As always with the BBC, it is as much what they DON’T talk about as what they do select to cover. Just consider these wheeels within wheels, all ignored by the BBC;

“The BBC crows aboutMiliband criticising Cameron for employing Andy Coulson as his media advisorbut says nothing about Labour’s own Murdoch man, Tom Baldwin. In its report of his appointment as Milibands advisor the BBC limits its reporton Baldwin to this : ‘Mr Baldwin is known to be a close friend of AlastairCampbell, Tony Blair’s former head of communications.’ 

But of course there us more, much more.This is a man who used his position in the Times newspaper to placestories for the Labour party to damage the Tories…..’ “I see my job isto keep Labour in power as long as I can,” he once told me’…. Dan Hodges(contributing editor of Labour Uncut.)- 15 December 2010 in the New Statesman. Hodges also tells us that ‘Tom Baldwin is a mad, bad but inspired choice for EdMiliband’s press supremo. Ed has appointed a cross between Alastair Campbell,Hunter S Thompson and Rasputin.’ The Daily Mail has more detail here on this alleged champagne and coke snorting socialist.

Furthermore Baldwin has afriendship with the Left-wing journalist Alice Miles, one of Ed Miliband’sbiggest cheerleaders, who also comes from a wealthy background and is themother of a young daughter. Enter the BBC’s very own raving lefty, Andrew Marr, who fathered a child to Miles but ensured it was hushed it for years.

Such a small world…..BBC journalist in romantic trysts with Labour supportingMurdoch journalist who is a good friend of Labour’s new spin master. Strange that the BBC are not too concerned about the damage to ‘democracy’ andjournalistic integrity when it comes to a journalist who used his position in aMurdoch paper to further his favoured party’s political ends and binged ondrink and drugs.” Impartiality, it is in their DNA.

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  1. Umbongo says:

    “Andrew Marr, who fathered a child to Miles but ensured it was hushed it for years.”

    Actually he didn’t father the child (as Tim Worstall comments here http://timworstall.com/2011/04/26/on-the-subject-of-mr-marr/ ).  So Miles is not only a tart, she’s a liar as well.  She mulcted the idiot Marr for 7 years of child maintenance in the knowledge (I suspect) that it was probably not his.  Nice!


  2. dave s says:

    What an incestuous lot these politicians and media people are. Remote from our lives and with little understanding of us. No wonder they are all so worked up over the NOTW.
    Club gossip played out in front of us.
    Time to drive the whole lot of them from power and influence.
    None of them can be trusted to play any further part in this land’s future.
    Sometimes I would welcome a military coup.


  3. Roland Deschain says:

    And let’s not forget Kirsty Wark’s holiday with then Scottish Labour leader Jack McConnell.