Weekend Thread 21 September 2019

The BBC made flesh – John Humphreys – has retired from the BBC and now serialises his book in `the Daily Mail . And guess what – he thinks it’s biased – yet took a good living from it for donkeys years . An abridged version is free to read on the Mailonline site and will be a revelation to users of this site .

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279 Responses to Weekend Thread 21 September 2019

  1. taffman says:

    “Mark Drakeford: The UK must be reformed to survive”

    Yes Mark, start by abolishing the Welsh Assembly and save the money that it wastes on administration and bureaucracy and invest it in schools and hospitals in Wales .


    • Guest Who says:

      Citizen Mark clearly likes Assemblies.

      And sees himself as Napoleon in his vision of Animal Farm.


      • taffman says:

        Guest Who
        Three years ago the people of Wales voted to leave the EU.
        What part of leave doesn’t he understand?
        How many people of Wales will vote for his party in the next election ?


        • taffman says:

          “Nigel Farage says Labour has ‘abandoned’ its pro-Brexit voters”


        • cromwell says:

          Taffman .. yesterday I received a leaflet and letter addressed to me personally from the dear old labour party. (I live in north Wales.) Honestly I couldn’t believe what I read, lies about how great Welsh labour were delivering etc and if you voted labour they will give you the earth without any costs to you only to the nasty big businesses and the people who earn high salaries. It actually made me angry to read the crap and all the throwing around of “lies” by the labour party to Boris is in fact a ploy to take attention away from their lies and manipulation of the people. All the letter does is try to bribe for votes. There was a helpful statement from the waste of space Drakeford, how on earth did he get elected. He confirmed Welsh labour is now a remain party. WANK**RS.


          • taffman says:

            Leaflet – Was it perforated at both ends ? File in bin.
            Be like taffman and vote for The Brexit Party (an ex Labour voter).


            • cromwell says:

              Taffman No I’m not throwing it in the bin, next time I’m out I’m going into the labour party office and going to throw it on the desk ripped up in a hundred pieces and tell them not to post their lying crap to my house again.


      • G says:

        Comrade Mark…………..


  2. taffman says:

    “Iran warns foreign forces to stay out of Gulf, amid new US deployment”
    What will the EU’s armed forces do about this threat ? The have already been invaded at “Its soft underbelly” .


  3. Venutius says:

    On Greta Thunberg, the darling of the BBC…..

    Thunberg epitomises how demonstrable lack of knowledge and science has morphed into a kind of religious oratory. The rallies and demonstrations on Climate change are a book straight from the new Liberal testament. Thunberg is St Greta. If you don’t agree or question you are an extremist an unbeliever. Lesser, ignorant, unenlightened.

    As an individual, she strikes me as a kind of modern day Joan of Arc. A lightening rod for the disaffected and unwashed to find a meaning to their miserable lives by hitching whatever lefty cause that exercises them to her low-brow climatological soundbite demonstrations.

    Like Joan, her visions of the future are questionable, like Joan she is a naive and a tragically ill-used tool for the powerful, like Joan, once her usefulness has ended it’ll all end in flames.



  4. Guest Who says:

    If her people think that is helping make the case for deifying an idiot child to push through cynical manipulative policies they might have looked beyond a pit like the UN.


    • G says:

      She’s fronting the 3 Trillion $ industries that live off ‘Climate Change’ and the so-called remedies to that.
      Prepare for more taxes to combat the fictional CC. Which comedian continually used the expression, “….its a good earner”?


  5. NISA says:

    R4 8am News on Sunday includes a newspaper headline report. That is usually just that. But this morning the BBC felt a necessity of contradicting the Sunday Times report on the resignation of Corbyn’s aid Andrew Fisher. The Sunday Times reports he resigned after warning that Mr Corbyn would not win the next general election, the radio report added something like “however the BBC has learned that he wanted to spend more time with his young family”

    Strange urge by the BBC to reinforce their line, which had been stated in the body of the News broadcast a couple of minutes earlier.


