If there is one faith the BBC does follow, it is that of AGW. Biased BBC contributor Alan comments… “BBC getting very excited: ‘CO2 ‘drove end to last ice age’ A new, detailed record of past climate change provides compelling evidence that the last ice age was ended by a rise in temperature driven by an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide. The finding is based on a very broad range of data, … Continue reading


Good Friday arrives and the BBC Today gets stuck into one of its favourite themes – “institutional racism at the Met.”  Naturally the assumption pursued is that those officers accused of racism are guilty and by way of balance we have Dr Richard Stone, who was a member of the Stephen Lawrence inquiry and who has penned an open letter to the Met Police chief commissioner, calling on him to show … Continue reading

Because They Are Worth It

For the second year running, the US version of the BBC website has won the top award in the US for its international news coverage. Nobody else has the same 80 years of infrastructure, or can bring in content from other branches of their network, but don’t take my word for it. won the accolade for overall excellence, with its online operation described by the judges as “uniquely situated” … Continue reading


Biased BBC’s Alan notes; “The Church has always been astonishingly wealthy with vast resources from its taxes upon the people and income from its large estates, more than enough to build the fabulous architectural triumphs of the Cathedrals. It might therefore be something of a moral dilemma for someone like Giles Fraser, the once Dean of St Paul’s, and BBC favorite, to lecture us on the sin of being rich.  After … Continue reading


Excellent catch send my way! Here is a BBC news story (last paragraph), reporting the “Palestinian man” who was shot dead near the Gaza security fence: Here is the same story by Israel National News: Note that the BBC’s sanitised & sketchy version makes absolutely no mention of the fact that the “Palestinian man” who was shot also happened to be carrying a Kalachnikov assault rifle. (Maybe he was just going … Continue reading


It’s been a busy morning attacking the Conservative led Coalition on the BBC Today programme. The focus of attack, of course, is always on the Conservative element of that Coalition. We were treated to Ed Balls whingeing about changes to welfare which come into effect with the new tax year today. Balls was allowed to bluster and he stuck to his script paying little regard to the gentle questions asked … Continue reading

The US President, the Supreme Court, and the BBC

On Monday, the President made a pre-emptive attack on the Supreme Court because He’s afraid they’re going to vote to overturn ObamaCare on the grounds that part or all of it violates the Constitution. Needless to say, there’s been a huge outcry, and a lot of fuss in the press about it. I commented about it here yesterday to give everyone a heads up before the BBC came in with … Continue reading


This BBC item has been brought to my attention. Sessions to encourage men to help stop female genital mutilation (FGM) will be held in Bristol, it is hoped. Campaign group Daughters of Eve has started hosting workshops for men in London after gaining funding from the Staples Trust in December. Wonder who these “men” might be? Any thoughts? The world class BBC journalists don’t seem to know….