I heard the BBC give a very sympathetic hearing to this latest manipulated nonsense from the EU;

About a third of all women in the EU have experienced either physical or sexual violence since the age of 15, according to a survey by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. That corresponds to 62 million women, the survey says. It is said to be the biggest survey conducted on the subject, and is based on interviews with 42,000 women. The report calls on EU countries to treat domestic violence as a public, not a private issue.

I wonder if the BBC comrades might explore which ..ahem..communities within this apocalyptic zone of rape and abuse contribute most towards such violence?

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29 Responses to ALL MEN ARE RAPISTS?

  1. DP111 says:

    Yet the BBC ignores the Muslim gang rapists that have been preying on vulnerable white girls for decades.

    A report a couple of months back

    “As one police officer said to me, ‘There isn’t a town, village or hamlet in which children are not being sexually exploited.’ We should start from the assumption that children are being sexually exploited right the way across the country.” — Sue Berelowitz, Deputy Children’s Commissioner for England.

    It was estimated that there were some 2500 Muslim rape gangs in Britain. Assuming just that number, and just ten gang rapes per gang over a ten year period, means some 25,000 vulnerable girls have been gang raped by the RoP.

    There is no parallel in history in any nation, where a bunch of impoverished immigrants have been allowed into a country, and then raped little girls over decades, with the authorities turning a blind eye.

    It is inconceivable that the authorities did not know, as they claim. They knew.

    And now they are trying to brush it under the carpet. Of course they are doing their best to sweep it under the carpet – the matter is of such huge national shame, that they have no option but to.

    Historians will view this chapter in our history, or any nation for that matter, as one of the most shameful in recorded history..


  2. Roland Deschain says:

    From the article:

    [The survey] said there was a link between heavy alcohol use and domestic violence.

    Well, that rules out certain communities who don’t drink alcohol, doesn’t it? Can’t be any other links, I’m sure.


    • Pounce says:

      Roland wrote:
      “Well, that rules out certain communities who don’t drink alcohol, doesn’t it? Can’t be any other links, I’m sure.”

      in my younger days I used to go clubbing when home on leave. If I spotted a muslim with a drink in his hand I would walk over and ask if he was ‘Muslim’ when they replied ‘Yes’ I would say, Well why are you here with a drink in your hand?
      The same goes for how every Islamic rape gang in the UK has been found to have used Alcohol in which to get their way with little girls.

      Lets be honest here Muslims have no problem with Alcohol (Its an Islamic word for gods sake) the only ones who say they do are hypocrites and wannabe muslims like the bBC


  3. Ian Rushlow says:

    I recall a similar report some years ago that claimed “Nearly 90% of women have been raped, either physically or verbally”. Verbally raped? An example was given of a woman being spoken to whilst photocopying in an office, something along the lines of “Hello darlin’, you got a nice pair ain’tcha?”. Still, perhaps it takes attention away from the inability/unwillingness of the authorities to deal with real rapists.


  4. RHG says:

    Sexual harassment is more commonly experienced
    by women with a university degree….from the survey…Hmmmm!

    Just thinking why that should be…and I just cannot think why….with all the policies and zero-tolerance etc etc..clearly not enough is being done!


    • starfish says:

      I think that only refers to certain political parties


    • Turned out nice again. says:

      When your career is on the decline or you were promoted beyond your abilities that’s the card to play.


  5. Conor says:

    The survey doesn’t suggest all men are rapists, if they were presumably the figures would be much higher.

    The women reported ‘stalking, sexual harassment and violence in childhood’, one in 20 reported being raped.

    ‘The countries where women reported the highest number of incidences of physical and sexual violence were: Denmark (52%), Finland (47%) and Sweden (46%), states that are often commended for gender equality.

    So that’s women, rape victims, AIDs sufferers, gays, blacks and Muslims that David Vance has a problem with.
    Leave anyone out?


  6. Victim 76 says:

    But still the group that has the highest number of victims of violence is men, ( of all colours). But like cancers and lots of other problems men have it does not fit into the feminist agenda and is hardly ever mentioned. Don’t even mention female domestic violence, the unspoken epidemic, affecting men and children.


  7. Conor says:

    The survey by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights didnt speak to men.

    The OP is entitled ‘ALL MEN ARE RAPISTS?’


  8. deegee says:

    I never knew how much I am a victim of physical and sexual violence until now. BTW I am a man.
    How do you score?

    Physical violence
    Since you were 15  years old until now/in the past
    12 months, how often has someone:
    • Pushed you or shoved you?
    • Slapped you?
    • Thrown a hard object at you?
    • Grabbed you or pulled your hair?
    • Beaten you with a fist or a hard object, or kicked
    • Burned you?
    • Tried to suffocate you or strangle you?
    • Cut or stabbed you, or shot at you?
    • Beaten your head against something?

    • Forced you into sexual intercourse by holding you
    down or hurting you in some way? [IF NEEDED:
    By sexual intercourse we mean here forced oral
    sex, forced anal or vaginal penetration.]
    • Apart from this, attempted to force you into
    sexual intercourse by holding you down or
    hurting you in some way? [IF NEEDED: By sexual
    intercourse we mean here forced oral sex, forced
    anal or vaginal penetration.]
    • Apart from this, made you take part in any form
    of sexual activity when you did not want to or
    you were unable to refuse?
    • Or have you consented to sexual activity because
    you were afraid of what might happen if you

    Taken literally, if the male partner wanted sex and the female partner didn’t want to but agreed for the sake of peace and quiet that qualifies as sexual violence. Rough consensual sex is out as well.


  9. George R says:

    “Britain: “Rape Jihad” Against Children”

    by Soeren Kern.



  10. lojolondon says:

    I wonder what proportion of men in the EU have experienced either physical or sexual violence since the age of 15?
    I would be very surprised if it wasn’t 100%.
    Wonder what the EU is going to do about that??


    • Randy S. says:

      And from their mothers before they were 15.


      • Ghu says:

        How many time do you see a female landing out at their kids in a supermarket or in the street. What happens behind closed doors ? This is all “Domestic violence” but the feminazis have hijacked this term to demonize men


  11. Chris Bond says:

    Look up Gender Mainstreaming. It’s not just the BBC that is biased in this case. The whole media is – from the Daily Mail through to the Guardian. They are all in on it. The EU and UN have been hijacked by hard left Feminists. The de- coupling of marriage from religion, the gay sex education in schools, the up coming change of man and wife to spouse in the statute books. It all EU and UN driven.