Weekend Thread 5 October 2019

Much despondency on the site and the various bits of the State are not doing themselves any favours – including of course the biased State Broadcaster.

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308 Responses to Weekend Thread 5 October 2019

  1. Square-Eyed says:

    Why Can’t We Offend Muslims?

    Gavin Ashenden and friends discuss Lord Singh and the BBC (from 25:30).


  2. Stan says:

    Has anyone found “Sir” Lenny do anything funny, no Sir Tommy Cooper, Sir Hancock, Lenny wants to celebrate multiculturalism in comedy but completely ignores anyone who is not black / asian, funny that is not multi


    • fakenewswatcher says:

      Stan – Agreed. Political agenda. Little entertainment value. Light years away from Tommy. Off switch.


      • Stan says:

        Imagine a BBC programme celebrating white comedy ? well keep imagining its a fantasy, muzzie sitcoms and lennie henry doing faux west indian accents sending his audience into hysterics is all we have, btw not a racist comment, my father in law was from Barbados and he was not funny he did rant a little and phllosophise, well actually now I think about it, he was funny but if I did laugh he damn well got his own back, whatever chilli shit he put in the Xmas turkey stuffing …..


    • taffman says:

      Croeso ! From the West – Welcome!
      Al Beeb don’t do comedy.
      ‘Tommy the Taff’ did, and he was proud to be British .
      Al Beeb have forgotten their roots, have turned their back on comedy and turned their back on Great Britain.
      Time for Great Britain to turn its back on Al Beeb.


  3. StewGreen says:

    7pm R4 unusually doesn’t make a lib their focus for profile this weekend
    … Instead they say ” Hey look at Mr Trump us being nasty to Joe Biden, so lets not talk about what Trump is actually accusing, lets, look over there at Rudolph Giuliani he’s a bad man
    ..The presenter joined in giggling and mocking Giuiiani.

    Then into the Saturday arts show agenda pushing the BBC agenda.


  4. Stan says:

    Seems anyone white and, God help them, blonde, in office is instantly vilified as a racist for what reason ? because they is not black innit


    • Stan says:

      My God am I sickened with the bbc going on about Obamas wife now she is a nothing as if she is a something, Oh I forgot she is a black woman…well done and your husband who stopped muslims coming here tell us about that ……


  5. Stan says:


  6. Stan says:


  7. Guest Who says:

    The struggle is real.

    BBC News

    “It’s almost as if trainers have traditionally been made for men.”

    Shanice, Jackie and Lauryn describe themselves as “sneakerheads” and have hundreds of sports shoes each. But they say they struggle to find the latest hype trainers in their size.



  8. taffman says:

    Is the Republic of Ireland beginning to realise on which side its ‘bread is buttered on’ ?
    Will the R of I follow us ?
    “Brexit: Deal still possible at European Council summit, says Varadkar”


  9. Stan says:

    One gets a knighthood one does not, maybe Mr Henry does some charity work, lets make it clear then, it is certainly not for his contribution to the comedy world and I will be happier as long as he carries on campaigning for black people whilst using the phrase muli culturalism to represent his new programme about black people, , as long as he acknowledges that 85% of this country are white and are, in my opinion, sick of being endlessly spoonfed our minorities in adverts and films, there is no valid reason to promote the fact that you are black as special we all know the reason for young black people underachieving, the elephant in the room, lack of a male role model i.e. absent fathers

    So Sir Lenny are you willing to address this ? or rather like Naga on the BBC just whinge whine and complain we is black we is oppressed


  10. digg says:

    Watching C4 and couldn’t help noticing in the commercial breaks the diversity body count. Almost every ad featured an overwhelming percentage of obvious non native folk. This has to be OFCOM at work engineering society under some master plan.

    Also have noticed that if a mixed couple are show it’s inevitably a white female and black guy. Are they trying to discourage white guys from dating black ‘wimmin’ or something or do they think that this might upset the black guys?

    Time I think to vote with your shopping for all the disenfranchised horrible white folks (and particularly white men).

    I think their profit bottom line might influence their diversity credentials.


    • Stan says:

      Agree totally already boycotted maltesers and all their various products after three adverts with a large office with only black males, white females they should all be open to boycotts


    • Halifax says:

      Seriously. I have stopped using Sainsbury for that very reason. Their adverts aren’t aimed at my ethnicity so they obviously don’t want my custom.


      • Stan says:

        Seriously also, and only works if you take the time to make them aware, TfL just produced three posters about their customers, usual suspects one black female, second, muzzie bint in a headscarf as required, third a white male in a wheelchair a pathetic lie, and sick, if we withdrew our custom see how they would survive, the 85% white indigenous population who pay for all services

        Racist ? bloody right and about time its OUR race who built this country and carry on working and paying for it OUR families who fought wars to protect it the very same place they all want to come to and live off our taxes I want to see those very same people represented in the media


        • G says:

          I can’t identify one that’s not at it. It’s the lot of them. Even Lidl/Aldi. What to do? It’s not possible to turn to alternatives – we have to eat!


          • EmptyingDadsShed says:

            Start with one shop to begin with.
            Is it possible to ascertain who deserves to be first?


