Here you go, a new Open Thread. BBC seem to abandoned any pretence in the US election and have gone full on anti-Trump mode. It reminds me of the way they treated Reagan and Thatcher -the bile is visceral.

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283 Responses to MID WEEK OPEN THREAD

  1. Dover Sentry says:

    I hear Sir Bob Geldof has several Syrian refugees sheltering at his home. Exactly as he promised to us all back in September.

    Has anybody else done the same?

    Sir Bob is very, very rich. He is favoured and loved by the BBC. I knew he wouldn’t let us down.

    Wait a moment. News coming in…. He hasn’t actually taken in any Syrian refugees.

    Have we all been taken in, instead perhaps? How sad….


    • Grant says:

      Dover, which home is that ? Have any of these pathetic luvvies taken anyone in ?


    • Dover Sentry says:

      Does Sir Bob realise that the word ‘Syrian’ is an anagram for ‘Sir Any’ ??

      It’s a sign! It’s a sign! He will be taking in ANY Syrian refugees! It is written!

      Bless Sir Any Geldof!


    • Thoughtful says:

      Sir Bob also has Non Dom tax status unlike the plebs he pontificates to If he’d been paying his taxes like the rest of us then he wouldn’t be quite so wealthy perhaps!


    • The General says:

      Here is a video showing the plight of the defenseless ‘women and children’ asylum seekers trying to reach Germany :-


    • EUTV says:

      Dover Sentry,

      I hear the reason for the delay is a rather complicated selection process.


  2. Soapbox says:

    I found this on Breibart and am horrified. Five “remainers” all in a “debate”? How chummy!!!


    Can someone tell me where the impartiality is in this? Mind you, it is typical of BbC and shows just what will happen if the SNP get their wish for overall control over a separate Scottish BbC. The SNP are more and more autocratic and their mute followers soak up every b****y word as gospel. It’s frightening!


    • Dave S says:

      This is Scotland we are talking about. Europe’s latest one party state. I hear Glasgow is to be renamed Karl Marx Stadt in honour of the old German city.
      I wonder what they will call Edinburgh when independent as it was named after some Anglo Saxon worthy and that will never do.
      I suppose the first embassy they will open will be with North Korea. Fraternal visits of the like minded. Maybe he glorious leader’s first act will be to break off diplomatic relations with England.
      Going to be awkward if Trump is President. His golf course seized in the name of the Scottish people and him barred as an undesirable alien.


  3. chrisH says:

    Just been listening to the Moral Maze.
    Brian Denny is a Morning Star journalist-but utterly destroyed all liberal excuses for the EU.
    A masterclass in taking a hard line and simply not negotiating on false premises.
    Was impressed at his focus, first principles and doctrinaire refual to indulge the sorry lefty mush of Matthew Taylor and Ann McElvoy.
    Really hope that Nigel Farage and Donald Trump could grasp how powerful and how rare it is for someone to be so cold and clear about their vision-their refusal to compromise with flaccid flowery lefty pretensions.
    Worth a listen-and much as we can hate the Communist vision, we can learn much about simple “no sell out” principles baldly, boldly stated…it`s very effective.
    To see fake pink lefties shrivel in the face of a lefty who “means it maan” was great-he`s still scraping them off his boots as I speak.
    Good man Brian!


    • Thoughtful says:

      Funny you should post that as I’ve been giving a little thought to the possibility that the BBC isn’t biased to the Left per se, but is wholly given over to the liberal persuasion, which is slightly different.


      • Up2snuff says:

        I have been giving a little thought, Thoughtful, to whether we need to re-assess the terms ‘Left’ & ‘Right’ and where it all fits in an increasingly(?) Liberal world and its political spectrum.

        Think it was Kamal Ahmed’s Blog yesterday that, in effect, had a spat going on over this subject. Something that regularly occurs from time to time on the BBC web-site as youngsters, especially, together with others cannot understand the facts of history they have NOT been taught at school that Hitler was indeed a Socialist.

        No doubt our Melvin, if he is still going in ten years time, will gather together some academics for 45 minutes on a Thursday morning on Radio 4 to discuss same. Hope so & look forward to it. 🙂


    • Cranmer says:

      Brendan Koerner of ‘Wired’ magazine also spoke very well against the EU on a recent Radio 4 programme. I was surprised because I assumed most people of that sort of hipster background would be unthinkingly pro-EU.


  4. Thoughtful says:


    Just for the sake of nostalgia if nothing else, the chance to look at the old bank notes of your youth! Plenty there which I had no idea even existed, nor that the first £20 note dates back all the way to 1725 !
    Nor that there was at that time a £1000 note and denominations decreasing to £100 when they continued every £10 thereafter, so there was once a £90 note !


    • Lobster says:

      Very interesting site! I wonder which note is the most popular at the BBC for snorting coke?


    • Pat..original says:

      Thank you for the interesting link. I have wondered when they were going to introduce the polymer notes. Found info on the side panel. Seems we are having ‘plastic’ fivers in September. I have an Australian one from a relative. They seem O.K. but apparently can stick together easily. Should be fun!


  5. Lobster says:

    Has anybody seen this reported on the BBC?
    As is usual with the Express comments are not allowed on topics involving the ROP.


    • Demon says:

      Have the staff been sacked yet? Now why does the answer ‘No’ not surprise me.


  6. Sir_Arthur_Strebe-Grebling says:

    The bBBC doesn’t seem to have room to report Rotherham taxi drivers lose licences after grooming scandal.

    Almost 50 Rotherham taxi drivers have been stripped of their licences under new regulations introduced after the town’s sex-grooming scandal.

    Among them was the local authority’s former [Labour] deputy leader, Jahangir Akhtar, who featured in a recent trial at which three of his relatives were convicted of multiple sexual offences against young girls.

    Tougher policies for private-hire and taxi drivers were introduced last year after government-appointed commissioners took control of many of the disgraced council’s powers. They include a “fit and proper person” test that takes account of past convictions, complaints and “softer intelligence” linked to child sexual exploitation.

    A report revealed this week that an audit of Rotherham’s 1,100 private-hire and taxi drivers identified that 67 of them were potentially not fit to hold a licence. After hearings, 47 drivers had their licences revoked.

    The licences of a further 171 drivers were suspended because they had not completed compulsory training sessions on safeguarding children and vulnerable adults.


  7. Dave666 says:

    BBc bleating on about the “sugar tax. Jamey oliver manages to get his face on tv . So childrens health blah blah. There was me thinking it was the parents responsibility to look after their little poppets diet. Strange that some fruit juices are excluded and what is a milk based sugary drink Tea? Coffee?. The vocal minority pull of another coup.


    • Thoughtful says:

      what is a milk based sugary drink?

      Milkshake ! Milk despite once being free for school kids is still believed to be good for kids despite having the crap in it which makes a milkshake.
      Yoghurt possibly too.

      The only real issues that I have with this tax is that the health Nazis aren’t sensible enough to set levels at a reasonable amount, a bit like the car tax based on emissions which was so stupidly low only 2 cars qualified !
      Or the safe level for alcohol – none, so the idiots in the civil service would be brainless enough to set it at one.

      It’s not just diabetes and obesity, the tooth decay costs us a fortune. There’s a really lazy Fat bloke who lives near me always putting empty 3L PET bottles of cheap sugary pop in recycling, his daughter is huge as a result.
      When you have thick people and a habit they’ve got into it’s hard for them to get out of and they pass it on to their kids.


      A table with the drinks listed, and as expected there are hardly any non diet drinks with actually fall into the the two lowest bands, and a whole load in the higher one.


      • JimS says:

        I understand that the tax will be on the manufacturer/importer so what is to stop them absorbing the cost?

        Generic cola can be bought for 10p/l, branded at 70p/l. Considering that the bulk of the drink is water the ‘big names’ must be using some awfully fancy syrups or, more likely fancy accounting. Why risk losing sales by passing on the tax?


      • Guest Who says:

        Recall going full nanny on our kids on their Pop addiction when one produced our Morrisons OJ carton and pointed out the sugar content.

        Plus enamel stripping properties.


    • Donbob says:

      Jamie Oliver’s credibility has reached zero as far as I’m concerned – he looks like he’s started dying his hair, I’ve seen him wearing a luvvie scarf AND on occasion his accent has become almost rp! A final observation; he spoke of being “humbled” by the introduction of a sugar tax – a word generally used by those with an exaggerated sense of their own worth.


      • thirdoption says:

        Good post bob,

        Dislike the fat-tongued joker.


      • oldartist says:

        I suspect RP was what it always was. The “cor blimey, gov” act was a bit too over done to be real.


      • Aerfen says:

        Valid criticism except the one about RP. Given that most people he mixes with nowadays are RP speakers unless a makes a conscious and phony attempt to maintain the Chirpy Cockney tones, then a move in the direction of RP is inevitable.


      • Aerfen says:

        Valid criticism except the one about RP. Given that most people he mixes with nowadays are RP speakers unless a makes a conscious and phony attempt to maintain the Chirpy Cockney tones, then a move in the direction of RP is inevitable.


  8. Al Shubtill says:

    I watched Look North this evening, which had a story about the large (and increasing) number of physical attacks by primary school pupils against their teachers.

    Now usually if Look North has a positive school related story to cover its default setting is to go to one in a charming, multicultural s**thole in Bradford or Leeds or some other “vibrant” location, of which West Yorkshire has such a surfeit, so they can film plenty of pupils who exhibit the requisite diversity, to suit their progressive agenda.
    However, because this was a negative story about “angry” aggressive children, a school in the town of Knaresborough (North Yorks) was selected to film in – both the town and school are +95% white.


