Let’s Not Have Any Talk Of That Dirty Old Austerity Here My Lad

Quite extraordinary.

This report from the BBC , the headline report, about Nick Clegg’s speech entirely misses out his dire warnings about the result of not continuing with ‘austerity’.

The Telegraph highlights it.

Public spending threatens tolerant society, says Nick Clegg

Public spending is threatening to undermine the country’s economic prosperity and needs to be “completely redirected”, the Deputy Prime Minister has warned.

So yes, if we fail to deal with our debts and tackle the weaknesses in our economy, our country will pay a heavy political price. But the human cost would be higher still. Not only would we fall behind internationally, we would leave a trail of victims at home too. 

So to those who ask, incredulously, what we – the Liberal Democrats – are doing cutting public spending, I simply say this: Who suffers most when governments go bust? When they can no longer pay salaries, benefits and pensions? Not the bankers and the hedge fund managers, that’s for sure. No, it would be the poor, the old, the infirm; those with the least to fall back on.

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7 Responses to Let’s Not Have Any Talk Of That Dirty Old Austerity Here My Lad

  1. Jim Dandy says:

    Radio 4 news covered it.


  2. Sydney Harbour-Bridge says:

    And how unusual that the BBC website article should give the last word to Labour…..


  3. Bodo says:

    The BBC is fully signed up to the Labour line/lie that the economy was healthy in 2010 when the ConLibs took power.
    All problems since are nothing to do wiyh Labour. 1997-2010 simply never happened. Except the bits where Gordon Brown showed us his genius.


  4. As I See It says:

    Listening to the Clegg speech I heard a strong attack on Labour’s management of the economy. Not in BBC reports.


  5. Alexander Galt says:

    Don’t be nasty to boy clegg. He is white, I know, and rich but he’s not a bastard. Here’s how with that hilarious “Sorry” clip:



  6. lillian says:

    Apparently BBC Parliament was out of action for Nick Clegg’ conference speech. Funny that, the BBC would love to broadcast that to the nation, wouldn’t they?
    I am waiting with baited breath for the deference that will be afforded Labour in their conference week with everything they say applauded and then the week after that the negative coverage of the Tory conference and the oversights and inability to cover the things that the BBC would consider too positive. Tim Donovan, Norman Smith, Nick Robinson and everyone will be there with their lefty take one things and ‘toffs’ will be the by word.