Mary Poppins She Ain’t…But She Could Well Be Right


Fascinating watching the Left turn themselves in knots in reaction to comments by Katie Hopkins about the migrant surge that is resulting in so much tragedy….as the Spectator says it’s the greatest game in town for the Lefties..

Hating Katie has become the speediest shortcut to the moral highground in this slacktivist age, when people prefer to make a virtual advert of their moral correctness than to do anything so tough as try to change the world outside their bedroom door. And if you aren’t hating Katie, if you aren’t partaking in this orgy of competitive benevolence, what is wrong with you?

It is an irony that, as said before, the real extremists, those who spout the irresponsible and dangerous rhetoric about immigration, aren’t the likes of Hopkins but those on the Left itself which demands open borders and mass immigration knowing full well the shattering consequences but willing to look away and ignore them as they seek to implement their grand project whilst at the same time grandstanding, mouthing ‘concerned’ platitudes about the ‘tragedy’ of the migrants dying in their hundreds, a faux compassion, a mockery of the humane principles they pretend to espouse so loudly.  To compound their crime, and to hide it, they work to silence their critics and those who propose controlled immigration that would benefit countries taking in the migrants and not least the migrants themselves…not only trying to silence their critics but to blame them for the deaths that are in fact the outcome of the ‘good men and women’ of the Left whose ideology overrides their professed humanity.

What did Nietzsche say?…

‘Good men are thus the most harmful type of men because they prevail at the expense of truth and at the expense of the future.’

‘Morality as a hiding place, a shield, a weapon…like a beast near death, crawl away and hide behind it.’


Those good men and women of the Left no doubt adhere to the principles of that famous socialist Adolf Hitler who didn’t believe in letting the facts get in the way of a good story either…..

‘What is important is not what the creator

of an idea of genius may mean, but what this idea

becomes in the mouth of whomever transmits it.’

                                                                                      Adolf Hitler



So let’s look at what those on the Left who retransmit the ideas of Katie Hopkins can turn them into……..




Let’s start with the Huffington Post which lays bare the raw anger that Katie Hopkins remarks apparently generated….

Katie Hopkins Wrote This In The Sun About Migrants And Now Everyone Is Really Angry

“NO, I don’t care. Show me pictures of coffins, show me bodies floating in water, play violins and show me skinny people looking sad.

I still don’t care.

Make no mistake, these migrants are like cockroaches. They might look a bit “Bob Geldof’s Ethiopia circa 1984”, but they are built to survive a nuclear bomb. They are survivors.

It’s time to get Australian. Bring on the gunships, force migrants back to their shores and burn the boats.”


Here is John Wight, Guardian and Huffington Post writer, with a taste of his position on immigration…

Migration is as old as humanity itself, and attempting to impede the natural right of people to escape poverty, war, and social convulsion is both futile and cruel.

In other words…make no attempt to prevent immigration.

Here is his reaction on Twitter to Katie Hopkins…

The description of migrants as ‘cockroaches’ is the language of a genocidal maniac. Step forward the rancid piece of shit Katie Hopkins.

The language of a genocidal maniac?  What describing the immigrants as ‘cockroaches? Well on first glance it’s unpleasant language but hardly ‘genocidal’ and in the context she is actually praising the migrants for their ability to survive…’Cockroach’ is in fact a term of praise….Muhammed Ali ‘floated like a butterfly and stung like a bee’…so making references to insects as a favourable comparison isn’t unknown..and in fact was much celebrated.

In fact ITV had a programme called ‘cockroaches’, a comedy about the survivors in a post-apocalyptic world..

Hang on what’s this?  Oh it’s an old article by John Wight in which he tells us that the ‘Tories are not just vermin, but lower than vermin’...the language of a genocidal maniac?….

Nye Bevan Once Described the Tories as ‘Lower Than Vermin’ – He was Right

“No attempt at ethical or social seduction can eradicate from my heart a deep burning hatred for the Tory Party. So far as I am concerned they are lower than vermin.”

So said Nye Bevan in 1948……If he were alive today to see the current Tory-led coalition government in power, there is little doubt that the harsh words he had for them back then would not change by as much as one syllable.

Welcome to Tory Britain in the 21st century.

The Guardian itself didn’t seem too concerned about Bevan’s comment…nor of his casual racism towards the English…

Bevan’s “vermin” remark – one of the most famous jibes in politics – was adroitly turned against the Attlee government by Tory speakers, who pretended it insulted their voters rather than policy makers. However, Bevan merely retorted that men of Celtic fire were needed to bring about great reforms like the new NHS. That was why, he explained, Welshmen were put in charge instead of “the bovine and phlegmatic Anglo-Saxons.”


Here is the inestimable John Wight again this time railing against those ‘racists’ who want to control immigration properly…and compares Thatcherism to cancer…

Ever since Labour capitulated to Thatcherite nostrums and took its place alongside the Tories at the altar of the market and the rich, general elections in this country have presented the electorate with a choice between the political equivalent of a heart attack or cancer.

