Well, no real surprise. The BBC have adopted their default mode and sought to distance Islam from the acts of Islamic terror that defaced the City of Lights on Friday evening. Instead we get lots of nice images of International landmarks to show how the “international community” is showing solidarity. I’m surprised the BBC have not been able to find a pic of a MOSQUE draped in the French colours. Coughs. The BBC have also been a tad quiet on the fact that France has pretty strict gun control laws, the sort they constantly agitate for in the US. If only someone had told the IS savages, eh? At times like this, BBC and SKY are a disgrace but only ONE of them forces us to pay for the garbage it churns out.


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104 Responses to DEFLECTION

  1. Oldspeaker says:

    I’m probably out of step on this but I was also bemused by the landmark lighting response, it just seemed so cheap and inappropriate in response to what had just happened, it makes the west look a little impotent too. They kill civilians on the streets of Paris and we’ll show them by lighting buildings up?


    • Guest Who says:

      Not out of step at all. And while by no means the first, James Delingpole but one high profile commentator to summarise what many not spoken for by the BBC and its rainbow nation seem to be feeling about the sones lumiere displays to confuse incoming rounds with prettiness and hashtags.


    • The Highland Rebel says:

      When terrorists attack Paris the west unites to condemn terror.
      When terrorists attack Israel the west unites to condemn Israel.



      • TrueToo says:

        Interesting question and it would take a long time to scout for the answers. But here are some pointers:

        Western politics is largely dominated by idiotic political correctness and the need ‘liberals’ have to feel good about themselves by identifying and supporting the underdog in any conflict – except of course if the underdogs are the Jews. This is the result of thousands of years of anti-Semitic indoctrination by the Catholic church and other institutions.

        And so in a conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, the West as a whole will always support the Palestinians – even though to regard them as the underdog in the conflict is to ignore the power of Arab oil and Arab propaganda.

        The left-wing mass media, of which the BBC is such a fine example, has therefore a rich field available to nourish anti-Israel sentiment – which is so often a thin disguise for anti-Semitism.


    • Geyza says:

      Not out of step at all. Whilst I send my sincere commiserations and sympathy to the peoples of France, I see no point in diminishing my nationality by placing a transluscent French flag over my facebook avatar. Nor do I see any positive solution to the jihad, from lighting up buildings or having candle-lit vigils or using liberal hash-tags on twitter.

      All it does is give succor to the enemy. It shows them that they have not managed to get us to defend ourselves, and makes them feel safe enough to continue their slaughter.

      An appropriate response would be a clear declaration to the UN, that the Islamic world has 12 months to sort itself out, end the Jihad and live in peace with the rest of the world, or face nuclear annihilation. If there happens to be a single loss of life in Europe through Islamic terrorism in the meantime, Then we in the west will respond by turning Mecca, Medina Raqqa, and the entirity of every other Islamic capital city to green glowing glass in a vast nuclear attack.

      After all, we have nukes. They are supposed to be a deterrant. Let’s use them as such.


      • Xavier says:

        It must be said that this is an extreme response and not representative of most people’s views on this site. The Muslim world needs to change, fast, but levelling entire cities is not the correct response.


        • Glenn says:

          It may be extreme but it would be a potent reminder that the West have the most powerful militaries on the planet.

          A threat to Mecca should suffice.


          • Grant says:

            Glenn, Many years ago, shortly after the Iran revolution, Gromyko went to Tehran and met Ayatollah Khomeneh . He took his Rolex watch off, threw it on the ground and crushed it with his foot, saying ” That is what we shall do to your fucking holy city of Qoum “. I suspect that Putin would be aware of that story.


            • Up2snuff says:

              It would be really tough for Assad, Syrians, al-Abbadai and Iraqis to accept but one solution to IS/ISIL/Daish might be to cede them some ‘permanent’ territory that they have already captured as the Caliphate that they long for.

              It would come with heavy conditions attached. They are totally responsible for the people who choose to live within its borders. They will have to get on with real world living of water supplies, energy generation, sanitation, food supplies and international trade. They can have their own currency. They cannot import weapons. They cannot expand their borders. Their borders would be policed by the UN & Coalition forces from outside. They cannot leave their Caliphate once it is established. They cannot do anything to sponsor or undertake terrorism or any unrest in any other nation. They must accept all who wish to go and live there.

              Any transgression of these rules would result in sanction of military force and possible loss of territory. When the territory is lost in that way, it will be gone, it will not be returned. Their Caliphate will shrink but they can return to complying with the terms that are imposed on them and live in peace or alternatively face a slow, gradual annihilation for any transgression.

              It would not require nuclear weapons to enforce this arrangement. The loss of civilian (non-combatant) lives should be brought to an end. The Caliphate will have a dose of real-world living and its leadership be under pressure to provide for the needs of their people.

              Seems the only way out of the mess that the Middle East is in right now.


              • Charlatans says:

                What endorse a Caliphate in addition to the different levels that already exist? Saudi, Iraq, Qatar, Iran, Bahrain, UAE, Yemen, Sweden etc etc

                Don’t think so.


        • Geyza says:

          The realistic, and 100% serious threat of such should be enough. We are fighting for our very existance and way of life. We should act like it, and bring everything we have to the table.

          I am NOT suggesting we nuke a city for nothing. I AM suggesting that we let them know that there will be utterly devastating, extreme and total annihilation of THIER cities, if they do not stop killing people.

          I think that is reasonable and fair. Then the ball is in their court, and their survival and destruction will be dependent upon their behaviour.