      • Ian Rushlow says:

        Sainsbury racism in practice:
        Go to https://www.sainsburysbank.co.uk/
        Notice the picture.
        Click Loans at the top of the page. Notice the picture.
        Click Credit Cards at the top of the page. Notice the picture.
        Click Savings at the top of the page. Notice the picture.
        Click Insurance at the top of the page. Notice the picture.
        Notice any sort of theme?



      • pertelote says:

        Halifax said “I have stopped using Sainsbury for that very reason. Their adverts aren’t aimed at my ethnicity so they obviously don’t want my custom.”
        good..hit them where it hurts..more should do this imo.


    • Deborah says:

      I won’t be using Virgin Media. Advert is I think only black children, the main one being a very loud black girl aged about 8 (I guess) at one stage kicking a ball whilst on some electronic device. I can see no reason that I would need anything the advert is promoting.


      • Stan says:

        That is fine but do tell them otherwise they will not care, I am seriously concerned about Lidls adverts and who they want to impress as their demographic dept has got it all wrong they are not selling to Africa but a quick look would tell you otherwise


        • Stan says:

          I understand that London has a different demographic to other places, but we do not all live in London, a small part of the UK population, maybe the ad agencies do or maybe they, like so many others, completely misunderstand the diversity thing, it is meant to reflect the society we live in. which is NOT entiirely consisting of black men with white wifes and muzzies left right and centre, visit any place in the UK outside of a city to see that is evident, and those millions who out populate them by a large margin find it hard to understand (bit like the brexit thing really, macro econimics vs micro)


          • BRISSLES says:

            I’ve said time and again on here that mixed race couples are not prevalent in my area, or the surrounding areas here in ‘rural’ Britain, so the big companies Virgin, Supermarkets etc etc who employ the ad agencies (who are clearly based in London), no doubt clap their hands when are shown the work these agencies produce for their client.

            We are now awash with ads showing a more than 50/50 demographic in favour of BAME’s, which is clearly nonsensical. The same is happening on our tv, any programme with a presenting duo is more than likely to have a black/white mix – which I honestly don’t have a problem with, but its the clear message that it portrays that bugs me.

            I’m female but I also happen to loathe the ‘women in all areas’ that the agenda is pushing. I’m sick to the teeth of listening to thin reedy voices as outside broadcast ‘journalists’ tell me the news, or are sat behind the studio desk talking to yet more business/sport/showbix/political correspondents who are – women.


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      The total BAME population of Britain is estimated at almost 15%. This includes all black, Asian, Oriental and mixed race people, along with anyone with a slight sun tan. It also includes our Eastern European cousins, who are specifically counted in so as to boost the number of non-Brits, despite being largely ignored otherwise on account of them being predominately White and Christian. If you see a general advertisement that does not reflect these figures, then they are not trying to sell you something – they are trying to replace you.


    • Guest Who says:

      Ofcom? Headed by Sharon White? She headed possibly DGwards? Surely not?

      He could also deputise as an LGBT Chief Constable on the fly.


  11. taffman says:

    “Brexit boosting independence support, Plaid Cymru MP claims”

    “Brexit boosting independence support, Plaid Cymru MP claims”
    Claim what you like, the Welsh voted leave to the EU.


  12. taffman says:

    “Car drives ‘at’ pedestrians on Aberystwyth seafront”
    Drugs or ‘something else’ ?
    Whatever, its very odd for this part of Wales


  13. vlad says:

    The muslim wife of the muslim cop-killer in Paris says he ‘heard voices’. One wonders if those voices told him to ‘slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captive and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush’, or that ‘Jihad is the only sure way to paradise’, and if so one wonders where such vile words might have come from?




  14. taffman says:

    “Will Johnson’s Brexit plan work for business?”
    Question : What job exactly, did Faisal Islam do in the ‘real’ business world ?
    Did he really have a job in business ?


  15. Stan says:

    I sure our national broadcaster will keep us informed, it does make one wonder, how many muzzies have infested the bbc, local government is full of them as is much of the civil service, for a small minority they take up a surprising part of our national debate ?


  16. TrickCyclist says:

    Match of the Day regularly has Gary Lineker interviewing a player or manager on a video screen, the interview clearly having taken place straight after the match and Lineker introducing it by saying he “spoke to him earlier.”
    Are we actually seeing an interview conducted by a lowly production assistant, with Lineker’s questions/reactions filmed later?
    Nah, of course not. Remember the Alan Yentob “Noddygate” scandal of 2007 (where “noddies” of Yentob were inserted into interviews for Imagine that he wasn’t present for)? The BBC wouldn’t stoop to such trickery anymore, would they?


    • Stan says:

      He’s always been a goal hanger…but watching him at Wembley was fantastic, his acceleration, watching him on TV not so, a friend of mine put it quite precisely, footballers are good at football and not generally good at talking he is an example of living in cloud cuckoo land, live in Southall where you can walk for miles without seeing a white british person, live there Mr Lineker and then I will listen to tyou


  17. Stan says:

    My point being : no willingness to integrate at all how stupid are we to allow these ghettos


  18. Stan says:



  19. ScottishCalvin says:

    Struggling to find anything newsworthy to write about this week though here’s some thoughts on the limbo-stalemate that is the Brexit mess.