  9. neilw says:


    I think it’s fair to say that most of the BBC production staff will be pleased with this one. From my limited understanding, it will be a lot less painful for them, but I guess they will still be needing these: http://hyperallergic.com/157143/french-president-pledges-support-of-paul-mccarthys-butt-plug/


    • johnnythefish says:

      Government drugs advisers have said “poppers” – used by many gay men to enhance sexual experience – will not be covered by a ban on “legal highs”.

      Well bugger me, I didn’t see that one coming (/sarc).


  10. Helena Hand-Basket says:

    Recently a couple of us submitted ideas for new BBC TV programmes suitable for an increasingly Islamic UK. I’ve thought up some more since then (all in appalling taste), and five are below. (The rest are available if anyone can face them.)

    ‘Djinn’ll Fix it’ (children’s)
    An eccentric old presenter dressed as a magical Islamic spirit – a Djinn – makes children’s wishes come true (provided they dream of shaking hooks with Abu Hamza, beheading infidels or offering ‘domestic comforts’ to ISIS). Pious Djinn follows Mohammed’s example in all respects (as youngsters visiting his trailer may discover).

    ‘Dad’s Jihadis’ (sitcom)
    Young male Muslims have mostly left the Middle East to claim asylum in Europe. So who is left to man the home front? A few indomitable but hilarious old men. Episode 1: insanely brave halal butcher Corporal Jamal ties himself to a home-made suicide-rocket aimed at Tel Aviv. But ‘Allah Akbar!’ turns to ‘Don’t panic!’ as the mis-launched missile heads for pompous Captain Mansoor in his petrol bomb workshop.

    ‘Two Fatwa Ladies’ (cookery)
    Two gourmet cooks (hijab-clad and chaperoned by male relatives) tour England hunting out restaurants that aren’t Sharia-compliant. Having evicted and prosecuted the owners, they demonstrate how to prepare a slap-up halal meal for the males of a local mosque or Madrassah.

    ‘Tali-tubbies’ (children’s)
    An adorable introduction to the Taliban for tots aged 1-4. Episode 1: Tinky-Winky’s handbag and purple jumpsuit have aroused suspicion about his sexual orientation. Dipsy, Lala and Po are obliged to pass Sharia sentence. Episode 2: how to construct a crane out of Meccano and Lego bricks.

    ‘Last of the summer winos’ (sitcom)
    The slapstick mirth never ends as three retired old friends (Farouk, Abdul and Chickri) spend the summer clearing Yorkshire’s streets of infidels enjoying an al fresco lager or Chardonnay (also of unveiled women, Yorkshire terriers, gay couples and smoky bacon flavour crisps).


    • Kennedy says:

      Please post the others. This is great satire – funny, but making an important point while doing so, unlike most of what passes for satire on bBBC these days.


      • Destroy-Deny-Degrade-Disrupt says:

        I’m liking these. ‘Dad’s Jihadis’ would be a bit like Four Lions. But funny.


    • thirdoption says:

      Hilarious – please post more


    • AsISeeIt says:

      Always been a fan of the BBC’s revised multicultural answer to the late lamented BBC3 flagship Snog Marry Avoid….

      First Cousin, Arranged Marriage, Honour Killing


      • AsISeeIt says:

        Here’s one for the teenagers

        A modern BBC take on the day to day lives of typical Church of England clerics

        “Teargas and haters”


      • Rob in Cheshire says:

        “First Cousin, Arranged Marriage, Honour Killing ”

        You forgot “rape a white girl”. They like a bit of that when they are not marrying their cousins or murdering their daughters.

        We have been enriched.


    • Demon says:

      How about a combination of “The only way is axes” and “By the Sword divided”. A programme about what to do with infidel necks.


    • shelly says:

      How about Condemnation Street. (soap)

      A bunch of outraged Northern enrichers, go on the rampage when a Woman in a sleeveless dress, gets in uncle Jamal’s cab to go to bingo.
      Meanwhile over at the factory (sweat shop) the fake Armani jean production grinds to a halt as it’s discovered that the head seamstress won’t marry her first cousin.
      The Rovers is now a mosque, but happily its business as usual at the corner shop.


    • Tothepoint says:

      Great to see you continue with some more great ideas Helena. We will get snapped up for the Al Beebs new ‘Jihadi TV’ channel at this rate

      ‘The imam of Dibley’ (sitcom)
      With the violent and bloody cleansing of all diversity complete (as set out in the Koran, peace be upon him), a hilarious look at how enrichment is benefiting rural England. We follow Aakif the local imam as he decides the life and death of all his subjects. We see his personal struggle and the effect this responsibility takes on this great man as he battles to make the right decisions when sharing the war booty to keep his Muslim brothers happy….with laugh out loud results

      ’15 to 1′ (game show)

      Ahmed Hassan hosts the popular game show where hot infidel girls are lined up from ages 15 to 1. Our contestants answer questions against the clock to try and win himself the incredible price of his own harem of ‘up for it’ sex slaves. With the return of phone a friend (Aakif from ‘the imam of Dibley’) It will be on the edge of your seat stuff!

      ‘The Taxi driver’ (documentary)
      With 15 million taxi drivers now in the UK, we take a look at how our brothers make a living with a such a growing taxi driver population. From the tried and tested lying to the ‘authorities’ to dodge paying tax, we see the new revenue streams of trafficking infidel booty to collecting Jizya tax from the Kafir. Come with us as we travel with these victims of Western foreign policy to hone your Islamic skills


      • Cranmer says:

        ‘Allah Creatures Great and Small’: the heartwarming story of a small vetinary practice in rural England. Episode one, trouble is caused when a farmer’s goat is ritually slaughtered instead of being treated for ticks.

        ‘Eid Enders’: the everyday story of Tower Hamlets folk. This week: suspicions are raised when a white family move into Al Ba’hurt Square. There is relief all round when it turns out they are Muslims from Bosnia.

        ‘Place in the Sunni’: Shia Muslims decide to take the plunge and switch denominations, most of them under duress.


        • Geoff says:

          In Allah Creatures Great and Small is the preferred and ‘humane’ method of putting Mrs Pumphry’s Tricky Woo to sleep by slashing its jugular? It must be because animal rights types seem to think this OK…..


          • Rob in Cheshire says:

            Yes, shortly followed by the kuffar Mrs Pumphry when none of the brothers wanted her as a sex slave.


      • Destroy-Deny-Degrade-Disrupt says:

        >’15 to 1′ (game show)
        Ahmed Hassan hosts the popular game show where hot infidel girls are lined up from ages 15 to 1.

        Haha! Just choked on my coffee.


    • Tothepoint says:

      ‘Deal or no Deal’

      Naz Edmood presents the Allah pleasing game show about death or conversion of the infidels. Loosely based on the infidels gameshow of the same name, 3 kafir and their families have to choose from 15 boxes of death or conversion. Only one box allows the infidels the gift of conversion to the path of Allah. Naz and a group of lucky enrichers dish out 14 ways of merciful death to those Allah has not blessed.

      “incredible game show. Loved the personal touch of Naz…10/10 Al Beeb”


      • Aerfen says:

        I have long thought a comedy along the lines of Till Death us do Part would translate very appropriately to an Islamic context. The fat ugly bigotted hypocritical father would be a Big Man at the local mosque,
        and a Labour councillor, bullying of his family into conformity while on the sly drinking alcohol and groping other mens wives. His cynical wife could be given many pithy lines, but in reality wearing the trousers and preventing him taking the younger wife he desires. There would be a gay son, who no longer lives at home and has an English partner but constantly visits (mainly for mums cooking) and much scope for comedy at his parents head iin the sand denials of his sexuality and cover ups when friends or family come to stay. Daughter would be thoroughly Westernised a student and a bit of a slapper having numerous boyfs while maintaining the pious front at home.


        • Al Shubtill says:

          I remember years ago seeing a very funny spoof of Terry & June called Ahmed & June, on the late night comedy show “Who Dares Wins” on Channel 4; it featured Rory McGrath, Jimmy Mulvill, Julia Hills, Tony Robinson and Phil Pope.

          There is absolutely no way that a sketch like that would ever be suggested now, never mind made and broadcast.


    • Save Our Sense says:

      ‘The only way is Bradford’ (fictional reality)
      This week the girls all go for a makeover in an attempt to battle for the affections of the lads. But Ribena’s new eyeliner isn’t noticed by Rafik due to her mother’s continued insistence on chicken wire beneath her Burka’s eye slot. Consequently she turns to Plan B – a very convincing goat outfit…


  11. taffman says:

    Here is one for you all to pick the bones from as I am not sure if you picked anything up about about this across the boarder ?…………
    The BBC was “not a state broadcaster and we must never be a state broadcaster”.
    Well if it is not a “state broadcaster” why the hell are we forced by law to pay a tax to watch TV ?
    Al Beeb are a parasite living on an unfair poll tax . If it is not a state broadcaster why does it not rely on its own income.
    Get rid of the licence fee .


    • Richard Pinder says:

      The Charter is the grant of authority or rights to the BBC by the State, stating that the State formally recognizes the prerogative of the BBC to exercise the rights specified, for the given period. It is implicit that the state retains superiority and sovereignty over the BBC, and that the BBC admits a limited and inferior status within the relationship, and it is within that sense that BBC Charter is granted by the state. Unlike the Press, the BBC has never been independent of the state, for its Charter obligations or for financial support.

