Time for another one of these….any bias about? Perhaps some careless talk?…such as Emma Barnett talking of ‘IRA soldiers’ giving the murderous terrorists a massive amount of undue respect that the BBC never affords to British soldiers whom they hound at every opportunity….Barnett, as she rejected claims that there was a witch-hunt against British troops in NI, never once mentioning Phil Shiner’s fall and the false claims he made that the BBC peddled as fact for years.
Open Thread Friday
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The Top 10 Greatest Plonkers of 2016 (in my humble opinion and in no particular order) –
* Bob Geldof. For flicking V signs and yelling abuse at real working class people.
* Lily Allen. For having an emotional breakdown in front of a bemused Afghan teenager.
* Gary Lineker. For becoming a virtue-signalling tw@t on Twitter.
* Anna Soubry. For appearing tired and emotional the morning after the vote, warning of hate and fear stalking the land.
* David Cameron. For telling us that the EU had kept Europe safe since 1945, and a Brexit would inevitably lead to WW3.
* George Osborne. For threatening us all with “a punishment budget” should we vote Leave.
* Katty Kay. For her impersonation of a stunned mullet on the BBC US election coverage.
* Mark Carney. For talking down Britain at every turn, and forecasting economic doom if we dared to say No thanks.
*Andrew Marr. For making a cringing apology for doing his job and interviewing Marine le Pen.
*Francois Hollande (international entrant). For achieving a popularity rating of 4%.
And I haven’t even included any Labour or SNP. This may need to go to a Top 20. Any ideas?
My vote goes to Keith Vaz, not only for offering to buy cocaine for a couple of rent boys, but even better was his comical interview with old Dimbledore after the referendum result. Seeing him almost welling up with tears was one of the highlights of 2016 for me.
I’ll just tell everyone what I find so offesnive about the BBC, is the number of women journalists, news presenters, political & econmists and so called Sports interviewers, many of whom no little of the sport they are taling about or often to whom, especially Rugby Football-it is said there are far too few women in all avenues of commerce, industry, politics et al-you must be kidding! Even my wife now bemoans the fact that there are too many women-she infers it is to soften the general approach to peoples lives making them soft-you can say that again-The Vote was to Leave the EU, hells bells you wouldn’t think it they way the BBC continually demonstrates its dislike that the UK voted OUT.And some misguided white people have bought a house to house a load of immigrants from Africa..what about our own homeless?
Here is the link for the couple who bought a house for immigrant
Birmingham couple buys house for asylum seekers
At least when the time comes to deport the illegals the police won’t have to waste time searching for them.
Actually, if I had the money I might do that. Right next to some virtue-signalling politicians or celebrities.
A wonderful charitable act, but I wonder if everything is included. All the bills for heating and lighting, food, transport, pocket money equivalent to what the taxpayer doles out for migrants , private health insurance, so as not to be a burden on the NHS, private education provision for any children, etc. There are just so many extras that go way beyond providing a house for migrants. I suggest a put your money where your mouth is tax, for all the political leftists and luvvies who demand we take in migrants;20%?
I’m not sure this is as charitable as it appears.
They must already have somewhere to live themselves, so they must have taken out a “Buy-to-Let” mortgage. They will then use the rent from the property to cover the mortgage payments. If they bought the property outright with cash then they are clearly better off than they are letting on.
At the end of it when the last tenants leave they will have an asset that will have appreciated considerably in value.
Millions of people already do this because it is such a profitable and relatively safe way of saving for the future.
Absolutely they will rent it back to their County Council Social Serices who will inevitably be happy to spend more of our moeny and no doubt ensure that Heat & Light are covered, afterall mustn’t let these people get cold, not while there are other homless (white) people who can die from exposure.
Yes Invicta 1066, all bills will be covered by the local Council and for good measure a couple of hundred pounds a week to help with food costs, OMG’,- I have seen first hand what corruption exudes, oozes from those pertaining to run African countries-they just love the silly white folk in Europe who plough millions into their country via various charitable means, but never it would appear do they take advantage of this generousity to enhance the lives of their own people, NO they ensure that a certain large amount is waffted away into various off shor accounts. Goodness I wish people would wake up and endeavour to see for themselves what is going on-and please let’s get rid of that Fergal Keen whose plan in life is to wander around the world looking for any subject matter that might bring disharmony to the UK. Incomprehensible if it weren’t so serious.
All UKIP have to do is print all their stuff with Keith Vaz smiling, preferably with Mandelson next to him.
Reminding us all who are the Labour puppetteers.
Whether it`s THEIR side-or Corbyn and Abbotts side-that yank each others chains?
Who cares-just one unelectable evil tangle of twaddle.
The Duck.
Vaseline’s actions go on.
At the end of October 2016, Vaz was appointed to the Justice Select Committee, after he had put himself forward and was nominated by his party.[59] A House of Commons motion to block this development was defeated; they are rare on such an issue. According to Laura Hughes of The Daily Telegraph, Conservative Party whips told their MPs to vote for Vaz in the division to prevent a precedent being created of such appointments being rejected by MPs. Over 150 Conservative MPs voted in support of Vaz.[1] The Conservative MP Andrew Bridgen asked in the chamber of Vaz: “what makes him think that he is a fit and proper person this month?” The Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards, Kathryn Hudson has previously announced an investigation into Vaz’s conduct.[60]
Vaz has also been appointed to a Public bill committee, which held its first meeting on 15 November 2016, looking at the Criminal Finances Bill which aims to tackle money laundering and corruption
Does he have compromising pictures of royalty? How on earth does he survive and then prosper with such toxic actions. Anybody else would have retired to the drawing room with a scotch and his loaded shotgun. But no he gets sidelined for a couple of weeks then back to business. If he gets elected again we deserve all we get.
“If he gets elected again we deserve all we get.”
I think he’ll be pretty safe in Leicester.
Keith Vaz also demanded that we bring in 20,000 Bangladeshi waiters and cooks a few years ago because of a shortage of such staff in Asian restaurants. At the time there were officially some 15,000+ Bangladeshis waiters etc. registered as unemployed! They were not of course unemployed, merely claiming so to get benefits whilst working cash in hand in family businesses.
Special mention for Jeremy Corbyn with his latest Baldrick-esque plan to stop the sale of petrol cars.
Should go down well with the BBC’s uncle Roger Harabin, (if he knows what a car is).
Should help enormously with Brexit negotiations ensuring Germany will be on side for a deal!
Another cunning plan to enable election? perhaps not. One can’t help thinking that Corbyn is a Tory plant/fifth columnist – there can be no other explanation! If he is serious about the Labour party acheiving power then perhaps he should consider the following:
1) Listen to the millions of potential Labour voters who want control on immigration
2) Get rid of unpopular shadow cabinet members such as Dianne Abbott.
3) Keep globalist controlled slimeballs such as Owen Jones at a distance.
4) Back Brexit with enthusisasm.
It won’t happen of course so goodbye Labour hello UKIP!
I actually meant Owen Smith and not Jones. Although come to think of it the boy wonder would do.
