1. Will all end in tears says:

    So thousands of Muslims protest in Downing Street over the highly offensive Charlie Hebdoe cartoons.

    The Telegraph has it (comments closed, natch);


    Breitbart has it;


    But what of our national broadcaster?

    Well nowhere to be seen or heard as far as I can make out.
    And certainly not featuring on the TV news or Five Live.

    Strange that no?

    That aside, isn’t it a little disconcerting that a democratically elected MEP and leader of one of the UK’s major political parties can be stopped from speaking publicly in Rotherham by a group of 40 SWP types as well as the police.

    And, indeed, this is celebrated by the Labour Party.

    And yet a gang of unelected “British” Muslims can protest yards from the home of the UK’s PM (climbing all over the statue of hero Montgomery in the process) and remain entirely unmolested by the authorities.

    There is a long, arduous road ahead.


    • John Anderson says:

      One of the things the BBC is scared of is the “optics” of the Muslim crowd. The area around our Cenotaph and seat of Government full of people in non-Western clothes, strange garb, many long beards – a scene like Cairo or Pakistan to many indigenous people here. A crowd / mob demanding that we defer to their minority wishes, that we curtail our freedom of speech. Just a short while after the Muslim atrocities in Paris which these crowds did not protest (many of them will have applauded the murders) and just days after the latest ISIS atrocity that even has the state of Jordan furious.

      Bad optics. Down the memory hole with it all – “move along there, nothing happening”.


      • noggin says:

        Coached in from all over? … Rentamob at work?
        The cartoons – which led to the brutal massacre at the French magazine Charlie Hebdo – were described by the group as a …
        “violation of Islamic law”.
        The crowd held banners saying
        “Charlie and the abuse factory” and
        “learn some manners” 😀
        “Insult my mum, I will punch you”
        … as they called for the world to observe Muslim blasphemy rules.
        The group taunted the grieving families and supporters of the murdered Charlie Hebdo journalists by using the “#JeSuisCharlie” hashtag to tweet pictures of the rally.

        Is there not a large French community in London?
        Is there not a Jewish community in London?
        I ask you … was this “conducive to the public good”?.
        Was the Paris bloody extremism, goaded by just such arrogant, and aggressive shows like that yesterday?
        Was it
        “likely to cause distress, and upset.?
        Did it fall under a
        ” list of unacceptable behaviours by making statements which may “foster hatred” and lead to “inter-community violence” in the UK”.?

        The BBC is still weaselling around about “anti-Semitism”
        by shipping in idiots like on breakfast this morning, who follows G Allahway s free airtime advert that homeless Jews (Good), Israel Jews (Bad), and that Jewish people should join with their attackers, the instigators of this violence 😀 and equate real hatred/violence, with the wilful deceit of Islamofauxbia.


        Yep! I think that’s this very same G. Allahway?



    • A Teddy called Moh says:

      I notice they were praying at Whitehall. I imagine they were praying to the DSS to give thanks for their benefits whilst they plot treason


    • Chop says:

      I read on Pat Condell’s twitter feed that some of the Rotherham “Activists” were in fact…..sacked Labour council members…not sure how true that is…might just be hearsay.


    • Merched Becca says:

      What Al Beeb don’t realise is that social media is slowly taking over the role of news provider, because Al Beeb is not reporting all the news it should. Be it for political or even politically correct reasons, they will loose the battle because – “you can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time”. I have a feeling that the British people are slowly waking up.


  2. AsISeeIt says:

    (Labour MP) Margaret Hodge on tv whining that HSBC is

    “a massive massive story”

    You don’t have to tell that to the BBC, luv.

    BBC : Labour’s megaphone.


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      Cairo-born Margaret Hodge appears to be uniquely qualified to speak about alleged tax avoidance by large companies, such as her family company Stemcor. Here is a report from the Daily Telegraph – http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/businesslatestnews/9668396/Margaret-Hodges-family-company-pays-just-0.01pc-tax-on-2.1bn-of-business-generated-in-the-UK.html


      • Guest Who says:

        Uniques abound.

        Seems the BBC does like to balance what it goes large on with watertight oversight and/or professional courtesies with awkward questions that could spoil the narrative.


      • Albaman says:

        And here is the response from Stemcor. Why do so many supposedly intelligent people not understand that Corporation Tax is paid on profits earned and not sales made.


        • stewart says:

          Nice of you to shill for Stemcore old thing ,will you be doing the same for Amazon?


          • Albaman says:

            Typical bBBC response when faced with the facts.


            • stewart says:

              Funny I was thinking just the same about you


              • Albaman says:

                Whilst you sit there thinking here is another fact for you to ponder:

                Margaret Hodge MP – apology
                Margaret Hodge MP – Contrary to our report “Hodge faces challenge over family firm’s taxes” (Nov 20), Stemcor, in which Ms Hodge has a small shareholding, has not abused transfer pricing to avoid tax. We accept that there is no inconsistency or hypocrisy in Ms Hodge criticising other companies for tax avoidance and apologise to her for any contrary impression.



                • johnnythefish says:

                  Ehh, a defender of the BBC also defending a Labour MP.

                  Coincidence or magic? You decide…


                  • D1004 says:

                    How odd that a Scottish based troll has such a deep interest in the share dealings and company tax affairs of Margret Hodge MP,
                    Are you a fellow share holder Albaman. ? Or have you some link to her and her party so as to be able to have such info at your fingertips ?


                    • Albaman says:

                      It is called google. You should try it – you will be amazed how often you can find facts contradicting the postings here.

                      To be called a troll and a shill in one day really shows what this site thinks of facts.


