Stop The West Coalition



The BBC has been dodging hard talk on Corbyn’s association with the ‘madcap coalition of trots, Islamists and anti-west fury chimps’  that is the Stop The West Coalition.

With a vast archive of material to choose from that illustrates everything that the critics of the STWC say they are guilty of the BBC opts to not mention much, if any, of that and in this report seems to cheer on CorbynCorbyn defies calls to shun Stop the War dinner.

This is as far as the BBC goes to remind its audience of STWC’s support for terrorism…and even then ‘praises’ them for having removed an article…..

A tweet and article published in the wake of the attacks on Paris last month suggested France had “reaped the whirlwind” of Western support for extremist violence in the Middle East.

Both were later removed and disowned by the organisation’s leaders, but critics have highlighted another article last week which argued jihadists were driven by a “spirit of internationalism and solidarity” akin to the International Brigades that fought in the Spanish Civil War.


Trouble is there is a lot more absolutely damning stuff out there.

Here’s just one example that makes a mockery of one defence that STW puts up….that it is anti-war in all its guises...prefering diplomacy to bombs….

Six steps to defeating ISIS without the US and Britain bombing Iraq or Syria

Phyllis Bennis .

Military attacks are wrong, illegal in international law, immoral because of civilian casualties, a distraction from diplomacy, and make real solutions impossible.

President Obama is right: There is no military solution. Military actions will not set the stage for political solutions; they will prevent those solutions from taking hold. Escalating military actions against this violent extremist organization is not going to work.

So no military solution, diplomacy is the answer….except when the Jews are the target….

Stop the War Coalition

Time to go to war with Israel as the only path to peace in the Middle East

Richard Falk .

‘Legitimacy war’, combining the mobilization of a movement from below with global solidarity, is the best prospect for realizing Palestinian self-determination, says Richard Falk.

Or how about this from Corbyn’s executive director of strategy and communications, Seumas Milne…

Milne is closely associated with STWC and is a frequent speaker for them.

As STWC says…

Lindsey German, convenor of Stop the war Coalition, writes:

“Seumas Milne is a very good choice as executive director of strategy and communications for Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. He is anti-war, opposes nuclear weapons, and supports the Palestinian struggle for justice and human rights. These are Jeremy Corbyn’s politics too.


Jeremy Corbyn’s politics too…shouldn’t the BBC be paying more attention to the terrorist sympathising leader of the opposition who could be PM one day?

Then again the BBC is in tune with much of what he says on these subjects…

Mr Corbyn, who has been a leading member of the Stop the War coalition since it was founded, used his speech to praise its campaigns against military interventions.

“It has been shown to be right in opposing more than a decade of disastrous wars – in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya – while many of its most vociferous critics supported them,” he said.


STWC is also a long time ‘friend’ of the regime in Iran (Again much in tune with the BBC narrative which downplays Iran’s danger)…and just as they stopped anti-Assad Syrians speaking at one of their events (Chaired by Corbyn lover, Diane Abbott) they stopped anti-Islamist Iranian speakers as well favouring the regime’s own people, just as they did with Assad…..

In 2005, Stop the War told a group of anti-regime Iranian refugees that Stop the War “can not allow any statement against the Islamic regime in Iran from the platform.” Stop the War official Andrew Burgin has stated: “There are supporters of Ahmadinejad who we do not want to exclude.”

The BBC report finishes with this…

Former Labour leader Ed Miliband told the BBC’s Newsnight he would not “commentate on what organisations Jeremy Corbyn chooses to be member of”.

“I think our party’s focus should be on taking the fight to the Tories and working out the ideas that are going to win us the next general election, not Jeremy Corbyn’s political engagements.”

So Corbyn’s ‘political engagements’,   with pro-terrorist, pro-mass murdering regimes, with hardline islamists, should just be swept under the carpet?  This from a man who tried to make a political career out of maligning  Cameron for being a ‘toff’and trying to stir up a class war against anyone who went to Eton.    Talk about priorities.   Mass murderer Assad…he’s OK (oh yes…Miliband didn’t want to bomb him did he?)  Cameron, who went to Eton, is the spawn of the devil.

