You couldn’t make it up, but that doesn’t stop the BBC.

Blair Supporter@blairsupporter 1 Apr  Can I watch again this #JonathanCreek episode? Someone may wish to advise a lawyer.


The BBC’s ability and propensity to rewrite history is frequently mentioned on these pages…it is one of its most powerful and effective means of  ‘control’.

If it cannot find any actual proof to support its narrative it can insinuate, or sow the seeds of doubt about something by suggestion.  A drip drip of ‘true lies’ designed to make the viewer question his own beliefs or to reinforce doubts he may have about something.

The run up to the Iraq War, the Iraq Dossier, David Kelly and the Hutton Inquiry still eat away at the soul of the BBC.

It was proved wrong but intends to ‘prove’ it was right and is prepared to play the long game, even inventing ‘evidence’ to back it up.


‘Jonathan Creek’ is back on our screens in a one off special:  ‘The Clue Of The Savant’s Thumb’.

Normally quite good….this one was a bit clunky going from the ridiculous to the very ridiculous,  missing out the Sublime altogether….and had Rik Mayall strangely outshining Alan Davies in  his own show.

If you haven’t watched it, and intend to, don’t read on.


Not going into details I’ll just say the tale revolved around a DVD…it turns out it was a DVD showing ‘Tony Blair’ and ‘Alistair Campbell’ chatting in private. (1 hr 20 mins 40 secs in)

Creek & Co look on ‘gobsmacked’ as the DVD plays….the reaction of  Creek’s sidekick….

‘I’m gobsmacked, can you imagine if this went public…this is what everybody’s been saying for the last 10 years….complete and absolute proof they have been lying through their teeth…it’s lethal.’

Creek says  ‘Yes…a smoking gun…or it would be if it were real.’


‘If it were real’……That was the little trick the writer uses as a disclaimer…but he knows he will have hit the target….people will have suddenly sat up and taken note…and all the old doubts will have resurfaced.


It  gets better…..Creek goes on to say:

‘How scary is it that people in very high places have got wind of this footage and taken it completely at face value.’

….and then gone on to murder anyone who had seen it.


Hmmm….so just who did kill Dr David Kelly?  Are the BBC making yet more sly allegations?

As Mayall’s character says…you can get away with a lot with a smooth tongue, a big smile, the right hand gestures…you really can get away with murder.


Jack@JacksterD 1 Apr  So… Jonathan Creek… is implying that Gordon Brown and Tony Blair are having their enemies assassinated. What?


Yes…Wonder who the writer had in mind….smooth tongue and a big smile?


If the BBC keep on slipping in references to the Iraq War and climate change into their programmes there won’t be any room left for the actual storyline… this case it might have been a small mercy to have missed out on that.

Hopefully they’ll leave out the political messages in future and give us a proper bit of entertainment.


Seems like I’m not the only one who noticed the strange story line: 


Blair Supporter@blairsupporter 1 Apr Alan Davies is getting his defense in early. #JonathanCreek Hmm. @alandavies1 @campbellclaret & @tonyblairoffice


Alan Davies@alandavies1 1 Apr  @whycantibeBEEF Tony Blair & Alistair Campbell talking about invasion of Iraq, only it was a spoof that was mistakenly believed to be real..


Paul Sandars@PaulSandars 1 Apr Very much the most surreal #jonathancreek ever. David Renwick really doesn’t like Tony Blair, does he?



Sam Hare@SamHare84 1 Apr  None too subtle dig at tony blair though, let it go bbc for christ sake!


 or as someone on a forum said:

‘That was the biggest load of bollocks I’ve seen for a long time.’





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29 Responses to TRUE LIES

  1. Mat says:

    So are they going to do one about a shadowy media giant who uses false and defective info in a attempt to fit up one of it’s political enemies on sex abuse charges and then Mr [UP ****] Creek has to give away £200.000!


  2. chrisH says:

    Isn`t Davies the one who got some bad publicity when he mocked or attacked( allegedly) somebody who was homeless a few months back?
    And isn`t he one of the pack that got into trouble over McAlpines being Tweeted?
    Don`t know the truth of any of this at all, he just seems to be another Labour luvvie , secure in the knowledge that there`ll always be a pay cheque from us to him at the BBC.
    Jonathan Creep indeed!


  3. Wild says:

    The Social Democrat Tony Blair was a bit too right-wing for the Fascist BBC, they were much more comfortable with Gordon Brown. For some reason the BBC hardly ever mention Gordon Brown these days. I thought a new dawn had broken – or was it perhaps a glimpse of the fires of Socialist Hell?