  6. Halifax says:

    The BBC running the story on the resignation of Andrew Fisher (Corbyns head of policy) has resigned ” to spend more time with his young family”. According to the Sunday Telegraph he has resigned due to a “lack of professionalism competency and human decency” …….which do you believe?


  7. Cassandra says:

    It’s Sunday. Remember when the BBC had Top Gear with Jeremy, Captain Slow and Hamster and their cycling public information videos?


  8. taffman says:

    Its unpatriotic and the word “British” should be erased from its name.


    • SPC says:

      Never mind about being British – I think we’re heading for the word ‘English’ before too long. And even a good chunk of that, i.e. London and the S.E. most of us in the ‘North’ wish would go completely away.
      ‘what’s left? – Cornwall – they could go too.
      Independance for N.E Lincs – well, Grimsby, I’m driving for.
      All those in Wales, N.I. and Scotand of course excluded naturally from this discussion.


  9. Fedup2 says:

    The problem for the State Broadcaster – and the bubble – is that it thinks people are not as clever as them ( or just thick ) .
    So when it spends 2 decades or more selling the ‘ immigration is good so we don’t talk about it’ line – as soon as the public get a chance at a protest vote through the Referendum they just cannot conceive that a large majority -would have a different view – even after project Fear .

    I’m not saying that immigration and EU membership was an exclusive reason for the vote . But people believed ( like me ) that EU membership is destroying the identity of the UK along with mass third world commonwealth immigration and all the trouble it has bought

    But the state broadcaster won’t realise until the day – one day – that a right wing politician tells them “ its
    Over “ .
    It will come and people using this site will just wish it to be sooner than later .

    PS – yesterday I got told off for calling the police ‘ plod ‘ well – they are still and always be ‘ plod ‘….


    • xplod says:

      With a moniker like mine, I can only agree with your last. What’s wrong with “plod”, anyway? Didn’t it originate in the fifties?


      • Up2snuff says:

        xplod, dunno but Snuffy originated in the ’50s and really feels it at times. 🙁

        As to the posting name, that probably also originated in the ’50s but probably a couple of centuries before Snuffy’s first appearance.


        • G.W.F. says:

          Chris Plod, from Letsby Avenue, Ipswich was fed up with being a real-life PC Plod, which made him a target for local pranksters.
          “Wherever I went on patrol in my size ten boots, school kids would point and shout, ‘Here comes PC Plod’.
          “It was very upsetting.
          “People would not take me seriously. I am meant to be a figure of authority, not a figure of fun.”



    • Captain Panick says:

      fedup2, you don’t seem to have rested well overnight. You can call people what you want, but do remember Andrew Mitchell and the word Pleb. Please don’t let your blood pressure get too high. You are after all an arbiter on this site.


      • BRISSLES says:

        I wonder how long it will take before we cant refer to electricians as Sparks, or carpenters as Chippys, car mechanics as grease monkeys, surgeons as sawbones, psychiatrists as trickcyclists etc etc, although at least we don’t call Postmen(/women/people) as robins anymore.


        • Up2snuff says:

          Brissles, yes, have you been listening to the Sunday programme on R4*?

          There will probably soon be a prescribed dictionary issued to the public to be used at all times. And there will be other words that are listed in a book carried by Plod, sorry, the Fuzz, er, no – sorry again – by the Rozzers, oh dear, that’s not allowed, ummmh …. er, Blues’n’Twos, no, that won’t do, er, carried by policemen and policewomen and policeintergenders and policetransgenders and policenon-identifying-genders and policeindeterminategenders and should you as a member of the public use any of the words listed therein you may be guilty of a hate crime or using abusive language or speaking without due care and attention.

          There will be a sliding scale of words matched to graduated penalties and in the worst cases you will be up before the Beak er, pardon me, so sorry, the Magistrate and in danger of being fined or incarcerated.

          (*Apparently, ‘some’ are claiming the Oberammergau Passion Play is anti-Semitic.)


        • Mrs Kitty says:

          My mind is boggling at the old term for bus conductors ” clippies ” remember them? The trouble is nowadays what would they be clipping and with what?


