Midweek and T Robinson Thread 18th July 2018

I mention Mr Robinson because Wednesday is due to be his appeal day. I think for any reliable report of proceedings we will need to look to non British broadcasters  — if of course – the judges allow it.

and as an aside it’s the Cliff Richard case result .

Can you believe this is Britain ?

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817 Responses to Midweek and T Robinson Thread 18th July 2018

  1. JamesArthur says:

    Looks like a set up to me….was it caught on TFL video or is this a personal video sent to media. She is too well dressed to be some passing nobody who just felt like doing it. Smacks of media…


    • JamesArthur says:

      Sorry that post was supposed be against the tearing off of Gareth Southgate story


  2. Holly Selassie says:

    Just heard some BBC priest way up in legal tell Montague on TWATO the Sir Cliff case will have a chilling effect on “journalist investigations”. He corrected himself very quickly-he had meant to say “police investigations”-but we all know what his real fear was.
    Worth a listen at 1.10 or so-only shows how out of control the BBC now are.
    And when Soubry slates the BBC in the Commons, May weasels around her demand. Hate Soubry-but at least she told the BBC what they were. As opposed to the useless May.


    • Fedup2 says:

      No twoto for me any more . I just guess the real outcome will be less bribes to coppers to leak investigation details and less tax payer cash spent hiring helicopters .

      I remembering watching the live coverage – my ‘ unfairness alert ‘ went off when all the beeboids got breathless watching coppers going into a private home . No helicopter when Jim fixed it .


  3. StewGreen says:

    BBC Inverted sexism #MoreThanEqual
    more women only programming


    • flake says:

      It motivates me to turn the radio off


      • john in cheshire says:

        I have found many radio stations that provide entertainment, news and commentary that more than matches anything and everything the far-left bbc churns out.


  4. flake says:

    When will BBC reporting on “The Thai Boys” end? They must have “The Thai Boys: One Year On” lined up with production rights, funding etc. Lets hope some of the money that will be generated will go where it should go. Those idiots got themselves stuck in a cave; no one else did. A rescuer died. The operation was dangerous and expensive so enough of the coverage of these idiots they were lucky, others were not.


    • ObiWan says:

      @flake: the problem is that, naturally, for the Diversity & Multiculturalism Police at the BBC the story ticks so many of the right boxes. Brown kids? Check. An international team of rescuers? Check. Everyone working together as a collective? Check.

      There is a problem. It’s the awkward issue around the fact there just were just too many damn men going into the jaws of danger to perform heroic acts of bravery. For the BBC, this is tricky.

      Still, fret not – I watched an ABC (Australia’s equivalent of the BBC) documentary on YouTube last night and – fortuitously – they managed to wheel out a girl wearing a soldier’s uniform to explain everything about the rescue. I expect the BBC to adopt a similar sneaky approach.


    • Alicia Sinclair says:

      Teenage boys, pre-pubescent , dark caves and watersports?
      In a land and culture, more relaxed about such things?
      Fair to say that lots of BBC staff-Saviles Travels and all that-will be crawling over this story for that all so necessary insight and in-depth follow up.
      Our BBC.


    • rthornton says:

      “Those idiots got themselves stuck in a cave”

      Those “idiots” were children.



      • Rich says:


        A bit thoughtless and careless maybe, but ‘vile’? That’s a bit Norman Smith/ Alan Hansen school of journalism is it not?

        To be fair to Flake, it does seem to be a stupid thing to do and place to go when flooding is a possibility, but I think I might agree with you when I say that the blame if any is to be apportioned should lie with their coaches, who were responsible for the welfare of these boys and who did place them in danger, and calling the boys themselves idiots does seem a bit harsh. I think however that you have to admit it does seem a bloody stupid thing to do, idiotic even, and it should be asked, amongst all the celebration, what the hell were they doing there at that time?

        Your use of the word ‘vile’ seems excessive to me though as it’s only an opinion from Flake and not ‘extremely unpleasant’ or ‘morally bad’. Unfair or wrong maybe, but vile?

        There are plenty of truly vile actions and opinions throughout our society at present, many of which shamefully go unreported by the bBbc, but I don’t think that Flake’s comment deserves being labelled in this way. Using such superlatives so readily is something that the bBbc themselves are increasingly guilty of and this, to me, only seems to highlight their unwarranted sensationalism, of needlessly chasing ratings and of signalling not virtue, but a lack of perspective and tolerance when reporting. In my opinion this only lessens the impact of language despite their attempts to use it in an efforts to vilify and label and to shut down debate. I think this shows in the increasingly poor quality of bBbc output as a whole not just in the most obviously deteriorating news and current affairs.

        It’s your opinion, you know what vile means and you used it, and it’s what is great about this site, you get to voice an opinion, some of which can be concerning, unacceptable even, but they are only opinions. I just think that here you’re in danger of sounding like the very thing so many of us rail against everyday on this site and surely nobody wants that. Do they?


  5. wronged says:

    First woman MP Markievicz to be honoured in Parliament

    BBC supporting the IRA again.
    A Virtue Signalling weak Tory Government not objecting to cowardly Irish murderers, praising anti British female Sinn Fein MP who were responsible for killing British soldiers during WW1.

    MP’s in our country not only support the EU against Britain but they also support Irish cowards who murdered our relatives.
    Also in 1918 the shot my grandad in the leg. He always said the Irish were liars, never trust them. Blarney = bullshit.

    Traitors the lot of them.


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      Sorry wronged. I’m Irish. My dad’s family is from the South. Never had anything to do with the IRA. My dad served in the British army.


      • wronged says:

        Yes Lucy, I agree with your point about your father, After a period of quiet reflection, having to accompany my wife in John Lewis and IKEA, I think my point was wrong, I should have been more specific with respect to the IRA. I still find the Irish BS a lot though. I knew of another Irishman (catholic) who joined the Navy and had to live the rest of his life in England having been shunned upon his return to Ireland. They were nasty to his mother also. Lucy, I hope your father never had to endure the same animosity as the man I knew. Hard to respect people who support or supported the IRA. That includes the BBC and our government
        Your posts are always good, I usually give you a ‘like’ and I’m sure you are not an Irish Bull sh..r, even if most of the Irish I’ve personally met are.