    • tarien says:

      Yes David Vance is correct ‘Deflection’ is exactly what the Politicians & their cohorts the BBC & other media are endeavouring in their placating stance to NOT direct the headlights onto the infection of Islam. Indeed it is wonderful to see the support from around the world for France, BUT what are they going to do about this tragedy? Surely France & all EU nations should now realise that those that follow the teachings of Islam have one aim, is to Destroy the Infidel/the West-the Islamic State are the conduit for this aim. Impossible to monitor every single Muslim now residing in Europe 50+ million-but they could start by rounding up all those that have invaded the European shores in the last 3-4 months & in particular the young healthy looking men, many of whom no doubt will be agents of IS. We the people of Europe have & will continue to pay the price of allowing our misguided policticians to leave our borders open to the invading hoardes of Muslims flooding across those borders. I fear that such events as has been witnessed in France will be repeated across Europe & into the USA. It could be said that the West is now at War with Islam.


  2. deegee says:

    Add Tel Aviv to the list. France, welome to our world.


  3. Dazed and Confused says:

    Initially Al-Beeb refused to confirm that the perpetrators of the Paris atrocities were of the Islamic persuasion. Yet when that became irrefutable fact, they changed their fundamental narrative (as did the left in general) and started to push the “Islamophobia” angle agenda – where up to that point no “Islamophobia” had existed at all.

    I despair…Radical psychopaths acting under the explicit doctrine of the Koran have attacked Restaurant and bar districts of Paris – because the Koran forbids alcohol – They’ve attacked a football stadium – because soccer wasn’t invented by Muslims and therefore is deemed “unIslamic” – They’ve attacked a music concert because popular music is “haram” in Islam (added to that the owner of the music venue was of Jewish persuasion) and Id wager that if the French pig farmers had been holding their annual conference in Paris on Friday night, no doubt they would have been brutally slaughtered too…

    And yet still the Socialist left, led in no little part by the ghastly BBC wish us to believe that these attacked had nothing to do with Islam.

    Has the whole world gone insane – Or is it just down the insipid Socialist left losing their marbles completely?


    • Dazed and Confused says:

      How near to the narrative of which the BBC are currently espousing, is this utter garbage?

      Rant over….


      • wronged says:

        What do you expect from immature socialists, their idealogy likes to trap people (generally young) into believing in the creation a utopian society. A place where the Carlsberg advert is indeed a reality. A place of inner peace and harmony, without effort or work, where different races and religions all mix into a pretentious desert of equanimity. Where divergent views are anomalous,where disagreements and violence are caused by others and not the perpetrators. The criminal is the victim. Freedom of speech is shouted down for fear of ‘offence.’ which is chosen to be taken. Personal independent views are frowned upon if it doesn’t conform to to a socialist viewpoint. One may also receive a criminal record for a misplaced word and get called an IST be it racist, sexist, fatist,etc. Orwell warned us that this would happen, and it has.

        This idealogy I cannot even begin to understand, but I do know that this ideology has at its heart the BBC. The Albeeb is not just a convert it is a dangerous, hypocritical socialist mouthpiece with a twisted view of life. It is propaganda and a disease that needs to be rooted out and exposed.


      • G.W.F. says:

        Good rant. If you want to find the BBC’s slant on most topics go to the SWP papers. The BBC just modify it a little and drop the references to Imperialists and their lackeys or the workers struggle. But all the crap about racism at the root of western evil, and the guilt we ought to feel over the colonial past, is played out every day on the BBC. I suspect when the BBC goes hunting for graduates, among those nominated by the Marxist Professors will be the breathless graduates. with membership experience in the SWP.


        • GCooper says:

          Sadly, that means most humanities departments at most universities. They may be cultural Marxists as opposed to full-blown fascist communists like Hobsbawm and Miliband but the odour is much the same.

          Mercifully, there is still some sanity in the science and engineering departments but they tend to make less noise and their graduates get real jobs instead of sinecures in the media and politics.


          • Geyza says:

            There is a reason why hard science, and particularly, engineering departments tend to be more right wing and realistic. Engineering depends utterly on logic for it to work. 2 + 2 always = 4 (in normal decimal maths). Engineers cannot react to something that they do not like in the real world by inventing an alternative delusional, or fantasy, reality, where their individual sensibilities are not offended. They cannot hide is a “safe space” from ideas. If engineers get their calculations wrong, buildings collapse, bridges fail, vehicles crash, safety regulatory systems fail and things blow up. In other words, people die. Engineers, are forced by neccessity, to live and work in the very real world.

            Lefty philosophers and economists and other mindless idealist fantasists (like climate change alarmists) are free to redefine their own reality to shield them from what offends them. They can utterly deny reality and invent any delusion they wish. Men with penises can be considered as natural women, for example. Or the other classic, “Islamic terrorism has nothing to do with Islam” and “extreme adherents to Islam, are not Muslim”. Personally, I have no problem with that in so far as that goes. If they want to believe in fairy tales, by all means, carry on.

            What I have a massive problem with is when they expect and demand and legislate to force everyone else to accept and believe in their delusions. That is a step too far for me.


            • Up2snuff says:

              Geyza, “What I have a massive problem with is when they expect and demand and legislate to force everyone else to accept and believe in their delusions. That is a step too far for me.”

              Not just accept & believe but also PAY.

              Us, and Muslims, too, who have drowned or been killed en route to Europe, we all pay in one way or another for Liberal delusions and wish-plans. As I pointed out yesterday, people living peaceably & non-criminally together makes a lot of the social service industry and quite a few NGOs, Quangos and politicians, not forgetting a chunk of the media, completely redundant.

              That would be a considerable burden removed from the taxpayers’ backs.


