563 Responses to START THE WEEK OPEN THREAD…..

  1. gaxvil says:

    When did the West become a bunch of whining, ever so precious, miserable, tits?
    At least that is the impression promoted by the media who really need to consider adopting a bit of positive mental attitude.
    I know that suggestion would leave very many, offended, outraged and traumatised though.


  2. TonyR says:

    BBC news in not necessarily untruthful, but it is very far from balanced.
    The BBC news report (11/07/2017) on Mrs May’s G20 Statement to Parliament, gave a thirty-second clip of Corbyn’s reply; a couple of 4-second clips from Tory MPs who referenced Mrs May’s plea for some level of cross-party participation, edited to make them sound like criticisms of the Prime Minister; but not one second was shown of Mrs May’s Statement.
    Today (12/07/2017), in an unnecessary report on Grenfell Tower which merely repeated what the public had been told two weeks ago, that it would Christmas before the finger-tip search of Grenfell Tower was complete, the report included the bland statement that ‘After four weeks, hundreds of survivors are still living in hotels.’ Now, local lawyers were correct, in advising survivors to insist on staying in hotels, where their accommodation and food is paid for, rather than accept so-called temporary accommodation; but the BBC should have said ‘After four weeks, hundreds of survivors still choose to live in hotels until permanent accommodation becomes available.’


    • MarkyMark says:

      Words, words, words … this is not ‘all Grenfell survivors’ – ‘hundreds of survivors (no figure given I assume)’.
      Have some survivors got permanent accommodation now? How many? If 30% have got new accommodation then things are moving in the right direction. Surely!


      After four weeks, X survivors still choose to live in hotels until permanent accommodation becomes available. Y now have accommodation, including families that have been given Amnesty and a £5K payout from the tax payers purse, no questions asked.


  3. JimS says:

    Not the BBC but..

    I see that the anti-racist racists in London are having a festival this November at which:

    “We will celebrate all the brilliant punx descended (through one or both parents) from the original inhabitants of Africa, the Caribbean, Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, Australasia, North America, and the islands of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Ocean.”

    In their inclusive, non-racist way I guess that means everyone who isn’t European. Fortunately(?) Britain, as an island of the Atlantic must be included, but then, as every BBC drama since 1960 has told us, ‘Britain has always been black’!

    The website where I found this celebration of exclusivity is full of ‘love’, unless you are one of those ‘haters’ who voted for Brexit, in which case it is FU and worse. Don’t these people possess a mirror?


    • gaxvil says:

      I worry my kids will grow up feeling short changed. They’re not, black, ethnic, gay, trans, Muslim, deprived.


      • Kaiser says:

        You’ve let them down there Gax

        the only choices you’ve left them is to be snowflake libtards or facists


      • JimS says:

        Using the Justin(e) Trudeau philosophy your children are intrinisically inferior to immigrants, ‘who chose to become British’.

        If you inherited your house from your parents then you would be a lesser person than someone who ‘chose’ to nick it from you!


      • Grant says:


        That is exactly why I adopted a black African girl !!! Me, smug ? You bet !


        • gaxvil says:

          Surely that is ‘cultural appropriation’.


          • Grant says:


            Ha ! I once had a discussion with a black American who accused me of being racist. I said that my wife and daughter are black Africans. ( that always annoys Afro-Americans because they feel that they are not the “real thing ” ). He replied ” that proves it ” ! And yet all young black African girls that I know want to marry a white man. Isn’t race complicated ?


    • TonyR says:

      I voted in 1975, against joining the EU, both because I did not want Britain to be part of the slow-coming United States of Europe (neither Churchill nor Robert Schuman, who fostered the USE project, imagined Britain would ever seek to join the ever-moving train towards the United States of Europe), and because I care passionately about the capacity for Britain to support the development of particularly the poorer nations of the British Commonwealth through trade rather than just aid. There was no racism on my agenda.


      • MarkyMark says:

        One Mr. Cameron (before the EU Referendum) agrees with you TonyR .. “..but I don’t want to be part of a Country called Europe. I want to be part of a Country called Great Britain.”
        – David Cameron on the David Letterman Show, USA, 6 May 2014


      • pertelote says:

        >TonyR I think you might mean you voted not to stay in the European Community (the Common Market) ?
        The question that was asked to the British electorate that was set out in the Act was:
        The Government has announced the results of the renegotiation of the United Kingdom’s terms of membership of the European Community.

        Do you think that the United Kingdom should stay in the European Community (the Common Market)?

        permitting a simple YES / NO answer (to be marked with a single (X)).


  4. Despairada says:

    On BBC Radio Cambridgeshire, about an hour ago, I caught some of a discussion about who should play the next Dr Who. There seemed to be general agreement that it must not be a white male. I think it was Paul Stainton who thought Lenny Henry would be ideal.

    Ye Gods and little fishes!


    • gaxvil says:

      Nadia surely?


    • JimS says:

      The obvious person to play the role would be a CGI William Hartnell – linking the past and the future like a true Time Lord, as opposed to a SJW or token.


      • MarkyMark says:

        Nadia “the Doctor” Who can Tardis into Mecca (bbc/The Hajj) with her Transgender-Apostate-Muslim-Non-Binary-Coloured-Gay sidekick and their pet pig Percy. Then the Tardis malfunctions due to a time distortion generated from a strange black rock that’s shaped like a ladies body part.

        They must now escape, knowing that it’s the Haji with 14 million visitors and non-Muslims aren’t allowed in Mecca.

