Why does the BBC give so much time and space to the ‘young’ to whinge unquestioned about Brexit? When one ‘yoof’ complains that his family ‘betrayed him’ by voting Out where is the BBC challenge that suggests he is a selfish little p***k and that the referendum wasn’t all about him? Whinge over. All yours……
With all the Somme commemorations this weekend, I have often wondered what my grandfather (Gunner, Royal Field Artillery 1914-1918) would have made of the state of Britain today.
It makes me unbelievably sad, let alone someone who put their life on the line for their country.
Not one of them fit to clean his shoes.
But now it`s going to change if we all stick to what we voted for last week.
Enjoy People
If any reversal/rerun of the Referendum is ordered, surely it will cast some doubt on the narrow margin of the 2015 General Election also?
My granddaddy too saw action Thatcherrevolutionary, and like most, could not speak of the utter horror he saw and endured. Of course there were C.O’s who for whatever reason didn’t rally to the cause of the King, but most went off to war, because they had to. That generation constantly lived a life of hardship, so apart from Sunday best, the uniform was something to be proud of wearing. It may only be 100 years ago, but its light years away from that same age group today. If there was a threat to this country resulting in WW3, there would be poster carrying protests in London, yuni graduates shouting the odds, football shirt wearing fatties crying into their McDonalds – all feeling sorry for themselves without a single thought in fighting for the protection of this country. Just like they did last week. But then, this is not a phenomenon restricted to this country, otherwise all those economic migrant men would stay and fight in their own homeland. We’ve ‘betrayed’ the youth ?, well, I have never felt so strongly ashamed of young people in all my life !
As a toddler I recall seeing the scars, indeed bullet holes, in my uncle Wilfred’s chest which he obtained at the Somme. Like many of his generation he spoke little about it, but maintained his vow that he would never leave our town for the rest of his life. I am glad that he never lived to see a generation who despise our soldiers, who will be protesting in Trafalgar square denouncing as racist those who show respect for the values for which his generation fought.
Went to my local WW1 – WW2 War memorial this morning. Just me, myself and I was there, all alone with my thoughts of gratitude, trying my best to imagine a face, a person, a life and link it to the names scribed in stone , so many friggin’ names… Two women arrive… The three of us paid our respects as best we could as the world and its traffic hurled by… 7.30am. I blow hard on a vintage ACME whistle. “Over the top lads” At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them, WE WILL REMEMBER THEM… Think I was born in the wrong century… Rule Britannia. RIP gents and thanks.
BBC News
Has Britain become more racist after #Brexit?
Read more: http://bbc.in/29arv4Q
Yup. Only surprise is it took them this long.
Note: The BBC definition of ‘race’ may be quite ‘unique’.
I’ve read that on the latest QT programme, Mr Dimbleby effectively called Mr Farage a racist and Mr Carswell by omission agreed with him.
Firstly, these have to be the two most odious people in the public domain. One, a collectivist bigot who couldn’t get a job in the real world and has lived on his father’s name all his ridiculous bbc life. The other, who if he wasn’t gives a good impression of being a Conservative Party plant whose role was and is to damage UKIP at every opportunity; a man who doesn’t appear to have any loyalty, except perhaps to the Conservative party.
Secondly, aren’t there grounds for Mr Farage to seek a police investigation into what Mr Dimbleby accused him of? If that’s the only way to bring the bbc to heel, then that’s what should be done. I’m sure Mr Farage has more on his mind at the moment, but the bbc cannot be allowed to express unsubstantiated accusations as has Mr Dimbleby without there being consequences.
Absolutely true. It was one of the very worst examples af BBC ineptness and uselessness I have seen. Dimbleby needs to be removed ,
This needs reporting as a hate crime! We need to start playing the hate filled bigots at their own game!
Congratulations everybody on Brexit (I was away), lets hope our masters now deliver upon what was voted for.
QT was appalling, appeared a complete set-up, Nigel should sue Dimbleby for libel. And as for Carswell, no defence against Dimbleby’s racist allegations and then later made no case for UKIP to take in the future lots of North England seats.
Not likely…Never has so much hatred and malice been put upon fifty two per cent of the British public, and of course at the forefront of that hatred is the ghastly BBC.
@ Englands Dreaming..
There was a precious moment entitled “where were you when Sunderland was called”, when the colour visibly drained from BBC faces at broadcasting house….At this point it was “game on”…..And as it turned out, the beginning of “game won”, much to the consternation of the comrades of the BBC.
Oh I totally agree……that moment was forecast just seconds before when Keungsberg called out the ‘ intelligence ‘ from her phone, which gave it something like 62:38 for leave.
At that point I smply could not believe it..but when the result was called..Dimblebum sank almost to the floor.,,,,,,and never got up.
And, by the way, I was tucked up in bed, nice and comfy. After the Kettering result came in….it was oh heaven….away to dreamland.,,lol
What are you doing here?…..Come on Wales!!!!
Naethon nhw y jobyn…
They did the job…
I decided to stay up, and as the results got better and better-just got a beer or two out amd just wallowed int eh utter crushing of all that the BBC stood for.
Like jenga…one strut at a time, toppling by the hour.
Eventually I went to bed after Nigel spoke to us all at 4am…won`t forget the sneers from Dimbly and Greening…crap about his manners, presumptions and gloating.
Nothing of the sort-but these were angry, bitter people now together in mourning as their lives and careers ebbed away before our eyes…and at 4am you can let rip and be as nasty as you like.
And they were-never trust a Greening , a Dimbleby …
But the “Sunderland moment” is what the left will want to be reminded of-buggers still live off Portillo…it`s our turn now.
God love, bless and keep the Makems forever!…will send them a Happy Independence card next June 23rd….drawing a big EU Duck House with all the wankers heads on the ducks with Nigel holding his 12 bore and aimed at them…
Agree, Sunderland 2016 was great, the old Roker Roar is not dead. 2015 General Election wasn’t bad, as the BBC squirmed. One of my top ten is the declaration at Redditch in the 2010 General Election, signalling the defeat of Jacqui Spliff, whose husband’s [leisure viewing] had been claimed as MPs’ expenses.
Thanks, sees that for once I missed a good night’s TV on BBC.
Its called Slander, john.
The UK commemorates the Somme, but for the traitorous Buggering British Children crowd , it was the powers that be that led to the failure of the Somme.
How Britain gave away attack plan
Yet, on watching the film, the British didn’t give anything away did they, bBC?
Yes one article which points the finger of blame at the British, yet so many others from the bBC say otherwise:
Why was the first day of the Somme such a disaster?
According to the above it was:
Untrained men:Many of the British soldiers were volunteers with little battle experience or training.
Untested tactics:The Allies’ planned an infantry assault aided by a huge artillery bombardment. This tactic had not been tested by the British on a large scale battlefield.
Inadequate artillery: Britain’s bombardment was ineffective against Germany’s well-trained troops, who were safe in deep trenches.
Underestimated the enemy: The British attacked well-fortified German trenches, manned by battle-hardened soldiers, armed with large number of machine guns.
It appears the bBC just has to get a dig in at the UK, especially as how all us f-ing racists have voted out. What they leave out, is the most professional army in the world , best led and best armed at that time was….the German one
Of course as this is the bbC expect a drama on how a Muslim transexual soldier captured by the Germans found true love with his gay one balled captor a certain Adolf Schicklgruber, who loved nothing more than a chick with dick , as opposed to the nasty evil British.
This is typical of the Britain-hating BBC.
I remember during the Falklands War when Argentinian bombs weren’t all exploding as they hit our ships. The BBC reporter had to breathlessly report this, and mention that the information given to him was that the fuses in the bombs were set wrong. After this, the bomb fuses were set correctly and several ships were destroyed.
Of course, we don’t know how many British lives were lost as a result of that report.
The reporter was disgraceful to share that, but even worse, the editors in the UK should have thought about the implications and not broadcast it.
However, knowing what I now know about the left, I expect at the BBC they would have thought ‘the British deserve everything that’s coming to them’, and would have broadcast it deliberately in the hope that our defence forces would be unsuccessful. The Belgrano had been sunk by then, so I’m sure the BBC were well into ‘hate mode’.
Yes. The Falklands was a watershed for me and my understanding of the BBC.
I was working in Iraq at the time and the Gulf war with Iran was in full swing. No impartial news could be obtained within Iraq for obvious reasons, and we all relied on the BBC World Service for objective and factual reporting from the war front. In our case, we literally relied on the BBC for life and death decisions about our movements within Iraq.
Then the Falklands war began and I was astounded to detect an anti-British tone to the BBC reporting. There was no pride whatsoever at the incredible achievements of a task force sent thousands of miles to confront an entrenched enemy and absolutely no pride at overcoming the odds to ultimately prevail. Sickening bias and anti-British sentiments that were revealed to me for the first time.
It took me a lot longer than that I’m afraid. I’ve only really learned to detest the BBC in the last two years or so. During the Falklands War I assumed it was just an unwitting mistake …
Now I realise why intelligent people call the left ‘the politics of hate’.
The Germans had figured a way to access the British Field Telephones and rather like in Iraq the UK Government had failed to ensure quality of armaments used.
Earth Leakage on British Field Telephones?
Government doing what it did to minimise munition quality. The modern equivalent was to have the Poor Bloody Infantry in Snatch Land Rovers just to save costs.
Is it any wonder that the BBC loves May? A good article on her record on data retention and immigration rules that favour unskilled to skilled immigrants.
And to back you up Kennedy, here`s the Freedom Associations take on May…and if they despise her, so do I.
They`ve been out in the field long before I was…Ross McWhirter died for their values when I would have been opposing every one of them.
May can scoot.
I heard Alistair Campbell on the Jezza Swine Show at lunchtime: what a vile; anti-democratic; lying piece of human rubbish he is!
Why can’t c***s like Blair and him just f*** off abroad somewhere to live? So that we never have to suffer their views or opinions about anything ever again.
Saw his email to Kelvin McKenzie that was printed in The Sun today.
Campbell is evil…and the Left now need to know that their hatred of us is more than matched by our hatred for them…and because we`ve not been visiting it upon them, we`re owed some extra time to catchup and settle with them.
They seem to think that THEY have a monopoly on virtue and on tactics, on transmission of violence and of how it is used, packaged and documented or covered up.
And-with all news outlets, agencies and the BBC/broadsheet “beautiful people” backing them, covering their arses…so far , it`s been a one way street.
But not now…Campbell and Blair have nearly 180 soldiers deaths on their hands….how many death penalties ought THAT entail?
The new Phillipines President has devised a double death penalty…hang them and then crucify them in public afterwards I think?
Some creative thinking applied there, don`t you agree..time to see if new ideas might be worth trying.
David Kellys family deserve to see the likes of Campbell playing his own last post on death row…would have been more traditional to do it on a mouthorgan, but we can cope with bagpipes….special case is Maxwells gimp!
See-WE can do hate too Lefties…be warned…
Shouldn’t Campbell be concentrating on attempting to stop the Socialist workers party taking control of his rancid party, rather than concentrating on Brexit?…..or doesn’t he care now that he’s a millionaire elite?
Ah but it’s his bipolar alcoholism dontcha know…yer haffta feel sorry for the evil bastard….except not many do, least of all me.