        By the way, just to irritate a load more people on this site, I find a lot of Scottish people racist and anti English. Yet they bleat about racism over every other minor, innocuous, virtual signalling occurence, Hypocrites the lot of them. Mind two of my group of mates are Scottish and they hate the Lefties in Scotland, they like a drink or seven, Strange, they drink half a bitter which they call a chaser with a whisky. Makes for an expensive round of drinks.


  6. StewGreen says:

    TR news Barrister blog thread
    Second thread


  7. Guest Who says:

    A fair question.

    And likely another the BBC will decide it is exempted from answering.


    • Kaiser says:

      I was just going to post asking what relevance the UKIP connection had to the case



      • vlad says:

        Just an excuse to smear the hated UKIP.


        • Kaiser says:

          best quote from the twitter feed

          “What a shame he wasn’t married to Anna Soubrey.”



        • john in cheshire says:

          UKIP support now on 8% and likely to rise steeply as Mrs May’s treachery sinks in to more of the +4 million previous UKIP voters who were deceived into thinking the Conservative and the Labour parties contained honourable people who are working for the benefit of our country. I believe they’ll all come flooding back to support UKIP together with many more Conservative and Labour supporters who now see them for what they are; traitors, but for a few exceptional and patriotic individuals in both parties.


          • Kaiser says:

            too right john

            trouble over here on the Cheshire/derbyshire border is they are as yet little troubled by multiculturalism, their nice little lives haven’t yet been intruded upon yet

            if only they would heed the warnings of those who have been there, seen that, didnt like it

            but i see trouble coming very very soon to the happy clappy liberals who infest my town

            all I can do is wave the purple banner till they realise the fuck up they have voted for


          • Kaiser says:

            too right john

            trouble over here on the Cheshire/derbyshire border is they are as yet little troubled by multiculturalism, their nice little lives haven’t yet been intruded upon yet

            if only they would heed the warnings of those who have been there, seen that, didnt like it

            but i see trouble coming very very soon to the happy clappy liberals who infest my town

            all I can do is wave the purple banner till they realise the fuck up they have voted for


          • Kaiser says:

            too right john

            trouble over here on the Cheshire/derbyshire border is they are as yet little troubled by multiculturalism, their nice little lives haven’t yet been intruded upon yet

            if only they would heed the warnings of those who have been there, seen that, didnt like it

            but i see trouble coming very very soon to the happy clappy liberals who infest my town

            all I can do is wave the purple banner till they realise the fuck up they have voted for


          • Kaiser says:

            too right john

            trouble over here on the Cheshire/derbyshire border is they are as yet little troubled by multiculturalism, their nice little lives haven’t yet been intruded upon yet

            if only they would heed the warnings of those who have been there, seen that, didnt like it

            but i see trouble coming very very soon to the happy clappy liberals who infest my town

            all I can do is wave the purple banner till they realise the fuck up they have voted for


          • Kaiser says:

            too right john

            trouble over here on the Cheshire/derbyshire border is they are as yet little troubled by multiculturalism, their nice little lives haven’t yet been intruded upon yet

            if only they would heed the warnings of those who have been there, seen that, didnt like it

            but i see trouble coming very very soon to the happy clappy liberals who infest my town

            all I can do is wave the purple banner till they realise the fuck up they have voted for


    • bil says:

      Exactly the same in the fail repeating ex-UKIP ad nausem in the headline and the first paragraph


  8. Eddy Booth says:

    what’s happening with the Tommy Robinson appeal?
    A ‘live’ biased daily mirror page,
    Just reports the background and they broken for lunch..
    Are they allowed to report the proceedings – eg arguments given etc, before the end, in this type of hearings?


    • NameNotNumber says:



      ‘We are now waiting for the judges to return. I’m told that could be in five or ten minutes. They’re just conferring. I’m told that a likely outcome is that the judges will return tomorrow to render a formal verdict.’


      • NameNotNumber says:

        ‘Chief Justice says they have a complicated task for them, and they hope to complete it before the end of July. That seems excessively slow to me — you’d think that they’d grant Tommy bail in the meantime, if they seek to be so painstaking.’


        • Lucy Pevensey says:

          Will the lawyers and judges be threatened by Muslim interest groups in the UK?


          • Eddy Booth says:

            how come if it’s ‘a complicated task’, the original judge only needed a few minuets for the whole case ?
            That should show enough incompetence to grant bail.


            • Fedup2 says:

              Seems one of the issues is lack of opportunity for mitigation – if so it gives an out for the judiciary to cut the sentence – bet it’s not ‘time served’ though – they’ll still want the kilos of flesh .

              Funny how it wasn’t complicated for the sentencing judge .


            • Up2snuff says:

              Eddy, Contempt of Court is a simple Yes/No in the mind of the trial Judge at the time. Have a look at some Rumpole books; John Mortimer no doubt included some examples.

              Much more time is needed for all the relevant information to be considered by those sitting to hear the Appeal. While they may have done work in advance to prepare, there are arguments to be advanced by the Appellant’s Counsel and counter-arguments by those representing the Crown. These have to be heard together with any additional witness testimony. Then those hearing the Appeal may need time to confer, refer to Case Law, etc..

              It will be a Considered Judgement.


    • oldcrone says:


      • JimS says:

        Ezra Levant refers to the shrapnel marks on the church behind him and how that was the price of freedom.

        Meanwhile a bus passes advertising the play The Book of Mormon, of which Wikepedia says “The Book of Mormon is a musical comedy about two young Mormon missionaries who travel to Uganda to preach the Mormon religion. First staged in 2011, the play mocks various Mormon beliefs and practices. “

        I don’t expect to see The Koran: The Book of Mo anytime soon. Cowards!


  9. s.trubble says:

    There was a brief glimpse of Mr Lammy during PMQ’s on daily politics show…………..

    He was tieless, in a lounging demeanor and looking like he has gained weight..even despite his new bicycle regime…………
    Perhaps he can be excused if news reaches us that he had just recently completed a 50 mile circuit? !!! ***


    • oldcrone says:

      . Lammy .. but did you not notice how he sat up straight once he saw himself on the HOC TV streaming.