        What will Nadia do? Will the sidekick wear the full face veil or learn the Shahadah in time to conform or will she say who she is, and stand her ground? What about Percy the pig?


    • Flexdream says:

      Why not a gay disabled black Dalek?


      • JimS says:

        Isn’t the chief dalek black? Aren’t all daleks disabled, (that’s why they have the tin cans)? All daleks appear to be ‘same-sex’ so I guess they are ‘gay’ too!

        Time to get rid of Doctor Who, he is so ‘Earthist’, if daleks want to come here they should be welcomed. Little Earthers like Doctor Who are xenophobic bigots.

        P.S. You missed out Muslim.


  5. MarkyMark says:

    BBC use N- word on their website – “Work in the fields?” Maher replied. “Senator, I’m a house nigger,” he said.

    Comedian Bill Maher apologises for racial slur on live TV {bbc.co.uk jun2017}

    “#BBCtrending: Is it ever OK to use the n-word?”
    “…I don’t think anyone, black, white, coloured, asian, any colour, any race should be using that word (equal law, yeah!) …”@1:07 {bbc.co.uk}
    – but what happens when I go and ask for a book called “Nigger by Dick Gregory“?

    p.s. if you want to search a site via google’s search engine (i.e. only search for result on the site stated):
    site:biasedbbc.tv nigger
    site:bbc.co.uk nigger
    site:bbc.co.uk fake news

    Found this … possibly the future for spreading fake news (undermined the “prestige” of the Bahrain Kingdom)
    Bahrain: Activist Nabeel Rajab jailed for ‘fake news’
    ‘Human rights defender Nabeel Rajab has been sentenced to two years in prison in Bahrain for “broadcasting fake news”.
    A court ruled that he had undermined the “prestige” of the kingdom, the state news agency reports.

    The hearing for the Twitter case has been postponed multiple times and the Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy says he faces 15 years if convicted.’


    • Roland Deschain says:


    • Grant says:


      Posted earlier but black Americans call each other “Nigga ” frequently .


      • TonyR says:

        Black youths in Essex frequently refer to their friends as n****r, as a term of affection. As a white male, I have responded sarcastically to a group of drunken black men, friends of mine, who were singing badly: ‘I thought you n****rs were supposed to have a sense of rhythm,’ I said. I accept this is racist by definition, but it was not abusive, or socially racist because I said it with affection and respect.
        Words themselves are neutral. N****r, which is a synonym for black, is no more racist than the word black itself. People at large are sensitive to the word because of all those American films in which we heard the word spat out in a contemptuous tone by white men with a southern-state accent.
        There is some comic value in the notion of a black face peering from a pile of white firewood, but I agree that white folk should avoid using the N-word.


        • Rob in Cheshire says:

          The word “nigger” never had the sort of racist overtones in Britain that it had in the USA. That is why Guy Gibson called his dog “Nigger”, something I doubt any American in the 1940s would have done. I have seen adverts from British magazines from the 1950s and 60s using terms such as “nigger brown” for a coat or for shoe polish. In Britain, it was just a word, until the 1970s I should say, when we started to adopt American attitudes towards race, along with mass immigration.

          I remember in the 1980s I heard a guest on the “Today” programme use the phrase “nigger in the woodpile”. There was no media uproar, but I did think that that would be the last time I heard it. Clearly, in reaching for a word, this MP just used a phrase from her childhood. She meant no harm, and was in no way acting in a racist manner. In any civilized society, an apology on her part would suffice, but in the febrile race politics of modern Britain, it seems she is to be a sacrificial lamb. They will be blaming her for the Grenfell fire next.


  6. theisland says:


    • Grant says:


      Who elected that Dago ? He should keep his mouth shut unless he wants to stand for election. Our Queen has more dignity.


    • gb123 says:

      Dear Phil, Please read the Treaty of Utrecht. It is in English, Spanish and Latin so one language should get through.
      Here is an extract:
      “The Catholic King does hereby, for himself, his heirs and successors, yield to the Crown of Great Britain the full and entire propriety of the town and castle of Gibraltar, together with the port, fortifications, and forts thereunto belonging; and he gives up the said propriety to be held and enjoyed absolutely with all manner of right for ever, without any exception or impediment whatsoever. “


      • Grant says:


        And , of course, the Spanish would never breach a Treaty would they. I hope Bojo gives Phil a broadside, so to speak ! Piss off, Dago !!


  7. joeadamsmith says:

    I await the reporting on this from our illustrious Ministry of Truth: http://greece.greekreporter.com/2017/07/10/clashes-erupt-between-greek-police-and-migrants-in-lesvos-camp-video/


  8. Alicia Sinclair says:

    As England Expects says above, Mishal Husain was on top form this morning.
    She harangued the incoming Tory leader of Kensington and Chelsea for never having visited the top floor of Grenfell Towers before the fire-so why has she the right now to speak about it? A first for me this one.
    Mishal and her tribe may WELL have strung out their washing between the tower blocks up until recently-but I rather think she`ll never have set foot in a tower block either. Doesn`t stop HER spouting on about council house tenants being ignored by the Tories though does it?
    Utterly breathtaking hypocrisy from the pampered Freisler Left-what on earth gives Mishal Husain the right to check on tower block visits as a benchmark for leading a council.
    One that I presume she`s been elected to, one that she led in charge of Childrens Services types of back coverings for OFSTED and Childrens Commissioners as left us by Labour.
    And Husain passes on that Sadiq reckons that all Tories like this one in Kensington are “tainted” by the fire and have no authority, simply a role to say sorry to Mishal. How long has Sadiq been a Labour MP then-and what role does HE have in all of this?
    Isn`t Labours new MP there something big in Kensington Housing as well?
    But our Tory missed all these chances to stuff the BBC and Labour live on air…and Husain can claim her free falafels at Bethnal Green 4 Shairas tent this weekend.
    The BBC have given up-when will the Tories fight back?