        • tarien says:

          Agree absolutely G.W.F-what on earth did we need to have that Edwards fellow presenting the news from Paris along with god knows how many others all grabbing a part of our licence money-completely unnecessary for this-their are no doubt many journalists residing in Paris that could have provided all the news appertaining. Millions of us with any common sense know that allowing hundreds of young fit looking Muslim men univited into Europe most of whom could be agents for Islam/IS supported with all the tools to wreek havoc across our nations-the aim to destroy the values of the Chritsian West & yet those that are supposed to lead us, let their trousers & knickers (women) drop to the ground in utter fear & confusion-incomprehensible.


          • Invicta 1066 says:

            Obviously, as with the USA whenever something major happens , the BBC journos in place are just not good enough and need both radio and TV journos and presenters from the UK to go over and do their job for them.


            • Grant says:

              The frequency of Beeboids trips to overseas countries is in direct proportion to the quality of hotels and restaurants in the chosen country.


    • john in cheshire says:

      I think it’s nearer the truth to say that, after a certain age; perhaps 15 years old; socialism, communism, fascism, marxism, Trotskyism, greenism, gaiaism, globalwarmism, feminism and all the other isms are significant signs of severe brain damage.


  4. Dazed and Confused says:

    Islam….The religion of peace..


  5. Nibor says:

    What will the BBC say if they are attacked ?


    • wronged says:

      They’ll blame UKIP and the right wing press.
      It’s funny how lefties repeatedly blame the right wing media. Have they never heard of Albeeb?


    • Stuart Beaker says:

      If they were attacked, I imagine they might well call for a right-wing backlash. Or alternatively, like some of those poor, desperate innocents who were wounded or dying on Friday, they might be calling for their mothers.


    • TrueToo says:

      Interesting article but the percentage of Muslims is incorrect. If the population breakdown is accurate, then Muslims constitute about 0,5% of the population.


      • GCooper says:

        Or around 64 per cent if you are a BBC producer.


        • TrueToo says:

          True, and the problem is, Muslims only need to be about 10% of the population to start taking over.


          • Guest Who says:

            At 10% the BBC scheduling would be cleared to be properly ‘representative’.

            They are ‘vital’ and ‘unique’ like that.


  6. Glen says:

    Je suis Paris? I’m afraid not from me..if a lamb leaves his door open and invites a wolf in guess what the outcome will be? That is what the EU has become, a pathetic meek little lamb just cowering before the muslim wolf and the powers that be can do nothing about it but talk tough.

    Hollande…”we’ll destroy those to committed this crime”. Exactly how do you propose to do that Francois? You can’t even protect your capital!! They couldn’t even kill the muzzers, they pulled their paradise cord thus completing total victory. But don’t worry we’ll all sing La Marseillaise and hold hands, that’ll scare the RoP.

    Everything about this atrocity is from an EU point of view is embarrassing. Many of the victims were young, educated in the ways of the left and probably supported the ‘right’ of the immigrants to come to the EU to live freely. The comments of some of the survivors was proof of that, It’s the liberal way. There’s even media outlets, the pathetic guardian for instance, actually blaming this act on the rise of the ‘right wing’? Anything but go to the source of the problem.

    The pathetic open border policy that the EU leaders fully supported is all of a sudden changed by France…erm, a bit too late, Francois, you had your chance after Charlie Hebdo but your pathetic liberal and socialistic leanings meant you just couldn’t do it…that and he is scared shitless of Herr Merkel. I’m guessing Nigel Farage’s migrant/terrorist free movement warnings will be buried very deep in the bbc archives.

    The survivors being interviewed by the bbc and sky telling every one that it has nothing to do with Islam? Do they brainwash these people!! The good old bbc telling us that they don’t yet know who committed the crime? Let me give you a clue…if it looks like pizza, smells like pizza and tastes like pizza then guess what it will be? Allah u Akbar, AK47s, coordinated attacks…who the f*** did they think it was, the Parisien peoples front for the freedom of snails!!

    Our so called ‘leaders’ and their bullshit rhetoric. Merkel..”these people hate freedom”. NO THEY DON’T HERR MERKEL! They love freedom, the freedom to move throughout the EU at will to murder people whenever they want…the freedom that you and your spineless, liberal, lefty, war criminal colleagues have granted in the pursuit of the multi culti utopia. Hollande looking genuinely shocked that this has happened whilst the rest of us have just been waiting for it, Camoron and Obama Bin Laden spouting the usual platitudes..zzz..zzz.

    Islam is destroying our way of life, whether it is ISIS, muslim paedophile gangs, muslims running our councils, muslims wanting sharia law, the media bending over backwards to appease the RoP and its followers, it doesn’t matter, our way of life is under threat. Where will the next attack be? Don’t ask Merkel and co because, thanks to them, no one has a clue. Every one of them should be in the dock to pay for their crimes.


    • wronged says:

      It’s hard to disagree with any of that.


    • Geyza says:

      What “right wing backlash”? The worst we are likely to see is bacon! The BBC and other assorted idiots, have been claiming that we must be vigilant to watch out for any signs of a far right wing backlash. Seriously, it is as if they are literally more frightened of the prospect of some people placing a few rashers of bacon on a Mosque-door, than a few Muslims killing hundreds of innocents.

      I find it utterly illogical that there are liberal people who would genuinely consider placing bacon on a mosque door-handle to be more offensive, or even more dangerous, than Muslims murdering hundreds of innocent people in a terrorist atrocity. WTF is wrong with these people???


      • petebogtrott says:

        how about putting bacon fat on all our money,the streets,everywhere you can think of.That would stop them in their tracks….LOL


    • Anne63 says:

      I’m going to say something that has been in my mind for some time but I’ve held back because it sounds unforgivably nasty. Now I’m going to say it anyway.