Labour’s immigration mug symbolises the extent to which the right is dominating the battle of ideas. It will be a collector’s item for racists up and down the country.

Finally from Wight we have this gem in which he celebrates somebody reporting Hopkins to the police for incitement to racial hatred…..

Katie Hopkins and The Sun editor reported to the police for incitement to racial hatred About time!

All a bit curious really when he himself incites anti-religious hatred….

George Bush: ‘God told me to end the tyranny in Iraq’ A better argument against religion you will not find.

And here fulminates against Islam saying that Muslims who practise their fundamental beliefs as ISIS says it does  must be sent to their graves and their complete and utter destruction…..

Emwazi is a medieval sectarian beast who, along with his acolytes within the so-called Islamic State, is embarked on a mission to turn the Middle East into a graveyard of those whose only crime is to practice a different religion than them, or practice the same religion in a way they disapprove of.

The only place for an ideology that fuels such barbaric movements and sanctions such grotesque carnage is the grave, along with those who adhere to it. The threat such ideologies pose to the very foundations of civilisation, their violation of the most fundamental belief in the sanctity of human life, demands nothing less than their complete and utter destruction.

Naturally though it is all ‘our’ fault in the West….’We’ are the enemy….

IS has spread and its ideology proliferated on the back of the destruction of Iraq and the unquantifiable trauma suffered by the Iraqi people, radicalising the entire region and young Muslims across the world at the same time.

This is why it is true to say that we have met the enemy and he is us.


Here is another of those ‘concerned’ citizens employed by the Guardian to watch over us and police our thoughts and language…Zoe Williams who thinks Hopkins is the harbinger of a new Dark Age…

Katie Hopkins calling migrants vermin recalls the darkest events of history

Hopkins’ phrasing was interesting: “These migrants are like cockroaches. They might look a bit ‘Bob Geldof’s Ethiopia circa 1984’, but they are built to survive a nuclear bomb.” The following morning, as an LBC shock jock, she rolled back her position slightly, suggesting the best way to solve the refugee crisis was not to shoot them once they were in the water, but to “burn all the boats in North Africa”.

This characterisation of people as less than human, as vermin, as a “virus” (as she did elsewhere in the article) irresistibly recalls the darkest events in history.

Compassion is such a rich part of the human experience and yet such a shaming thing to express, because you will always fall short of what your own words demand from you. You will never do enough.

People knew that you don’t respect the dead by staying silent about what killed them.

Firstly Hopkins didn’t call them ‘vermin’, that is a pejorative term deliberately chosen by Williams to sex up her attack on Hopkins. As to that claim that Hopkins wrote that the migrants should be shot in the water and that she later ‘rolled back on that‘….complete hogwash and another deliberate lie…..Hopkins advocated using gunboats, as the Australians do, to shepherd the migrants boats back to Libyan shores….

“It’s time to get Australian. Bring on the gunships, force migrants back to their shores and burn the boats.”

Nothing about shooting anybody…no mention of ‘vermin’….Williams says she compares them to a virus…well…only the violent ones…

“Show me pictures of coffins, show me bodies floating in water, play violins and show me skinny people looking sad – I still don’t care,” she wrote in her Sun column.

“Because in the next minute you’ll show me pictures of aggressive young men spreading like norovirus on a cruise ship.”

But then Churchill used similar language to describe Communism…..

‘In a speech to the House of Commons on November 5, 1919, Winston Churchill said: “…Lenin was sent into Russia … in the same way that you might send a vial containing a culture of typhoid or of cholera to be poured into the water supply of a great city, and it worked with amazing accuracy. No sooner did Lenin arrive than he began beckoning a finger here and a finger there to obscure persons in sheltered retreats in New York, Glasgow, in Berne, and other countries, and he gathered together the leading spirits of a formidable sect, the most formidable sect in the world … With these spirits around him he set to work with demoniacal ability to tear to pieces every institution on which the Russian State depended.”‘

Sounds kind of familiar doesn’t it that description of how a violent ideology is spread around an unwitting victim country?


Here is yet another Guardianista, Suzanne Moore, on the rampage about Hopkins…once again making her out to be at the head of a genocidal anti-immigrant movement….and once again, like Wight, tells us that we must not stop immigration….

‘On immigration, the language of genocide has entered the mainstream

Desperate people die at sea and are talked of as insects, not human at all. This is the natural conclusion of the toxic attitudes on proud display in British politics

I have no interest in the personality of that exoskeleton of solidified bile that is Katie Hopkins. None. But as dead bodies are taken out of the sea, destined for unmarked graves, we might ask how the language she speaks, and the flaunting of murderous wishes towards people who have nothing but the clothes they are found in, has become so mainstream.

To see the vocabulary of genocide casually used by Hopkins in her Sun column has disgusted many, but it does not come out of nowhere. The “debate” around immigration is rarely a debate at all; it has become a void which people fill with more and more extreme and disconnected statements.

