Here we go, a new Open Thread for you to detail the bias. The BBC has become a prime cheerleader for Open Borders and the UK accepting as many “Syrian Refugees” as you can shake a stick at. Each morning we are presented with ever so cuddly tales of grateful smiling Mums and cute kids. Just don’t mention the vast number of fighting age men….anyway, the floor belongs to you.

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  1. Maturecheese says:

    Calling these vermin ‘Britons’ is an insult to me and my ancestors.


    • Grant says:

      Anyone traveling to these countries to fight or plotting terrorism should be stripped of their British nationality and , if possible, killed.


      • taffman says:

        They used to be known as Traitors !


        • Leha says:

          Will be interesting to see what ambulance-chasing firm of lawyers takes on the legal challenge to the termination of the two jehadi terrorists.


          • Mrs Kitty says:

            Expect PIL any minute, remember the fiasco over the non occurring torture and death in Iraq with the Battle of Danny Boy.


  2. Gunner says:

    Warning ! Weasels at 6 o’clock. The shock horror headline that drives “migrants’ off the top of the Al Beeb’s agenda ? Obviously the startling news that the RAF had used a drone to kill two ‘British’ terrorists in Syria. I say ‘startling’ because in ‘BBC World” we are not entitled to defend ourselves against external threats. And with regard to internal threat’s ? Well obviously there is no danger that any of the 18 year-old muslim “children ” coming from Syria & Iraq have had any prior connections with terrorist organisations, or indeed pose any threat to the citizens of this fair land.
    And the final icing on the 6 o’clock cake ? None other than that model of fair and balanced reporting, our wonderful new political editor Laura Keunssberg, suddenly changing tack and posing the question of how we will cope with an extra 20,000 folk when we already have annual net migration over 300,000. Pity she didn’t come up with that thought a few days ago….


    • chrisH says:

      Two “British lads” get zapped by a drone do they?
      About bloody time…these are now Islamic State “nationals”-and we`re at war with the scum, despite the BBC telling them that we love them, and crave a veil or a knife through the windpipe.
      File under WGAF…”Bin Laden 2011″…
      PS-when you hear that word “solidarity” from them all….you`re in the presence of Satans Little helpers in Common Purpose.
      The word died once Lech binned it in Gdansk…not that the BBC will remind us of how Communism git shafted with an outsize pencil.


      • Grimer says:

        It would be a hell of a lot cheaper if a transit van (double decker bus?) pulled up outside their extremist mosque and made them disappear. I expect that drone strike cost £millions.


  3. MrMeggo says:

    The time is fast approaching when we are going to have to fight these fuckers on our streets. It’s civil war. It’s not going to be in 10 years, 20 years, it’s going to be soon.


  4. Guest Who says:

    Shared earlier.

    Closed for comments at, well, blow me down, just before 5pm.

    I wonder what it was about this one they felt served as a fitting last thought…

    1243. Posted by Get Dave and George Out
    2 hours ago
    Funny how the Bitter-Anti BBC brigade use HYS ? The Tory’s always have hated the licence fee & just want to destroy the BEST broadcaster in the world, Americanise us with cheap dros, and bring our culture down to their profit hungry model. OK do away with the licence & fund the BBC by a levy on Sky, Amazon, Netflix etc, who probably avoid UK tax. Spiteful Osborne has got his fingers all over this.

    Jasmine… have they let you back in to play again?


  5. Thoughtful says:

    Teenager seriously injured after anti-Semitic attack

    Yet under the Fascist commissioner Tony Lloyd the religious and racial reasons for this attack have been kept secret. He has turned Greater Manchester Police into a Political Correctness Enforcement Squad, more interested in arresting old ladies for offending Muslims than arresting real criminals.

    For all those people thinking how wonderful a flood of Syrian migrants would be – stop and think of the consequences for the Jews !


  6. Rampage says:

    Having only digested the 10 minute migrant propaganda masquerading as news on Radio 4 this morning, I decided it would be best for my health if I avoided any further BBC output for the rest of the day. However, when I switched the telly on I found it was still on BBC1 and the One show was just showing an article showing how to register to a website where you can sign up to take a migrant or ten into your home.

    Suffice it to say the channel was changed in the time it takes to say b******s. How long till anybody with spare rooms is FORCED to take this human rubbish into their homes I wonder?


    • Mr A says:

      Just cancelled my TV License Direct debit. This is beyond bias. This is a treacherous organisation, and I do not use that word lightly. I’ll be damned if I’m going to fund its continuing lies.


    • Grimer says:

      If I’m forced to open the doors, the gas hob might get accidentally left on…


  7. shelly says:

    The one show leading with the migrants…..Two oddballs offering up their homes to illegals neither of them were diverse, it seems the countries muslims are not that keen on helping their fellow enrichers.

    Then they took to the streets of Cardiff for a quick vox pop, but the general public were not really on board with the beeb message. It was almost worth the watch.


  8. Number 88 says:

    Turning away from migration for a moment, here is another BBC favourite at work.

    You may wonder why the airhead Paloma Faith has been signed up as a judge on ‘The Voice’ (Actually you might not care – it’s an appalling programme – a poor man’s X-factor).

    This though gives you a clue. The moron was in Gibraltar last night and chose to greet the Gibraltarians with the salutation, ‘Hola España’. It didn’t go down well!

    The cretin excuses herself as having made a mistake…but listen to what the Telegraph reports: ‘she explained that she “doesn’t belong to any country” and adding, ‘the world needed greater understanding to break down borders and end conflicts’. Sweet.

    I don’t believe for a minute that it was a mistake and you can see why the BBC are attracted to her…he activism and those words are right out of the BBC songbook. And remember, this creature was part of the BBC’s ill judged Diamond Jubilee coverage when she was promoting her ‘Diamond Jubilee Sick bag’


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      She’s not that stupid. She’s half Spanish, and she was taking the piss. Nasty little bint who hates Britain, I can’t think what the BBC see in her.


    • Dave the rave says:

      This was the same cretin that had Owen Jones as a special guest on her tour earlier this year. The beeb love her


  9. Dazed and Confused says:

    Live on the BBC now…..No!….Wait!!