      Therefore, only if the BBC frees itself from its Charter obligations, and state imposed Licence Fee, would it become independent, with only its customers determining its right to survive.

      The BBC’s claim to be independent is bullshit by left-wing morons.


  12. seismicboy says:

    Helena Hand-Basket
    I hope Allo Akhbar is among the others yet to be shown.


  13. Destroy-Deny-Degrade-Disrupt says:

    There’s no way in hell that I’m going to watch ‘Digging for Britain’ on BBC4 tonight, so I hope someone with a stronger stomach can do it.

    A site discovered back in 2014 in East Yorks has now been confirmed as dating back 2,500 years to the Iron Age, and ‘may’ be a migrant camp. Apologies for linking to the Daily Mail:


    “A major focus area of the archaeological analysis will concentrate on whether the population is indigenous, or migrants from the European continent.”

    It’s already been established that during the Iron Age there was a lot of Caucasoid migration from Central Europe to Britain, so it will be of little surprise if they discover that the population of that small area happened to be from Europe; but it’ll be interesting to see if the BBC will concentrate on drawing parallels with modern third world immigration. I’m not a betting man, but…


    • Aerfen says:

      “It’s already been established that during the Iron Age there was a lot of Caucasoid migration from Central Europe to Britain, so it will be of little surprise if they discover that the population of that small area happened to be from Europe; but it’ll be interesting to see if the BBC will concentrate on drawing parallels with modern third world immigration. I’m not a betting man, but…”

      Once again pushing the myth that ancient people were forever ‘on the move’ – at least to Britain, thus attempting to undermine the reality of our existence as an ethnic group, and portray is as ‘mongrels.’ The reality is, as the Oxford university People of the British Isles project has demonstrated that the population of Britain remained remarkably consistent and homogenous until the latter half of the twentieth century.

      Off course this doesnt apply to the invaders themselves, whose ethnicity should be ‘respected’ and who form ‘ethnic minorities’.


      • Destroy-Deny-Degrade-Disrupt says:

        >Once again pushing the myth that ancient people were forever ‘on the move’ – at least to Britain, thus attempting to undermine the reality of our existence as an ethnic group, and portray is as ‘mongrels.’ The reality is, as the Oxford university People of the British Isles project has demonstrated that the population of Britain remained remarkably consistent and homogeneous until the latter half of the twentieth century.
        Of course this doesn’t apply to the invaders themselves, whose ethnicity should be ‘respected’ and who form ‘ethnic minorities’.

        Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. Expressed that very same sentiment in my reply to Cranmer just a few posts down.


        • Dave S says:

          Agreed. The BBC/marxist elites have as the number 2 priority the destruction of the notion of us English as a distinct people. Number one is the destruction of the family as it has been understood for millenia.
          These people deserve nothing but our contempt and bitter enmity.


          • Destroy-Deny-Degrade-Disrupt says:

            I think it’s rather myopic to see it as just targeting the English, Dave. But it’s not surprising that you see it that way as England has taken a real thumping in the name of multiculturalism. You can take it, though. Easily. You’ve been through worse, and you’ll make the fuckers regret the day they woke the Lion.


    • ID says:

      What puzzles me is that free trade, free movement of peoples and goods, across Europe was possible thousands of years ago without the EU. How did early entrepreneurs cope with the uncertainty?


    • TigerOC says:

      Complete and utter garbage. In the early part of the century Oxford genetic research unit set out to establish how many people were descended from Viking invaders. The initial research focused on the Yorkshire and East coast areas as these were the most promising. It quickly became apparent that the numbers were very low and the sample was then spread across the UK. The results were surprising. 90% of indigenous Britons are descend from the original settlement after the last ice age before the UK separated from mainland Europe.


  14. John Moloney says:

    I wrote a blog about the cheap Top Gear stunt at the Cenotaph. I’m not impressed by Evans’ pretend shock. Here’s the main point:

    “Although Chris Evans looks suitably chastened in the interview above, the giveaway to his and the BBC’s real feelings on the matter is his use of the phrase “We are all mortified by it!” The “it” can only be the outrage Top Gears’ cheap stunt has caused, not the stunt itself. They can’t be mortified by the donuts being performed around the Cenotaph. If they were then they wouldn’t have planned that particular shot for the last six months, then watched in their serried ranks as it was performed. If “We are all mortified by it!” meant they thought the stunt was disgraceful then logically they would be mortified by all those BBC employees who planned it and carried it out. And they’d want their heads for the damage they’ve done to their beloved BBC.”

    Let me know what you think of it at: http://john-moloney.blogspot.com/2016/03/bbc-mortified-when-people-learn-truth.html


    • Cranmer says:

      Yes it does sound a bit like the old cop out of ‘being sorry that offence was caused’ rather than actually apologising for something. I’ve used that one myself in my own writing career, so I should know!


  15. joeadamsmith says:

    Howdy peoples. Anybody noticed the latest impartiality of the Ministry of Truth? http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/03/16/bbc-to-host-leaders-debate-with-no-brexit-voices-weeks-before-referendum/


    • Guest Who says:

      Are they sure of that?

      No sniffy BBC reply that a series of small debates with ‘outies’ will be held on Magazine, trending, pop–up and Ceebeebies, some before the Referendum, all in total adding up to the same airtime as one massive high profile ‘in’.

      For balance.


  16. AsISeeIt says:

    “… a classroom of Ores and Nagas…”

    That’s the joke on the BBC red sofa this morning as the hand-picked presenting line up reflect on their youth. We go over to a London school and… hey presto… a real rainbow nation in the making!

    Of course we can’t blame kids for stoking the meltdown which is bound to come. I think we know which politicians and which media forces wanted this dangerous utopian experiment and forced it on Britain.

    This news item is about getting all school kids to do 15 minutes of sport each day – wasn’t PT or PE or whatever always on the curriculum?

    The sofa bods joke : “I wonder if the head teacher had a track suit under his leather jacket?”

    By the way the would-be hipster in charge of this melting pot was young and white and also sporting one of those horrible large circular earring-come-piercings.

    No positive role model there then.


  17. Thoughtful says:


    “Builders uncover Iron Age village in East Yorkshire”

    No stone left unturned (in the quest to turn even the most unlikely subject into pro migration propaganda!)

    There’s nothing particularly untoward on the web page, but the report on Radio 4 ‘Today’ mentioned several times that the people might have been ‘migrants from continental Europe’. Familiarisation techniques.

    Problem is that the current migrants aren’t from continental Europe! and that at some time the UK was attached to Europe, because the channel hadn’t flooded.


    • Guest Who says:

      Lucy wasn’t a migrant. Apparently.


    • Geoff says:

      Regardless of the ‘intentions’ of the program, this isn’t ‘news’ and shouldn’t be listed in the news section. The site was obviously found months ago to allow time for the production of the program.

      This is another shameful case of BBC self promotion in the name of agenda setting and history rewriting. Something that I have noticed is a becoming a frequent occurance, mostly in local (regional) programs in finding a local angle on the happenings in Calais, no matter how far your region is from the British Channel.


    • Cranmer says:

      The idea that ‘we’re all immigrants’ has been a common theme in leftist circles for many years. I think most people accept that. There have been movements of people ever since we climbed down from the trees millions of years ago.

      The objection to mass immigration as I see it however is not for reasons of race but because of the inherent problems in the rapid introduction of large numbers of people with different religious beliefs and cultural attitudes. Not to mention the difficulties of paying for them through a contributory welfare system.


      • Destroy-Deny-Degrade-Disrupt says:

        Speak for yourself, Cranmer. I don’t think that most (white British) people accept that ‘we’re all immigrants’ even in the most tenuous way. There is a sense of self and culture that includes ancestry going back more than just a generation or two, and it’s not a good idea to belittle it.
        The ‘large numbers’ point you made was right, though. That’s where it all falls apart. Those cheerleaders of mass-immigration always like to bring up the Huguenots, who were but a mere 50 thousand, when attempting to compare with the 100s of thousands settling yearly in the past decade. Or even more desperately, the Norman Invasion.
        Race IS a problem, but mainly because the state protects BAME peoples in a way that the white majority (who are now atomised to an extent that many minorities are not) can easily see they don’t receive. It’s the most primitive instinct for egalitarian justice – the monkeys screeching when they see one of their barrel get two bananas when the rest of them have had to do with one – that is constantly being pricked. The ridiculous Hate Laws, the revised Communications Act. It’s all such an insulting mess.


        • Cranmer says:

          The problem is that to say ‘I’m not an immigrant, my family has lived in Gasworks Lane, Romford for six generations’ etc to a leftist will usually result in them saying ‘ah but where were they from before that? We were all immigrants at one stage, etc etc’ It’s better to argue in favour of shared cultural values (such as those of the former British dominions) rather than geography and ancestry, I think.


          • Destroy-Deny-Degrade-Disrupt says:

            Aye, I was going to mention the ‘how far back do you draw the line when you get to say you’re a REAL Brit?’ dilemma that can easily be used to confound. And it’s true. People like me can be revealed to be hypocrites when that line of argument is oversimplified (although Aerfen’s reference – ‘The Oxford University People of the British Isles project has demonstrated that the population of Britain remained remarkably consistent and homogeneous until the latter half of the twentieth century’ – would be a useful counterpoint), and that’s when, for me, race comes into it. I draw the line at negroid and south asian people thinking they have a place here, while the countries of their parents’ or grandparents’ origin remain monocultural.
            Your ideal method is to argue about shared cultural values. Mine is racism. But I’ve long ago jettisoned the idea that I will get very far by using any sort of reason to reverse what is happening, or win people over. Will overcomes reason every time. All to do is wait and have faith that what made me the way I am will make millions that way eventually, too. If they are not already so.


