Not forgetting advice on how to drink water by Emily Maitliss.



  13. richard D says:

    Afternoon ‘vent’ – on BBC ‘Today’ programme this morning, a certain former Northern Ireland Secretary, Julian Smith, said that the EU’s move to halt the free flow of vaccine exports to Northern Ireland was an ‘almost Trumpian act’.

    I would have been more impressed if the BBC (instead of jumping on this guy’s anti-Trump agenda) had pointed out that it was more akin to the acts of a certain German Chancellor of the late 1930’s – early 1940’s…..far more relevant comparison, no ?


  14. Guest Who says:

    When EU apologist to the media distances itself from you, you are in serious doo doo, Urs.


  15. StewGreen says:

    PoliceAbusingPowers is still putting out abou 4 video clips everyday

    There’re loads of videos from Alex Bellfield
    but I take him with a pinch of salt cos he does tend to base them on something he read in the Daily Mail and hypes it to the extreme
    eg “Royal british Legian has just spent £100K on a new logo, aren’t they money wasters”
    I bet the real figure is nowhere near £100K

    There’re loads of videos from Mallen Baker the plitical green that is often against green dogma.


  16. Guest Who says:

    Wendy has competition.

    That’s a blockin’.


  17. Beltane says:

    So Richard Tice thinks, sensibly enough, that Sturgeon and the Scotch should be grateful to the UK for the speed and efficiency of the vaccine rollout – to which the only answer must be: fat chance.
    A once highly educated and respected nation that has allowed itself to be persuaded to regard a Hollywood fantasy as historical fact and Mel Gibson’s as a true depiction of William Wallace, and to become paranoid about the name of an alcoholic drink in the fatuous belief that it belittles their nationality – despite the historical fact that the Scotch referred to themselves, and were referred to by all others as Scotch, long, long before their whisky was produced commercially – deserves her and and her SNP.
    Lovely scenery though.


  18. Dover Sentry says:

    Unlikely BBC Headline:

    “Thousands of Europeans Will Die From Covid Due to EU Vaccine Failings”


  19. Dave S says:

    My son has alerted me to the Gamestop affair in the US. He think it has the potential to make 2008 look like a blip in the market. The ordinary people mostly young and computer savvy against the financial system of organised theft we have been living under. They are hitting back via Reddit and nobody in the money power saw it coming. |They never do .The hedge funds are looking at 70 billion of losses already and it might not stop there . This means the banks and the big players are vulnerable., The Politicians are circling the wagons which tells you whose side they are on.
    Already the black propaganda is appearing smearing the young insurgents as Trumpists and the rest. In reality it is neither left nor right but at last the young whose future is being stolen from them are fighting back.
    Wall St has stolen millions and now it is getting a taste of it’s on medicine. The biggest transfer of wealth back to us in history.
    The only way they can stop it is to do it in plain view and they are trying . That is very high risk as for once millions will be able to see them for what they are. The Banks, hedge funds, politicians and their tame media,
    Why is this relevant ? Because it is the start and who knows where it will lead. It will come here as sure as night follows day .
    I see it as the black swan event nobody saw coming. It arises out of the disruption and the chaos both physical , financial and primarily on a mental level of the policies pursued by the elites over covid. It is particularly appropriate the the Davos technocrats are blathering on now.
    Most of us here are probably older generation. We need to understand that this world of the young is so different from that of our understanding. It is like the difference between 1880 and 1980. More so in my opinion.
    I wish them well . They may just make a better world for us all.


    • JimS says:

      I have never seen the benefit to a country of trading shares the way we do. Why not use similar ‘rules’ to recruiting ‘labour’?

      Only sell shares to people that intend to keep them, we don’t employ people who only want to stay a day. Only allow the sale of shares after giving notice, people don’t normally just walk off the job.

      The people who gain are those playing the market, attempting to swing the prices short term.

      There was a 1939s(?) film in which they said of a stock exchange clerk, ‘he made money when the market went up, he made money when the market went down’. The same is true now but more so as computers buy and sell in fractions of a second and ‘derivatives’ are just betting, nothing to do with underlying value.

      These dubious methods are often blamed on ‘capitalism’ but ‘capitalism’ has never been a political movement in the same way that its opponents are. Indeed I would argue that ‘capitalism’ is about employing the money, i.e. capital, that one has, not dealing in someone else’s money – that is called Socialism.