                    • johnnythefish says:

                      ‘It is called google. You should try it – you will be amazed how often you can find facts contradicting the postings here.’

                      In fact, you are so amazed by them your amazed state is like a paralysis that stops you from typing and posting them on here – 99.99% of the time….


                    • D1004 says:

                      Wiki is your friend……….
                      If it looks like a duck, if it sounds like a duck, if if reads like a duck chances are its a ……….troll.

                      Hey look bbc alba, I can use google too !
                      Ain’t I clever ?


                    • D1004 says:

                      Hey bbc alba !
                      I’m getting really good at this now, what’ya think Mcbeeboid ?

                      You know old Mcbeeboid, the worst part of you lot not winning the vote on departing was that we still have to put up with endless scottish football on every beeboid sport report, as far as I was concerned it was going to be our biggest gain, losing all the dross about Celtic beating another bunch of tyre fitters again and again and again.


            • Guest Who says:

              ‘The question that was tabled and agreed was not the question that was asked.’

              A quote from a (once) BBC-favoured son in a BBC-favoured source paper.

              Fact, or not?

              Can’t seem to get a reply from the BBC or its apologists on this, which is a pity as the BBC spokesgarden has claimed some stuff this rather raises questions about.

              Maybe such hard-to-face things results in silence as a tactic?

              Meanwhile, the Cenotaph stands oddly ignored still.


        • pah says:

          Stemcor are doing nothing illegal and Hodge has no ‘control’ in the tax arrangements it is true.

          But Amazon are doing nothing illegal either and they pay their taxes according to EU rules.

          That is why Hodge is a hypocrite on this issue. She is happy to have over 1M shares in a family company that organises its taxes, quite legally and responsibly, to promote maximum profits to shareholders yet lambasts companies that do the same.

          Criticising behaviour in others that you do yourself is hypocrisy by definition.


        • Roland Deschain says:

          Why do so many supposedly intelligent people not understand that Corporation Tax is paid on profits earned and not sales made.

          I dunno, perhaps it’s headlines like “Amazon UK paid £2.4m tax last year, despite £4bn sales”?


          • Roland Deschain says:

            And… oh dear. What’s this?

            “Starbucks reportedly paid just £8.6m in corporation tax in the UK over 14 years and nothing in the last four years – despite sales of £400m last year.”

            Perhaps these supposedly intelligent people have been listening to the BBC too much.


        • Rob in Cheshire says:

          Sales are a matter of fact, profit is a matter of opinion.


    • #88 says:

      Over to Guido I think. He’ll be along later no doubt with stories about the Guardian’s tax management and Hodge’s family business, Stemcor (was it true that they only paid 0.01% tax on their global income?), and the Hodge family tax trust.


      • nofanofpoliticians says:

        Hodge has always been quite quick to threaten legal action if any suggestion of wrong-doing is made against her. I seem to recall that she made just such a threat whilst on air (possibly on The Daily Politics, although I could be wrong).

        As such, the BBC will have filed that particular item in a very darkened place.


      • Andy S. says:

        Perhaps Ed Miliband could be asked how much Capital Gains Tax /Death duties he paid on the house he inherited from his millionaire father? How about asking Chukka Ummuna about his access to his parents offhore bank account that paid for one of his homes? Then there are the “Offices of Gordon and Sarah Brown” and the “Offices of David Miliband” that receives all their incomes. Those companies will pay Corporation Tax only halving their overall tax liabilities.

        There are no depths to Labour hypocrisy.


        • johnnythefish says:

          Not forgetting the country’s ‘greatest-statesman-never-to-be-Prime-Minister’, the man who closed more pits than Margaret Thatcher, the man who fought the coastal path and had it take a long detour round his estate, your very own harmless, lovable fruitbat……….Anthony Wedgewood Benn.



          • Thatcher Revolutionary says:

            Don’t forget Tristram Hunt, son of Baron Hunt of Chesterton…………no doubt a nice offshore trust for that smug prick while pontificating about energy prices. A right Hunt indeed !


  3. Guest Who says:

    Those two posts (Will All End In Tears, AsISeeIt) rather neatly encapsulate the high-integrity BBC editorial decisions on what is news, and what is not.

    Propaganda backed by censorship. Potent forces in complement.


    • AsISeeIt says:

      ‘…high-integrity BBC editorial decisions on what is news…’

      Quite. And I say again that when you are already up and running with a thing going wall-to-wall, across the board, all formats – your principal interested interlocutor does come over as pretty naff when she over empasises the size of the story – rather than the facts.

      Ah, but I guess for the BBC it’s always that Mark Kermode concept of the importance of the message rather than the veracity of the history that is going to be the clincher.


  4. Sickofitall says:

    Here, the British army takes a jolly good hiding for ‘not being diverse enough’. In 1914.



    • Ian Rushlow says:

      As ever, the BBC manages to avoid any background that reflects badly on the treatment and conditions of ordinary British people. During the 19th Century, the height requirements were reduced on several occasions – widespread malnutrition simply meant that there weren’t enough men of sufficient size. Of course, it doesn’t fit the narrative that the people at home were generally treated just as badly as the colonial subjects.

      Here’s some information from “The Stomach for Fighting: Food and the Soldiers of the Great War” by Rachel Duffett:

      “In chapter two, Duffett provides the background story of British army food provisioning during the 19th century, depicting it as pitifully inadequate. The army was, in fact, the employer of next-to-last resort, slightly preferable to the workhouse. The men who did enlist in this low status job were already malnourished and physically underdeveloped; the army conceded this when it lowered the height requirement, first by three inches (to 5 ft. 3 in.) and later by another two inches, in order to let enough men into the ranks. Army rations did little to improve the health of rankers. Officers, most from the middle and upper classes, were rarely subjected to army rations, and certainly not regularly. While rations had improved by the start of the First World War, eating in the army still replicated the entrenched British class system. Duffett demonstrates the ways in which class, rank, and diet, by and large, remained related throughout the war.”


