Immigration…The Benefits..The Truth

    Polly Toynbee let the cat out of the bag…after years of insisting that immigration  makes us wealthier Toynbee reveals that the real position is that a bigger population merely makes the economy bigger whilst not actually benefiting anybody: “The whole economy has only got bigger because we’ve got more people.”   There might be a bigger economy but it’s not more productive and is shared out between more … Continue reading

Labour Says…So It Must Be True

  Sam Bowman, research director at the Adam Smith Institute, says that “rent control is a stunningly bad idea that could devastate Britain’s cities and clobber renters. To paraphrase the socialist economist Assar Lindbeck: the only thing worse for cities than rent control is bombing them.”   Labour bombing the poor? Labour have been trawling their box of good ideas and come up with yet another wizard wheeze to lessen the … Continue reading

Thousands On Zero Hour Contracts At The BBC?

  Labour leader Ed Miliband is expected to put forward plans to outlaw the exploitative use of zero-hour contracts.  Len McCluskey, general secretary of Unite says…. Zero-hours contracts create a throwaway workforce. They form a one-way street, whereby employers bear no risk, avoiding sickness and holiday pay and overtime.     Victoria Derbyshire was conducting a phone-in asking what it is you like about Zero Hour Contracts. Plenty of people … Continue reading

BBC…Defender Of The Faith

      Not a word from the Muslim Council of Britain about those insults on the BBC….and yet when the BBC makes a frontpage splash with this: Wikipedia edit from government computer added Muslim insult   ……they’re all over it: Nasima Begum, a spokeswoman for the Muslim Council of Britain, told the BBC: “It is these types of attitudes that create an unnecessary climate of fear and hostility. “It … Continue reading

All Change

      The BBC is losing quite a few heavy weights these days….Mason, Flanders and now Paxman: Jeremy Paxman to step down as presenter of Newsnight Jeremy Paxman has decided to step down as the presenter of Newsnight, a position he has held with great distinction for 25 years. He informed Tony Hall, the Director General, and James Harding, the Director of News and Current Affairs, of his decision … Continue reading


Busy morning on the BBC. Every effort made to debunk claims by Sir Andrew Green’s MigrationWatch (with Evan Davies joining in the fun and games), then a strange thought for the day that seemed to claim teachers were like Christ, and of course a item on how Labour might win the Newark by-election. Just a normal day through the prism of the BBC.

5Live Drivel….Paint It Black

    Heard Peter Allen talking (18:24) about how the US and German economies were doing so much better than ours….because, Allen tells us, they didn’t have ‘austerity’…the ‘big cuts’…..we may be improving here…but you know what, says Allen…not so much…nowhere near where we were in 2007…..em….wasn’t that just about to go bust in the biggest crash in history!! Got his backside kicked by the guest, who knew what he … Continue reading

If Things Don’t Change They’ll Stay The Same

    Here’s the spin: BBC News highly regarded and trusted but needs to act to maintain reputation with audiences, BBC Trust review finds     Here’s the actual report: Review of BBC Network News and Current Affairs   Here’s the Big Changes acoming your way: As a result of its findings the Trust has set out a number of actions for the BBC Executive, including: Developing its online and … Continue reading

Plurality Futility

  The egregious ‘Hacked Off’ is trying to impose EU diktat upon the  Media..something that could well backfire upon the Hacked Off friendly BBC.   This is one of their slides from their presentation (Via Guido):   We all know that…and yet Labour and Hacked Off don’t seem to have a problem with the BBC dominating the Media scene. Strange that they don’t mind such a right wing organisation (h/t … Continue reading

Poison Pill

    It’s small and short but poisonous: Adie and Ruth – Adventure in the Blood   Ruth tells of her travels and then how her son follows in her footsteps…going on a journey they hadn’t realised the dangers of….going to Gaza. The dangers of course being in a land infested with murderous terrorists and religious fanatics….or not. The danger was the Jews. Travelling in his boat to Gaza across … Continue reading