      • Fedup2 says:

        JimS – freedom of contract is part of the foundation of our system – as a day trader I used to make more money than my day job – I lost a lot too – but it was my decision either way . Take that away and you can run up the red flag – each trade I made got the government tax money too …


      • Scroblene says:

        Your last para needs to be bottled and kept in view for a hundred years, Jim!

        I very occasionally try and work out a statement in a similar vein, and often when ‘sleepless in Kent’, but you’ve got it in a nutshell!

        BTW, there’s a hedge fund operator living in a huge mansion opposite ‘The Turrets’.

        I wondered why he was even more miserable than normal, which is usually being downright rude!

        Perhaps they’re born with the affliction!


    • Garry Lavin says:

      Well said. Corporations, banks and traders have pocketed a fortune since the money printing of 2010……and artificially inflated asset prices and created an artificial boom.
      Individual private gains…..socialised losses.

      That whole fiasco ruined me and I’m not an investor of any kind…so I hope that whole thing comes to a sticky end.

      Did the media and controlling nitwits not realise that in this age of instant communication….the populist hive will naturally find alternative ways?!



      • Scroblene says:

        Same here, Garry.

        The problem was compounded from Gordon Brown’s suicidal/maniacal efforts to bankrupt Great Britain, but, in a way, (and with regret), I’m glad I’m out of it now, because we were developing hotels, hospitality outlets etc…


        • Garry Lavin says:

          Good. We weren’t doing anything so grand….and lucky for you.
          Partner got a job in IoM….we went to give 11 year old son a better, safer school and life.

          Sold house at the bottom of the market in 2009…big mistake. Rented in IoM. Can’t come back now…everything doubled and trebled because of 10 years mass immigration and artificially boosted economy since quantitative easing etc.


          • Scroblene says:

            I hope it all stays good for you now, Garry!

            Hotel dev isn’t really grand, because you’re dealing with American brands and hideous banks all the time!

            Our ‘big’ success is probably full of paddle-steamer/inflateable folk as we speak, so I’m even more happy!


            • Garry Lavin says:

              Poetic justice for you. I’m desperate to enjoy retirement in great English countryside places and historical stuff. We’ll have to move to a caravan to do that now. So not great.


  20. Fedup2 says:

    Mail carries a story that the Biden administration has authorised that AQ ISIS Islamic ‘veterans “- in BBC world – but terrorists in the world of sane people – held in Gitmo are to get COVID Jabs next week – well ahead of ordinary Americans ….won’t be hearing that one on the BBC…


  21. StewGreen says:

    MH says Harra has rehashed his Cumbria coal mine story and

    his Jan 14th story
    Government defends Cumbria coal mine green light

    with new article : Climate change: Minister rapped for allowing Cumbria coal mine

    Also Jan 23rd
    Climate change: Six questions about the Cumbria coal controversy


    • StewGreen says:

      Context that with “Wales snow disruption warning for second weekend”


    • StewGreen says:

      BBC Radio Cumbria@BBC_Cumbria joined in Jan 25
      The UN ambassador from Fiji has opposed plans for a coal mine in Whitehaven.
      Satyendra Prasad told the BBC it sends “the wrong signal”.
      His country is at risk from climate change.
      Mine supporters say it would provide coking coal which would otherwise be imported.

      MZ points out That Fiji has a cheek complaining about Global Warming, when it’s just built 2 new international airports : Labasa & Nausori and revamped the main one Nadi
      That makes 15 airports altogether (most are domestic) .. list


      • Up2snuff says:

        You would think that Satyendra Prasad would know the country he is representing. I’ve never been there but I have NZ friends who have and I’ve seen the photos.

        Have just checked Wiki (usual disclaimers – it could be wrong) to be sure of my facts but only one third of the greater Fijian archipelago is inhabited and only about 10% is land. The whole nation is basically water. That’s what it makes its money from.

        My memory of the photos of the inhabited land was that it is mountainous and thus it appears to be according to Wiki. It is therefore not threatened by any possible scares of sea level rise, Mr Ambassador, due to melting ice in Antarctica, Greenland or the Arctic or anywhere else.

        In fact, Fiji earns most (nearly all) of its money from tourism from Australia, N.Zealand & the USA with visits to see coral reefs and or diving to them high on the tourist agenda. Take away the water and what does Fiji have to offer? Spectacular forests for sure but their only other income is the earnings of Vijay Singh, the successful golf professional.


  22. BRISSLES says:

    TYPICAL. BBC news item. Positive: over 800,000 pcs being delivered to children who have no means of being home schooled digitally. HOWEVER those at school being taught at distance in the classroom are missing the interaction with their friends. Oh FFS ! the BBC just hate anything positive, there is always a ‘dig’ at the end.