  10. Thoughtful says:

    Mum claims bailiff broke her wrist as she tried to stop him clamping car over TV licence debt


  11. Teddy Bear says:

    As this story shows, the BBC hegemonic agenda is primary in their goal. They see nothing wrong in reducing service to licence fee payers to fund it, and even pretend it will benefit us. Like encouraging more migrants and refugees to come here, regardless of the increased strain already put on our society. So long as we go along with the way Hall puts it, than we are not being some kind of ‘phobe’.

    Lord Hall also said that the BBC World expansion to ‘promote British values’ worldwide…
    That’s rich, as the BBC doesn’t even promote those values here.

    ‘Let me stress, this is not an expansionist BBC’ says Director General Tony Hall as he reveals plans to ‘expand’ into Middle East, Russia, Africa, North Korea and India… and guess who will pay for it


  12. Thoughtful says:

    The BBC doing all it can to debunk the photo of the Jihadi / ISIS fighter, next to his photo wearing a T Shirt saying ‘thank you’. According to the BBC he isn’t a danger Jihadi because ‘He says that he was a Free Syrian Army commander, and that before the civil war he worked as a plasterer in his home city of Aleppo.’

    Well that’s alright then, if says he is, well he must be right? Incidentally I am the Queen of Sheba and everyone in the BBC must bow in my presence. Anyone at the BBC got an issue with that or is it only Jihadis who get the benefit of the doubt?


    • Flexdream says:

      Even if true it doesn’t;
      1) mean there aren’t jihadists amongst the migrants
      2) explain why he has left fighting Assad/ISIS to come to Europe


    • Thatcherrevolutionary says:

      Strange there is no HYS beside this one as they frantically tow the ISIS line……………..


  13. Alex says:

    Really enjoying reading the posts on here at the moment; excellent standard of commentary on the middle class, west end coffee shop-frequenting, woolly jumper-wearing, Left-wing scum BBC. Keep it coming everyone. The BBC wants Britain and Europe to be an Islamic land; this is plain for all to see. However, sites such as this and my beloved British patriot brethren restore my faith in pitch forks, punch and judy shows, real ale, cider, country lanes, long-lost summer days playing in the fields, village pubs, village halls and fetes, beautiful looking women and cricket matches washed down with Henry Purcell and tales from the British Empire. Click LIKE if you love Britain, her history and culture and will never be ashamed to celebrate it!


  14. Jerry Owen says:

    I have been on holiday in Italyland for a week and haven’t kept up with the ‘news’ in Blighty ( blighted land ) on purpose that is deemed for us to either know about or care about. I did notice just on the odd occasion we ‘saw’ ( I speak no Italia) on Italian tv a bit of news in a bar etc that it was about assyl…..immigrants.
    Tonight ( returned last night ) I watched ‘South Today’ always a good programme to keep me up to speed on what I should be thinking. Tonight it revolved in part about how we should be actually personally taking these Syrian spong…people in, and feeding them etc.
    They found a very nice man who was actually ‘keeping’ one himself ( a sort of novel pet one thinks ) , the lovely female interviewer said that the Syrian didn’t want to be interviewed, in fact he didn’t want to be seen either in silhouette ( always a fav with ‘rape’ victims ). In fact we didn’t even see his lucky bedroom or his possessions which surely should have consisted of at least one teddy whatever his age. In fact we saw or heard of absolutely no evidence that this ‘asylum’ ( or bedroom ) seeker existed whatsoever.
    But the evidence came at the end, it was the evidence of a crisp tenner that the house owner could leave obtrusively sticking out of a pot without doing a disappearing act.
    So there we have it from the Beeb… take in an asylum seeker and you won’t know they are there, and they don’t like mint tenners! Perhaps it’s because I’ve been on holiday and still relaxed that I find this ST story hilarious, but more likely it is that the BBC really now lives in the realms of pure unadulterated fantasy.


  15. Steve Jones says:

    Here is a cunning little piece of propaganda by the BBC:
    They have obviously picked up on the widespread observation that many of these destitute illegals are carrying expensive mobile phones and are conducting a damage limitation exercise.
    A stinking organisation rotten to the core.


    • Aborigine Londoner says:

      Do they pay roaming charges when leaving the first country of safety or has Merkel told Europe to let them have it free?

      The BBC is on a full frontal attack: Migrant crisis: Why the Gulf states are not letting Syrians in

      This viral photo falsely claims to show an IS fighter posing as a refugee


      • Thoughtful says:

        “There is no precedent (not even the Palestinian exodus of 1948) that matches the scale of the demographic threat Syrian refugees pose to Gulf identity and social composition. And the Gulf states simply have no response to questions the Syrian refugee crisis poses.”

        What the BBC is saying here is that the Syrian migrants pose a threat to the way of life of the countries they go to. They also pose a very real threat to their culture as well, but rather than criticise them the BBC chooses to support them.

        The old definition used for racism was treatment different to that given to another on the grounds of race, by this definition the BBC must indeed be deeply deeply racist against their own people


        • johnnythefish says:

          There is no precedent (not even the Palestinian exodus of 1948) that matches the scale of the demographic threat Syrian refugees pose to Gulf identity and social composition.

          What a devious piece of work that is. The BBC never, ever mentions the full scale war waged by the Arabs against Israel in 1948 let alone the fact they rejected the formation of a new state of Palestine. Many Arabs chose to stay in Israel where they now enjoy full citizenship status unlike the refugees who opted to go to Jordan and other Arab states – they have no citizenship rights and are still classed as ‘refugees’. Not only that, successive generations are allowed to inherit this refugee status.

          Refugees throughout the world are allowed to integrate and apply for citizenship but not, uniquely, the ‘Palestinians’ – thanks to the UN. And we all know why.


    • Pollystuscanyvilla says:

      By the way the Oktoberfest is coming to Germany.

      Booze, blondes and pork sausages its enough to make a newly arrived ROPist very angry/excited indeed.

      Unfortunately German security it seems is jittery that there will be clashes between boozed up Germans celebrating their culture and the newly arrived “ungrateful” who just want to be destroy it.


  16. Pollystuscanyvilla says:

    Read the HYS on this BBC article titled “Have we changed our mind about asylum?”

    The comments are precious and brilliant. I thought it was written by contributors on this site but its average Joe in the street.

