Well, at long last the BBC has been forced to cover a topic which up until now it has declared to be simply an obsession of “right wing extremists and conspiracy theorists”. I refer to Hillary Clinton’s health. Her collapse in New York yesterday was captured on camera and so could not be denied (the Clinton’s camp preferred modus operandi) This morning we awake to the news that despite being told that the collapse was due to her “overheating” (on the coolest day in NYC this month) turns out she pneumonia, diagnosed on Friday past. BBC instantly accept this. Pneumonia is a serious illness that requires much more than 48 hours rest. We are being played by the Clinton camp and yet the BBC gratefully grasps any straws they throw. Funny how the world class journalists at the BBC never thought to investigate why Clinton was wearing BLUE glasses as she left her daughter’s apartment? They are anti-seizure lens she had in – but the BBC couldn’t be bothered to wonder why someone with “pneumonia” is wearing such. If you want REAL news, best ignore the BBC.


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60 Responses to PNEUMONIA…

  1. Deborah says:

    I watched the video put up on Guido. Hillary’s head was bobbing up and down like it did when she was with the reporters. Watched on the 10pm BBC1 news last night and there was just 1 drop of the head. I think there was a quick photoshop but of course the BBC would think I was a conspiracy theorist.
    I have just switched off Today at 7.50 where the guest’s response to Hillary’s health is to say Trump is a liar.


  2. Number 6 says:

    Quite apart from the fact that anyone with a brain knows this is b/s,what was she doing hugging a child with a serious infectious illness?

    The stupidity of clinton supporters is truly mindboggling


    • NISA says:

      but for some reason that question does not appear to occur to the BBC or the rest of the MSM. They all accepted, without qualms, that Clinton accosting a little girl on the streets of New York was just sweet.


  3. MartinW says:

    The coverage of the now unavoidable ‘Clinton collapse’ incident by the BBC has been atrocious, even BBC standards. After many months ignoring the matter of H. Clinton’s health, an early symptom of which was her fall and concussion a long time ago, which probably resulted from an existing illness. The BBC first ignored it, then decided they would spin that it was only the Republican and (shudder) Donald Trump who were questioning her health. So, it’s pneumonia, is it? At 0745, the ‘Today’ programme’s speed-dial favourite, James Rubin, spokesman for the Clinton Party, was wheeled on to face some hard and forensic questioning by Justin Webb. Well, I made the last bit up – it was really a prolonged party political broadcast for Hillary, with a few patsy questions thrown in. John Sopel also earned his BBC salary in the usual way earlier in the programme.


    • Tom_Kenny says:

      To be fair to John Sopel he did say that the contest was now very close.

      I might be over-interpreting, but he seemed to me to be saying it in the manner of someone who has tired of having to keep quiet about the elephant in the room.

      He probably twigged that it would be better to suffer the annoyance of BBC colleagues now, than look like a self-deluding t*t along with the rest of them the day after Trump romps to victory.


  4. ObiWan says:

    I love this video – Fox News Judge Jeanine Pirro lets loose a rebuttal to Hillary’s ill-advised use of the word ‘deplorables’ to describe Trump supporters.

    She gets pretty fired-up, so if you’re at work you might want to headphone this one. By the end of her opening statement I was close to cheering!

    In the ‘discussion’ afterwards with her two studio guests you can see, more than once, the mischievous smile and glint in her eye. This girl is having some fun and she wants the viewer to know it. This is how the right will beat the tired, clapped-out Clinton – with spirited discussion, intelligence, laughter, and a good grace.


    • Number 6 says:

      Also….anyone else noticed…..right wing commentators are generally gorgeous…..leftists are usually like a bulldog licking piss off a nettle


      • Flexdream says:



        • Demon says:

          For right wing you missed Lauren Southern. Also, I would hesitate to add, Le Pen’s niece.