            • Destroy-Deny-Degrade-Disrupt says:

              Oh, and forgot to mention: if indeed there is what quite a few people on this website fear (although I don’t know what to think about it, despite hearing a decade or so ago quite a few scientists clarify that this was indeed the intention, before going decidedly quiet) – a forced rapid complete de-industrialisation of wealthier countries helped along by climate change laws, to enable rapid modernised industrialisation of poorer countries – then it’s all about commodification of people, with an intention of there being a permanent multidirectional flow created much later down the line after countries like ours become much poorer, and many seek to move to greener pastures. So in fact, even me wanting an end to this racial hypocrisy re: monoculture being OK in other countries, is pretty pointless. It should be OK everywhere.


            • TigerOC says:

              Oxford project you mention was extensively covered by the bBBC at the time because they were very excited that the research would prove we are all immigrants. For a while the results were held on their website which I booked marked because I have a great interest in our origins. The articles have been pulled during the last 2 years. Interesting?


      • ID says:

        It is simply false to claim that the British are all.immigrants. If my ancestors arrived on these shores x generations ago, then generation x-1, x-2, etc. down to me are not immigrants. A descendent of an immigrant is not an immigrant.


  18. shelly says:

    Naga on the sofa this morning, kept speaking over the bloke from the soft drinks industry, while effusively agreeing with the smug anti sugar bloke in the studio.

    If they are really worried about childhood obesity, maybe they should take the free bus passes off secondary school kids, and make them walk the half a mile or so to school, just a thought.

    Also does the milky drink exemption mean that these coffee chains, who put about 25 spoonful’s of sugar in a fatty, latte, macchiato, escape the sugar tax ?


  19. AsISeeIt says:

    ‘Makes me want to shout’


    ‘Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff has appointed her predecessor Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva as her new chief of staff. The move shields Lula from possible prosecution by a federal judge investigating a massive corruption scandal named Operation Car Wash.’

    No mention from the BBC that Lula is a Leftist

    If anyone has the knowhow can they please unearth some of the many celebratory reports by the BBC on this chap’s prior career?


    • Flexdream says:

      Neither R4 Today or BBC news online seem to mention ‘left wing’ or ‘socialist’ in describing the Brazilian politicos embroiled in the Petrobras corruption scandal.


  20. DaveR says:

    You’re kidding, Shelly. Walk to school? I live up the road from a school and the little darlings don’t even have to open and close the door themselves – mummy or daddy chauffeur does that for them. I caught on the news the other day that some schools had closed because of some snow. Can’t have been much as that was the one mention of it, and we didn’t get any snow and we were in the same area (North West). The same news item showed the kids whose school had closed happily playing in said white stuff. I know I sound like Monty Python’s Four Yorkshiremen, but I remember walking to and from school (the ‘to’ was largely uphill) in all weathers – and school was about one and a half miles away. God help these little turds when they leave cossetted school and parents’ care and have to fend for themselves in the real world. Has no one in authority the balls to ask why younger people are getting stoned earlier, dying earlier, going to A&E out of their heads – ie why they can’t COPE?


    • Doublethinker says:

      Agree and it is slightly older versions of these wimps in the making that are causing so much anxiety amongst the chattering classes by ‘no platforming’ anyone who doesn’t share their’ right on’ leftist facist views. The chattering classes simply can’t work out that these proto wimps are the product of the liberal left PC society that they have been so busy building over the past 30 or 40 years. One thing is certain and that is that when these wimps become middle aged and responsible for conducting the forthcoming struggle against the Islamification of Europe, they will be totally unable to put up any defence of the continent and its values.
      We can already see that in Macedonia some firm but humane action is all that is required to put a halt to migration through that country. The BBC et al wring their hands and tut tut, but if the liberal politicians who run the continent had take the same action same two years ago there would be no migrant crisis today . I’m afraid that the west has adopted a liberal left culture which is totally unable to defend itself from the predations of Islam . Unless this culture is soon overthrown and people come to power who believe in the value of their culture and history, the end of the west is inevitable and it will be quite swift.


    • BRISSLES says:

      Couldn’t agree more DaveR. There are more fat kids around than ever before and its not only sugar to blame; kids are ferried to school until they go to Yuni; playing fields were sold off plus the advent of health and safety in playing sports led to less sporting activities; and even my paper boy is chauffeured by his parents to do the morning delivery !!! In general parenting skills (I use the term loosely) over the past couple of generations has failed miserably.

      I mentioned yesterday the disgusting antics of the footballers and models at the Cheltenham Festival. Richard Littlejohn in the Mail today just about covers everything in fine detail of what I was talking about.

      These are the people of the future. Pathetic.


  21. AsISeeIt says:

    Leaving aside the joke titles for new BBC shows…


    Think of a platform for the absolute epitomy of our narcissisistic overgrown perpetual adolescent celebrity obsessed BBC clique…

    ‘My Teenage Diary is an award-winning comedy series in which fully-grown celebrities are given the chance to revisit their formative years by opening up their deeply intimate teenage diaries, and reading them out in public..’


  22. JimS says:

    Something that won’t be making BBC headlines:

    On 4 June last year the European Court of Justice upheld a complaint against UK tax policy brought by the EU Commission. They argued successfully that the UK is not allowed to tax “energy saving materials” at just 5% but has to impose a full 20% VAT on them. A long list of green or energy saving products, including insulation, draught strip, central heating controls, hot water system controls, solar panels, wind and water turbines, ground and air source heat pumps, micro combined heat and power units and biomass boilers are all subject to our reduced rate and were all adjudged illegal.

    For years we have had idiots blaming ‘the government’ for NOT zero-rating insulation materials, something that no UK government, whatever its colour, can do. Now it looks like we won’t even be able to keep the 5% rate. Can’t wait for Mr Tom ‘disaster’ Heap to be on this one.


    • Cull the Badgers says:

      I read Mr R’s blog too and it’s a good’n. I wonder the issue will get true unspun coverage by the BBC, and Sky for that matter; they are both biased in favour of the EU and will hide the truth that this is an EU imposition and requirement, if they possibly can get away with it. I have never heard them report that the EU is in total control of VAT, (and a great many other things too which we would like to change but cannot).


  23. G.W.F. says:

    Trump – a threat to the world. Even worse than Brexit.



    • nofanofpoliticians says:

      I spotted this too, GWF… I also had a look at the Economist Intelligence Unit… and picked out page 3 of the About Us section of their website is quite illuminating (I tried a copy and paste but this isn’t possible)


      I wonder why the BBC went to them, specifically? Not because they had an agreeable view presumably? The BBC link is very specific in its statement and constitutes complete bias.


    • Thatcherrevolutionary says:

      Would that be the ‘left-leaning’ EIU?


    • Guest Who says:

      On top of Katty Kay posing the question what can be done to get rid of him and BBC editorial claiming Europe hates him, they are rather stretching the bonds of that already elastic impartiality gene they claim.


    • Roland Deschain says:

      Well, he’s possibly a threat to the world of establishment politicians and media.


    • Maria Brewin says:

      “Trump – a threat to the world.”

      Yes – those with longer memories know that we’ve heard it all before. Remember this?



  24. nofanofpoliticians says:

    Saddened as I am to read of the passing of Cliff Michelmore, I’m not sure it is accurate to say he’s “a familiar figure in BBC radio and TV broadcasting since the 1940s”…


    It must be about 25-30 years since he last did anything on TV.


  25. Geoff says:

    Like him or not, but today we’ve lost another proper entertainer who seemed to disappear from the BBC in the 1980’s at the hands of Elton, Lee, Sayle & Co, when Saturday night TV was worth watching. Still today at least we have an untalented rapper of sorts with a stupid name, a ex con ex cross-dressing popstar, a Labour supporting rabid feminist and some other guy all in the name of Saturday evening ‘entertainment’ a program which mistakenly is called ‘The Voice’.

    RIP Mr Daniels.


    • EnglandExpects says:

      BBC Breakfast itself reported that Daniels ‘fell out’ with BBC managers in the 1990s and his programmes were taken off the air. Why should these anonymous managers dictate that entertainers popular with the public, but not with them, be censored? I suspect that he didn’t chime well with the left-wing metropolitan elite who by the ’90’s had taken over the BBC. Its a good job Morcambe and Wise weren’t around by then


      • Steve Jones says:

        Morecambe and Wise used to share a bed in some scenes so the BBC would have approved.


      • Cranmer says:

        Mr Daniels was quite a right-winger, I believe, so probably would not have got on with senior BBC types. He also worked his way up from the working mens’ clubs, which would be the mark of Satan for the Islington set. To be fair they did play a recording of him on BBC news today calling the BBC rude, because he only found out his show had been axed when he heard it from some BBC person at a party.


        • Cranmer says:

          Absolutely disgraceful comment by the BBC reporter on the news at ten about the late Paul Daniels. He said Daniels ‘had admitted to sleeping with many women, some of those he could not be sure were over 16’. Have any allegations been made against him? If not why bring this up during someone’s obituary? Can you imagine how Mrs McGee would feel after watching that? Sickening.


  26. Englands Dreaming says:

    On the Bloomberg website today was this article on Sweden –
    Too generous for its own good Sweden’s welcome mat in tatters

    in a nutshell it will hit the rocks if it continues with its utopian welfare system paying out to 1000000s of migrants.