On Farming Today this morning the BBC interviewer asks this farmer whether his Romanian and Bulgarian workers feel ‘betrayed’ by the Brexit vote.
Yep, that’s right, in the BBC’s eyes (imagine you’re being stared at blankly by a couple of circles of the Euro flag) the people who have finally had their vote on the EU and its mass immigration/re-distributionist agenda (amongst other things, like the small matter of democracy), could be ‘betraying’ these hordes of Eastern Europeans who as an electorate they’ve previously been powerless to stop.
This doesn’t just beggar belief it gives a clear insight into the mindset of those dwelling within the BBC bubble.
If, after Brexit, there is seasonal farm work here, Romanians and Bulgarians will be perfectly able to apply for work permits to do it, and get paid a decent wage. They will not, however, be able to bring their children over here to be educated, their elderly relatives over here to get treatment on the NHS, or expect to be housed at public expense.
They are not British, they don’t want to be British, they have not been betrayed by the British. If there is work to be done, they can do it, get paid, and go home. That’s all we owe them, and that’s all they owe us.
Funny how the Beeb reporter doesn’t ask those Rumanians and Bulgarians camping, sleeping rough and using the green spaces of London as a toilet, whether they’ve been betrayed !!!! ….. (and yes, I’ve used the spelling of Rumania that I was taught at school !)
Err – didn’t they betray their own countries when they came here instead of trying to improve their own?
Good – then maybe said Eastern Europeans will be able feel the sense of betrayal we British have suffered for decades at the hands of the vile BBC.
Well, as we have all seen the BBC have been in stubborn denial about the outcome of the EU referendum and even think that they have the power to disanulle it.
As many will have also noticed the BBC News website in particular has been wall to wall negatvity post vote.
Each day I have noticed on average 3-4 doom and negative stories on Brexit and so I decided to compile this list from over the past week.
I’m guessing too that the wall to wall “coverage” of the Labour Party and the witch hunt against Jeremy Corbyn that we have had to endure is because the BBC blames them for loosing the vote.
‘Osborne abandons 2020 budget surplus target’.
‘Brexit: UK workers in Germany fear for future’.
‘Brexit: Tensions emerge over UK-EU trade negotiations’.
‘Savers and borrowers braced for change amid Brexit fallout’.
‘Can the law stop Brexit?’.
‘Brexit: Obama warns on global growth after UK vote’.
Siemens UK warns that Brexit vote could hit investment.
EU Brexit summit: Sad ‘last supper’ in Brussels.
Brexit: EU says no compromise on freedom of movement.
‘Brexit vote leads S&P to cut European Union credit rating’.
‘Brexit ‘will make NHS staff shortages worse’.
‘Vodafone could move London HQ outside UK post-Brexit’.
‘Call to assure status of EU scientists in UK post-Brexit’.
‘Boris Johnson’s heart not in Brexit, ex-aide Guto Harri says’.
‘Sunderland on Brexit: ‘I’m not worried about what’s coming’.
‘A third of voters think Brexit won’t happen – poll’.
‘Barclays ‘has no plans to move jobs’ after Brexit vote’.
‘Welsh universities ‘to come out other side’ after Brexit’.
“Leaving the EU is a “major setback” for Welsh universities, a university boss has said, but he believes they would “come out the other side”.
‘How worried is China by the prospect of Brexit?’.
‘Brexit: George Osborne says tax rises and spending cuts needed’.
‘World class science ‘will endure’ in UK after Brexit'(another negative story).
‘Reports of racist abuse in Wales following Brexit’.
‘Brexit: Health service impact concerns Minister Michelle O’Neill’.
‘Brexit threatens UK project funding’.
‘Considerable consequences’ for Highlands from Brexit’.
‘Polish media in UK shocked by post-Brexit hate crimes’.
‘Brexit: Asian banks assess London property risks’.
“Asian banks are taking a hard look at the political and economic uncertainty in the UK – and some of them don’t like what they see”.
‘After Brexit will more of us take our holidays in the UK?’.
‘Brexit: Lib Dems’ 10,000 new members after EU vote’.
‘Brexit: Tears, fears and questions as children react to Leave vote’.
‘Brexit ‘racism’ victim: ‘I was told to get out of my country’.
‘Brexit vote to lead to ‘instability’ in the car industry’.
‘Brexit: Who is affected by the falling pound?’.
‘Some companies plan Brexit hiring freeze, says IoD’.
‘Brexit: Asian powers warnings over global stability’.
‘Brexit: There is a vacuum that must be filled’.
‘Japan stocks continue to stabilise despite Brexit turmoil’.
‘UK interest rate ‘likely to hit zero’ following Brexit’.
‘EU will ‘blame’ Cameron for Brexit says Radek Sikorski’.
‘EU referendum petition signed by more than 2.5m’.
“More than 2.5 million people have signed a petition calling for a second EU referendum, after the vote to leave”.
‘Brexit: What the UK credit downgrades mean for Asia’.
‘Ratings agencies downgrade UK credit rating after Brexit vote’.
‘How will Brexit affect your finances?’.
‘Brexit: British clubs could suffer in transfer window, warns sports expert’.
”What have we done” – teenage anger over Brexit vote’.
That is a magnificent post Sinniberg! Great work and more journalism in that single post than the British hating Al Beeb have produced in years!
If possible you need to get that list out to be visible to as many people and sources as possible. People need to see what back-stabing traitors the scumbags at Al Beeb are!
Seconded Tothepoint.
You`ve gone well above the call of duty here Sinniberg.
Fancy having to check all that slurry, smudge and smear…but quantifying it is going to matter soon enough.
I myself am going through their “Red Bottom” provision to see what they put up, as opposed to what they`re saying…as well as a check on their questioning and assumptions prior to making their fatuous points.
Craig Byers taught us well…and the Evan Davis “haranguing monkey” assault on Crispian Blunt the other night is probably the highest scale of presumptions, abuse and ad hominem crap on offer.
Time to stop feeding the fat pig-time to start measuring it.
Evan Davies v Crispin Blunt was indeed a new low point of BBC interrogation of a criminal suspect, vaguely disguised as an “interview”. I thought Davies might accord Blunt some professional courtesy as a fellow gay, but no such luck. Sexual preference is secondary to the compulsory treatment all hated Right wing deviants must expect.
As ever, Blunt was asked long questions, which, as soon as he started to attempt a reply, were constantly interrupted by Evan Davies, because obviously the viewers turn on to see him, not because they might be interested in the views of any of his guests.
Newsnight is now a parody of left wing student union agitprop, run by a Guardianista, staffed by Guardianistas, for Guardianistas. The rest of us peons can only marvel at what the unique way the BBC is funded brings us.
Thank you! Tothepoint and chrisH 🙂 .
Here’s some great interaction between a bright Fox News lady and an elated post-Brexit Nigel Farage. She managed to ask him some tough questions while enthusing with him over the victory:
Contrast that with any BBC ‘interview’ of Farage and the difference between a genuine news organisation and a mealy-mouthed, agenda-driven propaganda outfit becomes clear.
And here’s the incomparable Judge Jeanine reading America’s internal and external enemies the riot act on the same subject:
Just heard a withering and clear assessment of the BBCs mealy-mouthed culture by the mighty Owen Paterson on BBC News a few minutes ago.
He is backing Leadsom-and there is no alternative to her.
He was excellent, not that our BBC poppet knew anything…but he DID say that the BBC continue to carp on and muddy the waters because they lost the debate,,,but refuse even now to acknowledge that they lost.
Compare and contrast Paterson with the likes of Nicky Morgan(backing Gove) …and Soubry(backing May…who else?)
This continual restuffing of the burst sofa with endless stitchings from the angry and worthless elites is really dangerous….need we remind them again that we were NOT voting for a f…ing Tory…we were voting(all 17.4 million of us) to get the hell out of the EU…and only a Leadsom can now do it.
Gove has been shafted by “The Party”…and like Boris, Andrea will create the team she needs-God knows that she saw enough of them to know if they`re of the “right stuff” or not.
We KNOW that the BBC and the Tories will destry any efforts to REALLY change things, REALLY get out of their bloody EU.
Sense Paterson knows that we`re in a war…and the beeb have nothing on Leadsom as yet.
Let the BBC count the sheep in each pen…we only need the right ones.
The Tories can vote foe who they like…Brown was also crowned without our consent…and he dangled for over two years as the country sank.
The EU won`t allow us to drift for two years in THAT kind of living death this time…so I`d get Leadsom in and fast if I was a Tory tosser…and why an Osborne or a May are hanging around in the hope of snuffing us out is only due to the BBC and the Tory grandees.
They have no mandate after last Thursday…how do we tell them?…because there are ways we`ve learned that seemed to get their attention…certainly THEIR favoured groups use such methods.
Top of the evening to you, chrisH.
Can’t you guys just cut the tentacles of the EU monster and leave it writhing in Brussels while you step aside free?
Why do you have to do this grotesque dance with it for two years?
(I know it’s a silly question but I just felt like asking it.)
Well, we could, but that would create difficulties.
The EU is not just a club that you join and leave if you don’t pay your subs, it is a treaty based organisation. The UK has signed and agreed to be bound by the various treaties that define what EU members can do.
Just to renege on treaties would not be cricket 🙂
A more orderly exit involves following the procedures we have agreed, clearly we don’t want to antagonise our European friends, though we wouldn’t mind sticking it up their governments…
True, but what worries me is that the EU seems to have created a minefield to make it as difficult as possible to leave.
I know it seems like that, but the existence of article 50 is really to our advantage. In practice, we could leave whenever we like – or with a couple of days notice. However, that would be stupid, there are loads of things we need to agree with the other EU nations before we go.
Article 50 puts us in control of the timescale. It also explicitly binds the other 27 nations to positively engaging with us to achieve a good and friendly settlement. They can’t simply refuse to negotiate with us – or even diplomatically give us two-fingers – as that would be contrary to the Lisbon Treaty they signed too.
If we had half an arse idea of what we are doing, we could have already invoked article 50 and be on our way to leaving. It is the ineptitude of our government that means we cannot afford to invoke it until we’re ready.
I’m not sure it’s really ineptitude. I see it as an unorganised conspiracy by the very people we were voting against – the metropolitan ‘elite’ who have run the country to suit themselves for decades.
Needless to say, the BBC is right in there with this political class and is doing everything it possibly can to encourage the feeling of powerlessness and confusion so that a ‘safe pair of hands’ (May, in this case) can deliver us back into the comforting embrace of our enemies.
Nearly forgot that Wales is playing Belgium right now in Euro 2016!
This is the petition we need to sign to get Article 50 invoked.
The State told me the other one I used wasn`t what they wanted…. they wanted THIS one.
Ok then
Hello to you TrueToo.
Think this two year slide and glide is due to the Lisbon Treaty 2009.
Can`t believe that anybody who signed it(trust Brown to sidle in to do it when no-one was looking or taking photos) imagined that it would be invoked.
Bet it`s a dogs dinner for a hydra.
Yet we`ll trip it soon as….
I see it as scraping 43 years worth of barnacles from the boat..with angry barnacle bills and marine social workers and crustacean consultantants all trying desperately to hide the knives, and tell us that we`ll hurt the wood.