  9. taffman says:

    “UK unemployment drops to 1.49m”
    Despite BREXIT !


    • gb123 says:

      Despite Brexit. Translation: Despite the BBC, FT, Sky , Soros, Miller etc. etc. burbling on with negative bovine excrement ad infinitum.


  10. taffman says:

    “Giant iceberg splits from Antarctic”
    More Global Warming despite Brexit ?


  11. StewGreen says:

    Times : Museums and the BBC should be used to promote a “global Britain” after Brexit, a report urges today.


  12. MarkyMark says:

    “…we want to be generous but we can’t be suicidal.” {Douglas Murray / The Strange Death of Europe / youtube link}

    I would add ” … or else there will be no-one who can be generous. Will China (totalitarian,population replacement see Tibet/Africa), North Korea (totalitarian,big army, poor people), Russia (totalitarian, aggressive), Iran (Religion before women/people), Saudi Arabia (Royal family/religion before women/people) step forward?”


  13. StewGreen says:

    I imagine a march of 40 million ppl all whistling at EU and Barnier.
    Colonel Bogey ?


  14. Alicia Sinclair says:

    Who else remembers Trump getting jeered at by the MSM/Fake News Puppets a few months ago, as he said that he`d be getting rid of ISIS?
    Unrealistic, fantasyland and deluded.
    Today Mosul is cleared of IS thanks to Trump, the Russians and the Iraqi Army under US auspices, as well as the Russians too I`m sure.
    But no credit given to Trump, Tillerson, Gorka for any of this seismic triumph.
    Just the usual keyboard warriors of Amnesty International telling the BBC that civilians may well have been hurt or even killed.
    Oh fearless Amnesty-frontline heroes all. No doubt Phil Shiner and Leigh Day are already dropping compo cards from a hired drone-Orla Guerin or such.
    The first key battles have been won by Trump,backed by Arab allies and the Russians-is there anybody who thinks that Hillarybama would have done other but hog tie us for Islamic rule?
    The BBC and Amnesty will of course not do so-but thank you Mr President.


  15. StewGreen says:

    #WeNeedUnbiasedMedia hashtag is trending in Pakistan


  16. StewGreen says:

    4:30pm on @BBCRadio4 Media Show : Andrea instead of Amol : @acatherwoodnews
    – robot reporters,
    PA Editor-in-Chief & @alrenwick66 on their new Google backed automated news
    Beeboids ?

    – David Abraham of @Channel4News CEO talks advertising recession, C4 relocation & Bake Off



  17. G says:

    I see this years Proms start on BBC this coming Friday.
    Question: If the muslims demand that the Proms cease forthwith as music is haram, would it be a direct Hate Crime to ignore their religious sensitivities?


    • Grant says:


      Everything to do with Islam is a farce. I lived in Turkey and there is music everywhere, not sure about now. Even in their most religious city, Konya, they play music. Mind you they don’t play it at prayer time but start again immediately after. But don’t expect the morons at the BBC to understand. In their tiny minds, Islam is monolithic, just like the BBC.


    • gaxvil says:

      That’s it though, MSM and the Lefty loons have this constant mental conflict going on e.g.: love Islam but love gays, hate all things British but the Proms celebrates things British – it does not compute, they are unable to resolve it and that results in total derangement syndrome.


      • Grant says:

        Perfect summing up. They cannot reconcile the contradictions in their tiny minds. Hence the sadness and lack of sense of humour. Pathetic.


      • G says:

        The current antics of the islamists in the UK is merely a precursor of the equal zeal they will apply when they are in a position of control. Just as in Saudi where most of their finance comes from. Stands to reason the Saudi’s will want to see a return on their investment.


        • Grant says:


          Spot on. It is Jihad, it is in the Koran, so why should anyone doubt it ?


  18. StewGreen says:

    Times : Roger Boyes praises Hungary’s approach.


  19. Thoughtful says:

    Breaking news maybe on the BBC because it’s in the Guardian.

    Our political puppet masters are a bit pissed that not only has the Henry Jackson Foundation found that they are sponsoring Islamic terrorism in the UK, but it now appears that the Home Office has found the same too. So like the good lapdog Amber Rudd has decided the best solution is to hush the report up by banning its publication on the grounds of ‘security’.


    Rudd suppresses report on extremist funding ‘for security reasons’

    Home secretary releases only basic findings and does not name any country suspected of financing jihadist groups

    As might be expected the suspected paymasters behind the government politicos, Saudi Arabia have not even been mentioned by Mrs Rudd.

    Caroline Lucas, the Green co-leader, who has campaigned for the report to be published, said the refusal to do so and the “utterly vague statement” in its place was unacceptable.

    She said: “The statement gives absolutely no clue as to which countries foreign funding for extremism originates from – leaving the government open to further allegations of refusing to expose the role of Saudi Arabian money in terrorism in the UK.

    The Liberal Democrat leader, Tim Farron, said the decision to not publish the report was “utterly shameful”.