    Financial sites almost always have the best reports as they tend to be factual rather than imposing a pc narrative.

    Compare it to the BBC website report on the 3rd of March
    Swedish government struggling over migrant crisis


    which tends to look at the problem as if it was one of miss communication and administration rather than being totally unaffordable (whether you want it or not), in fact it doesnt even mention the financial cost.


    • G.W.F. says:

      Message to the Swedes. As we say in Wales: ‘Hard cack boyos’. It is not as if their government and the voters who support them were unaware of what would happen.


      • Colboysigma says:

        Not being funny but isn’t that what our Government and media are doing to us?? “Hard cack” on us Boyos too then I suppose!
        Also I work and travel regularly in the Nordic countries and I talk to a lot of people. The vast majority of Swedes, Danes and Finns are seriously very angry and frustrated about what their politicians are allowing to happen but if they speak out the minority (media/politicos) play the fascist/ racist cards. (Sound familiar?)


        • G.W.F. says:

          Yes Colboysigma, I agree the government and our media are doing exactly that, and I waver between anticipating a fight back or sweet surrender.


    • Dave S says:

      Other than the fact that Sweden is a European country there is no reason to feel anything but contempt for the place. They wanted the society they have created. That is the reality and they will have to live with it.


      • Grant says:

        Dave S , I agree. Who cares about Sweden ? I cannot believe that Norway will go the same way.


        • Dave S says:

          Norway has taken powers to close it’s border with Sweden by force if necessary. Maybe that will save it maybe not.


          • Grant says:

            Dave S, A long border but good luck to Norway ! I think Sweden is a lost cause .


      • Destroy-Deny-Degrade-Disrupt says:

        No, Dave – just like everywhere else that has changed in this way, the majority of people in Sweden were never consulted before embarking on the multicultural journey. When I went to Gothenburg back in 2009, I was shocked by how openly a few of the staff at the hotel I was staying at spoke to me about muslims, when I was having a ciggie outside in the area they also used. There was a muslim wedding (or at least, one half of one, I think) that night at the hotel, and there were loads of the fuckers, and they were treating the place like dirt. The hatred from the native swedish staff was astonishing. It went back a few years, too.

        Am I being a paranoid android by thinking that you’re being a little divisive? Yeah, yeah, I’m sure I am. 😉


        • chrisH says:

          Yes, the tragic loss of Sweden was inevitable sometime back in the mid 90s.
          It`s as if the whole culture seemed to lose their will to live.
          As a fish rots from the head downwards, so the liberal elite and those who were comfortable decided that this dicing of the nation state was worth the risk…and they`d be seen as a soft power superpower, unlike those nasty Russians nearby, the Yanks further afield.
          Inexplicable. I really loved the country, and it`s hard to believe that we`ll ever see it restored now.
          Can only hope that Agnetha and Anna Frid have secured those islands of theirs….I just see no evidence of any leadership over there.
          Just want to be liked and petted by the rest of Europes effete elite….and the smug middle class now seem to have regressed to undergraduates who naively trust in niceness and multiculture to somehow redeem them.
          Hope they can put their churches onto turntables to face Mecca.
          As I say-an utter tragedy for our continent-and a warning for the ages.


          • Destroy-Deny-Degrade-Disrupt says:

            I have confidence in the Swedish. All is not lost there. The night is darkest before dawn.


  27. Guest Who says:

    I wonder what ‘enshrined in law… effectively…’ means?


    Is that enshrined in law, or not? I do note the matter of Charters comes up, and this top-rated comment:

    Bark Cantatas
    “What’s a bloke got to do in your job to get the sack?” asks a feather-bedded Beeboid, undislodgeable from his sinecure aged 72.

    Mr. Osbourne’s pause was as ominous as it was polite.

    Does Jon know how often how many BBC market rate talents make commitments that are routinely missed?

    He’s barracking the Chancellor on targets unmet that he set, that were influenced by outside variables.

    Was Jon high?


  28. EnglandExpects says:

    The BBC’s reporting on the immigrant crisis has been little short of shameful, although I don’t think that other mainstream UK news broadcasters have been any better. The bleeding heart tone, that implies but does not openly state, that we should just let them all in, is pathetic. As England’s Dreaming points out, the flip side of this has been the refusal to report on the disastrous consequences in Sweden, Germany etc of mass muslim immigration. US based websites have been better, its true. The Daly Mail occasionally highlights the truth but seems to feel obliged to balance this with bleeding heart stuff too. Gates of Vienna is a good pointer to what is really going on. But why should we have to get the truth from elsewhere on the internet when we pay a hefty fee to a national broadcaster for what should be (but isn’t) a reliable news service? I never thought that Dr Goebels’ tactics would prevail in the UK.


    • embolden says:

      The Today programme, this morning at 07.50 ish, Dr Cathryn Costello, professor of International Human Rights and Refugee Law at Oxford University and Tanya Steele, interim chief executive at Save the Children.
      These two formed the BBCs “balanced” discussion about the migration crisis in the Balkans….”babies being washed in puddles”, “unspeakable conditions”, carping at use of the term “illegal migrants”…. they are all refugees of course.

      No pretence at balance, no one to ask “when people leave Turkey in boats what exactly are they fleeing?”, no one to ask “how many safe countries does an Afghan cross to get to Turkey?” no one to ask “why does Southern Europe, with its high levels of unemployment and poverty as a result of the financial crisis and the dynamics of the Euro have to become a refugee camp for people transiting from one safe country to another?” or even “why is cuts ridden, austerity Britain whose chancellor is cutting benfits payments to the disabled, an appropriate destination for inward migration?”, or to ask “why, when Germany invited these people to Germany, does Germany now want to compulsorily share these people, by quotas, with other EU member states?”

      Indeed no one to challenge the relentless bias of the BBC.


      • chrisH says:

        The BBC are good at these “balanced double headers” aren`t they?
        One a Stalinist Green do gooder swilling in the public troughs-the other an academic Marxist doing pretty well AND feeling good about being good-but , oh so emoticoining it for saying sad things and angry things.
        Neither of who has a bone of reason in either head-I mean, ALL must be refugees mustn`t they?
        And Cologne didn`t happen did it?
        If anybody ever speaks against BBC writ-be sure they get snarling attack dogs and abuse from a licensed lefty.
        But come todays “migrant crisis”…well it`s all sad and worrying, said in the therapeutic consoles of the BBC hacks on duty.
        Poultices and a skinny latte available for them all to hog the hotlines to emote about the cost of their being so great, so caring and so-well -concerned about the lack of Muslims coming to the UK.
        And-who`d upset the consensus with a few facts, a few thought from the idiot white van man?
        Not these luvvies and grief thieves…how many f***In Childrens Charities are actually OUT THERE these days-and why do they all speak the begging English as trained by Common Purpose?
        God, we`re dumb…
        Bloody Bob Gandalf and his “Feel The World” song…and then they get grumpy at Savile and Rolf when they try to do so!
        PS-does dressing up as Jimmy Savile cover my duty to come to work dressed as a sporting icon….the lad inspired many of us to take up marathon running…on the end of stick with a small kid chasing maybe?
        Drop your snickers love, you`re on telly!


      • Dave S says:

        What is a surprise is that Oxford really has a professorship in that very odd discipline. Surely a joke. If not then the place has more money than sense and is ripe for a culling.


  29. Umbongo says:

    On Today this morning Humphrys in his conversation with Osborne missed the open (and not by accident pro-Brexit) goal of highlighting the impossibility of the UK government removing the VAT on sanitary products insisted on by the EU. This topic was addressed not because of the referendum (natch) so a bit of swerving by Humphrys was necessary, but because some fem groups are getting agitated.

    Instead of making specific the point about EU power over us, Humphrys allowed Osborne to burble on about the good the tax thereby raised was doing for women’s charities etc. Osborne went on to claim that at some unspecified time in the near future (before the referendum if the EU/Osborne can make some deal?) the EU will graciously allow him to lower the VAT on tampons to zero. Fortunately for us no-marks out here, after Osborne’s efforts (and unlike after McDonnell’s car crash earlier) Kuenssberg was brought on to explain to the punters what the BBC wants us to think Osborne really said.

    On a general point; why does Today use interviewers who know absolutely nothing about the subject they’re discussing? Yes Webb was getting slightly impatient with McDonnell’s refusal to use arithmetical (and thus checkable and refutable) figures for Maoist Labour Party economic policies but why didn’t he just say that’s there’s no point in interviewing this creep because all he spouts is pious lefty generalisations about the “rich” and “hard working families”. An economist (no not the usual BBC escapee from a metaphorical Soviet paradise) would have made mincemeat of McDonnell. The same goes for Humphrys and Osborne. Humphrys got a few glaringly obvious criticisms in (well prepared for, I’m sure, by Osborne’s Treasury team) but, again, someone with actual knowledge – rather than information gleaned from politically charged briefing notes – could have done real damage. Unfortunately, as the BBC recognises, “real damage” on this subject can only come from ammunition provided by the right so the case goes unspoken and unmade. The losers here are of course the “little people” held in contempt by the BBC and the Conservatives (and Labour, of course, but luckily Labour can rely on the BBC to represent its interests in the contempt stakes).


    • Up2snuff says:

      Umbongo: “On a general point; why does Today use interviewers who know absolutely nothing about the subject they’re discussing?”

      Good question. However, sometimes it is knowledge from items that have been covered in another context on the same programme, perhaps within weeks. On one hilarious occasion, they managed it in the same programme and, on another, just 24 hours apart.

