A Biased BBC reader notes;

“Here’s religious affairs correspondent Robert Pigott this morning in sunny Jamaica:

But wait: the patois bible isn’t news:

And much the same story from Pigott in 2008:

How many times does this need reporting, and what is the repetition from Jamaica costing us?

Manning the barriers

Biased BBC contributor Alan observes;

“Mark Mardell joins the chorus of BBC voices vouching for the integrity of Bradley Manning, accused of leaking (should that be stealing ?) massive amounts of US intelligence material.

It seemed yesterday on the Today programme that as with the UK ‘residents’ who were enjoying a stay at a Cuban detention centre the BBC were determined to get British political figures involved in the defence of Manning…..he had a Welsh mother, went to school in Wales for a bit…..Cameron must do something!
Mardell tells us of his trial that:

‘I doubt whether the defence lawyer really has high hopes of getting a more favourable investigating officer, one who will dismiss the case, deeming it not worthy of a court-martial. Instead, it seems he is making his case to the world that this is not a fair trial.’

So not worthy of a court martial…and even if it was it won’t be a fair trial.

It is strange that Mardell shows so much interest in the US judicial system and yet he missed this story from a couple of days back (and I don’t think the BBC covered it at all in fact) about the Blessed and Best Beloved Obama locking up Americans without trial in Guantanamo:

‘Barack Obama has abandoned a commitment to veto a new security law that allows the military to indefinitely detain without trial American terrorism suspects arrested on US soil who could then be shipped to Guantánamo Bay. Human rights groups accused the president of deserting his principles and disregarding the long-established principle that the military is not used in domestic policing.

The law, contained in the defence authorisation bill that funds the US military, effectively extends the battlefield in the “war on terror” to the US and applies the established principle that combatants in any war are subject to military detention. The law’s critics describe it as a draconian piece of legislation that extends the reach of detention without trial to include US citizens arrested in their own country.

“It’s something so radical that it would have been considered crazy had it been pushed by the Bush administration,” said Tom Malinowski of Human Rights Watch”‘

Perhaps there’s an election coming up?


I will be interviewed on BBC5 Live tonight at around 10.05pm concerning this story.

London bus drivers were today accused of holding passengers to ransom as they threatened to strike during next summer’s Olympic Games unless they get a £500 bonus. The 28,000 staff claim they need the money just for turning up to work – because their buses will be so busy. But Boris Johnson today accused transport workers of money-grabbing and asked their Unite union to back down. The claim would slap a £14 million bill on passengers and taxpayers. It is the latest of several demands – totalling nearly £30 million – by transport staff to work during the three-week Games.

Unison’s Peter Kavanagh, the comrade demaning all this extra cash, will be up against me. My view is that if UNISON bus rivers find the prospect of serving the British public and tourists so onerous, they should go and find alternative employment, with almost 250,000 people in London looking for a job.

Have you any thoughts you would like to share with me on this topic?


An astute B-BBC reader asks;  

“Have you watched the 4 programme series called “Thats Britain”. The ‘Wall’ records the “hates” of people in the UK. It is noticeable that, for Progs 1,2,3 and 4, ‘wind turbines’ occupied the second most and most prominent central position of large letters on the ‘Wall’. Consequently, by the BBCs reasoning for the Wall , one must assume this is the biggest personal hate in the UK .
1. Why did the BBC NOT feature an investigation into why wind turbines were consistently considered the biggest “hate”?
2. In Prog.2, why should Julia Bradbury, on viewing the ‘Wall’ precedences, utter the words “Weird! that wind turbines are in second place”?
3. When the ‘Wall’ showed the hate of wind turbines in top spot again in Prog.3, Nick Knowles broadcast comment was that he had reviewed what he thought about wind turbines and now thought they were good. His illiterate opinion had not been solicited.
4. Prog.4 again had wind turbines as the most hated and occupying ‘Wall’ central position with the largest type-face to attract attention again. ‘Wall’ discussion by Nick Knowles regarding the wind turbine most hated comprised of “What is wrong with people?”
I wonder if these BBC public broadcasts were vetted to comply with the £8 billion investment of the BBC Pension Fund through Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change? Where was the impartiality of Nick Knowles broadcast unsolicited opinions? As a retired professionally and academically qualified electrical engineer, I am particularly disgusted that the likes of technical illiterates such as Nick Knowles and other broadcasters can continue to plague the public with wind turbine myths and lies. What do you think?”

I FULLY endorse these questions and I am pretty sure that plenty of those people reading this will share our disgust at the blatant hyping of wind turbine myths and lies by the BBC.


A Biased BBC readers advises;

On Tuesday’s 6o’clock news on R4 there was a report about a religious school in Pakistanwhich had been brutalising its young pupils. Orla Guerin solemnlyintoned a list of atrocities that had been uncovered at this ‘religious’school, but neglected to go into more detail as to the particular religioninvolved. “What could it be?” I wondered. It wasn’t until very nearthe end that a mention of “Jihad” gave me the answer I was after.One has to question whether the BBC would have identified the brand of religionat the start of the item if, for example, it had been a Catholic school?


Hi Folks. Let’s take on Paxo and the Newsnight gang – live here at 10.30pm. Fancy a bit of lively debate? Come along and join in the fun as we stuff Newsnight in time for Christmas! If you survive that, then there’s This Week for afters!


Let us be clear. The BBC opposed the liberation of Iraq long before US troops went in and ever since it has done everything possible to undermine and de-legitimise the war. Aligned with the “International Community”,  I am sure Saddam appreciated the efforts of the BBC to derail the necessary regime change and it’s just such a shame that he is no longer around, along with his evil sons Uday and Qusay, to listen to this kind of tripe on the BBC this morning. Richard Perle does his best but Humphyrs is bristling with the pompous self regard of the political left to whom every war is Viet Nam. At least he allows Perle to make his points without irritating interruptions Wonder what you make of the BBC coverage of the end of US operations in Iraq?


Great propaganda job here on the BBC this morning. First up, we had David Kennedy, chief executive of the Committee on Climate Change to explain why claims that the costs of green energy and other low carbon technologies will lead to sharp rises in fuel bills, are wrong. Then, we had a “debate” between Matthew Sinclair, Director of Tax Payers’ Alliance and George Monbiot, journalist and green campaigner, discuss whether increased taxation a good way of tackling climate change. Note the interruptions Matthew has to deal with compared with the silence that accompanied Monbiot’s moonbat pronouncements. This was all about the BBC suggesting that a/Green energy will not add to our energy bills when all the evidence shows it already has and b/The BBC suggesting that higher taxes are the way to deal with “climate change”. Unbelievable to think we finance this lunacy.