Jeremy Corbyn can plan to give everyone a pet unicorn for all it matters. Someone should tell him you have to win the general election for any of his crackpot schemes to actually happen, and if he does, there won’t be much of a country left by 2026 to worry about.
My Go,
What about Farron for being Tim Farron and the rest of his fascist crew , who should be prosecuted by the Advertising Standards Agency for having the word Democrats in their party tile.
And for misusing the title Liberal.
My Top Twelve Buttscuttlers for 2016
1. Keith Vaz
2. Bob Geldof
3, Tim Farron
4. Anna Soubry
5. Mark Carney
6. Will Gompertz
7. Patience Wheatcroft
8. Gina Miller
9. Shami Chakrabhati
10. Pope Francis
11. Emily Thornberry
12. Owen Jones.
There are the votes from Redditch Ladies Choir, as I understand them.
Well, me and a few fellow warblers for UKIP.
Rule Britannia I say .
Just look at this!……………….
No HYS .
The racists at the BBC encourage the idea that Britain and in particular England are racist constructs and by doing so tell you and me that we too are racists (and also all our friends and family).
Most don’t know what the word rascist actually means, but of course the media will at every opportunity endeavour to subjugate us to the view that we the white people of Britain are so racist yet we have over 2.5 million Muslims, several million others from outside Europe, millions upon millions of coloured people that began in numbers to come here in the 1950’s and thousands arriving since then-we have special Black only progs, Black film awards, recent BBC prog, Black in Britain, and others, so isn’t that racist? What if there was a White only TV film awards, you can imagine the outcry against such a thing-yes folks it’s one rule for them and only one for us ‘to accept it.’
Tarien, yet they all only constitute 16% of the population. The BBC are on a drive to convince us that every other person in the street is of ethnic extraction and particularly Muslim.
Of course the title for a so called broadcasting company – the BBC – is racist too.
‘RACIST’ means, “Silence, you have no right to exist, let alone voice an opinion.”
I have recently been watching he Crown on Netflix and jolly good it is to. I did wonder what it would be like if the BBC had made it with their total commitment to diversity and PC compliance at the expense of truth.
Princess Margy would be married to an Arab and wear the burka. Prince Charles would be transgender and Anne would certainly be a Lesbian and arrested at the Greenham Common protest camp. The coronation would be held in the central mosque and Prince Phillip may well be a POC ( person of colour) , we just have to imagine that he wasn’t ,but the diversity quota demanded it do you see. The arrival of SS Windrush would be seen as the dawn of a new age of enrichment and the Queen would be there to greet the first boatload of immigrants as they disembarked to save the NHS , whilst the rest of the county cheered them enthusiastically for their sacrifice.
In later episodes Arthur Scargill would be a valued adviser and friend of the family. Lady Thatcher will be portrayed as a witch who eats the children of the unemployed . Most unlikely of all will be Neil Kinnock who will speak succinctly and finish his lines before we all fall asleep.TB will portrayed with due reverence .Most of the courtiers would of course be POCs , for reasons of the quota. The Queen will be portrayed as a keen europhile anxious that we join the EEC and a firm supporter of a federal Europe over the decades, who abdicates after the country votes Leave.
The possibilities are endless , oh what fun we can have poking fun at the ridiculous BBC . The problem of course is that he BBC are certainly ridiculous but they are also highly dangerous and damaging to our country.
Not just our friends and family but all previous generations of our families including any who fought against real nazis and fascists.
Further evidence, as if evidence were needed, that most on the Left suffer from mental illness. People are taking less and less notice of them and I think that the frustration is making them worse.
On Newswatch, this morning, some idiot was complaining about the attention given to Nigel Farage. No mention of ridiculous parasites like Will Self, Benjamin Zephaniah and the appalling Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, who must surely be relying on the BBC for most of their income and publicity.
Good analysis. They cannot believe so many things are going against them and they are becoming more desperate every day. My heart bleeds.
As for Nigel, at least he has been elected. As for the others you mention, and many more, who do they represent ? Only themselves as far as I can see.
Interesting headline on the BBC news website
“Obama orders review of ‘Russian Hacking'”
Followed by a brief description…..”President Barack Obama orders a review of cyber attacks, blamed on Russia, which shook the US election”. Alongside this there is a picture of a row of voting machines.
To the casual reader it may appear that the result of the US election was due to Russian hackers. However………
When you click on the story the headline changes to…
“Obama orders review into ‘Russian hacking’ BEFORE US ELECTION” (my caps)……How strange that they chose to leave out those last three words.
Also the brief description has now changed to….
“President Barack Obama has ordered an investigation into a series of cyber-attacks, blamed on Russia, that shook the US election SEASON.” (my caps). Again, one word changes the meaning of an entire sentence.
It’s only when you actually read the story that you see what they are actually referring to are the Podesta emails.
Also, since when did Trump go from billionaire buffoon to evil tyrant secretly working with the Kremlin?
“Also, since when did Trump go from billionaire buffoon to evil tyrant secretly working with the Kremlin?”
At a guess, at about the time he looked like he might win.
The BBC might ponder if their record on ‘reporting’ accurately if not utterly fakely will see anything they trot out these days as subject to a degree of cynicism
Guest Who, “anything they trot out” – like what you did there! 😉
As I heard the Saturday Radio 4 9am headlines, it was the Russian hackers who helped Assange get Hillary’s and the Democratic Party emails, and it was these emails that lost Hillary the election. Now I am not sure what these emails said, but surely it is their content that lost Hillary the election, not that they were released. But typical BBC mode to shoot the messenger rather than the issue.
Good point. Is the BBC’s position that when the American people found out the truth about Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party, they declined to vote for them?
As ever, the BBC dimwits have not thought this through, have they?
Americanthinker.com has quite a few articles about the Wikileaks emails (search on the site for “podesta emails”). One point made repeatedly is that the fact they were (possibly) obtained by Russian hackers is neither here nor there; the emails, as leaked, are authentic. Clinton carelessly conceded as much, when she was asked about emails relating to speeches she made at Goldman Sachs. By answering the question, even in her characteristically dishonest way, she implicitly authenticated the emails.
The emails also reveal that Clinton favours entirely open borders and that the Clinton Foundation pocketed $12 million from the King of Morocco for Hillary to attend a Clinton Global Initiative boondoggle in Morocco. The fact that the mainstream media was working very closely with the Clinton campaign hardly amounts to a revelation, but the emails confirm it.
At least one e-mail shows that Obama was well aware of Clinton’s private server, since he received emails from it (I think it is also established that he wrote to it, too). Podesta strongly implies elsewhere that Obama’s camp, in 2008, exploited voter fraud. Obama’s lax attitude to border security, as well as Clinton’s outright preference for open borders, both lend themselves to fraudulent voting, as per this comment from American Thinker:
“In addition, Hillary’s dream of open borders appears to include ‘voters without borders.’ In an email on February 3, 2015, Podesta described the process in which illegal aliens with a driver’s license can vote, as long as they lie to election workers. Twelve states and the District of Columbia grant drivers license to illegal aliens. Following Podesta’s guide for lying on Election Day would have an especially large impact in California, as almost half of their driver’s licenses were issued to illegals.”