      Did the Muslims of Srebrenica bring it on themselves? Not entirely, but to a certain extent.


    • Doublethinker says:

      Well said.


    • Grant says:

      Well said, Glen. Cameron, Merkel and Hollande and many others are worthless crap. I suspect that the good people have to start by destroying them and then moving on. They are a big part of the problem.


    • Fixby33 says:

      How I love biasedbbc, I log in and find myself immediately among friends. Other people think and feel as I do. Wonderful! I may not post very often but I busy myself ticking the ” likes ” as fast as I can.
      Thanks to you all.


      • Grant says:

        Fixby, I feel the same. Most people I mix with in day-to-day life do not have the same concerns as me. On this site I get some confirmation that I am not alone. And some of the people posting here are even more clever than me ! LOL. But thanks to David Vance, Alan and all the others who keep it going. This is a breath of sanity in a crazy world.


      • TigerOC says:

        Be very thankful that you have been educated and have enough intelligence to seek out the truth by whatever means possible.

        Most of the younger generation suffer such a poor education that it is a struggle to find facebook or twitter never mind string coherent sentences together that make sense to anyone else.

        As to political affairs and geography forget it. It’s depressing in the extreme and they actually allow them to vote.

        What a joke. Anyhow welcome and enjoy; I know I do.


  7. Nibor says:

    Everything’s alright . France is using emergency powers to control borders for twelve days , Sweden has closed its borders , Hungary has put up new fencing , Slovenia and Croatia are doing more controls , Angela Merkel has told the rest of Europe it must share the burden she instigated , and I’ve ordered a new stable door .


    • Glen says:

      Why do I get the feeling that the EU is as divided and dangerous as it was before the World Wars. People living in fear, borders being closed, fences erected, lawlessness on a mass scale, liberal leaders without a clue of how to solve any of it and the people who have had enough…otherwise known as the raging right wing..are on the rise.

      The EU is a basket case, the liberal lefties support any minority cause all of whom fight to be the most worthy cause but can’t back it up with action. Take feminism, a leading light of the liberal left, women and girls are being raped on an industrial scale across the UK and Europe by immigrants yet these right on wimmin never say a word about it through fear of upsetting the multi culti cause, the rights of women not so important after all!!

      We are on the verge of madness, the left will pursue their socialist utopia at any cost, including their own citizens. You only get the feeling that this mess can end one way, the dreamers will say that ‘they won’t win’ and ‘we’ll carry on’. Good luck with that, thanks to their policies Paris Fri 13th is coming to a town near you, just look at France on the news now, one rumour and it’s mass panic, keep talking big lefties!!

      The media still looking to our ‘leaders’ to act otherwise the likes of Marie Le Pen and Nigel Farage will gain popularity and we all know that they are the nasty ones, don’t we!! Then it turns out that an escaped terrorist was spoken to by the French police and is now on the run?? Who’s going to protect you now lefties? If it wasn’t so tragic it would be comical.


      • BBC delenda est says:

        “the EU is as divided and dangerous as it was before the World Wars”
        The EU did not exist, fortunately, before 1945.
        The EU, in its guise of the post USSR socialist model, is the problem.
        The EU must die.
        Then we can remove the infestation imported by the EU.


        • Dadad says:

          I think it was Gorbachov who said that the EU is the USSR in modern dress. How right he was.


      • Geyza says:

        “Who’s going to protect you now lefties? ”

        Don’t worry, lefties have spent the entire weekend coming up with a range of battle-ready hastags. forces have spread out across the EU to impose candle-lit vigils and are placing batteries of flowers in strategic positions. Our best lefty combatants have disguised themselves on facebook behind thin translucent french flags. Our civil leaders are demonstrating our vast military might and power by lighting up public buildings in red white and blue and if that is not enough, the media are engaged in a massed effort to explain that these killings have nothing to do with Islam and we probably deserved them anyway.

        I am sure that with that lot, we will have ISIS on the run.

        Shame it will be running towards us with AK47s, grenades and suicide vests, but they will be running…


    • TrueToo says:

      …and I’ve ordered a new stable door.

      The only ones who don’t need to worry about the invasion are the Hungarians. They saw what was coming and acted in their own best interests.


      • Anne63 says:

        “…and I’ve ordered a new stable door.”

        No good. Get rid of the horses – fractious animals at the best of times.

        Get pigs instead. Lots of them. Bright animals and the bigger ones can take care of themselves. A dog or two wouldn’t hurt either.


  8. Dave S says:

    Time for many of us to go quiet and say little. Whatever the MSM liberal media likes to say the people in the shires are not fooled and are not happy.
    The elites have failed us and know it . Long predicted by conservatives their unreal world is collapsing. . Two courses remain open to them. Leave and make way for new people or stay and try to hold on to their position by using force and sanctions to crush opposition from all quarters.
    The second course I expect they will take but it always proves a mistake.
    Anything can and will happen now.


  9. Sluff says:

    Amid all the coverage, has anyone noticed al-Beeb’s almost total lack of actual news?
    Wall to wall coverage of French people with dodgy English telling us how bad it is. Note to bBBC editors. We can work that out for ourselves. Still, who wouldn’t want to spend a few days in Paris on full pay and expenses with little to do?
    It’s a sorry state when you have to switch over to Al Jazeera and Russia Today to find out what’s going on. I learned on Saturday of the mourning in Beirut after ISIS set off a bomb killing 40 people. The first reference to this I heard on al-Beeb was a throwaway remark by Nick Robinson on Toady this morning. You’d sort of think it was relevant, wouldn’t you?
    Is there a type of bias on account of being absolutely useless?


