Stomach turning

From today’s Telegraph

The editors and presenters on Radio 4’s Today programme have been told they must interview representatives of the BNP, Ukip, the Green party, SNP and Plaid Cymru on the same show, the morning after the debates.

Sources said this will leave almost no room for serious discussion of how the mainstream leaders performed.

One source said: “We’re all spitting feathers here. This is further proof that the BBC’s obsession with ‘compliance’ is destroying its news coverage and journalism.

“The only result of this directive from Mark Byford and the rest of the overpaid detached senior management is that listeners will simply switch off in droves.

“The idea of having to interview the Ukip leader Nigel Farage – let alone Nick Griffin – is turning people’s stomachs.

No Alka Seltzer needed for the leaders of the Greens, the SNP and Plaid Cymru, just the BNP and UKIP. So even the party that came second in the European elections is beyond the pale as far as sophisticated metropolitan BBC journalists are concerned. Too stupid to know that UKIP’s leader is Lord Pearson, not Nigel Farage, though. (H-t John Anderson in the comments).

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10 Responses to Stomach turning

  1. Tristan Price-Williams says:

    I really don’t know why they don’t just ignore anyone who isn’t going to be president. So its all down to Gordon Brown and David Cameron. None of the rest of us counts.

    It might be a good idea to let the election be decided by a jousting session between them. it would save a lot of time and money and perhapsthat way someone might get on with governing the country over the next 5 weeks


    • Jack Bauer says:

      Yes. that’s what we need. More “governing.”!

      Re: the joust. I think the two-eyed person would win that one every time over a one-eyed putz.


  2. David Preiser (USA) says:

    This is the BBC’s own fault.  If they hadn’t spent so many years aiding and abetting the Labour policy of deconstruction of Britain and their backdoor attempt at demographic transformation, especially making programmes telling the public that they’re lazy racists if they don’t celebrate the Balkanization of Britain, people wouldn’t be driven to consider the BNP, and the stupid Beeboids wouldn’t have to interview him.


  3. DJ says:

    I say you’re safer walking through a UKIP meeting with an EU flag on your shoulders than walking through Glasgow in an England shirt, but don’t expect any of our right on rebels to try that little experiment any time soon.


    • Jack Bauer says:

      Or walking through parts of Bradford wearing a cross and carrying the bible.

      Or walking though some of our finest (SIC) universities wearing a yamulka… and a Star of David… 


  4. hippiepooter says:

    Hi, yes, I noticed this BBC guy casting UKIP beyond the pale together with the Nazi BNP.  Shows just what a far-left agitprop mindset exists in BBC newsrooms when a legitimate party like UKIP is gratuitously insulted in this way.


  5. Phil says:

    Some of these BBC types simply don’t get it do they? They choose to work for a state funded broadcaster which is charged with the responsibility of producing balanced, fair news and then they moan that doing exactly that turns peoples stomachs.

    Well, if doing the job you chose to do and which you are paid to do turns your stomach then tough! Either get on with it or quit. These BBC staff seem amazed that they can’t just pick and choose the parts of their jobs which they find amenable. How arrogant can you get?


  6. John Horne Tooke says:

    “The idea of having to interview the Ukip leader Nigel Farage – let alone Nick Griffin – is turning people’s stomachs.

    Which people – which poll or audience research was this based on? Do they mean its turning “BBC employees stomachs”? If that is the case then leave the BBC and get another job. If they do not believe in democracy or impartiality then they should be sacked from the BBC.


    • John Anderson says:

      In the context of the story – this was BBC staff having a fit about interviewing Nigel Farage.

      Crazy really – Farage is a robust politician,  interviewing him normally makes for sharp and entertainging broadcasting.


  7. Anonymous says:

    The BBC dislike UKIP because the freedom of movement of workers throughout the Common Market enables its employees to hire cheap au pairs and cleaners from Eastern Europe. Imagine if UKIP took us out of Europe and the mediarati had to employ British people to hoover.  In addition, remember how olive oil was only available in little bottles from the chemists before we joined? Oh, the horror!