    He said: “We cannot tackle the root causes of terrorism in the UK without full disclosure of the states and institutions that fund extremism in our country.

    “Instead of supporting the perpetrators of these vile ideologies, the government should be naming and shaming them – including so-called allies like Saudi Arabia and Qatar if need be.”

    In response, Rudd’s statement said the government would seek to raise awareness “to encourage people to understand the full aims of the organisations that they give to”, and alert the financial services industry about extremism concerns.

    It said: “These organisations have an interest in ensuring they are not inadvertently supporting extremist individuals or organisations.”

    Or in other words the government would do nothing which might prejudice all that lovely oil money they are hoping to receive once they leave office !


    • StewGreen says:

      Rudd’s useless
      But if Caroline Lucas and Tim Farron are FOR something then the logical policy is usually the opposite.


      • Grant says:


        It is incredible that someone like Rudd with such a dodgy business background can be a Government Minister. On the other hand, maybe that is a prerequisite !


  20. MarkyMark says:

    UK extremists ‘funded by small donations’, says report (by uk gov) {bbc jul2017}
    “Islamist extremist organisations (what is the definition or list of these?) in the UK receive hundreds of thousands of pounds a year, in the form of small, anonymous British-based donations, a long-awaited report has concluded….At no point does the summary refer to Saudi Arabia or any other country that has been accused of funding extremism in the UK.”

    – in summary, it cannot be tracked.
    – what about Sharia bonds?
    Five Whitehall buildings held by wealthy businessmen now operating under Sharia rules (including a ban on alcohol)
    Cameron admits Saudi Arabia funds extremist schools – so why are they still our allies? {express jan2016}
    what about welfare payments to terrorists – are these the small, anonymous British-based donations? Can I stop paying NI as not to pay for terrorists like Khalid Masood and Anjem Choudary

    “To ask Her Majesty’s Government, in the light of reports by the BBC’s Panorama programme in 2010 that approximately 5,000 pupils in the UK are being taught the Saudi national curriculum, what action has been taken to ensure that school text books originating in Saudi Arabia which propagate hate speech and religious intolerance are not being used in schools, clubs and weekend schools in the UK. ”
    “Ofsted have not found any evidence of the text books referred to in the programme being used in schools that they have inspected.” – uk government’s response
    {theyworkforyou 05Dec2016}

    “In a written response to the findings, the Saudi ambassador to the UK said the teachings were not endorsed by the Saudi embassy.” – Saudi Arabia’s response – {guardian nov2010}

    “It claims (BBC Panorama) to have found 5,000 Muslim schoolchildren being taught that some Jews are transformed into pigs and apes and that the penalty for gay sex is execution. Some textbooks are said to teach the correct way to chop off the hands and feet of thieves. A spokesman for the programme said the pupils, aged six to 18, attend a network of more than 40 weekend schools across the country which teach the Saudi national curriculum to Muslim children.” – {guardian nov2010}

    Remember when the BBC actually chased the story …
    …birthdays, remember, are the practices of disbelievers and immoral people. {bbc panorama video 2010}” @8:33
    … the books (supposed to originate from London) turn out to be the Saudi Official National Curriculum. {bbc panorama video 2010}” @22:13

    Amber Rudd, are schools teaching “Islamist extremist material” being tracked?
    A DEGREE OF INFLUENCE: The funding of strategically important subjects in UK universities
    “What is noticeable from the research undertaken in this report is the disparity
    in the levels of funding from the countries studied. There are huge amounts
    of cash currently being donated by Arab and Islamic sources (University of Cambridge / £1.2m / UAE / Appointment of a full-time lecturer specialising in Islam / 1996), and this has undoubtedly
    led to a degree of influence in the oversight of UK universities. China,
    however, while donating only a relatively small amount of cash, has managed
    to gain a disproportionate amount of influence in UK higher education via its
    Confucius Institutes. What is also clear is that, in terms of money donated, the
    likes of Japan and Russia do not appear to have the desire to influence higher
    education in the same way as China or certain countries in the Muslim world.”


    • StewGreen says:

      Jesus they just describe the BBC as “powerful examples of non-corruptibility”
      The arrogance of that statement.
      Social media shows dozens of people hourly complaining about BBC & charter breaking.
      And FFS the British Council is NOT a nice organisation, it’s a kind of mafia operation
      selling over-priced poxy British university courses to foreigners
      many of whom got their wealth from corruption etc.
      Not that their staff and teachers are evil..the English classes are a portal into marketing the fake dream of a British university education.
      In many developing countries it’s the nature that a lot of the people who have the spare wealth to pay for such British university education got their wealth from corruption etc.


  21. haleys comet says:

    News item in today’s Telegraph
    “Britain should direct millions of pounds of foreign aid to fund the BBC ,.universities and museums to increase the Government’s “soft power”after Brexit ” a think tank has said.
    ResPublica ..the culprit has claimed.
    Before digital radio came on the scene I listened to the BBC,s Worlds Wosrt Service
    It was a travel agency from all and sundry throughout the four corners of the world to come to the UK.
    Surprised they did not send brochures to all listeners
    Philip Blond added”Soft power means bringing together diplomacy,cultural relations and national interest in a way which turns away from relying solely on military intervention and humanitarian aid and instead provides a more holistic way to promote our values and help each other”
    So there you have it
    Your caring sharing co op…The BBC


    • MarkyMark says:

      With ‘soft’ power comes great responsibility? Or people/Countries can just ignore you and turn the transmission off.