And here`s Captain Haddock from the University of Barne to tell us that it can`t be done and will not only devastate the barnacle community, but put us in breach of the Barnacle Bolstering Bill as written on Alistair Campbells prescription pad last Saturday. Oh -and the whole damn lot of them are drunk or addicted to drugs…and sniff the paint that was supposed to keep the barnacles off the boat…but they prefer to stick it up their noses, so it doesn`t make the timbers.
But here we are-we either have a boat or we sink with the weight of barnacles, cut ourselves to death on the buggers.
So we voted for the final solution for the barnacle breeders and the barnacles themselves,
4£ years of hurt…only 2 now of eradication…
But note we don’t have to take two years from invoking article 50. That is just the maximum time allowed before negotiations cease and we are automatically out.
It is our choice after invoking article 50, we could leave the next day if we wanted to.
More power to the eradication squad.
I have to chuckle when I hear her supporters tell us that Theresa May is, “a safe pair of hands.” Hmmm, just what does that mean exactly?
She’s the Home Secretary that has undermined and alienated the police force and cut their numbers drastically. She has allowed thousands of foreign criminals into our once peaceful and (relatively) law abiding country so that our prisons are swarming with the blighters. Our population goes up by a million every three years and she backed the Remain side which wanted to continue with open borders.
And now she seriously wants to be Prime Minister. “A safe pair of hands.”
Surely somebody is taking the bloody piss.
Good point. Comments on the Appeaser’ s record here
The only way I would support her would be if she fired George Osbourne as he seems in kamikaze mode in his attempts to scuttle the UK economy.
Think he (Osborne) has already ‘indicated’ that he’s staying on as Chancellor with his statements & actions of the last 48 hours. If May wins, that is.
BBC appeared to me to be running some ‘interference’ (as in American football – and/or hedging their bets?) by boosting Leadsom this morning on Today programme.
I’m distinctly uneasy that a couple of the self righteous being interviewed earlier on LBC about the alleged rash of ‘hate’ crimes (both Bremainers) on asked who they would like to see chosen as leader selected May. Hmmm
Half time then-and , knowing that the Fleetwood nonce scents were done-found myself halfway through John Grays “A Point Of View”.
The Lefts intellectual titan, a feisty atheist but works on reason and logic…so I`m a great respecter of his best work( like Straw Dogs).
Magnificent cold analysis from the Left-which(oddly enough) would pretty much tie win with OUR hero in such things…Roger Scruton. We`re past left and right now…did they call it right and will they work with former enemies or opponents to make their “rightness” a reality for us now?
Best bit of radio we`ll get all month I suspect…Gray doesn`t strike poses just gives antecedents and the logical destination of the runaway train we derailed last week.
John Gray…great guy, be good to see him with John Redwood sometime.
I am so helpless with technology,would someone more savvy put up the Paul Joeseph Watson video with the Butt Hurt Milleneals again . I just love watching it, when I first watched it I nearly wet myself laughing. Not only Nandos but the face painted luvvie who thought free movement meant free flights ( 10 seconds to work that out) a gem to savour but also worry about the gene pool
Mrs kitty just copy this link and it will take you the video https://youtu.be/Bn_6sU7O43w
Osborne rhymes with moron.
Taffman and all of my Welsh cousins,
Go all the way now , boyos !!!!
Dear God!
Wales have just beaten Belgium 3-1 to take a place in the European Cup semi finals. On the BBC on-line football page, they have a section which states: “Watch Again” “See the goal that takes Belgium through to the 2016 semi finals.
The BBC has to go, it really has.
Old Bloke ,
The BBC are wankers.
Well done Wales !!!
Brussels 1 Wales 3….I’m surprised the BBC presenters didn’t have their Belgian strips on, wrapped in the E.U. flag when the ten o clock news started…
Still, at least there was one side from the British Isles that had pride and passion in the way they played….Sorry two….Northern Ireland did as well……Just a pity that the third money grabbing clueless Country that appeared were an absolute disgrace…..
Another thing that needs to end now is anyone getting paid a 100k a week for playing football. So along with Brexit Govey or Foxy let’s end this Premiership bollx. Gary Lineker can Remain where he likes
Three hundred grand a week, not including sponsorship deals in Shreks case….
The side whose country voted ‘Leave’ in the Referendum 17/22 of the Electoral areas………………..
Sincere congratulations to all the Welsh posters on here. I’m delighted for you.
Well, no doubt it was wishful thinking and they had the headline prepared.
I’d forgotten it was on and only saw the second half, but it was great to see Wales go through to the semi-final.
They put one finger up to Brussels a week ago and another one tonight!
Strangely, they were in the same qualifying group for Euro 2016 as Belgium, along with Israel. Some Wales supporters were interviewed on TV when they were in Israel for one of the games. Good guys, I remember thinking at the time. I’m even more impressed now..
Nice one Wales taffman et al, good on yer!
The BBC/EU Pravda will be demanding that Wales gives back at least one of their goals to Belgium as it not fair and Wales did not intend to score.
Thanks to you all ! – Diolch !
Two good wins for Cymru (Wales), that’s getting out of the EU and beating Belgium. 🙂
Delightful Wales! Well done.
Here’s to a Wales v Iceland final!
That would really put some noses out of joint.
Surely the Belgian Captain should stand down also?
This is not BBC bias related, but I wanted to share it.
US Moslem security officer frisks a nun.
Well, since Islam is never involved in terror, Catholic nuns are likely suspects.
Yes well a Nun wearing a habit could be concealing any manner of dangerous material unlike a woman, or man, wearing a burkas who would not dream of doing so. Consequently it is perfectly acceptable to search a Nun wearing a habit whereas to search a woman, or man, wearing a burka is racist, a violation of their human rights and is not unacceptable.
For once in my life, I`m proud to be associated with Wales.
And just because they voted out as we did here in England.
So my respect for the nation that`s similarly proud and ready to make its own history once again only grows…and , for the first time ever-I wish them well and am proud to know of them.
Guess it`s being a national patriot with an international reach…how come no BBC type could EVER take pride in his/her own country?
Let alone support an ally or a friend of my country?
The BBC and the Left only love our enemies, and trash our friends.
Perverse…perverts too.
Hard to understand it-but I know they`ve been doing this to us for years.Hence the hatred of us for what we did to all that last week..they`re rumbled.
🙂 !
Jeremy Vine Show today, re the Leave voters in the referendum, a Tory MP says he accepts the decision of the voters even though he was a Remainer; Vine – “But what if their wrong?” WTF! He also said, in the same interview, re Brexit:
“If we do leave.” WTF!
Can’t these al beeboid tw@ts grasp how democracy works or something?
Referendum question: Do you want to remain OR leave the EU? Leave won by 1.5 million votes.
What f*****g part of that sequence of events are they unable to understand?
I know the answer to that; they understand perfectly but they are just unwilling to accept it.
Regarding the posts above about the leadership race: it has to be Leadsom. I’d prefer Gove but I don’t think he has the support; it just should NOT be Theresa the Appeaser.
A safe pair of hands she is all right – for the Remainiacs and Europhile p***ks.
I try to remain on topic but the following isn’t. So, with apologies, but very relevant to the May question., please read the following by Charles Moore. Moore (former Telegraph editor and Margaret Thatcher’s biographer) has been a rare beacon of sanity throughout this campaign and his opinion carries a lot of clout in high Tory circles. Possibly not enough, I fear, but he sums the current situation up with the sort of .surgical precision that you rarely see in the media today.
Actually, it kinda sorta is on topic as he eviscerates the ludicrous Norman Smith with a casual, passing blow. Smith might realise that, the next time he nods his head.
BBC editorial integrity still at eleven as they suddenly decide Heseltine is the trusted arbiter of party cohesion as they skip over his historical record in this regard.
Charles is a must-read for many of us.
I`d once have been put off by the plummy voice etc-but I was an idiot then.
He speaks truth to power-moderately, which then makes rejection of his views an incendiary excuse for the rest of us who don`t have his contacts or hinterland.
He has used his privileges in the service of the people, when it might have made for an easier life had he not…so a great respecter of him.
AS Shane Warne says-growing old is compulsory, growing up is optional.
This OUT vote transcends class, which is why Labour and the elite can`t bear it.
The dole wallah of Sunderland is equal in the New Kingdom to Charles-one vote each.
You`d think that the fuckin` Marxist would “celebrate the equality” of the referendum…wasn`t that what Marx dreamed of?
Wankaz-can`t wait for a trip down to Tolpuddle…and he skewers May in his article just as I knew he would.
The Beeb are like a dog with a bone, they wont give up on a subject until its twisted to the way it suits them. TBH over the years all journalists have become nothing less than bullies in their approach to an interview. I’ve lost count to the number of times I’ve cringed at the line of questioning with a “poke the finger” attitude, without letting the interviewed respond. They all want to be top dog and hope to get the better of their ‘victim’ by attempting to put words into their mouths – any criticism and the old cliché of “only doing my job” comes to the fore. Yes, politicians are canny and never give a yes or no reply without expanding, but I often wonder what would happen if they did – as it would certainly wrongfoot the interviewer. Most interviews in the lead up to the referendum, and since, have verged on the abusive and downright rude with astonishing bias. Not pleasant viewing and that’s for sure.
Brissles, did you hear the wonderful moment on Radio 4 with – if I recall correctly – Michael Gove about two or three days before 23rd June? Think it may have been on WatO and someone was obviously trying to avoid giving the BBC a distortable – by shortening – soundbite. You could hear the interviewee’s brain grinding away before the carefully selected words – on questions on one of Bojo’s comparisons of the EU to a Hitler-like attempt to create a European Superstate – as answer came out and the persistence of the interviewer (Martha Kearney?) to ‘get that soundbite’.
The interviewee was very, very careful and the Beeboid’s failure was very, very noticeable.
Do you realise what you are saying in respect of the ‘Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster’. Shame on you!
Signed: Lord Tony Hall.
ps. getting back from my hols in the British Virgin Islands soon. Its where the BBC unbiased reporting is highly respected amongst the business and banking community.
Farron on Toady attempting to get a different result from the referendum than the one there was.
Farron is the leader of a party that would be lucky to get a few thousand votes at a GE – why is it relevant what he thinks.
And Sky TV are doing the same as I write.
Baroness Michelle Mone, Greg Dyke and June Sarpong up against Nick Ferrari and a fine lady from Hull who voted to go.
The talk THERE too is of reruns, cancellations and revisit the thick who voted-but not as they liked.
As if the Democracy Deniers haven`t already had at least 13 yerass of kiddie grooming in schools…and that`s before uni and the inevitable milk round into cushy pointless public social justice gigs(usually EU sourced).
Let them play with their matches hoping to finger Nigel as a Van Der Lubbe by their Reichstag.
They`ve started the fire-and the Prodigy that they thought they`d bagged turn out to be unbiddable to them.
Maybe they-and WE-need to read up on the European Reformation and how it unfolded…nothing new in all this, only this time it`s a political and not a religious reformation that we`re living through.