  10. s.trubble says:

    There was a brief glimpse of Mr Lammy during PMQ’s on daily politics show…………..

    He was tieless, in a lounging demeanor and looking like he has gained weight..even despite his new bicycle regime…………
    Perhaps he can be excused if news reaches us that he had just recently completed a 50 mile circuit?


  11. MarkyMark says:

    Of course From the Many (citizens), into the pockets of the Few (650 UK Mps) ….18% pay rise since 2010 … we are all equal, some more equal than others …



  12. Guest Who says:


  13. Right Angle says:

    I saw Fran Unsworth, the BBC Director of (Fake) News reading out her prepared statement on Sky News, which had just finished interviewing one of Sir Cliff’s friends, broadcaster Paul Gambaccini.

    It was unbelievable. By that, I mean unbelievably arrogant. Surely the BBC’s lawyers had vetted the statement beforehand?

    I did a Google search and found the full statement here:

    (Read the replies, too).

    Just look at this para:

    “This isn’t just about reporting on individuals. It means police investigations, and searches of people’s homes, could go unreported and unscrutinised. It will make it harder to scrutinise the conduct of the police and we fear it will undermine the wider principle of the public’s right to know. It will put decision-making in the hands of the police.”

    WHAT!? You mean the BBC is the one responsible for holding the police to account? You mean the BBC should make the decisions and not the police?

    Words really fail me. The best I can do is paraphrase, and I am pretty sure the BBC would agree that this is an accurate representation of their view:

    “We are above the law. Or should be. How dare you hold us accountable!”

    Criminally disgusting.


    • JamesArthur says:

      Funny how the Public’s right to know doesn’t apply to the BBC..it abuses the FoI protection – information on salaries for example
      two faced hypocrites comes to mind


    • Up2snuff says:

      When is Fran Unsworth resigning?


  14. Dave S says:

    In a private company all those involved who cost that company the huge sums the BBc is going to have to pay (costs etc) would be dismissed immediately.
    Gross negligence. Bringing the company into disrepute you name it.
    This is nothing to do with free speech – a concept alien to the BbC but appalling decisions by incompetents who thought they could get away with it.


  15. MartinW says:

    BBC Parliament: I was surprised to see at PMQs, Speaker Bercow making a special point of welcoming the egregious, anti-Semitic Naz Shah back to the chamber after her absence, and congratulating Harriet Harman on becoming grandmother before permitting her to ask a question of the PM. Unusual, surely?


    • RJ says:

      “congratulated Harriet Harman on becoming grandmother before permitting her to ask a question of the PM.”

      Doesn’t that count as biased refereeing. During the Conservative leadership election Leadsom was driven out of the contest because she made a reference to having children; which was presented as an unfair attack on May who didn’t have any. If it’s such a sensative subject Bercow seems to have played a verbal trick to give Harperson an advantage.


  16. Beeb Brother says:

    ‘First black Miss Universe GB on historic win.’

    A story about race – how refreshing.

    I thought beauty pageants objectified women? Alas there are no moral absolutes with SJWs; 2 + 2 = different amounts depending on who is doing the sum.

    What if she only won because she is black? Moonlight won the Oscar purely due to skin colour.


  17. LastChanceSaloon says:

    Boris- resignation speech.
    No mention of Europe in flames but the good news is Angola wants to join the Commonwealth.
    May exonerated, no criticism of civil servants or CINO remainiac traitors.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Let’s face it – he walked away after the brexit vote when he should have done his job . Doesn’t deserve another go.

      Funny that the soros remainers hasn’t got Cameron out to sell the remain story again – but I suppose he is as toxic as Blair.


  18. MartinW says:

    I am a long term Brexiteer who voted against remaining in the EEC in 1975, and on this blog, I am among equally fervent Brexiteers! However, I diverge from many here in that I am very much in the Richard and Peter North camp in respect of the means by which we can achieve our separation. That is to say, because we have become so enmeshed in EU law and regulation over the past 40 years, we simply cannot disentangle ourselves by means of a cobbled-together, bespoke ‘deal’ or leap off the cliff ‘hoping for the best’. I firmly believe that the EEA/Efta option must be the first stage. That would get us out of the EU, and enable us to avail ourselves of all the myriad agreements that are already in place between Efta and the EU. Yes, we would remain in the Single Market, but that would surely be of benefit in the shorter term. A stronger Efta could/would be effective in bringing about changes in its relationship with the EU – to our advantage – and it seems quite possible that the changing politics of many countries in an anti-EU, right-leaning way could well lead to a very strong bloc that could consign the EU for good to the dustbin of history.
    Instinctively, I am wholly sympathetic to (and delight in) Jacob Rees-Mogg’s calm, quiet, polite intellectual approach to discourse, and applaud his opposition to the current Olly Robbins – Theresa May proposals. I think he would make a very fine Prime Minister, too, if only he could be persuaded, on practical grounds, to abandon his fundamentalist ‘completely out in one go’ approach. That might work, but since it would depend upon so many unknowns, I’m unpersuaded we should take the risk. So my preference would be for us to take the more secure, less perfect EEA/Efta route.
    Sorry, nothing really to do with the BBC, but it is pertinent to a one of the great preoccupations of this blog.


    • RJ says:

      Martin, if I’d been asked for my opinion in July 2016 I would have agreed with you. However, over the past two years the EU has made to crystal clear that we have to be punished, no matter what the cost to the economies of the other 27 EU countries. We cannot trust them not to twist the EFTA rules to hurt us. My view now is that we need a clean break and we trade under WTO rules.


    • Kaiser says:

      I really dont see it that way Martin, we produces goods for the 20% of our economy that is exports, to suit whatever market they are going to, we always have, and we jump thru whatever hoops are needed if we want to do it.

      and quite frankly im prepared and always was to take a financial hit if needs be, but I cant really work out why there even would be one, I dont follow the logic and I dont put my entire faith in measuring the happiness quotient of a country by its GDP either.

      I hear words like “if we want to be ABLE to trade with our biggest partner” etc etc

      and yet I sit here on my american laptop, looking at my korean tele and soon to pick up (yet another) japanese motorbike.

      The only thing I do know is if its complex to leave now, its only going to get harder day by day week by week month by month.