      China moves to block internet VPNs from 2018 {theguardian jul2017}
      Millions of people use the technology to circumvent China’s censorship system, known as the Great Firewall
      “China will completely block access to much of the global internet (and BBC’s unbiased news) as part of a sweeping crackdown aimed at suppressing dissent and maintaining the Communist party’s grip on power.”


    • Grant says:


      I have never heard of Philip Blond but he is clearly a master of bullshit !


      • StewGreen says:

        reply from Jamie Angus Deputy Director, BBC World Service Group
        & Editorial Director BBC Global News Ltd


        • Grant says:


          Does no-one teach these morons proper english ?


        • Alicia Sinclair says:

          Battered wife syndrome from all Tories these days.
          If ANYBODY thinks the BBC are anything but Stalins Minaret showpony, then they`re dim…dhim and dhimmi even more so.


      • StewGreen says:

        in 2016 someone described him as a nutter

        Blonds second to last tweet was a puerile sneer at Trump/Putin
        Seems he’s the normal LibSupremacist
        (ha his 3rd to last last tweet is actually a a literal praise for “Liberlism”)


        • StewGreen says:

          Jesus they just describe the BBC as “powerful examples of non-corruptibility”
          The arrogance of that statement.
          Social media shows dozens of people hourly complaining about BBC & charter breaking.
          And FFS the British Council is NOT a nice organisation, it’s a kind of mafia operation
          selling over-priced poxy British university courses to foreigners
          many of whom got their wealth from corruption etc.
          Not that their staff and teachers are evil..the English classes are a portal into marketing the fake dream of a British university education.
          In many developing countries it’s the nature that a lot of the people who have the spare wealth to pay for such British university education got their wealth from corruption etc.

          (reposted cos I first put it in wrong place)


  22. Jerry Owen says:

    Watched ‘In the dark’ on BBC1 last night ( only because my wife wanted to! ). Still I thought, let’s see the agendas in it. And yup, agendas agogo. The lead police officer is female.. and pregnant, and the very first scene is her chasing a criminal at full tilt, clearly if you are pregnant you can still run like Steve Ovett!
    The Super Intendant in control of the whole enquiry is black, the Judge was a black female. The victims were girls.
    The accused is a white male.. well at least they can still get a bit part!
    After that I channel hopped to BBC only to see set in the fifties two men about to kiss. This was a preview to a programme in the run up to BBC2’s GAY season!
    Jeez and the left deny the BBC is biased toward liberal causes!


    • BRISSLES says:

      JO………………………. The accused is a white male.. well at least they can still get a bit part!
      Love it !

      Have to agree with you, I spotted all the tick boxes immediately – as no doubt did the rest of the population; and with all due respect to our fellow forumites who are gay, I too tend to change channels when I see a couple of blokes having a snog.


  23. BRISSLES says:

    Once again the British press are in raptures about another ‘British’ sports person reaching the heights of greatness. Sorry, but I’d never heard of Jo Konta before seeing her face in the dailies. Apparently she’s British, so I thought it odd that I couldn’t recall her. Hmmmmmm, here we go again, nah ! sh’es only ‘British’ via her passport issued 3 years ago. She’s Australian via Hungarian parents. So what’s wrong with being Australian then ????? The Ozzies couldn’t be beaten at tennis a few decades ago, and now we’ve got one who wants to play under the Union Jack ! Someone please explain this to me.


    • Grant says:


      Jo Konta who ?


      • Roland Deschain says:

        More like Andy who?


      • BRISSLES says:

        Exactly !


        • Grant says:


          Seems funny who and who does not get UK visas and passports. Maybe Treezer can explain to us . Doesn’t seem to be much of a problem for wealthy Russians for example. I would almost be tempted to think that the immigration system is corrupt and unfair.


          • Oaknash says:


            I think another great British sportsman might be running into a spot of bother on the old drugs test front !

            Shame! I am sure he must be innocent as he is definitely the wrong colour and background to be guilty!


            • BRISSLES says:

              Oaky, that’s very interesting.
              Shame that the honours committee rush into handing out knighthoods like confetti to these sports stars, aka Mo Farrer and Bradley Wiggins, then months later the whispers of scandal start circulating. Fortunately the whispers fell on not-so-deaf ears when Beckham was put forward and thank the lordy he was thwarted !!!!

              Its called the Strictly curse when competitors relationships fall apart, so maybe awarding a K to overpublicized sport stars has the same effect.


    • Pounce says:

      Brissels the answer lies in the term:
      Mary decked her


    • Richard Pinder says:

      Australians also play under the Union Jack in the Canton, but unlike that person from former British Somaliland. Australians are still loyal to the Queen.

      Would Lord Hall stand to attention and sing the Australian Royal anthem “God save the Queen” under a flag with a Union Jack in it? Never, you would have to fill in the four cantons with red paint first, and then change the words to “I save the BBC”.


  24. Pounce says:

    Anybody know know why the bBC didn’t report this little story regards a peaceful follower of Islam who was shot dead by those nasty white American Police.


    • Wild Bill says:

      It’s a wonder they never had ‘Muslim Lives Matter’ riots over there.