  5. #88 says:

    The bastards are really going for it this morning;

    Tax evasion (nasty Tories were obviously asleep at the wheel not doing their job as an opposition back in 2007)

    Roll up and get your enhanced paternity leave (Labour good)

    and now the new Pensioner Bonds (sorry hugely popular pensioner bonds) are just a nasty Tory bribe on the feather bedded pensioners. And did I really hear the Beeboid actually ask IF IT WAS TIME FOR AN UPPER AGE VOTING LIMIT.

    In terms of political bias, this morning has been one of the most astonishing that I can ever remember


    • Roland Deschain says:

      “And did I really hear the Beeboid actually ask IF IT WAS TIME FOR AN UPPER AGE VOTING LIMIT.”

      Yes, you did. That was jaw-dropping even for the BBC. What will they suggest next? An upper immigrant voting limit?


      • nofanofpoliticians says:

        Just a shame that media election campaign rules don’t kick in now, rather than at the end of the parliament (I month prior to the election date).

        This is a major problem with fixed term parliaments.


      • Ian Rushlow says:

        According to the Qur’an, a man’s testimony is worth twice that of a woman. But given that a woman has the vote in this country, does it not follow that a Muslim man should have 2 votes? I don’t know if this would work to the advantage of any particular party – for example the Labour party – but on grounds of Community Cohesion surely it could be justified?


        • A Teddy called Moh says:

          I think you will find that a Muslim man actually gets 100’s of votes if they use postal voting


          • Arthur Penney says:

            One of the reasons the number of voters have dropped so much is that now each person has to register to vote – rather than the head of the household doing everything (including the voting) for them.


  6. Dave666 says:

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-31253409 Roll up roll up vote for us get two weeks off and more cash. Maybe someone can help me out here as I have man flu and just can’t be bothered to look this up. The extra money is to be made up by an overall fall in the tax credits bill due to the availability of more “free ” childcare. So who’s paying for the increased “free” childcare?


    • Dave666 says:

      Oh right it’s going to be a bank levy “And he said that extending free childcare – paid for by a bank levy – would save “significantly” more in tax credits than the cost of the extra paternity pay, which is estimated to potentially cost the Treasury £150 million a year” Of which none of the costs will be pushed onto bank customers I assume & isn’t everything Liebour say they are going to do funded by a bank levy?


  7. Merched Becca says:

    Al Beeb are really going overboard with the Bafta Film Awards, an event which is merely an overblown Mutual Admiration Society event. A good way of burying important news issues ?


    • starfish says:


      Luvvie organisation stuffed full of lefties goes overboard eulogising over sister industry also full of left wing luvvies (rich ones too)

      Compered by the ultimate self-satisfied homosexual

      A match made in heaven


      • Mat says:

        Oh now be fair fatty Fry needs to keep up the gravy wedding train work as he now has much younger wife to keep in Bentleys and speeding fines! the love-verbal old sexual predator !


        • Phil Ford says:

          Indeed. One can’t help but fear Fry’s marriage is destined to end badly. One look at his 30-years-his-junior spouse and…well, let’s just say I’ll give it a year or two, plus or minus either way. Still, the canny boy will probably walk away with a most agreeable financial settlement – perhaps even deserved, given the physical state of Mr Fry.


          • ROBERT BROWN says:

            Fry is reported as saying ‘We would like children’……WHAT!!?…..Listen you insufferable man, you need to have sex with a woman to have children….does he know how his body functions, or a womans?….so they will adopt some poor bairn to grow up without a mother….and it will probably turn out as confused and twisted as it’s ‘parents’. Why do these people parade themselves to us?….i feel sick every time i see the bastard now….yet i know of gay guys near me, and they are pleasant people that do not ram their sexual proclivities down my throat…….er, that does sound rather rude, sorry, but you get my meaning.! Just shut up Fry, not interested.


      • Phil Ford says:

        I particularly admired the barefaced cheek of the BAFTAs in awarding the BBC a gong right ahead of the renegotiation of the BBC Charter.

        This is how common purpose works, folks.


    • Roland Deschain says:

      Bread and circuses.


    • Dave666 says:

      BBC 13:00 news it’s still the same crap as this morning except wow Wales beat England in a rugby match http://www.wru.co.uk/eng/wales/news/wales_women_news.php
      Yes Woman’s rugby I so don’t care. Oh and another convert to the cult in court for planning to kill a soldier.


      • bil says:

        Watched the women’s rugby match as a friend was playing. I have never heard such a one-sided, biased commentary since the men’s game on Friday. It was truly disturbing just how anti-English it was.


    • Deborah(another) says:

      Strange they havent yet got on to Eddie Redmayne having gone to Eton with Prince William no less. Must be tough for them .

      Oh I get it, its only nasty Tories who get piloried for private education.


  8. Angrymanupnorth says:

    BBC Website 9/2/15 0118hrs. Ministry of Truth pronouncement.

    Still no reporting of the London Muslim cartoon protests. My guess FWIW? The BBC might report this during school hours tomorrow, so they can ‘prove’ they didn’t ignore it. No deep analysis though is my guess (eh? Brillo?). No website comments I’m guessing too.

    But we have the next brick in our developing Orwellian prison in the form of:


    Yep. Things not going swimmingly? ‘Hebdo problem’ not going away? How to handle the … erm …’Islam thing’?