      We need to get out of this proto fascist superstate pronto and all those who think GREAT BRITAIN is too small to survive on its own needs to seriously get their heads checked and look at the number of much much smaller counties who are happily making their own way in the world.


    • JimS says:

      When the school bus breaks down on the level crossing there are three options, drive forward, drive backwards, or die.

      Driving forward is like staying in the EU, we don’t really know what fresh disasters await us ahead. Driving backwards takes us to where we came from and we can be more confident about that.

      Staying put is the Norths’ option, years and years of virtual stasis as the technocrat Norths debate with other technocrats as they argue if the windscreen of the bus should go backwards while the door goes forward. I honestly believe that the Norths have more contempt for the brexit plebs than all the remainers put together.

      The Norths are politically ignorant. They blew it for me when they argued that SNP lost the Scottish referendum because they didn’t put out a 30,000 page economic case as they would have done and as they wanted to do for the EU referendum. My point is that the SNP nearly won their referendum and if they had spent their ‘Cameron £9’ on giving every household in Scotland a free ticket to Braveheart they would have walked it.

      Anyway just to boost people’s spirits this is worth another 3 minutes 20 seconds of anyone’s time!


    • bil says:

      Never been able to make my mind up about Richard “I’m much cleverer than you you oily tick” North – I lie. Met him twice and wasn’t impressed. Campaigned for years but not really got anywhere, just more of the “I know better than strain”.

      I never for one minute thought it would be simple to extricate ourselves or without financial/commercial implications. I reckon 5-10 years as we are so entangled.


      • MartinW says:

        You have, of course, highlighted a considerable flaw in Richard North’s character, to wit, his inability to resist applying unflattering epithets to sundry politicians, opinion-formers (horrible phrase!) and other commentators who he clearly regards as ignorant ‘ticks’ (!). It is not the way to makes friends and influence people. I dislike this intensely. On the other hand, he does know a very great deal about the workings and history of the EU, and of international trade. So I try to put my dislike aside and concentrate on the real meat – and where else can we get it? Not in the press, not from most politicians and certainly not from the BBC. So I hold my nose and try to understand the practicalities of extracting ourselves from the frightful entanglement we are in. Sadly, I think your estimate of 5-10 years could be right, which means I probably won’t be around to see it.


  19. s.trubble says:

    The legal bill facing the bBC organ for the Sir Cliff fiasco is £5 million per Guido News.

    Here we go;

    Crisps £1.75 m
    Ging £1.50 m
    R4 mob£1.5 m (easy) and BINGO …..bill paid…oh 250 k short…oh well
    nicky Gameshow….that’s it.


  20. Fedup2 says:

    Yes it is a pre occupation and sometimes I wish there were remainers here.

    You say we could stay in the single market – but surely that means the other 3 bases of the EU and thankfully that won’t happen . As JRM says – we cannot be subject to the ECJ.

    Speed up the full brexit preparation and see at what stage the ReichEU realises they will lose too.


    • Kaiser says:

      lol fighting it is a BEEB pre-occupation as well, and just happens to be a fantastic example of the bias


  21. DickMart says:

    Indeed, the BBC were COLLUDING with the police, not scrutinising them!
    [This has come out in the wrong place – it was a reply to Right Angle – 3:11 pm]


  22. Alicia Sinclair says:

    I`m told that Golden Dawn(Greece) and Jobbik(Hungary) are anti-Semitic.
    Where do Labour stand on the scale of “most antisemitic” party in Europe?
    Only the BBC would allow a major party to sign its own self-certificate about not being Jew baiting lowlife; without any questions.

    See Ortega in Nicaragua is in trouble, just as Maduro was in Venezuela was(and always is).
    But nothing-now where`s that snap of Tom Daley in his undies?


  23. StewGreen says:

    Richard Dawkins has done a speakcrime …#PlanetOrwell
    (Time article allows no comments)


    • flake says:

      wtf? fatwa in the post


    • vlad says:

      Guess we won’t be seeing much of Dawkins on al beebeera in future.


    • RobRoy says:

      Do these dimwits actually know what a racist is? Seems like it’s the go-to response these days.


    • Doublethinker says:

      There are very few aricles in the Times which comments are not allowed on. I found it very curious why they werent allowed. I suspect that it was because there would have an awful lot that were highly critical of ROP. In general comments in the Times have a majority which are anti migrant and anti Islam . On Brexit and Trump things are more even. The Times editorial stance is more liberal on the migration issue than its readership , or at least those readers who comment, and it is vehemently Globalist so very pro Remain and anti Trump.


  24. Alicia Sinclair says:

    Can I put on record here, my thanks to
    KATE HOEY and
    for voting with Brexit last night.
    Four Labour Patriots, don`t forget to remember that there are a few good uns still.


    • Oaknash says:

      Amen to that Alicia – I think what UKIP need to do is stand candidates in all constituencies who’s MP supports Remain.

      There is no point in splitting the vote for good “Leave” men and women – however those that have worked against democracy need to be punished.


      • RJ says:

        UKIP didn’t field a candidate in my constituency last year, to leave the Brexiteer Tory a clear run. That was the case in many constituencies, which is one reason the UKIP vote fell so dramatically – not that the BBC ever mention that factor.


        • G.W.F. says:

          If funds allow it I would advise UKIP to field candidate in both leave and remain Tory constituencies. The so called leavers have not put up much of a fight against Treasonous Treezer


    • bil says:

      And to Andrea Jenkyns at PMQs. I laffed until my socks fell off.


    • The Sage says:

      I also thought that John Mann voted with the other four last evening. I also believe that Kelvin Hopkins is not currently taking the Labour whip and due to sexual harassment allegations still hanging over him. Please correct me if I am wrong about any of the above.


  25. StewGreen says:

    Can you think of any reasons why a bullying scientist got a way with it for so long
    and in the end just resigned ..with no disciplinary action ?
    .. #PushesButtons #MoreThanEqual
    \\ Professor Rahman, who was on a power list drawn up by the BBC Radio 4 programme Women’s Hour, resigned after an investigation. She said that there were no disciplinary findings against her and that she had decided to leave. Some of her accusers said that that was not enough and she should not remain on AstraZeneca’s board.

