I was interested to hear from a BBC presenter that Russian hacking and fake news played an important part in Trump’s election…fact. Also Trump was smeared by the BBC’s sly comment that he was endorsd by the KKK. Well he may have been but so was Hillary Clinton…and indeed Ronald Reagan.
Curiously the BBC for some reason doesn’t tell us that Clinton was so endorsed….
The Independent in November 2016 tells us that Trump has not disowned the KKK…
Trump is unlikely to be fervently tweeting about this endorsement but has also yet to reject it.
Ronal Reagan previously renounced the KKK’s support, saying: “Those of us in public life can only resent the use of our names by those who seek political recognition for the repugnant doctrines of hate they espouse.”
Asked in July whether he would vote against former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, who has also backed Trump and is running for Senate, Trump said: “I guess.”
Odd how The Independent could miss the numerous rejections of the KKK by Trump as the below video from March 2016 shows…but as they can’t spell Ronald Reagan’s name correctly what can we expect from the Independent?…
So fake news about Trump from the BBC and the Independent as they try every tactic to smear him with any lie and slander.
The BBC as a gold standard for the news industry? LOL.
Okay folks. It’s official. The truth is out there. The brainwashing and far Left agenda that had inculcated our populace with the herd-mentality, virtue-signalling myopia can be squarely laid at the door of our MSM both Sky and BBC ‘News’. Instead of impartial and factual coverage of the inauguration we have had BBC reporter opinion and ‘analysis’ that is bordering on utter ideologically charged left-wing drivel and blatent pro-Obama bias. Both Sky and BBC have been an utter despicable disgrace… smug and nasty snide anti-Trump comments, repugnant pro-Obama bumlicking and utterly pathetic airplay given to violent socialist leftie student filth who instead of being given airplay should be beaten with the truncheon. The BBC is a complete disgrace. It is the enemy.
I want to take this opportunity to wish my American brethren and President Trump my best wishes. The birth of a new dawn awaits. To the future…
This election in America is probably the most important election for our generation – not just for America, or Europe, but the world.
It all started when the USSR, and the Warsaw pact collapsed. This was a seismic event. The waves traveled all over the world. The Left in Russia and Eastern Europe were not just discredited, but the Eastern Left simply abandoned Marxism. The populace simply hated the Left, Marxism, and anything associated with the socialism.
However, the Left survived in the West- mostly cossetted in academic institutions, where they could carry on the fight.
Two events came about, that allowed the Left to resurrect itself. One was Health ie National Health, and its continuous and ever increasing demand for money, even as Western economies took a hit from China. The other was, ironically provided to them by Margaret Thatcher – Global Warming.
Both these events provided the Left to pose as guardians of good, defending the weak – in health, and the environment, soon to be devastated by Climate Change. Both these provided the tools necessary for control of the West by taxation, and regulation. This was particularly true for AGW.
A tool used to silence dissent was Political Correctness.
So we have
1. Government provided health care
2. Climate Change – to prevent catastrophic climate change
And Political Correctness to stifle dissent, and keep the people frightened, till it was too late. This was the plan.
For the last two decades, the Left worked hard to champion AGW and NHS, both in the EU, and America. The EU fell quite quickly, as the EU elite was Leftist anyway. America was going to be a challenge. Then came Obama, quite literally from nowhere. He was just too good. He could be put in the White House, by badgering Americans with the “Racist” card.
It took eight years for the Obama Democrats, to get the job almost completed. It required just one more session of Clinton, and America would be tied to a NHS/Obamacare, and AGW/Climate Change, and thus to socialism.
The most advanced economies in the world – America and Europe, would be marching to socialism. Even an alliance with Islam was OK, as Islam would be tackled later.
Irony of ironies – the roles of the USSR and the West, would have been reversed. If it had succeeded, and it would have if Trump had not turned up, Socialism/communism would have triumphed, and freedom perished. The remnants of socialists in Russia and China would have returned, and we would have global communism.