Those who preach “honesty” – Nigel Farage staring down the camera, telling us that we at home are thinking what he is thinking, that unlike other politicians he will “tell it as it is” – are lying. The far right’s fantasy of pulling up the drawbridge to stop this great flow of desperate humanity in transit is just that: a fantasy.’


Note the hypocrisy about the intemperate language as she herself, and Wight, savagely abuses Hopkins in far worse a manner and then tells a blatant lie saying that Hopkins wants to murder the migrants claiming she uses a ‘vocabulary of genocide’.

Moore claims that those who seek to control immigation are cowards who don’t see the whole picture and of course she equates UKIP with the BNP…..

The “tell it as it is” crowd don’t tell it as it is at all. They are cowards. Our political class, both Tory and Labour, has been pulled so far right that it cannot, and will not, tell the complicated truth about the consequences of conflict, about a globalised economy, about our interconnected world, a world that we cannot simply step off, or stop.

Funny how these free-speech warriors only ever pick on those already worse off than them in every conceivable way – and now we see the logical conclusion of legitimising hate. Their rictus grins as they feast on actual corpses.

The discourse of the BNP, the EDL, and now Ukip – which, whatever it says, attracts out-and-out racists – has contaminated public life.

You have to ask who is it that is really hiding the facts about immigration…it’s certainly not the likes of Farage.   The real ‘cowards’ are the Left, the BBC, which refuses to explore the real issues about immigration preferring to stick with heartrending pictures of migrants being dragged from the sea to encourage us to empathise but not think.

The BBC’s Chris Mason yesterday told us that there were really two solutions to the migrant crisis…stop them coming over which he thought wouldn’t happen, or to rescue them from the sea…however he stopped there and didn’t expand on that, no exploration of what rescuing them would then entail and the consequences that would result….even more migration and massive social and political upheaval and conflict with an eventual breakdown in society engulfed by a continuous stream of migrants.

Australian experience would say otherwise…

‘If you want to stop migrants crossing the Mediterranean, don’t let them set foot on land’: Australian PM urges EU to adopt their tough policies… which HAVE proved a success


One of the ploys used by the BBC and others is to give the impression that a majority of the migrants are from Syria or the war torn Middle East, but that’s not true, many are of course but the vast majority are from Africa and are economic migrants….not to mention mostly male…..

Migrants from sub-Saharan Africa at a detention centre in Misrata, Libya.


Back to the Left’s lies about Hopkins….here they claim she has said all Palestinians are ‘filthy rodents’

Katie Hopkins ‘Tweets Palestinians Are Filthy Rodents’

The unofficial winner of Rent-A-Gob 2013/14 appears to have posted a series of tweets accusing Muslim men of being wife-beaters and calling Palestinians “filthy rodents”.


Now it is obvious she was talking about the Hamas terrorists who tunnel into Israel with the intent of killing as many civilians as possible and not Palestinians as a whole…..however here’s our old friend John Wight giving his two penneth worth….

It looks like the Left are willing say and do anything to discredit someone who refuses to remain silent about the horrors she sees and the hypocrisys of the Left which has so often been the cause of so many of those horrors.

They try to suggest that Hopkins does this all for show, to deliberately cause outrage merely to sell newspapers, but in fact I think she does believe what she says in her forthright and blunt manner, revealing the underlying truths about situations that are too uncomfortable for the Left  to admit and deal with, and which they prefer to brush under the carpet and ignore….prepared to let people die so that they can blame the Right for those deaths in the hope that it will silence them on the subject of immigration.

Whatever you think of Hopkins her opponents are far, far worse, and far more dangerous.







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52 Responses to Mary Poppins She Ain’t…But She Could Well Be Right

  1. Coastliner says:

    Excellent article- Katie tells it how it is. If those who want to flood Europe with potentially dangerous violent unemployable benefit vampires are offended – f**k ’em.


  2. Demon says:

    Hopkins is her own worse enemy and referring to the boat-people as cockroaches is disgraceful. Albeit what her critics say is equally as vile and, by complaining about her choice of words, makes them into disgusting hypocrites. However, by using this sort of language, Hopkins dilutes her message which is valid and gives the left-wing bien pensants a stick to beat her with and lets them ignore what she’s really saying.


    • Old Goat says:

      Oh, they’re the “boat people” now, are they?

      I’d call them naive, misguided and ill-informed people, who suffered an unfortunate, though predictable fate, through their own stupidity, and if prospective imitators fail to twig the pointlessness of it all, and save their pennies for rebuilding a life in their own country, rather than try and overcrowd ours, then they really have no-one to blame but themselves. We are NOT responsible for the daftness of every human being on the planet, they should accept some responsibility for themselves.

      All this wet, liberal hand-wringing makes me sick.

      Apprehend them, and take them back from whence they came. Problem, in the short term, solved – relatively inexpensively.


      • Demon says:

        I don’t disagree with what you say but if a commentater calls them “cockroaches” then the message is lost. We should take them all back to their point of embarkation and destroy all the boats, but using perjorative terms does not help your argument.