  23. StewGreen says:

    Wow #stealthGoogleSpin
    Test searches on Global Warming skeptic super blogger “Tony Heller”
    – Desktop all his own as expected
    – Android : 1,2,3 as expected
    4,5,6,7 rigged. We are shown far less popular posts by his enemies. Global Warming PR people like ScepticalScience

    #4 “tonyhellerakastevengoddard.com › …
    Who Is Tony Heller? | Tony Heller (aka Steven Goddard), Exposed
    I’m climate change denier Tony Heller.

    #5 skepticalscience.com
    “Skeptical Science Search Results
    1) Tony Heller (aka Steven Goddard), producer of the www. realclimatescience.com website is not a climate scientist”

    #6 climatefeedback.org
    “Hosted by former Australian senator, Tony Heller repeats false claim that scientists fake the warming trend”
    Fact check by Climate Feedback: Inaccurate”

    #7 Imagegreatwhitecon.info › tag › tony-heller
    Tony Heller | The Great White Con
    “The real name of the apparently pseudonymous “Steven Goddard”. Pseudo-skeptical proprietor of the”


  24. StewGreen says:

    Views from the other side
    @ChrisMasonBBC tweeted
    Journalists ask direct questions, Tony. That’s our job #bbcaq @BBCRadio4

    Sue Boulding replied
    You’re not so bad, Chris (not wanting to sound patronising!)
    but Laura Kuenssberg and Nick Robinson are blatant in their right wing views.
    Ms Kuenssberg in particular comes across as the BBC wing of the Tories.

    WTF .. AFAIK they are so afraid of being accused of being pro-Tory, they go out of their way to be anti-Tory.


    • Up2snuff says:

      Stew could be an element of that in the BBC approach: “they are so afraid of being accused of being pro-Tory, they go out of their way to be anti-Tory”


  25. Fedup2 says:

    Andrew Neil points to a column in the mail online listing comments by various ‘personalities ‘ about the decision by the UK to swerve the EU vaccination outfit – and how we would be punished and lives lost – because of brexit ….no sign of apologies from these characters …


    • Doobster78 says:

      Cheers Fed. Just took a gander . Hilarious stuff.

      Plenty of beauties but this is a belter, no doubt this guy would have spouted this on the BBC with no challenge what do ever , the differing view however, would no doubt have been shouted down


      • Guest Who says:

        This one…. who does not like to get into spats?


  26. StewGreen says:

    TalkRadio weekend tends to do a lot of entertainment segs which of course is #PRasNews for corps like Netflix

    #1 So first Netflix put out Bridgerton
    set in a fantasyland where the Victorian age is full of black people
    That is controversial so gets free PR

    Then #2 they generate PR for their next series Lupin by comparing that to Bridgerton
    “Ooh it getting bigger that Bridgerton”
    .. TalkRadio did mention it’s a French language remake of a French classic
    but failed to mention what Netflix did, which was change the main character Lupin to black and Muslim, whereas it was written as white and Christian.
    The racebaiters complain anyway perhaps rightly, cos having put a black in, all the female characters are white, in fact he is the only non-white character.
    But again the theme of a black man getting off with lots of white women generates the controversy PR.


    • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

      On Sky there’s a new film called Twist which is an updated version of Oliver Twist.
      You should know that it’s for the woke kidz.

      I lasted almost ten minutes.
      However, if you like the Artful Dodger being replaced by a black girl you might enjoy it.


      • JimS says:

        Isnt that mysogynistic and racist?


        • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

          It probably is JimS.

          There again, just about everything now is an ‘ism or ‘ist or something that somebody would be offended by.

          It’s how the woke operate, sort of like “everyone who disagrees with me is Hitler”


          • BRISSLES says:

            I’m waiting for Daniel Craig to be cast as Martin Luther King.


            • BRISSLES says:

              I’ve mentioned on here before about a highly entertaining and humorous programme on Netflix called Velvet. Set in the fashion industry in Madrid during the 1950’s and an utter joy to watch. No political correctness (Spain in those times had strict morality laws), no wokeness, and no diversity – so an all white cast. It was filmed between 2013 and 2016.

              Move forward to 2018-19 and to the era of the late 60’s, still a joy to watch, but the mention of homosexuality is more prominent, and the first black face appears as the gay lover of one of the characters with a faux marriage being conducted. This was disappointing, inasmuch this would have been most unlikely at that time, and was clearly a nod by the makers to appease its audience of 2021.


