For years now, the BBC has been a proud champion of the left wing political view that Guantanamo Bay must be closed and that the majority of those interned there are innocents whose only crime was to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. B-BBC readers will recall how the BBC has helped turn “Brit” Binyam Mohammed into a virtual hero after his release from that place. Of course it is a tad tricky for the BBC when it turns out that some of those released from Gitmo then revert to type and rejoin the Jihad ranks from which they came so I was interested to listen to Owen Bennett Jones report @ 7.37am this morning on the pesky problem of those Yemeni Jihad enthusiasts. I was amazed at the bit in which he reaped praise on the Saudis for the great job they do in turning Islamists away from Jihad. I wonder has he ever heard of Wahhabism and it’s central role in the promulgation of global jihad?

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10 Responses to LOVING THE SAUDIS

  1. fred bloggs says:

    The  Beeb admitting it got it wrong, well it takes it’s que from Gordo it’s supreme leader, never admit your worng.


    • Asuka Langley Soryu says:



    • deegee says:

      UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown, meanwhile, told the BBC that progress based on the Copenhagen Accord was possible.
      “I think it’s not impossible that the groundwork that was done at Copenhagen could lead to what you might call a global agreement that everybody is happy to stand by,” he said

      Never admit you were wrong!


    • fred bloggs says:

      Ooops! should be cue.


  2. deegee says:

    ‘I wonder has he ever heard of Wahhabism and it’s central role in the promulgation of global jihad?’

    He’s heard of money and its central role in Saudi Arabia.

    He may even have heard of Global Warming and it’s central role …
    Copenhagen climate deal ‘satisfies’ Saudi Arabi

    But Mr Al-Sabban said Saudi Arabia was content.
    “I would like to express our satisfaction with the outcome,” he wrote in an e-mail to BBC News.
    “We were among the 25 or so countries who positively negotiated the accord along with the world leaders, and we had succeeded in including the interest of OPEC countries in the Copenhagen Accord.”

    Perhaps the BBC might like to inform us how OPEC interests were included?


  3. George R says:

    Saudi Arabia and Islamic jihad.

    The BBC relegates reporting of Saudi global promotion of Islamic jihad, but that’s how the BBC’s chum PM Brown wants it.

     As an antidote to the BBC reporting on Saudi Arabia, suggest see:

    “A Second Look at the Saudis”

    (a 62 page report, in PDF format))-

    Opening extract:

    ” A Global Agenda

    As we have seen, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia appears to have become a
    totalitarian theocracy, one geared toward indoctrinating an entire nation of Wahhabi ideologues.
    The call to wage jihad against the infidel is propagated throughout the Kingdom’s basic social
    institutions by the authoritarian religious officials who control them. By far the most alarming
    consequence of this constant ideological indoctrination is the sheer number of young men who
    have heeded that call. As we saw in Part 1, the Kingdom’s own intelligence service has
    estimated that 25,000 Saudi nationals received paramilitary training and/or experience abroad
    prior to September 11.

    Others have estimated that number to be even higher.

    These fanatical

    young men have filled the ranks of both Al Qaeda, and the broader mujahideen campaigns in
    such jihadist hotspots as Chechnya, Bosnia, Sudan and Algeria. However, this is only one part
    of a much larger story.

    “Financial Jihad

    Not content to indoctrinate their own, the Saudis are also spending billions in petrodollars
    to spread their vicious ideology throughout the Muslim world. And the scope of this effort is
    truly staggering.”



  4. John Anderson says:

    Bennett Jones is one of the worst dhimmis at the BBC.  Shallow and biased.


  5. John Anderson says:

    A couple of years ago Bennett Jones was preaching – in the leftie New Statesman – the veracity of the leftie and discredited Lancet “report” on civilian deaths in Iraq :


    More recently,  he presented a 4-part radio “history” of “The Crescent and the Cross”,  the Crusades and the subsequent Ottoman Empire.   Guess who the villains were !  Somehow it all started when the Christians attacked the Muslims – glossing over the fact that this was counter-attacking,  after the Muslim incursions into Europe and across the Med.

    Pure dhimmi.


  6. George R says:

    Dhimmi BBC has relayed only the Islamic-immigration happy Labour government’s message on Islamic jihad march at Wootton Bassett.

    BBC excludes views such as this:-

    “We need a proper Prime Minister to suppress troublemakers like Anjem Choudary ” (Gerald Warner)



  7. burbette123 says:


    Maybe I missed it, but has al-beeb deigned to cover this?
    So blame it on the Egyptians.  Notice how Georgeous George tries to bring in those nasty Zionists.  Doesn’t anyone realise that Hamas is nothing but a proxy Iranian terror group?