Dumbing Down


The normal process for a news story as it develops is that we get more information about events, the causes of them and the people involved in them.

The BBC seems to have reversed that process and looks to be removing relevant information from the news.

In the US a ‘disgruntled’, to say the least, ex-employee of a TV news station kills two other employees and claims that one of them racially abused him.

The BBC in this ‘what we know about the suspect’ report tells us that ‘Mr Flanagan also accused the murdered reporters of making racist comments and complained to human resources about it.’   Though in fact that is wrong, Flanagan [known professionally as Bryce Williams] only complained that one of the employees had racially abused him, the other had actually filed a complaint against Flanagan.

Curiously even that small mention by the BBC of the apparent, and kind of important, motivating factor [though it seems Flanagan had a habit of making such allegations and had anger management problems] disappeared in this later report about the shooting... now all we get is that there was ‘discrimination’ and no mention that Flanagan is black or that race might have been a factor…

The Twitter account of Flanagan, known professionally as Bryce Williams, suggested he held a grudge against Mr Ward, 27, whom he accused of lodging a formal complaint against him, and Ms Parker, 24.

And local media reported that he had filed a lawsuit against WDBJ7, alleging discrimination by the whole station and naming most of the staff in his complaint. The case is said to have been dismissed by a judge in July 2014.

Flanagan’s motivation is reduced to a ‘grudge’ against Ms Parker (the reporter he accused of racism) and that he alleged ‘discrimination’ against the whole station…….That’s a very round-about way of reporting this when there are already well established facts about the case.

Flanagan seems to have been sacked a couple of times for anger issues and had to be escorted by police from the WDBJ building when sacked in 2013…the network that the two dead reporters worked for. The BBC merely tells us that….

He left in 2013 according to his own LinkedIn account, which also listed several positions in customer service and a undergraduate degree in broadcast media from San Francisco State University.

Way back in 2000 he was fired for similar behaviour [‘ND’…News Director]:

From San Diego 6 news:

Flanagan worked as a reporter in several different markets including Tallahassee, FL where he worked as a reporter for current San Diego 6 News Director Don Shafer.   “He was a good on-air performer, a pretty good reporter. And then things started getting a little strange,” Shafer said.   Shafer hired Flanagan at WTWC in 1999.  In 2000, Flanagan was fired by Shafer for what Shafer called “odd behavior.”Flanagan later sued the Tallahassee station, but the case was thrown out. 

Sky reports more details:

The man suspected of gunning down WDBJ news reporter Alison Parker and cameraman Adam Ward during a live broadcast had a history of workplace wrangles.

Vester Lee Flanagan, who used the screenname Bryce Williams, was fired from WDBJ in 2013.

The CBS affiliate’s general manager, Jeffrey A Marks, said Flanagan was “an unhappy man… who quickly gathered a reputation as someone who was difficult to work with”.

Mr Marks added: “Eventually after many incidents of his anger coming to the fore, we dismissed him. And he did not take that well, we had to call the police to escort him from the building.”


Is the BBC a bit conflicted in this?  A black man, alleging racial discrimination, but who was likely fired for his own strange behaviour, who then shoots two white people, only one of them for ‘racism’, or discrimination as the BBC now seems to prefer.  Just what will the BBC narrative be?    Somehow the black killer has got to be made into the victim…it will be interesting to watch the BBC’s tortuous attempts to ‘blackwash’ this story….which already seems to be happening as noted above.



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4 Responses to Dumbing Down

  1. chrisH says:

    Good catch.
    By the time the US race hustlers are done with this, Sharpton, Jesse and the like will have put this “workplace violence” down to delayed Rodney King Syndrome…and not only could it NOT be racist-no sirree-but if the guns were banned to all but the crims, and Trayvon had got Justice….then these two honkies would still be “working”.
    Bryce of course does nothing else but work seeing he is black-so poverty stricken, angry and therefore poor in any sense you like…next head of Channel 4 maybe?


  2. Sickofitall says:


    A headline you won’t see on the BBC.

    Michael Brown, on the the other hand…well I guess that’s different.


    • John Anderson says:

      Everyone SHOULD know that Michael Brown was a big thug, who was probably off his head on drugs when he beat up a storekeepwer and then fought with the police officer – indeed tried to shoot the officer.

      But as the BBC hides these crucial facts it seems that all BBC staff still see that story simply – as “unarmed black youth killed by cop” – with the implication that this was unjustified, even though that is NOT what proper enquiries proved. . And the BBC repeats this false view at every chance it gets.


    • John Anderson says:

      Everyone SHOULD know that Michael Brown was a big thug, who was probably off his head on drugs when he beat up a storekeeper and then fought with the police officer – indeed tried to shoot the officer.

      But as the BBC hides these crucial facts it seems that all BBC staff still see that story simply – as “unarmed black youth killed by cop” – with the implication that this was unjustified, even though that is NOT what proper enquiries proved. . And the BBC repeats this false view at every chance it gets.