I am inclined to doubt the emails had a decisive effect on the outcome of the election, because I had the impression that the mainstream media were either ignoring the emails outright (usually by piously refusing to touch information from a tainted source), or discounted them from the outset, with their typical “Nothing to see here” attitude.
” with a driver’s license can vote, as long as they lie to election workers. Twelve states and the District of Columbia grant drivers license to illegal aliens. ”
Jeez ……!
The much-trumpeted “popular vote”, which supposedly means Clinton should have won, is meaningless, when you recognise the scale of the electoral distortions encouraged by the Democrats over many years. No electoral integrity exists in certain states. Every time the Republicans have suggested ways of ensuring that only those eligible to vote actually might do so, the Democrats have shouted “Racist!”
The reality is that minorities suffer most from voter fraud.
Amusing as well how the BBC, which led the editorial line that the intelligence agencies were partisan for investigating the Clinton emails, are now taking their word as complete gospel when it concerns Trump. And yes, clearly the headline is intended as clickbait, making the BBC no better than Buzzfeed.
Shame they don’t provide this sort of coverage to Clinton’s KNOWN links to Russia, for example aiding in the massive sale of American uranium to the Kremlin. I’ve never seen that reported by Al Beeb, and if it has been then it was buried extremely quickly.
I thought that the main source of BBC misinformation is Buzzfeed, making Buzzfeed no better than the BBC.
When this fails he will order a re-run of the Salem Witch Trials to ensure everyone agrees to vote the way they are told.
I took this news item to be some of the “fake news” that the BBC have been warning us about. How can it have slipped through their net?
There were no cyber attacks. All that was revealed were John Podesta’s emails, so that the Democrats could not deny the lies and deceit at the heart of their party machine. Given that John Podesta’s email password was “Password” I suggest that the might of the FSB was not needed to hack his emails. Stupid as well as evil you see, it is the default left wing combination. I call it Corbyn/Abbott syndrome.
She does win awards though
That man and his like were the begining of the end for the BBC. Like many on here who have made it plain what they think of our BBC, sadly I have to agree and now rarely pay any attention to the News knowing how bias it will be as dictated by those that control the media. Just watch Murdoch worm his way amongst us once again-too much control in one organisation leads to dictatorship control of peoples lives and manipulation of what they should think.Like the Syrian War, the rebel Islamic army called Daesh/Isis will never be defeated as long as they remain an instrument for the controllers of Islam-it pains me to think Britain appears to have such a close association with Saudi Arabia, a state that still lives in the past, still subjugates its people with the utter eveilness of the teachings of Islam. Islam is the cause of the world’s trouble, yet no one so far is standing up to this fact, but allowing it to be sufficated along with spurious claims that we have so much to gain from the invlovement-tell that to the many thousands of sexually assaulted women in Europe let alone the Middle East.
“Just watch Murdoch worm his way amongst us once again-too much control in one organisation leads to dictatorship control of peoples lives and manipulation of what they should think.”
Too much control? Are you kidding?
Like Al Beeb which with its 24/7 rolling news bollocks propaganda has a reach of almost 80% of news consumers?
And as others have pointed out here, SKY news is getting to be as bad as Al Beeb.
We need a Breitbart tv channel.
There’s an audience of 17.4 million out there waiting.
Seeing Greg Dyke on the Pledge is enough for me to throw a brick at the tele. The bloke is an A1 pratt.
Greg Dyke is hideously white. So what do you expect ? He is a plonker.
At least the BBC commitment to Facebook is explained…
BBC Radio 5 Live – Question Time Extra Time – http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b084crps
[Fast forward to 1 hr 46 mins]
The very first caller, a man called “Sammy” (?) claims that people who live in ‘the Shire counties’ (anyone outside of London and other big cities) are racist. Stephen Nolan, and his sidekick Chris Mason, treat this as some kind of revelation, rather than challenge the claim.
Listen and weep.
Direct link by adding #playt=1h46m to the url
On BBC1 Breakfast today at about 7:30am the presenters asked the sports reporter woman (I forget her name, Sally maybe?) what a “Polar Vortex” is with respect to the cold weather in the USA. They introduced her as a ‘Polar Vortex expert’.
Between all 3 of them they described it as “a spinning thing like a vortex near the polar regions [whilst wiggling fingers in all directions]…. we had one 2 weeks ago when it was cold”.
The sports presenter had a short skirt and a good pair of legs so I suppose we can let her total lack of knowledge and embarrassing explanation go. Not bad considering that all 3 presenters are only being paid around £300k to £500k a year each.
BBC Breakfast is just a free advertising platform for BBC mates
#1 Green religion and other NGO virtue signallers
#2 General Virtual Signallers brainwashing “look at me I’ve got some black/trans friends”
#3LeftMob politickers
#4 Luvvies and relatives
…. So BBC staff can keep going to free premieres/festivals etc.
Toady this morning. A discussion about the impact of robotics.
Representing a right wing view – David Willetts, ex Tory minister.
Representing a left wing view – Paul Mason, ex bBBC employee.
And Mason actually said these words, quote ” We on the Left”
It’s quite rewarding In a way to get the biased BBC in the open. Did Mason hide his left wing opinions when interviewed for the Newshite Economics Editor job, or did the bBBC HR just turn a blind eye? Or did they just employ one of their favoured sons in the usual way, as with James Purnell, ex Labour minister?
Maybe he should have used ‘We Robots on the Left’
Or we infants of the left.
I think it’s inconceivable that either the BBC or C4 didn’t know about Mason’s Marxist and Trotskyist background and views when they interviewed him. I imagine he was told to tone it down a bit but thats all.Incidentally are there formal interviews when these bodies hire left wing journalists , female scottish reporters and, increasingly , Muslim reporters . Or are usual HR practices just ignored to get as many of them on the payroll as possible?
So during the election we were told that the leaked emails were not true, now we are being told that they were leaked by Russia to help Trump win the election. Well, it can’t be both.
If this is a genuine news story why would the CIA speak to the media outlets least likely to be trusted on releasing it?
Why are the BBC going heavy on a story with a high possibility of later being shown to be fake? It can only be because the BBC is itself a biased organisation.
Yes just watched it qq- so the BBC’s number one story when you listen to it is a total non-story. Barry Obama from Africa wants to have an investigation because some top Democrats e-mails were leaked . So what? They try to headline this as America is opening up investigations into the US elections implying that Trump won with the help of the Russians what a total twist of a story and a load of old crap. Then we have diesel cars kill 9,000 people a year – Where’s the proof of this BBC?
Then we move on to fly tipping sheesh and I pay for this garbage
Trump won – tough shit Washington Post, New York Times, and stupid BBC. He is not going to un-win, and will make a great president, so stuff that up your collective jumpers, and try and get over it.
