The BBC not broadcasting this from their hero?
Trump voters…not racists and rednecks…they’re pretty decent people…and if Trump gets elected it will be the biggest fuck-you ever recorded in human history….the Elites’ anti-Brexit court case aside that is.
Interesting what Trump said to Ford Motor company…all very relevant to Brexit and indeed to the once Labour/BBC narrative on ‘predator Capitalism’. Not so interested now when it’s Trump saying it.
We live in strange times. Here is President Barak Hussein Obama encouraging undocumented (i.e. illegal) immigrants to vote in the presidential election, which is of course contrary to US law. Obama says “… if you are undocumented, you have an even greater reason to vote ….” This is utterly astonishing. A President advovcating illegality! Comment here and doubtless elsewhere.
It’s not that surprising. President Obama has an odd attitude towards official paperwork. It took him years to produce a scan (not the original) of his “birth certificate”, and the details of his college education are all sealed at his insistence. No-one can be totally sure if he is American, Kenyan, British or Indonesian, Muslim, Christian or Communist.
For someone with his unusual background, the idea that “undocumented aliens”, or “illegal immigrants” to you and me, should have the right to vote in a country where they are not citizens must seem quite reasonable.
Considering how much damage and division Obama’s policies have done to middle America, I would like to think that having the chance to directly tell him to fuck himself would be yet another extremely persuasive reason to vote for Trump. Obama’s ego is breathtaking, and what’s even more astonishing is how the BBC continues to portray him as a humble man with the electorate backing him. He believes that the American people bow to his demands, when the American people make the decisions, not him.
Things are getting really hot. A spate of articles indicating actions leading to a crisis. Or it could be just hot air.
Reports are that Obama can chain the FBI through the Justice Department, but NYPD is not on that chain.
Reports also that Obama is encouraging illegal immigrants to vote.
Not so sure about his backing these days. I saw a clip yesterday of him demanding that a rowdy audience he was addressing should “focus,” and “sit down and listen.” They just ignored him. Could be that the Obama magic has been tarnished by eight years of abject failure that even his supporters have become aware of.
Seems that he has thrown caution to the winds in the last months of his rein, er, I mean term, with his energetic campaigning for Crooked Hillary and castigating of the FBI chief for daring to continue to investigate her.
He has to be the very worst president the US ever had. And now he wants to inflict Crooked Hillary on everyone.
How I hope there are enough Americans who aren’t fooled by him and his ilk come Tuesday.
I fear that by January 2017, two of Obama’s actions through presidential fiat will be 1) giving full citizenship to all undocumented aliens, and 2) granting a pardon to Hillary Clinton for all past misdemeanours, which would include those connected to the Clinton Foundation, e-mail transgressions, Benghazi, and indeed right back to Whitewater. Never mind that Hillary Clinton will not have been indicted or convinced – the fix will in.
Apparently Clinton will be able to pardon herself should she become president, believe it or not.
Obama has to get Hillary into the White House, or else his goose his cooked.
All info about him that has been locked up, will come out.
@Alan you really should mention Radio 4’s A Point of View from Friday and Sunday
Adam Gopnik reflects on why he believes a victory for Donald Trump would be a disaster for America.
Adam Gobnik made an angry hateful rant against Trump.
A classic case of projection
And a classic desperate Biased BBC hit piece ..there was no similar slot allocated to lawbreaker Hillary.
lawbreaker Hillary?
The Clintons are the Bonnie and Clyde of American politics. It is justice of a sort, that the FBI that gets them.
When I heard the trailer I thought this is crazy Gobnik seems full of hate, whilst at the same time claiming he is fighting hate
Let’s see if Gobnik gives us any facts to debunk ?
‘America should be tolerant and accepting’
(Yep totally agree)
“There is a perpetual human turn towards hatred and tribalism”
(I hope not, but Gobnik and LeftMob do appear being hateful and tribal)
“national emergency”
(That seems like Dramaqueening who ever is president can’t do much without congress. the world is not falling apart)
“A man who promises to put an end to all that countries traditions and norms and practices”
(I don’t think so, If DT became president A Palestinian engineer would still end up working in the US , although thoroughly vetted first)
“Surely there must be a way of seeing both sides ? ..No not a bit of it at least from me”
(admits he won’t be balanced)
“This election is between sensible and crazy”
(seems a hateful thing to say..lawbreaking is not very sensible, like to illegally put govt emails on a private email server)
“Trump speaks instead for the forces of blind nationalism and vengeful ethnic hatred”
(a strange assertion given Trump has married a foreigner and has mixed ethnicity children ..and that 40%+ of people will probably vote for Trump)
“Donald Trump runs on vanity and hate. And vanity and hate alone, He is a man without a single redeeming feature, an inveterate liar without without beliefs of any kind other than a desperate narcissistic need for uncritical approval surrounded and empowereed by the most appalling crew of racists and pitiful yes men and women , that this country has ever seen”
Gobnik goes on to claims about groping from 10 years ago
(The bottom line is none came up before he brought the victims of Bill Clintons alledged sexual assaults to the second Presidential Debate)
..enough for now …Gobnik seems full of hate ..and unsubstantiated assertions
There are claims about Trump which can be tackled one by one, but Gobnik’s angry hateful rant seems like projection on his part. No body characterised Trump as a monster 2 years ago ..not until he started tackle some of Hillary’s behaviour anyway.