    Solution – remove freedom of speech by banning (whoever the establishment define to be) racists from Twitter and Facebook say MP’s. Well them MP’s need outing and denouncing. We have slander, libel and defamation laws, and laws for incitement of violence. They may be badly framed, but we need fewer laws, not more. Laws to silence/imprison the different, the eccentric, the libertarian, the maverick, the free thinkers, scientists, atheists, cartoonists?

    And the BBC wrap it up in a “we’re solving anti-Semitism brought about by our incompetent social engineering experiment and spineless public servants and press by undermining free expression” package, inferring that the motivation for undermining the freedoms which are our birth right are to solve their perceived ‘Jew problem’. Contemptible.

    Big Brother has been awake for some time and he wishes to arm himself with more laws for us to be found guilty of breaking. Thought crime? Remember the arrest warrant for those poor parents with a desperately sick child? Arrested. Remember the terrorist Walter Wolfgang ? Anti-terrorism laws 2005? Arrested. That’s how easy it is to get police to do un-British things.


    F$*k the LibLabCon. And vote wisely.


    • Mrs Kitty says:

      They are letting you comment on Traffic Police cuts, so I jumped in and said they were all at the demo that the Beeb hasn’t reported remains to be seen if they let it stay……..


      • Old Goat says:

        Traffic police? An expensive luxury. Why pay officers to watch naughty drivers, at vast expense, when they can employ cameras to keep the revenue flooding in? Besides, most beat police can be replaced with useless PCSOs, who pretend to be policemen, masquerade as policemen (illegally, in my opinion), and who probably have the same effect as those cardboard cut-out “officers” some constabularies planted around the place. So, no room for traffic patrols, any more.

        Police are no longer there to serve the public, but to enforce lefty political correctness, look like soldiers, and harass, and collect money from, the general public.


        • Dave666 says:

          Like the police car I caught on our dashcam yesterday no lights on in the mist and doing several miles per hour more than the speed limit.


          • Mat says:

            Hmm had the same with a bike cop I followed from Bridgnorth to Shrewsbury on my ZZR! he was speeding , blind overtakes, crossing double whites and chevrons and didn’t even notice me behind him until 1 mile from Shrewsbury ?? D8CKHEAD !


        • Ian Rushlow says:

          It gets better. The EU wants all cars to be fitted with devices that enable them to be stopped remotely by the police – see http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/eu/10605328/EU-has-secret-plan-for-police-to-remote-stop-cars.html.
          Similar devices are routinely fitted on hire cars and cars purchased on credit in the USA. Couple of days late on your payment? Tough – the car won’t start. Integrating this technology with voice integration and the self-driving cars under development is relatively straightforward. Imagine you say something “waycist” whilst driving – the car can lock the doors and drive you automatically to the nearest cop shop. Minimal effort for the iPlod!


          • Chop says:



          • pah says:

            Dash cams have become a necessity in Russia due to all the false claims going on. It won’t be long before that comes here too.

            Insurance companies in the UK already have premium drops if you agree to a bit of kit which ‘analyses your driving style’ …

            Part of me says great as I’ve never had an accident I was responsible so yay! The other part makes me wonder if having a DB9 would be pointless with such a device installed.


            • A Teddy called Moh says:

              I have a dashcam on in my car. Its great for catching drivers not so great however when you play it back through the app and it shows your speed


              • pah says:

                Vehicle telematics. Other systems are, of course, available.

                For a small daily outlay you too can tell if your employee is on the road when he says he is, what speed he is doing and where. Such fun!

                Remember all the fuss in the ’80’s about tachometers? They have nothing on today’s systems.


            • Dave666 says:

              We use a dashcam after a person of Asian origin decided to drive into us and then claimed it was our fault. Luckily I had a digital camera and from the impact it was obvious it was their fault


      • Roland Deschain says:

        It’s still there, No. 29. I gave you an upvote while I could.


      • Mike says:

        Your comment now removed “This comment has been referred for further consideration” which supports the theory that they are suppressing the incident


        • Mrs Kitty says:

          I’m baaack on there but still nothing on Beeb about the demo , we must have imagined it. Those wonderful Muslims wouldn’t protest about Free Speech………would they??????


      • Chop says:

        Lol….nice one Mrs Kitty 🙂


    • Dave666 says:

      Yea banned from Facebook that’d be a blow to morale. A fair few get banned already for different reasons. Again how much jurisdiction would a UK Government have to enforce this? Do these people know how the internet works? Once again the BBc dances around the issue of why specifying a period of time last year. Specifying Gaza. So who do we think might be responsible for this increase in anti-Semitism?


      • I Can See Clearly Now says:

        Think of the implications – this law could be used to ban our own resident dissenter; a man who adds colour to our dreary lives. Justice for Scott!!!! Could we lose this champion of the left? Nah. He’s safely aligned to the powerful.


      • Roland Deschain says:

        How the hell do they intend to enforce that? I can’t even enforce it in my own household.


  9. I Can See Clearly Now says:

    It’s official, folks, Labour’s new paternity leave policy is ‘a good thing’ – BBC NHS News Channel have just interviewed Rowan Davies, Head Of Policy at Mumsnet and she has declared it good. So that’s it settled, then.

    Interesting that you interview the head of wimmin’s right organisation about paternity?

    Rowan Davies of Mumsnet could be the Rowan Davies of the Gruniard; the one on TV looked similar, but older, in comparison:

    Rowan Davies – The Guardian

    The twitter link leads to this profile:

    Mumsnet: ‘all to quake and repent that hath meddled against them’. Low-level disruptor. Social democracy and a proper filing system. Views own or plagiarised.

