
Radio Five Live whipped itself into quite a frenzy over the Chris Grayling rumpus. Stephen Nolan could hardly contain himself when the story broke during his show last night, admitting to the senior programme editor of Channel 4 News today that he was “ready to burst” waiting for the boxing to finish (not a pleasant image – can’t get Mr Creosote out of my mind for some reason).

Five Live’s political reporter Chris Mason shared Nolan’s enthusiasm:

Anna Adams (“Interactive Reporter, BBC News”) was so excited she posted her first tweets in over a week. The story remained Five Live’s top headline until midday today (even the breaking news of three car bombs and dozens dead in Baghdad was deemed a lesser item on the 11am and 11.30 am bulletins). Unsurprisingly, the Tory Party’s widening lead in the opinion polls was not considered very newsworthy.

The fervour shown for this story by the Beeb (and particularly Five Live) suggests that there are a number of BBC journalists simply itching to give the Tories a good kicking. Unfortunately for them I don’t think most people are particularly bothered one way or the other by Grayling’s views on gays and B&Bs. Still, no doubt there will be other opportunities to stick the boot in between now and election day.

Sunday night update. Keeping it going:

Update 2. And as of 10.30pm Sunday night it’s the number one headline on Radio Five Live again.

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60 Responses to Grayling

  1. Roger C says:

    Not just radio5, news 24 had it about second item all day with Peter Tatchal et al wheeled out to condemn the Tories at every oportunity, and without any counter view shown.


  2. rainbow.64 says:

    Once he had heard the ‘secret’ (ha ha! secret I tells ya!) tape – in which Grayling actually proposed that people should have control over admission to their own properties, rather than making any kind of positive or negative comment whatsoever about homosexuals – even Nolan, a determined and frequently snide basher of evil Tories seemed to tone down his glee, and made at least token attempts to defend Grayling’s position. Certainly the BBC has flogged this already dying horse for all it’s worth, but it’s hardly a potential ‘Ashcroft’ and with a lot of public comment apparently behind Grayling’s ‘common sense’ approach, will soon disappear from the bulletins. A clear pointer for the Conservatives though, that they will have to be MUCH more careful about what they say than their opponents in the run-up to the election, at least as far as the BBC is concerned.


  3. L1A1SLR says:

    Only the Beeb could think that ordinary voters care less.


  4. Jack Bauer says:

    Let’s just pretend for a second that PETER THATCHELL, in his old age, decides to open a B&B in Scarborough… and a MUSLIM couple inadvertantly decide to stay.

    Upon noticing the THATCHELL is HOMOSEXUAL, they get very Jihad on his ass.

    Do you think he would feel ENTITLED to kick them out as “unsuitable” to be paying guests in HIS HOME as he doesn’t agree with their attitudes.


  5. Anonymous says:

    Was listening on the drive home, that fat oaf nearly shat himself making a mountain out of a molehill.


  6. Phillip Lawrence says:

    I listen to five live for the football. But my god come half time the news is total left/labour propaganda. Which I pay for. The excuse the beeb state teat suckers always use is that they cover the story impartialy. Maybe, maybe, they do. But it is the choice os the stories they chose to cover in the first place that is the problem.
        Grayling pointing out that B&B owners should have the right to refuse service to, er, the more happy members of our society is a non story. And as I gather he actually voted the law in it is a very non-story.
        Yet the beeb will use any hint, however vague, of Tory nastiness as a stick to beat the tory’s with. Even given the obvious darkness at the heart of the labour government. Brown/Balls/Unite/Whelan. Smeargate and thrown Nokias and bullying. Not news. Never. 
        The BBC has to go.


  7. Millie Tant says:

    While they are getting all excited about the mention of “the gays” and B&Bs, I wonder if they forgot to get all aerated about the fact that there are “gays only” B&Bs, proudly advertised as such on the internet – anyone can Google and see for oneself – and there are “women only” B&Bs as well. Oh, dear, shock! horror!