        • Guest Who says:

          I was going to skirt this thread as it didn’t have much to do with the BBC, but as it has cast a light on the wonderful world of the outrage industry the BBC and fellow travelers are adept at using to blow up what suits and distract from what doesn’t, in I chip.

          I agree with you Demon.

          Ms. Hopkins had some fair points laid out, but the terminology ensured these were lost in the sh*tstorm around that followed as flies do manure.

          She has clearly sussed that there is a vacancy for poke-a-lefty shock-job megagob unleashed, and is milking it for all she is worth.

          Shame. Bright girl. Feisty. But not in my name ta very much.

          I am not a great advocate of playing the game by others’ rules, but there is winning and inglorious collapse before half-time.

          And there are words and notions it simply makes no sense to deploy unless you too are in pursuit of heat more than light, and ratings more than persuasion. They were deliberately chosen but served no purpose.

          If she used her skills, following and undoubted backbone sensibly she’d be a powerful force. As it stands, a poor standard bearer as far as I am concerned.


          • ID says:

            It is no coincidence that in the Evans/Farage interview on BBC2, Evans accuses Farage of not getting the “tone” right. By trying to be as mealy mouthed about immigration, as those who are its mindless promoters, you are simply creating a rod for your own back. If certain cities in Britain are being turned into third world shitholes then this is the descrption that should be used. Genteel, middle-class personages may want to indicate to other genteel, middle class personages how genteel, sophisticated and high minded they are through their anodyne and euphemistic language, but euphemism is simply a tactic to mislead about unpleasant truths. Why collude with liars?


        • CranbrookPhil says:

          Yes using that language feeds right into the lefties’ hands. What is needed is measured rational comments with the facts undeniably correct. These are poor naive folk, & their obsession to get to Europe (Britain) is misguided, they are taken for a ride by the people-smugglers & stripped of all their finance. Yes Europe must rescue such people, but we do not have the obligation to land them on European shores. They must be returned to where they came from. If it is known that they will not end up in a hostal in Italy or Malta the market for people-smuggling in this way will collapse. Of course they will find a new way soon enough, Europe is under seige.


      • john in cheshire says:

        I’d probably call them parasites but it is true to say it’s the socialists who caused the whole problem and things won’t improve until they have been permanently marginalised.


        • Socialists?
          The loveable socialists, who have battled against the evils of society, almost alone.

          Socialists, who alone, have the purity of spirit to understand the nature of the evil that they face.

          Socialists, who alone, have taken the unpalatable action to minimise this evil.

          Actually, no, these would be the lower than conservative, lower than cockroaches, socialists, who murdered approximately 120 million people between 1917 and 1962 and, continued by the loveable Ho Chi Minh, Pol Pot et al have earned, because they have worked for this status, a nastier record than even Islam achieved, in a shorter timescale.

          Those who, like Ed Milliband, believe the answer to the excesses of Marxism is more Marxism, because well it’s Jewish, so it’s immune to criticism.


          • Wild says:

            ‘it’s Jewish, so it’s immune to criticism.’



            • Just Sayin' says:

              this type of jewish ideology which the left embrace is totally different from the zionist jew the left hate so much


      • Thoughtful says:

        “I’d call them naive, misguided and ill-informed people, who suffered an unfortunate, though predictable fate, through their own stupidity”

        I think I’d disagree with every point here Old Goat.

        They know perfectly well what they are doing, and that when & if they reach Europe they will have succeeded, because spineless liberals will never return them.
        They have contact with others who have gone before them, they are well informed.
        Their fate is not through stupidity, it is through the criminality of people traffickers who inadequately fuel the vessels and then leave so they don’t get caught.
        They can’t save their pennies because they borrow the money on the understanding that they will pay it back from the benefits they receive in Europe.
        We need to house them in a camp on Lampedusa until their asylum claim is rejected, and then swiftly return them even if their own countries don’t want them back.

        They are only doing this because they know that some people succeed.


        • I Can See Clearly Now says:

          Thoughtful; this is an excellent comment. I agree 100%, apart from one word. You say that ‘… they know that some people succeed.’ I’d change that to ‘… they know that most people succeed.’ Tell a lost tribe that people fly in aircraft, and they’ll ask you about the danger. Tell them that hundreds regularly die and they’ll be amazed that we still do it. But we know the statistically low risk. The immigrants know the huge majority get through and, as someone quoted yesterday, ‘you get a house on the first day.’ What’s not to like. They are realists. We are the deluded ones; the activist industry keep pushing our faces into the relatively small number of operations that go wrong, to the point where we are ready to launch our own one-way shuttle from Africa.


  3. 43 says:

    A corny expression but she speaks for the silent majority.


    • Essex Man says:

      Go Katie Go , Send the Evil Lefties back the Shite they deserve .Sink the boats & no rescue , this flood will turn into a Tsunami very soon.


  4. Flexdream says:

    Instead of posturing about whether she used nasty words or not the real concern is what to do. Instead the BBC cheerleads gesture and posture politicking and a beauty parade of people contending for the prize of ‘most seeming to care person’.
    The big question is what’s gone wrong in Africa. People aren’t fleeing in desperation from China, India, Pakistan, and the migrants to Italy are seldom from Libya so it’s not simply proximity. Why is part of Africa failing? Europe taking in 100 000 boat migrants a year, or a million, won’t fix Africa.