Brexit was a complete surprise, and was an indication that something was not right. No matter, Clinton was a sure thing, and Britain would fall in with America, as it normally does, if Clinton became president.
I believe this is the reason why the Western Left – America, Europe and Britain fought so hard. They had “planned” for this since the fall of the USSR, and were in touching distance of triumph. They stooped to chicanery and lies, so important was the task, while projecting the same on Donald Trump. And then it was snatched from their hands by a novice, a mere real estate developer.
Donald Trump, either by analysis, or intuition, knew exactly where to hit. Lets see where he hit.
1. Globalism – he put this as being about jobs, jobs, and jobs for Americans
2. Obamacare – about making affordable health care
3. Climate Change – unnecessary regulations that was killing jobs, jobs, and jobs.. Climate Change is a hoax. Which it is.
4. Radical Islam – the putative ally of the Left.
I therefore believe that this election was the most important election for this generation.
It goes without saying, that the Utopian Left will not give up. But the evil of Marxism/socialism had been buried for at least a generation.
Isn’t it “strange”, that Eastern Europe, and Russia, knew what was going on. For the Western Left, Russia and Eastern Europe were the enemy. Specially Russia.
Isn’t it strange too, that Trump knew what was going on.
As for the Democrat charge that Trump was disparaging the Intelligence agencies, Trump was blithe about it. He knew this was just at the top.
In a couple of weeks, the heads of all Intelligence agencies will be looking for other jobs. The newly appointed heads will be eager to please their boss.
I don’t know if Trump “knew what was going on “whatever you think is going on .But he is not the buffoon the BBC and MSM like to portray him as and probably figured out the country he loves is going down the tubes. Rich very much richer ,poor very much poorer.Middle class decimated.
There are interviews of him over many years talking about possibly running for President if things didnt improve.He is well aware of vested interests which are out if control in the states.
The Russian angle is a convenient load of baloney as Judge Judy would say.
I remember Trump on the Oprah show. He did mention that if he felt that America was going in the wrong direction, he would make a bid for the presidency.
Look at the way the audience attends his answers.
MSNBC: Trump Inaguration Speech “Sounded Like Hitler”
MSNBC and CNN are going mental. In their view, it was Nuremberg all over again. The BBC is not there. Yet.
No wonder the Left continue to fight. There is nothing else they can do. CNN might die, or taken over. The BBC will continue to fight, until the government puts it out of its misery.
Its been a terrific six months, and the war still continues. But now I think its just mopping up operations. Trump referred to this after lunch after the inauguration, by stating that he had appointed three tough generals, for specifically this task.
Muslims must have been watching Trump’s speech. If they are smart, they know Jihad is not a nice word with Trump.
The Obama’s looked devastated, as they waited for the flight to take them to Palm Springs.
I really cant believe what “The Donald” has done, against all the odds. Unbloodyunbelievable.
The EU too has learned a lesson. Never give the plebs a referendum. Too late. The EU is in Trump’s sights.
“The EU too has learned a lesson. Never give the plebs a referendum. Too late. The EU is in Trump’s sights.”
Yes, it is too late now.
Thank God.
The EU too has learned a lesson. Never give the plebs a referendum.
There have been quite a few over the years. The difference with ours was, thankfully, the vote was acted upon rather than ignored (as the French government did with their electorate’s rejection of one of the EU treaties).
“The difference with ours was, thankfully, the vote was acted upon”.
Indeed, which is extremely interesting from my ignorant perspective because it tells me that our lords and masters realise that civil society is at snapping point. Otherwise they WOULD have just ignored it or done it again or similar such insults….
I would so so love to see the highly confidential (AND accurate), “eyes only” government social polling data.
Have to be careful we aren’t bought off cheap though. There is absolutely no trust any more for the bastards who run the show.
NCBBC, excellent post.
I am particularly referring to your 12:34 one (nothing wrong with the others either) but my comment seems to be attaching itself to one of them instead.
Thanks Demon.