    • StewGreen says:

      Clothes looked a bit Islamic
      other that he was just a normal career criminal
      No evidence he was a Muslim…… seems


  25. EnglandExpects says:

    Interesting BBC tactic . Give the poor lady now leading K&C council a roasting on morning news for being too rich, never going up a tower block, not apologising for causing the fire ( so preempting the public inquiry ). Then giving the Emir plenty of publicity later for jumping on the bandwagon and scoring a few cheap points . A good days job for the Labour Party!
    But what precisely is the point of the Emir? Why can he grandstand and escape criticism? . What happened to the London Resilience Plan, his responsibility, by which he should have coordinated multi borough resources in a major disaster such as Grenfell. Meanwhile Dent Coad continues to evade scrutiny about her role and so skulks in the shadows other than criticising the chair of the inquiry, entirely without justification.


    • Wild Bill says:

      I am absolutely sick of hearing a the political point scoring from the bBBC and the Labour party over Grenfell.


      • Sluff says:

        It gets worse.
        On the bBBC Londonistan 1830 ‘news’, we had Rizla Teeth flagging the fourth week anniversary of the fire, how awful it is for people living in its shadow and then over to a feature with a local rap artist giving us all the benefit if his views. Absolutely no attempt whatever to take a
        dispassionate analytical view, just the unrelenting ‘how do you feel’ content free so-called news.
        We actually are compelled by the law to pay for this utter drivel.


      • Alicia Sinclair says:

        I too get cheesed off with the endless lies and cons over Grenfell. But any Tory SURELY ought to be sticking it to the Greens, the EU, the Labour MP there, Sadiq Khan, John Prescott and Tony Blair.
        ALL of these are far more culpable when it comes to how the councils got removed from housing management, how British standards of fire safety were abrogated by the EU directives and why the flats were cladded for energy vanity showcases, why the fridges had flammable coolant and not inert CFCs as of old.
        Oh-and why the flats were allowed to be overcrowded tinderboxes stuffed full of fly tipped mattresses and serial sublets under the watch of Labour and the Home Office of today.

        Is there ANY Tory alive in Parliament who will crush a Snow or a Husain, then terrify the liberal consenting adults in the Commons who dare to blame useless Tories for 80 dead people who hardly anyone knew were there…blame Labour for that Tories will you?
        THis is politics-if the Tories won`t fight , then our next election could be the last one without real violence, maybe the last one for some time too.


  26. Thoughtful says:

    Something said by Owen Jones doesn’t seem to have been picked up on here yet it is of great worry.

    Jones said in connection with the Tory MP ‘Nigger in the woodpile’ that the two other MPs which were with her, and did not object should also be suspended / sacked.

    Imagine that? A situation where you can lose your job not for actually doing something, but for not stopping someone else doing it!
    Currently there is no law which forces someone to intervene if they are witness to a criminal act, nor if they witness someone injured. The way Jones is thinking is utterly appalling that if people fail to intervene over issues him and his fellow Fascists find unacceptable there are serious potential consequences.


  27. StewGreen says:

    What’s with BBC friends getting free presenter jobs ?
    Now Adil Tay (Mr Khan) is doing a Grenfell slot on watchdog. (about fake online donation sites)
    And yesterday Jack Munroe was acting as a sounding board for the museum expert to speak to in R4 Making History.


  28. StewGreen says:

    Luvvie watch – Het Steve Coogan, surely it’s immoral to use children in your austerity protests ?
    RT also just a long seg with him in front of 10 Downing Street

    Their prior video is about anti-Muslim attacks and Palestine


    • Grant says:


      Hope he is not introducing the kids to cocaine and prostitutes. Maybe he is just introducing himself to the kids in a sort of “BBC way ” ?


    • Alicia Sinclair says:

      I did wonder about all these primary kids getting taken out for the day, and led around by ex cokehead and sex addict Coogan.
      How did they get permission for all these kids to miss a days school then?
      Should we not be prosecuting the parents for unauthorised absences?


      • pertelote says:


        We can reveal that 40-year-old Coogan…

        SPENDS a fortune on #200-a-time vice girls.

        BOOKS up to THREE hookers a time to pleasure him.

        BUYS Viagra to keep him going for up to FIVE HOURS.

        EVEN SNORTED coke with the roly-poly brothel madam.

        QUEUES with other punters for sex and doesn’t care that they recognise him as one of Britain’s top comics.

        A close friend said: “It’s a peculiar existence for a famous comedian, but Steve has never been conventional. He does indulge himself”

        Womanising millionaire Coogan, who was been exposed by The People for cavorting with two lapdancers two years ago, delved once more into the world of vice and illegal drugs last month.

        The Ferrari-driving funnyman spent the early hours of April 21 at the top London lapdancing club Sophisticats in Mayfair.

        He downed drinks surrounded by scantily-clad girls and paid #20 a time for naked dances until the early hours of the morning.

        But after leaving the club at about 4am, randy Coogan then searched for hookers.

        He visited one of the West End’s red-light areas before leaving because he was unhappy with the “quality of girls” on offer.

        Coogan then caught a taxi to a notorious brothel off Regent Street where he was greeted by the establishment’s chubby Afro-Carribbean madam.

        A close friend said: “Steve loves these kind of girls. Sometimes he just can’t stop.

        “His appetite just takes over him. Steve can be driven by sex.

        “He tries to stop himself from giving in for a few weeks and then he goes on a bender with these girls and ends up spending a fortune. He can’t help himself.”

        Coogan stayed at the busy sex den for two hours and paid a pretty Eastern European blonde for sex.

        He was ushered into a room where the hooker entertains punters on a mattress for between #150 and #200 a time.

        The friend said: “All the girls know him there and he has sparked up a bizarre relationship with the madam as well.

        “He turns up and sits there talking with her for hours and even snorted cocaine with her from one of the coffee tables. Then he waits for whatever girl he has picked to finish with another client and then goes with her.