    • gb123 says:

      I also switched to RT to see what they were showing. It was a report on a group of Kurdish women ranging from 16 to 30+ training to go fight on the front lines. They were talking about strange things such as the right to live in peace and work in their own villages. They also said they were willing to die for their rights.

      If some of the Syrian and Iraqi “fighters” had one tenth of the courage of these Kurdish women there would be no IS. As the then 6000 that attacked Mosul “defended” by 25000 US trained and fully equipped Iraqi Army troops and special forces would have stood and fought.

      I also saw a report on another Internet TV channel last Thursday showing two reporters who went to the Kurdish front lines around Sinjar.
      The commander pointed to the town and said they could take it any time they wanted but were being told to wait to be ordered due to politics. He showed a stream of trucks carrying equipment to ISIS fighters that they could also stop as well. Seems as if someone finally let these guys loose and they showed what they could do with the right support. Maybe we need to back people who have some “skin in the game” and will actually stand and fight instead of running.


  10. G.W.F. says:

    Radio 4 at 8.50 this morning I switched on. Far right, far right, in France, Marine le Pen and Niece must not be allowed to capitalise on the events in Paris. Tariq Modood and some stupid tart expressing fears of a backlash. Modood pointing out something about French racism and an ethnic minority being discriminated against and that more resources should be directed at them. Main point: 1. mussies have to be protected from the backlash from the far right. 2. BBC’s next move, prevent radicalisation by pouring money into the pockets of mussie communities.

    Lead item 9am news. Cameron to increase funding for MI5 and 6. More surveillance. I translate that as steps to prevent a backlash. I predict monitoring of bacon sales in our supermarkets and a shortage of bacon so that fascists, racists, xenophobes and Islamophobes will not throw bacon at mosques.


    • Geyza says:

      In the spirit of multicultural understanding and friendliness, I believe we should do our utmost to protect our Islamic friends in the UK from the viscious, bigoted far right by helping our Muslim friends relocate to areas more suited to their way of life, where they can truly enjoy the full and rich expression of their Islamic culture and live under the Sharia law which they crave.

      Let’s deport the lot of them to Raqqa!


  11. G.W.F. says:

    Turned on the VD show Radio 4 at 957am. Paris. Interview with some (Muslim?) French reporter. Backlash, backlash is what we fear. Poverty in muslim communities fuels violence, don’t forget French foreign policy perceived as an attack on muslim communities which is exploited by clever daesh who know how to manipulate people’s minds. For Christ’s sake BBC, put a sock in it, we get the message.


  12. Gunner says:

    While the media focus on events in Europe there remains a huge disconnect in their reporting with regard to ISIS in Syria and Iraq. We may view this jihadi “group” as a bunch of psychopaths (which some of them are), but this is simply to misunderstand the nature of their ideology. To quote one analyst; “Much of what the group does looks nonsensical except in light of a sincere, carefully considered commitment to returning civilization to a seventh-century legal environment and ultimately to bringing about the apocalypse.” Amputations, beheadings, and crucifixions are not just instruments of terror, they are an integral part of the caliphate ruled by their interpretation of Shariah law. Mass executions have become commonplace. A spokesman said ““We will conquer your Rome, break your crosses, and enslave your women.” As one ISIS publication put it “Enslaving the families of the kuffar [infidels] and taking their women as concubines is a firmly established aspect of the Shariah.” This has already been seen with the dreadful cruelty inflicted on yazidi women and children.

    The French government are now claiming that the Paris attacks were coordinated from Syria and that attacks on other countries are also planned. The inconvenient truth of what these people are and what they believe and what they intend to do cannot be ignored indefinitely and just as with the Nazis, the only way to deal with them is with coordinated maximum force, and a complete refutation of their hateful ideology.


    • Geyza says:

      For a real and unbiased examination of ISIS society, watch this:

      It is a documentary by VICE TV, which shows the civil structure of ISIS and explains genuinely what they are. This is not a glorification, nor a hatchet job of ISIS. It is the most neutral and clear demonstration of the institution and establishment of a society ruled by a genuine and pure Sharia law as described by the Qu’ran and the Haddiths.

      I challenge anyone to watch this and then claim ISIS have nothing to do with Islam. This shows exactly how civic society behaves under Sharia law under every rule of Islam. There is nothing within ISIS society which is not Islamic. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING within ISIS society is shaped by and defined by Islam accroding to the Qu’ran.

      This shows what we ACTUALLy have to deal with.


  13. cockneyboy says:

    Moving back to Geyza’s suggestion I would say that a nuke attack is a trifle extreme. Perhaps something lesser to begin with such as interning all protaginists and supporters of Jihadism etc. (such as Choudary) under emergency laws, followed by trials of treason. No doubt there would be resistance from the liberal/left but this may be insignificant as the incidents of terrorism increases (as it will)
    There is nothing new in this approach, after all we interned thousands of Germans/Italians etc. during world war two (most of them were innocent).
    This is war and once this is accepted then perhaps we can move on.


    • G.W.F. says:

      Expect the opposite. Expect appeasement. Expect a ban on sales of bacon to prevent far right extremists here from throwing pieces of bacon at mosques.

      Expect the cops, if en route to a terrorist attack, to divert and arrest a pensioner who may be shouting something unpleasant about the ROP. And expect Hollande and Cameron to divert more taxpayer money to the well being of the Muslim communities.

      Expect the BBC to overwhelm us with academics who express fears of a far right, nationalist led backlash.