      • ObiWan says:

        “…anyone else noticed…..right wing commentators are generally gorgeous…”

        It’s a conspicuous trait of right wing female commentators. These are attractive, sexy women who also happen to be very intelligent, articulate and interesting. No doubt I just offended some snowflake with that comment – but I don’t care. Judge Jeanine Pirro wears her sexy high heels on camera with pride. Go girl!

        How the progressives hate that kind of thing. Good times.


      • vesnadog says:

        Speaking of Laura Bush. Lets not forget her husbands Father; Bush Senior falling under that conference table on some foreign excursion while he was in office!


    • Number 6 says:

      Also….anyone else noticed…..right wing commentators are generally gorgeous…..leftists are usually like a bulldog licking piss off a nettle


  5. Roland Deschain says:

    Is it standard practice in the USA to take someone known to have pneumonia and who has collapsed round to a relative’s house? Call me old-fashioned, but I’d have thought a hospital was more appropriate.

    The BBC (and MSM generally) don’t seem terribly curious. They are surely sounding their own death knell.


  6. Flexdream says:

    I have had two friends, both considerably younger than Mrs Clinton, stricken with pneumonia, but who are now thankfully recovered. I hope for others’ benefit that the USA shares with our NHS its wonder miracle treatment for pneumonia which avoids even the need to rest in bed, let alone go into hospital.


    • JohnW says:

      Had a bout of pneumonia last December and spent 11 days in hospital, including one week in ICU. Clinton`s camp is in disarray.


  7. nofanofpoliticians says:

    This guy (Tyler Durden) has been covering Hillary’s health issues for months, and has hit the nail bang on the head with these questions…

    No such questions asked by the BBC though….


    • MartinW says:

      Very good questions from Tyler Durden on Zero-hedge. In his article, the neologism ‘spox’ for ‘doctor’ was new to me: it is rather good. Now I really must get on with some productive work!


  8. SupportOurLefty says:


  9. Guest Who says:

    The personal physician thing also interesting.

    “Take this pantsuit to the dry cleaners… Stat!”

    Another Dr. Morell School of Medicine alumnus like that of Michael Jackson?


  10. Sinniberg says:

    I think the evidence is pointing towards the fact that she is seriously ill.

    You’ll notice that she is actually being held and supported by a female aid before she even collapses.

    From a purely human point of view it’s saddening that they won’t admit that she is too ill to continue and bow out gracefully.

    It would seem rather that they are going to push on until the inevitable/something far worse happens.

    I wonder what the BBC will say then……


    • nofanofpoliticians says:

      The debates will be a seriously testing time for her, I would have thought.


      • Guest Who says:

        Maybe go the Emily route and tefuse to participate by calling them silly patriarchal quizzes.

        It is so ballsy, it may just work.

        Or not.


    • NWStu says:

      The BBC would probably hail her as a martyr to the left wing cause and then campaign for beatification.
      There is way too much other people’s money involved, too much to lose, to allow her to stop just yet.


  11. Thoughtful says:

    “turns out she pneumonia, diagnosed on Friday past. BBC instantly accept this.”

    Huh? For a start this doesn’t make sense, but what do you expect the BBC to do? Unless they have some evidence to the contrary that she has something much more serious then they have no choice but to report the statement of the Clinton camp.

    Lets take a look at the flip side of the coin though. Clinton is 68 years old, but Trump is 70 ! These are not spring chickens and health issues are almost an inevitability. Clinton’s doctor has given a list of her medication, but Trumps camp has remained steadfastly silent on his medical history. Surely if this is BBC bias then they should have been speculating on Trump, and not Clinton?
    So far as I am aware there has been no real BBC speculation into Trumps health (other than mental) so how is this Clinton event evidence of bias?

    The BBC headline story of the day is:

    Clinton cancels California trip after pneumonia diagnosis.

    They are hardly trying to hush it up!

    Paul Goodmans piece on Conservative home seems more balanced:

    Clinton’s illness, ageing countries, older leaders


    • JohnW says:

      Drudge Report has been flagging up her health issues for over three months. The BBC has ignored them.