            • Guest Who says:

              There is a lot of gush about the Twilight lass of Les being a ringer for Princess Di, after a long line of equally pasty wenches.

              Personally it seemed a role ideal for Whoopi.


            • Lefty Wright says:

              I’ll settle for Mr Craig as St Nelson of Mandela.


  27. StewGreen says:

    @MZ yesterday took on Harra

    Harra ” you can’t stem the evolution of language and meaning. “ MZ replied

    “can’t stem the evolution of language & meaning.”

    Global warming = weather varying

    Catastrophic anthropogenic global warming = weather varying

    Climate change = weather varying

    Climate catastrophe = weather varying

    Climate chaos = weather varying

    Climate Emergency = weather varying


    • Richard Pinder says:

      The BBC and Guardian language usage rules, and their true meanings.

      The Environment = The Climate
      Global Heating = Spring & Summer
      Global Cooling = Autumn & Winter
      Climate Reality Officer = Brainwashed little Girl
      Climate Expert = Greta Thunberg
      Top Climate Science Denier = A Professor of Atmospheric Physics
      Top Climate Science Believer = Scientifically ignorant Environmental activist with a Politics degree
      Climate Sceptic = A Scientist & CO2 Luke warmer
      Climate Crisis = Someone ignorant of Metrology
      Climate Breakdown = Mental breakdown, caused by ignorance, due to censorship by the BBC

      The BBC and the Guardian say “You do not need a (Climate Science Denier = Professor of Atmospheric Physics) to balance the debate”. You need a BBC Climate Science believer like Greta Thunberg, (not a scientist) who says it’s a “climate breakdown, climate crisis, climate emergency, ecological breakdown, ecological crisis and ecological emergency?” and “please help me, help me, help me” said John Lennon.

      So its going to get ten degrees warmer in the next six months, because evil Chinese Coal miners are causing Global Heating, which then causes mental illness for unbalanced BBC experts, like Greta.

      Meanwhile on Tallbloke’s Talkshop: “A Swelling Volume Of Scientific Papers Now Forecasting Global Cooling In The Coming Decades”


    • Lefty Wright says:

      Whatever happened to Global Warming. I guess the weather must have turned cold as it always does in winter. Funny fing that- innit?


  28. taffman says:

    “Napier Barracks: Five arrests over asylum centre fire”
    And they have only just got here, wait until they ‘find their feet’. I expect serious expect trouble in the future.
    Will they be deported ?


    • Lefty Wright says:

      Deported? Nah. There’ll be plenty of jobs for these beauties in TV commercials after they’ve finished their ASBOS.


  29. StewGreen says:

    R4 Drama is supposed to be about twins

    One twin is nasty,
    … oh he has a Covid and palms it off even though good twin recommends there is this new thing called Covid, so he shouldn’t visit Mum & Dad in the nursing home.

    .. Oh next scene : weeks later, Mum has died
    Hospital says Dad can’t be moved to hospital… he dies.

    Next scene : Bad twin is Covid paranoid
    Tells good twin he should become vegetarian
    Good twin blames The Home for the deaths.


  30. Doobster78 says:

    I think he tweeted this with a straight face ????


    • Fedup2 says:

      Think it’s more about Bowen needing his pension …..

      From wiki
      ‘ As of 2017, Bowen earns £150,000 – £199,999 as a BBC contributor and editor’ ends
      He has been feeding from the BBC trough since 1984 …..

      It also sez his lady wife is a BBC journo …

      You can also hire Jeremy as an after dinner speaker from


      His fee is shown as between £6000 and £10000 a go ….

      If you are bored that site is quite entertaining and show the wage range of a variety of ‘personalities ‘….


    • Guest Who says:

      Impressive, given how twisted every other part of him is.


    • Beltane says:

      Quite right Doobs, he said it with a straight face, but he does have two to choose from.


      • Scroblene says:

        Ha ha ha ha ha! Fabulous, Belters!

        If he was interviewing Kneel Starmer, he’d be able to do the chat from both sides of the fence, in stereo as well!


    • StewGreen says:

      Screenshot of typical quote tweets
      Almost all say he is well out of touch
      and that the BBC is a lefty cesspit.


  31. Guest Who says:

    Well, the bbc seems keen. Not a good sign.


    • Garry Lavin says:

      Of course…..they really mean…they will vote the right way….


      • BigBrotherCorporation says:

        Why should school pupils be ‘politically literate’, it’s not as if they’re old enough to vote?