    Sounds about right.

    Rowan Davies – Twitter


  10. John Anderson says:

    The BBC seems to have stopped running eulogies about Obama. Inexplicable ?

    Here’s a recent short and pithy summary of Obama’s record as President. We may think Our Dave is a disaster – but let Obama be a warning about what might happen if Britain goes Labour in May :



  11. GCooper says:

    It’s a great shame that the UK no longer seems to have journalists with integrity. If we had, one of them might have leaked the discussions that took place at our national broadcasters yesterday, when the decision was taken to censor the muslim demonstrations in London.

    Did an order come from Government? Was it merely a friendly phone call or two? Or was it the luegenpress doing the devil’s work without any need of a helping hand from Big Brother?


    • Phil Ford says:

      Well, whatever the reason, as Paul Simon once sang: ‘…a man sees what he wants to see and disregards the rest.’

      The BBC at work. Must be that ‘world-class journalism’ again.


      • johnnythefish says:

        Wasn’t it ‘hear what he want to hear’?

        Same sentiment, I know, and apologies for the anorak interruption…


  12. Geoff says:

    Mrs G likes a gentle drama on a Sunday night and for the last couple of years we’ve been watching Call The Midwife.

    Not sure if anyone else watches, but we’re now in series 3 and have sadly moved beyond the original 1950’s/60’s memoirs of Jennifer Worth.

    Being a ratings winner obviously the bBC wanted it to continue, but this 3rd series become typical bBC drama fodder. Just a few episodes in and already we’ve had a lesbian midwife, a gay father and the stories are becoming increasingly diverse. After viewing the trailer for next weeks episode, Mrs G announced she couldn’t be bothered to watch anymore!


  13. Jeff Waters says:

    Ban racists from social media, anti-Semitism report says – http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-31246808

    From Caroline Wyatt’s analysis, the BBC seems to welcome this disturbing anti-democratic intrusion into free speech.

    What she fails to acknowledge is that:

    – If you drive bigoted views underground, those views go unchallenged.

    – Free speech is a safety valve for people to get things off their chests. I’d rather an extremist has a rant online (where I can block him) than his frustrations spill over into violence because he feels he has no other way of expressing himself.

    – Once big government starts telling people which opinions are allowed, you’re on dangerous slippery slope.

    – In a democratic country, views should not be banned just because the moral majority of the day happens to find them distasteful. We are little better than Saudi Arabia if we prohibit the free exchange of ideas.



    • Angrymanupnorth says:

      Too right Jeff!


      • Andy S. says:

        All under the guise of combating Anti-Semitism when we know which group will really take advantage of any legislation like this – Yes the same group responsible for much of the increase in Anti-Semitism! R.O.P. Great Britain – sorry – R.I.P. Great Britain


    • Laska says:

      Its the casual attitude regarding centuries old liberties that is stunning. Cast off liberties because fashions change. Oh, somebody says they were offended so lets criminalise the cause of their upset. Well, here goes, get offended. I saw some nasty piece of work MP – Oldham, I think – on the Politics show today and she was on the Parliamentary committee that wants to police that last refuge of non-state controlled information and opinion – the Internet. What became obvious is the use of anti-semiticism as a Trojan horse to control “social Media”, i.e., this site. But the bigger strategy was this was a means of not protecting Jewish people but, in fact, Muslim people because they equated the two groups as equally suffering. So that just leaves the rest of us as the perps. Of course, this twisting of logic had to ignore two gaping holes. Firstly, attacks and discrimination against Muslims is non-existent (harvesting this type of comment on social media is poor evidence). Secondly, equating Muslims and Jews has one big problem: the Muslims are the population that has a strong dislike of Jewish people and if I was to place a stake I’d suggest they are the predator and the Jews, the prey. If there are any attacks on Jewish people the police will be wasting their time looking for mythological “skinheads”. And the funny thing is that I think some Jewish people will think it a good idea to muzzle free expression of opinion not realising that they are serving Muslim objectives…and the fellow travelling authoritarians of the Left who like censorship and controlling this unsatisfactory view out there. Or here…


    • johnnythefish says:

      Spot on, Geoff. And then there’s the old chestnut: who decides what is unacceptable? As we’ve seen with the ‘hate crime’ laws it’s very much in the eye of the beholder or, worse, an opportunist ‘victim’ with an agenda


  14. AsISeeIt says:

    On the subject of the BBC’s somewhat patchy choice of coverage of demo issue-wise and their relative broadcast photogenicism….

    The BBC took over three months (20 day target – cf NHS targets anyone?) to get back to me on a (follow up) complaint about their coverage of a staged and rather stilted ‘NHS picket’ which appeared scripted and central-casted, with production values up there with Call the Midwife – except the curtain fell at the wrong moment and a male union co-ordinator was exposed directing the BBC reporter who to ask for the sound bite and he then was seen on camera attempting to nip back behind the ladies and out of shot.

    Naturally the Beeb were slow but came out fighting and predictably they did not directly answer my questions as to the identity of the rogue male or the pre-arrangements between and betwixt BBC and Unions:

    Quote: ‘We raised your complaint with the programme’s team who gave us the following response:

    “We totally refute any suggestion that we staged any aspect of the picket line demo. It was under way before we even arrived. It would not be appropriate for us to ask anybody involved in the process to do anything especially for us and we did not do that.

    It is true that union officials or activists attend events like this and are often the individuals who are keenest to be interviewed. We were keen to hear from ‘ordinary’ health workers and our correspondent asked for two volunteers from the group to speak just before he went live with his broadcast. The circumstances were relatively challenging because our reporter had to do an introduction with the studio before moving to talk to the guests amid a noisy group of people.