    One, speaking to The Times on condition of anonymity, said: “It was a sustained pattern of behaviour that led to people feeling undermined in their own abilities, feeling inadequate.”//
    Again article allows no comments.


    • flake says:

      “Can you think of any reasons why a bullying scientist got a way with it for so long and in the end just resigned ..with no disciplinary action ?”

      Wild stab in the dark, she’s not colourless and doesn’t have a nob ?


  26. StewGreen says:

    Adonis supports article that turns non-metro-libs into bogey men


    • Kaiser says:

      and what exactly does that completely ill named mirror avoiding muppet think is the cause of “community disintegration”

      I do like the caption under the tommy picture

      seems only the far-right object to terrorism and gang raping pedos how prejudiced of them


      • Doublethinker says:

        The seeds of social collapse were sown long ago when Blair et al, including Adonis, let in millions of third worlders without any mandate to do so. Social cohesion reuires that people feel some kinship with their community and are prepared to make sacrifices for it. But is clear that millions of even third generation migrants feel no sense that they are British. Apart that is from when they want Brits hand outs.
        England have just played both Pakistan and India at cricket and both communities were overwhelmingly supporting the country where they or their parents or grand parents came from , not England..
        The liberal left seem to think that this is good, something to be welcomed, their holy grail of diversity, but i see it as proof that those who settle in our country dont want to accept our values and culture. The liberals seem to actually accept this as true but insist that it is we who must change not the incomers. Well i dont think that no matter how much the BBC et push their social engineering experiment and no matter how much the government tries to suppress our justified resentment, when the first real strain on society arrives, eg a major 1930 style slump, social cohesion will shatter.


        • RobRoy says:

          The same left libs are quick to criticise brits abroad who don’t learn the language and integrate.


        • Fedup2 says:

          Yes – it follows that since Blighty is Polarised between ‘ extreme far left’ to paraphrase the emir of londonistan and anyone they don’t like any further strain will more than likely kick of disorder gleefully reported across Blighty by msm ..remain calm , all in it together , all under control . Brave cops and fireman
          Der der der


    • StewGreen says:

      Hey Times, I think you got away with it, no one has noticed that your FEATURED Comment got 34 Likes vs 171 Likes for Camelot’s
      In fact 20 comments get more likes than the Times featured comment TFC

      That comment looks gibberish to me
      as it makes assertion after assertion which won’t stand scrutiny
      “capitalism has finally morphed into something which favours established wealth ”
      … Nope big $billion internet corps have been founded by middle class

      “hard right is …..”
      Nope everyone else recognises that is just a “boo word label” to smear political opponents

      “Brexit, supported disproportionately by independently wealthy older voters who are a drain on the public purse”
      ..the ballot was secret we don’t know who voted Brexit really

      “what comes next … it’s a progressive backlash”
      Seems like wishful thinking ..I can see why the MetroLibBubbleworld Times staff selected the comment


  27. GRIM REAPER says:

    Soubry….always looks and sounds like she’s hit the Gin at 9am every morning…..dreadful woman…quisling like.


  28. MarkyMark says:

    Consequently there was a long period during which nearly every thinking man was in some sense a rebel, and usually a quite irresponsible rebel. Literature was largely the literature of revolt or of disintegration. Gibbon, Voltaire, Rousseau, Shelley, Byron, Dickens, Stendhal, Samuel Butler, Ibsen, Zola, Flaubert, Shaw, Joyce — in one way or another they are all of them destroyers, wreckers, saboteurs.

    For two hundred years we had sawed and sawed and sawed at the branch we were sitting on.

    And in the end, much more suddenly than anyone had foreseen, our efforts were rewarded, and down we came. But unfortunately there had been a little mistake.

    The thing at the bottom was not a bed of roses after all, it was a cesspool full of barbed wire.


  29. G.W.F. says:

    Doubts about the links between the political executive and the judiciary must be raised over the delay until the end of July (maybe) for a decision regarding Tommy Robinson.

    They are trying to keep him in as long as possible.
    Dare I suggest that they are trying to find a way to ensure his silence and withdrawal from political activity and journalism before releasing him.



    • Fedup2 says:

      There is no separation from judiciary from the executive . The AG and DPP are Government appointees and every one lives in the same swamp . TR must be more at risk than any time .

      The liberty of the subject is only a convenience to the judiciary when they choose to make it important . In TRs case it thrown around like it doesn’t matter
      And to the msm , of course , theyd like him gone.,


    • Doublethinker says:

      Completely agree. His arrest was purely political.


      • Kaiser says:

        funny how its now going to take days to consider something which only previously took minuets


  30. StewGreen says:

    “Oh Beeby-beeby, Oh Beeby-beeby,
    Oh Beeby-beeby Corporation”
    “Oh Beeby-beeby, Oh Beeby-beeby,
    Oh Beeby-beeby Corporation”
    ..shouted the crowd who gathered in the R4MediaShow studio
    to appeal against the obviously wrongful conviction
    … according to the voices the judgement is a great change in the law ..journalists are not going to be able to name people they are investigating ..public interest ! ..public interest !”

    No, you nutters YOU broke the existing law
    EU law says you have a right to privacy
    so if you have not be charged, it is normally wrong to plaster your name all over the place.

    They said “isn’t ironic that instead of a tabloid the BBC has got prosecuted”
    .. FFS the BBC is a low class tabloid that protects its friends and monsters its opponents.

    Amol gave the BBC news boss the opportunity to thank Trump for driving traffic to the BBC website.
    .. The hatey boss, refused to take up the joke “I shall decline that opportunity”

    Then Amol asked a Bloomberg journo why he kept going on about impartial journalism re-Trump, when he works for the richest opponent of Trump and Brexit.


  31. G.W.F. says:

    Heathrow airport at standstill due to alarm.
    Awaiting assurance that it has nothing to do with the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

    Anyone here travel often by air and note the number of security officials with beards?



    • Fedup2 says:

      Yep family operation for the mussies to get stuff and people in . Get jobs in security , immigration and unions and never be looked at ..as well as play the race card when whitee is stupid enough to looks at you


      • Mrs Kitty says:

        I play the disabled card…..and show my hearing aid ” looking at you ‘cos I didn’t hear what you mumbled” Been frisked by a couple of women in scarves, always make sure my cross is outside my clothes, if they want to touch me there they’re going to have to move it. I find the older I’m getting I’m not such a nice person .