    Maybe it has something to do with their embarrassment that New Labour were so corrupt, authoritarian, and financially irresponsible. Ah but for the Public Sector the only thing that counts is how much cake goes to the Public Sector.

    Oh yes and the poor, the Public Sector worker votes Labour because they care about the poor – you know all those people made unemployed and unemployable by Public Sector Unions, the Euro, and the Welfare State. Time to contribute some more (for the sake of the poor needless to add) to the Public Sector pension pot. Early retirement anybody?


    • Fred Bloggs says:

      Come on ‘Wild’, you know the lefty/bBC rules, if you call someone a fascist they are by default a racist (no proof needed, but hey these are lefty rules). So therefore the bBC are fascist/racist.


  4. DJ says:

    In case any of you have ever wondered how people born in 1988 could possibly be convinced that the Thatcher Years were a dark nightmare of fascism, this is how.

    As the saying goes, for leftists, the future is certain, but the past is always changing.


  5. RCE says:

    Is this an example of them getting complaints from both sides?


  6. John Paul Jones says:

    I have recently watched the BBC drama “The State Within.” many ways it was a rehash of the Iraq war. Essentially corporate America & corporate UK were jointly engineering a war in a former Soviet ‘stan’ for profit. Not oil this time but post war national building etc. The lead corporation was US with a UK guns for hire corporation tied in. A secondary theme was the interplay between gov and the corporate world in both countries. The information revealing the plot to go to ward was ‘so damming’ that moral authority of both governments would be tatters if it got out. So there you have it not different than Putin’s Russia or any other mafia state. Oh in an act of terror a poor Muslim is duped by these swine into blowing a plane. the Governor Virginia locks up all Brit Muslims in the state and a black British war hero is judicially murdered in Florida as part of the cover up. A every day story of country folk.


  7. Rob says:

    My problem with this episode of Jonathan Creek is that it was rubbish. It revolved around a closed room mystery, except the closed room had a window. Not too difficult for a man of Jonathan Creek’s talents to solve surely? Really, the plot made no sense, it was a very poor piece of work from the State Broadcaster.


    • Ralph says:

      It had the feel of something cobbled together by a committee who thought the faux Blair tape was a good idea then wrote a plot to fit it.

      At least it wasn’t as bad as their recent go at The Lady Vanishes, though in both cases you wonder why nobody read the scripts and said ‘this is pants’.


      • stewart says:

        ” At least it wasn’t as bad as their recent go at The Lady Vanishes”
        That was awful gave up after half an hour.
        My question why bother (apart for chance to back project bourgeois liberal values) If you want to re-visit the old style thriller novel why not choose something not already dramatised that way your not leaving yourself open to comparison with a ‘great’ like Hitchcock.
        There are hundreds of novels to choose from,that in their day were best sellers but are now sadly forgotten
        My suggestion would be John Buchan’s Greenmantle


    • Scrappydoo says:

      You should know by now that watching any BBC program on radio or TV , will expose you to a good dose of BBC propaganda. The solution is to find something else to do and refrain from funding the BBC.


  8. Deborah says:

    I think the BBC is at its most dangerous with its subliminal messaging – the hints at climate change in drama, the digs at Thatcher in Eastenders (that Wendy Richards wouldn’t say), etc. and as Alan pointed out in this Jonathan Creek. The games was rather given away when we found out who were the experts at their climate change conference.


    • stewart says:

      “I think the BBC is at its most dangerous with its subliminal messaging”
      Most especially when targeting children


      • John Doran says:

        “Especially when targeting children”.
        Check out a book at your local library called “The horrible history of the world” by a chap called Terry Deary who produces the BBC “comedy” childrens program “horrible history”.

        In this insidious work, every building block of western civilisation is denigrated: God; the rule of law; the family itself.

        You’ll find it on the childrens shelves surrounded by global warming (which hasnt happened for 16 years+) scare stories.

        The BBC is preparing our kids minds for the communist govt they are working towards.

        They have been doing this for 20 years.


        • stewart says:

          Public libraries have become agit-prop factories which is why the bourgeois left are campaigning so hard to keep them open despite falling attendance (though decline to pay for them themselves).


          • Wild says:

            I find that a lot of the secondhand books I buy are classic works of scholarship which are sold by State Sector libraries because they do not fit the Leftist narrative – it is jaw dropping what they are dumping.