      Meanwhile, they have been inventing “mental health issues” for Trump on a daily basis.

      No bias?


    • Flexdream says:

      The bias is that in a piece about Mrs Clinton’s obvious health problems

      Clinton cancels California trip after pneumonia diagnosis.

      the BBC adds e.g.

      “Mrs Clinton is 68. Her Republican opponent Donald Trump is 70.”
      “Then there are the conspiracy theories about her health – some advanced by top Trump campaign surrogates – which will become more frenzied.”
      “Donald Trump, age 70, is not clear of medical concerns of course. The only information on his health comes from a haphazardly written note from his doctor. ”
      “NBC News reporters said the incident had “sparked renewed calls for both Clinton and Trump, who are 68 and 70, respectively, to reveal more about their health”.”

      So, without any evidence apart from his age the BBC speculates on Trump’s health.

      Also adding under ‘More on this story’

      Clinton health myth: From Twitter theories to a Trump speech

      Which has the gem,

      “In less than a month, unsubstantiated claims about Hillary Clinton’s health have gone from chatter on Twitter to an attack line by Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

      Without offering any evidence, Mr Trump said in Ohio on Monday that she “lacks the mental and physical stamina to take on Isis [Islamic State] and all of the many adversaries we face”. Mr Trump, 70, is almost two years older than Mrs Clinton.”


    • Roland Deschain says:

      Unless they have some evidence to the contrary that she has something much more serious then they have no choice but to report the statement of the Clinton camp.

      Well, yes. But they could also be asking questions about inconsistencies already mentioned here by others, they could bring on a doctor to explain how the symptoms are consistent (or not) with pneumonia. I’m not a doctor, but the symptoms don’t look to me like pneumonia – however it’s entirely possible they are and it would reduce the conspiracy theories to explain this to us laypersons. So why not do it? (Maybe they have, when I wasn’t watching.)

      Surely if this is BBC bias then they should have been speculating on Trump, and not Clinton?

      You should ask yourself why they haven’t, given the clear anti-Trump bias previously shown. The only logical answer is they feel there’s one big loser if health becomes an issue. Now that it has, despite attempts, watch them start on Trump. (Edit: for instance, as shown in Flexdream’s comment above.)


  12. gaxvil says:

    So on Today just the one interview and that with a Clinton employee.
    To paraphrase, ‘Yes she has health issues but Trump is a liar and loves Putin’.
    All that was missing at the end was, ‘Ner, ner, ner, ner, so there!’


  13. gaxvil says:

    Don’t forget to tune in R4 11am, “Muslim Moms”. Wonder if Mathew Paris will feature?


  14. Number 6 says:

    Im not sure whether the msm in general and the so-called bbc in particular are :

    1. Thick as a whale omelette (leftists/liberals [so called] so a distinct possibility)


    2. Pathological liars


    3. Both

    Mmmmmmm…..what y’all think?


    • gaxvil says:

      Like all cult members they do believe in their righteous cause and their innate moral superiority – just like IS.


  15. Flawedlogic says:

    I’m not convinced that the BBC has failed to report this correctly – they have given Clinton’s weekend medical concerns plenty of airtime.

    Plenty of other bias present from the weekends news, however, this specific story is not one of them.


  16. G.W.F. says:

    Hillary leaves the building



  17. polytropic1 says:

    The BBC are desperate for trump to say something about Clinton so they can attack him. Trump has kept silent. Now BBC are attacking him for NOT saying anything.


  18. All Lives Matter says:

    Breitbart reports that the Democrats are holding a meeting planning on replacing Clinton as nominee. They know that she has no chance of winning the election as her appalling “basket of deplorables” quote followed by confirmation that the ‘far-right conspiracy theorists’ were right about her health simply make her too much of a liability for most reasonable voters to ever give a chance. Couple that with Trump’s huge upsurge of ground support among the public services, the military, small businesses, Christians, and most tellingly black Americans (ignored by the BBC) and the election is a procession barring shenanigans from the Democrats. Even they’re not stupid enough to cheat or try to cancel the election, so their best bet is to get rid of her.