        “It is just such a bizarre scene because he waits with other clients in the lounge and a lot of the men there know who he is.

        “He doesn’t seem to care that he is spotted.”

        Two weeks ago Coogan enjoyed his sex session with the blonde then sneaked back at 7am to the Soho House Hotel where he was staying.

        He slept until noon but still looked worn out when he emerged.

        But Coogan’s appetite for vice has found him once staying nights at the brothel when he couldn’t be bothered to return to his hotel.

        A friend said: “He buys cocaine at #50 a wrap on his way to the brothel and also picks up tablets of Viagra at #10 a time before seeing the girls.

        “He says he needs it to keep him going all night.

        “Steve gets into a routine, he visits lapdancing clubs until the early hours and then leaves to go to the brothel and then stays until da “Once he slepy the whole night there and crashed with the hook because he is so tired.

        “It is a bizarre existence for one of Britain’s biggest comics.

        “Steve has been to this brothel at least four or five times in the last few months and he kee going.

        “One night he booked two girls at once for #400 at the brothel and then wasn’t even satisified when he had finished with them.

        “He was so desperate for more sex that he had to go out to a cashpoint and get more money to pay for a third hooker afterwards.

        “Steve didn’t finish till about 4 or 5am and then’ slept over at the brothel until 10am the next morning.

        “He left the brothel with the rest of the girls when they fin ished their.” Coogan has a reputation or wild excess and was re-ported last year to have omped with Courtney Love, the notoriously wild widow of rock end Kurt Cobain.

        She is rumoured to be pregnant with Coogan’s child, hich he denies.

        Last year his 18-month marriage to society beauty Caroline Hick-man collapsed after he spent the night with a pair of lapdancers. The People revealed in April 2004 how he met 22-year-old Joanne Young and Jenny Ryan, 23, in London’s Embassy Club following a harity performance at the Royal Albert Hall. They ended up in a hotel room where he repeated the famous Partridge catchphrases “A-ha” and “Back of the net” while he spanked one of the girls.

        The catalogue of indiscretions, began after he met Anna Cole, a 35-year-old solicitor, in 1992.

        The couple were together for four turbulent years.

        But by the time their relationship finally ended randy Coogan had already added at least three more notches to his bedpost.

        First there was gorgeous topless model Nancy Sorrell – now married to comic Vic Reeves.

        She told how during theirromance wild Coogan flung #5,000 in #10 notes on a bed and ordered her: “Lie on them. Go on, lie on them.”

        Then there was sexy dancer Susan Acteson and record company worker Katerina Russell – the latter while Miss Cole was pregnant with their daughter.

        Coogan was so worried he was addicted to sex tha he sought counselling from a psychotherapist priest.

        During his brief fling with rock chick Courtney he reportedly filled their hotel room with sex toys and V and wanted a hooker to join them.

        Talented Coogan – who has earned over #10 million in his career to date – now spends a lot of time in Los Angeles pursuing a mo career.

        He reportedl earned #3 million for playing Phileas Fogg in Around The World In Eighty Days.

        A source said: “Perhaps that should be r Around The Brothel In Eighty Lays.”

        Last night Coogan said:

        “I’ve no comment to make.”

        Personally, IMO, and on the basis of the above.. and what I have read elsewhere..
        I WOULDN’T WANT THIS ER..”CHARACTER” ( I am trying to be be polite) WITHIN A COUNTRY MILE OF MY KIDS!!


  29. Alicia Sinclair says:

    Channel 4 are beyond parody aren`t they? They followed up the Trump Junior nothing burger with that Muslim headscarf accusing a Tory of being the REAL source of attacks on MPs by criticising Miss Dianne Abbott.
    So Momentum are perfectly entitled to carve swastikas on your doors Tory Jewish types.
    Let`s hope now that CORBYN gets hauled over the coals now for sacking Abbott before the poll.
    That surely is a hate crime and marginalising the dumb, the innumerate as well as the hypochondriac in need of a sick note.
    Did note one thing-an American getting shot at by Channel 4 says that this Russian witch hunt will soon be getting sourced and teased out from Londons involvement in derailing Trump the candidate. That`ll be fun…and Channel 4 and the BBC hopefully will be rumbled as the liars and frauds that they are.


    • Dave S says:

      I have wondered if somehow we are involved in the pro Hilary campaign. It is highly likely in my opinion given the close contact between our progressive elite and the US one.
      I still think that President Trump has marked May’s card and much of what we see is window dressing. I never thought he seriously wanted to visit us given our elite’s hostility to everything he stands for. No point and anyway we are small potatoes.
      Macron has a cleanish slate and anyway is that French normaility – a pragmatic politician. As for Merkel she is even smaller potatoes.
      Poland and Hungary are important now as they hold the eastern border of the West and that is important.
      So is Russia.
      Who cares apart from us about this country now.? We had our chance and blew it. Thanks Guardian/BBC/C4 axis of idiocy. And a special big thank you to our academic and political class . Never knowingly under soldout.


  30. G.W.F. says:

    The bobbies are sharing BBC priorities, maybe the Government’s values too
    Looks to me like a defeated nation is having to adjust



  31. StewGreen says:

    BBC Look North : 700 CLANDESTINES were caught at 2 Humber ports in the last 3 years
    “It’s become a regular weekly thing”
    interesting new word there, not illegals, migrants but clandestines
    link to Look North story


  32. Deborah says:

    I am so fed up with Mark Easton doing his essays to camera in front of Grenfell Tower and calling them news. Apart from anything he sounds like Noggin the Nog. What they are not, is news and they should have no place in the 10pm BBC 1 programme. Another one tonight. How much more can the BBC keep Grenfell in the news?