        School children should be allowed to enjoy being children, plenty of time for them to get interested in politics once they have to work for a living and realise how life isn’t just black and white.

        I was a teenager during the Thatcher years, and recall asking my dad “how could he vote for someone so ‘evil’?”

        He calmly replied “When you’re older you’ll understand son, but at the moment you’re too young to vote, so it doesn’t really matter what you think.”

        Well, now I am older, and I’d gladly vote for Thatcher if she was still around… that’s why you only get to vote when you’re 18 and over.


        • Sluff says:

          Linking your post with one up the chain on Scottish independence.
          We note that a. The SNP has ‘revised’ the history syllabus in Scottish schools i.e anything and everything the English have done in the last 700 years is defined as evil personified and b. Wee Krankie wants to lower the voting age to….what….about 12? ‘Vote independence for free sweeties and IrnBru’’


    • vlad says:

      ‘Politically literate’ no doubt means ‘politically correct’.


  32. Richard Pinder says:

    To eliminate the lies in the statistics, and the corruption behind SAGE members.

    In the last non-Covid year, 2019, there were 530,841 deaths registered in England and Wales. In the Covid year, 2020, there were 608,002 deaths registered in England and Wales. That makes it 77,161 Covid deaths.

    But then in 2019, a total of 5,691 suicides were registered in England and Wales.
    According to estimates using the Ambulance service. Suicides in 2020 have increased by over 2,000 on 2019. So that makes it 75,000 Covid deaths.

    But then in 2019, there were 25,406 deaths due to pneumonia and influenza. But in 2020 there were 18,656 deaths due to pneumonia and influenza. So that makes it 68,250 Covid deaths.

    But the statistic below reveals that low influenza activity during the coronavirus pandemic is evidence that Influenza is being mislabelled.

    In December, of the 2,912 deaths involving COVID-19, 2,497 had this recorded as the underlying cause of death (85.7%).
    In December, of the 2,578 deaths that involved Influenza and Pneumonia, 270 had this recorded as the underlying cause of death (10.5%).

    So to remove the bias we would have to attribute 48.1 percent of 68,250 deaths to Covid. So that makes it 32,828 Covid deaths. Remarkably, 32,900 Covid deaths also correlates with Covid at the 50/50 stage of displacing the old Influenza pathogen as an effect that arises due to spatial competition between pathogens, as is indicated in the December statistics.

    Also this Flue epidemic or Covid illusion is used to cover up NHS corruption and the collapse of NHS competence.

    In 1948 there were 480,000 hospital beds. Between 2010 and 2020, the total number of NHS hospital beds decreased by 11% from 144,455 to 128,935. In 1989, there were 500 senior NHS managers, in 1994, there were 20,000 senior NHS managers. By 1998, there were almost 50,000 senior NHS managers, while the number of Nurses increased by over 7 percent, and the number of beds fell by 25 percent. The number of NHS administrators increased at three times the rate of nurses between 1998 and 2008. In 2010, the workforce of bureaucrats in the NHS was growing at six times as quickly as the number of nurses, 374 NHS managers are now paid between £150,000 and £478,000. (The Prime Minister is paid £160,000). The pay statistics show there are now more than 2,000 managers within the NHS in England who are being paid six-figure salaries. By comparison, a new hospital doctor gets paid around £35,000, while nurses average £33,540. The average senior manager now receives £80,357. The NHS started out with a thousand times more beds than managers, but by 2003, the number of NHS administrators, overtook the number of NHS beds.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Richard – painful stats – I will add one – my local health trust comes last on a regular basis across a wide range of measures – apparently it has the lowest vaccination rate in the country ….


    • Sluff says:

      ……and you didn’t even mention my personal favourite – the totally unfunded NHS final salary related pension liability, which in one single year in the 2010s increased by more than the entire NHS budget.

      The NHS is in financial reality a giant pension management company that does a bit of public healthcare on the side. The liability is over £530 billion. Twice the whole cost of the covid crisis. And almost no-one knows. They like to keep it that way.

      Page 38

      Click to access CCS207_CCS0519248342-001_HC%202406%20v2%20Accessible.pdf


    • StewGreen says:

      @Richard : I’ll agree with a lot of the start
      but not sure about the end.

      Is a hospital with more beds better.
      There has been a revolution in speed of care.
      So many things which used to need an overnight stay
      are now just done in 2 hours then you recover at home
      instead of being stuck in the relatively bugful hospital.