      • Fedup2 says:

        Captain – are you feeling okay – I didn’t realise such trivia would have such traction and hasn’t got anything to do with BBC bias .
        I’m wondering why you have such a fixation on my sleeping habits . I haven’t time for the …constabulary and I’m sure they have not got any time for me . And I’m sure use of a term you don’t like is really going to upset’ Law Enforcement Professionals ‘. I won’t be glued to the forthcoming documentaries about your police but it sounds like you will .

        Their old model was based on a balance of them helping out the public and the public supporting them. Those days are long gone . I’ve had plenty of experience of them and don’t want any more . I’m obviously writing this from a London and personal angle . Now back to the biased BBC ….


        • Captain Panick says:

          fedup2. Delighted to return to the BBC bias, and consistent posting, using good manners.



          • Fedup2 says:

            I was having a day off from this apart from scanning for trolls , c words , f words , the threat of violence amounting to a crime under the malicious communications act and not wanting to be an accomplice .

            Last week end was an experience but that poster isn’t with us any more – he might turn up again but the software reads the ISP thingy . And the comments go to the trash …
            I’m off to bed now as it’s a different time zone Monday , get out the popcorn and view the Supreme Court doing ‘ baby love ‘ and saying that the PM lied by 6 to 5. Night .


            • taffman says:

              Different time zone ?
              And there was I thinking that you might be working on the same shift as maxincony .


              • Fedup2 says:

                Taffman – maxi – the cut and paste Queen .

                I dread those 3am posts – which never argue in favour of the State Broadcaster but only shoots at the comments of others . I’d take it off the site but others think it performs a function – like a leech or similar .


                • taffman says:

                  “It performs a function”
                  Yes it does . “It” curbs the erroneous posters on this site . Nevertheless “It” also needs to be monitored .
                  Hats off to Fedup2 !


    • SPC says:

      Captain Panick – Hence ‘plod on’ – keeping a steady pace on a Coppers beat.


      • Captain Panick says:

        SPC. I am quite happy with the word. I am not happy with fedup2 using it as an insult to the office of constable. He was gently admonished by me, and it seems to have got under his skin. So be it.
        Bristles. In jest I draw your attention to the description of car mechanics as a possible racist incident.


        • SPC says:

          Ok Captain – Persistance is a Coppers trait – but only when it’s used to good effect. I’m afraid historically in the force that is shown not to be so in almost every case, including this one. In my humble opinion.


        • BRISSLES says:

          Its actually Brissles, not Bristles – which in some quarters is referred to as Bristol Cities – no explanation needed !


  10. Guest Who says:

    Watch this. Listen to this. Note each statement.

    Then laugh.

    Then cry.

    Then point out to these idiots, their parents, their teachers, their Democratic congressmen and the BBC getting them to vote their way how just about nothing they are quoted as saying are ‘ideas’ or even make sense.


    • Guest Who says:

      I was fascinated by just about every comment faithfully captured.

      I think my favourite is that freeze framed above.

      Usually they don’t want it.

      Maybe they all had some of that methanol the hijab genius was most concerned about?

      Lucky BBC N. America’s fave party are the sole solution to all concerns. Apparently.


    • taffman says:

      What do they need?
      A real Job and a degree in the university of life .


  11. Celtic_Mist says:

    I suspect that when Cameron went into coalition with the il-lib un-dems that this like the rest of it got sacrificed (with help from BBC propaganda)

    “There is a battle being fought within Government on whether that strategy – which Mr Husain, who knows the extremist movement from the inside, believes to be a form of appeasement – should be replaced with a more aggressive and more robust defence of British values. That defence begins with an insistence that a condition of “engagement” with any Islamist group must be its recognition that an acceptance of the rule of democracy and secular law in Britain is not negotiable”



  12. vlad says:

    Humphrys and his booky wook are getting some flak for having remained silent so long on what he knew to be the evils of al beeb.

    To which I say: congratulations on exposing what we here knew all along. But what took you so long?

    (Rhetorical question, the answer is of course the obscene paycheques.)

