Fearless Frankie

Our friend Frankie Boyle has been defending his freedom of speech. Or his right to insult Rebecca Adlington’s appearance. Why he ever thought that was funny in the first place escapes me, but he puts the rebuke he has had from the BBC Trust down to a clampdown on cutting edge satire.
What his quip about Ms. Adlington’s nose has to do with satire also escapes me, but he has a point about the directive that the BBC has issued which he calls the “don’t frighten the horses” edict.

I’m all in favour of frightening horses if it means we get something good on TV. But not from Frankie Boyle. His views on Afghanistan and other political topics we can do without.


My colleague over on A Tangled Web, Mike Cunningham, posted this earlier and I thought I might share it with you.

This is the BBC at six o’clock.

News item Number Three,
The return journey of four dead British soldiers, all killed in Afghanistan, with the town of Wooton Basset at standstill showing homage to the fallen. Total time on air some forty-five / fifty seconds.

News item number Seven,
The search for, and election of, a new resident Witch for the tourist spot of Wookey Hole from three hundred cackling prospective witch candidates. Total time on air…. Four minutes.

As ever, the BBC follows the lead of our Government in both priorities, taste and political neutrality!

Economical with the news

I see on several sites- likes Alice’s for example, or the Times– that UK manufacturing output is falling at the fastest rate since 1981. I can’t find a story about it on the BBC UK page, and no-one has mentioned any coverage of it in the comments. On the other hand, I have seen repeatedly that the EU is to support UK car manufacturing. Can it be the BBC doesn’t like to remind us too much of where Labour’s economic genius has led us again? Why on earth would they prefer me to notice EU funding for UK jobs? Why don’t I notice BBC stories about personal hardship in the slump such as I remember from the days of Major? Questions. Questions (maybe I am trying to fathom why 30% might still support the incumbent troughers). I can remember when more moderate manufacturing declines and weakness in the early nineties were essential topline stories for the BBC.