      More managers, yes cos things are more complicated.
      Are there unnecessary managers ?
      I doubt Florence Nightinggale appointed many “diversity officers”
      But if you have a Health & Safety manager, you have a safer hospital.
      Worship of the NHS is probably a bad thing.


  33. Fedup2 says:

    8.4 million first vaccines done – running at about 450k a day …. quite something ….


    • Eddy Booth says:

      Not convinced about this half dosing business though.
      Surprisingly they haven’t homoeopathically diluted one dose in a bucket of water and used that.


      • Sluff says:

        I get it and agree with it.
        But I cannot figure on current vaccination throughput, how they are going to give out all the second jabs AND make big progress further down the priority lists during March/April.
        Seems to me they need to be doing 600,000 a day routinely by mid Feb. We’ll see.


    • JohnC says:

      Not often our government impress me. They have with this.


  34. StewGreen says:

    RT “Cuomo being attacked by Dems/Republicans over hidden Covid deaths at care homes”

    What happened is that hospitals didn’t want to have bad Covid death stats so they shifted patients out to care homes”
    “13,000 people died in homes
    6,500 had just been transferred from hospitals
    It’s argued that more would have been same lived had they stayed in hospital
    No media scrutinised Cuomo before, cos the rule was never criticise opponents of Trump.


    • G says:

      I seem to recall DJT moved a large military hospital ship around to NY which Cuomo didn’t use because it came from, ‘Trump’.


  35. Guest Who says:

    If running pr as news per usual from the activist priority desk, it might be worth pausing just a second to think first.


  36. Northern Voter says:

    Apparently, Swampie died of heart failure. He wouldn’t let them put a bypass in!


  37. JohnC says:

    ‘EU ‘fiasco’ on N Ireland heaps pressure on Commission’
    ‘Von der Leyen asked to resign after ‘grievous error’ by European Commission’
    Everyone is about to be treated to a dose of what Brexiteers already knew. The EU are not accountable. They have no loyalty to anyone except themselves. They cannot be voted out. Whatever mistakes it’s self-appointed leaders make, they can do whatever they like. Watch how they just ignore this and carry on as usual.
    I wonder how many of the naiive and gullible BBC news watchers are beginning to smell a rat.


  38. Northern Voter says:

    Another thing, watching the footie this afternoon, well I wasn’t Mrs V was, I overheard the commentator make a remark about the players on their knees, and how it was awful that West Bromwich Albion had that week had some disgraceful mail about that sort of thing. Match starts, there behind the players was a massive sign, “The Lord is my shepherd”, surely they should complain that such a sign is discriminatory against anyone that isn’t a Christian. Especially as they were in Birmingham, which isn’t exactly short of Muslims.


  39. Richard Pinder says:

    Ten enemies of an old President with dementia:

    (1) Domestic Terrorists = Angry members of the US Armed forces
    (2) White Supremacists = Republicans and police officers
    (3) Potential Assassins = Black & Female Democrat supporters
    (4) Russians = Enemies of Marxism
    (5) Parler & Gab = Thought criminals
    (6) Mensa Online = Cyber Attacked
    (7) Voters = Angry about the fraud
    (8) Populists = Old fashioned supporters of Democracy
    (9) Free Speech supporters = People who hate Biden
    (10) Patriots = People who hate insurrection by traitors, using Dominion machines


  40. Eddy Booth says:



  41. StewGreen says:

    HSBC official statement “We are Not An Island

    … We do exactly what the Chinese Supreme Government tells us to do
    like closing the accounts of Hong Kong people who oppose them”


    • harry142857 says:

      HSBC – aka Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation. Not quite British sounding.


  42. JohnC says:

    BBC headline:
    ‘Keon Lincoln: Boys charged with murder of Birmingham teenager’
    No information about those arrested whatsoever given – so I’m not sure how the appeal for information will go.
    Anyway – I’ve decided to run a book on the ethnicity of who did it.
    These are the odds:
    White : 1,000,000 against
    Ethnic Black: 1,000,000:1 on
    Let me know how much you wish to bet. If you have a million pounds, could be the easiest quid you ever made.
    Legal disclaimer : only joking.


    • StewGreen says:

      Victim’s Mum , Location : Handsworth
      “A 14-year-old boy from Birmingham and 15-year-old boy from Walsall have been charged with the murder of Keon Lincoln”
      “gunshots” ? Surely that indicates adults and younger kids indicates a gang.
      ‘A 15-year-old boy has been shot dead by a gang of youths in Birmingham sparking a massive police manhunt.Gunshots reverberated through the Handsworth area of the city in broad daylight on Thursday…’


  43. digg says:

    Channel 5 doing a hit job on the Royal Family, practically begging for a hit man and totally disrespectful photos of the Queen an Phillip captured to look as bad and nutty as possible.

