“It is very clear tonight that, while the House has not passed a motion, it is clear to me that the British parliament, reflecting the views of the British people, does not want to see British military action. I get that and the government will act accordingly.”
Anna Soubry, a woman who is a complete stranger to the truth, who is the living embodiment of the old joke about politicians that you know when she is lying because her lips are moving. Dishonest, treacherous and untrustworthy, corrupt. A ‘Remainer’ of course.
A woman who tells us how she respects the outcome of the referendum vote but then goes on to denounce those who voted Leave as racist, nationalist, little englanders who were too stupid to know they were being conned by the Leave campaign as she declared that ‘We have ceded the field to the ill-informed, intolerant and often prejudiced.’
A woman who demands May gives her and her fellow Remain collaborators the details of the Brexit plan but then, as she headed in for a meeting with May along with those collaborators to try and strong arm May into backing a ‘soft-Brexit’, that is no Brexit at all, she was appalled to be asked what she would be talking about…apparently that is ‘private’ and the Public have no right to know what she and the Euro quislings are plotting in their backroom deals where the elite cook up their private little agreements to suit themselves, the very thing that the Public voted against. [Emma Barnett to be fair refused to be intimidated and bullied by Soubry who wanted to dodge the question and kept asking what Soubry was going to say in the meeting]
Soubry, on the same day, tried to insist that the vote on military action against Assad in 2013 was not really about that and yet you could have fooled me, the PM and every news outlet in the land……
From the BBC…
MPs have rejected possible UK military action against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s government to deter the use of chemical weapons.
David Cameron said he would respect the defeat of a government motion by 285-272, ruling out joining US-led strikes.
The US said it would “continue to consult” with the UK, “one of our closest allies and friends”.
France said the UK’s vote does not change its resolve on the need to act in Syria.
Russia – which has close ties with the Assad government – welcomed Britain’s rejection of a military strike.
From the Guardian….
Blow to Cameron’s authority as MPs rule out British assault on Syria
From the Mirror…
Syria: How did your MP vote in the Commons over military action?
Fairly clear that the vote was to establish the principle that the government could take military action against Syria.
Not a word that comes out of Soubry’s mouth can be trusted it would seem. Post-Fact indeed.
Soubry has always struck me as a sanctimonious little creep , full of her own self- importance . She’s an ex regional TV presenter and that’s about her level. She rose through the ranks because of Cameron’s tactic of over- promoting women of limited talent, to even out the gender balance among ministers . Nicky Morgan is another example.
Labour is even worse. Corbyn’s lightweight shadow ministerial front bench is full of women of little ability, parachuted into seats via all women short lists. Angela Rayner and Rebecca Long Bailey immediately spring to
mind. Listening to them being interviewed is painful.
The calibre of male MPs is bad enough. I am afraid that the vast majority of MPs are third rate wasters
Come now Grant, “third rate wasters”? I wouldn’t put most of them as high as third rate. It’s why those of limited talent prevent those with something real to say from progression to the top.
An average PM like Cameron didn’t want too many round him who are clever because that would have highighted his inadequacies. The same goes for May, as well as all the Labour leaders I can remember.
Those with real talent don’t go into Parliament as they can make a lot more money outside.
Fair points. This could be one reason Jacob Rees-Mogg is not in the Cabinet. He would easily outshine all the nonentities.
Funnily enough, Jacob was the exception going through my mind when I typed the above. That’s why he will never make it to the top.
Grant , I agree but it was a bit off topic so I resisted it! However poor the overall quality of MPs , it doesn’t excuse the dross like Soubry, Morgan etc who have been over promoted even against the standard of some male MPs.
I’m less worried about the standard of labour MPs male or female as they will never get into government.
Sourby, in her pompous grandstanding against pro-Brexit MPs actually looking to implement the will of the people, actually said “it’s up to sensible people like me to keep the government accountable.” The government is accountable to the electorate, who voted to leave the EU. That is literally all that matters now, and any MP who suggests otherwise is the opposite of sensible.
Tucker and Nigel:
They’ve got the stupid to believe that the Russians tampered with voting machines in the US election, now they are trying to claim the Russians tampered with the voting machines in the Brexit vote. No wait, we don’t have voting machines, only pencil and paper. The Labour idiot didn’t think that one through.
Thanks for that. Nigel on top form. Juncker and the EU are mentally deranged. Militarily, Russia could wipe the floor with Europe.
Grant, it shows the desperate and dishonest lengths the EU crazies will go to to try to delegitimise democracy.
The trouble is the Left will spread the rumour that our referendum was fixed by Putin and a lot of idiots will believe it if the BBC says it.
And the BBC WILL say it. And repeat it so often that they will claim there is evidence, when there clearly isn’t, just like in the USA. All lies but the dimwitted lefties will lap it up and use it like their comfort blankets and use it to try to bring down democracy and truth.
If the BBC said the sky is pink there are plenty of sheeple would would accept it as fact that the sky is pink because it is reported on the BBC
Anna Doolally