    The BBC has definitely been rumbled!


    • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

      Polly, while I agree with the high-rated comments, I’m afraid alibeeba has not been rumbled by the public.
      I cant explain why such common sense comments are high rated….and why? Because the vast majority of people I know still believe the ‘benign aunty’ image albeeb likes to push as its image.
      They vast majority are horrified if I suggest they are constantly consuming bullshit and propaganda from the beeb.
      Perhaps it is because those who take the trouble to go to a HYS item have enough nous and motivation to see the truth, but in this world in South West Wales, most still fall for the propaganda being fed to them.
      In fact, I’m sure some people think I need to be carted off by the men in white coats when I rant on about albeeb.
      I’m afraid there’s a long way to go yet.
      The tide will not turn just yet.


  17. Geoff says:

    When are the Government going to start taking notice of the people? The Gov petition is now on 100500, 40k in the last day. Despite their best pro immigration and comment massaging efforts, this is the Daily Mails latest poll.



  18. wronged says:

    I’ve just watched the Panorama programme on Jeremy Corbyn, it’s primary aim seemed to me, surprisingly, was let’s stick the knife into Jeremy.
    Is the reality of a non electable leader beginning to sink home prior to the Labour leadership vote being called on Saturday?

    Also, if this is the BBC position, I am puzzled as to why they broadcast this Panorama programme so close to the final count on Saturday, (why not two weeks ago), when most votes I would presume have already been sent in?

    A final point I would like to ask is as follows-
    If Jeremy isn’t the preferred choice in the BBC who is and why?

    Over to you.


    • Pollystuscanyvilla says:

      Ah the glorious 12th…

      Most votes have been cast. But many have not. The BeeB I suspect know he is unelectable and will cast Labour out of power for a decade at least (can’t be bad).

      Maybe this is one last boot to get Labour members/affiliates (me included) to vote for a more acceptable candidate (Cooper/Burnham) to present Labour to the national voter.

      The Beeb feel the same about Labour as I do about the Tories. I want them to exist even though they are useless at present because one day they just might be credible.

      Personally until such time comes I will continue to support UKIP and vote for Corbyn (to help sink Labour).


      • wronged says:

        Anti BBC seem to be nervous about Corbyn, it could be more than just being perceived as unelectable.
        Could it be that the fat cats in the Beeb are expecting to be taxed more, or could it be that Corbyn wants out of the failed EU meaning the Beeb will lose their free monies by way of grants from the EU, could it be that Corbyn wants rid of the lies,corruption and peadophilia historically enshrined within the Beeb, could it be that Corbyn ants to get rid of the license fee or streamline the activities of the BBC???
        Corbyn might wreak some vengeance after watching tonight’s Panorama programme.


      • Up2snuff says:

        Am not so sure that Corbyn will make Labour unelectable.

        A lot will depend on how he handles all the rubbish thrown at him, what policies he adopts & whether he is honest about past Labour failings (a rather long list) and what he promises to do to put them right. Two of the other three contenders are reluctant to own up to just some, let alone all of Labour’s past failures. As to putting any of them right (where that can be done) there’s absolutely nothing said. The fourth candidate is a bit like that, too, but can rightly claim that she (Kendall) is a ‘clean skin’.

        I hold no brief for any of the candidates and merely find spectating all this highly entertaining. Corbyn does, however, seem to offer something different. It remains to be seen whether it is ‘better’. There is also a hint of integrity there. It is that – the hint of integrity – often lacking elsewhere in the Westminster Village, that may be attractive enough to swing voters to get them to vote Labour in 2010.


        • Roland Deschain says:

          I’d agree. He has the potential to suck in the “anti-politician” vote without the fear of being labelled racist because his dodgy connections are the right sort of dodgy connections that the BBC et al don’t really mind. People looking to kick the current political elite may feel he’s a good vehicle with which to do it. Look at the SNP in Scotland – a large amount of their support is, I believe, nothing to do with independence per se but a wish to get back at what people see as the cosy consensus, without really thinking things through.


    • Mr A says:

      At it’s stinking, fetid heart the BBC is a pro-EU, pro-Common Purpose, pro-Global Warming, globalist beast – it’s essentially a New Labour organ, even if it wasn’t created as such. While the unadulterated Leftists at the BBC have a soft spot for Corbyn, he’s way too “Old Labour” for them to get fully on board with – not very keen on the EU, brother is a leading climate “denier”, bit too wacky with the Marx and the friendships with the IRA and Hamas to be considered polite at Islington dinner parties. So they’d rather go with Burnham although I suspect Cooper is their favourite. But as always with the BBC they have completely misread the public mood and haven’t quite grasped that despite their 24 hour propaganda, most people would rather be shot in the face than have to listen to Cooper, let alone vote for her.


      • Mr A says:

        I wouldn’t be so gleeful about Corbyn, though. We’ve seen how the political mood has changed in just the last few days. If Dave does something really mad that is EU or immigration-related, he could easily lose a couple of million votes to UKIP. Imagine if there was an election now, for example! If that happened, it could actually be enough for a Corby-led Labour party to get in….. Food for thought.


        • taffman says:

          ” If Dave does something really mad that is EU or immigration-related,Loose to UKIP” ? He did today .
          Vote UKIP


        • RJ says:

          Given the number of constituencies where UKIP came second at the General Election any significant fall in support for either Tory or Labour could see UKIP with a lot of MPs next time around.


        • Al Shubtill says:

          Mr A – Corbs would get my vote, if I knew he’d remove us from the E.U. and I despise the Labour Party; 80% of the problems in our country flow from that entity (directly or indirectly) and it also prevents (whilst we are members of it) 90% of the solutions to those problems which could turn our nation from the disastrous course we’re heading on.


        • Thoughtful says:

          Vote for an idiot because a Fascist might get in if we don’t?

          The politics of the asylum !


          • Al Shubtill says:

            Vote for whoever will release us from the straitjacket, that is the E.U. the fastest – not asylum politics but rather realpolitik (def. Politics based on practical rather than moral or ideological considerations; practical politics).