    Of course, the BBC and the rest of the media won’t report this. They’ve invested so heavily in her inevitable victory that they simply cannot back down now. Better to wait until afterwards and say “we all got it wrong” as they did with Brexit and the 2015 general election than be honest in the run-up in which everyone who does even the most basic research can see Trump’s momentum and Clinton’s campaign flatlining, yet the MSM will continue to paint a different picture and claim shock when it’s wrong as it’s easier than being self-reflective.


    • Dave S says:

      I think the democrats know Trump is making converts in the black community and it means curtains for them.
      The media liberal class is in denial.


  19. Demon says:

    What they are hoping for, I believe, is for Clinton to win. She is so frail that she will be unable to exercise her own judgement on any issue. Someone is planning to control her. George Soros? Whoever will be controlling her we will be in extremely dangerous times if she is elected (or rather the results manipulated to cheat Trump of the job).


  20. Steve Jones says:

    This article about pneumonia is worth a read:
    See if you can spot any of the symptoms mentioned in Hillary’s behaviour. I think the diagnosis could be true. Although the timing does seem a bit convenient, it is likely to come back and bite the Democrats in the arse due to one of the possible underlying causes ie stroke.


  21. Dave S says:

    She has all the signs of recovering from stroke problems. I can imagine the strain is very great on her. She needs to quit now.


  22. Steve Jones says:

    File this one under ‘No surprises there then’:
    Presidential candidates have had far more serious medical conditions than Hillary so it really isn’t news. Thank you BBC. Now Trump is going to release more of his medical history; can’t see the BBC taking much of an interest.


    • ObiWan says:

      “…Now Trump is going to release more of his medical history; can’t see the BBC taking much of an interest.”

      Maybe not, but what a good move by Trump. This places a huge strain on the Clinton camp to match Trump’s move. If Clinton won’t release her medical records (or does so only in a severely redacted form) then it’s all over for her.


      • Steve Jones says:

        That comment was a little tongue in cheek on my part. I suspect if Trump’s records reveal he has much as sneezed during a hot summer then, in the BBC’s mind, that will be enough to rule him out of running for the presidency.
        I agree that this is a smart move on Trump’s part. He should also wish her a speedy recovery from this most debilitating of illnesses.


  23. Ricks Assessment says:

    I think the Hillary we are seeing today is a Cyborg. Not too long ago she was looking like an old granny with her grey hair pulled back into a bun. It’s not long after this that they took her away, hollowed her out & fitted a T-800 endoskeleton inside her wrinkly old skin. She was then fitted with a brain grown from Obama stem cells and some chicken giblets for good measure.
    What we see walking around now is remotely controlled from a control room (homeland style) and what comes out of it’s gob is decided by committee. Occasionally the remote signal gets interfered with by things like electronic recording devices or microphones getting too close to her ears (antenna). This is why we sometimes see her head start gyrating & her eyes swivelling; once control is restored then they go to joke mode to cover it over.
    A recent malfunction saw her legs losing attitude control & her head nodding in phase with them. Fortunately SS agents were quick on the spot with their mobile lab & whisked her away to Chelsea’s house for a quick CTRL-ALT-DEL procedure and a drop of oil in the crotch area.
    A few hours later she was dispatched along a sidewalk to greet a kid with the controllers hand hovering over the abort button should she go into meltdown & rip the kid’s head off.


  24. Loobyloo says:

    Lol!I nominate you (RA) for best laugh of the day prize! Although, what if it’s true…


  25. Ian Rushlow says:

    Relax, everybody. It seems the Great Leaderene has only got walking pneumonia, which is so insignificant that it’s no more than a cold, if that, hardly an illness at all. See
    Coming soon: Mildly terminal cancer, Occasional AIDS, Pleasant leukemia, Unaccountable broadcasting, etc etc.