      They seem incapable of joined up thinking, of retaining any memory of past broadcasts, current affairs, basic science or arguing or thinking logically.

      Is it because an engineer or Editor or assistant is jabbering in one ear? Could be. Poor preparation in the still small, wee hours when only half awake? Maybe. There are other suggestions I have made on this w/s in the past few months.

      On the other hand, is it deliberate? Are they trying to consciously control their part of the news media and what people hear, hopefully trying to condition what listeners believe and think? I have written on here before, I think, how that was tried in Eastern Europe and elsewhere for so long and yet failed, spectacularly, especially during a time when many of these presenters, editors & producers were young impressionable people in the 1970s and 1980s and were hearing news about it via the BBC.

      While driving home last night and listening to R4’s TWT, I was treated to an item presented by Ritula Shah from Berlin interviewing British or part-British expats living and working in that city. It was assumed by Ritula and an obviously intelligent lawyer, that if the UK left the EU they would be unable to rent or buy property and work and live in Germany or any of the other 27 EU States. Christopher Isherwood came to mind as did PG Wodehouse. How did they – and many, many others – manage to buy property and live and work in Germany and France and elsewhere in Europe before the EU existed, before WW2 even? I thought it was relatively well known that, for instance, Bucharest was known as ‘the Paris of the East’. And Paris itself was inhabited by people from various parts of the world before and during WW2 and in the1950s, 1960s & 1970s long before the EEC expanded from its six founder States.

      Amazingly, the BBC has carried programmes on Radio4 (and no doubt on TV too) about all of this, factual documentary as well as drama, within the last few years. Picasso in Paris. Young British touring and living in Europe in the late 1930s.

      Do these BBC presenters ever listen to other output from the BBC? Pick of the Week on BBC R4 on Sundays at 6.15pm would like us to believe they do.

      A less kind person might describe that as crass ignorance on the part of Ritula and the lawyer. It left me wondering whether Ritula, who no doubt would be happy to be described as a journalist, did any research whatsoever before presenting that programme segment. And her Editor, did he or she not check the item and critically examine it?

      Other thoughts to be had by any questioning listener with a brain would be: ‘Is this propaganda that I am being fed?’ and ‘Are they trying to influence how I vote in the EU Referendum?’.


  30. StewGreen says:

    I stole this off Twitter
    “The BBC would be better called Progressive Socialist Media Group”
    Yes it sums up the way the BBC works with the Guardian and the revolving door into Newsnight jobs

    Actually PSMG probably includes ABC Australia , and CBC Canada


  31. StewGreen says:

    Almost all BBC radio progs tick the box for obeying 2 Regulations : #bbcGiveLeftiesAFreeRide
    and #bbcWhiteManGuilt
    It must have an item dwelling on how white men are responsible for other peoples choices

    (1) Last Week on bbcFFeedback there was a 5 min preview slot for lefty comedian MaeMartin she winged about straight society oppressing bi/gay

    “I think there’s a statistic : about 50% of people under the age of 25 aren’t identifying one way of the other”
    Bottomline that traces back to BS PR and useless media, go back to original data
    83% actually identified as straight
    The 50% fig comes from asking the Kinsey Qn ‘do you feel a bit gay’ and 43% chose one of the 4 options
    However when you get to the last parts you find only a minority of that 43% would actually image finding the same sex attractive even right/person right/time
    So in reality the vast majority are identifying as completely heterosexual
    So even this small 121 person survey comes more into line with the very high number established by the huge ONS survey which put gay+bi at 1.5% of population

    (2) Adam Gopnik on A Point of View

    1980’s “I am just being a bit politically correct was used by women to point out sexist behaviour.”
    (really Adam ? I’ve never heard anyone say that)
    Now in 2016 “I am not going to be politically correct is always said by men

    Box ticked Adam
    He started by saying “cultural appropriation” done by white people is wrong
    but by the end had turned it around saying ‘oh hang on it can be good like how Stones and Beatles copied American black influenced music and improved it’ ..without ever apologising for his first kick

    (3) Just On The Media Show
    #bbcFreeRideForLabour interviewer got close asking difficult questions but allowed brushing aside ..eg You complain about ideas for ‘top slicing’ BBC licence fee to give to other media, but Labour had a similar previous policy
    The polly replied .. ‘You stupid girl, that’s different cos now BBC has adopted the aged-over 75 fees’
    ..and they moved on
    (3a) Last week they once again dwelt AGAIN on BME representation in the media
    Do you choose to stay out of any hobby/profession for any other reason than you are oppressed by the white patriachy? *

    (4) BBCrWS Magicians: The Why Factor
    “Oh shame only 15% of youths at a Young Magic meetup were FEMALE”
    They dwelt on this using the FEMALE magician Fay Presto
    ….no mention was made that she was born a MAN
    see above comment *

    (5) Making History
    Dwelt for half the show , on there being few Afro Carib History academics
    see above comment *

    (6) BBCr4 Inside Science
    Dwelt AGAIN on guilt about female scientists, they outnumber men, but leave early so are less in management
    “discusses what needs to change to ensure more female scientists to stay in science.”
    see above comment *


    • StewGreen says:

      I should add in the #bbchiteMansGuilt agonising about why not “enough” women or BME have entered a profession/hobbly the kneejerk is that they don’t see “people like me”

      But surely that beauty and racism is in the eye of the beholder.

      People are interested in History cos it’s interesting not cos it’s full of White people.
      Although with recent history after the war may have some links for the most part the PAST is A DIFFERENT COUNTRY ..even as little as 60 years ago the people were completely different to us although we can empathize. Going back further customs and language would be completely alien to modern people. Like for pre Roman we don’t really know what skin colour or languages they spoke ..It’s just like a different country.

      I don’t really buy this idea that people make choices largely on desiring to be around “people like us” plenty of mle dominated things seem to be based around individual independence and not being in groups from explorer to gamekeepers to touring late night comedians.


      • StewGreen says:

        Many of those BBC staff sriving whitemansguilt operations probably have actual guilt in getting their own family and friends BBC jobs #nepotism.


        • Up2snuff says:

          Stew, someone got into trouble recently for suggesting that one increasing problem in our society was down to narcissism. The well situations that you post on above & analyse so well could be attributed to a level of narcissism. Will this self-obsession be a temporary fashion and fade into oblivion as so many trends do?

          I would certainly hope so but fear not.

          WoMankind 😉 has firmly made hemself & hirself (and their beliefs) into their own God who they must self-worship on a regular basis.


  32. oldartist says:

    A couple of slippery politicians of Daily Politics today: Chris Philp and Seema Maholtra.
    I have to say for once Andrew Neil was genuinely balanced in the relentlessness of his questioning and gave them both a thoroughly deserved hard time. But Seema Maholtra really takes the top prize for talking without actually saying anything at all. Her advisers must supply her with a bunch of serious sounding phrases and she just puts them together in any random order. She is the Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury for God’s sake.


    • EnglandExpects says:

      I agree with the above comments about the Daily Politics. The third rate MPs who seem to be put up to go on
      this programme have developed a defence against Andrew Neil’s tough questioning. The interviewees simply ignore his question and either answer one he hasn’t asked or lob back a question of their own . Then the real airheads like the Seema woman from Labour are even worse and just endlessly repeat stock phrases that have no relevance to anything.
      Andrew Neil is far and away the best interviewer on politics and economics that tne BBC has, but he is being wasted on callow, useless backbenchers or shadow spokespeople who have nothing to contribute but their vacuousness .


  33. AlexM says:

    I have been seeing a lot of postings on other media about schools being forced into Academy status. Apparently a lot of people don’t like the way that some people at the top of Academy groups have been paying themselves large six-figure salaries, thereby stripping out profits from a non profit company, and all funded by tax payers.

    It’s the sort of thing you would have thought the BBC would have made a big fuss about, but they haven’t. Fancy that.


  34. yankalp says:

    Today’s New York Times has a typical sob story on the “refugees” stuck in Greece. What’s interesting is that, in the comments section, the normally ultra-liberal readership is having absolutely none of it: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/18/world/europe/greece-idomeni-refugees.html?&target=comments&hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&modref=HPCommentsRefer&clickSource=story-heading&module=second-column-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news#commentsContainer


    • Guest Who says:

      Some class commentary there. I see the same on Graun CiF and BBC HYS and Facebook when these pint-sized Pulitzer wannabes trot out their tripe. Yet still they keep doing it. Not sure the effect is as intended.


  35. G.W.F. says:

    A man with diminished responsibility is detailed indefinitely for beheading his wife. The BBC report caught my eye because the man was named – an English name – and his photograph accompanied the story. Just normal reporting.

    But it stands out because it is a normal report, as opposed to a BBC style report of a man, without a names acting with no known motivation, and a statement from the police to re-assure the community.



    • Destroy-Deny-Degrade-Disrupt says:

      Yeah, I don’t remember a picture of that Salvadore being shown by the BBC in their initial reports of the Edmonton beheading.

      There was this picture, though.

      View post on imgur.com

      With the text:
      “Residents were evacuated from the area and the street has been cordoned off, police said”

      Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.


      • Guest Who says:

        Judges for next year’s GBBO? The psycho jihadi commander offal round is apparently very competitive.


  36. AsISeeIt says:

    Why does toast always land butter side down?

    Given any 50:50 situation why does the BBC always seem to spout the pro-Islam narrative?

    The Turkish-Greek conflict over Cyprus is at the very least a six of one, half-a-dozen of the other, situation – although that so often relied upon by the BBC holy cow ‘International Law’ reckons ‘The occupation is viewed as illegal… amounting to illegal occupation of European Union territory since Cyprus became its member’.