    The strike was the first one for thirty years over pay, involved thousands of workers and we believe was worthy of reporting.”

    But thank you again for letting us have your concerns.
    Yours sincerely,
    Paul Carson
    BBC Complaints’ (End Quote)

    I have to say the process of complaining has likewise been “relatively challenging” and I wonder whether it was “worthy” of the bother?


    • johnnythefish says:

      ‘We totally refute any suggestion that we staged any aspect of the picket line demo. It was under way before we even arrived. It would not be appropriate for us to ask anybody involved in the process to do anything especially for us and we did not do that.’

      If they can lie through their teeth about 28gate and, worse, try to cover up their lies with legal action costing hundreds of thousands, they can lie about anything.

      This from their report on the future of news, covered by Alan a week or so ago:

      ‘The internet is not keeping everyone
      informed, nor will it: it is, in fact,
      magnifying problems of information
      inequality, misinformation, polarisation
      and disengagement.’

      Get that, ‘information inequality’. Yes, that same inequality that allowed full exposure of their 28gate lies.

      Ban the internet and rely on your impartial BBC – makes sense, eh?


      • AsISeeIt says:

        ‘It would not be appropriate for us (the BBC) to ask anybody involved in the process to do anything especially for us and we did not do that’

        More to the point is what the BBC did for Union – which was to turn up to their demo, broadcast sound-bites orchestrated by a shadowy camera-shy and still unidentified male individual who then tried to hide himself from view behind a line of females! Quite obviously so as to present viewers with a skewed and pre-plannned favourable impression. Union official or BBC-man? Who can tell? The BBC certainly don’t want to enlighten us.


    • Guest Who says:

      ‘I have to say the process of complaining has likewise been “relatively challenging” and I wonder whether it was “worthy” of the bother?’

      Oh, it was, if only for the reprint of that reply.

      They tend to react badly to those getting aired.


      • johnnythefish says:

        ‘Oh, it was, if only for the reprint of that reply.’

        The best reason you could give, GW – let’s get ’em out in the open.


  15. Vector Curl says:

    As others have pointed out already, there appears to be no coverage by the BBC of the massive demonstration by Muslims yesterday in Londonistan. I can’ t find anything on their website about it, and no coverage on BBC World that I saw this morning. Much more important issues to cover such as BAFTAS (or whatever they’re called) and The African Nations’ Cup, not to mention HSBC hiding taxes. So, I wondered if the turnout at yesterday’s demonstration in London was as large as the spontaneous, “Not in my name” demonstration held by Muslims a few weeks ago over the slaughter of the Charlie Hebdo journalists? Or did I just imagine that took place?

    Anyway, the BBC’s neglect of a story like this with huge implications for the future of our society was criminal and cynical.


    • dave s says:

      One word now for the BBC-Leugenpresse


    • stewart says:

      “I can’ t find anything on their website about it, and no coverage on BBC World that I saw this morning”
      If there were ,at this time, I’m sure BBC apologists would have linked to it by now
      Future history might well be different


    • Alan Larocka says:

      But……..but……but……here comes Albaman, Dez and Scott to show examples of where it is reported on the BBC.


      • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

        Yes, they will slip in some obscure links to it via the webpages, thus enabling their employees to quote the links in future campaigns as proof we are all wrong.


        • flexdream says:

          Looks like one part of the BBC empire covered this a few days ago as an upcoming event, but the demo didn’t follow the script ..

          “Muslims From Northamptonshire Join Defence Of Their Faith March In London. Muslims from Northamptonshire will be joining thousands of others from around the country at a rally in London this weekend. They’ll deliver a petition to Downing Street, signed by 100 thousand people, restating that the majority of Muslims believe in “global civility” rather than the destruction of human life.”


          That gives a clearly misleading and sympathetic statement of what the Pro Mo Demo was about.


  16. George R says:

    In case Beeboids missed it:-

    “Swarming around hero Monty, the hardline Muslims protesting AGAINST freedom of speech: Thousands gather outside Downing Street over ‘uncivilised’ Charlie Hebdo cartoonists.
    “Vast crowd of British Muslims gather for Charlie Hebdo protest in London.
    “Thousands met in Whitehall to condemn cartoons of Prophet Mohammed .
    “Protesters hand petition signed by 100,000 British Muslims to Downing St.
    “Group marched through London before stopping for communal prayers.
    “Male and female protesters were kept separate ‘out of respect’ for women.
    “They were met by counter protesters from far-right group Britain First .
    “Last month’s terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo’s offices left 12 people dead.”

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2944946/Thousands-British-Muslims-protest-against-Charlie-Hebdo-magazine-publishing-cartoons-Prophet-Mohammed.html#ixzz3RFX3I6IM


  17. johnnythefish says:

    Just heard a bit of Vine’s interview with Miliband in which the clueless, student-brained nerd reassured us yet again he would ‘re-instate’ the 50p rate of tax for higher earners.

    It brought to mind one of the many obvious questions the BBC fail to ask Labour:

    ‘If you are so keen on this higher rate of tax, why did it take you 13 years to introduce it when you were in power – in fact, just a month before the last general election?’


  18. Steve Jones says:

    Here is the BBC championing yet another conduit for global warming propaganda:
    The article doesn’t state who wrote it but I might be able to guess.


    • johnnythefish says:

      ‘ It’s 2050 and the world is grappling with the consequences of a warmer climate. Miami has been abandoned as sea levels rise, while London is stricken with drought.

      “As ice turns to water in the Arctic, New Atlantis turns stopcocks in London,” trumpet the headlines in the newspapers. “As civilisation drowns, London is faced with drought and water curfews.”