      • Up2snuff says:

        Mr A, Greed rules at the BBC now and as much as some there might like to have a genuine Left or socialist as Labour leader, he is going to cost those earning high salaries a lot of money each year. We are definitely going to see the top rate band of Income Tax go up immediately to 50% under a Corbyn-led Labour and, as the bills for a socialist programme roll in, I think 60%+ will be on the cards at some point.

        That will ‘make the pips squeak’!


        • Thoughtful says:

          Seeing as it’s 75% in France under the enormously popular Hollande (lowest ever approval ratings) It’s more likely that the highest rates of income tax will be even higher. Corby is old enough to remember the disastrous Wilson Callaghan governments which had supertax at 95% and still managed to wreck the economy to such an extent the IMF had to bail us out !


  19. Anders Thomasson says:

    It worries me that Calais has dropped off the radar. I know we have a fish and chip culture with respect to the news but one wonders what is going on in Calais whilst the BBC tells us to look elsewhere.


    • wronged says:

      I would have thought that all the illegals in Calais would be on their way to Germany whereby they will be given an EU passport and then freely hop over to Britain.

      Being stupid as we are in our being an EU member means there is very little we can do about it.

      Has anyone any news on the UKIP membership numbers, surely they must be rocketing up very fast.


  20. ray_f says:

    I’m sure this has been pointed out several times but I have to do it.
    Report from London on crime figures today shows anti-semitic attacks up massively

    I have looked everywhere on the BBC website and posted a comment asking where it is reported. I don’t think they posted it.
    But front page of BBC News London,
    Islamophobic crime in London ‘up by 70%’

    ‘Islamophobic’ crime up 70% reported but anti-semitic crime up 93% isn’t.
    F!cking discusting racist islamist BBC.


    • Stuart Beaker says:

      I agree. You couldn’t get a clearer example of the deliberate cherry-picking of facts to support and progress a political agenda.


  21. BRISSLES says:

    Didn’t see the One Show, but on asking whether people would take in a migrant, did they also mention that the migrants need a ‘whole house’, not a room or a sofa in the sitting room, AND taking them in would be for approximately 5 years, to clothe, feed and take care of them ????? In fact DOES ANYONE OFFERING to house migrants know about this ruling ? I’m sure half of these dopes imagine giving them a room is for a fortnight not 5 years. Blimey who can live with their in-laws or relations for even a month, let alone 5 years with a family of strangers who would want a prayer room at their disposal !!!!


  22. Brett says:

    News at ten ,20 minutes in and it’s all problems caused by Muslims.


    • Al Shubtill says:

      When is it never? The same on Look North, our local news, they’re always involved in some wickedness or corruption.


  23. Sir_Arthur_Strebe-Grebling says:

    Laura Coonsburg tells us (News at Ten) “there is no doubt about the compassion of the last few days”. Says who?


    • Guest Who says:

      BBC Newsnight has commissioned one if those now familiar BBC polls and, I kid you not, the results are in and…. views are….. ‘split’. Yes, split. 50:50, down the line.

      Meanwhile on just about every BBC open HYS or Facebook page or twitter thread, a rather different version of ‘split’ is clear to one and all.

      The BBC is in utter denial, and seems convinced that telling ‘it’ often enough must work again as it always has done.

      Not sure their confidence in this is well placed.


      • Guest Who says:


        • Thoughtful says:

          Here is the full poll, although it is a tiny number of people surveyed, just 1000, and from the responses it looks like they carried it out in Islington and Hampstead !


          • Mr A says:

            Had to be. I read on Breitbart that even The Guardian CIF was safe to visit today. So I popped over and there were literally only 3 nutters out of everyone else posting. And that was The Guardian! Overwhelmingly against taking more in.


        • Grimer says:

          Surely in a situation like this, anything less than overwhelming support for a change in policy should result in the status quo? Why ignore the well founded concerns of the people saying ‘no’. If you do nothing, then our society will continue as before. If you say ‘yes’ you change the country forever, against the wishes of 50% of the population. Surely, that is a no brainer?


      • ObiWan says:

        “…The BBC is in utter denial, and seems convinced that telling ‘it’ often enough must work again as it always has done.”

        This is what happens when you adopt Orwell’s ‘1984’ as your instruction manual. The BBC operates within its own bubble; what it sees reflected back at it when it looks out is merely what it wants to see (albeit hideously distorted to fit the narrative), and it disregards the rest.

        Newsnight tonight was a perfect example of this, with the fragrant Ms Allegra Stratton (where do they find these Head Girl types..?) struggling to get beyond her own vague disbelief that a clear majority of the UK voting public (at least according to a 1000-person ‘representative’ sample polled by ComRes for the BBC) are actually not in favour of more immigration into the UK.

        Who knows, if the BBC had had the intellectual courage to ask a less evasive question (I dunno, how about ‘Do you think the UK should take as many illegal immigrants as those fools in Germany?’) poor old Allegra might have been rendered speechless with fright by the answer she would most definitely have received.

        Thankfully, in BBC Land 2+2 really does = 5. Reality be damned!


        • Stuart Beaker says:

          I look forward to the day when ‘1984’, that great set piece of the school curriculum, is taught with the rider:

          ‘..of course, Orwell was, thankfully, wrong in his fears – if we look back to the years leading up to 2015, when the BBC tried its best to implement the provisions of his nightmare vision, was rumbled, deserted, and eventually dismembered by a disgusted and furious public, we can take some comfort that most people can eventually see through the lies and oppressions. That’s not to say we don’t still need to be vigilant, in case another BBC rises up to haunt us..’

          I wish.


  24. ray_f says: as mentioned by Pollystuscanyvilla
    “Have we changed our mind about asylum?”

    Hundreds of furious people commenting. Each comment clear, precise and to the point. You can almost feel the anger in the words.
    I actually feel sorry for the moderator. He/she/it must be close to tears.


    • taffman says:

      I think the comments reflect the true feelings of the British People – The whole of parliament was a sham today .
      They (the MPs) all spoke against the wishes of the British people.
      Its time to put Britain first – voice your dismay to your local MP (who always thinks they know better) – then Vote UKIP.
      It will be the only salvation of this country .