We are living in a time more epic then when the USSR came down, and the Berlin wall too.
What wer are seeing are the death throes of socialism/communism/marxism. It will go underground, and may re-surface in the future. Not likely in Eastern Europe, where they educate the young in schools, on the evils of Marxism.
I hope we start that here too. The universities really are in need of a clear out- specially in the Humanities.
Education and the BBC hand-holding Open University.
Try getting an alternative view on global warming, oops – climate change, from a teacher: if they have an alternative view they are too afraid to say.
Dont forget the role in this over the decades of the BBC and the rest of the lying dying MSM as the left’s useful idiots and aiders in all of this pushing the EU, islam, The bloated black hole that is the NHS which has more than enough money if it was effeiceintly run and not saddled with billions in PFI debt {come on down blair and brown} the so-called refugees aka fith collunmists. The BBC is a clown car unfortunately and thankfully the BBC clown car got hit by the locomotive that is the internet
The BBC’s role in pushing Islam is the equivalent of them pushing Nazi Germany in Britain, in the 30s.
In fact, Islam is an existential threat that will not just wipe out the present, but delete and expunge Britain’s historic past. See all Islamic countries at the moment. The process is slow but inexorable.
What do you mean by “existential”?
Spacemonkey: What do you mean by “existential”?
The historic culture of Britain will be expunged. Islam is not content in Islamising the present. It has to remove all the culture that went before it. If this is not removed, it sees the past as a threat to the future. The people might rise up, and revert to their historic past. Thus the past has to be erased.
We see this in Afghanistan, where despite no left Buddhists in that country, the last reminder of the past was dynamited. In Egypt – the continuous destruction of churches. In Iraq the same, and the looting and destruction of museums. Ditto elsewhere.
V S Naipual write a book on this, “Among the believers”.
So, that’s what “existential” means, then? Religious maniacs blowing up old buildings?
As well as the culture.
As a Sikh I know all about dealing with islam and our history when dealing with islam ie all Sikhs were told to convert or be killed islam the religion of peace yeah right dear beebiods please read some history books Thankfully unlike beeboids and guardianistas we recognised the thread from islam and thought back to ensure our survival as a people, Sadly people like beeboids, guardianistas,leftards and the terminally stupid just dont grasp the facts when someone like me tells them the truth about their religion of peace
Thanks for your post. Many dont know what Muslims did to Sikh gurus. And it carried on till Partition. And still does to the few Sikhs that are still in Afghanistan.
I’ve commented here before about how the BBC will deliberately delay reporting events that don’t fit their agenda until they have jacked up what they consider to be a suitable rebuttal.
Case in point was Theresa May’s excoriating remarks about Kerry’s remarks on Israel. Long after every other news outlet had covered it the BBC finally found their useful idiot in the shape of Crispin Blunt. The BBC then ran it in their usual format, a short paragraph with May’s excoriation followed by the usual BBC “BUT” blah de blah de blah for the rest of the piece where the useful idiot was given free rein. And that was it. No rationale behind May’s remarks. Nothing.
And of course we have examples where the BBC flatly refuses to cover a news item.
Just about every news outlet thought it ranked headlines when in January 2015 Obama saw fit to praise David Cameron’s handling of the British economy, but not the BBC. Oh no, a news blackout was imposed by the BBC.
Well today Donald Trump walked into the Oval Office. One of his first acts was to return the bust of Winston Churchill to its rightful place.
My bet is that this will not be reported by the fake news BBC
“Well today Donald Trump walked into the Oval Office. One of his first acts was to return the bust of Winston Churchill to its rightful place.”
I will unashamedly admit that this almost brought a tear to my eye.
I may be stretching things a bit here with this but hasn’t it occurred to the SJW’s that without Churchill that the real Hitler may well have won the Second World War and I wonder how different ethnicities (including MLK) would have fared THEN?
Even more galling to such people is to point out that it was the British Empire, not simply Britain, which was victorious over the Third Reich. Yet the OBE, MBE, etc are unclean in the eyes of some because they containn the taboo word “empire”
I’d like to add one other thing.