      Expect arrests of people who make anti muslim comments on Twitter. Expect more arrests like the woman arrested for saying on Facebook that she did not want bookings from Muslims in her beauty salon.


    • Geyza says:

      I am not proposing a nuke attack. I am proposing amending our deterrant rules to apply them to the Islamic threat as well as to any future nuclear threat. Then it is entirely up to the Islamic world whether their cities are anihilated.

      They claim Islam is the religion of peace. It is time that they proved it. IF it is the religion of peace, as they claim, then they have nothing to fear. If they attack us, they are committing wholesale suicide of all their peoples, leaving the world in peace. our tolerant, multicultural and diverse society would lose NOTHING from having Islam removed from the face of the earth. It should be up to them. That is why I proposed going through the auspices of the UN to give the Islamic world the opportunity to decide their own fate.


  14. Beltane says:

    Daily Politics in full flow as I write – the usual, entirely predictable mealy-mouthed platitudes and desperate back-pedalling to avoid saying anything that might be construed as belligerent or even positive. What they are not saying but might need a bit of consideration, is that Sarkozy is being hastily reintroduced to the mix in order to split public opinion and reduce the effect of Le Penn on French politics and in particular the impending backlash. A backlash which could well, of course, not be confined to France.


    • Doublethinker says:

      Indeed .We had a Labour MP saying Isis had nothing to do with Islam. Surely this silly view is well past its sell by date but he was allowed to get away with it by the programme’s presenter, Ms Coburn . Ms Coburn tried hard to deny that any of the perpetrators were in any way connected with the wave of migrants. Of course she has abused her position many time in the past months by trying hard to get the UK to take as many migrants as possible, so is seeking to avoid the liberal left taking their , very large , share of the blame for the Paris attacks plus the ones which are likely to happen in the future all over Europe. It took some of her guests to put her straight on that one. She looked upset when a UKIP spokesman said that EU politicians should hang their heads in shame at what they have done in letting millions of Muslims into the EU.
      All in all we are seeing the chickens coming home to roost and the lefties slithering away to try and got out from under. We ought not to let them avoid their just deserts.


      • Geyza says:

        Let them watch this and try that “ISIS has nothing to do with Islam” bullshit. EVERYTHING in the Islamic state is dedicated to the implementation of a 100% Islamic society. EVERYTHING!

        It is impossible to seek a political solution with these people. Impossible!


  15. Sluff says:

    With all these French bombing attacks on Raqqa, I’m a bit surprised Al-Beeb haven’t interviewed some innocent young males who were just going about their normal lives when they stubbed their toenails on an unexploded French bomb, or something similar
    Get ready for lots of ‘collateral damage of innocent people’ reports on Al-Beeb, followed by armies of Yuman Rights lawyers ready to sue the French.


    • G.W.F. says:

      Yes indeed. Stand by for re-cycled bombed hospital photographs and interviews with doctors purportedly from Racca but really in Salford, complaining about the harshness of the French air force.


      • Guest Who says:

        May still be a wee while before any suitably-garbed BBC Betty Rubbles risk an emotive tour of the old neighbourhood, mind.

        Likely best to wait in Israel sniping and then await a guided tour by the BBC’s ‘sources’ around a specially created zone in Gaza.


        • Grant says:

          And nice hotels for the lazy Beeboids in Israel. Funny how none of them actually seem to live in Gaza ! I wonder why !


        • Geyza says:

          They will be busy in their editing suites preparing the “Pallywood” productions already. Dead people getting up from under white sheets, the injured rolling in agony until the director yells “cut” then wandering around unhurt. we have seen them all before.


      • John Standley says:

        And the inevitable wedding parties.


    • ID says:

      Yes, the general leftist cry is that any sensible action against ISIS – interring the multitude of ISIS supporters, more than a tokem military response (dropping 20 bombs on Raaqa is a feeble effort; razing the whole place to the ground would be commensurate), proper border controls – is counterproductive because it undermines “our values”. Outpourings of grief, sermonising about universal human rights and the blessings of the ROP does not cut it anymore.


      • Geyza says:

        From British history, I would suggest that “our values” includes the will and ability to defend “our values” from foreign invaders.

        It is a constant source of dissapointment to me therefore to admit that our political leaders, from labour and tory parties alike, are clearly and unambiguously not up to the task, and are profoundly “anti-British”.

        We need Farage as PM for our country’s very existence.


  16. Guest Who says:

    Over the pond, Obama’s pet media squads seem to know what is expected too:

    ‘Ismael Omar Mostefai grew up on was like any middle class neighborhood across France’

    Sheer poetry there, Jay.


  17. ObiWan says:

    “…At times like this, BBC and SKY are a disgrace but only ONE of them forces us to pay for the garbage it churns out.”

    Well said, David. This is the point, isn’t it? Beyond all the endless liberal left propaganda, the BBC’s conscious uncoupling of truth from agenda, its separation of facts from approved narratives and doctrine, in a free, democratic and open society it all comes to one inescapable fact:

    Nobody would object to the BBC spouting its toxic, left wing drivel 24/7 as long as nobody was forced to pay for it.

    There is NO moral case for the license fee. None. Zero. Zilch.


    • Glen says:

      I have listened to the bbc radio programmes as much as I can today, every presenter going for a pulitzer prize for dramatic presenting. The first thing I heard this morning was that sanctimonious c***, rachael burden, interviewing two muslims and making sure that we heard the “nothing to do with us guv” point of view.

      The victims are barely cold and the lefties are already defending their ideology, their multi culti utopia, their self righteous views…even the youth of a socialist, liberal and free France can’t get in the way of their aims. They are just unfortunate martyrs who paid the price for a better world?