    ‘In 1983 the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) declared independence, although Turkey is the only country that recognizes it’.

    So isn’t it odd that BBC man Damien Grammaticus reporting on the EU summit about the migration crisis notes a possible stumbling block to agreement as being : “Cyprus does not recognise Turkey” Naughty naughty Cypriots! Can’t the bubbles get it into their stupid Christain heads – toast always lands butter side down?


    • Aborigine Londoner says:

      It must be the special spread al-beeb love laying it on thick:



  37. G.W.F. says:

    Not directly connected to BBC bias, but it touches on the multicultural project advanced by them.
    The video, which is worth watching, is a property advert for a gentrified part of London. According to the Standard Londoners – yes genuine multicultural Londoners of mixed ethnicity – are outraged over its depiction of Londoners as horribly white. Can you Adam and Eve it? Londoners white, not a brown face in the video is the complaint about this ‘nauseating property advert’. Cor blimey, strike a light, nauseating whiteys in London!



    • Steve Jones says:

      Don’t know what they are complaining about. I saw a couple of foreign looking types, at least 2 effeminate men and the corner shop in Knightsbridge owned by a muslim. Can’t get much more diverse than that. Still, as one comment states, it is an advert so basically they are lying in order to sell flats.


    • Destroy-Deny-Degrade-Disrupt says:

      Finally Samuel Johnson’s aphorism – ‘When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life’ – goes to lay at rest with the great man himself.

      It now becomes – ‘When a man is tired of London, he is finally awake’


      • Al Shubtill says:

        Didn’t Cobbett describe London as “the great wen”? About time it was lanced.


        • embolden says:

          Thanks Al, one of the pleasures I take from this site is to see a fellow user casually quoting Cobbett. “Like”!


          • Dave S says:

            Agreed. Chesterton called him the’ Horseman of the shires.’
            It is the shires now where the real English live and God Willing will hold fast to the land and their ways.


            • Al Shubtill says:

              Unfortunately DS the shires are where lots of Eastern Europeans have located themselves too.

              Isn’t the EU great!


    • Aborigine Londoner says:

      A slightly more representative view of Dalston:


      • embolden says:

        Blimey, the advertisers and developers will be lucky not to be deluged with referrals to trading standards!

        And another thing, reading some of the comments on the Standard piece….there’s someone moaning that the flats are being “marketed at foreign buyers” hence the “whiteout” LOL! These virtue signalling clowns are just beyond parody.


      • Up2snuff says:

        AL, did you film that? Thanks for showing. Made me a bit homesick though. I may sue! 🙂 Cheers, Snuffy


    • Borvo says:

      No surprise here really, all the multi culti actors were busy making the ads for The Halifax, Sofa shops and supermarkets, showing us ignorant whiteys the true make up of our wonderful society.


    • StewGreen says:

      Dalston is the are famous for shootings and gun crime. Isn’t it ?
      So the video should feature sirens and gun shots


  38. Geoff says:

    When the 4pm Radio 2 news reported that during raids in the ‘Curry Mile’ Manchester it was found that four out of five establishments visited had ‘altered’ their electricity supplies I nearly crashed the car, not because of the content of the story, but the fact that the BBC had actually reported it.

    The factual content of the story I wasn’t in the least surprised about and I would guess that the majority of the 1600 similar crimes are committed by those that have learnt their skills abroad, now there’s one for Panorama…. Apparently its costing each household an extra £30 a year, ah the benefits of multiculturalism and cheap curries eh?

    Maybe Capita should check their TV licences as well?

    My shock didn’t last for long, the story had slipped from the agenda of the 5pm news…


  39. An English Gentleman says:

    Sorry, wrong link
    Moderator, please delete original link

    This is the correct link


  40. Pillar in a circle says:

    Here’s another one that the Babblers of Babel Corp won’t be covering (ITV seems to have been the only one that gave it a passing glance):

    ‘A taxi firm boss has been jailed for offering a council contracts officer a “four-figure sum” to stop his company getting penalised.
    Muzaffar Hussain, of Station Road, Redhill, asked his friend Saeed Shakir to offer a £500 cash sum with the promise of further payments to the Surrey County Council official.
    Hussain, 46, was a director of the Road Runners Gatwick Ltd taxi company, which provided home-to-school transport services for the local authority.
    The court heard problems had arisen with the contract, due to the company not managing a number of the routes satisfactorily, and it was about to be penalised by having these routes taken away.
    The taxi company’s £1m contract with the county council was subsequently terminated’

    The weird crew who run Al Beeb clearly couldn’t give a flying toss that it has now become entirely normal for children to travel to school alone in taxis driven by male strangers, many of whom have come from foreign lands with entirely different cultures. But then those who run the BBC showed their love for weird men like Jimmy Savile and Rolf Harris, so what more can one expect from those who control that for which the slaves must pay?
    By the way, the name of one their other beloveds, Naga, means “snake”. Geldorf’s name can be rearranged to “Blob Forged”. Seems about right.


    • Al Shubtill says:

      BBC Look North neither yesterday nor today went anywhere near the story of the 64 taxi drivers in Rotherham who had their licences taken from them by the council, due to their unfittedness to be permitted to drive female kaffir children around (my interpretation); included in this group was the (Muslim) former deputy leader of Rotherham’s (previous) Labour Council, who was himself related to two of the Muslims sentenced recently for the rape, assault and coercion into drug use and prostitution of female kaffir children from Rotherham.

      This lack of coverage by al beebus here in Yorkshire, was despite it being covered by BBC national radio throughout yesterday – I wonder why?


  41. Dover Sentry says:

    BBC Online News:
    (Beds, Herts and Bucks).

    “”Dr Mohammad Haq guilty of fondling patients””

    “”A doctor has been found guilty of fondling the breasts of a teenage girl and three women patients during unnecessary clinical examinations””

    “”Dr Mohammad Haq, 74, of Parkstone Avenue, Hornchurch, London, was found guilty of five offences of indecent assault on four women””


    So, not reported nationally but buried News in the remote and out of immediate view ‘Beds, Herts and Bucks’ section.
    I think it should be national News. Along with that footballer last week who had a sexual contact with a 15 year old girl. The case was followed daily by the BBC on it’s web front page.

    The Doctor was in a position of trust. A very serious matter.



  42. An English Gentleman says:

    This post is not strictly about the biased bbc but I do feel it will be appreciated by most on this site

    PLEASE watch/listen to the end


    • taffman says:

      An English Gentleman
      An excellent post.
      Definitely worth a watch, our parents and grandparents fought to get us the vote and democracy.
      Our present leaders are wasting that luxury away and selling us down the river to ‘save Europe’ .
      You will not see or hear speeches like this on our so called ‘independent’ media , its a disgrace .
      Vote to get out of the anti British and democratic state that is the EU.


      • taffman says:

        Trump – ‘He is rated as riskier than Britain leaving the European Union or an armed clash in the South China Sea.’
        ‘riskier than Britain leaving the European Union’ ?
        ‘According to the EIU”
        Now, excuse my western British/Welsh ignorance, but just who are the EIU ?
        Why should Great Britain re-establishing its independence be a Global Risk ?

        Over to you , Marvin, Scott, Jerrod , Kikuchiyo and the rest of your ‘magnificent seven’ trolls.


        • chrisH says:

          Much MORE dangerous that Donald Trump will be
          1. If we vote to stay in the EU
          2. If we let Turkey into the EU
          3. If we allow more Muslims into the country without checking them.
          4. If we let Labour into power
          5. If Merkel stays as German Chancellor
          6. If Geert Wilders, Tommy Robinson or Marine Le Pan ever come to harm
          7. If the BBC is not smashed to smithereens.
          8. If Climate Change is ever taken seriously in policy that affects real people.
          9. If Universities don`t return to thinking for themselves and not for the Guardians approval
          10. If we ever get a united Ireland under Fianna Fail.
          Could think of more…but the election of Hitlery Clinton will cause us all FAR more worries than electing Donald Trump.


    • Soapbox says:

      A splendid post and video – thank you EG.

      Heffer’s quiet sensible delivery was such a contrast to the manic panic-inducing stuff hand-wringing shrieking that comes from the remainers. I’ve always liked his articles and it was a joy to see and hear the man speak.


      • wronged says:

        Thank you from me too. I never knew (until now) that politicians lose their considerable EU pension if they speak out against the EU. If this is’nt a quasi Communist/Fascist institution then I don’t know what is!


        • Soapbox says:

          Neither did I, wronged! That was some revelation, wasn’t it?
          I will ensure I tell that to as many people as I can before 23 June.


    • Al Shubtill says:

      AnEG – thank you so much for posting that, what a superb speech; Heffer is as articulate speaking as he is lucid in his writing.

      That condition attached to the pension the ex-EU scum get must be relayed to as many folk as possible, I was about to write that it’s unbelievable – but this is the EU, where no corruption it gets up to should surprise anyone.


  43. taffman says:

    Beware – Will this replace the telly poll tax ? Cherish your computers .


  44. taffman says:

    ‘The chancellor was forced to revise down his growth forecasts and admit he had missed key targets in his Budget.’

    Mr Osborn, you could put you country back in surplus by getting out of Europe before it crashes and you could also cut Foreign Aid .
    Sped the money on your own industry and people .


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      Ah, but the chancellor does spend money on his own people. It’s just that he doesn’t consider ordinary British folk to be ‘his own people’. Foreign billionaires with yachts are far more to his liking. Toodle TTIP, as they say.