      • wronged says:

        Here is an example Taffman of just how out of touch our MP’s are
        Today in the Independent it stated the following-

        ‘Sixteen life-extending cancer drugs will no longer be available to patients in England from March after the NHS announced it would not pay for them through the Government’s flagship Cancer Drugs Fund (CDF).

        The drugs have been removed from a list of treatments paid for by the CDF in a bid to cut costs. The £280m fund was due to overspend by £100m in 2014-15.

        Some drugs will be removed altogether and others will be restricted to use against specific forms of cancer.

        In total 25 different forms of cancer treatment will no longer be available. The restrictions, which commence from March 2015, will save up to £80m, NHS England estimate.’

        Now get your MP to justify the spending 14 billion pounds on foreign aid when our own are being ignored.
        I never saw this on the Beeb today.

        Our MP’s think it’s ok to save an illegal and let our people who have in the past paid for the NHS through taxes just wither and die

        I am disgusted


        • taffman says:

          So am I, so am I .


        • Richard Pinder says:

          Its even more terrible when you realise that drug companies would go bust if they produced a drug that cured cancer and therefore undermined those life-extending cancer drugs that produce the profits for these companies. I am told its what the motive is in the barrier to the universal cure for Cancer that would destroy the Cancer charity junket. And the rumours of murders within the business. So I wonder if this aspect plays any part in this decision.


          • Thoughtful says:

            There is an absolute dearth of debate about the quest for eternal life. There is in my opinion a wrong headed desire to ‘cure’ cancer, heart disease, stroke, etc etc. Yes there are tragic cases of people dying young but once a cure is found, how are you going to stop it being given to the 90 year old?
            As human beings, we are designed to die, we have extended our lives to such an extent that now care homes are full of dribbling imbeciles who don’t even know they’re human waiting to die, costing us a fortune, and providing a reason for the lefties to call for immigration.


          • Number 88 says:

            ‘Its even more terrible when you realise that drug companies would go bust if they produced a drug that cured cancer…’

            A bit like, what ever would happen too socialism and the Labour Party if the poor became better off, self sufficient and independent of government.


      • Brett says:

        Sorry reported by accident


  25. Kenneth says:

    The BBC has really blown it this time. Many folks who were previously supportive of the BBC have now turned against it with its recent migrant coverage. The comments below this page: say it all really.


  26. Kenneth says:

    The BBC has really blown it this time. Folks who were previously supportive of the BBC have turned against it with its recent migrant propaganda


    • Kenneth says:

      Sorry double post


    • Aborigine Londoner says:

      That’s precisely why I joined this forum!

      When alTV Licensing require proof that I am not watching live TV can I send them hard copies of the Migrant coverage?


  27. Thoughtful says:

    Syrians rioted today after a 14 year old bot was returned from custody to his parents dead and with his penis removed.

    Only goes to show Syria is ruled by a evil Dicktaker !


  28. Essexman says:

    Tony Hall is fucking , socialist , luvvie prick .If he comes to Essex , I“ll do a citizens arrest ,for treason .


  29. Thoughtful says:

    “Furthermore, Gulf elites feel this mess would never have happened in the first place had the West done something sooner to deal with Mr Assad and his regime. Pleas from Western diplomats are likely to fall on deaf ears.”

    Proof of what the Gulf states policy is on Syria, and what a surprise it’s exactly the same as the US and Western governments. Now I wonder what could possibly account for that?


  30. The Old Bloke says:

    I’m beginning to come to the conclusion that the picture(s) of the death by drowning of the child on a Turkish beach has all been a falsehood. I’ve trawled the internet and many are now questioning the photo(s) legitimacy and quite rightly so. It all looked so staged to me and it now turns out that the child’s father’s testimony is a pure bag of lies, as he was never on the supposed boat that capsized but living (for 3 years) in a Turkish house and receiving Turkish benefit money. It has got to the stage, that I simply do not believe a single word or picture or video that the Far Left BBC shows me. The two so called paramilitary police officers shown in the “child drowning photo’s” well, are they actually police officers or actors? As has already been pointed out, don’t the uniforms look pristine. Why do we not see more of the child’s face other than where it had been so carefully laid down on the beach? (Notice the arched back to keep the mouth clear of the waterline). Oh yes, think I’m talking boll*cks? Well, the BBC are good at using false pictures to tell us all how we should think, aren’t they?
    And of photo’s showing the three coffins of the drowned (mother & two children), why were all the coffins about 6ft long? Obviously short of child coffins in Turkey.
    The BBC, an incredibly dangerous news organisation.


    • Stuart Beaker says:

      Even if your theory is not correct, the fact that you can feel that way, and are apparently far from alone in this, is living proof that the BBC has left consensus far behind, and is committed to a particular political point of view. It has no business doing this, of course, whatever the point of view is, and has so far abandoned the common understanding of those two words ‘inform’ and ‘educate’ in its revisionist lexicography, that it is also now, in terms, a stranger to the truth.

      When the truth is subject to expediency, and when that expediency is not openly shared with the public it serves, then it is time to dismember that organisation. It is institutionally corrupt.


      • Grant says:

        I would not trust the BBC on anything. I always assume anything they report is a lie unless I have independent corroboration.


        • The Old Bloke says:

          You and me alike Grant, and many of my friends these days. Everything they do or say has an agenda to it. Truth means nothing to the BBC now. I gave up my £145 ten years ago, that is now £1,450 in my pocket. I would suggest everyone else do the same and feel the enrichment.