    • Demon says:

      I reply to you in the same way I did to Old Goat. If we send them back they will stop coming, if they stop coming they will stop drowning – simple. That’s what Hopkins was correctly saying. Calling them names gives the left their chance to ignore her very valid point.


      • Geoff says:

        With respect I disagree, peoples eyes need to be opened up to exactly what they are, not the bBC’s version of what they are and that we should all feel really sorry for them.

        They are nothing but chancers, knowing full well that once they hit Europe they’ve hit the jackpot and as pointed out elsewhere is costs them 1000 Euros to make the trip, are they really poor? Should we really feel sorry for them?

        Sorry but I’m through will all this fluffy PC language, Ms Hopkins described them completely correctly and hopefully opened some eyes of the less well informed Sun readers.

        We’ve hit the jackpot, we were born British and its high time we started using language and actions to protect that ‘silver spoon’. Being ‘PC’ does us no favours, stuff upsetting the left, pussyfooting around them is how we find ourselves in the position we are today..


        • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

          Well, the bbc had their version of one of these ‘boat people’ on the breakfast sofa this morning.
          Poor old Billy Bullshit didnt know which sad face to use next.
          He had trekked across the Sahara in his journey, from war torn Eritrea, with his family to find safety.
          Safety in the first safe country? Like hell it was…it was the good old UK for him. His boat must have washed up on the Thames embankment then?
          We’ll never know, he wasnt’t asked of course how many safe countries he ignored .
          And guess what…he’s a pastor, who has completed his masters degree.
          Now THAT is the bbc version…..a typical guy eh? Like fuck it is.


        • ID says:

          Precisely, Geoff, by adopting the phraseology “cohesive diversity”, “enrichment”, “rejuvenation”, “community leader”, islamophobia” and anodyne “tone”,i.e. never say anything to challenge the smug leftist consensus, then you are simply helping them cover up or minimise the real problems caused by mass, unlimited migration.


    • Bob Nelson says:

      It’s Global Warming. Must be. I’m surprised no-one at the BBC has picked up on this.


  5. JimS says:

    Hopkins ‘crime’ is that she writes what she thinks, not what she is supposed to think, free-thought now being on the endangered list.

    I’m fascinated by all this ‘natural migration’ stuff. When everyone was a nomad on the savanna or desert no doubt they migrated in search of food and water. People moved in and moved out. However in the west every piece of land belongs to someone. Farmers cleared land for their children and grandchildren. City fathers built concert halls and libraries for their descendants. This is was the natural extension of the family and the tribe looking after their own.

    Of course the Marxist despises the family, the tribe and the nation. Mass immigration is seen by them as a perfect way to achieve the destruction of institutions and society as we knew it.


  6. Wild says:

    Reality is precisely what the Left is opposing – to engage with reality is ipso facto to turn your back on the Left and starting to walk in a different direction.

    I am no fan of Katie Hopkins but at least she has the courage to say what she sees instead of asking the Commissars for permission to speak. The Left are just Fascists who hate their own Country.


  7. oldartist says:

    In some ways the left bear some responsibility for these kinds of tragedies by offering false hope to these people. We saw exactly the same kind of shallow grandstanding from Nicola Sturgeon and co in the first leaders debate, when Nigel Farage dared to raise the issue of health tourism.


  8. G.W.F. says:

    Allen West records how a Disney star was rebuked for defending a comedian who compared Michelle Obama to an ape. The comedian was sacked for such a racist remark but Raven Symone defended the comedian pointing out that people compared her to a bird. Allen West adds the point that the Black Panthers named their organization after an animal that was fast, but not as intelligent as a simian.
    We use animal and insect comparisons to make a point, it enriches language. The people in West’s example are all black, including West – as if that ought to matter..
    Anyone doubt this start with Plato’s Republic and the Myth of Er.


  9. Guest Who says:

    I am more interested in policies than semantics, and as this thread has inspired a ‘parallel’ course to BBC bias feel inspired to stay with it.

    This is the Ch4 ‘Snowmail’ today, accompanied by a picture of a group of young men who look fit, well, young and most certainly from nowhere near North Africa or the Middle East:

    ‘On the front line of the Mediterranean migrant crisis

    The scale of the unfolding tragedy in the Mediterranean is truly shocking. Migration experts say the number of casualties on un-seaworthy boats attempting the perilous crossing from north Africa to southern Europe has risen 30-fold on last year – with more than 1,750 lives lost already this year. Europe Editor Matt Frei will be presenting again from the Sicilian city of Catania, where he’s visited the massive migrants’ camp set up by the authorities. More than 1,500 miles further north, Paraic O’Brien is at another such camp in Calais – the stopping-off point for so many of those migrants who have crossed a second continent en route to Britain. It’s a saga that brings only despair and hopelessness about what can be done to stem this tragic human traffic.