  45. Helena Hand-Basket says:

    I’d like to thank everyone who kindly complimented my ideas for new Islamic-slanted BBC shows (such as ‘Dad’s jihadis’). Thanks, also, to those, who gave me a laugh with your own contributions! You’ve given me ideas for my own next batch of programme ideas. (I’m working on a new Muslim version of Lord Clark’s ‘Civilisation’, by the way.)

    Shelly, I’ve been working along similar lines to your most amusing ‘Condemnation Street’. Though my ‘Caliphatisation Street’ has a slightly different slant.

    (I live in Australia, by the way, which because of the time differences can cause problems in joining discussions.)


  46. Lock13 says:

    Oh Charlie ‘ look at my hair’ Stayt has elevated himself to a Broadcaster now, there was me thinking he sat reading an auto cue whilst chewing a wasp for a living. Nana has more make-up on than boots (is the circus in town love ?)
    I note how Carol Kirkwood gets quite interested in the weather North of the border when it is warm in Braemar but we have heard nothing about the snow and minus 10 up there for the previous month.
    Sport relief tonight folks so won’t be going anywhere near the BBC this evening


  47. AsISeeIt says:

    “…that should be fairly funny…”

    So says weather mum Carol Kirkwood giving the BBC outlook for Sport Relief male celebrity synchronised swimming. Albeit in honesty she presents a less than resoundingly positive forcast of hilarity – I beg to differ, sorry BBC, it is most unlikey to make me laugh.

    Has it never occurred to the camp liberal media that they now starve boys of positive role models?

    Do I hear the Little Britain lads plus Michael Crawford are also involved? Well, at least Frank Spencer used to insist “I’m a married man”


  48. embolden says:

    BBC Today being rather tight lipped about the EU-Turkey negotiations on the migration crisis, and what exactly the EU will be proposing to Turkey…
    so unlike the usual BBC coverage of events that typically includes acres of speculation and guessing games.

    What`s being agreed? what are the options? what number are being agreed? what are the various shades of opinion within the EU member states and within the European Parliament?

    Not a dickie bird. This is how the EU works, decisions impacting on the demographics of member states and the whole of Europes future being made behind closed doors with a non – EU member state with a silent and compliant media in cahoots…….to quote several people from Havering I heard asked their opinions on the EU referendum last night…..”OUT! OUT! OUT!…..NOW!”


    • Dave S says:

      I think we can guess why the media is silent. Turkey is blackmailing the EU and is a totalitarian state in the making. By the EU’s own criteria quite unfiited to join.
      In addition the brexit case is much stronger now if the EU gives in to Turkey as it will. Bit of a problem for our lugenpresse.
      Just watch their faces and you will know they are lying – the whole lot of them. Politics and the media in this country and in the West is rotten to the core. No wonder Trump is winning.


  49. Dave666 says:

    Breakfast Terminally dull sports relief gets promoted, hey and we are paying for this crap. eddie lizard manages to tell us dead terrorist mandela was in prison for 27 years whilst running round south Africa.
    Has anyone looked at the BBc listings recently? It’s abysmal. Tonight we have the excruciatingly inane sports relief So I won’t be watching the BBc tonight although that goes for most nights these days.


    • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

      I loved the breakfast sofa sports correspondent yesterday morning getting down and dirty with the kids.
      How? Well…they were discussing the push to make kids get more exercise…and the crosscountry runs etc…
      Our erstwhile reporter declared he hated the exercise, and used to resort to ” getting a note from matron”
      Rofl…a note from matron? How many of YOU had a fucking matron?


      • chrisH says:

        Would YOU let your kids be “interviewed” by BBC gents in shorts , who linger rather too long at the basketball court as the lads get a sweat on?
        I`m very surprised that the BBC dare to send their staff out with those tracksuits and those big pointless medals…not communion ones, that`s for sure.
        Jimmy Savile surely scotched THAT penchant,
        But no-the BBC are at it again….they make sporty relief into something very sleazy-yet they`re doing it all again.
        Get the BBC out of school and childrens broadcasting….


      • Dave666 says:

        Sorry no Matron at Dibden comprehensive, not when I was there anyway


  50. Cull the Badgers says:

    The BBC was at its elitist and Establishment worst just now on The Daily Politics. They had invited a local UKIP councillor I think from Cardiff who has apparently said something disparaging about the public hygiene habits of some eastern Europeans who are now living there.

    The BBC doesn’t like this, to have someone with the temerity to criticise immigrants, and of course being from UKIP the BBC no doubt thought they were on a gift.

    Andrew Neil was at his arrogant sneering worst. I have no doubt he imagined he could eat this little provincial upstart and spit him out, but no, it didn’t work out like that. The UKIPer had the measure of him, and I loved the invitation he offered to the BBC to have some of the local welsh people in the studio to ask them what they think, and for Neil to go down to Cardiff and interview these immigrants about their disgusting habits and ask them why they thought they should do this and upset local indigenous people. An invitation not likely to be taken up in either case.

    And I can’t see Andrew Neil risk getting a punch in his carefully made up face, it’s for lesser mortals to deal with life as it really is; not for the likes of him.


    • G.W.F. says:

      I am often annoyed with the frequent portrayal of Neil as one of the better BBC outspoken interviewers. Occasionally he rattles a few lefties or remainers, but on the whole he sticks with the BBC line – no tolerance for UKIP, EDL, and anyone who has a negative but realistic view about immigration or the blessed refugees. He is not well informed and relies on snarls and shouts and repeated ambiguous questions and side issues which he pretends have not been answered. Like all media bullies behind a desk he can be taken down, as when Kate Hopkins invited him to visit areas which he denied were no go for non moslims


      • EnglandExpects says:

        I’m afraid I have generally thought Neil to be by far the best of the bunch but I admit his condescending attitude to the UKIP guy from Cardiff really annoyed me. I thought that the interviewee stood his ground very well. UKIP representatives are treated by the BBC with ill disguised contempt and Neil followed this line, unfortunately. There is as much chance of Neil going to Cardiff to get the facts about immigrants and throwing out waste as there is of Yvette ‘hypocrite’ Cooper fulfilling her promise to house migrants in one of her homes.


      • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

        I’m still waiting for brillo (@afneil) to make good his tweeted promise to interview an ‘islamist’ in the same manner that he did with Tommy Robinson.
        As usual…he has wimped out of carrying out his widely tweeted promise.


      • ID says:

        I didn’t hear the UKIP interview, but later there was talk about separation of “fact and opinion” in the media. Newspapers like the Sun are wicked because they have a line that may be set by the editor and proprietor. Someone pointed out that this must be obvious to its readers and as newspapers are commercial enterprises, they cannot ignore the views of the readership and may even champion them. Neil then said that the had always always ignored his readers. You could read too much into a single remark but this is simply par for the course at the BBC. Neil has unwittingly revealed what he really thinks about his viewers, No wonder Matthew Parris appears on the program. It’s important to listen to voters, but you should never do what they say.


    • Roland Deschain says:

      Ah, this story.

      Top UKIP body may deselect race row candidate, senior figure says

      Mr Bennett was quoted in WalesOnline saying: “I think in Cardiff the starkest area which has changed completely is City Road.

      “That’s probably where we have a multiplicity, a melting pot of different races all getting on each other’s nerves, I think, and certainly causing lots of problems because of different cultural attitudes, very visible problems of rubbish which is being left on the street uncollected all the time.”

      Mr Bennett was asked by Andrew Neil on BBC’s Daily Politics what evidence he had for his claim that it is migrants causing a rubbish problem. He said: “I haven’t got any firm evidence to give you now.”

      If I wanted to vote for a party that gets a fit of the vapours because someone has stated the bleedin’ obvious about the habits of some immigrants, there are plenty to choose from without UKIP feeling the need to morph into more of the same. This is, in my view, precisely why Donald Trump is defying the normal political rules. He sees that people are sick of not being allowed to say things as they see them for fear of giving offence to some unrepresentatively loud-mouthed pressure group. A tipping point has been reached where enough people have realised it’s not just them who think like that and they’re no longer prepared to shut up.


      • Geoff says:

        I maintain that Farage hit the spot with his foreign HIV patients costing the NHS comment during last years election debates, he was on a roll.

        If those around him had backed him instead of being bullied by BBC and the rest of the MSM, he would have continued uttering more inconvenient truths and opening more voters eyes.

        As it turned out by doing an about turn and allowing the BBC and the like to wrongly link the comment with homosexuality and paint him as some sort of homophobe, he lost his mojo and I’m not convinced he’s recovered it since.


        • oldartist says:

          Yes, you are right. I can remember that as soon as he made that comment it was immediately followed by an outrageous display of pious grandstanding from Sturgeon, Bennet and Wood about not turning anyone away from our hospitals to rapturous applause from the brain dead lefties in the audience. Not a though given to the British tax payers who are being cheated into believing that the word “national” in NHS actually means something. Had Jeremy Corbyn been the labour leader at the time he might have read out a letter from Mrs Smith telling us about the detrimental effect health tourism was having on her hip replacement – only of course he wouldn’t.


          • G.W.F. says:

            I do believe that was a turning point for UKIP, after that the media went after any UKIP council candidate who made what were regarded as non PC comments or had a past that did not represent the current respectable UKIP position. The Trump way was rather like the UKIP Cardiff man – don’t back down. I fear that UKIP will now try to remove him and appease the media


          • taffman says:

            Like Enoch Powell, he was just telling the truth.