    And in case anyone thinks he’s really understood the error of his ways, the imbecile still declares the beeb to be a ‘tremendous and irreplaceable force for good’ that the country needs as much as ever.


  13. Celtic_Mist says:

    Wonder if the BBC will do a fact check on Diane Abbot’s speech?
    – especially if she quotes any numbers 🙂


  14. SPC says:

    Reading an article in the Sunday Times today about ‘WOKE’

    Very informing – look it up.

    Douglas Murray is saying that these people deny biology – not ‘science’ because that is useful for the climate change fascists. This idea destroys the idea of gender. And so all is possible after birth.

    A myriad of sexual options, and any can be grabbed and run with if one so chooses. This of course now starts at age 5yrs

    Also that equality is not an option – in race, gender, religion.

    The idea now is that they are not looking for equality, but for themselves to be seen to be ‘better’ than others.

    This idea if you think about it is being generated by the BBC, Liberal party – Labour – religious and ethnic groups and also the new feminist bigots

    Are we spinning in a circle of sheer madness, or is it just me?

    I do know that it has to stop – The backlash will be horrendous, once the public realise what is really going on.


    • Up2snuff says:

      SPC, yes, it is a circle of madness and no, it is not just you.

      “once the public realise what is really going on”

      I don’t think they will. The people will (with notable exceptions) become increasingly miserable.

      ‘The State’ will try to cajole (because people will continue to overeat, drink too much alcohol or use illegal drugs or non-prescription medication in compensation for their misery) or enforce via legislation or invent more false gods (and false threats) for which these false gods will have to be appeased or they will intervene with other therapies (entertainment, including massive sports events – Global Warming and Climate Change notwithstanding – events and special ‘days’ and ‘weeks’ – think literary festivals, City of Culture, Edinburgh Festival, etc., etc.,) or more interventionist therapies right up to NHS treatments but it will just get worse until a real calamity strikes such as a war or mass disease.

      Even events like that may not enable people to re-adjust their lives. The end will catch them completely unawares.


      • Mrs Kitty says:

        Didn’t the Romans try the appeasement bit with the gladiatorial events and various blood letting orgies just before they were overwhelmed by the barbarians? Is history going to repeat itself in “so called ” Western Civilisation?


        • Up2snuff says:

          Mrs K, yes as someone wrote some time ago ‘There is nothing new under the sun’. Seem to recall he earlier stated ‘Vanity, vanities. All is vanity’.

          Bread (free prescriptions in England) and circuses (womens’ football World Cup, Strictly, etc.) have been tried by authorities to placate and appease people more recently. In the Great British Bake Off they even manged to combine the two. Result!

          While I was writing the above post@4.47pm, the Prophet Amos came to mind, esp. Chapter 5, v21. That was a word of judgement for just one nation, Israel (first the northern Kingdom but eventually Judah, too), and thus it came to pass.

          Now, it seems much of Europe, the UK, North America (incl./esp. Canada), Australia and New Zealand are collectively engaged in this freefall into madness.

          Be aware and get ready.


          • Fedup2 says:

            Going out at 0800 today -to go to church – I drove my car about a minute before hitting a climate change roadblock of two weeks Guardian type Wimmin in their yellow jacket and clip boards looking at me with the “iciest glare “ they could put on .

            It’s only a matter of time before you have to log the nature and reason to use a car and get it approved by the state .

            All that freedom that was fought for now being taken away for ‘ community safety ‘ or ‘ the environment ‘ .

            Burn that diesel . I drove double the distance today …


            • G.W.F. says:


              Greetings to your wimmin planet savers.

              Everyday I load my dogs into my diesel car and drive several miles to a favorite field where they can exercise. I suppose I could walk them instead but I get a sense of pleasure blowing fumes from my car to hasten the ending of the world


            • Up2snuff says:

              Fed, it does demonstrate the dimness of these so-called ‘Climate Protestors’ that their actions so far this year have all increased the UK output of CO2.

              The Treasury will no doubt be grateful for the extra income but if they are truly worried about CO2 production and air quality, improving traffic flow – not impeding traffic flow – should be their goal.