    It tells a tale, surely. These chaps are coming from the heart of Africa directly and voluntarily to a pretty unpleasant place to fork out a fair bit of money to risk death to get across a body of water to cross several countries to get to… amongst other places… here.


    I cannot see them as cockroaches. Thick, greedy, desperate, gullible… maybe. But they are lured by a Siren call that is making the risk apparently one worth taking.

    And too many, especially in the media, are letting the corpses pile up like the breach scene in World War Z until dithering or weak pols cave in and concede. Then everyone can share the joy.

    It’s all human nature. What drives the, The compassion at the result. Doesn’t make it right. And the rare statesperson it is that call it right, hangs tough, resists the mic-toting anguish tourists on the beaches and at the ports, and explains why in ways the public can digest and support.

    From some daft Facebook mates who seem to think everything can be solved with a hashtag share to cynical bandwagon jumpers like the Sturg or vapid journos penning tripe about hopelessness and despair on the hotel balcony, seeking great power but no responsibility is a fool’s errand.


    • TigerOC says:

      No one sees the irony of all this.

      Between 1900 and 1970 the black Africans did everything possible to rid their countries of the white man and demand self rule. It was the white man who was responsible for their poverty and poor conditions. Freedom and self rule would restore their wealth and dignity and make them rich.
      40 years on they are prepared to spend their life savings and risk their lives to come and live under the very people they so despise. Such was their hatred of the white man they were prepared to kill him to get rid of him.


  10. Jeff says:

    The language Hopkins used, considering hundreds had died, was astonishingly insensitive. And it’s weakened her argument and distracted from some of the more reasonable points she made.
    I don’t think Europe can be used as some sort of human sump into which every desperate human being attempts to get to, sometimes with suicidal disregard for their own safety. If we did accept every poor person from the third world it would be standing room only in Blighty. Blimey, it ain’t far off that at the moment.
    However, it is completely inhumane to allow hundreds, possibly thousands, to drown, if we can do something to save them.
    The most sensible thing I’ve seen written about this was in The Telegraph. It suggested a multi national fleet much closer to the set off points and sinking the boats before their human cargo had got aboard. This would, hopefully, act as a powerful disincentive to those fleeing and those trafficking.


    • Geoff says:

      We have to face facts, the world is overpopulated and its kill or be killed, we and the rest of Europe have to make it clear there is nothing here for them, zilch, no benefits, no homes and no asylum and on arrival give them an assisted 180 deg, eventually they’ll get the message.

      Callous I know, but we have to face facts, just waiting for Geldof’s next effort.


    • 60022Mallard says:

      I think you will have a little bit of trouble with the natives entering their territorial waters to wreck their boats, if you can tell me how you definitely identify them before they are loaded.

      To stop them on territorial limits means they just open the sea cocks, sink the boat, and then what do you do as captain of HMS whatever?

      The traffickers unfortunately hold all the aces as long as the “EU” displays a bleeding heart liberal approach.

      As others say on here they are not asylum seekers on the whole but economic migrants, who presumably once settled bring the family over too.


      • John Anderson says:

        Why not just sink the damn boats in the ports – apologise and offer to negotiate compensation a few tears down the line.

        Why let tragedies happen when we know they are preventable ?


  11. I Can See Clearly Now says:

    When you are young, you think history moves in straight lines. Later, you learn a lot is circular. After times of hardship, a population knows cold reality, but a generation born into a life of ease is deluded that everything comes easy. That’s where we are today. Elections are a bit of fun, but nothing will change until the house of cards falls. Could be any day; could be years.

    Our guilty generation thinks their wealth came easy and are determined to enrich the whole world. Remember a couple of years ago; people who look a lot like todays immigrants went on a looting spree. Our authorities sat motionless for three days, frozen by fears of racism allegations, like rabbits in headlights, until public outrage threatened to spill over. The ‘better life’ immigrants are much like those looters. Call them what you like; I know what I think of them.

    Call Me Dave seems ready to be the big man; the Kim Jong-un of international aid. The current flood of humanity will become a torrent. We’ll be past the point of no return long before what seemed worst-case just a week ago. Utter disaster.

    Nothing will change by normal process. Here’s the bad news, re-tweeted by Adam Boulton:

    That’s before the great propaganda war starts. The good news is this line:

    The IMF warned of a “cascade of disruptive adjustments”, doubly dangerous since the markets have yet to believe or “price in” what may soon hit them.
    Caveat creditor as IMF chiefs mull unpayable debts

    Nothing will bring our deluded generation to their senses like ‘a cascade of disruptive adjustments.’ But it might be too late by then. It might be too late now.


    • 60022Mallard says:

      I’m in favour of EU membership, if it is taken back to a free trade area.

      How would my “opinion” have been counted in the YouGov poll?

      Next question is “Who paid for the poll?” Strangely that often has something to do with the result by the careful phrasing of questions, after all no one wants to commission a poll that does not confirm the payers prejudices on a matter.