  20. Celtic_Mist says:

    Some will be jumping to conclusions?


  21. Stan says:

    Oh I wonder who could they be ? will the BBC be looking closeley ? is it a Jewish alleged sex offender like Harvey Weinsten ? we can expect numerous reports, is it Boris ? is it Trump ? we can expect numerous reports, is it muzzies ? we can expect NOTHING


  22. Stan says:

    Nothing on the BBC so:

    complaint submitted:
    Hull police arrest group of men for sex offences against teenage girls after ‘long and complex’ inquiry

    world class journalists missed that one, or is it because, as I will bet my life on, we have another lot of muslim gang rapists ?

    Comment partly deleted – fedup2 1430 Sunday afternoon .


    • StewGreen says:

      I checked properly there seems to have been no mention of the big grooming gang story
      with national connections.
      OK it could be argued it’s a big case so it’s saving it for a big Panorama or something.
      They did manage to report the Friday historic abuse case in court
      where a headmaster had been abusing boys by slapping their bottoms with a shoe.

      The Daily Express DOES report the grooming gang case
      and furthermore I can see someone knew about it 5 days ago


      • StewGreen says:

        BBC catchup with the Hull grooming gang
        1:51pm they posted this
        Note the plain graphic they use
        and the description “men” 24 and 43 years old
        victims “two girls in Hull and two others from outside the area”
        “offences were reported to police between 2017 and this year.”
        so doesn’t seem like historic


  23. StewGreen says:

    7:15am R4 from tmw Christian groups together with an XR regional group will be occupying Lambeth bridge
    “The Christian branch of Extinction Rebellion are planning to close down and turn Lambeth Bridge into a Faith Bridge from Monday as part a major climate change protest. Rev Helen Burnett tells us why she feels compelled to join the protests”
    The anti guy Martin Palmer an environmentalist said the use of apocalyptic language usually leads to violence
    “I don’t think this is a righteous movement”
    And that the action hurts normal people instead of targeting
    people who have let us down.


    Do Christian groups think of the children ?
    They turn away from pursuing grooming raping gangs
    and both sides in the Syrian and Yemen wars causing suffering to children
    … most of the girls Boko Haram in Nigeria kidnapped are still missing

    other items :
    – Fowey curch breaks away over churches ever increasing liberalism eg the repurposing of baptism as a trans transition thing.
    – History of Scottish witch hunting
    – History of Christians fighting fascism, the guy on contemporary said fascist leaders often hide behind Christianity.


    • StewGreen says:

      other item : Salford celebrating mass for LGBT Catholics


      • Stan says:

        Gay catholic priests? they have been celebrating mass for the past few hundred years whats new ?

        Oh I get it it is the only news allowed by the bbc about white males now, unless they are in a wheelchair, or they have to wear fishnet stockings and size 12 stilletos or just talk like a prepubescent girl to feature on the bbc

        and certainly not allowed to have a white wife, thats racist they are for black men, apparently


        • Stan says:

          Isn’t Alan Carr funny ? no its because he talks like a schoolgirl that people find him slightly amusing, for about two minutes, like a circus freak,

          But he is a shoe in for the bbc for life like the other one who talks like a girl and squeals, the Norton one, they will put him anywhere and everywhere they can unless he starts talking like a male adult and marries a white women then he will be finished


    • StewGreen says:

      Mate : we can do without the P-word
      and characterising everyone with brown skin as a “they”.
      @Fedup2 ?


      • Stan says:

        I bet you are in in neighbourhood watch, or maybe a special constable

        “Mate” we can do without the B-word I am British not a Brit that is a contraction from lazy people of two syllables, yet you object to the contraction of a word of 4 syllables, for what reason ?

        brown skin where was that mentioned ? I will tell you, it was not

        And telling the truth of the origin of 99.99999 % of the gang rapists (I believe there was a Sikh involved at one point) is valid IMO

        @ run to teacher, please sir


        • StewGreen says:

          If you fly off the handle , you provide the libmob with an easy excuse to dismiss your cause of preventing further such attacks.
          You used the words “gang rapists” .. this is the wrong phrase
          There is a difference “gang rapists” which is NOT a pure Pak/Bangla thing
          and “On street grooming/raping gangs” which is vastly a Pak/Bangla thing


          • Stan says:

            I do not “fly off the handle” and please do not presume to correct my terminology, I do not presume to investigate any your rants for factual or otherwise content, but your ill informed comment about my presumed bias against brown skin is offensive to my wife


        • StewGreen says:

          @Stan If you fly off the handle , you provide the libmob with an easy excuse to dismiss your cause of preventing further such attacks.
          You used the words “gang rapists” this is the wrong phrase
          There is a difference “gang rapists” which is NOT a pure Pakistani/Bangla thing
          and “On street grooming/raping gangs” which is vastly a Pakistani/Bangla thing

          You did not provide support for your opinion “99% of the gang rapists” cos it is not true.
          “brown skin” was mentioned in you using the P-word
          “contraction from lazy people” you used The p-word, that is of course a “contraction”
          This country has enough problems with its home born rapists, before we import even more, that doesn’t mean every Pakistani immigrant is a rapist.