    They even wheeled on the snake Paul Burrell…..

    Totally reprehensible and disgusting, even showing archive of the Russian Royals getting murdered to push their point home.

    At some point something needs to be done with these bas*ards…


    • JohnC says:

      When you have the plan for what we can do digg, count me in.
      At the moment it seems like I can be arrested for even thinking against the Left’s narrative. Look what they are doing to Trump.


  44. richard D says:

    Final thought for the day. Just at the moment, the media seems to be focussed on setting up Ursula von der Leyen to be the ‘fall guy’ for the whole EU Coronavirus vaccine mess……

    But make no mistake – the whole fiasco is much wider than that, and particularly Frau Merkel and M. Macron each had a huge hand in this, as did a whole slew of other EU ‘grandees’.

    Will senior heads roll, then ? I wouldn’t think so. I suspect some lower-level EU bureaucrat (about to be redundant, but very rich) will fall on his sword, and accept all the blame….. Faces saved, the EU will then be free to rumble on, unabashed.


  45. Garry Lavin says:

    I see 3 million Hong Kong Chinese are about to come to U.K. More pressure on housing….more house price inflation (gives the false impression of a booming economy)
    We’ll never be able to buy a house and the likes of my son won’t.

    Those middle class virtue signalling media bastards will all scurry away to their expensive enclaves in Cotswolds, Bath, Somerset, Monmouth, Hebden, Cheshire, Cambridge, Suffolk etc.

    If I can get them all to donate 10p…..then we’re laughing!

    And think about the numbers….3 million…..how many are there on that tiny island?!


  46. StewGreen says:

    Did we do the Carling story ?
    Jan 26th Blackpool : Shot of food parcels being delivered
    Viewers “Why are you getting a food parcel when there’s a big stack of Carling beer cartons next to the door ?”



    • StewGreen says:

      BBC had wanted to do a Covid doom story so they looked for a place with a good number of deaths
      and picked Blackpool.
      Afterwards long Twitter thread from the Council complaining about the BBC
      \\ The Leader of Blackpool Council has condemned the BBC for its “wholly misleading” coverage of COVID-related death rates in Blackpool.//

      saying BBC failed to mention that of Blackpool’s demographic is heavily skewed to the elderly so of course it has weekly deaths.
      “standardised” rates, which take those factors into account, were provided to the BBC team, demonstrating that Blackpool had relatively low rates”


    • JimS says:

      If Carlesberg did food deliveries all bases would be covered?


  47. taffman says:

    “UAE to offer citizenship to ‘talented’ foreigners”
    Is this offer open to experienced “Rubber Dinghy Operators” ?


  48. StewGreen says:

    Sunday 8pm Attenborough :

    a look at the effect human activity is having,
    revealing how the carbon dioxide being produced is destabilising life on Earth.

    There is footage of rescued orphaned elephants in Kenya, victims of ever-worsening droughts,
    while ocean patrols off the coast of Gabon fight to save endangered sharks.
    In the Amazon, wildlife teams are saving animals in the shrinking rainforest,
    and in San Diego a zoo is freezing the DNA of endangered species before they go extinct.

    Take a deep breath before you watch this: you know it’s going to be hard.
    The series has nodded to environmental problems throughout,
    but now it gives us both barrels.

    David Attenborough appears on camera looking more than ever like a prophet of doom,
    or possibly a headmaster berating pupils who have sorely disappointed him.

    Our beautifully functioning planet, with the marvels we’ve seen through the series, is having its vital systems destabilised by human activity,
    as a range of almost *overwhelming* case studies show

    Hypothermic turtles, dehydrated elephants, felled forests, melted icecaps, droughts and hurricanes
    – it’s a litany of destruction that is offset, but only slightly, by the stories we see of conservationists at work,
    of renewable energy projects and tree planting.

    AFAIK the Amazon is so so huge. it’s not getting that much smaller, meanwhile the Sahara greens at the edges.


    • BigBrotherCorporation says:

      My view (as a genuine conservationist):

      There are lots of environmental problems around the world, but they virtually all boil down to three issues:

      1. Too many people.
      2. China.
      3. No will on the part of people like Attenborough to challenge the real problems (see 1 and 2 above).