And thank God we`re not at the stakes . the racks of the priest hole stages yet…but the elite need to read, learn from history and bin the likes of May as token fob offs , tossed out of their sedan chairs.
Our Hull Brexit lady is Michelle Dewberry.
She did well against the privileged Lords , Ladies, Baronesses and ex BBC DGs that were stacked up against her…as Nigel says- we now live in times when the Establishment is attempting to derail and harass the rebels…whereas when there WAS a legitimate and sturdy Establishment…well, part of cutting your teeth was to rebel against it.
Completer reverse polarity now when Sir this and Lady that lash and sneer at a Hull girl who`s made good…but didn`t get on childrens TV when it mattered.
Nigel here?…Shane Warne there?…yes, it`s all going strange eh?…good!
Into Day Nine and the BBC are still stirring it for all they are worth to get us out of Leave and staying in or bolted onto the EU.
Democracy, post-Jo Cox, had a very short-lived life. Is it premature to start mourning again?
I get the impression we are at the beginning of ‘Project Ignore’ let’s all try and forget about that UK Referendum thing and see if anyone remembers at Christmas .I just don’t trust the Conservative Party to deliver here. It will come but it might take a GE, Labour are finished and UKIP will move into opposition in the next few years, there is still hope. I fear we are premature in our hope that we will successfully get off the SS EU Titanic.
To be fair to Carswell-he DID say it was Project “How Dare They?” now
MY spin on it?
“How Very Dare You”…Derek Fay surely the next Leader of the Greens-at the very least!
I think Boris signed his own death warrant when he penned his Telegraph piece earlier in the week. His opening paragraph assured us that the main concern of the British people was NOT immigration, but self determination. It was a conciliatory article, offering an olive branch to the Remainers, who, after all, are nearly 50% of the population. Until this point Gove was a Boris supporter, but the column doesn’t mention the “Australian style points system,” that everyone has been using, it suggests that most of us are fine with present levels of immigration.
No, I’m sorry Boris, we’re not!
I quite understand the need to reconcile the Remainers, but not at the expense of jettisoning one of the core reasons for voting for Brexit in the first place. Michael Gove’s perceived act of treachery might, in fact, have been the most honorable course of action; if not for his (friend?)Boris, then for his country.
And as for Lord Hestletine blasting in all directions about the “lack of loyalty and ripping the party apart”.
Remind me, what is that old adage referring to “pot and kettle”…
More anti-Brexit plotting and scheming from the BBC on the Today Programme (R4) this morning. As I sipped my breakfast coffee I was treated to Justin Webb quizzing two legal experts on the many and various ways by which the Government (whomever that might actually be at the moment) could seek to reverse the Brexit vote in favour of the UK staying in the BBC’s beloved EU.
This is by no means the first time the BBC has been unafraid to air its grievances against Brexit live; barely had the crying begun last week before the BBC was lining up constitutional experts to start examining methods by which to undermine a democratic mandate it refuses to accept (the BBC is especially keen to keep reminding its audience that the referendum was ‘only’ advisory, after all). Evan Davis, all this week on Newsnight (BBC2) (and James O’Brien last night on the same show), seems to have refashioned the flagship current affairs programme as both a progressive pro-EU safe space and as a working group dedicated only to bad-mouthing Brexit and seeking ways (any way) to undo it.
Casually inviting guests on to its current affairs strand to keep referring to those who voted for Brexit as ‘racists’ is now also a thing at the BBC (Kazuo Ishiguro, British-born Booker Prize winning author and Remainer, was the latest angry and dissatisfied progressive given a free had to do both that and to issue dire warnings of what ‘he fears’ is the imminent arrival of a ‘dangerous rise’ in the neoNazi far right in the UK as a result of Brexit – no eyebrows were raised; no evidence for such alarmism requested, although O’Brien made a half-hearted attempt to remind the revered sage that ‘not everyone who voted Brexit is a racist’, which was nice of him).
Meanwhile, the BBC News Channel now pretty much occupies the same function, seemingly unable since last week’s vote to find barely any good news, nothing positive, nothing optimistic to say about Brexit, unless it’s purely by accident (i.e. a guest going unexpectedly off reservation and not playing by the BBC’s pro-EU hive mind rules for what it still, infuriatingly, calls ‘debate’).
The BBC has not covered itself in glory here. Its almost complete refusal to face facts is now becoming too self-evident to ignore. Brexit was a totally unexpected slap in the face to them and their progressive agenda and because progressives have had it so good, for so long, always winning by default (owning the vast majority of the media, Government and cultural/economic ‘experts’ is eventually always going to inculcate that kind of fatal overconfidence), they cannot – and will not – let this pass. The problem is: they still don’t get it. They have not the first idea why Brexit happened, despite all their smug confidence they had it won before it was declared. Lessons have not been learned, even now.
This is why progressives can’t have nice things – or, more importantly, why eventually somebody with a bit more sense and impartiality (in this case the British public) in the end always has to take them away from them again.
Solid post ObiWan.
The media world does know how to plot and scheme… and play the system.
A few days ago I noticed a rash of articles (well, cut and pasted press releases) in the ad press about agencies so horrified by Brexit they had been moved to ‘release’ images of ‘rejected’ Remain posters. The reasons for rejection were not explained, but a quick scan suggested they were mostly schoolyard taunts, libel, hate crimes or plain bad.
Of course these ‘posters’ needed to be printed BIG.
And of course the Graun picked up on them, and for reasons of editorial integrity had to print them BIGGER.
If not already, I now wonder how long it will be before Al comes back from counting his pension on Branson’s sun deck in Necker to do a BBC Trending special on all this.
This sounds right…but now I know how others feel with my texts and rreferences!
Who`s Al?
Alan ‘two jobs’ Yentob.
Rather famously spends a lot of time researching market rate documentaries in Barbados much of the year as the little people strive to support his pot.
Ta Guest.
Big Al?…Al Sharpton?…Al Copopz?…
How does that Goons “Yentob Song” go again?
-and a courteous, considered and comprehensiive reply within State targets of 53 minutes?
What a service-now what ought that bonus of (y)ours be for that?
My wife`s-not pleased though…she knows I`ll be channeling Big(Al)an “Fluff” Freeman now for the rest of the day…Brentford Nylons and Slumberland was it?
Not arf…Ta!..Right?
Speaking of graphics, just had a new avatar invitation from a Remnant. Lovely design.
It’s a square:
I’m A
I have changed it a bit:
Not A
Can I commend Justin Casey for the brilliant graphics of late-yesterdays “Buttache” form etc was brilliant-AND can I thank the lad who was able to doctor the BBC News headlines in similar font so it looked genuine?
And can I thank Mike Hunt for showing me how to use my computamabob a bit better here…and HOW do you refer yourself to a previous post with that Blue Link thing?
God Bless the Star Techies here…comedy gold for the eyes.
By way of thanks-here`s a song the BBC seem to be playing a bit more…whatever happened to Blue Mink?
Bannerman says hi…and fuck the BBC of course!
“The problem is: they still don’t get it.”
Just one thing I disagree with. IMO they do get it, they just don’t agree with it. They are so convinced of their own righteousness that they think plotting and scheming is entirely justified.
That makes them even more dangerous.
BTW, has anyone seen a report on the overturning of the Austrian election result? I haven’t.
Only a little I’m afraid. There seems to be some doubt about the postal votes. Shenanigans afoot. Who’d a thought it?
Can only imagine that a nations schoolkids will now be putting crosses all over thousands of freshly-minted “Ballot Papers” over the next few weeks…the sicknotes and wheezers, chubby chasers and the fey will do them instead of watching soft porn, all getting a prize for making it to the starting lines in non-competitive games and Sports Days,
Who remembers the DfEEs “Hanging Out With Raj” campaign to get more teachers in line with the Labour PIE Partys wishes in 2002/3?…well if they didn`t become PE teachers, they`ll be on the BBC and in childrens programming somewhere.
And when they`ve got a million or so…then bet we`ll find a black bag with them all ,down the back at Nine Elms Recycling or something…and Tim Farron will be wanting his rerun.
No ideas from Schicklgruber eh?….our yes is yes, our no is no!
Jesus AND his brother James said it…so QED, you creeps at the BBC.
Maria, visit, http://newobserveronline.com/14-vote-frauds-austrian-presidential-election-rerun/
What we seeing is the attempt by the elite to overturn the democratic wishes of the people. The only reason that Remain got 48% , or actually 44% of the vote in provincial England and Wales, was that they bent the rules by allowing lots of folks to register to vote after the deadline and by ruthlessly and shamefully exploiting the death of Jo Cox. Without these two bits of highly dubious help the result would have been even more decisive for leave.
Provincial England and Wales have rejected the EU more decisively than Scotland did independence. The liberal left elite can’t accept it and we are now seeing their true colours, democracy is king only provided it gives them what they want.
One thing is clear that the moulding of young minds by the BBC and the educational establishment for the last 30 years and the mass immigration so beloved by Labour and the BBC, nearly did the trick and won the Referendum for Remain. You have to be well into your 40s, perhaps even 50’s, to have been educated free from the leftist’s Hitler Youth / Komsomol type in indoctrination. Unless Gove’s reforms of education bear fruit and someone muzzles or shoots the rabid dog of the BBC , this leave vote may the last that will be heard from the English and Welsh of old. The liberal left Elite certainly hope so.
You are absolutely correct, Doublethinker – if the BBC are the progressives’ propaganda wing, then education (our schools and universities) is its indoctrination wing. And very busy it has been, indeed.
I work specifically for many national and international universities (I can’t give any further details for obvious reasons) and I can confirm from first-hand experience that progressive insanity has now completely infected the system from top to bottom. In my view it’s going to take another 40 years to disinfect the whole rotten edifice, but I doubt very much anyone is up to the challenge.
Meanwhile, our kids get anything but a ‘diverse and challenging’ education; they get force-fed one world view and one only. There is no debate, there is no room for anyone who dares to come at things from an even slightly right-of-centre position.
It’s a complete tragedy – and, inevitably, all it is now producing are doctrinaire little left wing fascists.
That is why they are so obsessed by the youth vote. Anybody who has sufficient experience of life to challenge what they have been told is their enemy. At some point the penny drops (for some sooner than others) that not only have they been taught nonsense, but this nonsense serves not “social justice” but the interests of tax funded middle class who live off the deprived they claim to support.
There’s a line in the Times this morning, I quote ” centrist Labour figures, including Tom Watson……..and Ed Balls….have said that uncontrolled migration is causing concern on the doorstep”.
Readers of this esteemed website will immediately notice that those of us in the real world could have told them this 10 years ago (when we took in 600000 poles instead of the 13000 ‘predicted’ by Tony McNulty. Or even 6 years ago when ‘some bigoted woman’ mentioned it to Gordon Brown. Could the words ‘totally out of touch’ have ever been more accurate?
And as we know, the biased BBC newroom marxists, with their cool, right-on Oxbridge degrees and Islington addresses, have been in total denial throughout.
The notion of Tom Watson as a ‘centrist’ is novel, too
Well remember him slithering up and down the M6 etc and up to Brown in Scotland in autumn 2006 to get him in ,and get their rancid party conference to ditch Blair.
Media in tow, “only bringing a Fireman Sam DVD for the boys”…THAT kind o t`ing!