          • Stan says:

            If I had said handle, I am unlikely to fly off it, I had a bad experience with a hang glider once, those power cables can give you a nasty rash, yet, I agree with your libmob assertion, which is why I provide support for my opinions, and do not criticise others on this site whether they can provide evidence or not for their opinions. Or correct their terminology, a dangerous ground for anyone who wishes to express their own opinion at length, a philosophy you obviously do not share, but we are all here to celebrate diversity….


            • Stan says:

              I am trying to be tolerant of your ad hominems but you do test me
              interesting how you are able to adjust your posts well after the editing time allowed for others, a little like the Chinese regime, we are all equal but some are more equal than others, I would suggest, if you wish to retain any credibility, that you understand that I have friends born in India from Indian indigenous families with white skin and blue eyes and there are such from all others in Asia, where you get this brown skin obsession from which I have never mentioned I do not know maybe your own little problem


              • StewGreen says:

                I added to my comment
                I didn’t delete anything
                You misrepresent me, I did no Ad Hom
                I’m merely pointing out that it is not right to use the P-word, it gets this site put in a restricted category and possibly banned off council wifi.


    • Celtic_Mist says:

      The idea of having a responsibility to look after all of Creation is consistent with Christian teaching but so is the necessity to always be on guard against half-truths ie. deception. (eg fake news)


  24. StewGreen says:

    The R4 religion prog did not cover the case of black Christian actress Seyi Omooba
    If you type her name into a Twitter you see hundreds of hatey posts against her
    They think it is legitimate to target her for hate, cos when she got a big job someone dug up a 2014 Facebook post she had written about the bible’s words against homosexuality
    9/28/19: “As an up-and-coming actress, Seyi Omooba was overjoyed to be given the lead role in a stage version of The Color Purple.”
    “… But just a day after she was cast in the production, the emergence of an old Facebook post in which she quoted the Bible to express her Christian beliefs led to her being sacked as a ‘homophobe’.”
    In a discussion about homosexuality, she had written
    : ‘It is clearly evident in 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 what the Bible says on this matter. I do not believe you can be born gay and I do not believe homosexuality is right…’

    Now she can no longer get auditions and was fired by her agents.


  25. Guest Who says:

    BBC has a major office in Singapore, so they know the big stories.


    The cats risking their lives in Singapore’s high-rise flats. ????

    (via BBC Money) bbc.in/2o4bfhb


    Via… BBC Money?

    And those cats taking such risks… daredevils, clearly.


    • gb123 says:

      It’s all part of the cat world domination plan.
      Step one: Take over the internet with mindless videos to comatose the population and make them pliable to any suggestion (done).
      Step two: get some stupid media organisation, the beeb would be ideal, to follow up on a deliberately stupid idea. (done)
      Step three: Get hoomans to copy stupid idea thinking they can fly. Job done.


      • Stan says:

        Love the oft used phrase “binge on box sets” why do they want us on sofas watching box sets days on end?


  26. Guest Who says:

    “There goes Mr. Jordan”?

    Purges from within are gaining momentum.

    Will any images of him next to others be erased by BBC Graphics come the day?


  27. Foscari says:

    Lord Singh writes in the Mail on Sunday today that even
    Jesus Christ himself wouldn’t get pass the BBC’S thought
    police today.
    Lord Singh you have no chance! The BBC’S thought police
    have made sure that even the MAJOR story of the Paris police
    murders by an Islamic terrorist is hidden away.
    BBC is this what Diversity and Positive discrimination is about?
    You must cover up atrocities perpetrated by followers of
    the religion of peace. And make it impossible for Britain’s
    best known Sikh to express his religious views on Thought
    for Today because it might offend those like the French Islamic
    terrorist that murdered four infidels in Paris in the name of Allah!


  28. Guest Who says:

    Just John being a John.

    Just Gavin being Gavin.
    Just Paul being Paul.
    Just James being James.
    Just Clive being Clive.
    Just Ben being Ben.


  29. Jeff says:

    Well, The Marr Show was up to its usual impeccable standards of impartiality this morning.
    Fisrt there was a rather pleasant, cosy chat between Uncle Andrew and his favourite, niece, Shami Chakrabarti. That’s really what it was like.
    Uncle Andy leaned back in his chair, his voice was soft and the questions even softer. Shami, as usual, had a face “like a smacked arse” as my old mum would have said and always looked as though she was on the verge of tears.
    It’s something I’ve noticed with all these lefty women; they’re so bloody miserable. Be honest, have you ever seen any of ’em smile? Cooper, Lucas, Ali Baba Brown, Jess Philips and laughing girl, Stella Creasy. Well, not often…
    Marr was so easy going on Chakrabratty that I thought he’d lost his touch. I needn’t have worried. Soon he was interviewing Brexit Secretary Stephen Barclay and his whole demeanour changed. Dr Jekyll suddenly became Mr Hyde.
    His voice had a real edge to it. He sat on the edge of his chair. He was sharp with the questions, endlessly interrupting, disagreeing and disputing. “You’re not answering the question.” he barked, having not given the bloke more than two seconds to formulate his answer. No sign of Uncle Andy with Stephen.
    This was more like the snarling Marr of old.
    Can’t think what happened to him earlier…