  8. Martin says:

    This was the perfect story for the beeboids.  
    1. Most male beeboids are gay and proud.  
    2. The BBC is mostly pro Liebour and proud  
    3. The Tories are up in the polls  
    4. The BBC like to give the Tories a kicking at every opportunity  
    As pointed out by others, there are plenty of gay only bars (try taking a look around Brighton but don’t bend over to pick anything up) in the country where straights would not be made welcome.  
    I believe there are bookshops in London that don’t allow males in and specialise in feminist literature (I think a female journalist mentioned once she was refused entry with her young male son) but none of these ever get BBC attention.  
    I wonder if a heterosexual couple had been refused admission on the grounds they were not married (as is the case in many Muslim Countries) if the BBC would have made it the main story of the day?  
    Many parents won’t allow their son or daughter to sleep with their partner under their roof, they might be old fashioned but that is their right.  
    I notice the two gays look a right pair of lefties, so were they put up to it by Liebour? No one at the BBC bothered to ask them.  
    The thing here is how I posted in the general thread last night when this story broke. Anti Tory story it gets picked up by the BBC from their leftie mates at the Guardian, the BBC then bring the full force of their media to promote the story to the No1 story regardless of it’s importance, even overriding more important stories so by the morning it’s on the top line across the BBC and other broadcast media.  
    The BBC can often do the reverse as well. For example the Tories plan to scrap the NI rise, the BBC went along with their rent boy abusing friends in Liebour to smear the Tories, but when that all failed the BBC just killed it. The awful mincing little Ross Hawkins  is the latest camp little Labour drivel spouting git on News 24 and BBC 1 who went on about the NI story going on for 24 hourse longer than ‘they’d have liked’
    Then the BBC killed the Cameron ‘Back to the 80’s poster’ story when it was seen that it had back fired on the two dick head Millipede brothers. and actually made Cameron look cool.
    The BBC do this time and time and time again, any bad news for Liebour gets killed by the BBC and the rest of the lobby fodder go along with it for the most part. ITV news is the only one that really doesn’t follow like Lemmings, but without their 24 hour news channel they are rather irrelevant these days.


    • Millie Tant says:

      I notice the two gays look a right pair of lefties, so were they put up to it by Liebour? No one at the BBC bothered to ask them.  

      One of them is a local councillor – I think LibDem, if I remember correctly from the original reports. They look like a right pair of numpties, don’t they, standing with the arm wrapped around and one of them complete with tattoos and earring.


    • Grant says:

      Good points, Martin !


  9. Scott N says:

    This type of rubbish illustrates how detached the BBC are from the real world. Many people would agree with Mr Grayling’s sentiment or not actually give a crap one way or another. Do the BBC know what the average viewer or listener thinks of Peter Tatchell or the oh so often used Mandelscum?
    This is one of those frequent occasions where the BBC is clearly preaching to a very small choir, even if they haven’t realised it.
    This type of Tory bashing by the BBC, perhaps, is just another example of how they try to use the black arts of broadcasting to damage the Tories. To casual viewers (undecided voters) what they see and hear are headlines attacking the Tories and lots of negative messaging that drip the “Tories evil” message, into viewers/listeners brains even if they may actually agree with the Tories on the subject matter. The original story gets drowned out by shrill anti-Conservative noise.
    The BBC have become very adept at finding an excuse to bash something up, that doesn’t fit into their left-wing world view, whilst being very careful to make sure the original source material of their displeasure is carefully obscured so it is difficult to discern what was actually said or done, just in case the viewer or listener doesn’t buy the BBC’s viewpoint.


    • Millie Tant says:

      Do the BBC know what the average viewer or listener thinks of Peter Tatchell or the oh so often used Mandelscum?  

      I suspect that if the average viewer or listener knew a bit more about just how Tatchell & co conduct themselves and their lives in private, they would take a very different view from the rather benign one that generally prevails vis-a-vis “the gays”.


      • Grant says:

        Millie, I did rather admire Tatchell for demonstrating against Mugabe and getting beaten up for his trouble !


  10. thespecialone says:

    Can you imagine the polls next weekend after the poster debacle and the Grayling comment?  What if shock horror the Tories are even further ahead? How will beeboids cover that?


    • Martin says:

      Easy, they will ignore it just like they ignored the polls this weekend showing good leads for the Tories. Just caught the camp beeboids going on about the gay vote on News 24. The gay vote is irrelevant outside of the BBC, the urinals on Hampstead Heath and the Guardian. Homosexuals make up a tiny proportion of the population, irrelevant really but when they make up 80% of the male population at the BBC you can see why the BBC queens think it is important.


      • John Anderson says:

        Pro-Gay Rights for everything, anti-Christian – a perfect story for the BBC at Easter !


    • Scott N says:

      Brown will dissolve parliament this week and during the official election period is the time when the BBC actually tries to be more balanced. Even though they should be like that all the sodding time!

      It will be interesting to see if they keep to it this time round, given the imminent demise of McMental and his fellow bastards, or will they go for broke against the Tories as they might be able to see their own demise as well?