Who ELSE to ask for an end to plots and conspiracies, to stick with their leader…or not, depending?
Believe that Corbyn was also known not to kowtow to his leaders since 1983 all the time.
Watson…still sniffing Ted Heaths shroud, hoping for that tell-tale stain on a Clinton cassock in deepest blue…lots of old laundry bags still to sniff in Salisbury Tom!
And THAT-THIS -is a “centricle”?…Needs reminding does Tommy (Spud) Gunn…
Of course, the fascist left at the BBC have made it even impossible to discuss different types of immigration.
Excess Poles, Rumanians etc are a problem, and there should be some control, and certainly we should be able to democratically decide how many we want to admit. But ultimately we can weather this storm, especially as they slowly come up to our income levels.
However, immigration of excess Muslims is a serious problem we are not even allowed to speak of. Islam is an ideology that will lead to the death or subjugation of western civilisation. This is a major problem. A problem that is repressed – or even criminalised if it is spoken of – is not one that is going to go away.
By making it impossible to discuss – or even mention – this distinction, the left have left us all in the dark about what we even mean by immigration concerns.
“….impossible to discuss different types of immigration.”
Calls for Christian-Only Asylum Homes After Muslim Violence
Then there is the little discussed problem of Somali immigrants preying upon others, including Hindus in Southall, which I first heard about years ago, and other people of African origin.
“Preying upon others eh”?
I see what you did there….with a name like Maria, might you TOO be a “Bird Of Pray”.
Frank Carsons that one I think?
Yes Maria, there has been scarce discussion on moslem immigration, even Farage has kept that at arms length, and anyone who raised it has been denounced and marginalized as racist. I don’t know if the political experts have analysied the Leave vote and have a figure on those waaycists for whom this mattered. If they did I would assume that the elites have sat on it. I am sure that news from Germany about the moslem migrants played a significanl role among sensible British voters.
Not very good on ipad, don’t know how to copy and paste urls.
But any readers who want a great example of the reality of how immigration hits the ordinary working man should google ‘ hexthorpe roma’.
This is a real life example, not a million miles away from Ed Milliband’s constituency.
That area , which incidentally built the Mallard not as 60022 but 4468, and Rock solid Labour for a century, voted leave by 2 to 1.
Suggest the Labour glitterati in their Hampstead mansions should get out the dictionary and look up words such as ‘disconnect’ and ‘patronising’.
Actually, no. Atheist.
It was once suggested that my mother was a fan of West Side Story, which she might have been, but the dates don’t add up.
My impression is that the traitor BBC, broadly, wouldn’t talk about immigration until after 2004. Why?
Because, once Poland and the other countries joined the EU in that year, and their White European citizens started to come here in large numbers, it became possible to discuss anxiety about mass immigration into Britain without mentioning the great race taboo of Muslims, Black Africans and others.
For the BBC, it was as if mass immigration was a phenomenon only of the last decade or so, ignoring the 50 years from 1948 and the huge increase after 1997.
Totally agree. Despite all my wishes to live in sovereign and free democratic nation state I may have voted Remain if i had thought that the EU provided some form of shield from the Islamification of Europe. But Merkel’s open invitation and the pathetic way in which the EU has dealt with waves of Africans has made it abundantly clear that the EU was actually an aid to Islamifaction not a shield.
It has been a wonderful week for the little guy and gal against the smug elitists, topped off by our Celtic cousins beating Brussells again last night. (Well done boyos, and well done Norn Iron).
However the BBC and their establishment mates are doing all they can to dilute the referendum result. Yesterday morning they had portly has-been Ken Clarke on yet again on the prime ten past eight ‘Today’ slot – why? To diss the brexiteers running for leadership of the Tory party and to promote Theresa the appeaser. Then this morning they inform me that Mrs May could sweep the board and win without taking a final two candidates out to the membership. This woman stood back during the most important political battle of our lives. She is a supporter of Sharia law in this country. Mrs May MUST be defeated and to this end, all good candidates must unite behind one person to defeat her and the BBC.
Andrea Leadsom for PM!
Don`t worry Downboy.
If it`s not Corbyn versus Leadsom in the next election in 2017 then it`ll be English Civil War time.
Both are candidates wanted by the grassroots of their parties…and have UKIP friends, can be persuaded to look again anyway. Both PPCs(Parliamentary Pharisaic Cox-suckers”) in Westminster are dead.
Of course the political elite would have you think Boris Johnson is “politically dead”-he`s only sleeping!
They just WISH that he was dead…but they`d rather kill Gove at the minute…but all things must pass eh?
Don`t tell the Tories this-but as they mock Corbyn…that will be May within six months if SHE is slipped in through the nations back passage.
We know a liberal suppository when we see one…but Jon Snow waving her old jamrag round by way of “Channel 4 and the BBC approve”) turns out only to cork the fuckers…they need a good turnout.
Here`s a song by one of their Virgin Prunes!. They can`t say they weren`t told can we?
Hi all, just as some insight as a young (london) voter I can assure you that the young are split a lot more evenly than al Beeb like to represent. I’d probably put it at 60/40 remain however al beeb would have you believe that its more like a 99/1 split which simply isn’t true – i’m sure this will come as no surprise! We had a family dinner on Thursday and it was actually my brother and I (26 & 23 respectively) who voted leave whereas my mum, step dad, granny & grandpa had voted remain. I live in central london sadly within a stones throw from the mosque that is the BBC headquarters. They interviewed (for want of a better saying) my dog (brother refused to be interviewed by them) for a pathetic story about dog theft in London, however I’m sure if we were to invite them over to interview us young british londoners about how we voted they wouldn’t show the same panache they showed to our little hound. Keep up the good work guys, al Beeb need to be exposed for what they are, they’re champagne socialist traitors.
There`s an age bar here young BrutalYouth!
Welcome my friend-were it not for my girls in London , and my student wasting Boy…and my teaching jobs…I`d have despaired at them all after last Thursdayand be not a little scared too at the meltdown and threats that were promised us for voting to go.
But the BBC seem to think that their own sperm dumping interns and cBBC presenters and their really COOL wannabe druggies and Deeleys are the voice of youth…Twitterforks in hand , ready to shaft us.
But no_ kids adapt just fine, got 43 of detox yet to do with them.
But we made a big start last Thursday…a big burp and they`re fine.
My kids have long hair, one has glasses and lives near Acton-say hello to her when you see her!
Hope you all enjoyed “Lord Pannick” being the El Supremo who was referred to by LadyDame Helena-Bonham-Kennedy by way of whether we can leave the EU or not.(Today-sometime after 8 if you`re arsed)
And-the BBC has learned that little Tim and his seven dwarves seems to think that he can cork the dyke, and keep us arse lubed for the EU…seems that we maybe didn`t want what we voted for last Thursday?
Hmmm….never thought of that Lord or LadyBoy…
Well-as wee Justin and Nick suck the spitballs from Pannick, Hogg and Kennedy/Cleggs and Blairs…WE just enjoy the sound of the death Nells being rang.
Jo Cox=Little Nell#1…and we`ll listen to her no less that we will to one of Disneys failed dwarves-Tim Farrondidn`t even make the Disney Dwarf squad.
Justice for Burpy…enquiry, apology and statue please…more a role model than Cox( in Box).
Heeere`s Pannick!…
Some guest here writes the songs…now what rhymes with Sunderland?
And this is why:
Now there is a lady with balls !!!
And a tax haven to boot,albeit in her sons name. Those are the kind of elites youre after now are they.
The ones that represent the common man.
Oh don`t be stupid.
We`re fully aware of these accusations-and they`ll be swatted off by anybody but the likes of you.
We`re past glitches and errors-real or cooked up-anybody who DOES pay Osborne and not do a Jimmy Carr would be an idiot as long as their taxes go to Cathy Ashtons pension. Jizya..but ending soon.
“Only the Little People Pay taxes”-Leona Helmsly says so.
And it` the likes of you who have ensure that we now admire the tax efficient types…and Andrea will get it all back for us, seeing as she knows how to do it…and for the national good as well.
Go on-find another dish of dirt-be open minded and not empty headed…Leona Helmsly didn`t say that..but someone did.
Theresa May is perhaps the worst choice the Tories could make.
She is an administrator from the Metropolitan Elite, and as out of touch with the real people as any of them. In her time as a government minister she has a proven track record in appeasement, and fudging issues.
Up against determined & skilled negotiators she is likely to concede everything in search of consensus and agreement.
This is the very reason she has survived so long as home secretary – a safe pair of hands, but that is exactly the opposite of what is needed in tough negotiations.
This is a woman without any conviction, or passion or beliefs of her own to push through. Her Wikipedia entry on person beliefs is testament to that:
“May has been positioned as a moderate in many online media, but her position on mass immigration into Britain has been criticised by left-wing opponents in The Independent”
Up against Jeremy Corbyn she has all the charisma of a damp rag.
In my view the only reason the Tories want her as leader is, yet again, self interest, as they would give away everything the country has for the sake of stability.
What we need now is someone of consequence, with firm views, who doesn’t care who they upset on the other side, who will be someone difficult to reach agreement with and always prepared to act in the best interests of the UK PLC.
In other words, someone who is the exact opposite of Theresa May !
With May as Prime Minister Corbyn can look forward to an election victory if he can survive the current plots from the PLP
Given a Corbyn/May choice UKIP will take on a whole new dimension…..eventually the FPTP system will bring them in as a force to be reckoned with.
Never has the Monty Python apology sketch describing politicians been so apt (abridged version)
“politicians are weak-kneed, political time-servers who are concerned more with their personal vendettas and private power struggles than the problems of government, nor to suggest at any point that they sacrifice their credibility by denying free debate on vital matters in the mistaken impression that party unity comes before the well-being of the people they supposedly represent nor to imply at any stage that they are squabbling little toadies without an ounce of concern for the vital social problems of today. “
Can you actually name a tory who was in touch with the interests of the common man? Sometimes I wonder about you lot.
So little in debate on these pages cannot be improved by the use of the term ‘you lot’.
You`re an empty suit as a troll MOCO.
We`e had some good ones here…so none of this ad-hominem stuff eh?
Here are a few.
1. Tebbit
2. Lawson
3. Thatcher
4. Paterson
5. Gove
6. Leadsom
8. Davis (D)
10. Mc Loughlin
11. Redwood.
Manager-Dame Kathleed Ollerenshaw…
AS opposed to
1. Harman
2. Meacher
4. Benn(H)
5. Hunt
6. Kinnock(S)
7. Blair
8. Miliband
9. Straw(W)
10. Irvine(Derry)
Manager…Lord Shaun Woodward…who left the Tories presumably because they weren`t “the right sort”
Try again Moco-bird….
ChrisH thanks for the warm welcome and Thoughtful couldn’t agree with you more. Is it just myself that smells something fishy about Bojo’s “resignation” from the title race. In my opinion he’s the best man for the job and had people shouting “Boris for PM” on the campaign trail. Are the tories mad, put Bojo as leader of the party, call a GE whilst labour are on their knees and its a win hands down. So why the hell they have omitted the one candidate in my opinion that would have secured their next tenure is beyond me. Not a UKIP supporter personally however all they are doing is handing more votes to Nigel by the second, he barely needs to campaign anymore as the other parties are so out of touch with what ordinary people feel, if this wasn’t so serious it would be laughable. I feel perhaps Bojo didn’t fit with the metropolitan elites jihad mission.