Irrespective of whether you support Clinton, Trump or neither. Irrespective of whether you like Trump, hate him, or feel ambivalent towards him. You have to agree that by allowing Gobnik to rant against Trump in that manner the BBC has blatantly and immorally breached rules on impartiality.
“The BBC has blatantly and immorally breached rules on impartiality.”
Let’s face it, they’ve had plenty of practice.
They will just say it is an opinion piece. Its a well used lie for without a counter piece it is still unbalanced. But the BBC can do as they wish, they are the establishment, they write their own rule book. All the average Joe can do is dump their TV and stop paying the license fee.
See what I mean by projection Cos Gobnik next goes on to imimitate Trump
I paraphrase ‘And what does Trump say to these allegations, they they are all lies and all have been debunked.’*1
‘When in fact not a single one has been debunked or even challenged’ *2
See in response to mudslinging Trump rather that challenge them dismissed them. “they are all lies” (..cos in a public meeting you have to say what you say, not get sidetracked by going thru debunking 12 claims one by one.)
Then *2 Gobnik does the same ‘not a single one has been debunked or even challenged’
Stop : hang on I don’t follow Trump news in detail, but I do know that the claim of Summer Zervos the Apprentice show woman was contested , cos the week or 2 before the public allegations she’d sent an invitation to visit her restaurant cos she wanted to help with the campaign..and her cousin swore that she’d spent the last 10 years praising Trump..Would she do that if she was traumatised by grope allegations.
Gobnik maliciously sneaked in the word “rape”, but those accusers Team Clinton brought forward all seemed to be talking about 30s grope attempts that they resisted (if you check the PBS list)
– There was a strange attempt at a civil claim for rape that has already been thrown out of court once ..and according to news broken the day before the prog had officially ended
Sorry Alan, I’m not a Clinton supporter, but the video you posted is taken out of context. As always, I’ll get slated for this, but we need to hold ourselves to account as well as the BBC.
Edward, your case would have been stronger if you hadn’t been forced to use a clip with a vital edit in what Moore said after “It will feel good”. But then without that edit your case would have collapsed. In the full video, without the edit, Moore’s proof that the voters would quickly regret voting for Trump was that 4 million Britons who voted Leave now regret voting for Brexit and have signed a petition demanding a second referendum. This is an outrageous lie – what a surprise. Everyone in the UK knows that there is no “buyers regret” among Leave voters and that the only people who want a second referendum are the Remoaners who can’t come to terms with their loss.
I also find it amusing that the “journalist” introducing the item referred to Moore as “the progressive film-maker”. I can think of many appropriate adjectives to describe Moore, but only the Clinton’s News Network could have come up with “progressive”.
I agree Edward
An out of context edited video is not the real world to us, even tho that trick is typical of LeftMob.
Stew, the video clip at the top of this article is an unedited extract in which Moore describes the people who will vote for Trump. It ends when his description of them ends. In no way is it “out of context” – that is how Moore described the Trump voters. On the other hand Edward’s selection has an edit in the middle of Moore’s follow up section which conceals the lie about Brexit voters that everyone in the UK will recognise. That edit makes sense in the context of a US broadcast attacking Trump because it focuses on Moore’s anti-Trump statements, without the distracting reference to Brexit, but for a UK viewer it is completely misleading because it hides Moore’s lie.
I haven’t watched Edward’s video , but you need to check where your ends , cos the one i have heard about does seem that Moore is promoting Trump, but then he pauses and goes into ‘But this is why you should vote for Hillary’.
The full show was for more than 1 hour, whereas the clip at the top of the page is 4 minutes.
He voted for Hillary according to his latest Twitter entry. Maybe the BEEB will cover that!
I think the longer full length video version was not in the whole promoting Trump , but stating why decent ,hard working “left behind ” people will vote for him.
Of course he’s for Hillary in the end .He wants to keep his elevated position while treating the rest of us like serfs. He is an insufferable patronising person .
He says people do feel left behind but then says to vote for the corrupt elites anyway. True to form , no surprise.
I’ve been trying to see the silver lining in the FBI capitulating to the DoJ and dropping the investigation against the Princess of Darkness.
Democrats are naturally lazy people, they would rather live on benefits than go out and do an honest days work. They are notoriously difficult to get to the polling station, typically having far lower turnouts than the Republicans. If it looks like the Evil One is going to win, they will likely sit at home watching daytime TV instead of voting. The FBI caving in to the Obama controlled DoJ will likely discourage them to vote.
It’s the best I can come up with….
If Lieutenant Columbo met James Comey
By Peter J. Kennedy
If Lieutenant Columbo were with us today with regard to this vexing FBI conundrum:
Its a good read.