      Sheer comedy gold, but surely they can’t miss gems like these:

      “Within a few years winter snowfall will become a very rare and exciting event. … Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.”
      David Viner, Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia, 20 March 2000…..

      “In ten years all important animal life in the sea will be extinct. Large areas of coastline will have to be evacuated because of the stench of dead fish.”

      Dr. Paul Ehrlich, author of “The Population Bomb” and president of Stanford University’s Center for Conservation Biology,speech during Earth Day, 1970 …….

      However back in 1969, no serious action against CO2 began because Hubert Heffner, deputy director of the Office of Science and Technology, answered that there were actually two camps, namely global warming doomsayers and global cooling doomsayers.

      “One group says we will turn into snow-tripping mastodons because of the atmospheric dust and the other says we will have to grow gills to survive the increased ocean level due to the temperature rise,” he wrote.



      • Steve Jones says:

        I hope that in 2050 this risible play will be the subject of a comedy about early 21st century climate science and how laughably wrong so many climate ‘scientists’ and their nasty green collaborators were.


  19. George R says:

    How sad for those on the political left who support Islamic jihadist Gitmo detainees-

    “Afghanistan drone strike ‘kills IS commander Abdul Rauf'”



    “‘Isis commander’ who defected from Taliban killed by drone attack in Afghanistan”



  20. George R says:

    Islamic jihad massacre, American Embassy, Nairobi, Kenya, 1998.

    Beeboids put out a fine TV series on this, a few years ago-

    “Age Of Terror – War On The West ( Part 1 Of 6 )”

    (Part 1, 10 min video clip is here.)

    One might think that Beeboids would now care to update the narrative-

    ‘Pamela Geller’ has-

    “Father of Jihadi John suspect is jailed in US over Africa embassy bombing that killed 213 people.”

    – See more at: http://pamelageller.com/#sthash.hUXSEu8N.dpuf


  21. Ian Rushlow says:

    Hooded armed men fire at police in Marseilles prior to visit of French Prime minister. Has been on Sky News for several hours – see http://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/hooded-gunmen-fire-on-police-in-marseille/ar-AA99GSK?ocid=mailsignoutmd. Still no mention on BBC website – is there something else important going on, say like BAFTA awards or a proposal to increase paternity leave?


  22. noggin says:


    EU? … so an international outcry will ensue?
    the BBC will devote hours of airtime to whine on and on about
    “illegal settlements” again?
    This is insidious, EU Flags, Oxfam banners?, (the grand mufti of Washington?)
    our tax dollars at work eh! .. the orchestrated “red rag”, obviously not enough to fiddle around with the Ukraine.
    This an infantile you remove yours, we remove ours type palava?
    The short Israelli answer should be … bulldozers!


    • johnnythefish says:

      Now let me think……Jews fearful for their lives are fleeing Europe in their thousands – will this EU move make things better or worse?

      It’s a tough one……..still thinking……..hmmmm………have to come back to you on that one…..


  23. AsISeeIt says:

    We can call BBC’s Sherlock off the case – this one is happily solved


    ‘Benon Kizza and Philip Pariyo of the Uganda national sevens team vanished last August after the Games had finished amid rumours that they were working at a car wash…..

    …..The pair ended up around 400 miles (640km) away in Cardiff where they were signed up by bosses at St Peter’s rugby club…..

    ….The chairman was approached by Community First to see if the two men could join the team. The charity seeks to tackle poverty in disadvantaged areas in conjunction with the Welsh government.’

    Tackling poverty in disadvantaged areas – by importing it. I’ll take a moment or two to get my head around that one.


    • AsISeeIt says:

      And the BBC report is here


      ‘The club’s chairman told Wales Online they had signed the pair after “a bit of bureaucracy”.’

      Isn’t it, boyo.

      ‘Mr Sweeney said the player’s asylum application on political grounds had been successful.’



      • Dave666 says:

        So how did they get NI numbers?


      • D1004 says:

        So since when has Uganda been one of our enemies so that their citizens can clam asylum on “political grounds ” ? Ex colony, member of the Commonwealth, friendly nation. I say again what grounds would two rugby players who absconded from a Commonwealth Games team have to claim asylum ?

        No doubt bbc Cymru have the answer.


  24. I Can See Clearly Now says:

    Now that It seems clear relentless media bias is not going to deliver a Labour majority, the rabid left want to let the young vote and dis-enfranchise the elderly.

    Here’s a comedian (literally) in the Gruniard:

    The electoral roll’s clogged up at one end with Britain’s spent, flailing, reactionary past while at the other we’re shutting out our brilliant, beautiful future. I could be ancient and infirm. I could be barking. I could tell everyone I’m married to Angela Merkel and play bass in Jethro Tull. I still get a vote. Meanwhile, some 16-year-old bioengineering prodigy who’s just been commended by the UN for her invention that converts dangerously rising oceans into desperately needed drinking water has to watch helplessly as some dick in a hat becomes her MP, again.

    Labour’s right: 16-year-olds should get the vote, and 10-year-olds, too

    If the elderly are to be excluded from voting, will they be excluded from taxation as well? It would seem only fair.


    • Guest Who says:

      I have some sympathy for the folk in hats bit, as that is cross-party.

      However, today is clearly the day for generic creative conflation in pursuit of a giggle. Iggle-piggle-wise.

      I am pretty sure not all 16yo’s are biochem whizzes, and even those that are may have a little bit more of life experience to tuck under their belt before influencing how taxes they are yet to pay are directed (it already seems a bit skewed, but what to do, there have to be some transition points*). Equally, not all pensioners are ga-ga benefits addicts with an interesting taste in groupies and soundtracks to their generation.