Agreed BT.
They hate Boris because they can`t say that London is LibLab…he was Mayor there as long as Ken.
And they`re ALL raging at his ability to transcend their machinations and manipulations…apart from the likes of Madonna or Sting…Boris is a rare bird indeed for the one word name recognition.
They are raging at his popularity and profile,,,and think that the ugly duckling ends up unde the wheels of their disability scooter or free uber ride.
Nanny must have left the room right at the critical point…ah well!
Jo Cox is “politically dead”….Boris merely sleeps with us fishes!
Boris-like Nigel are now with us, their constituents and will be preparing for Government…but don`t let the Wesminsta Wankbagz know that…to them a Mayfly is as a thousand years.
WE here are in for the long haul-you youngsters and my kids deserve something “more appropriate” after “a period of reflection, soundings and conversations” .
They`ll not be asking us..but “the hearty criminal ate a condemned last meal”…how we rearrange the words is OUR gift, not theirs now.
Maybe, but Boris was far from the kind of mayor anyone on the Right might have wanted. To name just one glaring issue, his attitude to the Stalinist Transport For London cabal was ‘more of the same’ – perpetuating Livingstone’s war against the car.
And in what sense was Boris ever a real Brexiter? By his own admission he was undecided right up until the last minute and when he finally made his choice, how committed was he? He is very squishy on immigration and like many commentators, I have always had the feeling that if anyone was going to cave-in to some sort of fudged deal with the EU, it would have been Boris.
Gove is too spikey to rally the support a PM needs- and anyway, who wants even more of our countryside buried under concrete? Leadsom is the best candidate by some long way. WIth any luck she may even have the courage to tackle the BBC!
Boris is a comedy turn like Trump-but the creation of a comedy school of political life.
So we value him…he`ll be back with extra brio and a top job.
I`d give him free rein as Arts, Culture, Media and Sport-and give him s 26 part comedy master class series on the death and decline of the EU…before he closes the BBC down and keeps at least 10% of the commission fees,,,,he deserves that.
Oh-clever sod that he is-he could do it in Latin and straight to camera a la AJP Taylor.
Yes-DCMS…Mellors playpen becomes Boris bouncy castle before we bin the BBC?…sounds bono!
They dont like Boris because frankly he is completely useless. His narcissism certainly helped to take the UK into permanent no mans land and it was quite obvious he hadnt a clue what he was talking about throughout. He was and is ,as London showed, incapable of organising a piss up in a brewry. Heseltines assessment was entirely accurate imo. He has destroyed the future of millions of people. Given he was one of the Establishment , a half American, and multimillionaire he will no doubt feel no pain whilst others , particularly on low pay will see their living standards fall dramatically.
People on low pay have seen their pay and living standards fall as a result of our membership of the EU; Johnson played a large part in the (successful) campaign for us to unshackle ourselves from the decomposing corpse that is the EU and its economy.
Johnson fulfilled that role but wasn’t capable, in the judgement of Michael Gove and others, of being PM; that position will now be taken by someone who is.
Far from destroying the future of millions of people: he has helped to secure their futures outside the EU rat cage.
If you truly believe that remaining within the EU is in the best interests of the UK: you are delusional. I would suggest you take a closer look at the economies of those countries within the EU and those outside it and ponder which of them offers the better possibilities for Britain’s future.
Try and think things through for yourself for change manon; rather than regurgitating the obscurantist rubbish you’ve fossicked out of the Guardian or been misinformed by via al beebus.
‘They dont like Boris because frankly he is completely useless.’
So useless he won two Mayoral elections in a city populated by the delicate little snowflakes that infest pits like the bBBC and then proceeded to take Uxbridge on a whim.
Now, if that’s your definition of ‘useless’ I suggest you buy yourself a dictionary, lock yourself into your ‘safe space’ and come out when your precious little balls have dropped.
(I’m no Boris fan but get real!)
Hey MOCO, even Billy Bragg can act like a grown-up. Here is what he has to say today:
I’ve seen a lot of people arguing this week that we should overturn the referendum result and remain in the EU. I don’t agree with that position for the same reason that I don’t agree with Labour MPs who are plotting against Jeremy Corbyn. Both Brexit and Corbyn’s leadership were arrived at by democratic means and, just as the PLP are wrong to seek to undemocratically overturn the will of Labour members, so the Remainers have to accept that there is a mandate for leaving the EU.
I believe that there should be a leadership contest to resolve the Corbyn issue by allowing members to express their will. With regard to Europe, I think the result means we must activate Article 50 without further delay and seek membership of the European Economic Union. The alternative is to be outside the Single Market, subject to World Trade Organisation rules over which we have no control. I hope that EEA membership will be Labour Party policy at the next election, because someone needs to speak for those of us who don’t want to be totally isolated from Europe.’
It must be getting very claustrophobic in that shrinking echo chamber. Step into the light, you will feel so much better.
Bangladesh siege reported by the BBC
Twenty people, all of them foreigners, were killed during an attack by suspected Islamists on a cafe in Bangladesh, officials say.
Suspected Islamists. Maybe they are from the far right.
From the same report but lower down the page.
Bangladesh’s Daily Star newspaper said the gunmen tortured anyone who was unable to recite the Koran.
GCooper I am a Boris fan however do concede that I was nothing but impressed by Leadsom’s calm and rational dealings in the EU debates, that said I worry she is just another puppet. Who is pulling the strings is the thing I really want to know
I think the one we need to worry about in the strings department is May. They say you can judge someone by the company she keeps – well in May’s case she has three of the vilest possible people in Tory politics backing her: Heseltine, Clarke and Parris.
I’m not a Boris fan, not because I think he is a fool (far from it) but because I don’t think he is disciplined enough to be PM, nor at all reliable on immigration (he’s pro-Turkey, if you recall). That said, I would rather have Boris in power than May, who would not only be a rotten PM but would leave the door wide open by her failure to a resurgent far-Left Labour party!
GCooper thank you for that insight – I never looked at it that way and you are absolutely right. Heseltine in my opinion is scum of the earth, strange the MSM don’t do any of the “background checks” they do on UKIP and other parties. As much as I hate to say this, I do feel that Nigel Farage is the only one with no strings attached although that would be a first in British politics haha!
And Osborne-the Bildeberg Group, Davos types, Mandelson and the like.
Noted Helen Goodman -a nomark Labour MP of old….blabbing her Bilderberg expenses in error…which means she`ll not be heard of again.
No conspiracy crap-but how come the elites so love their Goodmans, Osbornes, Clarkes and Heseltines?
But are terrified of, truly hate the Goves, the Johnsons, the Redwoods and the Lawsons…yes and the Corbyns today?
Gove hates May after Trojan Horse-and Gove of course was right to do so…and still is.
Ma Beckett to the left of us ,Mother Theresa to the “less left” of us…and no one asked me for either windsock of the old Europe.
Where`s Visigrad?…and do Northampton Saints need to play there?
( 3 mins in, unless it`s Christmas!)
Leadsom’s recent interview with Iain Dale on LBC is also quite an eye-opener. She has high managerial experience in the banking world as well as in charities and government, and I believe would make a great prime minister. The nation’s finances would be in good hands.
Big business is whats pulling the strings. Dirty Digger isnt even hiding the fact.
BBC website describes the terrorist atrocity in Bangladesh as a “daring attack “. The BBC really are the scum of the earth.
Remember Grant that to the delusional left everyone is a victim of white privilege. We are forcing innocent and peaceful people to fight to protect everything they stand for… Including going against the teachings of their peaceful religion. This will never be anything to do with the death cult ideology even though with just minimal investigation you will find that these so called “Islamists” are really just good Muslims carrying out Muhammads instructions to the letter… as ALL Muslims must do to make it to paradise
Whether it’s the Wests foreign policy, legacy from European empires, poverty caused by western globalisation, or religious persecution causing religions to feel abandoned by the West; the privileged, sheltered, isolated, and completely delusional left will blame each and every atrocity on the people they utterly despise and detest… us!
The only form of racism and bigotry flourishing in the West is the lefts hatred towards their own people. The Al Beeb will never blame any of these acts on the death cult because in their warped, hate filled minds thats something we do…
Unfortunately you and Grunt seem to have the same affliction. The racism and bigotry flourishing in the west is from the Right as evidenced by the growth of far right groups in Europe, the recent referendum and the right wing attacks that are following. The fact that you seem to think the left is involved is worryingly peculiar. I presume you know that Hitler was right wing! Maybe not! Try buying a quality newspaper or even a book on the subject. You may just surprise yourself.
Errr….yes…..as the old saying goes….
If you dont read a ( quality ) newspaper you’ll be uninformed
If you do read one ( as you do) you’ll be misinformed.
Simple minds are moulded by the propaganda…and yours is just ripe for it eh?
I assume you to voted for the narcissistic Johnson.
Whats the plan? I presume given you dont read anything you have all the answers. Lets hear them then!
Manon, welcome back. We missed you. How is your treatment progressing ?
Hi Grunt,
Don’t need treatment, I have a plan unlike the Brexiteers.
‘Don’t need treatment, I have a plan’
Bet it’s a cunning one.
Turnips for all!
Dare I say a ” cunning stunt ” ? As the Late, great, Tommy Cooper would say ” You’ve got to laugh ” !
Well lets just say I have a few Euros.
Don’t expect too much Grant, it’s strictly palliative.
LOL ! I am concerned about the little boy’s health !
So do you guys have nothing to say in real life too?
As black Africans in West Africa would say ” Hey Boy, what you mean by “real life ” , ah ? “
We’re under strict orders from nurse not to get you too excited.
Fair enough. After all we’re not the ones who have to change your incontinence pants.
Oh look! Manwhohateshisownpeople-and-caughttheclaponthebus is back from waving his placards showing “death to the infidels” and “The West will be destroyed by Allah” with his besties!
I know it must destroy you with how much you hate your own people, and the fact you hate us even more now we have taken you out of the delusionists club; but wow that was a quick response in the defence of your Jihadi brothers in Bangladesh!! It’s sickening to see someone from my own country reduced to being a champion and apologist for those who are trying to kill each and every one of us to achieve their Islamic state, just to satisfy his mental illness which is absolute hatred towards his own people! Clearly no problem or limit on the numbers of people killed worldwide by Islam you piss stain of a man, they are all victims of your own people right?… You scumbag traitor!
Nice load of words. Now it’s just the order you need to concentrate on.
As to hatred , My sympathies don’t lie with those that have just destroyed our nation.
In fact, Hitler was far more left wing than right wing – even the party name National Socialist Workers Party (NAZI) is a bit of a giveaway.
Hitler believed in mainly left-wing ideas: complete state control of commerce and industry, eugenics (the foundation of the parties racist ideas, eugenics being mainly an invention of the left), state propaganda of children to form their beliefs exactly as the state wishes – a phenomena you find mainly in leftist states. I could go on.
Of course, Hitler was a fascist, but then so are many on the left.