And I can honestly state, that in the fifty years during which I’ve both owned, and driven diesel cars, I have remained alive, and am not aware that I have killed anyone else. Nor do I know of anyone else who has been killed by a diesel car, either by the exhaust gases, or having been run over by one.
That is all.
“Washington Post” and “New York Times” huh?
Need to add the “Huffington Post” before I`ll believe the whole shebang.
Now then-this “post truth, fake news ” story memish thing they`ve been peddling since Nov 9th?
Goat – Isn’t it amazing how diesel cars produce lethal pollution but (public transport) buses and trains don’t? Rather like how trucks delivering goods to the shops poison us all, but trucks delivering foreign aid only emit Chanel No.5.
Might be worthwhile looking at the Green/BBC timeline re how we got saddled with diesel via the EU.
Before it all gets wiped and reset, rebooted as Thatchers fault.
Or due to Farage, Trump, Russia, Murdoch or Brexit.
Send for Natalie Bennett and the Brothers Miliband.
Sadly a lot of us do pay for this rubbish. Now some of us also pay for rubbish from Sky too. Currently I pay for rubbish from Virgin, which includes other people’s aforementioned rubbish. My dog likes animal programmes which is good as there are lots of those on Virgin.
Graham Linehan has RT’d this, seemingly without irony:
That said, our Graham seems to have RT’d everyone who suddenly see the CIA as a source almost as reliable as the BIJ.
“Don’t forget that Wikileaks is targeting Chancellor Merkel, holding together the EU with her bare hands, on the eve of HER election…”
The poor woman is literally holding the EU together with her bare hands.
Helped only by the BBC, who do tend to chip in to help those they favour at election times. I blame triple letter acronymism.
Sounds like our lefty wrote that middle sentence.
On the very day Wilders is convicted of, “Hate Speech”. Consider what the real enemy is up to
I thought the BBC report said he was a Dutch citizen.
Oh. I see.
News from the BBC? Ha,ha.
Lovely Rita, metre maid (that’s metre as opposed to feet and inches)
Last evening’s Paper Review on BBC News Channel was about as biased as it gets.
BBC anchor Rita Chakrabarti hosted less of a newspaper headline review and more of anti-Brexit propaganda broadcast.
In fact, perhaps, I’m overstating the propaganda angle; I’m sure this item wasn’t winning over any viewers to the pro-EU case, the tone was that of a gaggle of Remoaners round the BBC water-cooler having a bitch-fest.
Rita openly admitted “We can’t go a whole day without mentioning Brexit”. This was the invitation to her guests to climb aboard their Brussels soap boxes and was euphemism for ‘we can’t have a whole day without slagging off the very idea of Brexit”
Robert Fox of the left-leaning Evening Standard (proudly telling us, apropos of his EU sympathies, about his Dutch relatives) was paired with French journo Elaine Ferrier (?). The two hung their subsequent pro-EU tirade on an Independent newspaper (?) story about the bizarre notion coming from EU man Guy Verhofstadt, former Belgian Prime Minister, that the 48% of British Remain voters could keep their EU citizenship. Our three Europhiles at least admitted they couldn’t tell us how that would work.
One has to count Rita as one of the three since she said sweet FA to counter the now free-flowing Pro-EU onslaught. Rita played Saint’s Advocate to the angry Remoaners. Not a query, no counter argument nor a pertinent question.
These BBC guests were on top form : Johnson, Davis and Fox, the British Brexiteers, were we are told ‘lightweight’ ‘deluded’ and ‘in denial’.
Meanwhile apparently Verhofstadt was a ‘great man’.
Yes, they adore Guy Verhorseshit. If you notice, he is usually introduced as “well-respected EU politican” and identified on screen as “Senior EU politician”. Not as the arch-federalist hardliner EU-loon that others might consider was a more instructive – as well as honest – description through which to filter his views. Bias, bias , bias.
He’s also reliably inflammatory in his vicious comments about Britain, and has been even before the Brexit vote. No wonder the BBC loves him.
A goal of Brexit is to make sure that scum like Verhofstadt have no say in any of the laws which govern the British people.
Yesterday morning ie Friday, Norman Smith on the Today programme reported Cameron’s speech where he had said ‘populism’ had lost him the Brexit referendum. However Smith finished up with saying that, I paraphrase because I cannot remember the exact words, Cameron would be OK because of the large payments he would receive for his speaking engagements. Of course Cameron will, but I just don’t remember the same sneers being levelled at Blair or Brown. I do remember Brown saying once he was no longer PM he would like to be a teacher, not that I would want him near any child of mine. But I understand he has done very well from the US speaking circuit.
The BBC have been stirring the sh1t after Boris Johnsons so called “gaffe” and “slapping down by number ten” for talking out of turn about the Wahabbis.
How strange then that the UN envoy for Syria confirmed on Today, that there is a proxy war going on and he further said that Johnsons comments “were an understatement” of the situation in Syria.
Any news hounds off to number ten to get a reaction?
Course not, Johnsons been a marked man for the BBC since helping to win the Brexit campaign.
And he is speaking the truth about Saudi.
The problem here is that Boris is only the Government-appointed , democratically elected and accountable Foreign Secretary.
Which was once thought to be one of the “Big Three” Offices of State beneath PM itself.
Not now though-the BBC and liberal elite decide the national view by themselves. Joshua Rozenberg at the Supreme Court, Feargal Keane and Orla Guerin for the Foreign Office and Mark Easton at the Treasury etc.
As someone here once said-“The BBC are a state within a state”.
So Mishal Husain can say what she likes about the Saudis as long as it`s been put on her script…but Boris won`t get the right to say it without the Guardian leaking their approval for the sponsored message.
“Joshua Rozenberg at the Supreme Court”
Alicia, if I was Joshua I’d be very worried. Once Phil Shiner has been struck off he’ll be a perfect fit for the BBC’s in-house legal expert. There might be a slight delay if he goes to prison, but for the BBC that will make him an even more prestigious appointment (cf Vicky Pryce).
Re Boris above.And why the BBC want his gust for their garter belt.
He`s hated by jealous cloned MPs with no background, brains, humour or profile with we the people.
And he was right re Brexit.
Boris may be right to some degree about Saudi Arabia but I wouldn’t put it down to any great perspicacity. He is a gross opportunist.
The real sadness is that Syria has been destroyed by the backing of violent factions with the tacit support of the USA and Europe. The West has backed the wrong side here and Russia shown to be the more virtuous influence. Not that this will ever be acknowledged by the BBC. Still great news about the liberation of Aleppo at the weekend, people reunited with families they hadn’t seen for years. If the USA/Europe /Saudi narrative had prevailed they would still be being bombed.
I wonder if this lucrative ‘speaking circuit’ is not simply a money laundering scheme to pay the loyal if inept, as few I hear of doing so well from it would bear listening to unless their appeal outweighed their record.
These so-called speaking engagements are indeed nothing more than a legal way to bribe politicians. I think that when it came out via the Podesta emails that Hillary Clinton was paid $250,000 per speech by Wall Street banks, the American people knew she was in their pocket, and voted accordingly.
