Must be a full moon

The completely barking, lying and two-faced Anna Soubry was given plenty of airtime by the BBC to blame legitimate newsaper reports of her behaviour for alleged death threats…..

Ex-Tory minister Anna Soubry says her office has received 13 death threats since a newspaper front page named her as one of 15 “Brexit mutineers”.

The pro-EU Remain supporter said the police took the threats seriously and had passed two cases to prosecutors.

She said she had been “really quite frightened” and blamed the threats on Wednesday’s Daily Telegraph front page.

The paper’s editor defended what he called “the legitimate actions and language of a free press”.

Ms Soubry had previously described the headline as a “blatant piece of bullying”.

She added: “If the Telegraph had not printed that headline those death threats would not have come through – that is a fact.”


The article also pointed out that Ms Soubry had described her inclusion in the front page as a “badge of honour”.


Today we have BBC radio silence as Soubry launches her own assault on Brexiteers calling them mentally unstable.  She doesn’t like being called a ‘mutineer’, which she is as she tries to overturn Brexit in defiance of government policy and British democracy, but was happy yesterday to call Brexiteers ‘wreckers’…and of course she wasn’t shy about abusing Leave voters whom she labelled racists, stupid, uneducated and bigoted.

The Mail reports her latest outburst:

Fury as Remainer Anna Soubry says Brexiteers have mental health issues

Anna Soubry last night provoked fury after she suggested that Brexit-supporting Tory MPs have mental health issues.

The diehard Remainer launched a scathing attack on her ‘hard Brexiteer’ colleagues, saying they would ‘destroy’ the party and the Prime Minister to get the deal with Brussels they want.

The former minister claimed that 35 of her fellow Tories had been ‘banging on about Europe’ for decades in a way that was ‘not particularly good for their mental health’.

She said: ‘This madness has to stop. Now if we were in the middle of the summer I might say that it was an over-exposure to a hot sun that seems to have caused a collective outbreak in the Government of a form of madness.

‘Their inability to grasp Brexit and do the right thing frankly is now at a point where, as I say, it has got to stop.’

Last night a Brexit-supporting Tory MP said: ‘Anna Soubry is regarded by the parliamentary party, to a man and woman, as completely barking, so it is rich that she would say that.’


Soubry played the victim card and the BBC gave her a shoulder to cry on,  now when she uses exactly the same type of language and tone that she complained about the BBC is silent.





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22 Responses to Must be a full moon

  1. Fedup2 says:

    Forgive me being first I’m on s different time zone again

    I thought i d have a look at Ms Soubry s constituency vote. Her political life may not survive past the next election – whenever that is. In 2015 she had a majority of 4000 over labour ( roughly 24000 against 20000. But UKIP got 5000 votes.

    In 2010 she got a majority of only 400 votes over labour – there was no UKIP – so she might feel she can burn brightly before being extinguished. Her current ‘other’ is on the board of Morrison’s so she s not short of a few bob and can afford politics as a hobby.

    She is – of course – a classic professional bubble dweller- grammar school – uni – journalist – politician . It will be a happy day when she loses her seat but she’s mad enough for a seat in the upper house of retired tax avoiders and expenses claimants
    Or a job on al Beeb to say they have a red Tory for ‘balance’.


  2. theisland says:

    It is obvious which members of the the Commons and Lords (and beyond) are mentally unstable, and they are all Remoaners who are regularly and disproportionately invited on to the controlled media spewing their spoon-fed ‘opinions’ posing as ‘evidence’.


  3. MarkyMark says:

    I have emailed Anna Soubry if she pays for the FULL BBC TV License (TV TAX Paid Under Threat of Prison). No reply yet …

    … also, do you think the presenters get expenses to buy clothes and outfits? Do women get more? Do BBC presenters get to keep their outfits bought on expenses (if that is the case)?


  4. Fedup2 says:

    Marky ,
    I think you’ll find they claim their tv licences for their various homes as expenses- some of which are publicly declared .


  5. Fedup2 says:

    She claimed £203 000 last year including the TV licence. It’s all on the www.