  30. Stan says:

    RE Islamists (RE Stew Green : “they”) why are they fireproof ? Because they are organised, any chance of promoting their feudal cult and complaining about a “negative press” however warranted, and emails start flying towards the bbc from every mosque in the country, and no matter how racist they are with respect to any other race or religion, they will use that particular part of our ill thought out legislation to hide behind, and convince those at the bbc that they represent a significant part of this country when in fact they do not but are expert at whingeing

    I watched them recently mob up on a Christian street preacher in a small town, a Christian preacher in a Christian country


  31. Cassandra says:



    • Stan says:

      She has got a hell of a gob on her though, directed towards her co presenters many times as well as anyone else she wants to bully


  32. StewGreen says:

    BTW The BBC has a “child grooming” keyword page
    We know they probably leave off the vast majority of grooming gang stories
    However they have chosen to include on that page 3 items about a super-disturbing story of in family abuse in Swansea
    where a father allegedly abused his daughter and then the daughter she had given birth to by him
    ..their excuse was that the word “groomed ” was mentioned in court.
    If you fly off the handle , you provide the libmob with an easy excuse to dismiss your course of preventing further such attacks.
    You used the words “gang rapists” this is the wrong phrase
    There is a difference “gang rapists” which is NOT a pure Pak/Bangla thing
    and “On street grooming/raping gangs” which is vastly a Pak/Bangla thing.


  33. Cassandra says:

    BBC Radio 1Extra: A BBC radio station that is funded by the TV licence tax.

    “Rapper Krept ‘is stabbed backstage’ in knife brawl as Radio 1Xtra Live show ends in chaos”


    Rapper Krept has been stabbed backstage as a mass knife brawl broke out at a BBC Radio 1Xtra Live show in Birmingham last night.


    Looks like the new young and Vibrant / Diverse demographic that the BBC keeps pandering to and shoehorning into all its broadcast output is continuing to live up to the stereotype that they have created.

    The nearest I ever came to witnessing violence at a BBC broadcast was when Julian and Sandy started bickering hysterically at each other in Round The Horne after Julian divulged a tale about “Bognor” concerning Sandy; “You traitor – you swore you’d never tell!”, exclaims Sandy.


    • vlad says:

      Wouldn’t it have been terrible if some bbc staff had been hurt in the crossfire?

      Poor dears, one shudders at the thought.


    • Stan says:

      I think John Noakes got a bit angry with Shep once after sh@ttting on his shoe, or maybe it was an elephant pissing, nowadays he would probably be hounded to the end of his days by animal rights activists


      • Cassandra says:

        Do you remember The Blue Peter apology? I think it was on one of those tapes that got wiped but fortunately I kept my copy…


        • Stan says:

          Whats gone wrong ? why cant the kids today make an X box out of some bog rolls and sticky tape ? we did and an orange and a walnut for Christmas and we were happy, never saw a banana till I was 30, they don’t know they’ve lived


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      “BBC Radio 1Extra: A BBC radio station that is funded by the TV licence tax.”

      Or more accurately:
      BBC Radio 1Extra: An openly racist BBC radio station that is funded by the TV licence tax.


  34. theisland says:

    It’s still there and Nigel has just mentioned it on his Sunday show.
    The owners have said that they will continue as long as we are inside the Common Fisheries Policy.
    We need a clean break, and no transition period.

    Why aren’t XR protesting against this?


    • The WestWyvern says:

      It needs a torpedo now, or at least a Sea Skua. Sadly from what I know I doubt the RN have the capability. The only boats we have are either docked or somewhere in the Gulf and any aircraft with capability are Unserviveable.

      It’s a disgrace on so mny levels but you won’t find it on the RBC. That boat will be filled to the gunnels with mackeral, herring and other summer species, and as it doesn’t discriminate it will also have whiting, cod and sprats(winter species).

      Why are the climate extinction loons not all over this I wonder? What’s darling Greta got to say about it. It’s raping the sea and we stand by an let it carry on unchecked.


      • fakenewswatcher says:

        I read/heard somewhere that it also scrapes the breeding ‘surface’ for Bass (?) in addition to netting huge amounts of fish. I don’t understand much about fishing, but it sounded hugely (environmentally) damaging.
        Torpedoes overdue.


        • The WestWyvern says:

          Mmmm, the sort of reportage you won’t find on Countryfile for sure.
          The European Bass, Dicentrachus Labrax? Known in many posh London Eatieries as ‘Sea Bass’ (note to to Ed, there is no freshwater species of Bass in the UK, so why they give it this moniker is to attract the gullible. They breed inshore from March to June, and the larvae are not good at swimming, so I’m not sure if this boat will impact them anymore than other commercial fishing.