It would take an ordinary citizen five years to earn what Hillary was paid for an hour of boring monotone cliches. It was obvious that Wall Street was not paying for her oratory, it was paying for her obedience.
Mr Pink, survivor of the Japanese sinking of HMS Repulse 75 years ago cut short on Today by Justin Webb so they could get on with the press review.
Justin couldn’t find time to say it so I will…..Mr Pink, thank you for your service.
And as an aside, the Today running order has the name of HMS Repulse incorrectly spelt.
Any survivor of the Repulse or Prince of Wales should be an honoured guest, not a nuisance to be hurried along. The BBC is beneath contempt.
If this does not see the news schedules cleared to Christmas, what will?
A Christian couple eh?
For how long though?
I saw that too, can only admire them really, putting their money where their mouth…, well not even that, they just did it. Unlike a few celebrity windbags who I understand are yet to deliver on their ‘look at me look at me’ promises made in earshot of the media, the poor widow has outshone and out given them all, both relatively and actually it would seem.
In the spirit of how a country, this country, should treat genuine asylum seekers then they are an example to the nation. Those who read these pages are well aware that something very different is happening all across western Europe of course, lets hope their good intentions do truly benefit genuine cases.
Once again I would ask people to spread the word about “Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs”, it’s on you tube and worth seeing if you haven’t already, tell your friends too,I doubt the BBC are going to show it anytime soon.
Interesting in relation to former-BBC man Paul Mason using the phrase “…we on the left…” now on the Daily Politics another BBC man this time an hereditary BBC man Dan Snow openly admits his Remain sympathies and pro-mass-immigration campaigning with his new crowd funding effort to intervene in future by-elections.
And they still claim they aren’t biased.
Of course not ASI. It’s only bias if it’s not the obvious truth and, as we know to our cost, the left never lies.
AslSeelt, I saw that program as well. Dan Snow’s ‘More United’ organisation is set up to fund political parties or causes that are ‘progressive’ ‘not extreme’ are pro EU and pro immigration (their words) They apparently don’t care what party it is (their words) provided it meets the above criteria, which I think narrows it down somewhat, especially (as an example) when they recently funded Sarah Olney’s LibDem campaign in Richmond.
The way this was put over on the BBC Daily Politics is that they seem to believe in a level playing field and different points of view. However in true metro elite fashion they seem to think that we are gullible enough to accept this crap.
I am surprised that Andrew Neil did not pursue a tougher line of questioning.
Dan Snow is married to the late Duke of Westminster’s daughter. If he is so devoted to this worthless cause, he can pay for it himself instead of trying to ponce off the general public. Typical leftist tosser.
At least that he’s revealing partiality AFTER he left the BBC
Whereas today’s incumbent Newsnight host James O’Brien lays out his Lefty views over at His LBC job in the morning then turns up on Newsnight as an ‘impartial’ presenter.
Re your intro Alan, it is heartwarming to think of Shiner’s fall from grace, but I fear his landing will be padded by the huge piles of banknotes extorted from UK taxpayers. Now, if some enterprising soul could only insert an IED, that might provide an ironically suitable finale.
Is Buzzfeed the new Guardian?
Why is a Buzzfeed journalist presenting R4 Week in Westminster ?
… Not super biased yet … Rees-Mog and UKIP Peter are on
Waiting for the Government to say it will demand repayment of the £3 million it gave Shiner’s one man law firm in legal aid. Or maybe not .. I bet there’s no clause in legal aid contracts allowing the government to reclaim the money in the event of fraudulent claims.
Ok so is there a criminal case against Shiner?
And what about the £20 million the MoD spent defending against the fraudulent claims?
In extremis can the government bring a civil action against Shiner for fraud if there’s no criminal case?
Please stand up for the taxpayer, somebody!
Will the BBC get indignant? Unlikely.
@Grant 11:40 FooC going on about problem of over emigration in Gambia and Western Union wives etc
Recorded before election result I guess.
Thanks for the heads up on that.
I know several Gambian families affected by the “back way ” emigration. All the cases I know personally are for economic reasons. Political opponents of Jammeh can easily get out legally, poorer ones to Senegal and the wealthier to UK , USA or Canada. There are thousands of exiles in these countries, either already granted asylum or claiming it.
One thing I would say is that Gambian immigrants generally do not cause many problems in their host country. And although, mainly muslims, I have never met one who is remotely “radical”.
The BBC coverage is very fair so far, but then there really is no angle for them on this story. If Jammeh were white, it may be a different matter !
PS, what is a “Western Union wife ” ?
Reporter said it’s a term for village women with nice clothes as money workabroad husband sends.
Well we know now why Shami and Emily accompany old man Corbyn around now.
Care attendants, colostomy bags and incontinence pads at the ready.
Times News bites
pg 7 Dfid criticised for suppressing bad reviews of Aid Projects.
Their Africa correspondent was immediately arrested when he arrived in Kenya.. facing deportation.
(fancy flats were built in Kenya using aid money)
pg 18 All Muslim stories
#1 SecondWife.com
#2 BBC ‘Big Brother Muslim House
“British Muslim housemates turned on the white convert who supports ISIS”
BTW pg 42-43 talks about tots in Mosul so brainwashed by ISIS that parents can’t let them out cos they want to cut off people’s heads.
cartoon The JeremyGaff has become an endangered species preyed upon by UKIP jackals.
Lord Young – “When we leave the EU we’ll see how much it has held us back.”
Ben MacIntyre “Every Climate Change Denier should visit St Kilda .. to see how warming oceans are wreaking havoc on kittiwakes”
.. my guess is other scenarios eg less by-catch being fed to them by fishing boats
pg 32 Dyson Fan advert “purifies the air in your home. Because indoor pollution can be up to five times worse than outdoors “(ERJ 2012)
…. I bet almost no UK health benefit to using this fan
pg43 RT is to start broadcasting in French prior to French election
pg54 German exports down 4.1% pa
meanwhile UK trade deficit continuesvto fall
I was getting ready to go swimming early this morning, having a quick coffee and taking a squint at the BBC News Channel. They had a piece on where viewers call in with their complaints. Today it was Nigel Farage who was being hounded. Apparently he’s on Question Time far too often. “Why do you keep asking him on?” squealed one weary Islingtonion. “He seems to be on every week,” moaned others. Some complained that inviting Britain’s most influential politician for the last thirty years onto QT the BBC was showing a pro UKIP bias! Not enough about green issues, apparently.
Well yes, I guess we should all sympathise with these Guardianista types. It’s been an appalling year for them, what with Brexit, then Trump. The last thing they will want to see is our Nigel sitting amongst a howling mob of leftie bullies, talking a lot of common sense. No! We need more from informed and erudite intellectuals such as Bob Geldof, Will Self, Timmy Farron, Russel Brand, Billy Bragg and the divine wee Jimmy Krankie. Then QT could really get to grips with the subjects that are obsessing the nation. How to ease the plight of those poor refugees and find them accommodation in Blighty. What are we going to do about climate change? How do we stop Brexit? And, of course, the subject that all right thinking (sorry left thinking) people agree with, isn’t Donald Trump an absolute horror?!