    I recckon she costs the taxpayer at least half a million a year – then add the appearance money for tv .
    I haven’t looked at her company involvement or from ‘supporters’ in the EU but they are all on alt income .

    As far as the presenters are concerned I think you ll find the work clothing can be recovered from the tax bill for paye and if they avoid tax through dividend payments to themselves they can deduct that from tax on profits. The dimbly s, paxo and the like are on production companies avoiding tax so they’ll do it no doubt. There is no morality in tax.


  6. Jerry Owen says:

    Do we have transcipts of these death threats to her office , or do we just take her word for it ?


    • Fedup2 says:


      The Current labour PM gets back Saturday. Gets told of “no confidence “ move over the weekend

      Is gone by the end of Tuesday . Conservatives unable to agree new leader

      Mcdonald Corbin call and get a general election by the end of the week

      Election is effectively another referendum. Labour go “remain” and win working majority .

      Al beeb snipe ing all the way .

      Some one tell me I’m talking rubbish


      • Lefty Wright says:

        Good God man stop waving that white flag. We’re not done for yet!


        • Fedup2 says:

          Lefty – I’m naturally pessimistic and don’t wish for this . I want out of the reich in the same way JRM describes .

          But the PM is unable to grip things and going abroad smacks of disconnection from what is going on – however laudable drumming up business is .


          • Up2snuff says:

            Fed, think you may be naturally muddled as well as pessimistic. If Corbyn gets replaced by Starmer would that not really crystallize Theresa May’s position on the EU? For the better?

            Or did you mean Conservative leader here > “The Current labour PM gets back Saturday.” ?


      • fakenewswatcher says:

        Fedup: I’m still puzzled by something. Bewitched, bothered and bewildered.
        Political discourse always suggests that if May goes, there will have to be a General Election. Why?
        When Blair decided to hand over the reins to Gordon, nobody yelled ‘election’. Labour ruled; end of. (And boy, did they rule. but that is another story!)
        Can’t see any reason why she shouldn’t quietly hand over to …well…someone like JRM. Or has something changed? (This would have the additional benefit that we would have someone at the helm, who actually believes in THE project of the hour.)


        • Fedup2 says:

          Fake ,
          The screams from remainers on both sides about “ legitimacy” during the approach to the biggest political event since 1972/3? would – I think be pretty loud – the media Would scream even louder as they would see it as a last desperate to reverse our escape .

          It’s a shame too that she has the charisma and sense of humour of Gordon Brown


          • Up2snuff says:

            Agree with you here, Fed, but technically, legally, there would be no need for a GE.

            The NHS ‘situation’ and the MoD ‘situation’ would provide leverage for some of the media to call for a GE.


    • Guest Who says:

      Like BBC FOI requests, one imagines they are ‘exempted’, and hence open to being used, or abused, as required.


  7. fakenewswatcher says:

    Fedup: I would say ‘let them scream, that’s the way the system works’.
    However, I could imagine a ghastly scenario (Ghastly as in Gordon):
    i) The media WILL kick up a fuss; I can see certain beeb presenters frothing at the mouth;
    ii) the enemy within: can see the likes of Soubry doing something treacherous; so we have to do some sums/speculating
    iii) the forces of Law and Order can no longer be expected to enforce Law and Order, or can they?


    • Jagman84 says:

      I’ll raise you Gina Miller. I’m sure she could find a few more pennies down the back of the sofa to cause more mischief.


  8. Guest Who says:

    On the plus side, state security budgets seem to be more easily redirected from Lord Tone, Laura ‘not clear what is going on here’ K and Nick ‘Cathy Newman Wannabe’ Robinson to JRM, now the BBC has chosen sides and opted to PR for the black hoodies.


  9. tarien says:

    Why give this rather vain self opinionated sad woman any publicity at all. She has nothing of real interest to say that can be considered of help to this disturbed nation other than to listen to the sound of her own voice. Goodness is there a Mr Soubry?


  10. Fedup2 says:

    Yes her sig other ( divorced I think ) is a director of Morrison’s supermarket. A brave man indeed. And def in need of ear plugs with that loon about.