This is worth a read: http://jonjayray.tripod.com/hitler.html
Complete bollocks. The construction of fascism has a construct entirely different from the left which a cursory examination of a text would inform.
As for eugenics this was a scientific concept not a political one although it was last used by the US in 1968. Hardly left wing.
On a personal basis, do you have any family or friends ?
Perhaps you’d like to address some of the points?
What has eugenics being in the USA got to do with anything? Do you not imagine they have ever had left wingers in the USA?
We see the left fascists especially in the fascist group ironically named ‘United Against Fascism’. These people’s principal modus operandi seems to be preventing the freedom of speech, mostly by violence and intimidation. They try and prevent anyone with whom they don’t agree speak – not a lot of difference in the fascists brownshirts burning books. In fact I gather leftist organisations are usually the ones who want to ban books. I cannot think of a right wing group trying to oppress freedom of speech in such a manner.
The UAF are the true fascists and should be issued with brown shirts to go with their uniform of hate.
I don’t see what examination of a ‘text’ would confirm. These are things we can all see before our eyes.
Fascism is the state control of the individual. This fits in very nicely with the entire leftist outlook, which seems very keen on controlling the thoughts of everyone (think “Political Correctness” – now which side left or right is particularly obsessed with promoting the idea that only one type of thought is the correct one?)
Leftism does not have to be fascistic, but often is.
Top post, Manchesterlad.
Yeah, Hitler was right wing, which is why he called his party a socialist workers party.
Nazi Party, by name of National Socialist German Workers’ Party, German Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP)
And he did find work for Moslems, which makes him very left wing.
The problems occur when you attempt to fit political movements into the categories of left and right. No historian in a proper university would do that.
Photo of the Waffen SS at prayer.
And East Germany was a democracy because it was called the German Democratic Republic.
And – ‘Hope not Hate’.
Together with a plan would be good.
What was your plan manon?
“Stick with the EU: it’s gotta get better sometime, right?”
Or was it something less complex than that?
Marvin aka Manon,,
You miss the point. The words ‘worker’ and ‘socialist’ had precise meanings for Hitler and the Nazis.
Many regimes describe themselves as Democracies of Republics, with scarcely any resemblance to their original meanings. But Hitler packed the title of his party with those words to convey his political beliefs. He could have easily chosen something grandiloquent to represent his 1000 year Reich.
So how do you explain Moslems supporting the far right fuhrer?
Trouble is – you Islington and BBC Leninists only think in terms of right and left. And really, look at your comrades, calling themselves left socialists whilst busily no platforming whoever their leaders instruct them to silence.
Rather like Isiah Berlin’s comment on A.J. Ayer as a man who thought all animals were either whales or wallabies, and when told this did not cover the animal kingdom asked for the name of the other species.
slightly off topic….I tried to save this pic to Pictures on my PC to send on to a friend. I gave it a very quick title for reference purposes. I used nazi/muslim. A box appeared saying ‘title name not valid’. It accepted WW2. I have been warned then.
You might find that it didn’t like / .
Yes, which is why you have to look at the behaviour and policies of the Nazis. These were predominantly left wing, though of course just putting everything into simple left/right wing does not truly represent the complexity of the real world.
However, it amuses me when the left shout out about the Nazis being far-right when there was more leftist qualities than right in their actions.
Bad Poetry Corner (Blame chrisH for asking “now what rhymes with Sunderland?”)
A Tribute to Sunderland.
At the midnight hour
High in her ivory tower
Sat Miss Laura Dimbleby
There at the BBC
So certain of her victory
Sat there at the BBC.
Then came the news of Sunderland
A place unknown in Metroland.
There came a cry from Sunderland.
“We rend asunder Euro Land
For we are the people of Sunderland”
Mr.Golightly. Age 59 3/4.
Mr G for poet laureate…
A manly tear falls softly onto my EU flag. Delighted to be Mr Gs pre-Raphaelite muse for this one!
Will learn of off by heart and recite it in a Scouse accent with extra sneer…a la Mc Gough circa 1968.
Rog lives in Baths now and works for Waitrose.
Vive La Revolution(pt 98)
Now to a TRUE poet.
Anybody else remember John Toshack?..and who knew that HE was a poet?
He wrote his opus “Gosh , It`s`Tosh” with HIS muse, PermaKevin Keegan in mind back in the 70s.
And I quote from the Bard as I remember
“We`ve just beaten Barcelona/and now I`m going for a sauna”
He was on radio 4 Today…Poetry Please next week I`d say!
Oh…if only some fine young gentleman would write ME such wanton sonnets…
To be fair though-even this doggerel of the Tosh beats anything that Tom R Paulin ever wrote…if what Clive james has is terminal and contagious, then how come nobody has thought of passing it on to Tom ” Twat” Paulin?
There is of course a MetroCentre near Sunderland…”in what context did the poet reference the psychogeographical realms in the construction of this opus”…discuss…you have two hours and a Will Self Life Support Truss on offer if you win.
Wonder what dear old Maggie is thinking as she sits up there on Mount Olympus.
“I did warn you 30 years ago but you weren’t listening” perhaps?
Particularly since she helped create this mess,if she had a soul , she would probably be eating the same humble pie as Johnson.
Manon, That is a fascinating , intellectual contribution to the history of British politics. The World is waiting for your next post .
Thanks Grunt,
It helps when you lived through it and then studied it some.
“Grunt ” !!!! LOL !! Actually , Manon, in a strange way, I quite like you. There is no malice in your bullshit and that is better than naked hatred .
And seeing as we`re in this brief interlude…I`d argue that MOCO has a fair point here.
Thatcher-IMHO took her eye off the ball as she righted the economy, and fought those industrial battles, those Soviet showdowns…Charles Moores books (2/3 now done…takes us to Dec 88 as I recall) are dizzying…poor woman must have been shattered and confused at times-just reading about it all is tiring.
Her economics and politics, foreign affairs and mastery of most things in this country were a marvel. But her social policies were a disaster.
Education, Health, Live Aid, Childrens Acts,transport, Crime, Age and care, mental health…need I go on?…were catastrophic and long term disasters, we still live with.
No point in going through them all-but we sacrificed a nations social policy for an economic and political realignment.
Education would be my exemplar…but , for now, I happen to think that her Methodist upbringing made her feel that a social gospel would be enough if she unleashed the little platoons of voluntary aid etc…but the Left were left untouched and unchallenged.
And from the BBC downward…(and that IS the hierarchy of need these days) they began to daub the institutions and mark it with their piss…and it`s deeply entrenched now.
Margaret clearly thought that being good would be enough in a personal salvation kinda way…she knew little of the home front and the Lefts connections, its commitment and its ceaseless energy and time rich endless agitating.
I was one of her enemies from 1977 and up to reading her “Statecraft” book. So know something of it.
If only she could have foreseen more in her mad days of being PM…but who could have done more or better?
If only she`d had a Gove and not a Joseph in social policy, included a Powell to back Honeyford and not a Pickles..so many errors…and the Left dine out on it all still.
Sending Heseltine up north only showed her contempt for us up there-but then we thought he was here enemy-and therefore some kind of ally.
Hindsight eh?…but we learn, we learn…
I may be wrong-but Mrs T has her wings and needs no sanctification, no glossing over her errors( as I see them).
The Left seem to want it all more-but not this time…”no passeran” as they`d affect to say!
In their bubble bunker, I don’t think the BBC quite realises how poorly such terminology plays.
Surprise armed murderous assaults on civilians are not ‘daring’ or ‘audacious’. And if staying to die is the cherry topper, not too difficult either, sadly.
Yes, it is the BBC’s default mode. They have always loved terrorists and admire their ” courage “. As I say, the BBC are scum .
I am seldom moved to express disgust, but the BBC seems able to time things to perfection.
If dying whilst taking out innocents by surprise in civilian areas is your sole death wish aim to please your sky fairy departmental manager, that is neither courageous nor daring. It is demented, misinformed, psychotic, saddo-masichistic nihilistic idiocy. And not at all ‘hot’.
However, flying into a hostile foreign airport firefight at night to rescue your own is both courageous and daring.
Going over the top, when near certain of death and scared of it, to walk anyway into a hail of Maxim rounds to fight on and for another land is the ultimate sacrificial courage.
Maybe the BBC could do documentaries around that from the comfort of their edit suites?
You are so right. Beeboids’ delight at terrorism is vicarious and probably auto-erotic. Given Beeboids’ obsession with sex, it would not surprise me.
My God , did the BBC anti-semitic bastards hate Entebbe ?? You bet !
No evidence for that whatsover. If anything the BBC is biased to the Right.
The BBC are right-wing conspirators. Fascist bastards .
Nope not fascist, but certainly to the right in what used to the polictical spectrum.
Question: would you class Trump as being ‘on the right?”
If yes, and the BBC is also ‘on the right’ as you claim, why do they hate him so passionately?
Man on the clapped out bus.
A reminder to both you and the new readers of this site what you told us last year …………….
March 15, 2015 at 1:09 pm
“I contribute here because I am highly critical of BBC news.However,I am quite surprised by the lack of objectivity and reasoning.” – Operative word “highly” .
Well , I ‘aint’ seen any criticism from you yet?
It’s because failed specimen of a-manwhogottheclaponthebus only hates his own people. The Al Beeb is irrelevant to hate filled traitors like him. Because we have called the Al Beeb out for the bigoted, British hating, propagandists they are, embarrassmentofaman is championing them. If we loved the Al Beeb he would be doing everything in his devious, conniving powers to tear them apart. It’s what the lunatic left do. It’s only ever about suppressing and defeating their mortal enemy… Their own people
OT, but Classic FM’s Global disgrace at the top of the hour was special, even for them.
A bunch of anti-democracy marchers have respawned in London again for the weekend with a new cause, and the giddy GN ‘reporter’ was in there soaking up the atmosphere., with happy people and colourful flags. Not the red, white and blue, but the blue and yellow of the new world order.
All he needed was an Anita Anand Beanie and BBC HR would have been on the blower to team him up with Mishal Husain with her ‘not enough dead old white men’ style of insight.
Global’s “news” on Classic is as diabolical as the rest of them.
As I write, ‘Sir’ Nob F*ckU is on their risible ‘news’ offering his insights on Jezza Corbyn as a lead item.
The snake has almost reached its own neck.
This is interesting:
CLAIM: Telegraph Pulled Article Critical Of Theresa May After Pressure From Her Campaign
DT article that was pulled
“In the run-up to the 2015 election, one of the handicaps David Cameron had to finesse was the fact that net migration to the UK was three times as high as he had promised it would be. Remarkably, none of the opprobrium this failure provoked brought forth the name of Theresa May, the cabinet minister actually entrusted with bringing migration down. Then, as now, it was as if the icy Home Secretary had a dark magic that warded off all critical scrutiny.”
What the elite now wants, and that will include the non dom tax avoiding owners of the Torygraph, is economic stability and the political stability that goes with it. Given that tories in general are IQ lite the only thing on the agenda is now how to ,as painlessly as possible, extricate little Britain from the EU. It is going to be a mess just in legal terms quite apart from the collapse of the economy.
Weve still got our flags though!