          Under EUSSR total allowable catch regulations 2019, Rod and Line anglers in the UK are currently prevented from taking anymore than between 1 and 3 fish a session, depending upon what ICES divison they are fishing. Commercials can fish for and retain Bass from 1st April to 31st December 2019, again local restrictions apply and permission must be obtained from the MMO.


  35. EmptyingDadsShed says:

    There are too many posts on this site about subjects other than BBC bias.
    Whether the posts are by BBC bias believers or someone trolling to damage the sites reputation, they need to be flagged as not BBC bias related or deleted


    • theisland says:

      I’m guilty of this!! But it helps to post about things they don’t.
      Bias by omission.


      • EmptyingDadsShed says:

        Can those posts be worded in such a way as to point out the bias by omission by the bbc.
        Does a post with no BBC included belong here?


        • Guest Who says:

          #ironyalert …as has been used about the BBC often.


        • theisland says:

          A decision for the moderators. But you are correct in saying that we/I do deviate. I never watch or listen to the bBC now.


          • Stan says:

            How can you make a relevant comment then ?

            Just asking please do not take offence, it is a mindset on here which we all are part of but really a silly comment to start this narrative off, are we all required to not watch or listen to something then complain about it ?

            How does that work then ? my house cat does not complain to me about the traffic jams on the M1


        • fakenewswatcher says:

          That very frequently happens.
          Anyway, if you place the bbc in the centre of a ‘mind map’, you can branch out in all directions.
          Then you will find yourself frequently getting back to the bbc in no time at all.
          Interconnectedness of all things.


      • Doublethinker says:

        Sadly the problem I have is that in order to post exclusively about BBC bias , which is now endemic across all their output, you have to watch or listen to the BBC a lot. I simply can’t tolerate more than a few minutes a day. Over the years I have been sensitised so that now the mere sight of Emily or Jo or Naga or Gary , or hearing the voice of Justin or Soapy causes me a severe medical reaction. If only posts that for the most part cover the BBC are to be allowed in future, then I will have to stop posting and content my self with reading what the rest of you brave souls , who can still stomach the non stop propaganda, do post.
        PS Do you think that I could claim compo from the BBC for the damage they have done to my health. I am a victim!


        • G says:

          There’s also the Marxist State Broadcaster’s biased offerings on the radio and their website.


  36. StewGreen says:

    Guardian claims the judges/establishment are against XR
    \\ Using battering ram, London police raid @XRebellionUK
    warehouse*, arresting activists in attempt to thwart planned #7Oct direct action. //
    * actually The former Lambeth County Court – a facility which shut in 2017

    They make out police only got 3 pillows
    .. that sounds like a false narrative
    cos in the photo there appears to be a mass of XR heras fencing stacked up
    whilst their volunteers are offloading a lorry load of brand new pallet trolleys


    • StewGreen says:

      before the raid police warned them about blocking the pavement
      and that such stuff would be seized unless it was moved


    • StewGreen says:

      Looks like it was an illegal squat
      They appeals for vans and lorries as they were being evicted


    • StewGreen says:

      Re On-topic : Most people here understand that the rot in the BBC extends out into the rest of MSm & metrolib establishment.
      This XR topic came up on LBC just after Maajid Nawaz show began after Farage
      We are trying to get to the truth before the BBC distorts it, and if I fact check live … then I can share quickly, but it often spreads over 3 parts .
      Now the show has finished I will add a couple more points.

      MN ‘s show was a disgrace he made a narrative as XR as the victims, the technique he used was to to be soft on XR, whilst quickly cutting off callers who opposed them
      #1 fallacy of comparing Apples vs Oranges
      ‘Some normal protests block the road,
      so what is the difference in XR protests ?”

      FFS they XR are blocking bridges for TWO WEEKS
      whilst normal protests
      – agree with the police a week beforehand, that they will use a road for an hour

      #2 He misrepresented the police by playing down that police had seized XR vehicles and instead he concentrated on pink cushions and nappies
      “XR nappies are for children during peaceful sing-alongs”
      Really ?
      Doh, extreme activists use nappies when they do lock-on protests etc.

      #3 He toxic labelled skeptics as denier
      “I am not a climate denier” he kept saying and then he cut off callers if they mentioned Piers Corbyn
      #4 He said he supports XR but claimed to get climate action you need to be positive not negative.
      FFS their name is “extinction” ..that is super negative


  37. Stan says:

    And what do you consider BBC bias related posts ? Happy swapping posts about Blue Peter at the moment and why ? because the BBC will never repeat that programme, for whatever reason which IMO is relevant
    And how can ANYONE post their opinions on here who say they never listen or watch the bbc because they refuse to have a license ?


    • Fedup2 says:

      MODERATOR HOLDING POST . I’m going Back through the recent posts in a bit . I give notice that if I find stuff I just don’t like they are going .

      Stan – if you are annukani in a different guise please find another site . On a quick glance your comments are overly hostile and not conducive to a calm site . That’s just me but I have the ‘trash ‘ button .

