I see that the eco-wackos will be out in force today, causing disruption for Londoners and costing the taxpayer lots of cash. Yet if one reads this report on the “Climate Camp” from the BBC one could be forgiven for thinking this is an outing from the Salvation Army rather than a hard left rabble with nothing better to do but threaten and disrupt the lawful activities of other citizens. Note the casual slur on the police whose liberal bosses seem to have responded to the previous media onslaught by “building relationships” with these loons. The BBC want to hear from those taking part in this disruption, maybe they should listen to those who view the antics of these eco-loons with utter contempt. Is Swampy a BBC producer?


Well then, turned on the BBC news and it all looked very solemn. Yes, they are in mourning for that “political giant” Ted Kennedy who has died overnight. Given his support for IRA terrorism over the years, you will excuse me if I weep no tears for this man. The BBC eulogy was sprinkled with the word “liberal” although still pretending that Kennedy was admired “by all”. He was not, but this is the death of one of their own and hence the hype this morning.


Israeli PM Netanyahu was in London today (So am I!) to see Macavity and I have lost count the number of times that BBC reports make references to “occupied” parts of Jerusalem. Let us be straight. This is right out of the Palestinian propaganda playbook and it seems to me that the BBC is institutionally incapable of being fair-handed on this issue. Palestinians do not “own” so much as one grain of soil in Jerusalem and the notion is risible. Judging by our poll numbers (Thanks to the almost 3000 people for taking part btw) along with Islam, most of you agree with this proposition. I would hope that the more sensible BBC people reading this (Not you, Medicated) might reflect on this. There is a major problem here and the BBC must answer.


Just watched the BBC evening news. Macavity has been found almost a week after it became apparent that the Scottish administration was preparing to release the convicted mass murderer Megrahi. And the BBC reports he is “repulsed” and “angry” at the scenes of celebration in Libya as they got their boy back. In a display of testosterone-induced anger that would have done Caster Semenya proud – Brown showed his true colours, right? Wrong.

On the substantive issue as to whether he approved of this decision, he remains mute. The BBC plays along with this nonsense – refusing to explore WHY the British Prime Minister refuses to accept responsibility for the UK releasing this killer. Around the world, people wonder why the UK Government dares not express an opinion on what happens in the UK. It’s a tricky business for the BBC. Obviously the ill-considered and reckless devolution experiment carried out by Blair must not be criticised, nor must the moral degeneracy of the Scottish administration. Instead attention is switched to what happened in Tripoli and Brown feigns rage when in fact all we see is impotency.


It’s a laugh, isn’t it. The BBC were salivating this morning about the fact that retailers who sell violent video games and 18-rated DVDs to children cannot be prosecuted because of a legal blunder 25 years ago. Yes – made under the evil Thatcher junta! At no point does the BBC query why after more than a decade of Socialist nirvana nothing has been by Labour done to fix it. Nor, for that matter, did it pursue the point why a BRITISH law made by a BRITISH government carries no force in BRITAIN because of the EU!


It’s been a big day for the UK economy if one believes the BBC. Green shoots of recovery are everywhere. “The recession is at an end” goes one headline. Confidence is shooting up ( just like the unemployment figures, sssh!) and it looks like Captain Brown, employing his formidable Keynesian skills, has saved the day. Such is the fantasy being peddled by the BBC today – how long to go before Party conference time?

Open thread

I notice there have been a few posts since the last open thread, so here’s a brand new open thread to give you space to publish your views on BBC bias.

Get Evan Davies Off Drugs !

The subject, that is. Susan and I listened with mounting incredulity as Evan Davies of the Today programme came out with these gems while interviewing an anaesthetist on the subject of the abuse of prescription drugs and painkillers :

“Do you – (pause) – if you were – (pause) – if you had a – (pause) – teenage – (pause) – son, and you were trying to advise this – (pause) – person what sort of drugs to take and what sort of drugs to avoid – are the illegal drugs safer ? – less safe ? than the painkiller type ?”

Followed later by :

“And among your colleagues, and even your friends, do they abuse the drugs that are commonplace in your profession ?”

Does he always come out with this kind of penetrating questioning, or is it just this subject ?

Thank heavens he didn’t get given the following ‘legal highs’ piece !

A climate of imbalance

Sometimes the BBC’s bias still has the power to shock. Perhaps because they just assume that this bias is ok; they know it and they think it’s ok. Reading this article about drought and farming dificulties in California, the story came down to an environmental clash over some fish. The BBC report:

It’s not just drought. The reservoir is fed from the the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, an threatened estuary that is home to a tiny fish called the delta smelt. Environmentalists say the smelt is essential to the food chain, and that a decline in smelt populations has led to falling numbers of bigger predator fish like salmon and bass. Late last year, the US government’s Fish and Wildlife Service argued that pumping water out of the delta harmed the smelt. A federal judge ruled water supplies to Central Valley farms should be reduced, in order to protect the fish. Farmers are challenging the water restrictions in court. They are a well-organised lobby with powerful support.

Notice how “environmentalists say”, federal government acts, and local farmers “are a well organised lobby with powerful support”. Yeah, Beeb, environmentalists aren’t a lobby, they are professionals right? Who just happen to have a massive international industry and lobby behind them. And obviously it’s the local farmers with the powerful support (sounds fishy to me) because that’s why they’ve just lost this years crop and are left challenging in court.

What a travesty. Oh, and I also intensely dislike the BBC’s attempt to generate a Steinbeckian scene out of this story by linking it to that of Latino migrants towards the end.

PS: somehow the indefatigable BBC journalist failed to mention the sterling work of totally impartial and unfishy environmental “organisation” Save the Bay, advised by nobodies like these and directed by disinterested public spirits like these. (including people from Wells Fargo and Cisco, two of California’s biggest companies and employers).

Press Release

I’m sharing the following press release with B-BBC readers, and I hope it’s of interest to some of you.

“CiF Watch Website Launched to Combat Antisemitism on the Guardian newspaper’s ‘Comment is Free’ blog

CiF Watch.com, a website dedicated to monitoring and exposing antisemitism on the Guardian newspaper’s ‘Comment is Free’ blog, announced its launch this week.

Created to address the endemic problem of antisemitic discourse on the Guardian newspaper’s ‘Comment is Free’ blog, one of the most popular mainstream blogs of its type, CiF Watch documents manifestations of antisemitism both “above the line” in the Guardian-approved articles and “below the line” in the post-moderated comment threads.

“The proliferation of antisemitism in mainstream media platforms has become a growing phenomenon as media outlets like the Guardian attempt to reinvent themselves in the online world” says Hawkeye, founder of CiF Watch. “CiF Watch has been launched as a consequence of the complete and utter failure of Guardian management to adequately confront the problem of antisemitism on ‘Comment is Free’, this despite the submission last year to the UK Parliamentary Committee Against Antisemitism of the report on antisemitism at ‘Comment is Free’ compiled by Jonathan Hoffman.”

CiF Watch primarily functions as a blog that provides a platform for discussion of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish articles posted on ‘Comment is Free’, free from Guardian censorship. At the same time, CiF Watch features separate areas where antisemitic writings of both contributors and commenters alike are documented.”