    • nogginator says:

      “Story told by father of drowned toddler Aylan Kurdi is “full of holes”

      “Abdullah Kurdi’s story is made-up. But his lies are now being used and rewarded by the media in full blown propaganda, while pressuring policies to force Europe to take in more economic migrants who have never experienced a war zone.
      The dead toddler pornography is a dream-come true PR campaign serving ISIS and their overwhelming Muslim supporters.” This trumped-up story is being used to overwhelm Europe with refugees, even as the Islamic State has threatened to use the refugee crisis to send jihadis to Europe in large numbers.”
      R Spencer

      Its called “Hijrah”, its the reason all those young men, those erm “furious”, won t march into UAE, or Saud, or Kuwait.
      Hijrah, or if Islamic jihad by emigration, (according to Islamic tradition, and repeats the migration or journey of Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Yathrib).
      So … ISIS is happy, A/. they get to practice Hijra, as per mohamhead … B/. sex slaves, prepubescent girls and traitorous Euro adherents to repopulate the caliphate … double whammy!
      … oh and we foot the bill, we pay for, contribute to our own demise ,
      and last week we were calling Sweden eh!
      February 17, 2015
      BBC Breakfast reports on the “furious” erm “freedom” march this morning … at length!… and again, and again
      has some illegal immigrant ranting on, with a sob story Al BBC voiceover.
      The Al BBC reports that all have said “they don t trust Hungary any more” …

      What is this garbage! …
      If you were in “desperate plight” you would be glad for any … ANY respite at all,
      You would not be making demands.
      Expressing “fury”, deliberately ignoring the wishes of the law where you are.
      Refusing to be processed, under a laughable rouse of your “not trusting” anyone.
      and … as has started to be reported, giving cutthroat signs to police and authorities.

      Demands … Aggression … Violent herd mentality … Ignoring a hosts laws … deliberately lying.
      Does any of this sound familiar?
      It should.
      Sound like any erm “community” we have already had, foisted upon us here?

      I keep saying it folks … it won t be long
      … Welcome to Eurabia


  31. shelly says:

    Billy “no balls” Turnbull giving the defence secretary a grilling just now, over drone strikes.

    Michael Fallon unwilling to give details about what is known on terrorists.

    “So we have to take your word for it about these threats ” Says Bill.

    How about we have a twitter poll on it instead Billy.


    • Grant says:

      So the implication is that the Government is lying about the threat. Why would they do that ?


    • Guest Who says:

      It’s a tricky balance, as security can be used to conceal abuse.

      As far as the BBC is concerned, doubt sown; job done. Bill must have glowed at the compliments from the producer in his earwig.

      However, the notion of the BBC getting on a high horse about terrorist Intel and counter-operations when they routinely reject legitimate FOI challenges on anything to protect their ‘editorial integrity’, is beyond a bad joke.

      Taking the BBC’s word on about anything is a fool’s errand.


  32. Thoughtful says:

    What the BBC won’t ever report:

    HAJDUKOVO, Serbia (AP) – A Pakistani identity card in the bushes, a Bangladeshi one in a cornfield. A torn Iraqi driver’s license bearing the photo of a man with a Saddam-style moustache, another one with a scarfed woman displaying a shy smile.

    Documents scattered only meters from Serbia’s border with Hungary provide evidence that many of the migrants flooding Europe to escape war or poverty are scrapping their true nationalities and likely assuming new ones, just as they enter the European Union.

    Many of those travelers believe that using a fake document – or having none at all – gives them a better of chance of receiving asylum in Germany and other western European states. That’s because the surest route to asylum is to be a refugee from war and not an economic migrant fleeing poverty. That fact has led to a huge influx of people claiming to be Syrian.

    The article is certainly worth a read as it confirms what all of us are thinking, and what the BBC are refusing to admit is going on.


  33. The Old Bloke says:

    I have learned through the BBC this morning that the Met Office are looking at naming depressions/storms that come in from the Atlantic, so as to not confuse the people of this country as to the severity of the storms. Eh? Are we all that thick Met Office that we cannot see and listen for ourselves as to whether a storm brewing might be problematic? Good grief. Care to wipe my arse Met Office? So, if these storms are to be given names and these names are to help us identify the destructive value of these storms, may I suggest that the most destructive storm which posses the greatest loss of life be called Mohammed? No brainer really is it Met Office? The World and in particular the Socialist World in the U.K. has gone mad.


    • Old Goat says:

      They seem to do a similar thing in France. Who cares what a depression is called?


    • Guest Who says:

      The Met, and media, blew their cred a while ago when they started adding prefixes like ‘mega’ to stuff to make it seem abnormal.

      I doubt fluffy names will restore this.


      • Aborigine Londoner says:

        Maybe this is to drum up support after alBeeb decided to outsource the weather to some tinpot regime.


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      It is subliminal propoganda and works like this:
      1. Powerful, dangerous storms e.g. Hurricanes in the Americas, are given names.
      2. Storms in Britain have not traditionally been named.
      3. The ‘need’ to now name British storms implies that they are now powerful like their American counterparts.
      4. Why have these storms become more powerful? Why, it’s because of Climate Change of course (sic).

      It may seem crude to the point of ridiculousness, but this is exactly the way in which these things are done. There’s probably even a handbook for it in the BBC staff library.


  34. nogginator says:
    Douglas Murray

    Refugees/Migrants/Asylum seekers … erm ISIS terrorists?
    ” amidst cries for Europe to do more, it has transpired that of the five wealthiest countries on the Arabian Peninsula, that is, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait and Bahrain, not one has taken in a single refugee from Syria.
    Instead, they have argued that accepting large numbers of Syrians is a threat to their safety, as terrorists could be hiding within an influx of people.
    Sherif Elsayid-Ali, Amnesty International’s Head of Refugee and Migrants’ Rights, has slammed their inaction as “shameful”.”

    That s the spiel
    … In the world view of Islam, … Islam is always expanding, at everywhere s else s expense,
    ….. pay for it … kaffir!


  35. The Old Bloke says:

    Oh, nearly forgot: “Calling Mr Harrabin, calling Mr Harrabin”
    The North sea is now a full 3 degrees colder than at this time last year.
    Please explain this Mr Harrabin (of the BBC) in a World of Global Warming leading to Climate Change to us having less money in our pockets.


  36. Thoughtful says:

    The BBC are VERY upset that two ‘British’ Jihadis in Syria have been killed by a British drone, and have accused the Prime Minister of state sponsored murder.
    The fact that these two presented a clear & present danger seems to have been completely ignored. The fact that armed Police are allowed to kill someone in such circumstances, also ignored. The fact that no government minister actually pressed the trigger, also ignored, the PM has ultimate responsibility so the Tory government murdered two innocent Muslims while sunning themselves !

    The hatred of the white populace is clear in the BBC article “one of the men had been planning a series of attacks in the UK.” and the BBC lefties cannot understand why the Tories were so Islamophobic not to allow them to.

    Disgusting display of overt racism and Islamophillia.