      If you don’t like what I say about you go somewhere else . Engage me in abusive argument and all you comments will be deleted . I’m going editing in an hour or so …

      And As far as trying to focus on the misbehaviour of the State Broadcasting Corporation alone – I agee the site should focus on that but it infects so many areas of life that it is a hard thing to do .


      • Stan says:

        You said it: that’s just you,
        Mr Green decided to take personal umbrage and as far as I am concerned I have been decidedly calm and collected about it, you can see my reply as can everyone, Fedup2 _ if you are Stew Green in a different guise just admit it as his post editing skills are beyond the rest of us

        Annunaki ?


      • The WestWyvern says:

        Keep up the good work Fed, I’ve noticed a few contributors recently who I firmly believe are trolling or attempting to provide provocation to the users and the mods…

        I firmly believe the site is having an impact, hitting some where it hurts so to speak, and that’s only a good thing in my view.


        • Stan says:

          Ahh Annunaki, I see now looking back, and you put two and two together and you come up with 7 ( commented edited by Fedup 2 )


        • G says:

          Just off topic, has anyone noticed on YT how the range of videos that they have calculated the visitor likes (based on their previous searches), has been dropping? I’m sure others here would have noticed (all being Far Right Nazi’s like I iz). Channels like The Duran and Blaze TV were ‘in your face’ to watch but no longer. You now need to search for them. I realise that the best channels like Iconoclast are no longer with YT so I imagine YT operate some sort of pecking order: The further Right a channel is, now leaves itself vulnerable to rising to the top of their hitlist and being chopped off. Suddenly.


          • Stan says:

            And I am being vilified ?


            • Fedup2 says:

              Stan – you’re acting like a troll . I’m going back to edit and remove your comments if I rule them ‘out of order’. If you don’t like it find another site . I’m not engaging in hostility with you . Your comments will just go int the trash .


              • Fedup2 says:

                Comment deleted . Go find another site .


                • Stan says:

                  You are a highly offensive and very self opinionated little wanker, I will ensure that you are reminded of your shortcomings at regular intervals


                  • Up2snuff says:

                    We will be very happy to repay the favour, Stan.

                    For a new poster here you seem to have gone from 0 – Offensive in an impressive time of 1.25 hours.


        • EmptyingDadsShed says:

          Agree, keep this site professional, trolling or deviation from this site’s goal does it no favours


      • EmptyingDadsShed says:

        I agree, but posts only commenting on The metro paper or how adverts have few white people are not BBC bias and some posters are moving to being only racist for that point alone.
        I hope I am mistaken


  38. vlad says:

    Poor John, he’s never been quite right since his fracas with the Scientologists.



  39. fakenewswatcher says:

    You can call COMPACT ONLINE ‘hard-right’ if you like.
    Same way you can call Nigel or UKIP ‘ hard right’.
    Fact is, NONE of the MSM in G. do anything other than criticize the AfD (which has the policies the CDU had twenty years ago) and -in the main- support Merkel without reservation.
    Not ‘Die Welt’ (mildly conservative) not FAZ (mildly conservative) not ‘Focus’ mildly liberal , not the ‘Sueddeutsche’ or ‘Die Zeit’ or ‘Tagesspiegel’ (for all three, think Guardian).


    • fakenewswatcher says:

      I read all of them, so I am in a position to judge. I think.
      And ‘Focus’ is very Feminist orientated.
      There are others. All fine with Merkel. All anti-AfD.
      So, UK papers can be celebrated. (Except the usual suspects)


  40. Doublethinker says:

    Am I still in the real world? I read in the Times this morning that Bercow has been proposed as a possible PM of a Government of National Unity! How on earth can a man despised by the 52% who voted Leave be considered as a unifying figure? If Westminster Remainers really believe that he could unite the country they are certainly on a different planet to the one that I am on. More likely they just don’t give a toss about what we Leavers think , they have ignored us and they will continue to ignore us. Democracy is so last century in their view. But Even if we never leave the EU the great gift to us that Brexit has brought, is that we know we are ruled by anti democrats and we know who quite a lot of them are. They chose to abandon democracy and two can play at that game.


    • G says:

      “….More likely they just don’t give a toss about what we Leavers think , they have ignored us and they will continue to ignore us.” Spot on.
      When they run the scenarios through their tiny brains, they have to stray toward how Uncle George (Soros) will smile on them for duties performed for the Marxist movement.


  41. Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

    Camilla Long in The Sunday Times:

    “Kirsty Wark, the Newsnight presenter, has claimed she owes her success to positive discrimination … … …

    This is the problem with positive discrimination – it makes everything, even Kirsty Wark, look fake.

    The BBC has now become so obsessed with the practice that its dramas are routinely filled with story-lines and characters that simply wouldn’t exist in the real world. Watch any of its Sunday night offerings and you’d imagine that our top institutions were all run by black disabled lesbians or that the war was won exclusively by gay or trans people.

    Meanwhile, women like Wark feel they have to talk up the corporation by talking down their own positions, claiming they’re only in their jobs because of how morally good the BBC is as an institution.”


  42. Guest Who says:


    The only claims in that regard for years were being made by Lord Hall, Hugs, Franny and Nick. Plus Kay, for some weird sister reason. And no one was or is buying.