  9. Pounce says:

    Any chance of a new board


  10. John Doran says:

    If we do not protect our children then we deserve a communist dictatorship.


    • stewart says:

      But how The ‘liberal inquisition’ have control of the engines of state the media ,eduction,law,health, the extent that whatever party is elected they (the patrician class) will continue with those policies that promote their agenda regardless.
      Witness the UKBA continuing to run their open boarder policy despite Teresa Mays efforts to bring it to heel I’m not sure that even scrapping it will make any difference as the same guardianistas will fetch up in charge of its replacement.
      Consider this from spectator (thanks to George R)
      “An NHS number is a valuable commodity which confers legitimacy and has market value. But there is no black market for NHS numbers: they are given away free. Primary Care regulations encourage overseas visitors to take an NHS number. ‘A patient does not need to be ordinarily resident in the UK to be eligible for NHS primary care,’ say the rules. ‘Overseas visitors, whether lawfully in the UK or not, are eligible to register with a GP practice.’ And woe betide any clinic that wants to take its own precautions. The Department of Health is even advising GPs that it could be a violation of a patient’s human rights to ask them for identification at the time of registration.”
      That will not change whichever party is elected.
      Consider how the death of Milly Dowler has been exploited,by the bourgeois left to silence the last vestige of dissent in the media.
      Consider that even Thatcher could not rest control of education (their most prized possesion) from the iron grip of the ‘liberal inquisition’
      It seems that ‘they’ hold all the cards and are not keen to change the marked deck. I only hope that change will come through some, as ye unimagined mechanism, but I fear it will not be bloodless when it does.


      • Wild says:

        It has been going on a long time. C.S.Lewis wrote “The Abolition of Man” when he read a textbook for schoolchildren published in 1939 that was little more than a propaganda manual for the Left.


  11. Buggy says:

    I forwent my usual Monday dose of “Revenge” for this special. Which, apart from Rik Mayall, was a mistake. The last ten minutes were absolutely bizarre: since the case was (rather unexcitingly) wrapped up with that long still to go, I assumed that the published schedules were wrong, but Oh no! and Oh dear !

    Also, it’s not mentioned here, but early on the light in the darkened study flashed across the bookshelves and lit upon one with a title along the lines of “Truth In The Age Of Fox News” (I didn’t tape the thing, so can’t vouch for the exact title, but that very much gives you the gist of the thing). I can’t find any title along these lines on Google, so unless the cherry vultures can help to clear her name , Auntie Beeb seems to have come up with this most curious title for an imaginary book: they really can’t stop scratching that itch, can they ?

    Apparently there are more “Jonathan Creeks” in the pipeline. I hope they’re better than this one, but in any case I guess Alan Davies will be grateful for all the paid work he can get now he’s top five on Lord Macalpine’s list of “Twitter Bugs I Want To Bankrupt”.


    • stewart says:

      “he’s top five on Lord Macalpine’s list of “Twitter Bugs I Want To Bankrupt”.”
      Is that right (who are the other 4) I thought he was simply having trouble with his mortgage.As he had said
      previously,that he would do no more ‘creeks’


      • Buggy says:

        I can’t recall where I got the info, but IIRC “Top Five” would be more accurately “Top Two”.

        I haven’t seen the other ‘priority targets’ named, but it’ll hardly be a shock if the frantically wriggling wife of our wretched Speaker is locked squarely in the crosshairs.

        Break out the popcorn !


    • Demon says:

      It wasn’t “Truth in the Age of Fox News”. It wasn’t as blatant as that, in fact I replayed it once (but forget the exact title, premature senility perhaps) and the title appeared to deliberately not make sense. The other bit of the title was to make it appear humerous for the juxtaposition of unrelated things as was for another book. But it is clear that it was a clever, ie subtle, dig at Fox News. They can’t help themselves.


      • Cassis says:

        I think it was “Cerebral Entropy in the Age of Fox News”.

        Good to see other people noticed it.


  12. Ian Hills says:

    Since the EU was pro-Saddam, its broadcasting arm had to oppose Blair’s participation in the Iraq war, or the loans and grants would have dried up. Simples.


  13. Degs says:

    What annoyed me was the pointless attack on the church and Christianity. It wasn’t worth anything to the plot


    • Rob says:

      You mean Catholic nuns in the 1960s didn’t routinely give their pupils doses of LSD to make them believe in God? I’m amazed, absolutely amazed.


  14. Scrappydoo says:

    BBC refuse to say how many are watching on Iplayer and do not need a lcense.