Did the BBC challenge Miliband on his statement?  No, of course not.


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7 Responses to Stop The West Coalition

  1. BBC delenda est says:

    ‘would not“commentate on what organisations Jeremy Corbyn chooses to be member of”.’

    Says Red Ed Minibrain, son of the anti Western Marxist scumbag Ralph Milliband. Ralph being a firm supporter of the “bite the hand that feeds you” treason groups, treason groups with members just like him, at that time, in the USA. In fact, in the USA they were all just like Ralph.

    To return to today Alan, I think you missed something.

    If I was asked by the BBC to comment on Jeremy Corbyn I would say “Corbyn is a grade A ****” If I did not wish to comment I would say “I will not comment on JC”.

    I would not say commentate. A commentator, in this context, is someone paid by, and usually employed by, the BBC to transmit the impartiality for which the BBC is so well known.

    The inference being that both MinibrainE (to distinguish him from MinibrainD) and the BBC regard each other as being in the same team, singing from the same blood-soaked hymn book. The team colours, and the team flag being red. The book being Das Kapital.

    Proof that the BBC is a subsidiary of The British Labour Party.


  2. Grimer says:

    SWP once had a poster on their website that showed of a photo of coffins, in the back of a transport plane, draped in the Union Flag. Superimposed over the image was a ballot paper with a cross in the box next to SWP.

    The tag line was ‘Let’s make sure these are the only boxes filled on election day’.



  3. NCBBC says:

    Military attacks are wrong, illegal in international law, immoral because of civilian casualties, a distraction from diplomacy, and make real solutions impossible.

    I agree with that. But there are consequences if we are to adopt a purely defensive strategy.

    As Islam is at war with the West, it becomes vital to stop all Muslim immigration for a defensive strategy to work. Otherwise we will be in the ludicrous position of no offensive strategy, as well as allowing millions of Muslims into the country. After all we didn’t allow millions of Germans to enter the UK ,and sign on to Benefits, even though a majority were not likely to be Nazis. It is ludicrous to allow Muslim immigration when the vast majority support Sharia.

    As long as the Islam is at war with us, and that means according to Islamic tenets, forever, Muslim immigration must not only be stopped but reversed. Hard though this is, there is no way to stop Sharia in the UK, given that Muslims have a very high birth rate.


    • TrueToo says:

      While the BBC gets livid with outrage over Donald Trump’s suggestion that the US ban Muslims temporarily from entry to the country, Jordan, Israel’s ‘peace partner,’ has just banned a number of religious Israeli Jews from entering the country, stating that it will not allow ‘Jewish items’ in to defile the country. It is also illegal for Jews to become citizens of Apartheid Jordan.

      Of course, while the unelected Trump is merely talking about denying entry to Muslims, Arab and other Muslim countries have for decades been actively implementing that policy regarding their perceived enemies. Worse, almost all of them have expelled every last Jew from their countries after looting their assets.

      No doubt the BBC will remain blissfully unaware of those facts, and even if made aware of them would never broadcast them.

      That’s yet another reason why the BBC cannot be trusted to bring us the news.


  4. zero says:

    “So no military solution, diplomacy is the answer….except when the Jews are the target….”

    It’s perfectly clear in the article that what Richard Falk terms a ‘Legitimacy war’ consists of boycotts, divestment, sanctions, and other forms of non-violent resistance. You may well oppose such actions; but to claim he’s calling for military action against Israel is either spectacularly stupid or wilfully dishonest.


    • Demon says:

      Supporting Palestinian terrorist groups is to support ‘military action’ against Israel. To deny that is to be ‘either spectacularly stupid or wilfully dishonest’ or both.


      • TrueToo says:

        So true, Demon. Falk is the worst kind of traitor to his own people. Though himself Jewish, he uses his UN position to rant against Israel with a vindictiveness only matched by Israel’s most bitter enemies.

        He is a pig, guzzling at the UN trough while giving comfort and support to all those who would destroy Israel.

        I really hope he is no relation to the late, great Peter Falk of ‘Columbo’ fame.