              • Fedup2 says:

                Up – sorry I hit the report button by mistake so I’ve got to vet the report I made to myself …

                I wish they had this ‘no car ‘ thing all the time because I could drive must faster than normal .
                Let’s hope the Tories cut duty of fuel when they do their money tree act next week …


  15. StewGreen says:

    Climate change: Impacts ‘accelerating’ as leaders gather for UN talks
    By The Holy Father : Matt McGrath Environment correspondent

    “…The WMO says carbon-cutting efforts have to be intensified immediately.”
    … cherry picking the most alarming expert org

    “…The climate statement is a pull-together of the latest science on the causes and growing impacts of unprecedented levels of warming seen in recent years.”
    .. There is no evidence of them being “unprecedented”

    “Recognising that global temperatures have risen by 1.1 degrees C since 1850,
    the paper notes they have gone up by 0.2C between 2011 and 2015…”
    Cherry picked dates

    h/t @MarkHodgson


  16. StewGreen says:

    Mark’s namesake drew my attention to a thread exposing XR


    • Guest Who says:

      Currently engaging locally. They have a disciple assigned to me. Not sure her admitting she trawls and trolls my social media to try and find attack lines (so far beyond white, old, and problematic, struggling) has really scored with those who know me, even the hippies.

      XR is not to be underrated in power, which is why I am on their case, but they seem to have managed a profile way in excess of their abilities, even with PR. About the only thing keeping them afloat are creating no-go zones using kids that the likes of the BBC propagate and idiot stunts that alienate folk, which the BBC advertise in advance… and then try and propagate.

      Moron on moron fire. It is no surprise the current political establishment lap it up like Kool Aid. Jez, Gove, Moran, Ed… I am looking at all of you brain donors.


  17. Guest Who says:

    The DM is trash, but can provide a source of news that is relevant, that the BBC fails the country by too often censoring or treating with its famous ‘analysis’.


    A tragedy by any measure, but dots getting connected are beyond an establishment addicted to PC, SJW and woke patronising, if lucrative posing around each other.


  18. taffman says:

    “Jeremy Corbyn faces calls to resolve Labour Brexit divisions”
    We voted to leave the EU. “Just respect the wishes of the people”, as all Parliament promised and then voted for Article 50.
    Bors , just get us out!


  19. Guest Who says:

    BBC News

    “We have one planet, there’s no planet B.”

    The sisters who convinced Burger King to stop putting plastic toys in children’s meals.

    (via BBC South) https://bbc.in/2Azt0Ye


    Good girls.

    However BBC XR blonde moppets seem to have a very limited cycle of sound bites they have been taught.


  20. StewGreen says:

    The #FakeGreens don’t realise that the growth in global gas use is BIGGER than the growth in RE Renewable Energy
    like solar/wind


    • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

      I think Gina Miller needs to take the Sun to court for being too hot/cold (whatever they say it is this week)
      That’ll teach it.


  21. Guest Who says:

    Oo, get him.


  22. Guest Who says:

    Blonde on blonde. Moment meets ambition.

    Who flew to meet who for these insights?


    • Guest Who says:

      Another blonde.

      What if Brexit, or climate change, affects peroxide supplies?


      Will the IQ of 90% of those in W1A rise?


    • Fedup2 says:

      I wonder if those two millionaires use the same accountant to minimise their taxes . Is one an American now ?


    • vlad says:

      Why is it assumed that an overpaid luvvie will have anything insightful to say on politics, and who cares?


      • Fedup2 says:

        She is qualified – she lives in Hampstead and Bute and has a kid called Gaia and adopted a 16 year old African refugee – oh yeah and she’s worth $50 million according to falsenews. Com ….

        ( that is just priceless – bet she has a dog called Greta )


  23. Guest Who says:

    Design and Engineering head based on a degree in music?


    “Da, da, da…. dumb….”


  24. Guest Who says:

    Have to hand it to the bbc, when the bbc does not like someone they do not like them to the exclusion of all else. Including sanity.

    BBC News via some other part of the… BBC

    This week, climate protesters around the world marched to demand action on climate change.