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      The BBC does not believe that Britain has the right to defend itself or its interests, because ultimately it does not believe in a country called Britain at all, or indeed any countries. No borders, no nations, no armies (other than that of the UN of course). The dystopian vision was described by H.G.Wells a century ago in ‘The World Set Free’, documented in the United Nations charter, sang about by John Lennon and followed today by both those in the know as well as the gullible. The BBC believes in these things as basic articles of faith.


  37. wronged says:

    The BBC makes you proud to be British !!!!!



  38. Old Goat says:

    I don’t know whether attention has been drawn to it before, but Nigel Farage’s recent speech in Margate for “Say No to EU”, is well worth a watch. What a statesman!


    • taffman says:

      Some representative from a Welsh refugees organisation on Radio AlBeeb this morning telling us all in Wales, that there is an outpouring of support here for taking all these migrants.
      Well readers, this is not the opinion of most of the people I meet (and that includes some of the liberal minded). AlBeeb is trying to create a false groundswell of support into filling this country up against our wishes. Unfortunately most of our politicians are believing the propaganda.
      The link to Farage (above) is a definite ‘must’ watch.


  39. Guest Who says:

    BBC on Facebook again delivering a ‘what could be behind this?’ piece about queuing, this time from Danish researchers (‘researchers’ and Denmark being truly reliable sources of accuracy and common sense these days).

    Seems that it is ‘more efficient’ to serve those who come last first.

    Those asylum seekers not in the first country of safety, in Calais, German borders or Bob’s conservatory, must be thrilled.


    • Stuart Beaker says:

      I spent much of my professional life modelling dynamic systems (mainly computing facilities and networks, but some ‘real’ systems too, such as baggage-handling) using queueing theory and/or event-driven simulation.

      I have never observed this kind of behaviour, except in circumstances of instability so great that the systems in question just keeled over and died (think bank ATMs expiring en masse, think outage on well known e-auction site, think government agency website collapsing on first day, etc). I have tried novel strategies of queue-management as a kind of ‘war-gaming’ and serving the last first is a formal possibility, but one that I would need serious convincing is anything but perverse. Try it out in the supermarket and see what you get..


    • nogginator says:

      Start with a line of people, end up with an irate circle all arguing they were first.
      …. that ll do it!.


  40. AsISeeIt says:

    School Boy Error – I mean the sort of error an American or a German school boy might make.

    What is it with BBC reporters and their problem with understanding national borders?

    So there he was, dozens of his co-workers had drawn the long straws and been whisked off to sexy locations such as Munich, Budapest, Athens and the like – but here he was stuck in the Scottish Borders.

    Sure, Fiona Bruce was struggling to look good whilst stuck in a sand storm in the Bekaa Valley and the Channel 4 guy was being straffed by mosquitos in Beirut last night – but really instead of a blue kevlar helmet and flak jacket with the word ‘Press’ proudly emblazoned across the chest, here he was with only a hi-viz vest and builders’ hard had on offer from the dressing up box – George Osbourn look-a-like gear!

    The reopening of the Borders Railway – for pete’s sake…. it’s bloody good news, and who ever furthered their career or won a prize with good news? The only twitter traffic this might generate for him would be from trainspotters – hash tag #SadManOnTheFlyingScotsman.

    Anyway he was making the best of it with a piece to camera where he played up that tired old meme about the expected Royal Visit with references to the smell of new paint, clean chewing gum-less platforms and the lack of graffiti about the place. Be fair, its all he had to work with.

    Then he gaffed. “… South of here in the direction of the border with the UK…. I mean, England…”

    Well that’s going to upset patriotic British unionists – does he think Scotland is a foreign country outside the UK already?

    It’s also sure to upset the Scots Nats too – how exactly I don’t know but they get upset with the BBC about just about anything they can!

    Knowing the name of this country and the correct terms for it and its neighbours ought to be fairly easy to grasp – for a native

    Is there perhaps something in BBC office culture that causes these slips? Freud would have something to say, I’m sure, but my theory is that for these liberal elite donkeys, in addition to being over-sensitised to foreigner feelings – as opposed to our own – well, I think they are just a bit thick.


  41. johnnythefish says:

    On this morning’s Today we had the predictable report from the neighbourhood of one of the droned-out British Jihadists: family devastated, how can this be legal, Imams up in arms with the government etc etc but we also had an interview with a ‘neighbour’ who very articulately told us how she didn’t believe violence was ever a solution that it was a ‘tragedy’ that these young Jihadists – you know, the sort who glory in executions and beheadings on their Facebook page (see Telegraph report) – had to choose the path to ISIL in the first place and for that we must hold ourselves responsible because of our government’s actions. As well as being articulate, and this stream of thought flowing like a well-rehearsed speech for a Stop The War rally, she sounded very English and very white. It was strange that they didn’t bother to find an indigenous white ‘neighbour’ who might hold a different view.

    So I’ll say ‘NEIGHBOUR MY ARSE!’

    The Common Purpose Speed Dial Facility – where would the BBC be without it.


    • Geoff says:

      You seriously have to think why 11% of the population are willing to take in migrants, IMO (mock if you wish!) Common Purpose is far reaching. This 11% have probably in one way or another been touched by CP through the media (namely the BBC), educational establishments (Universities) and the vast number of public employees who have attended CP courses, in some cases its claimed their personalities were changed.


  42. Roland Deschain says:

    The BBC is taking comments on the drone strike against “British” jihadists.

    Islamic State conflict: UK ‘would repeat Syria drone strike’

    They must hate the fact they can’t avoid allowing comments on such a big story. Well done to all who have commented. Keep them coming. I doubt the BBC will accept the message but they can damn well hear it.


    • Guest Who says:

      Dearie me; not going well at all. Let’s see how long this one lasts.

      By way of contrast, when I query pre-5pm pulls of 4hr forum threads, the BBC usually pompously advises that it is normal to close them when they reach a thousand or before anyone awkward gets home from work.

      I wonder what has made this one special?:

      2000+, 2 days and still counting.


      • Roland Deschain says:

        It closed two hours ago. Despite the story itself still being the main attraction on the BBC News page.