That way the Beeb could really march along like a one legged solider.
Left, left, left, left, left…
The self-important Left seems to think they have a right to take a mulligan over Brexit — something went wrong with our first effort, so let’s do it over again.
They can’t admit that they are mentally incapable of accepting that they lost, so they cast around for plausible reasons for a rerun. There are none.
If such a thing were to become reality, I would not like to be either of the (Labour, female) MPs announcing to their Sunderland electorates why the “elites” were p**sing all over them again by ignoring their votes.
Switched off R4 for good years ago but still caught this somehow, Saturday Live
At about one hour in Rhinal Patel, hitchiking from Hong Kong to Wales, is asked which countries in Europe were not so friendly to strangers, Germany and Sweden get a name check, hmmm, any particular reason for that? I didn’t find out because Saturday Live decided against poking that particular hornets nest.
‘Doctors against diesel’ anyone?
Quick search revealed little about the catchy moniker, anyone know who they are, or who funds them? 9400 Londoner deaths a year and a reported 40,000 nationally from diesel fumes is no laughing matter.
Still compared to the 96,000 deaths from smoking alone, let alone the countless other self inflicted and preventable methods with which to meet a premature demise, well, if you were serious about saving lives would you really start with diesel?
Bit more going on here than just saving lives maybe.
Might want to think this through a bit once they’ve had a look at the London Ambulance Serice fuel card policy…..clue….six out of eight LAS vehicle types listed are diesel fuelled, see appx 3
And I doubt they’re any less diesel dependent outside London given that Diesel was the green fuel of choice until recently.
Bottomline would you prefer an ALL ELECTRIC ambulance
…… or a reliable one ?
But it was the last Labour government which promoted diesel vehicles. That should be a big story for the BBC.
True, Grant. And pushing hardest for the use of diesel has been the ‘Green’ movement, with upward pressure on fuel prices, designed to force drivers into using the filthy stuff, being foremost.
The same is also true of the standby diesel generators on which the government is relying when the lights start going out, all brought in thanks to ‘Climate Change’ Miliband’s deadly act of parliament.
Of course, the chance of the BBC investigating any policy that threatens to expose the Greens’ hare-brained ideas is absolutely zero.
@oldspeaker I was already on the case
They were unknown to Twitter/Google until I tweeted from @No2BS last night
See my post below for my link to my notes.
The plot sickens, has all the hallmarks of another climate change the figures are already proven no debate necessary type campaigns, after all, they were wearing white coats, case closed. Thanks for the link Stew.
This from the Guardian today:
“BBC defends extremist’s presence on Muslim reality show”
Abdul Haqq, a 35-year-old former boxer who has been convicted of fraud, has appeared on platforms alongside [Anjem] Choudary and made videos appearing to justify Islamist beheadings of westerners as “not unprovoked”. He was acquitted last year of plotting to go to Syria to fight with Islamic State, but he tells the filmmakers that if his passport, which has been confiscated by the British authorities, were returned to him, he would want to go to Syria.
Employees of the BBC explain their rationale.
Fatima Salaria, a senior commissioning editor for the BBC, said it would have been “totally irresponsible” if the programme, which seeks to reflect the broad range of Muslim experience in the UK
Mobeen Azhar, the series producer, said: “I think it’s really important for someone like Abdul Haqq to be seen as a 3D character, to understand where he is coming from.
There, in a nutshell, is everything that is now wrong with the BBC.
“Fatima Salaria “. Come on, you are taking the mickey, aren’t you ?
Sorry – should have provided the link.
Thanks. I think all Beeboids should convert to Islam and change their names to “Salaria”. Seems appropriate.
I should have gone further and looked at just who Fatima Salaria is.
Well here you go;
“BBC appoints six new Assistant Commissioners in diversity drive”
Thanks for the link. ” Fatima Salaria ” in arabic translates as ” Fat Salary “. I notice she was making a documentary about ” Young British women who travel to Syria “. Intrepid back-packers, no doubt, and it makes a change from Ibiza .
Abdul is the new name of the white guy who converted. The Times.
Is this why the media and their reporters are closing down Free Speech in respect of Islam?
That is one of the most disturbing articles I have read in a long time. I wonder if the BBC, with it’s constant propaganda and disdain for those who disagree with their world view, realise the consequences of their actions?
This quote from article sums it up for me..
“the goal of these trials is not to find the truth; it is to intimidate the public and to restrict freedom of expression on Islam. These are purges to “re-educate” them. Sadly, as we see from the Wilders trial, they have often been succeeding.”
Wonderful BBC Website heading ” Premier League, Bottom Three in Action “. They just can’t help themselves !
Irony and comedy bypass at the BBC since 1979.
Who actually IS top of the “Bottom League” I wonder?
Is it still Crewe?
LOL ! Maybe the BBC should be renamed the ” British Bottom Crew “.
The Guardian, house paper of choice and required reading by everyone at the BBC, has this to say.
“CIA concludes Russia interfered to help Trump win election, say reports”
Of course the BBC is off on this one, giving the impression that somehow the Russians rigged the vote to get Trump elected.
Lets get this clear from the outset, the electronic voting booths were not hacked into by the Russians. The results from these electronic booths matched the trend of those areas where votes are cast by paper ballot.
What happened was that extremely damaging emails, some bordering on criminal conspiracy were released by persons unknown, but probably WikiLeaks and then fed through the Russians which went to further bolster the already entrenched view in the US that Hillary Clinton is one of the most criminally corrupt politicians on the face of the earth given to uncontrollable outbursts.
Depending on which side of the argument the BBC is on depends on whether those revealing any emails are whistleblowers or thieves.
1. Edward Snowden – Whistleblower
2. The fraudulent claims of the UEA climate research unit – Theft
The BBC pointedly downplayed the DNC email & Podesta email contents of dishonesty, conspiracy and fraud to focus purely on the legality of obtaining the emails.
Those not familiar with Podesta, he is the Clinton’s consiglieri and by his own admission extremely lucky to have escaped imprisonment during Bill Clinton’s criminality ridden presidency. He, with his brother Tony run the Podesta Group which act as lobbyists in Washington for the Saudis and for Sberbank, Russia’s largest financial institution, well know for money laundering Putin cronies money and used as a conduit to fund Russian Intelligence operations abroad.
If I can find this out by researching the Internet, how come those “investigative journalists” from the “envy of the world” can’t?
‘Depending on which side of the argument the BBC is on depends on whether those revealing any emails are whistleblowers or thieves’
Precisely. They say in the States that when a leak may be damaging to the right the media story is always the content of the leak. Whereas when the leak is potentially damaging to the left then predictably the media story is the source of the leak. And so it goes with the BBC.
The BBC is up there, in terms of credibility and expertise with the very best of international pop and movie stars – quite an achievement.