  43. Celtic_Mist says:

    Without political leadership, this will fail.

    “We believe that the only way the BBC can be seen to be impartial is to have an independent, objective system of measurement – not one that the BBC runs against itself. Then and only then can it really be called impartial.”

    “We have now submitted our case to the High Court and we are anticipating that a hearing will be held in the autumn. At that stage I will assess what our campaign needs in terms of additional fundraising, but for now let me say once again a huge ‘thank you’ – your generosity has enabled this very important challenge to go ahead. ”



    • Celtic_Mist says:

      ‘The BBC is overfunded and the license fee should cut by 90 percent’

      This could be the basis for a winning political mandate?

      I would then expect the BBC to threaten to ax the Archers, thus causing even greater suffering to its elderly audience..


      • Ian Rushlow says:

        ‘The BBC is overfunded and the license fee should cut by 90 percent’
        There is a story attributed to Oscar Wilde. He was in the presence of a beautiful woman and asked if she would go to bed with him for £1000. She replied ‘Why, yes!’. He then said: ‘Would you go to bed with me for £1?’. She replied: ‘Certainly not! What do you think I am?’. Oscar said: ‘Madam, we have already ascertained what you are. Now we are merely haggling over the price’.
        Same sort of thing for the BBC. Even if the license was cut by 90% it would be still be an institutionally biased media whore for the liberal globalist establishment. Time to scrap it altogether.


  44. Robot says:

    “Bias by omission.” Exactly. This is an essential part of the debate.


    • EmptyingDadsShed says:

      I agree, if on this site, it comes from a biased BBC viewpoint.


      • Stan says:

        The point should be the perversion of diversity which the bbc takes to its extreme, I said before and will say again, diversity is meant to reflect the society it sits within, and if it did so would cause no offence, yet those who abuse this for whatever reason, do cause offence as evidenced by so many on this site today and last evening, so any comments that are related to that are not racist, anyone who believes this are totally missing the point
        Yes there will be racists who promote this point of view this does not take anything away from the validity of it, it is not racist in any way to object to our mass media, led by the bbc promoting muslims and afro carribeans at the expense of the vast majority in this country, yet hiding their criminal behaviour


  45. theisland says:

    Back in the day, the BBC might have been content to strive for an objective take on the subject, perhaps with a voiceover by Samuel West and lots of period footage. But the danger of that approach, the BBC has since realised, is that it runs the risk of viewers making up their own minds what to think.


  46. Square-Eyed says:

    I have to say that I find this site valuable for the news and other information posters provide that you won’t normally get from the MSM. As the nation’s largest media provider the BBC is therefore guilty of carrying out the most censorship of news etc that deserves to be in the public domain.


    • Doublethinker says:

      It has long been guilty of bias by omission but in recent years it is increasingly guilty of bias by commission, ie knowingly lying.


  47. JimS says:

    Did the BBC make a mistake on Saturday? The 9 pm slot on BBC Four was filled with the one-off The King’s Choice, the story of Norway’s king following the invasion by Germany in WW2.

    The parallels with our current political situation, who is ‘in charge’, the government, the speaker or The Supreme Court, loss of sovereignty and the intervention of the original Quisling was quite amazing!

    Either someone in the BBC doesn’t know their history or they couldn’t be bothered to check the content of a film about Norway.


    • Luckyharry69 says:

      no word of a lie Jim, I watched it thinking it would be awful…but was actually ok.
      Its the ONLY BBC programme I have watched all the way through for years.!!……i will have to watch it again to check I wasnt deceived….


  48. Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

    Rod Liddle talking about Radio 4 Today Programme’s daily feature ‘Thought for the Day’, in the Sunday Times:

    “… … … This is the problem with Thought for the Day. It is three minutes of anodyne, flopsy-bunny drivel filtered through the sphincter of a spineless liberal BBC apparatchik. What we want is an evangelical railing against sodomites, a left-footer ranting about abortion and a Presbyterian raving about the Whore of Rome.”


    • StewGreen says:

      Liddle in the Speccy : Sorry, sir, we only stock books we agree with
      Where’s my book?’ Six weeks previously I had wandered into the shop to see if they were stocking The Great Betrayal: they weren’t. … ‘I’m sorry, Rod,’ she said, ‘but I don’t stock political books.’

      ‘But…’ I began pointing to the large array of political books in her window. ‘Apart from those dealing with feminism, the environment, climate change and gender issues,’ she replied. I said wasn’t it a pity that a book which was written 150 metres from her shop, which quoted local people and had reached number four in the Sunday Times bestseller list, couldn’t find room …

      Another woman, with long straggly hair and a face like the blade of a freshly sharpened hatchet, got up from her chair and said,
      ‘This is a private meeting, goodbye’,..



  49. vlad says:

    “France probes security agency ‘threats’ after police killer with high-level clearance revealed as Islamic ‘radical’ ” – Sunday Telegraph

    I suspect that’s code for ‘France admits its security services are infested with radical muslims’. And I suspect the same applies here. Thank you diversity recruitment.
