Did you listen to this discussion on Today this morning concerning the issue of when global powers should intervene abroad with military force? Obama addressed this issue in his speech in Cairo and then this is compared to a speech given by Tony Blair in Chicago in 1999. In essence, the BBC approves of the “pragmatism” that pervades Obama’s triangulating and dhimmifed speech and it’s one more opportrunuty to attack UK support for the Iraq war. The BBC narrative is that military intervention is NEVER a good idea – unless it would be against Israel, of course. Both contributors are drooling Obama worshippers and thus we have an item which seamlessly avoids any criticism of Obama. It’s all about “reaching out” to Islam and so Obama and the BBC have a shared agenda in this regard.

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11 Responses to OBAMAFICATION

  1. George R says:

    Yes. The stringent critique of Obama's Cairo speech as dhimmitude, is omitted by BBC:

    Just one example –

    'Jihadwatch' ( 6 June ):

    "BAT YE'OR: Obama's Cairo speech 'flatters Muslim sensibilities and expresses the Muslim view of historical tolerance and cultural superiority over infidel civilizations'"


    "The great historian sees Obama's Cairo speech as another manifestation of 'the dhimmitude syndrome'.

    "In 'National Review', June 4:

    "Pres. Barack Obama was elected, by an overwhelming majority, on a program in which America’s rapprochement with Islam stands pre-eminent. This is a legitimate political aim in the quest for world peace. The questions are: how to achieve it, and why there is no reciprocal effort from the Muslim world represented by the Organization of the Islamic World (OIC). This body could express its regrets for over a millennium of jihad wars, land expropriations, enslavements, and humiliations of the conquered non-Muslim populations on three continents."


  2. Anonymous says:

    "The great Cairo grovel accomplished nothing beyond the humiliation of the president and the embarrassment of his constituents, few of whom share his need to put America on its knees before its enemies. No president before him has ever shamed us so. We must never forget it".
    'Inner Muslim' at work in Cairo – The Washington Times


  3. John Bosworth says:

    Mark Stein (former BBC) writing about the Cairo speech gets it right:

    "Once Obama moved on from the more generalized Islamoschmoozing to the details, the subtext – the absence of American will – became explicit. He used the cover of multilateralism and moral equivalence to communicate, consistently, American weakness: "No single nation should pick and choose which nations hold nuclear weapons." Perhaps by "no single nation" he means the "global community" should pick and choose, which means the U.N. Security Council, which means the Big Five, which means that Russia and China will pursue their own murky interests and that, in the absence of American leadership, Britain and France will reach their accommodations with a nuclear Iran, a nuclear North Korea and any other psychostate minded to join them."

    Check out the whole piece at http://www.ocregister.com/articles/world-muslim-president-2446787-obama-one

    Stein quotes Leslie Gelb, president emeritus of the Committee on Foreign Relations, who describes the USA as having a "mediocrity of spirit" and concludes: "A great power can survive a lot of things, but not "a mediocrity of spirit." A wealthy nation living on the accumulated cultural capital of a glorious past can dodge its rendezvous with fate, but only for a while. That sound you heard in Cairo is the tingy ping of a hollow superpower."

    That's writing, Justin Webb. Eat your little heart out!


  4. sue says:

    From the Washington Times link above I noticed this:

    Mr. Obama described himself as "a Christian, but," and offered a hymn to the Muslim roots he insisted during the late presidential campaign he didn't have. He invoked his middle name, "Hussein," as evidence that he was one of "them."

    Not such a long time ago (june 2nd)I posted:

    “From a starting point of evasiveness over his Muslim origins, to full-blown ‘call me Hussein’ identification with them, he’s certainly found a neat way to fulfill his promise of ‘Change.’”

    to howls of derision from a couple of serial denigrators, (of the site in general and this piece of window dressing in particular)

    I’m only saying.

    Scott, you will say it was my prose style you criticised, so could you forward me the contact details of your editor.


  5. George R says:

    America's Fox News, which the BBC presumes to know less about Obama's politics than the BBC does, has some interesting criticisms of Obama's politics, not least the Cairo speech.

    At 'foxnews hannity' for example, there are a series of articles and video clips critical of Obama,posted in the last couple of days, under the title 'Divider-in-chief'; there's a Mark Steyn video clip, and a video clip of 'Obama of Arabia'.

    Of course, Al Beeb routinely censors such criticism of its Obama.


  6. JasonS says:

    Speaking of "drooling Obama worshipers" I notice that the Beeb managed to get through its coverage of the D-Day speeches without mentioning the fact that Gordon Brown substituted the word "Obama" for "Omaha."

    Is there any better indication of the extent to which the head of Prudence is lodged firmly up the back passage of his Messiah?


  7. David Preiser (USA) says:

    It seems that Justin Webb has the magical ability to be in two places at once: up his own ass while simultaneously being up his Obamessiah's ass:

    More thoughts on my Obama interview

    He's bragging about the wide audience for his little cozy chat with the President.

    The reach of my interview with President Obama – not in hotel rooms but in the real living rooms of real people – was as colossal as we promised the White House.

    To prove it, he links to Rush Limbaugh's savaging of the President's words, to an Iranian-associated website with a news brief mentioning The Obamessiah's statement that Iran should be allowed to have nuclear energy, and to a Vietnamese report which, among other things, twice points out that The Obamessiah didn't want to apologize for Bush's actions. Fans of Justin Webb will know that he opened his interview by asking Him to do just that.

    This is supposed to make you all think that he's providing a balanced range of viewpoints.

    Then, the sycophancy returns.

    will this internationalist rationalist president learn this week that much of the outside world is not on board for a quiet sensible chat about what makes sense and what does not.

    And an observation after meeting him: he should ditch the search for a church and become a Quaker. Talking to him about family matters (type one diabetes of course) he was sympathetic and engaged and plain-spoken without at any stage being the slightest bit sentimental or gushing.

    Ol' Justin knows a thing or two about gushing, doesn't he?

    He reminded me of my mother's friends at home in Bath in the UK – direct and serious.

    Why, yes he does. September can't come soon enough.


  8. DB says:

    "It seems that Justin Webb has the magical ability to be in two places at once: up his own ass while simultaneously being up his Obamessiah's ass"

    Strikingly cool, DP.


  9. JohnA says:

    The April economy statistics for the US show that domestic spending has NOT increased. In spite of the huge splurge of borrowing to fund a "stimulus".

    Obama is heading the US fast towards a public spend of 40% of GDP – and rising towards 45%. The model that Brown has taken us back to, the model of sclerotic economies like France. With crippling Treasury debt.


  10. Millie Tant says:

    David Preiser: 6:42 PM, June 06, 2009:

    … And an observation after meeting him: he should ditch the search for a church and become a Quaker.

    That's interesting: if I'm not mistaken, the Webb Monster was brought up as a Quaker or went to a Quaker school or something. (School seems to have been largely wasted on him, though.)

    What a sycophant. If you saw him on the BBC news when Obama was over here in April, you couldn't have missed the smug grin of pure self-congratulation as he signed off with his moniker followed by the triumphant "travelling with the President". It gave the impression that the pinnacle of his existence was to get up on TV and do that. Pathetic.

    He is such a stupid, shallow Boy for crawling up others' trouser legs. It's embarrassing to witness on the TV.


  11. Anonymous says:

    Millie Tant

    Yes, Webb went to a Quaker school in the West Country.

    I seldom listen to much of the Today programme – in times past, I would listen to all of it. I rally don't know how I'll feel when the obnoxious creepy Webb is presenting it.