    • NotaSheep says:

      The opinion polls are only mentioned if Labour are catching the Conservatives, otherwise they are of no interest and not subject to day by day commentary. PollTracker moves up and down on the politics home page according to how Labour are doing in the polls.


  11. Watcher says:

    Maybe Mr. Nolan, that great crusader for the truth has a little secret of his own that might be relevant to this story.


  12. George R says:

    In the Labour’s (and the BBC’s) pro-homosexual discriminatory world,  the preferences of heterosexuals become illegal:

    “We’ve been vilified for turning away gays, say Christian B&B couple”

    Read more:


  13. John Horne Tooke says:

    I think Martin is right – to the BBC this is anti-gay but to the rest of the population it will be seen as freedom of choice.


  14. DJ says:

    Note too that the abusive phone calls and death threats the B&B owners have been subjected aren’t on the BBC’s radar. Those are actual crimjes, but don’t expect the BBC to be running think pieces on ‘Are the gay rights movement going too far?’ any time soon.


  15. George R says:

     Some hotels in Blackpool (and many other places), discriminate against heterosexual clients. (Mention them, Labour, BBC .)


    “—- Hotel has been run as a gay hotel for the past 24 years..”

    “ is a hotel owned and run BY gay people FOR gay people..”

    (-From hotel’s own publicity.)

    One-way Labour-BBC discrimination, or what?

    GGuyz Hotel has been run as a gay hotel for the past 24 years,
    and is one of the most popular and longest established gay
    hotels in Blackpool, catering for gay couples, singles and
    groups who want a gay environment
    uyz Hotel
    has been run as a gay hotel for the past 24 years,
    and is one of the most popular and longest established gay
    hotels in Blackpool, catering for gay couples, singles and
    groups who want a gay environment


  16. George R says:

    Labour and BBC censor this:


    Liberal gays afraid to tell the truth about Muslim homophobia


    “We have noted this many times here. Gay rights advocates make a huge issue of Christian opposition to gay marriage, while remaining indifferent to the Islamic jihad — or, if they care about the jihad, many are still willing to throw overboard allies who may not be in lockstep with their social agenda. The fact that the Islamic jihadists, once in power, will treat gays far more harshly than Christian conservatives ever dreamed of doing doesn’t seem to enter into their calculations.”


  17. HP Hovercraft says:

    Saw Ben Summerskill from gay extremist group Stonewall on News 24 debating with a Chrisian rights spokesman the idea that people should be allowed to make their own decisions, the female beeboid surprisingly said something reasonable along the lines of the fact that it is acceptable for a doctor to oppose abortions and so refuse to carry them out but a B&B owner is not allowed the same degree of discrimination based on their religious views and Summerskill went completely ape and declared how he found it deeply offensive that “you” (referring to the Christian rights bloke not the woman) could liken carrying out abortions to allowing a gay couple to stay in your B&B. I just hope he’s an idiot and doesn’t really think it’s okay to say something so patently crooked and to aim it at the object of his disgust (the Christian) and not the person who actually made the remark he twisted out of shape.


  18. Cassandra King says:

    In the post democratic new world order state as defined by its architects the choice to abide by ones own principles becomes a crime against the state.
    Please understand that this has nothing to do with gay rights and freedoms, that is a cover and excuse. If it had anything to do with gay rights and freedoms the islamic colonists would be targeted and for some strange reason they are free to peddle their hatred freely.
    The narrative demands that the removal of our independence and freedom of conscience must be hidden behind from view, the narrative hides its true intentions.
    The causes that the narrative hides behind are used only for as long as they progress the narative, the narrative is training the population like a wayward puppy with thousands of new laws and the constant redefining of what we can believe and find acceptable.
    The narrative demands our obedience and they will not take no for an answer, they will manipulate us and any cause that might further their cause.
    The BBC is part of this narrative, they fully understand the power they wield and they are using it fully.
    Remember that the removal of our freedom takes several well defined steps, our shared history is degraded, our shared culture is degraded, our national and folk history is degraded, our national cohesion and unity is degraded, our national confidence and self befief is being degraded and now the removal of our self determined moral code is their aim.
    Nothing less than the utter destruction of our national home is the goal and they are succeeding in their aims.