    • MarkyMark says:

      If I go ‘undocumented’ driving in the UK is it legal or illegal?
      If I decide to have ‘undocumented’ car insurance is it legal or illegal?


  33. Pounce says:

    And how we laughed


  34. Pounce says:

    The other day the Radio Times came out with a story about a certain British Bake off winner opining about being a token Muslim. Everybody (media wise) copied her sob story and she gained huge publicity.
    Today she has a new cook book out which is based on a bBC programme.


    Funny that!


  35. Richard Pinder says:

    As for an analytical view, I was puzzled by why this disaster unlike all other disasters, does not report any missing presumed dead.

    So investigating the known facts, I found that there are at least 80 to 87 people found dead, but only 32 have been identified.
    The reason why there are no reports of any missing presumed dead for this disaster, as for instance, the Aberfan disaster. Is because there are no consistent records of who and who was entitled to live in the flats.
    Police say that housing records, the electoral roll and interviews with the 255 survivors bear scant relation to each other when trying to identify who lived in which flat. Some flats seem to have been illegally sub-let, others were occupied by guests of the official resident. Of the 158 homeless families, many seem to have been residents living in nearby buildings.
    The missing presumed dead issue does not arise because although a total of 73 people have been reported missing. Of those, 32 have been positively identified among the dead, leaving 41 who can not so far be identified among the remaining 48 to 55 people. The police are not sure if they are among the dead or on the run from the police. Some are said to have left the country. So we have a maximum of 41 missing presumed dead or on the run?


  36. Edward says:

    One of Africa’s best kept secrets – its history



    I’m not sure how the modern world relates to the ancient world, but the BBC seems to think that we should take a bow to Africa because we know very little of that continent.

    Let’s face it; we know even less about South American pyramids, so why focus on Africa?

    Don’t answer me, because you might get arrested for racism. In a nutshell, the BBC are – very openly – pushing a strong political agenda, and it needs to be stopped!

    As far as the BBC is concerned (since the 1970’s) we plebs need to be coerced into groupthink when it comes to “exotic” subjects. And we are not exotic – we are stupid British people lacking any kind of culture. We are not exotic.

    The only way for me to become exotic is to become a traveller. Pay no TV licence, pay no tax, and shit anywhere I like.

    Would that be good enough for the BBC?


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      There are indeed pyramids in the Sudan. The photograph used by the BBC shows the best ones, which are very small in comparison to the Egyptian ones. The vast majority are relatively crude structures, which the average person would not really recognise as pyramids per se. It is the paucity of civilisational achievement in Africa which makes such things interesting. But as Edward points out, the objective here is largely political rather than historical.
      I note that the Zeinab Badawi quotes “Hugh Trevor-Roper, widely regarded as one of Britain’s foremost historians”. That will be the same Hugh Trevor-Roper who authenticated the bogus Hitler diaries in 1983, presumably.


  37. TonyR says:

    Ms Morris’s ‘As well hidden as a black person in a woodpile’ quote.
    Not just BBC imbalance, but national imbalance. In England, young black men and women are rightly proud of their genetic heritage, are proud to be called black, are proud to be called n****r; are proud to call their black friends black; and proud to call them n****r. It is not a crime for a black youth to call their black friend n****r, for words in themselves are not inherently racially abusive.
    The tests for verbal racism are either: Is the word used in a racially abusive context? or Is the word likely to offend any fair-minded person?
    In Ms Morris’s case, she used the N-word in a long-established colloquial phrase that was simply comparing two opposites, a black face and pile of white wood. Although the phrase, like another offensive phrase ‘touched with the tar-brush’, may stem from Britain’s colonial past (with its some ‘good influences’ and many buts), Ms Morris did not have in her mind any black person when she used the fatal word. She did not use the word in a racially abusive context.
    But a single word can hurt. My mother had uncertain paternity, and was farmed out from one-month’s age. She spent her childhood having the word bastard spat at her. In her later years, in the 1960s the word bastard was widely used in daily speech as a careless adjunct; if someone tripped over, they were a ‘careless bastard’. No-one was offended, except my mother, who alternately wept and raged when she heard the word.
    The reason that I am using asterisks to spell n****r, is not only that I fear an electronic big brother might censor this post, but because I recognize that many older fair-minded black people are offended by THAT WORD OF ITSELF, in whatever context, perhaps because of the way we have heard the word spat out by southern-state-accented white men and women in American films. Ms Morris fails on this count alone, as must every black youth who uses that word when an older black person might hear.
    However, Ms Morris’s offence is a single instance of verbal negligence. I believe a fair judgement for this first offence should have been a verbal or written warning.
    The truth is that Ms Morris was suspended the Tory whip, not for what she said, but because a battered and bloodied party leader was punching wildly, in the face of a partial and bullying national media, whose behaviour is increasingly harming this nation’s democracy. In short, Ms Morris was sentenced by the BBC and the rest of the lets-beef-up-the-news brigade.
    It is TRIAL BY A PARTIAL MEDIA, and that is the crime against which we should rage.


  38. Guest Who says:

    To get around ‘analysis’ now looking shaky as cover for partial opinion in guise of ‘reporting’, the BBC has now found a new term; methinks.