Another great joining-the-dots insight by a B_BBC reader…
“A very interesting development in terms of the BBC’s transparancy on trans (and bias in general). The BBC website is running the to-be-expected formulaic propaganda story about how amazing transgenderism is. I won’t bother deconstructing the whole article (although I have to cite the hilarious line: “She is a trans person who has scorned societal labels by refusing gender reassignment…”) but it is written by Olivia Crellin, who states she works for the BBC. After trawling through the piece, there is something at the foot of the article that caught my eye: “This article was made possible through a grant to the author from the One World Media foundation.” A BBC employee is being PAID by a third-party special interest entity to write a blatantly biased material (that was pitched to them: 2016 Production Fund | One World Media) to push a specific social agenda…
At last, the Beeb finally admits it.”
As the evidence shows, at the BBC such a thing as freedom of speech is all one-way traffic in support of that politically protected species: transsexual.
If only the deluded would stop victim blaming, and see the victims for what they are – victims!
They are being used by a Fascist Left group which will turn on them as soon as its Muslim masters tell them to, just like they have with the Jews.
The Fascists HATE trans people possibly the most out of everyone and no special treatment exists. They are certainly not a protected species like the brown eyed favourites are
There’s a blonde female reporter on BBC News breakfast show who reports on all things financial and I’m convinced that she is a transsexual? Her Jaws in particular look male!
You don’t have to look hard to find it on the BBC. Recently, one of their 15-minute serializations on Radio 4 revisited the issue and Kate Ady’s “From Our Own Correspondent” advertised a piece on it. I didn’t listen to either as I’ve heard enough about it to last many a year.
It`s all about THEM isn`t it?
I remember the first of the highbrow sex change folk.
Jan Morris it was…previously a Times bloke called James who went to Everest I think.
Still alive I think.
So restrained, a private decision but articulated with no agenda…and as the likes of Germaine Greer were at the peak of their powers,there was no grandstanding, no me-too isms and no media cult and obsessive sector suckling as today.
The lowbrow types would have been April Ashley I guess in the News of The World-but , yet again, there was no rush to Charing Cross hospital with Channel 5 in tow, no follow up series for her.
But today?-if we see it as a pitiful attempt to get onto an ID card, get a support group funded from the BBC-or basically misfits who`ll do ANYTHING to get the gig of second pantomine horse in Filey as “trans actress from Big Brother 2011”).
A case of deviant digging for another group for Alinskys gladbag…as if we`ve not got enough self abusers and mutilators who seek the blessing of Pete Burns or suchlike.
That rush to the media or the web for attention or money/fame is a mass delusion that shows how thick, sad and sick they are….Blairs Buggerboos…
So So sad.
A bunch of lefties with an agenda hijack a cause with which they have no identity sympathy nor understanding of a tiny minority of people whose only crime is to suffer a cruel physical disability and then when they do, the fools here instead of blaming and attacking the Lefties for doing it attack the victims themselves!
The irony of it all is that most trans people see this happening and are dismayed by the lies and the hate, and share the same kinds of thoughts that we do here – barring a few notable exceptions.
The Lefties and the BBC find a new tool with which to beat the rest of us with and who do the posters here attack?
The lefties – nooooo
The BBC – nooooo
The victims they have used? Yay ! because just like the Muslims we all despise those same deep rooted hatreds are so hard to shake off, even if you’ve never met anyone who has the condition or spoken to them !
Have posts been deleted, cops I see no victim blaming in the existing posts above. The points seem to be about the BBC/MSM going over the top on Transgender reporting as a way of virtue signalling.
Allow me to enlighten you Stew – it wasn’t so difficult when the Fascist left were blaming the victims of the Muslim great grope of Cologne, so a little effort to see what you don’t want to see perhaps?
“If we see it as a pitiful attempt to get onto an ID card, get a support group funded from the BBC-or basically misfits who`ll do ANYTHING to get the gig of second pantomine horse in Filey as “trans actress from Big Brother 2011”).”
“A case of deviant digging for another group for Alinskys gladbag…as if we`ve not got enough self abusers and mutilators who seek the blessing of Pete Burns or suchlike.
That rush to the media or the web for attention or money/fame is a mass delusion that shows how thick, sad and sick they are….Blairs Buggerboos…”
That’s not blaming the BBC Stew, that’s attacking the the people they are abusing as their bully tools.
Other than that there were two previous posts which have been deleted.
Just because the BBC is pushing the left wing agenda doesn’t mean that it supports the people it claims to support, they are merely tools which provide the means to attack the nasty normal white people they HATE so much. Attacking those people is a major error.
Remember that Saudi drives much of the UKs so called equality policy and cast your mind back to the BLiar years, when the appalling corrupt government decided to pass a law Saudi required that it was a crime not to serve a Muslim in a shop – no one has ever been prosecuted for this.
No other minority groups was included because Labour HATES them, here is the evidence for that, they were more or less forced to include Gay people who I have to say have disgracefully misused the law for their own ends – but Trans people were never included.
On every single piece of EU legislation relating to either gay or trans reights, Labour fought the introduction of them tooth and claw – after all Muslims don’t want any rights for Gays or trans people, and they’ve been paying the UK politicos for years.
Make no mistake the Fascist Labour party care only for Muslim direction – and gays and trans simply doesn’t figure in that. Don’t be fooled by their belligerence if it cane down to it they be in there kicking the crap out of any Gay if they offended a Muslim. LGBT is just a convenient minority to use as a lever to attack their opponents with.
I have recently discovered that I am cisgender. In other words my self identity corresponds with my biological sex. Isn’t that what we used to call straight?
What we used to call straight is hetrosexual there was no word for being in the correct gendered, and I believe this ridiculous term ‘cis’ originated as a joke for the Roman term on which side of the hills from Rome territories were transalpine & cisalpine a joke which went around was picked up by the Fascists who seized on it with delight as a new bully word.
From their own guide to bias PDF (Funded by the European Union)
– (In a balanced story) “All information that is important for the story is mentioned” pg 79
– “use of master narratives by journalists strengthens the biased views on topics” pg80
– “The sources’ trustworthiness must be transparent for the public” pg 134
– (Think about when) “stereotyping and biased reporting is more subtle or even well intentioned.” pg 33
– Interesting that the report also warns about bias to “Eurocentrism” pg 91
OK so who are the donors TO ” One World Media” ?
I wonder if all their people are London and South East people like they are at first glance ?
“We are funded by a variety of leading media companies, global development agencies, government bodies, private trusts and foundations”
“Their principal source of income was major grant income”
– I wonder how much comes from the EU ..FCO etc ?
– It’s maybe connected to University of Kent (previous address) or is that the accountants office ?
BTW there is some extra info on the 2016 Production Fund webpage
* That’s everyday sexism.
** Aren’t those POLITICAL aims, which is different from impartial reporting ?
… though JUSTICE might be a suitable aim).
This is similar to when a BBC trainee went on a training seminar to Rome and one of the tasks was to design a news item to increase Global Warming awareness.
It’s naive to think 3rd parties don’t influence reporting : movie corps and Greenpeace both take people of travels/cruises etc. Like if the reporter is freelance and sold the story to the BBC would we know that funding influenced what she reports ?
BTW One World Media run a Climate Change Fellowship and give awards for “Sustainable Development”.
The whole thing reeks of George Soros – a character Ian Fleming would have rejected as too evil to be one of his super villains.