A new BBC first

A seventeen-minute prime time euthanasia promotion, courtesy of Tuesday’s Today programme.

One pro-euthanasia campaigner given the easiest of breathless interviews by reporter Jon Manel, no anti-euthanasia campaigners, an interview with euthanasia sceptic and hospice doctor Sheila Cassidy featuring John Humphrys trying (not very hard) and failing completely to keep on the right side of the line that divides reporter from advocate. The interview was actually Humphrys arguing with Dr Cassidy in favour of euthanasia.

“My father … ghastly few years … enormously distressing …why couldn’t he have been given a bit of help ?”

“I suppose it’s because it’s against the law”

“Couldn’t the law be changed ?”

John Humphrys, as an outspoken advocate of euthanasia, should never have been chosen to present this piece. The editor, whoever he or she was, has made a dreadful – and disgraceful – decision.

(Declaration of personal interest – I find it objectionable that my taxes are used to give a platform to an already wealthy journalist’s campaign to allow the killing of the sick (but not murderers)).

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8 Responses to A new BBC first

  1. Mailman says:

    If a person is in pain (and Im talking about REAL pain, not the pretend pain those teenagers who top themselves feel for being loosers), then who are you or anyone to stand in their way if they want to go sideways?

    I find it amusing that those who oppose this, arent the ones suffering.



  2. Greencoat says:

    I’m against euthanasia, but I’d make an exception in John Humphrys’ case.


  3. Peter says:

    A specialist in pain relief once said,”People don’t want to die,they want the pain to stop”.


  4. Cockney says:

    I agree with Humphrys and can’t see what’s wrong with that part of the interview

    “Ian Huntly…why couldn’t he have been executed ?”

    “I suppose it’s because it’s against the law”

    “Couldn’t the law be changed ?”

    seems fair enough to me (except its against EU law, but then so is euthanasia – hurrah for Brussels!).

    But yeah, it’s inappropriate to use someone so publicly forthright on the subject as an ‘unbiased’ interviewer.


  5. Roland Deschain says:

    not the pretend pain those teenagers who top themselves feel for being loosers
    Mailman | 12.06.08 – 10:54 pm |

    If you’d had to deal with someone with clinical depression I don’t think you’d have made that remark.


  6. Andy says:


    You are 100% spot on. My wife is a clinical nurse specialist for MacMillan.

    Given that the patient with a terminal illness receives appropriate palliative care (pain management / maximizing the quality of the life remaining) there is absolutely no need for euthanasia.


  7. gus says:

    I find it amusing that MAILMAN is commenting at all.
    If he likes suicide, no one here is stopping him.
    Suicide is permanent.
    In America, Doctors (specifically one in Kansas) performed full term, partially delivered baby/abortions under the guise that the mothers…….HEALTH……. was at risk. A CRACK IN THE DOOR PEOPLE.
    The Doctor had decided that the mothers “HEALTH” included her “feelings” which were then extrapolated to be “mental health”.
    Hundred of babies were stabbed in the head and had their brains sucked out, because there was a loop hole available.
    It’s a slippery slope.
    The same liberals who want this.
    Abhor murdering rapists AND MUZLIM terrorists getting lethal injection.
    Painless execution.
    Furthermore, what happens when Johnny and Mary don’t think Dad needs to be around any longer, and they don’t want Dad’s “estate” to dwindle any further???


  8. Bryan says:

    Actuallly, I dunno about this lethal injection method of execution. I think it comes about as a result of lefty PC paralysis spreading to the justice system. Painless? Possibly, but what about the torment of being strapped down and administered death by needle like a dog being put to sleep?

    Not that I have the slightest concern for brutal murderers being executed. My concern is 100% for their victims. It’s just that society as a whole is affected by these issues and society is poorer, not richer, for attempting to treat these people with the utmost consideration and respect – an attempt that backfires, in any event with the use of the needle.

    Let killers be hanged or face a firing squad with the option of a blindfold and the squad being issued one blank bullet. It’s quick, clean and just.