A new phrase has entered the BBC lexicon and it appeared in the past week.
Some little clever clogs in ‘the envy of the world’ dreamed it up and the BBC will, I suspect, will be off on a canter with this one over the next few weeks and months.
It is “vunerable voters”. This is the catch-all to explain the ‘mental aberration’ that afflicted US voters when they rejected the chosen candidate in the shape of the detested and untrusted Hillary Clinton.
You can always rely on the BBC to add 2+2 and get 55.
Watch out for it being used more and more when it comes to explaining the referendum result and anything else that flies in the face of their idea of logic.
I don’t think anyone at the BBC is clever enough to think of that by themselves. They will have been fed it by their contollers or masters. However, now they have the phrase they will, as you say, use it constantly until there s a new one to bombard us with.
It’s their usual method of ‘pigeon holing’ sections of the community TP.
Once they have a name for a group, they can apply their sneer and snide as they do, and try and divide the people whom they don’t like. ‘Daily Mail readers’ was one which fell pretty flat, to recall something similar.
The bBeeb seems to avoid the term ‘elite’, because they’re the sort of people who haven’t really grasped the realities of real commerce, they just piddle about in politics, charities etc., and I wish that the term would ‘sod orf’ (like most of the ‘members’ of that particular crowd).
Perhaps they will fade away now we have a US President with balls.
Will watch out for it.
BBC is taking a trip down I45. The same old BS.
Every time that I hear the BBC coming up with its latest phrase like “Vunerable Voters” thinking that its latest phrase like “Vunerage Voters” is a great idea then pushing it on its viewers and listeners it reminds me of watching a dog chasing its tail looks impressive but most dogs unlike the BBC {And the rest of the lying dying MSM} soon realise that running round is a waste of time and not a good idea and acheives nothing but there again the average dog would have no difficulty in out thinking the avarege BBC journo
It is “vunerable voters”.
TPO, it looks like a useful phrase. I’ll apply it to all the snowflakes who are so triggered by Brexit and Trump that they have run back to cower in their safe space.
I’m putting this compilation vid here by Paul Joseph Watson of SJW breakdowns triggered by President Trump (God it feels delicious being able to say that) because…. Well, because it’s bloody funny but there is also a serious message about the mindset of this crowd.
If rushed watch the last few seconds from 5.08. No drinking liquids near key-board when you do. About the funniest “triggering” I’ve personally seen for a while.
Is it wet under the cry baby’s bottom? I hope his Mummy brought a fresh “diaper”, as they say in America.
Has anybody called the Wambulance to wisk her of to safe space she needs her teddy and feelings pherapist
The sun has just burned through the fog, and it looks set to be another glorious day.
Oh, and…
Nice one Katty. A fitting postscript for BBC coverage.
Time for this
One sunny day in January, 2017, an old man approached the White House from across Pennsylvania Avenue where he’d been sitting on a park bench. He spoke to the U.S. Marine standing guard and said, “I would like to go in and meet with President Obama. ”The Marine looked at the man and said, “Sir, Mr. Obama is no longer President and no longer resides here. ”The old man said, “Okay,” and walked away.
The following day the same man approached the White House and said to the same Marine, “I would like to go in and meet with President Obama. ”The Marine again told the man, “Sir, as I said yesterday, Mr. Obama is no longer President and no longer resides here. ”The man thanked him and again just walked away. The third day the same man approached the White House and spoke to the very same U.S. Marine, saying, “I would like to go in and meet with President Obama.” The Marine, understandably agitated at this point, looked at the man and said, “Sir, this is the third day in a row you have been here asking to speak to Mr. Obama. I’ve told you already that Mr. Obama is no longer the President and no longer resides here. Don’t you understand?
”The old man looked at the Marine and said, “Oh, I understand. I just love hearing it.” The Marine snapped to attention, saluted, and said, “See you tomorrow, Sir!”