“We expect the leader of the Labour Party to speak up and demand a vote in Parliament on UK aid drops.”
Who do they expect to fly in the ‘UK Aid Drops’? British Servicemen ?
The very people they would castigate should they open fire and defend themselves .
Perhaps Mr Thatchell should take them in himself ?
In Parliament some MP dared suggest that this intervention was very little, very late and very stupid – he was shouted down of course – hypocritical slime balls.
Headed-up the other day by Emily Fatbelly. Presumably she’ll want to be in the second unarmed and unarmoured Herc (the first may have an element of surprise) infiltrating to a drop-zone at low level and airspeed. Strange how these loathsome creatures are always willing to put other people’s sons and daughters in harm’s way, but never their own – least of all themselves.
So, during WW2 the BBC chose not to play overly sentimental songs as. “IT WAS NOT CONDUCIVE TO THE PUBLIC GOOD”.
They no longer have any regard for the, ‘public good’ and are solely devoted to bringing down this country and revelling in our dissolution.
I have to thank BBC R4 Xtra for making me aware of this.
I’s Hughie Green, a game show host, delivering an end of year message which he spoke on the show and then, of course back then, they made a song of it.
Described as a right wing rant by some. Britain was in a REAL mess back then, strike bound and in penury.
If only we had MPs as passionate about the country as this dead game show host:-
Gaxvil, some of us thought he was a Johnny come lately. You’ve triggered off a memory of the “I’m backing Britain” campaign, which I am shocked to learn was 1968. As a recent immigrant from Ireland at the time, I wore my badge with pride.
Fair point but Green had the hard edge.
Oh C4 tonight “shocking TV of the seventies” check your listings magazine
Ch4 also still specialises in shocking news.
My Snowjob email had the following:
“Having problems viewing this email? Use the web version
Watch Channel 4 News, weekdays at 7pm
Hello, it’s Fatima here. We’re on at the earlier time of 6.30 tonight. Here’s some of what’s in the programme.
Russian hackers allegedly behind Democratic Party leaks
It was one of the many setbacks to befall Hilary Clinton’s presidential campaign. Last summer thousands emails were stolen from Democratic Party servers and leaked on the internet causing much embarrassment to the Clinton camp. Today intelligence sources speaking to US newspapers said it was highly likely Russia was behind the hacks: the goal to get Donald Trump elected.
Russia and the President-elect have both dismissed the claims but President Obama has now ordered a review into all cyberattacks carried out during the election. We’ll be talking to a retired CIA agent about the claims.”
I’d be interested to hear from Fatima why the word ‘allegedly’ did not make it to the subject title, which instead read:
“Russian hackers behind Democratic Party leaks”
A rather crucial omission, if no doubt explained by Ch4 editorial integrity on par with that of the BBC with what fits, or does not.
Her Twitter feed makes Jasmine look almost the soul of professional integrity, too.
Absolutely TPO and AsISeeIt.
Radio and TV listening isnt doing my blood pressure any favours today. Like the terminator the so called bbc lie machine never stops its anti Russian propaganda. If it isnt drugs, its email hackings, or imagined threats to baltic countries….any lie will do.
Surely now everyone who isnt differently visually abled must accept that Trump’s victory is completely illegitimate because the Russkies provided his team with emails that swung the election? So in the interest of balance did we have any discussion of content of said emails showing the whoreforhire’s complicity lies and corruption? Nichivo as we say in the motherland.
It was clearly OK for the so called bbc to try to influence the US election in clintons favour with their constant anti Trump lies, slander, libel, sneering, ridicule and threats of WW3 if he was elected. What sane Russian wouldn’t want Trump in power as opposed to a psychopath crook, liar and recipient of large amounts of cash from that beacon of liberty, democracy, freedom, free speech and not least exporter and financier of world terror and neanderthal ideology – er no sorry they are our friends. Naughty Boris really needs to get on message.
And then we get a bbc report from a hand wringing UN spokesperson – a ceasefire and truce, leading to negotiation leading to power sharing is the only way forward. Is it really? So the islamist murderers can regroup and rearm with help from our friends mentioned above. No, the way forward is to exterminate every terrorist (aka moderate democratic opposition) in eastern Aleppo as quickly as possible, which the Syrian army (aka brutal illegitimate regime) is doing so effectively.
This site very effectively documents the clear and very evident bias of our world class national treasure, but perhaps we should also be collectively highlighting its corruption and nepotism. Not so much support for family values, but its generous financing of families like the attenbuggers, dumbledims, dan snow (got the job purely on merit…..nothing to do with family contacts, the very idea..), zoe ball (such a talent ..ditto).. add your own favourite.
The so called bbc has no credibility other than as a purveyor of propaganda and lies. Fortunately many people are waking up, just not quickly enough.
True – their line of thinking is completely illogical but why break the habit.
I can see them fitting right in with North Korea.
And I wish they would FO to North Korea !
Grant, Well I would have to agree with you on that and not just because it’s Christmas time!
Perhaps that well respected and eminent world class historian Dan Snow could do a documentary report from the North Korean invasion beaches – lots of unexploded ordnance there. One less on the payrol.
Dan Snow,
I cannot seem to find any academic papers that he has published in peer-reviewed journals. Mind you, why should he care when he is married to the Duke of Westminster’s daughter !
Today is “International Human Rights Day “. Good chance for the BBC to highlight human rights abuses in their chosen countries !
Security Guards at a Church in Sweden to protect against devotees to the Cult of Submission –
How much longer are the White Western population going to take this sort of, now becoming common, behaviour?
I think the clock is ticking before we learn which side of the fence all the security services favour……….
The fact it’s all self inflected and not due to invasion and occupation is the most amazing part of it.
Should be a big story on the BBC. It certainly would be if christians were doing the same in a mosque. The BBC totally disgust me.
Whilst searching for something else, I stumbled on this………
Judging by the review, it’s got to be a good buy!
I just ordered 2 copies. 1 for me and 1 for a Remainer friend !
Just bought it for my mum! Free UK delivery hahaha
If the EU find out they will slap a tariff on it !
signed up for another 30 day trial of prime so I get to watch Jeremy Clarkson free too.
Thanks for this. Just bought it on Kindle!
Sorry, I previously missed the correction : “….its got to be a good bye!”
6pm News #DoctorsAgainstDiesel is fishy
Midnight last night they didnt exist.
Clue : wearing a white coat at Parliament demo does make you a REAL doctor.
BBC seems implicated ..had custom graphics pages quickly after demo start.
My notes
Cos open fire cooking biggest air pollution problem
$$ spent on gas stoves for African/Indians save more LifeDays
than $$ spent on electricTaxi subsidies for Londoners
#VirtueSignalling + #EVsubsidy mafia
A great piece of detective work there Mr Green. More conniving activism by the BBC?
Yet again the foul stench of Common Purpose fills the air…
More Brexit disaster nonsense, this time from the highly qualified science department of the BBC.
