At least one of the Blacks who murdered the police officers in Dallas had links to Black Power groups….by coincidence in June the BBC was promoting their agenda….by film….
Black Power: America’s Armed Resistance
And in writing…..
On the ground with America’s Black Power soldiers
Not terrorists or extremists or racists but ‘soldiers’ resisting….the film-maker feels an empathy with them as they propose to kill cops…
It was hard not to be drawn to the black men and women who turned up in military fatigues, talking about being under attack, and urging the black folk of Charleston to arm themselves….Which has led me here to Dallas, and the Gun Club.
What is the problem?….
This movement is partly a response to years of police brutality towards the black community. Issues brought starkly to life by the killings of Michael Brown in Ferguson, of Tamir Rice in Cleveland, of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, among many, many others.
If you are a black man aged 15-34 you’re nine times more likely to be killed than anyone else. Yet African Americans make up just 12% of the US population. Whatever way you look at it, police are clearly killing disproportionately large numbers of African Americans – particularly young black men.
Are yes, statistics…..’disproportionate’ numbers of black men being killed…except that’s not true is it? Black males are ‘disproportionately responsible for far more crime than whites, hispanics or other ethnic groups…hence they attract more police attention. Note the use of Michael Brown’s death as an example, as always by the BBC, of police racism….the jury agreed this was self-defence by the police officer and witnesses on the ground confirmed that.
The BBC goes on…..
The aims of this march are manifold – black empowerment, a black person’s right bear arms, a display of black unity and discipline. But the main target of their vitriol is clear: The police.
Omawale, rallying the Gun Club: “We got to let these pigs know that we not afraid of them.”
These people don’t trust the police. They don’t trust them to protect their communities, and so they’re going to protect themselves.
Rakem: “By us arming ourselves, we’re able to create a culture of being independent from government institutions who don’t have our best interests in mind.”
I wonder if the BBC are as sympathetic with their aims and methods now after 5 dead cops? Probably.
Yep even as the gunsmoke clears the BBC film-maker, Dan Murdoch, has the photo at the top of this post as his banner on Twitter.
What did he tell BBC news about the Dallas murders? So proud of his boys? Shame about the cops but you know…got what was coming?
No of course not…he’s shocked and appalled by the murders. But still…ya know….
Oh yes….Just as Zimmerman was Hispanic not white one of the police officers who was involved in one of the shootings that led to the protests and murders was of Chinese descent…not white….
The BBC has form for giving the oxygen of publicity to some very dubious characters. Does Don’t Panic I’m Islamic ring a bell?
Wow, great find Alan.
“Of course, America is a much bigger and more dangerous country. But there’s more: if you are a black man aged 15-34 you’re nine times more likely to be killed than anyone else.Yet African Americans make up just 12% of the US population. Whatever way you look at it, police are clearly killing disproportionately large numbers of African Americans – particularly young black men.”
My emphasis, they write this knowing the polemic, knowing the reason but not putting it: BBC agenda getting cops killed.
“Whatever way you look at it, police are clearly killing disproportionately large numbers of African Americans – particularly young black men.”
If I were a young black American I’d be more concerned about Dr. Richard R. Johnson’s findings after studying FBI and CDC statistics from Jan. 1, 2009, and Dec. 31, 2012.
“For every black man — criminal or innocent — killed by a cop, 40 black men were murdered by other black men. ”
I’m also more than a little pissed off about funding Dan ‘Transexual Teen, Beauty Queen’ Murdochs vanity pieces in order for him to enhance his progressive credentials.
Loved the top picture showing Dan down with the dudes,
legs apart – ready for action – Cap at at the perfect, cool, right on angle.
Mummy must be really proud of her little soldier!
As for the BBC and their involvement with this shite stirring project , just what can you say about them – I am afraid lowlife scum does not really do them justice but I suppose it will have to do.