    We #CutThroughTheNoise to look at US President Trump’s record on energy and the environment.

    *No other economies were targeted in the making of this diatribe.


  25. Guest Who says:

    Guess who ran this…?


    A vegetable recreation of the UK’s leader of the House of Commons was runner up in the “Vegetable character over 17 years” category.


  26. Guest Who says:

    BBC News

    “The people of Stoke-on-Trent are absolutely amazing.”

    The UK city, with six towns, attracting people from far and wide.



    One the Facebook video running at least, typically SOT inhabitants did not spring to mind.


  27. Guest Who says:

    The nation is also compelled to give money to this.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Drama on three

      Three plays from the Trinidad and Tobago Arts festival 2019 . And to tick another box – one deals with ‘ toxic masculinity ‘ – betcha that’s full of gags .
      I do wonder about R3 sometimes …..


    • The WestWyvern says:

      Ah that must have been what I caught earlier Fed. Unlistenable but hey ho, it ticks a box for sure.


    • The WestWyvern says:

      Sharp as a tak that Diane.
      And Liebore have the neck to go on about abolishing private schools and redistribute the money and educashun amongst the many..
      They could start with redistributing some education amongst their own thick and illiterate MPs


  28. The WestWyvern says:

    Sitting quietly with the radio for company. R3 has a play, I’ve no real idea what about but it involves lots of black/Afro Caribbean voices and mention of a barbers shop. Change station, the World Service…. First words I hear (black accent)…but homosexuality is to be a….

    Off button trashed, then a re-tune to Classic FM.

    The Beeb are truly truly obsessed about blacks and gays.


  29. Guest Who says:

    Can’t wait for Jon and Katty to RT this one.

    As ‘reporting’ goes, this is BBC level.

    However #CCBGB


  30. taffman says:

    Will Al Beeb and our beloved MPs loose out financially when we gain independence from the EU?
    Will there be a lot of sad faces ? I suspect there will .


  31. The WestWyvern says:

    LBC news-reporting a bit of a row going on down near Slough earlier, more enriching perhaps? and the Polis given enhanced stop and search powers in north londonistan this evening following up to 3 youths stabbed around 16.oo this afternoon.


  32. Guest Who says:

    OT, but Greta has really got the ball rolling now. Does this not just tick EVERY bbc box?


  33. taffman says:

    “Labour members call to ‘redistribute’ private schools’ assets”
    Some parents spend their money on a new tattoo and iPad for their kids . While some parents work hard to spend their money on schooling for their kids .
    How many Labour MPs along with their kids went to private schools ?
    The Labour Party is fast becoming a real Communist Party.
    The labour Party is finished.
    Vote and support The Brexit Party , I am.
    I am also an Ex-labour voter.


    • cromwell says:

      It actually pains me to hear this. Many years ago my son was not developing at school, I was so worried about him and one day I suddenly decided to do something about it instead of having sleepless nights fretting. I enquired locally (Manchester area) I visited private schools to enquire if they would take him or did he have to be academically proficient. Anyway he started and within 3 weeks this new boy started to appear, he was happy and he worked very hard there and caught up.It cost me so much money we had to really struggle until i was able to work overtime and things got better. Did it work, you bet, he turned into a bright, self assured man with a brilliant career, hes now 42 and I’m so proud of him. At his wedding during his speech he thanked us for working hard to give him the gift of a good education. Money well spent, it’s not only rich parent who send their children to private schools, lots of parents do without to give their children the best they can.


    • taffman says:

      Privileged Labour MPs that went to private schools want to prevent working class parents that work hard and save to send their kids to private schools.
      Guilt ridden hypocrites!


  34. taffman says:

    Question – Is Al Beeb ‘No platforming’ The Brexit Party ?
    Over to maxicony, our special correspondent at Al Beeb ………………………


  35. Guest Who says:

    There’s who the bbc censors, and then there’s who they propagandise for.

    (Fat fingered Report… please ignore)


  36. Swelter says:

    The Greta effect..I have never subscribed to the idea that children are an untapped font of knowledge and wisdom since we studied Lord of the Flies at school.