      To be honest it makes me sick to my stomach, it disgusts me more than the pictures of the victims…the media are like the ghouls picking over the dead on a medieval battlefield, all of them looking for the shiniest trinket to take back, well, they’re dead now, what does it matter?

      Then you watch Sky and CH 4 and they are every bit as bad, it’s as though this tragedy was a price worth paying so that the people could join hands and come together as one in solidarity, so that they can say…’look, we’ve won, our way of life can’t be beaten’..until a car backfires that is. It beggars belief

      Jon Snow interviewed Farage, he couldn’t admit that his warning on open borders was right and then ended the interview by accusing Farage of betraying ‘British values’ (all of a sudden they know what British values are!!) the values of taking in vulnerable asylum seekers…go on, Snow, just say it…Nigel, you’re a racist aren’t you? Just unbelievable.

      I pity these fools, the bbc reported on a guy who was giving free hugs away in the main square in Paris!! That’s it, ISIS will never beat that?? I’m in despair.


  18. Alec says:

    I wish I had a stop clock but within less than a minute of watching Huw Edwards in Paris on Saturday, he came out with ‘Muslim leaders are braced for a tsunami of hatred’. Because they’re the real victims in all this of course.


    • Cranmer says:

      Will Merkel, Junckers et al be braced for a ‘tsunami of hatred’ over their policy of open-door immigration? I doubt it. Even a gentle wave of polite questioning from the BBC about it would be too much to ask.


      • Thatcherrevolutionary says:

        Can I please make the point to all so-called ‘British’ Jihadi’s out there currently involved in planning their UK activities – It was The LABOUR party who invaded your beloved Iraq & Afghanistan under the leadership of TONY BLAIR. The LABOUR party still exists today and representations may be made directly to them without involving any of the rest of us.


  19. seismicboy says:
    The Norwegians may appear slightly strange or ‘different’ to us. They are ‘different’ inasmuch as when their national identity and way of life is threatened they won’t take any shit from anyone and they’re not afraid to speak out.


    • Grant says:

      Yes ! And they are not in the EU . And, apart from the Qusilings, they fought the Nazis. Salute the Norwegians !


      • Grant says:

        And they great pleasure out of not being Swedish. What are the Finns doing now ? They fought Russia to a standstill in 1937. Have they gone soft ?


        • GRIM REAPER says:

          Just read that Angola, of all places, like Japan has in effect, banned muslims from settling in the country…..hurrah. They get it. Cameron, Corbyn, et al….just do not. Just read the Koran, the Hadiths, watch Prof Bill Warners videos….it’s all there… ignorant scum.


  20. Gunner says:

    Just watching Corbyn turning linguistic somersaults to avoid answering a direct question on whether he would ever sanction military action against Islamic extremists..his response “legal framework,” “UN resolution”” British law” blah,blah, .and some garbage about “hypothetical questions” !

    We shall see how the Al Beeb website parses this claptrap.


    • Guest Who says:

      Maybe he could hire Iain Lee?

      Seems he would fit with the boy Milne quite well, and the empire progressions is per standard.

      Oh, and he has just become available.

      As you do.


  21. TigerOC says:

    I lived and worked in a country through a civil war. Your life was in danger everyday. I attended scenes like the one above where families had been gunned down in cold blood.

    We rallied around to support the community and we held services of remembrance that were quiet and dignified. But the burning desire by everyone was to find the perps and exact revenge.

    I watched these events today; Simulated Remembrance Day events and the all the “they don’t scare us” and “we are united against the threat” BS. I am thinking what is this? The people that died weren’t heroes they were victims of circumstance. Most of you didn’t even know any of them and wouldn’t have given them the time of day in real life.

    The reality is they are scared rabbits. They do not know what has just hit them. Their leaders have hidden them under a bushel and are still doing so. You should be thinking this is going to happen again and again and again. What do our leaders have to do to protect me. What must I do to protect myself.


  22. Cranmer says:

    I’ve just seen that the hacker group ‘Anonymous’ has declared war on ISIS, claiming they will disrupt lines of communication and social media channels used by the terrorists. Armchair warriors, possibly, but at least it’s something more than hand-holding and candlelit vigils. The group, if it was the same one, I think previously threatened to disrupt the BBC unless Clarkson was reinstated, so I daresay they won’t be getting much media coverage from them – there was just a small item on ‘Newsbeat’ online news.


    • Geyza says:

      What worries me about that is if they disrupt our security services ability to track terrorist activities and intentions. I would hate for an attrocity to take place, because “anonymous” closed the social media accounts of people who the security services were tracking.


    • G.W.F. says:

      I would not trust Anonymous. Only just over a year ago they declared war on the EDL and published addresses, which is a clear signal to the Jihadists where to look.


      • GRIM REAPER says:

        The EDL and Britain First have now been vindicated….they, like Farage, indeed like the BNP, have been saying how Islam is a threat to our way of life…..vindicated. End of.


  23. Tothepoint says:

    Just tried to ask on the 2 HYS available on the BBC website, why there hasn’t been any opportunity for the public to comment on what has happened in Paris. My posts were instantly taken down. I then tried to come at the threads from a different angle and ask why the BBC isn’t allowing frank and open debate on what is by far the most important issue affecting us all right now. Instantly taken down. By this time the other posters had taken note and were beginning to ask the same ‘freedom of speech’ questions. All instantly taken down. I then posted that the BBC are treating what is happening in Paris as a propaganda tool and are completely sensoring anyone offering an opinion not in line with BBCs agenda. All positive marks but instantly deleted. The BBC are acting like north Korea. They are deciding what can be said, how, and when. How are they allowed to get away with such social engineering? How is it that a body who prides itself on being impartial is taking away any debate from the stance it’s making to the world? The views of the British public are being ignored when it’s us that are the ones receiving the bullets!


