More Brainwashing Needed!


Interesting reaction to this BBC Tweet……Not the one the BBC hoped for I imagine……

Fears grow for ‘Syria-bound’ girls























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20 Responses to More Brainwashing Needed!

  1. +james says:

    Three little maids from school are we
    Thick as a school girl well can be
    Filled to the brim with Allah’s ghee.
    Three little maids from school


  2. Mike says:

    I wonder if the people who describe these teenagers who wish to join an organisation that murders people in horrific ways (a fact they must be aware of) as radicalised and incapable of independent thought are the same as those that espouse giving the vote to 16-year olds. The non-judgemental attitude of the BBC has a lot to answer for


    • ManonClaphamOmnibus says:

      ‘The non-judgemental attitude of the BBC has a lot to answer for ‘
      Oh what a give away. I thought the BBC was meant to be biased.
      I think you’ll find that human mentality operates like herd mentality.
      Its like people going around imagining that if their were no foreigners (even the British ones) then everything would be OK.
      They are, you will find , the same people that think the Conservatives have made the economy better (they haven’t) or ‘we are all in it together’ or Government is based on making decisions on the basis of available evidence.(it isnt).
      Those kind of people lamely vote Conserverative or UKIP without ever understanding who or what the are supporting.
      It is a very powerful drive ,belonging to a group that you think has the answer and you dont have to be 16 to appreciate that.


      • I Can See Clearly Now says:

        So it’s pretty cool to slide a sharp knife through the sinew and bone of someone’s neck coz my peer group think it’s pretty cool… and anyway…. they were only Coptics and Coptics are infidels….

        Glad you let us know why we should be non-judgemental over the three little maids. It’s odd, though, then, that a BBC anchor described a spot of unpleasantness on a train as ‘horrendous’. Clearly the BBC pick and choose when to judge.


        • ManonClaphamOmnibus says:

          I didnt say the BBC was non Judgemental ,someone else did. That’s why its in quotes. As to the rest of your response , doing away with the hatred element, its pretty reasonable to prevent kids from running to environments they dont understand or preventing racism in foriegn tube stations.
          Much of it comes down to elements of the British Culture (or not) which this site is finding it hard to define.
          Stepping back it may be instructive to considered that your own racism is bourne out of a wider economic struggle where our economy ,for the best part of the population, is collapsing and will continue to do so unless redistributive measures are put in place. As to ISIS I would suggest this has a clear lineage with the West’s need for oil which is why Britain destroyed Iran’s democracy in the 50’s to protect BP’s interests,why we have invaded and destroyed Iraq and Afganistan and why Blair and Cameron have sidled up to some of the most repressive regimes in the world in order to maintain oil reserves outside of Russia which is the true enemy. This is quite apart from the US routinely ignoring the exportation of a violent form of Islam from Saudi Arabia (the place where they still cut off heads and hands and execute ‘magicians’) which started from their Oil deal on Bitter Lake in the 50’s.
          People like you ,unfortunately are being played.Those girls travelling to Syria are deluded.Dont kid yourself that you arent as equally so.


      • Innocent Civilian says:

        Missed the soon to be retired Grimsby MPs latest comment about Labour voters then? If a Labour MP thinks people who vote Labour are thick who are we to disagree?


  3. Pounce says:

    I see the left are now blaming the Government for allowing these 3 poor little girls to leave the country. Saying that they should have known that they had been in contact with another (Scottish ) girl who had buggered off To Syria for Allah and ISIS . But here’s a few facts about those communiques ;
    The first twitter contact between the girls was on Feb 15th
    They flew out on the 17th .

    Yet the people demanding that the UK authorities should have been watching these girls, are the very same ones who have resisted (every step of the way) any act of surveillance on….Muslims. As for stopping them leaving. How many times have we heard of the left screaming ‘Allah ackba’ whenever a Muslim has been stopped. Yet when 3 little little girls leave for Syria in which to get fucked rotten (Lets be honest here about why they are going out there) there’s a scream from the left regards how inept this government is for not stopping them.
    Funny enough
    At the end of next month exit checks will come into effect in the UK. Makes you wonder why the girls left now and not later and why the bBC doesn’t mention that opposition to introducing those checks by the left could have saved those girls from becoming spunk trumpets for allah’s soldiers.


    • ManonClaphamOmnibus says:

      Except it isnt the left. The Government has expressed concern and is attempting to thwart their attempts to reach Syria. Why oh why do you people just make things up to fit an extremely uninformed narrative. People like you should just not have the vote.


      • I Can See Clearly Now says:

        You’ve been imbibing the Common Purpose Kool Aid! Life would be so simple if the plebs just accepted three left-wing parties. Any dissenters could be denied the vote. You betray your real beliefs. Democracy is such a drag if people insist on thinking for themselves!


      • Pounce says:

        Big eared shirt button who hides behind many clones opines:
        Except it isnt the left. The Government has expressed concern and is attempting to thwart their attempts to reach Syria.

        Excuse me twinkle toes?
        1) UK: Emergency Surveillance Law a Blow to Privacy

        2) Why social workers should be worried about surveillance laws

        3) Civil Society Concerns about UK Surveillance

        4) The impact of counter-terrorism
        measures on Muslim communities

        Err, how about you get off the 345 and actually read what I wrote and not what you think I wrote. As for this quip:
        “People like you should just not have the vote.”
        And to think pricks like you want to allow children the same age as these girls the right to vote because of their maturity , yet now we are been told they aren’t mature enough to think.


        • ManonClaphamOmnibus says:

          I cant find your orginal post and If I have misinterpreted the same ,I apologise. In respect of giving the three girls the vote, I think your assumptions given my stated view are entirely illogical.


      • stewart says:

        What a dogs dinner that was, a rancid stew of half digested dogma masquerading as knowledge seasoned with some good old fashioned knee-jerk snobbery.

        And you have the gall to cast others as ‘sheeples’ for not sharing your hysterical tin foil J… I mean ‘bankers run the world’conspiracy theories

        On second thought even the mangiest of dogs would turn their nose up at that plate of steaming bile.


      • Doublethinker says:

        I suppose only people whose thoughts you approve of should have the vote?


  4. Mice Height says:

    No borders maaaaaan!
    Let all humans travel where they wish.
    Immigration is not a crime.


    • I Can See Clearly Now says:


      No goods maaaaaan!
      Let all humans share what they wish.
      Communism is not a crime.

      Why should the British keep the goodies for themselves, just because they worked for them?


  5. Alan Larocka says:

    Yet if we had intervened, no doubt the same clowns shouting about why more wasn’t done, would be then shouting about their human rights being violated !


  6. Llareggub says:

    Has no one thought how useful it would be in the war with Isis, to implant some kind of tracking device into the jihadi tarts, so that an airstrike could be directed to their eventual location.
    That would be my suggestion if we had a BBC HYS on the subject.


  7. mick hall says:

    There choice they went why are we looking for them police money should be used to find the pedo muslims in rotherham no wasted on these traitors the bbc is so far out in it reporting on this matter nobody’s bothered theve gone let their parents go and look for them