    • dave s says:

      I agree.Sometimes it is very hard to disagree with those who see the liberal left as a conspiracy against Western civilisation.
      I still stand by the stupidity theory. They really are seriously mentally deranged to the extent that they confuse reality with a desire to remake the world, and probably the universe, in their own image.
      The world is  bad by definition so must be refashioned according to the new gospel of liberalism. Nothing and nobody must stand
      in the way.
      All customs, peoples and laws must be made anew. Only then will we create heaven on this earth.
      It is a madness and sickness of the spirit and ironic indeed that this bizarre BBC obsession with Grayling and gays should take place on Easter Sunday.
      I prefer to view it as one more last dying spasm of the cult of liberalism that has done so much harm to the world.


      • Martin says:

        Dave, it comes from the fact thse limp wristed morons dominate certain professions, namely the media (the broadcast media in particular) and the performing arts. These people only ever associate with their own lefty types. To them everyone is a homosexual as they only ever meet homosexuals.

        “…This propelled me into a lifestyle, reinforced by a social milieu of flamboyant media gays. At the BBC, where I worked for seven years, homosexuality was very nearly compulsory….”


    • Grant says:

      Spot on as usual, Cassie. A new dark age of totalitarianism is upon us.


  19. Martin says:

    Jesus Christ, the fat slob Nolan is STILL going on about this story tonight.


    • George R says:

      Yes, and in the past hour Radio 5 has had on Pienaar re- Grayling and the ‘rights’ on homosexuals (but not the rights of Christians), and by some strange coincidence the only journalist around for Pienaar happened to be from the ‘Guardian’ and he too, of course, joined in the anti-Tory double act (BBC-Guardian) against Grayling!

      The BBC propaganising for the one-party state.


      • Martin says:

        Fatty Jabba Nolan just went on a rant about why Grayling isn’t coming out to face the ‘meeja’. I think fatty Nolan thinks HE is so self important someone like Grayling is going to jump to his tune.

        What a joke that fat tub of bigoted lard Nolan is.


  20. Martin says:

    The BBC are now running the “There are calls for Grayling to resign”. So where are these ‘calls’ coming from then BBC? Why the BBC itself through its continual spouting of the gay agenda and replaying sound-bites from cretins like Tatchell (he’s just been on Radio 5 yet again), Bendover Summerskille and Lord Fondelbum. Oh and Chris Hume, still waiting for the BBC to ask him about money and his non dom, I guess hell will freeze over first.


  21. Scrappydoo says:

    If a Muslim couple running a B&B objected to gays staying under their roof, how would the BBC and labour react to the story ?


    • John Horne Tooke says:

      We know how the BBC would react – they wouldn’t. But this is not about unbiased reporting, this is out and out activism. It is the BBCs slant on the victim culture. Homosexuals are victims they should be allowed to do whatever they want, from smothering to death your “partner” to going into peoples homes and taking part in acts that some people find offensive.

      The BBC are looking to split the Conservative party. Knowing how weak Cameron is he will probably kow tow to the BBCs activism. This is not front page news, it does not even deserve a mention in a foot note.

      Until political parties openly stand up for free speech and against special privilages for what used to be objectionable practices then this stuff will dominate politics and real issues will be ignored.


      • John Anderson says:

        It is still one of the headlines on the midnight Radio 4 news.  Will probably me a key item on the Today programme.

        But Cameron has – so far – not said anything.  He would normally reply very quickly – taking Party advice.

        Perhaps the silence is part of the approach – “Most ordinary people wish we were back in the old days,  that none of the crap that Labour has wished on our country had happened”


  22. Martin says:

    The truth is outside of the gay left drug taking BBC/Labour/Unite/Guardian Mafia no one in the Country gives a shit about this story. The BBC are simply trying to deflect attention away form McBust’s unpopularity about the NI increase and the screw up over the Cameron poster.


    • John Horne Tooke says:

      Seems Ian Dale has been dragged onto the BBC to begin the “divide and lose” camapign by the BBC activists.

      And being a “soft-left tory” he seems to be willing to oblige.


      • hippiepooter says:

        Dale equates deeply held religious beliefs with “bigotry”.  What a small minded individual.  This sort of Trotskyite tripe is all too common amongst Cameron’s ‘modern Tories’ however.


        • Jack Bauer says:

          Dale clearly doesn’t grasp the great civilizing concepts such as free speech and property rights.

          It’s all touchy feely garbage about “not offending” certain groups.

          The fact is: a Bed & Breakfast in a person’s actual home is DIFFERENT to a Hilton hotel.

          Personally I would have no problem serving a homosexual couple. But SO EFFING WHAT?

          That is not the point.

          As many have pointed out there are plenty of “gay” establishments that openly discriminate by a number of methods.

          For starters they call themselves “GAY… insert word here”

          That is an OVERT method to stop heterosexuals.