  24. Edward says:

    Every futile gesture is just another tip of the hat to the victory of the terrorists.

    The “British stiff upper lip” approach has never been so much in need. We don’t need to down tools for a 2 minute silence to respect the dead – we can do that whilst we’re going about our daily lives, thank you very much.

    France has 3 days of mourning. What does that mean or achieve? I thought it was just middle east countries that declared periods of mourning so they could pray to Allah. Or is that the whole point?

    Symbolism – tokenism – bullshit!

    This is only the beginning, unless our benign seven course al-a-carte European leaders can start acting like leaders rather than career politicians.


  25. wronged says:×750/Satanic-Verses-Protest-7162-18.jpg

    Here are just a couple of pictures of the protests against the publication of Rushdie’s Satanic verses.

    The protests of muslims against the slaughter of innocent lives in France is deafening.

    Compare the two reactions and judge for yourself what muslims in Britain find more important. A persons life or the freedom to write a book!


    • wronged says:

      For the line in my post above re read as

      The protests of muslims against the slaughter of innocent lives in France is deafeningly silent.


      • Charlatans says:

        Yes you correct. There is a distinct lack of ‘Not in Our Name’ massive Muslim street Demonstrations against all these Jihad atrocities by the peaceful thousands we keep hearing about, from the likes of the BBC.

        Also not hearing anything from senior Imams in any National coordinated way.

        What is required is condemnation by Imams preaching from the pulpit in each and every mosque in the land, (a certain amount of which are paid for by Saudi Arabia mainly).

        Just lately there have been many ‘holocaust type’ high casualty incidents, in addition to Paris, the Russian airliner blown out of the sky, Lebanon, Ankara Turkey to name just a few.

        But instead of mass Muslim demos against ISIS atrocities we are more like to continually hear from MSM and other apologists, this is a religion of peace.

        Or as far as the BBC is concerned it is likely not to be Muslims but Asian men? If I was Chinese I would complain to the BBC about that insult. But this lack of Muslim mass street demos against ISIS carnage must tell us there is a quiet consensus being practised within Islam itself, together with their apologists, since they are not moved enough to demonstrate.

        The only masses we see are of the victims lighting candles and praying. I bet they are really praying that the Governments of EU will please come to their senses and stop letting this happen under their watch, taking taking our borders down and exacerbating the lunacy!

        All I keep seeing on the likes of the BBC for example, is not mass ‘Not in my Name’ demos but do see voices wheeled out stating it is not your average Muslim doing this, since it is overwhelmingly a religion of peace! Really?.

        More often than not some Muslim organisation spokesperson is put in front of us to tell us something like it was a ‘beautiful man’ (WTF is that view allowed to be expressed on National TV without massive challenge). Even mentioned the atrocity was perpetrated because the terrorist was harassed by MI5 (WTF – who on earth allows that ridiculous view to be on National TV without it being harshly challenged and ridiculed)!

        This NTDWI nonsense is way past it sell by date now. This is pathetic and an insult to our intelligence from the MSM.

        Also, astoundingly I saw on TV a Jihads brides family stating how terrible the absconding girl was and the father almost in tears! Faire enough. But the very next day he was all over the papers at the forefront of some previous radical Islamic demo with the infamous Anjem Choudray (WTF was he allowed on TV in the first place).

        Mentioning the BBC prompts me also to wonder what on earth does a National Tax funded Government broadcasting corporation, with a two millennial Christian Heritage, appoint a Muslim Head of Religious programmes and affairs? Could someone explain that?

        Could one imagine the Pope appointing a C&E Preist Director of Vatican Radio?

        Could one imagine Saudi TV having a Jewish Director?

        Could one have imagined Margaret Thatcher, Winston Churchill or John Major not intervening to stop ‘liberal lefty’ idiocy within the BBC?

        Well Blair and Labour appears to have tacitly agreed, because the fact of the matter is it happened at the BBC under their watch! Just like Rotherham and other Labour strongholds enormous rise in immigration and peedo abuse by the thousands, massive increase in Shairia courts, FGM, Muslims disproportionately taking up prison places, Trojan horses, disgusting animal cruelty halal, Madrases and massive Muslim benefit abuse.

        There again it was Blair spinning and lies hooking up with that nutcase Vietnam draft dodger and his NEOCON mates, bullying his Labour party to overturn the mass of Legal advice that it was wrong, which sowed the seeds that set the middle east on fire in the first place! The only truthful statement some of the left do get right!

        This has left us over a decade later attempting to cope with millions displaced, wounded, in body bags or trudging through the EU borders seeking sanctuary by the millions. It is heartbreaking.


  26. Cassandra says:



  27. wronged says:

    Why is it I keep hearing on the BBC from guests who are invited to appear on The News saying that the chances of a bomb going off over here is lessened because our borders are so much better checked.

    Would somebody like to remind these guests on Albeeb just how many illegal immigrants get in each year!!!!!


  28. G.W.F. says:

    I won’t waste time on the BBC and SWP explanations of the Paris murders in terms of alienated muslims.

    But worth noting how Hollande’s election victory was due to muslims and immigrants. Two million muslims voted and 93% voted for Hollande in what was seen as a jihadist/socialist victory.

    Something to think about.
    Photo of muslims and immigrants celebrating Hollande’s victory.



    • wronged says:

      Interesting stats GWF,
      I’d be interested to know how many immigrants/muslims,etc voted Labour in the last election. I sense they are fast becoming the Immigrant Party.