I don’t believe the economy will collapse, we hardly export anything to Europe so what is there they can do? We on the other hand import a lot from them, so any messing around could result in tariffs on cars and wine/ food. That would concentrate the minds of the Germans & the French, losing such a valuable market they refer to as ‘treasure island’!
But as Manon believes, the economy will collapse under the weight of the internal contradictions of capitalism in or out of the EU At that moment the revolutionary party will take control of our destiny, by- passing the workers who can only achieve a trade union consciousness.
The collapse of capitalism can be accelerated by supporting psychotic jihadists whilst maintaining that you are only being anti waaycist.
How is the 5th largest economy in the World going to collapse ? especially now it has stopped having to pay its weekly fees to the EU. Did you catch the German finance minister in the week saying that Germany was not prepared to front up the money that the EU would be losing as a result of Brexit?. So we can spend OUR money on our Country now – Roads,NHS, Industry attracting schemes. We can control our borders letting in the brightest and the best from around the World to come and work with us. We can sign new trade deals – it is much easier doing a trade deal one Country to one Country then one Country having to get the agreement of 27 other Countries. We have our own currency , we control our own interest rates. On and on it goes… The stock market seems to be paused for a rally, GBP has been resilient this week. I’ll wager you this Country is booming in two years and the EU and the EURO will be well on the path to destruction. Watch Italy 40bn rescue plan needed for the Banks. If Italy goes wave goodbye to the EU. Italy will make Greece look like a child’s picnic
Lock13, cannot agree more however as most on here know we have won a battle but not yet won the war.
The biggest danger at the moment is the potential election of Theresa May as PM (shamefully supported by the BBC) If that happens then ‘Theresa the Appeaser’ will no doubt satisfy the likes of Heseltine and Clarke at the expense of 52% of the voting public. We will no doubt be ‘sold down the river’.
Here’s hoping that one of the Brexiters is elected (my preference being Leadsom)
If May becomes PM and the Goverment backs out of Brexit then that would win the battle for the Remainers, however may cause a backlash that could well result in a ‘Phoenix from the ashes’ situation of an increase in the support of UKIP, which could in time ‘win the war’
And others. Airhead May is a serious threat . If the Tories cannot block her there are serious problems . I think they need to coalesce around Liam or Andrea. May would be a disaster .
Agree me old mate , a May win will light the touch paper for a UKIP surge. They are fffked whatever they do now these Liberal appeasers – just a matter of time
On the Buses,
I seldom read your posts but I did read this one. You simply don’t realise that YOU and fellow flag wavers, are , knowingly of not , a representative of the liberal left elite!!
If it`s not Andrea Leadsom…then the Tories will go the way of Corbyns Labour Party.
No point giving us a simple a choice as it`s possible to give-with no party labels, class warrior crap excusings-and then deciding that we can`t have Boaty McBoatface.
We`re not naming ships here…we`re simply looking at the label on the bottle with which to crack the prow of MVS Farage…with Andrea, Michael, Priti etal on deck with Boris lounging on the hammock as ships entertainment…we`re writing his comedy as the rest write his obits.
Oh-and Tommy Robinson having a word with May, re what` she`s been doing these last few years…
See the children are out in force in central London ! One was interviewed and all she could rpeatedly say was “we must stick together”, – didn’t say much else, and then she banged on about racism. That’s the trouble with large groups – herd mentality reigns. This is the future generation who will run this country (and I wonder how many of ’em are living for today with their upgraded phones and relying on their parents wealth to provide a future, and how many are stashing enough away each month for their retirement )
My experience of the political views of the younger Britons with whom I worked, in a private sector firm in the first decade of the 2000s, was actually quite positive. They didn’t say much; the management expected us to get our heads down and meet productivity targets! Nevertheless, there were quiet spells from time to time and we also went out for drinks on occasion. Little things would slip out from time to time, for instance opinions on items of local and national news, which encouraged me.
To me they seemed sensible: they understood work, even if it was a bit of a shock after school and/or college. They were capable workers and not stupid (selection procedures and early dismissals did weed out the worst of them) although I think they had been let down by our education system and appeared not to know too much, in academic terms. I think they were capable of seeing through some of the BBC and media lies and, importantly, were willing to listen to older staff such as me who actually remembered the late 1970s & 1980s and could say what it was really like, in contrast to subsequent rewriting.
Well why, Mustapha, did only 36% (or is it 40%?) of them bother to vote?
Fair point. I think turnout was 72.2% over all but only 36% for the 18-24 year old age group. Both figures are disappointing, the second one particularly so. The Referendum was never going to be a case of voting ‘not changing anything’ (in safe Tory/Labour seats, as at a General Election) because the choice was a simple binary one. I can’t explain the poor turnout by younger voters.
Having had first hand experience of tripping over bone idle lazy teenagers I can hazard a guess as to the poor turnout, “what, you won’t give me a lift to the polling station? ah I can’t be bothered then”.
” I can’t explain the poor turnout by younger voters. ”
It’s probably because they can’t vote on Twitter or Facebook.
1. Glastonbury
2. Student holidays, so no uni chaplaincy( I jest!) or counselling service/sexy healthy clinic( Here I don`t jest!) open…and no hand to hold but their own
3.Could no longer register under mummy and daddys name-but had to do it themselves as individuals( lucky Newham Muslim dad households with boxes of votes eh)
4. No free wake or alarm calls from 4pm onwards when they tend to get up.
5. Still in mourning for last Innocence(the smoothie of choice)
6. Needed much longer that two extra days extension to register…snotfare…
There`ll be more-CBBC. Newsbeat/round and the likes of June Sarpong and Russell Howard will add more as they create them.
I work with 20 or so apprentices at work (northern engineering) and like Mustapha I am also quite hopeful for the future. They come in two age ranges 16 – 18 having just left school and for some of those it is a big jump having to really turn up on time at 8:30am and doing what they are told to do but at the same time thinking for themselves when required. I would say 95% soon adapt while the remaining 5% try a variety of excuses they were taught at school before being weeded out. Of these I would say 60% were leave supporters but I’m not sure if they voted. Many of them have relatives who have been put out of work by cheap immigrant labour so know the reality.
The 2nd group are older 25 – 30 having been to Universities for a variety of useless degrees (Modern American History , Lingustics etc etc) having left Uni with no hope of a job they tended to drift through endless dead end retail jobs before realising they needed to get useful skills and real jobs. I would say 90% of them were leave supporters with one of them volunteering for the leave campaign and putting leaflets through doors. Again other than that last guy I can’t be sure who actually voted though.
A colleague of mine works with the graduate trainees though.These are newly minted graduates with degrees in engineering and he reckoned 90% of them were remainers. Although according to him (a leave voter) there reasons make no sense.
BBC Newswatch considers for a brief moment whether our national broadcaster has been fair in its coverage of Brexit
BBC Head of Newsgathering (whatever that means?) Jonathan Munro (£165,000pa) http://www.bbc.co.uk/corporate2/insidethebbc/managementstructure/biographies/munro_jonathan.html assures us there’s really nothing to worry about, the BBC has been very fair.
But in the next hour on the News Channel nice guy Gavin Esler tends to put the lie to this bland assurance of balance – starting with simpering approving coverage of some pro-EU demo (Gavin can’t estimate the numbers but it’s in the thousands, he reckons. We can ‘judge for ourselves’ – nice of Gavin to grant us that degree of empowerment)
Next a report from Greece raising the preposterous proposition that the fall in the value pound in the previous week is likely to bring economic ruin to the Greek economy – after I’ve stopped laughing I suppose I might have guessed Greek woes would eventually be our fault
And so to Dateline London with our Mr Nice Guy Esler giving another platform to none other than Poly Toynbee. Well, I suppose the BBC reckons she represents 48% of the population – but one wonders in that case how come the Guardian circulation is so small and that we don’t have permanent Labour governments.
Top all that off with performance art in the shape of the opening of the current session of the Scottish Parliament – something about a Scots “Maka” reciting a poem containing the analogy of passing the door keys to the Syrian refugees.
All in all making our Jonathan Munro’s earlier smooth words about balance ring rather hollow
BBC Newsgathering is like BBC Has Learned, only even less certain but more reassuringly separated enough for deniability.
And JoMu is the Big Giant Head.
Yes indeed the lovers of big unelected government – Cameron’s army – are out waving their EU flags and declaring love.
I wonder had the result gone the other way and Brexit supporters were demonstrating. The BBC and government would be condemning the undemocratic far right xenophobes and racists, and a counter demonstration by Cameron’s UAF thugs would be receiving media praise.
Is it a ‘March for Europe’?
I thought it was the EU, which is different.
Unless the BBC knows something I did not, until now.
Someone said that the march had been called under the slogan
‘Pulling out never works’
And I thought they were all wankers.
'Pulling out never works' 50,000 march against Brexit
Good timing from the protesters . Formula e race on the same day. The police will love them for all the overtime.
“At the end of the two-mile route, protesters gathered in front of the Houses of Parliament, and listened to speakers including Labour MP for Tottenham, David Lammy, leftwing commentator and activist Owen Jones, and musician Bob Geldof.”
Says it all really doesnt it!
im going to have to dispute “musician Bob Geldof”
should that not be “millionaire irish tax avoider Bob Geldof”
FAO Roger Harrabin. Rog me old mate just had hailstones again – it’s the 2nd of July and apparently there was frost in the U.K. overnight. Any ideas what’s going on mate?
Rog will let you know as soon as Greenpeace/FoE/WWF or the UEA let’s him know. He can’t work out the science for himself because he is an Eng Lit graduate. Also, he can’t ask the vast majority of his fellow BBC science reporters because, amazingly, they don’t have science qualifications.
Lol – I hear ya Steve I’ll be waiting by the phone for Rog
They need to park a jet by the Heathrow thermometer – again.
When all the dust settles on the democratic decision to leave the EU, the lefty media might want to reflect on their assassination of one Mr. D. Cameron for his and/or his father’s investments on overseas funds. The story about the ‘Panama Papers’ has vaporized so quickly that one wonders if it ever had any real journalistic merit in the first place. Don’t get me wrong, I couldn’t care less if he has money in overseas funds – if they are that bad then governments should stop them. Until then they are legal in my view. However, DC has turned out to be a complete and total flake of a person and a politician and deserves to rot in obscurity despite his little emotional croak during his resignation speech.
Anyway, back to the main thrust – the lefty media couldn’t help themselves and feasted on this alleged story – perhaps gorged would be a better word? But like men they don’t seem to be able to multi-task and missed entirely the fact that, while they were crucifying the one man who might lead them to stay in the socialist empire of the EU, they were inadvertently aiding the British public to vote against him and therefore the EU? . My question is this – in the rush to shoot the Tories and shoot Cameron did they, the lefty media, aim the gun at their own feet?
seismic: “The story about the ‘Panama Papers’ has vaporized so quickly”
Yes, it eventually wrapped the fish & chips. Think it was the Referendum campaign that mostly pushed aside but I cannot help wondering if people had started writing letters to the DG asking whether any BBC people were on the Mossack Fonseca list that had been revealed. That may have shelved it ‘while an inquiry is held’. A heavy duty & very thorough clean with a Shami leather sort of inquiry, perhaps?