  43. BRISSLES says:

    And what would these 11% do at Christmas and Easter with their visitors ? lock them in a separate room until the festivities are over? do away with Christmas and Easter altogether and celebrate Eid instead ? As there are 5 times a day ‘washing’ going on, there are mounds of towels to consider (although soap is never used, its just a token washing), and then there are the framed photos of Mo to hang up somewhere. Let them come ! let the 11% do their bit ! and then after a month they’ll soon be phoning Social Services to relieve them of their visitors, and I’ll finish up paying for these idiots thoughtless hospitality.


  44. oldartist says:

    “Civilisation” wouldn’t be made in 2015, not just because The BBC would deem it to be over our heads – no mindless soundtrack and every scene embarrassingly enacted. It would also be rejected for political reasons: Much too Eurocentric and elitist. I mean, what an insult to their “diverse” audience to actually celebrate our own culture.


  45. Doublethinker says:

    The BBC web site has a picture of migrants being welcomed in Germany. There is a photo of the ‘crowd’ of welcomers two or three deep on the barriers lining the street. There is no estimate of the number who turned out to welcome their new neighbours. But if you look at this photo of the ‘Germans’ who did turn out in welcome ,then I estimate that more than 50% have really good tans. Not a blue eyed blonde to be seen and precious few white faces at all. It doesn’t look like a cross section of the German population that I know!


  46. Essexman says:

    Just seen , Lord Alex Carlisle , a Lib Dem , accuse the BBC bint on News 24 of being bias ,as she tried to imply the killing of these evil bastards, as unlawful .Things are not going there way , time to turn up the heat on the evil scum ,of BBC & their ISIS mates .


    • Geoff says:

      …But your lot have given them another ten years! Expect no change.


      • GCooper says:

        Hear! Hear!

        As we said at the time – vote Tory get NuLabour.


        • Essexman says:

          What`s Geoff & GC on , nothing has been determined , on the Charter yet . I don`t remember , Ukip`s position on Charter renewal ,of it being closed down immediately .I think it should be drastically cut back , but no politician has called for it to be closed down as yet . It seems News 24 might go on line & replaced by BBC World in a year or so .The Labour Mob, wants more money for the BBC , but the Tories want it cut back for starters.


    • Grant says:

      The Beeboidess probably expected Carlile to agree with her as he is not an evil Tory. Bet she threw her toys out of the pram !


    • Guest Who says:

      As with Naughtie and Jenkin. The transcript is a hoot. Naughtie actually mocks someone using ‘people are saying’ as a basis of critique, when Jenkin uses actual names and quotes and the BBc only ever alludes to sources it won’t name on account of how their editorial integrity would get compromised.

      Speaking of which here’s Labour’s great bearded hope team screaming because they BBc asked them questions they didn’t want him to answer:

      Jezza should have asked Hugs’ lawyers in to pull an exemption. Sorted.

      Of course he should be asked. And the others challenged too.

      That the BBC is playing games like this, trying undermine some, boost others and conceal according to propaganda demands shows what a malign force they are to democratic process.

      £4B of public money to deploy shaping policy and rigging elections? No thanks.


  47. nogginator says:
    An organisation which monitors Islamofauxbic attacks claimed women are the primary targets … hmmmm
    Source BBC? … oh yes, thoroughly discredited liars from Tell MAMA

    BBC London News has a special on it – the obligatory walking black out curtain, states someone said “we don t trust you”
    onto another “someone tugged my veil”, more niquabi s come out with more of the same, “someone said I was a traitor “states one.
    Run that VT of the black guy, punching a woman from behind … an attack that has been trawled around on various programmes, its well over two and a half years old
    … So is that it?, the evidence? … beyond flimsy, both for the claim and the coverage by the BBC

    Why all the Burkha wearers on show? those of political vent usually? … hmmmm..

    First, its wearing is an instrument, encouraged by the Islamist political extremists, aimed at helping to prevent the integration of the Muslim community into mainstream British society, so wearing it is used to, visibly give the two fingers to our wider society, an overt statement of deliberate concealment too, why be surprised if people don t trust you?
    The veil hides identity, any common citizenship involves trust, and trust cannot exist where one cannot see people’s faces in public

    How did a call for “modesty” ever get perverted into this eh!

    “The veil sets women apart from men and apart from the world; it restrains them, confines them, grooms them for docility. A mind can be cramped just as a body may be, and a Muslim veil blinkers both your vision and your destiny. It is the mark of a kind of apartheid, not the domination of a race but of a sex.”
    A H Ali


  48. Geoff says:

    More proof, if it were needed, despite what the bBC tell us. Latest Bristol Evening Post poll.



    • GCooper says:

      It is pretty clear that the BBC and the Twiteratti are completely out of step with public opinion on this issue (I’ve seen a similar result in the online media in my area, too).

      This would not matter (so much) were the government not ruled by the virtue signalling classes. As it is, Cameron allows himself top be dictated to by a tiny minority. One day that will have fatal consequences for his premiership and when it does, I will dance a little jig.


      • Dave says:

        The problem they all have is that they think Twitter IS public opinion. Labour made the same mistake at the Election – they thought everyone agreed with them because their Twitter feed said so.


      • Up2snuff says:

        (Sorry, yet again! I clicked on Reply in the right place but …. you know the rest. This is in response to GCooper’s post, not taffman’s.)

        You don’t need to – go ahead and dance the jig now. Except I find the situation rather more worrying despite the fact that I long for a better Conservative leader.

        Dave is a dead duck. He’s announced that he’s not going to lead beyond 2020 which means in reality that he must stand down in good time before then. That will allow a new leader to get established and even enough time for the Party to realise they have made another mistake, ‘knife the new one in the back in fine Tory tradition’, and get in a replacement in the nick of time for 2020.

        In addition, the EU Referendum must be held before end 2017. It is reasonably assumed that Cameron wants IN but if the country votes OUT, then he’s an even deader duck. So, if the EU-R comes mid-2017, we may be saying ByeBye to Dave in two years time or just under that. He’ll disappear to a bunch of high-paid directorships or his memoirs (or both) and everyone else will be left with the mess. The worry for me is that lame-duck Presidents (Obama is in the same position now) or Premiers might be tempted to think of ‘their legacy’ and end up in their last days in leadership imposing on us something dafter and messier than they have achieved thus far.