If You Want To Get Ahead….

A stull from a video showing HSBC bank workers repoertedly filming themselves staging a mock ISIL style beheading of an Asian colleague before posting the footage online


BBC ignoring this story so far which is in every other news outlet big and small since several hours ago…

HSBC employees sacked for ‘abhorrent’ mock Isil execution video

The bank has apologised after a video emerged online of staff dressed in jumpsuits apparently pretending to behead an Asian colleague


The Sun has the video here.

Most if not all the ‘colleagues’ seem to be ‘Asian’….This is a tale from Birmingham, home of the Trojan Horse.

Why would the BBC ignore a story about ‘Asians’ pretending to behead somebody?  If it was for some reason a Christian beheading a Muslim/Asian….you can imgaine the reaction.

The Guardian has just caught up….the BBC can’t be far behind.

Anyway…..here’s a Tweet from a while back that might be thought provoking and ironic in light of HSBC’s reaction…

Keep in mind that HSBC enabled 60,000 beheadings/murders in Mexico. Scots are right to want to see the back of them.

‘In Mexico, many of the drug war’s dead are innocents. In the six years of drug war that have ravaged the country, more than 60,000 are dead and more than 10,000 are missing. Because only 2 percent of cases are granted judicial review, families of the lost regularly become their own investigators. They find, too often, horrors tied to the authorities themselves.

This summer, a Senate investigation found that HSBC was complicit in allowing Mexican drug cartels to launder billions of dollars through its U.S. operations. The Senate report also says U.S. regulators knew that the bank had a poor system to defend against laundering, but did nothing to demand improvement. While US forces were training and arming the Mexican military to fight cartels, US bankers were cashing in on cartel profits.’

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9 Responses to If You Want To Get Ahead….

  1. ScottySkidMark says:

    At least HSBC has done the right thing in sacking all the foul vermin.


  2. Fuleco says:

    I dunno, what is the reason? And how do you know this?


  3. G.W.F. says:

    OK so it is offensive and very bad taste. No need to sack them, but by all means broadcast it.


    • Selohesra says:

      You can be sacked for emailing an inappropriate joke – I’d say this is a lot worse


      • G.W.F. says:

        I see the problem. But I would maintain that sacking for inappropriate jokes is wrong – unless the action in some way damages the company or fellow workers. Having survived working on some very rough building sites, and some time in the US Navy, I may have a rather tolerant attitude to jokes.
        Apart from dressing up as a Nazi this prominent former Labour politician seemed to excel in bad taste.


      • YU says:

        What ever happened to the muslim staff at Blackburn council that were reported for sending hundreds of anti-semitic jokes via the councils email system ?


  4. Bob says:

    HSBC sacks staff over mock Islamic State video:



  5. Emersonv says:

    Maybe this was training?????


  6. T says:

    So ignored it by sticking it on the website, all over radio and having the local TV news programme lead with it all day. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006mj57
    Sneaky bastards.