Apparently, we are going to lose the fusion lab at Culham. Have done some maths on the funding, something the BBC can’t be bothered to do. Basically, when we leave the EU we will have to find another £20M a year to run the lab. This is the same cost as 9.5 hours of EU membership.
There you are BBC, fixed it for you.
My maths is not so good. What % is 20m of the total BBC income ?
A very good question. I make it 0.5% of the BBC’s approx. £4Bn a year income. Money could be saved by employing the BBC’s Science and Environment staff at Culham. Seeing as none of them actually have any science qualifications that employment will take the form of cleaning the sh*tters etc. Actually, their EU friends can do it cheaper so forget that one.
So the BBC could easily stump up 20 m and notice very little effect on their budget ? Err……
I would love an article where a BBC reporter pops along to the BBC “canteen” and asks staff if they fear for their future when EU funding of the BBC ends!
Could also ask them how they feel about being paid the minumum wage !
Why is there some woman wearing a towel on her head reading the Channel 4 news ? This is England I want an English person reading my national news . Nothing to do with BBC I love Charlie and Naga – vacuous airheads
Charlie always reminds me of the sort of bloke who scored in the second team cricket, and everyone liked him. Naga usually looks bemused and I suspect is a bit dim, but appreciated by some twit in the beeb.
We gave up watching any of their news ages ago, and just dip in to Channel 80 to see if anyone proper is dead.
Thanks. But again why is some bird wearing a towel round her head reading the news ? I am in England
The freedom to wear, say and do whatever one pleases, as long as it is within the law, is one of the fundamental cornerstones of being English. Stop acting like a Muslim by picking out others for what they choose to do with their lives.
Lock13…. I am in England
Which matters less and less these days. If you don’t agree with diversity, then you’re a racist – which is most of the population over 60, who have sadly lost the order of the old ways.
C4 were determined that a Muslim woman in a headscarf would front the news as soon as they could cultivate a suitable candidate . Post Blair/mandelson, the C4 mission is to contine to rub our noses in diversity, like it or not. Criticism of the blessed Fatima by Kelvin McKenzie, only made C4 even more determined to promote her career further, from reporter of Muslim atrocities to news anchor.
Forgive me if this has been touched on already, but just prior to SCD tonight the BBC aired a promo for Christmas, full of diversity, gay kissing and miscegenation, the implication being that this is what Christmas is all about. Well sorry to disappoint you BBC but for the vast majority of those tuning in to watch SCD, that ain’t what fucking Christmas means and you can stuff your shitty burnt Xmas offerings where the sun don’t shine.
To make matters worse the BBC Xmas ident that followed had a white old codger falling asleep on the sofa, his bald white head forming the circular BBC1 logo. Whereas the BBC never normally miss an opportunity to add a bit of colour, why not in this case, or old Brits fair game?
Just watching Thursday’s Question Time on i player and it is infuriating that these people(holier than thou types) think it is okay to be so rude to Nigel Farage to his face,Will Self in particular, what a twat he is.
And the Dimblebore butts in while Nigel is answering a question and tries to shut him up.
And now Nigel talks of lowering corporation tax to lure big companies and their jobs here,and Will Self makes a joke of it,he needs a punch right up his bracket!
Could we give the man his proper title. It is Professor Will Self, Professor of Contemporary Thought no less at Brunel University.
His performance on Question Time reveals the depth of his contemporary thought see.
And I thought he was just some sort of comedian.
And that Labour MP Richard Burgon isn’t listening to the questions.
“And I thought he was just some sort of comedian.”
Have you seen, read or heard anything about/by Self to disabuse you of this?
“And that Labour MP Richard Burgon isn’t listening to the questions.”
It’s possible that he is listening to them, but just doesn’t understand them. He seems like the sort of person whose lips move when he reads.
Brunel University: “The new chair, created especially for him…”
So no great demand for it then?
His name is appropriate – to his self regard, and no doubt his main source of pleasure as well.
How about ” Will Self, Professor of Masturbation ” ? Mind you , maybe that would make him over-promoted .
The only chair which Will Self should have had created especially for him, is an electric one.
We are going to lower corporation tax to sub 20%
We are going to tell the EU to fk off
We will thrive
Smartest people in the World live where?
Best Climate in the World where?
Answer = United Kingdom
Did anybody else hear Saturday Live this morning, and in particular Rhinal Patel talking about how she got from Hong Kong to her home in Wales on a travel budget of zero?
From 18 mins she tells her story here:
At 59 mins she is asked for her opinion on the countries that were the happiest, kindest and safest. She replied with Japan, Taiwan and Denmark. She was then asked for the countries where the opposite was the case. She replied with Germany, but she thought things had changed a lot, people used to be open but they had become more closed, prejudiced and scared, and they see strangers as a threat. Sweden the same. At this point I was probably thinking what most of the listeners were thinking, and you could sense a bit of nervousness from Aasmah Mir as she must know where she has inadvertently led listeners thoughts.
It must be the prejudice of the Germans and Swedes, that must be it, those racist Germans and Swedes. Not like those enlightened Japanese at all!
The most easy going people in the World are the English – and we have had enough of all of this multi,culti bullshit. It is done, the Europeans have had enough too. Finito
As a Scot , I would say that the only problem with the english is that they are too easy going !
BBC Website ” IS “Fighters ” re-enter Palmyra, “activists say ” . So I scroll down . Can’t find which ” activists “. The BBC, just make it up as you go along !
Extraordinary hypocrisy even by the BBC’s standards on the 10 O’clock news tonight, if you’re at a computer go and listen to their report on the Trump/Russia claims around ten minutes in. They attack Trump for criticising the CIA, saying that the CIA is an impartial security agency and not an arm of any political party. This is the same BBC that propagated the Clinton line that the FBI was deliberately trying to aid Trump by reopening the investigation into Clinton’s emails. They then claim Trump is using ‘diversion’ when the Democrats were the masters of that during the election, releasing the Trump recording and his tax returns at times when they were under intense scrutiny regarding Project Veritas and the Clinton Foundation, both of which the BBC has refused to cover.
Have they no shame at all?
A white christian British journalist has taken up a post on Pakistani National Television as a news reader and breakfast time commentator.
Or maybe not…it was all a crazy hallucination.
The Beeb have a real pre Christmas treat lined up for all us; an entire evening of Lenny Henry. Make a note in your diary, Monday 19th of December. Christmas will have come early!
Let’s see, will I be doing a bit of late night shopping? Defrosting the freezer? Walking the dog?
I know the Beeb are still pissed off about Brexit, but this is just spiteful….
That sounds like a good night to start work on my matchstick model of HMS Victory.
I hope that this particular evening includes Sir Len’s high-point as a TV entertainer and that we are treated to several episodes of TISWAS as a result. They would be worth watching. Otherwise perhaps I could defrost somebody else’s freezer…
Reminds me of someone doorstepping Steve Martin a few years ago and asking him ” Why aren’t you funny any more ? “. No chance of that happening with the BBC and Lenny. I have made a diary note for that evening ” Must sit and watch paint dry ” .