      Hence my ears always prick up when an item comes on the BBC indicating they paid for a poll! As with careful editing out of the “unwanted” results of the BBC Newsbeat poll


  12. dave s says:

    Reality is here revealed but the liberal cannot handle it as usual. C4 news was a real tear jerker. Africa and the Islamic world are in meltdown. An inevitability which the West should have anticipated and steered well clear of.
    Liberals never think they just emote. We are about to see the clash between reality and the liberal world of the liberal’s desire.


    • Thoughtful says:

      Almost every war which we have been involved in since the BLiar years has been at the behest of Sunni Islamic Islamic oil rich countries, and it is not coincidence that both BLiar and Clinton have become very wealthy indeed.
      We know that the excuses made to begin the Iraq war were at best flimsy, and at worst downright lies. The UK didn’t stand to gain anything. Almost every aspect of Western foreign policy in Islamic lands boils down to what Sunni Islam wants, and is prepared to pay for.


  13. petebogtrott says:

    if they can afford thousands of pounds to get on a boat,why do they need to come to europe.
    Silly me its benefits.
    send them back and tell them to spend their money living at home.


  14. Angrymanupnorth says:

    Excellent piece Alan.

    Might I add, in light of the disturbing issue of police involvement for a ‘hate crime’, that there is no such thing as ‘hate crime’ or ‘thought crime’. It is but a statist construct giving Government thugs legal authority to interfere with ones liberty and freedoms (in this case freedom of Katie Hopkins thought and of her expression of it). She has not incited violence, nor slandered any individual. The Nietzsche quotes are most apt to many who retain support for the current British ‘Left’ and laws impinging on our liberty that have been introduced in recent decades, through mass apathy.

    You expose the corrupted moral hypocrisy and shallow self-righteousness of the left twitterati.

    Katie Hopkins is an excellent ‘Spoon Technologist’. She stirs well. I see her, not as a ‘torch bearer’ as someone has mentioned above, but as an agitator, a provocatrix, and the left wing media commentators get drawn in. They can’t help it. It is for others like you Alan, not Katie Hopkins, to inspect what faecal media matter that Katie’s agitations bring to the surface.

    But what the exchange (Hopkins/Wight,Moore et al.) exemplifies is that while the left questions the integrity and humanity of those of the right , the right simply question the intelligence of those of the left and their capacity to engage in the real human symptoms of failed authoritarian ideologies and their effects.


  15. Geoff says:

    It was the Society Of Black Lawyers that reported Hopkins and The Sun to the Police, if the case goes to court maybe someone from the Society of White Lawyers could fight her case? …..Oh hang on….


    • Guest Who says:

      Well, at least they must have been professionally confident they were not wasting police time.

      I wonder what get up that senior lady rozzer will need to sport to interact appropriately and sensitively with a cabal of black lawyers?


  16. I Can See Clearly Now says:

    TEN NEWS: Young, black female immigrant, now on her way into Europe. Where do you want to go? London. Didn’t look like she was fleeing much. Didn’t look like she was terribly poor. Didn’t look poor at all, in fact. More like ‘in search of the good life’.

    Credit to Clive Myrie. He pointed out that, while attention was on a few disaster incidents, boatloads of immigrants are arriving all the time. Rare, unadorned truth from the Beeb.


    • Aerfen says:

      Rare indeed for them to allow an interviewed one to state Britain as the target country, according to the BBC they usually have a relative in Sweden, France, Germany.


  17. Sir Arthur Strebe-Grebling says:

    And now that Miliband and the three witches (Sturgeon, Bennett and Wood) all agree that we should run an International Health Service, to benefit any sick foreigner who wants to come here, how many more ‘migrants’ will want to come here?


  18. Coastliner says:

    Milliband wants to restart rescue missions and bring more of the freeloading unemployable dross here – God help us if the moron wins power.


  19. Aerfen says:

    The psychology of white self abasement is explained by Professor Kevin MacDonald


  20. More Like The Soviet Bloc Every Day says:

    I remember reading this yesterday and thinking that I broadly agreed with her views. A while ago, I would’ve been much more sympathetic to the refugees, but knowing what I know now about Islam (and I imagine many of these young men are Muslims) and also how ISIS promised to send over loads of refugees and migrants to flood Europe (with Jihadists of course among them) then I’m filled with a sense of dread when I see these boats. Like Katie, all I want to is for these people to be sent back where they came from. A mass influx of these people will only make things less safe for me and the people I care about. And that trumps any sympathy. Also, the first duty of a government is to protect its citizens, something our “management” isn’t doing at all.
    I quite admire Katie’s guts (I remember disliking her when I saw her on the apprentice) and we need people like her to speak their mind. Her language was a bit strong, ultimately self-defeating, and I got it when she wrote cockroaches she just meant indestructible multiplying pests, but of course predictably enough it gave a target to her critics who now don’t have to address her points or defend their positions. If I had to guess, I sense that she’s just really really fed up (as I imagine most people are here) at the hypocrisy in the media including the good ol’ beeb which will paint these opportunists with the most tragic strokes but ignore all the damage done to our societies because of uncontrolled mass immigration. Particularly the grooming gangs. I still can’t get my head around the underwhelming media response to one of the worst scandals of recent times. It shows me that we live in an upside down world. Well, it’ll be interesting to see if Hopkins is prosecuted. It might stimulate more debate.