  32. Guest Who says:

    A few are trying to see the BBC’s side, but are not getting away with it.


    • JimS says:

      One would be more sympathetic if the BBC were consistent and impartial in its approach.

      “Failed UKIP Parish Councillor candidate receives parking fine” on the news website for five days versus “Bolton men appear at magistrate’s court” given half a column inch on the Bolton sub-page for 30 minutes.

      Some people fit the agenda and some don’t.

      I like the way Fran Unsworth aplogises and then uses the ‘Tommy Defence’. People who are sorry don’t go to appeal, I suspect she is closer to thinking ‘we got it just about right’, the classic Feedback boilerplate.


  33. Ed Hitter says:

    PA breaking news…nowt on the BBC yet
    #Breaking Islamic State terrorist Naa’imur Zakariyah Rahman, 20, has been found guilty at the Old Bailey of a plot to behead Prime Minister Theresa May in a suicide attack at Downing Street


    • Kaiser says:

      when one actually manages it the politicians might actually finally notice


  34. oldcrone says:

    … and cover up another “National Treasure” for years ‘cos it would impact badly on their family friendly ” we are pure” agenda. Jimmy Saville!


  35. Doublethinker says:

    On the victory for Sir Cliff and the damages awarded against the BBC and the legal costs. Isn’t there a clause about being a fit and proper organisation to hold a broadcasting license in the UK? Wasn’t this invoked against Murdoch a few years ago ? Well I rest my case. Surely the BBC must lose it License over this plus all the other scandals that have heard about.


  36. fakenewswatcher says:

    Now we have Amol Rajan, he of the small diamond earring, protesting about press freedom being infringed by the Sir Cliff judgement.
    Tsk, tsk.
    When the damaging report first appeared, it was obvious to a blind bat in a snowstorm, that it was of poor judgement and in poor taste. Were the beeb trying to convey to us that they were all-powerful and could do anything they liked? That we were all potentially in their sights?
    Why else do such a stupid thing?
    The decision makers involved should be fired.
    The Beeb should be made to pay FROM THEIR SALARIES. In terms of amount to be paid by the organisation, the Google fine sounds more like it.
    And the less we see of Amol, the better.
    PS. Yes, Doublethinker, loss of licence would be GREAT. But don’t hold your breath…


    • fakenewswatcher says:

      Sir Cliff currently on ITV, saying the decision makers should lose their jobs. ‘Heads should roll’. Amen.
      Unsworth, goodbye… let’s start with you, talking about ‘an appeal’. You need to go.
      ‘What the BBC did was an abuse,’ says Sir Cliff. He gets lectured by an interviewer. Disgusting. She is obviously one of the righteous. Happy to throw, not only the first stone, but an entire avalanche.


      • Up2snuff says:

        All I will say in this post, keep going BBC. Keep mouthing off and do put in your appeal.

        (Shhhhhh! Keep this between ourselves but, IIRC, the Appeal Judge(s) has(have) the right to and might increase the damages and could take into account the BBC’s public conduct in relation to this specific case after Mr Justice Mann’s decision today. Any lawyers on here, please correct me if I’m wrong on that, my ageing & hazy legal memory and all that.)


  37. NISA says:

    BBC Media Editor talking with BBC News person on 6pm News about Sir Cliff. He ponders the public’s reaction should the BBC appeal the judgement “using public funds”. What effing funds does the BBC have other than public funds? They set up a so called commercial arm backed by tax income, selling product funded by taxpayers & pretend (and largely get away with claiming) its resources are not effing public money


    • Alicia Sinclair says:

      The few bits I`ve heard only confirm what a self righteous bubble the BBC live in-on our license fees.
      Only they would EVER think that their wilful efforts to bring down a harmless old Christian. just so they could pose in a police helicopter as if they`re the 9/11 Rescue force.
      Only they would ever pump out that nonsense about their right to be the police, the judge and jury in their own court of public opinion. Self righteous creeps who want Trump dead and Brexit strangled in its cot.
      The rest of us despise them, we all know why they go for Cliff Richard but not Bill Wyman, Mick Jagger, Jimmy Page or McCartney.
      And all the rest of the pantheon they need to relive the 60s.
      Hope Cliff digs deep and has a few heads on spikes before he heads home to Portugal-come on Cliff, we need you to hollow them out for the follow up.


    • Guest Who says:

      Seems that, from Fran down, the line to take is ‘tell It often enough’.

      Not entirely convinced anyone outside media bubble head world is buying.


      • Doublethinker says:

        How on earth can this Beeboid claim that President Trump has in any way tried to neuter the media? The American MSM , and the BBC of course, have been extraordinarily biased. By all accounts the trust level in the US media has sunk to the lowest level ever with over60% of the population mistrusting them. Things both over there and over here are becoming so polarised between the media and the ordinary population that I doubt that the media can ever recover their credibility. But despite all that our socialist Tory government won’t touch the foul state funded broadcaster.


        • Kaiser says:

          as cleese pointed out trust in british media (60%+ delivered by the bbc) is well below 30%

          we are not as stupid as they think 🙂


  38. JimS says:

    Another of those lovely un-joined thinking pieces on Jeremy Vine today on the subject of ‘rogue viruses’.

    I love it when Vine’s brain slowly puts together little bits of information like what happens when lots of people live together, when new cities are built in wild areas and when we start flying their people around the world in tubes filled with re-cycled air!

    Will there come a time when it all coalesces and he snaps and refuses to keep pushing the BBC’s multi-cultural, mass-immigration mantra of which, of course, ‘he has no opinion'(!)


  39. StewGreen says:

    MP on news Monday claimed we can count
    … Leavers who support frictionless EU trade
    + Original Remainer voters
    …. and thus say a majority support SOFT BREXIT

    Well look at Remainer voter Piers Morgan who asserts that if there is a soft Brexit that is a betrayal and London will get burnt down.