      Meanwhile, we’ll continue to get bombarded daily with ‘outrage’ over:

      Eating British beef and lamb (which has to be some of the most ecologically friendly food available, all things told, certainly better than Grade A ‘organic’ Waitrose avocadoes grown in what used to be rain forest and shipped halfway around the world)

      Using plastic packaging (which saves massive amounts of waste food, medicine etc.. every year, is lightweight saving on transport, and disposed of properly, e.g. incinerated, is actually better for the environment than paper, or cardboard)

      Driving diesel cars (modern diesel engines are super efficient and long lived – saving on fuel and scrappage)

      And, having families with 1.4 children (brought up to care about hedgehogs, and pangolins… as opposed to building ‘homes’ for immigrants all over their habitats, or clearing them for palm oil and avocado plantations, or selling them all to the barbaric Chinese to torture to death, eat, or turn into ‘medicine’).


    • Richard Pinder says:

      Astronomers find it easier to analyse the Atmosphere of the Earth.

      Man-made and Volcanic CO2 does not have the Carbon-14 Isotope. Levels of this Isotope show that 4 percent or 16ppm of the increase in CO2 in over 100 years is due to Man-made or Volcanic CO2, this is also confirmed by the ratio of Carbon-12 to Carbon-13 in the Atmosphere. So if you use facts instead of assumptions, then only 16 percent of the increase in CO2 was man-made. This is not a surprise if you realise that ice core data shows that CO2 levels rise about 800 years after a warming and that the Medieval Warm period peaked about 800 years ago. The reason for this is that there is a 800 year thermal lag in the deep oceans and that the Oceans dominate the system with a mass 275 times that of the Atmosphere, so the ratio of CO2 in the Atmosphere/Oceans is dependent upon the heat in the Oceans.

      So this means that at least 84 percent of the increase in Carbon Dioxide is caused by the Medieval Warm period.

      I heard that this fact is big in Japan, and why the Japanese are near the top of the Climate Sceptics list.

      It convinces me that the BBC is full of morons like Attenborough, who actually have no idea about the core scientific facts behind their silly beliefs. All because some scientists thought that black absorption lines cause warming rather than refracted to a lower frequency.

      If just one scientist could get on to the BBC to show that Air pressure with the Ideal Gas Law is the simplest way to destroy this loony left-wing fantasy about Carbon Dioxide. Then Greta would lose to Trump.

      But then in a left-wing utopia, brought about by a Tory Government in Glasgow: Turtles & Elephants will live forever, Forests will expand into London, Icecaps will never melt in the Sunshine and tiny Hurricanes will wash away little Droughts.


      • G says:

        “So this means that at least 84 percent of the increase in Carbon Dioxide is caused by the Medieval Warm period.”

        So, someone needs to get hold of a Tardis pretty damn quickly! LoL


      • Dover Sentry says:

        Excellent post Richard Pinder. This is one of the reasons I visit this site. Facts!


  49. StewGreen says:

    6pm Sunday Countryfile

    Ellie on “how communities on her home turf of Gloucestershire are pulling together to one another during the pandemic.”

    – The producers on a mission to get everyone eating local and healthy meals at affordable prices GREENY POLITICS

    – finds out why gardening is on prescription,
    – helps out with the endangered hedgehog, which is facing a precarious future. (There’s loads around here)
    – Filming dippers,
    – Adam’s new boar
    – Charlotte Smith investigates what future trade deals could mean for the food on the nation’s plates. (The ANTI-BEXIT bit ?)


    • Richard Pinder says:

      The other day I bought some Yorkshire Puddings for Dinner, Yorkshire Heart Sparkling Wine for Xmas and Yorkshire Tea & Wensleydale Cheese for Lunch.


      • JimS says:

        Yorkshire pudding can easily be made at home, Yorkshire Tea, just a trading name, is on the BBBC ‘woke’ list.


  50. Solomon Grundy says:

    BBC’s Casualty tonight centred on a man with a bomb strapped to his chest, threatening to blow up an NHS hospital.

    As expected, he’s white, in his sixties and an ex-Army bomb disposal expert. We all know this is sadly normal and a typical activity of a person in this demographic.

    Well done the producers of Casualty telling it just like it is.


    • JimS says:

      No doubt, Bodyguard-style, a female police incident commander and hijabed sniper sorted the situation out?


    • G says:

      When was the last time this scenario played itself out in the UK – for real? Anybody know? Certainly not within my memory span. On the other hand…………………