    • Guest Who says:

      Is there any legal opinion (not coloured by activist banwagoneering) on what the basis of such a prosecution would be?

      I see the Indy and HuffPo have found a petition they like, but HR by mob seems a tricky precedent.


      • More Like The Soviet Bloc Every Day says:

        She wouldn’t have any case to answer I feel, she could mount a credible defense of her words. It would just amount to lawfare and the attempt to sully her reputation and destroy her career. The whole thing with hate speech is so disturbing today, it potentially gives anybody a license to be censorious.

        One other thought, I was quite impressed when she attacked Simon Danczuk in Rotherham on twitter over flying the Pakistani flag. To me, it seems she doesn’t have any blinkers when it comes to the rape gangs or what the underlying cause of it all is i.e. Islamic teaching and culture and this probably motivated her reaction with the refugees here. She completely understands the implications of this invasion. Anybody who thinks Islam is benign would understandably think she’s just a heartless cow, or simply trying to play a pantomime villain. As we know, there’s a bit of a knowledge deficit in the public domain when it comes to things like Islamic immigration (wonder who we can thank for that). Maybe she was trying to stimulate public debate or maybe she doesn’t care, is just angry and will leave it to people themselves to figure out.

        This constant public hounding of unpopular views really worries me, people who don’t toe the line are sent to a gulag of the mind and it seems to be getting worse. We all have to fight for freedom of speech. Thankfully there does seem to be some resistance, but we need more.


  21. David Brims says:

    Where on earth do these immigrants get the money from ??? £5,000 to pay the traffickers ? Saw on SKY news, 2 of them came from Somalia, crossed to Sudan, Egypt, Libya, then to Italy, France and finally Britain.

    I don’t have that kind of money yet these illegal immigrants are traveling the World like Alan Whicker. We’re just importing a crime wave.


    • David Brims says:

      Why don’t they go to Algeria or Turkey, is it because the immigrant knows those countries are not mugs ?


    • Geoff says:

      They’re no strangers to mobile phones either, plenty on show when we see them shacked up at Calais. No doubt networking with their relatives already in the UK.

      We need to realise these people are parasites, nothing more.


  22. D1004 says:

    Another day another sob story from the land of dimwits on cumfy sofas. Yes it’s a follow up to the death of loads of “migrants” . A 21 year old from The Gambia was one of the dead, his uncle lives in cheltenham in a nice middle class house married to a white woman. The uncle, who does seem a reasonable type says his dead nephew was always asking him when he could arrange for him to join him over here, to which the uncle said he had told him it was not as easy to get into the UK as his nephew thought. A photo of the victim is shown. Typical young black man who you would pass on any street , baseball cap, headphones, shiny jacket. Anyway it appears the man decided he would find his own way to the promised land with the sad resulting death. So a young man, reasonably well off, just wanting a better life not living in a war zone.
    We then have a studio chat with a fluffy hugg from the ‘Merseyside Refugee Support Group’. Fluffy hugg then says its terrible that people are fleeing Libya from persecution and war. Strangely no one on the sofa draws her attention to the story just shown about an obvious economic migrant not a refugee running away from war. Fluffy hugg says we must keep to the convention we signed up to in 1951, no one disagrees with her, no one mentioned the world is, surprise surprise a different place these days. Africans can watch TV, can see youtube, have mobiles, can see a much better life just over a little pond to which access is easily obtained. It is indeed a different world. Time to withdraw from all ‘conventions’ which are no longer applicable.


  23. London Calling says:

    Do we have a shortage of Africans in the UK? Never mind Africans drowning, down here in South London we are drowning in Africans. Schools, housing and maternity services are buckling under the arrogant “cream” of Ghana and the rest.

    To anyone who doesn’t do the math, there are over 800m Africans sub Sahara who, with the exception of their crooked leaders, would all be “better off moving to the UK”. Many of these don’t make or do anything except make more Africans. We don’t have an obligation to house the world, heal the world, or educate the world.

    Only in handwringing Guardian-la la land do well-paid liberal journalists weep over such tragedies as people-smuggler boats sinking. Somalia and Eritrea to the UK: pity the people of Calais.

    The migrants know UK asylum and benefit laws are “gameable”. If you can get here, no-one will throw you out. 80% of those refused because of bogus claims never leave. Spineless Dave and Theresa are too scared to move. It is the land of milk and honey. Our milk, our honey.

    Italy could do us all a favour and sink all boats before they leave Libyan waters. Save us all grief and save thousands of Africans from drowning in the Mediterranean. Instead Dave offered Calais some money to improve their fences. You can see easily why Dave is not the man to return to Westminster, nor the other two.

    You have a choice in May: support the purple tide, axe the BBC.