    It is wrong to count all Remainer voters as Soft Brexit people
    (sorry I’m not sure if I posted this on Monday)


  40. Foscari says:

    I am really looking forward to the British Open Golf
    tournamount starting at Carnoustie tomorrow. And without
    doubt the BBC will be number one choice to follow
    the tournamount!
    You see Tiger Woods is the only golfer I am interested in.
    I know I wont even have to look on the BBC internet
    sports pages to found out how he is getting on.
    Straight to main page infact the main World story will
    be telling us when Tiger , tees off. Tiger goes one over, Tiger
    pars the second.
    Foget about Brexit, forget about everything else. Tigers in town!!


    • Up2snuff says:

      Ahem! What is this ‘British Open Golf tournament’ that you refer to?

      I think you may be thinking of some golf elsewhere, perhaps in Surrey somewhere, with Happy Hackers competing for a Spoon or Tankard for the mantlepiece.

      The golf at Carnoustie, where practise rounds for the competitors will have been taking place since Monday, is THE Open Championship.

      You are correct in that competitive play will commence tomorrow.


    • The Sage says:

      There is no such golf tournament as the British Open. But I agree about Woods, and Sky is as bad.
      Woods is currently ranked 71 in the world and has not won a tournament since 2013 (I think).
      Rory also gets similar coverage in so far as his score is often mentioned by broadcasters ahead of the player leading.


  41. tapwatertory says:

    BBC still calling TR far right! What is ‘far right’ now? He risks his life to bring us stories the BBC would never report, he tells us about rape, grooming and killings in our great country. He exposes the msm for what it is. But to cheer myself up Miss World is now ok, oh hang on. PS gonna tell the DWP I now identify as a woman, early retirement here I come.


    • Fedup2 says:

      “Far right” is any view which is not with the albeeb narrative .

      I liked the way a citizen today called for four labour MPs to be thrown out of the Labour Party for voting for something to which he did not agree – and goes around shouting “fascist “ like someone with Tourette’s


      • tapwatertory says:

        Nail Head Hit. I demand a study, is there any evidence that being f@#king stupid (or left) increases the chance of a mental illness.


      • Up2snuff says:

        Big ‘C’ Conservatives are certainly Far Right as far as the BBC are concerned. I’m not in the ‘Hang ’em & flog ’em (not necessarily in that order) Brigade’ and I think Income Tax should be much increased for high earners. I would still call myself a conservative.

        The BBC would probably label me as Far Right, especially as I think inward (and outward, for that matter) immigration should be controlled by the Government.

        After all I’ve been labelled as old, backward looking, Xenophobic and Racist by Sir Vince (I’m not resigning yet) Cable, merely for voting Leave in the EU Referendum.

        “When are you going to resign for that vile slur, Sir Vince?”

        “Just asking … ” (As the BBC appear to have forgotten to do so. I wonder if they will be asking for the next two weeks on the TOADY Programme whether Fran Unsworth will resign?)


        • bil says:

          Damn, missed xenophobic odd my signature block.

          Only thing I disagree with you on is taxing the rich more and for a slightly odd reason. Two of of my mantras are responsibilities and aspiration.

          Everyone goes on a bout rights these days but fail to understand that there are responsibilities attached to those rights. For example I believe that I am responsible for my family, not the state. My wife and I made a decision to stop taking child benefit, a right, as we didnt need it, and we are far from rich. My responsibility to the nation.

          Second, aspiration is destroyed by too much state intervention and extra taxation is a disincentive to aspire. Again I believe we should all aspire to be better than we are. Another responsibility. I’ve always tried to better myself to help my family. I took and OU degree for example whilst working, married and with kids. Took 7 years. and when I left the RAF I walked into a job earning 50% more due to the degree – but ended up in the higher tax bracket. Full circle.


  42. StewGreen says:

    Farage opened with this : Brexit means Remain


    • Dover Sentry says:

      That one question to May from her own side is damning:-

      “At what point was it decided that Brexit means Remain?”

      Well done, luv! Now put the kettle on and rustle up some sarnies while your at it. I’m starving.


    • wronged says:

      Pathetic cowardly Tories seemed to back Treason May’s response about working for a deal. Sack the incompetent woman I say. Useless.


  43. flake says:

    BBC falling over themselves to explain why the Cliff decision is wrong but failing, astonishing stuff


    • Eddy Booth says:

      Cliff was targeted by the BBC for the crime of not being openly bent.
      I wonder what Orwell would have called this offence ?
      Closet transgression ??



    • wronged says:

      I can’t stand Cliff Richard, but I can’t stand the BBC even more, so I support Cliff Richard.

      Completely illogical I know but it’s how I feel. Anyone else share my illogical logic?


      • G.W.F. says:

        Never liked him since he shaved his sideburns off to avoid getting a bad reputation like Presley. But I will support him to the death against the BBC


  44. vlad says:

    This is a sub-heading on the beeb webshite: “A college drop-out who sought revenge for his uncle’s death in Syria has been convicted of preparing to attack Downing Street and kill the PM.”

    So in the first sentence they’ve already crammed in 2 excuses (drop-out and revenge) and omitted mentioning islam or jihad.

    Nice one beeb, you’re getting good at taqiya.



    • Kaiser says:

      if I bomb my neighbours house and then take in the survivors would i be at risk?



  45. Heyho says:

    BBC Preview of the British Open (Golf)

    A short preview in the BBC 6:00 pm news (presumably as they have some coverage rights, otherwise wouldn’t be mentioned). Even here they manage to tick their favoured ethnicity boxes showing interviews of the serial philanderer (no mention of this in the preview) Tiger Woods who hasn’t come near to winning a golf tournament in donkeys years and Rory McCIlroy who is obviously Irish and thereby a descendant victim of British colonialism.
    Even in sport they cannot help themselves with their subterfuge brainwashing.


    • Up2snuff says:

      Heyho, Oi! It is The Open Championship.

      It is not British Open (Golf).



      • Heyho says:

        Wow you are right! They’ve even taken that from us now.

        Thought it was just Englishness they abhorred.

        Get it in the White Paper Treeza otherwise the GB Open will become the EU Open!


        • Up2snuff says:

          Heyho, ‘The Cousins’ always refer to it as the British Open because theirs came after ours and they are so used to calling that the US Open.