    • Guest Who says:

      Still not sure the Clinton for Embalming PR team and BBC have quite homed in on another smart explanation… image wise…


    • ObiWan says:

      Reminds me of something Dirk Bogarde said his partner’s doctor’s told him about his (partner’s) symptoms: ‘Don’t worry; it’s just a touch of Parkinson’s.’

      And that was nearly 40 years ago, when doctors expected to say daft things and get away with it.


    • Jerry Owen says:

      You forgot ‘that nice liberal feeling’!


  26. G.W.F. says:

    It seems that the video of Hillary fainting has been censored away.


    • Will Jones says:

      I just read this and went into drudge and videos of the incident are there from both angles and it’s clear that she had a seizure and passed out. I really hope some main stream journalists will enquire if she is wearing the blue Zeiss glasses as a fashion statement or for their anti seizure benefits. I won’t be holding my breath. Journalism has been shut down for th duration of the campaign.


    • vesnadog says:

      Never mind body guards! She should replace them with illegal Mexican auxiliary nurses.


  27. Guest Who says:

    The campaign office might be a wee bit tense at this difficult time:


  28. magicoat says:

    After Hillary collapsed, the US Secret Service has a standard policy that the protectee is to be taken to an emergency room meeting certain minimum criteria. Being that Hillary’s people overruled the SS agents protecting her, they knew or had to know several issues.

    They had to know what was going on inside Hillary to cause the collapse. The collapse was so dramatic that anything less than the ER would never suffice had her condition been unknown.

    They had to know that Chelsea’s apartment or the van in which she was traveling has sufficient medical supplies to treat HIllary. This also means that Hillary’s condition has to be well defined, somewhat predictable, and know for some period prior to her collapse.

    They knew this was not pneumonia and something completely different. The knew Hillary leaving early would be noticed, but they also knew that something like pneumonia where many on her staff were suffering from it and taking her to the ER with a case of pneumonia would result in pity and well wishing, not scorn and loss of support.That they did not go to the ER was clearly because they were concerned about some other diagnosis that would render her unfit for the Presidency so they concocted the pneumonia story as a cover for her real issue.

    Anyone who has had pneumonia or some other disease that results in a collapse as complete as the one Hillary suffered knows that you do not bounce back within an hour. Increasingly, the information and Hillary’s behavior is leaning towards some sort of epileptic disorder which many would claim is a disqualifying health issue. What makes this worse is that it does not seem to be controllable.


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      Exactly. She is having seizures or fits. We have seen them on video, but the MSM refuses to ask any questions. I don’t know why this particular fit has made it through to the MSM when others have not. Maybe because it took place at the 9/11 memorial?

      Whatever, the point is that the Clintons lie about everything as a matter of course. Hillary Clinton is lying about pneumonia, she is having temporary brain seizures, and that is why shortly after this latest fit, she appeared looking well, apart from her blue anti-seizure glasses. Pneumonia just does not disappear in an hour.

      I think Hillary’s history of brain seizures, added to her chronic and pathological habit of lying about everything, even to the very reason she was called Hillary, makes her unelectable. The cat’s out of the bag on this now. So the Democrats will either have to get rid of her or accept they will lose the election (please God).

      It’s going to get interesting, but I have a feeling Joe Biden will be keeping his phone close for the next few days.


  29. StewGreen says:

    Diagnosis : The news is out Hillary has been told she’s pregnant.
    A transcript of secret phone to Bill has got into the media
    In it she is furious. Here she is in the middle of her campaign …. with all sorts of investigations…… and now this !
    – Bill answers and she immediately starts screaming …….
    HC : You bastard ! How could you have let this happen ? With all that’s going on right now, you go and get me pregnant !
    HC : How could you ? I can’t believe this ! I’ve just found out I’m 5 weeks pregnant …. and it’s all your fault !
    HC : What have you got to say ?
    ( dead silence on the telephone.)
    HC : She screams …. “Did you hear me you son-of-a-bitch ?”

    Bill (faintly, barely audible whisper) : …… “Who is this ?”