The BBC this morning is ridiculing the reaction at a Trump rally when there was a security alarm as an anti-Trump protestor started to make his presence and views known. The BBC naturally is very sympathetic towards the protestor and mocks Trump and the crowd and as always tries to paint Trump supporters as out of control, violent lunatics…[was the protestor there deliberately to start a fight?…were some of the ‘Republican’s allegedly hitting him actually Democrats?….see below, and video above, for more on false flag operations designed to cause anarchy in the Trump campaign]….
A few journalists who left the media pen and headed towards the commotion were treated to manhandling and verbal abuse. There was no gun, of course, and the drama quickly subsided.
Note that ‘dismissive and derisive ‘of course’…..maybe the BBC journo has forgotten that somebody did try to shoot Trump [a Brit no doubt driven to it by dangerous and reckless BBC coverage that demonises Trump and provokes and gives licence to those who would use violence against him] or indeed that the BBC’s very own David Attenborough suggested not a week ago that it might be a good idea to shoot Trump.…
“We could shoot him… It’s not a bad idea.”
Here’s the truth about what happened…the protestor at the front of the rally was being arrested and the [frightened] crowd backed away …a CNN reporter went over the Press barrier into the crowd…and you know what, made no mention of being attacked or abused by the crowd…
Trust the BBC for the truth? Not.
The BBC is not so keen to publicise or sympathise with Trump supporters who are attacked by Democrats…some of the attacks manufactured by the Democratic Party machine itself.……
Physical attacks on Donald Trump supporters and their personal property appear to be growing increasingly common as Election Day approaches and passions intensify.
As LifeZette recently reported, there was a foiled assassination attempt at a Trump rally and many Trump supporters have been beaten up or hit with flying objects throughout the course of the fall campaign.
While the mainstream media has relentlessly promoted Hillary Clinton’s candidacy, it has largely ignored or downplayed these violent attacks against supporters of Donald Trump.
For example, the national media paid little attention to a Trump supporter being shot by a Trump detractor in Ohio.
Undercover videos shot by ACORN slayer James O’Keefe’s group Project Veritas Action caught senior Democrat consultants Robert Creamer and Scott Foval acknowledging using dirty, likely illegal tricks against the Trump campaign. Both have since resigned from the DNC, a move some consider to be an admission of guilt. Their goal was to generate negative media coverage of Trump rallies by fomenting violence at them. The media eagerly used the various altercations Democrats created to attempt to discredit Trump by depicting his supporters as violent, knuckle-dragging crazies.
Foval said on camera his agents “infiltrate” Trump events. “It doesn’t matter what the friggin’ legal and ethics people say, we need to win this motherf**ker.” He adds, “we’re starting anarchy here.”
In one video Creamer says Hillary Clinton personally knows about the false flag operation. Her campaign “is fully in it,” he says. “Hillary knows through the chain of command what’s going on.” Previously convicted of felony bank fraud, Creamer has close personal ties to President Obama and has visited the Obama White House 342 times including 47 meetings with Obama personally.
In a similar way the BBC, whilst making a lot of noise about the ‘tidal wave’ of hate and racism that Brexit apparently gave rise to, ignores the massive numbers of attacks on Leave voters and yesterday was telling us how terrible it was that Gina Miller, of the court case fame, was being abused on-line but made little to nothing about Farage and his family receiving death threats and of course the usual abuse…a lot of it coming from the BBC itself over time thus generating, as it does with Trump, an atmosphere against Farage, demonising, mocking and vilifying him, that gave licence to those who wanted to attack and abuse him….making it seem as if it was ‘OK’ to do so..
‘the BBC’s very own David Attenborough suggested not a week ago that it might be a good idea to shoot Trump.…’
It’s OK. It’s what Jo would have wanted.
And precisely how long would it have taken the Met to have arrested anyone who had made the same suggestion about Attenborough?
Sir David would like to bump off about two thirds of the world’s population to make more room for polar bears, so the odd extra one would make no difference to him.
I’m with Sir David on this. I can point him in an appropriate direction too.
Turns out the ‘assassin’ is a Democrat agitator identified in the Wikileaks Podesta emails.
More about him here –
Clinton’s campaign is quite possibly the most corrupt to ever disgrace a US election cycle. We all need to hope that Trump wins or else America won’t exist as a developed first-world nation in about 30 years, likely meaning Europe will be completely unrecognisable and uninhabitable as well.
I wonder if there is a possibility that some states will seek independence; I remember posing that question on this site a few years back but told by, I think, David Preiser, that would be inconceivable. If crooked Hitlery wins and continues the policies of the muslim in the White House, I wonder if it would then be conceivable? If, for example, I was a Texan, New Mexican and Arizonan, I’d be pushing for independence and many states might support that because they would be a barrier to further infestation by illegals.
Always went through my mind as a Scot that in these States there must be Sturgeon-esque agitators for secession.
So, are we allowed to say that Mr Humphrys, Mr Naughtie, Mr Attenborough, for example should be shot? I’m not advocating it but I wouldn’t lose any sleep if it happened. The same goes for maybe a few million collectivists in our country who have actively worked to undermine what should be a civilised, peaceful and culturally non-diverse society.
If I was clever with words, I would adapt the Mikado and the Lord High Executioner’s little list. But as I am not, so I will just quote ‘that none of them will be missed, I am sure that none of them would be missed.”
Deborah, there’s no need to reword the song, as it features the line:
‘The idiot who praises with enthusiastic tone
Each century but this and every country but his own.’
Could there be a better summing up of the unpatriotic cretins who infest our media and political class?
Well, this Attenborough fella does seem to delight in making BBC wild life series were animals and birds are ripping each other to bits/teasing their prey then choking them to death as we the viewers have to listen to his ever-so-saintly-sounding voice, gloating over the footage in a voice as if he’s reciting a poem!
In other words: He believes that every one should be excited as he is while seeing animals dying horribly deaths in HD TV – so I have no problem by letting him experience being mauled to death by a lion filmed beautifully in Super HD TV or even if one of his African “game hunter” minders happen to have an accident with his 308 High velocity rifle as he is stood behind Attenborough!?!
And there’s me thinking he loves animals!????
Ragin’ VD must have thought she was on to a vote winner with this one, two of the BBC’s favourite themes rolled into one: Rape (although only of women by hetero white men, rapes on men, or carried out by followers of the religion of peace and kiddy fiddlers – and especially FOTROP kiddy fiddlers – aren’t news it seems), and Trump ‘the Abuser’ that’s why it needed to be on the front page naturally.
No mention of Slick Willy Clinton and his ‘amorous antics’?! Or of his wife’s vitriolic abuse of his victims?! Or of his wife covering up for a kiddy fiddler rapist? Or of his wife’s best friend’s husband ‘the Weiner’ and his predilection for sending school girls photos of ‘little Weiner’?!!
Rape is a vile crime (regardless of the perpetrator and their victim), but this is just gratuitous, cheap and nasty (like most the content on the BBC these days).