          IIRC, The Masters (at Augusta, Georgia) was the original ‘Masters’ tournament, and so I try to repay the compliment to our cousins. I refer to the English & Wales based autumn tournament as the British Masters although since the 1960s, I think, it was usually with the sponsors name Dunlop, in place of British. There may now even be a separate Welsh tourney with the Masters or Open suffix but they don’t qualify for PGA status. I’m a bit lapsed as a golf fan so had to research that bit..

          Tradition has it that the Scottish Open is a warm up tournament for The Open. It was won on Sunday by Brandon Stone of South Africa although dragging that fact from BBC Sport on the web-site via Search took considerable effort.

          I may try to get to the Open in 2019. Back at Royal St Georges. 🙂

          “Get it in the White Paper Treeza otherwise the GB Open will become the EU Open!” I have bad news for you however. The European PGA Tour has already taken over the world.

          You think we have problems with the EU . . . . . . .


  46. BRISSLES says:

    Is Nadya manning the bacon and coffee catering van, and Anita Rani doing the commentary in her wellies ?


    • Up2snuff says:

      Brissles, my dear old thing (it is still the cricket season) shhhh!, don’t tell Greg Dyke, but apart from some of the competitors and a caddy or three, it is a bit, well, you know …. .

      My favourite is not in the field this year. I was hoping to be muttering ‘Beef, Beef, BEEF, MoooOOVE’ to myself or at the screen when checking the progress via the online Scoreboard, now that I’m refused access to TV iPlayer.


  47. Up2snuff says:

    I do declare that I think I have found someone who is as bad at geography as the BBC. ‘Someone’, in this case is Conwy Council.


    Just thought I’d check a map, as I was already sniffing a BBC-sized ‘rat’ and sure enough ‘the centre’ of the Conwy Authority’s area is way off to one side. There may be meteorological reasons for that decision and perhaps taffman or other Welsh residents on here can advise if it was a wise choice. Also how to pronounce Mochdre! Is it Maudree?

    Logically, to this lad from the South-East, a location on the A5 at Betws y Coed or nearby in Llanwrst or Capel Garmon would be more central, accessible and sensible.


    • RJ says:

      “Also how to pronounce Mochdre! Is it Maudree?”

      “Mo” as in modern or moss; “ch” as in you’re trying to clear your throat; “dre” as in dray horse. If you’re struggling with “ch” try thinking you’re Dutch rather than Welsh.


    • scribblingscribe says:

      Mochdre is pronounced: Mock drer.

      It literally means “Pig Town”, but don’t tell the residents.

      And yes it is in Conwy.

      So the BBC is right in that, but wrong when they think Trump won’t win the next 4 year term 0r that Brexit won’t happen or that the Euro will survive … etc


      • Up2snuff says:

        It’s the Local Authority that I’m worried about, scribbling.

        They seem to think Mochdre is in the CENTRE of their region. And they have foolishly spent, ‘some’ might say wasted, £400,000 of taxpayer money trying to prove it.

        Llandudno-centric and wasteful, obviously, a bit like the BBC being Hampstead/Islington-centric and wasteful.

        Has Fran Unsworth resigned yet?


        • Up2snuff says:

          PS. Am grateful to m’Learned friends for the pronunciation advice.

          My initial inclination was to go with scribbling’s one, but having holiday’d in Wales several times (including one memorable week in an extremely windy Llandudno) I’m aware that Welsh has wonderful nooks & crannies to trip up the unsuspecting English speaker.


  48. Payne by name says:

    Oh this one is an absolute peach from the good old BBC. Obviously they’ve been distracted today with their playing of the victim card for their disgusting treatment of Sir Cliff but you probably saw how excited they were about the first black winner of the Miss Universe GB title.

    If you read the article, you might notice a curious line that jumps out at you – “In terms of the competition as IT’S CURRENTLY KNOWN, Dee-Ann Kentish-Rogers is the first black woman to win the title.”

    So you decide to pay a little more attention and read that whilst Dee-Ann won the title of Miss Universe GB, Anita St Rose (a woman of Trinidadian descent) won the title of Miss Universe Great Britain in 1996.

    Here’s a picture of her – and oh my word, she’s black.

    And hang on, here’s a picture of the winner from Miss Universe Great Britain 1998, Leilani Dowding, who was half Filipino.

    It’s almost like the story that the Beeb is gushingly promoting, that Dee-Ann is a brave new warrior pushing back against years of racist oppression complete with her statement “I’ve come to the realisation that I’ve not only won the pageant as Dee-Ann, but as a black woman” is complete and utter bollocks.

    I certainly don’t begrudge her winning the title but to claim that she is the “first black woman to be crowned Miss Universe Great Britain in the pageant’s 66-year history” is an act of gross desperation to virtue signal where we are now and denigrate where we used to be on the flimsiest naming technicality.

    That kind of brazen deceit is pretty appalling.


    • Kaiser says:

      brilliant payne just brilliant


      • Payne by name says:

        Cheers buddy. I’m surprised more aren’t jumping on it because this has to be one of the most blatant examples of Fake news that I’ve ever seen the BBC report on. Hell, they even signal their deceit in their own article!

        I just want someone to ask them – why the fake celebration, why the blatant lie, what is the reason for this trickery?

        Whilst I might know the answers (the same reasons behind pushing Black Panther and ignoring Blade), I’d just love to hear their PC explanation.


    • Payne by name says:

      I’ve sent this on to the likes of Paul Joseph Watson and James Delingpole in the hope that someone might have a little crack at the Beeb with something that is a blatant sitter of fake news.


  49. Beeb Brother says:

    Drama on BBC One about a vibrant chap who ended up taking his own life, ostensibly due to debt. His employer is a nasty white man and he is angelic. Of course this is exactly how it always is; I have been mugged twice and both times the perpetrators were ‘diverse’ but this is extremely abnormal.

    They never miss a chance to stick the boot in.


    • Up2snuff says:

      They are probably scared at the BBC to portray it the other way round, Beeb Bro, in case they are accused of ‘racist stereotyping’.

      After a while at this rate, it will all seem very silly. Ratings will drop as people in the UK of all origins and skin colours become bored by it all and find other things to do.