          Again, so EFFING WHAT.

          Dale has nothing to say about that because he in intellectually incoherent,


  23. David Preiser (USA) says:

    The BBC ought to be getting an opinion from the Muslim community on this issue, just like they do for so many other issues.


  24. Guest says:

    Probably not on the speed dial of a BBC producer’s iPhone for ‘objective comment’:

    There is discussing the issues, and there is telling the population how to think. The BBC long since crossed that line.

    On a positive note, the photograph above looks the epitome of the sulky Beeboid in a Blazer wheeled out on Newswatch to tell us ‘they got the balance about right’.


  25. deegee says:

    Was this a sting? Why was it necessary for the Observer to ‘secretly’ record Grayling?

    There is quite a history behind ‘refusal to serve’, coming I believe, mainly out of the US. The American Civil Rights movement can be said to have been created out of two staged incidents, Rosa Parks’ demand to sit in the front of the bus in 1955 and Woolworth’s lunch counter sit-ins in Greensboro North Carolina in 1960. In both cases the owners of the bus line and the ‘restaurant’ could have been said to have been applying their ‘right’ to refuse service to blacks.

    In this blog there is a tendency to fall back on the ‘how would the BBC report it if a Muslim had done the same thing?’ meme. But what if the couple to be refused service had been Sikh or Chinese or Israeli? Would the B-BBC bloggers still be pushing the ‘freedom to choose’ story?


    • hippiepooter says:

      As the great General Colin Powell once said: “Being black has nothing to do with being homosexual”.

      Normalisation of perversion and outlawing discrimination are two different things.


      • David Preiser (USA) says:

        And then there’s the supposedly impartial national broadcaster openly using this issue as a political weapon.  If a Jewish couple had been refused service, this wouldn’t be a story.  Everyone would figure that they deserved it for supporting Israel, and Stephen Nolan and his kind wouldn’t use it as a cudgel with which to beat Tories.


  26. deegee says:

    I may have been wrong about the history. (Righting civil wrongs in restaurants) Demanding service as part of the American Civil Rights struggle predates Montgomery but the point remains the same. The ‘right’ to refuse service has been historically trumped by the ‘right’ to receive service.


  27. Will S says:

    As part of the left alliance, the BBC are never going to support private property rights, nor Christain morality.

    The issue has demonstrated one key point – there are very few people in this country who understand and  successfully comment on the principle of property rights and how such rights are fundamental to the protection of everyone’s individual rights, be they gay, straight, muslim, a green alien, or a mandleson. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Instead, boths sides are fighting over their respective claims under the false concept of “group” rights (gays and christians) as if the individual does not exist.

    The package-deal subjective morailty both sides try to live by is not something either side can be proud of.


    • dave s says:

      Quite correct. Individual property rights are at the heart of our way of life and have been since Anglo Saxon times. reaffirmed in the Bill of Rights 0f 1689.
      it is a false analogy to compare the civil rights movement in the US with the ridiculous furore over gay admissions to a B & B.
      The civil rights movement was about getting those rights guaranteed under the constitution of the United States.
      Sexuality properly belongs to the private domain and it should be no concern of the state as to how each of us deals with any matters that arise from our views on it.


      • dave s says:

        Just to add that it has always been in the interests of any society to protect the young and the children from any form of sexual exploitation and that properly belongs in the public domain.


  28. thespecialone says:

    Just seen the latest party political broadcast for the Labour Party, otherwise known as the BBC News.  Gordon’s podcast about Rooney.  Eeeevvvvvviiiiilllll Tories and their cancer drugs policies.  Balls and how the eeeeeevvvvvviiiiiilllllll Tories will cut spending and teachers whilst Labour will increase spending and make everything in the classroom oh so wonderful.  Doesnt Balls realise that probably apart from Brown and Mandelson he is the most hated Labour politician in the real world outside of the BBC. I think that the Tory PPC standing in Ball’s constituency should hammer home the fact that Balls said ‘so what?’ about tax rises.


  29. Backwoodsman says:

    You have to admire the beeboid determination to flog an anti-Tory story line to death and beyond. Toady on monday morning still doing the spurious lets interview our own man on the Greyling story, line.
    Exactly the same technique they used with Ashcroft. Don’t worry, after the election the furry little critters are going to get their just deserts, people have long memories for this sort of behavior.


  30. George R says:

    An argument not heard at pro-homosexual BBC:

    “A B & B is a private space, not a public one”


  31. Grant says:

    Bed and buggery !