      But, for some, homogeny is all.

      Ian may be messing with folk, but Ed does seem up for anything if it might swing it. And it’s not the first time things not meant as instruction manuals have been co-opted to the role.

      Comments are free, and some funny. Not all. Especially if Ed gets one of his people to read it for him in summary, like EastEnders

      *I wonder how Mozart would have voted, given the chance, early in his career.


      • johnnythefish says:

        I wonder how many teenagers understand how much debt they have hanging round their necks to pay for the last Labour administration’s largesse before they line themselves up for even more?

        Maybe that twat writing for the Guardian could more honestly spend his time explaining that.


    • Lobster says:

      I notice that the mythical bioengineering prodigy referred to is female (natch) – I expect that she wears a hijab as well.


      • johnnythefish says:

        Given the rate of rising sea levels, I’d imagine she conducts her experiments inside a bathyscaphe.


    • johnnythefish says:

      ‘The electoral roll’s clogged up at one end with Britain’s spent, flailing, reactionary past while at the other we’re shutting out our brilliant, beautiful future.’

      Ah, the lovable, tolerant, ‘inclusive’ Left – doncha just love ’em? We’ve had a flavour of it on this website in the past couple of weeks – you know, along the lines of ‘Can’t wait until you old, right wing bastards are all dead’. A common sentiment of the Left, I’ve heard and read it many times. They just can’t wait until only the brainwashed generations have the vote. How they must wish euthanasia could be made compulsory – now! Well, that is until they themselves get older and wiser and have been through a few more iterations of socialist madness, perhaps including a return of power to the unions – three-day weeks and evenings reading this month’s edition of Socialist Worker in the shivering cold under the flickering candlelight, food shortages, bins unemptied and all that.

      As for 16-year olds getting the vote, you know what they say – ‘Ask a teenager whilst they still know everything’.


    • Dave666 says:

      Hey why not go the whole hog and just ban anyone who doesn’t vote Liebour.


  25. dave s says:

    Unless I am mistaken there is still no coverage of the demonstration in Whitehall yesterday.
    Now there are two ways the lies come into our world.
    Outright lies and lying by omission.
    it is too late, much too late for the BBC to cover this now.
    It stands revealed as the leugenpresse it is and has become. Little different from the Pravda of the old USSR.
    The BBC is no longer a news organisation. It is something else and I have no time for it and neither should anyone.


  26. George R says:

    Ah, but, Beeboids – is he a ‘militant’ Muslim?-

    “Brusthom Ziamani ‘arrested on way to behead soldier'”


    “Teen Allegedly Planned To Behead Soldier.
    “Brustholm Ziamani claimed he was going to kill a soldier and hold his head up in the air, a jury has heard.”



  27. Laska says:

    Boris Johnson and the Greater London Authority decided that a show of strength by the Muslim “community” at Downing Street just a couple of weeks after the atrocity of Charlie was the right thing to do. The one benefit of allowing this demonstration is that we are in no doubt that Islam is confident and feels that it has sufficient numbers no longer to need the help of its usual fellow travellers. I expect that they are dreaming of the black flag of Islam fluttering above No 10, a demographic possibility helped on by the welfare state. When that happens demonstration will not be permitted and those attempting to challenge will get very short shrift. In that very possible event the Left will have this funny, confused expression on their face. Unfortunately, the rest of us will not find them funny. The problem of Multikulti is that its supporters do not understand that it is a disequilibrium point and that all the blocs within have a desire to create a monoculture. I say all, but the reality is that the indigenous population in West have an ideology so weak that they have decided not to participate in this battle of history. They give up territory and congratulate themselves. Speak to immigrants about incursions in their home lands and you find a very strong warrior that will not give an inch. And they have new territory…


  28. flexdream says:

    The London Anti-ProMoToon Demo has now been reported by media as diverse as ITV, RT, Telegraph, Reuters, Independent, Press TV, Breitbart, Guardian, Metro and even the South China Morning Post.

    Still not a peep from al Beeba, the world’s biggest and most wealthy broadcaster, which is headquartered in the same city where the demo took place.


    • John Anderson says:

      Just a reminder – it is luegenpresse – meaning “lying press”


    • John Anderson says:

      From Broadcasting House it is a 10-minute walk down Regent Street, then down Haymarket, across the corner of Trafalgar Square and then into Whitehall. Say 15 minutes total if you are seriously chasing a news story. No need even for a taxi !


      • Rob in Cheshire says:

        Do get real, there is always a need for a taxi. Can you see John Simpson walking anywhere when he can ride instead?


      • johnnythefish says:

        Just think – they could have used a helicopter to give us some aerial shots of the gender segregation.

        Oops, sorry – silly me. They save that for more important reporting.


      • Guest Who says:

        ‘No need even for a taxi !’

        Wash your mouth..!

        That is a classic hop, skip & a jump by Shanks’ Pogo, then claim on ‘ex’s. Got to keep the alternative revenue flowing once the 7th iPad going ‘missing’ looks iffy even to Lt. Col. Blake in petty cash.


  29. Arthur Penney says:

    Looks like the Labour urgent question about HSBC has fallen as flat as a pancake.

    Will be interesting to see how LBBC report it on the news.


  30. George R says:

    Britain rapidly becoming Islamic Sharia-compliant, from Rothertham to Wiltshire:

    1.) ‘Jihadwatch’-

    “Sharia UK: Police sought names of people who bought Charlie Hebdo”


    2.) Beeboid report-

    “Charlie Hebdo: Wiltshire Police ‘sorry’ for requesting subscribers’ details”



    • Guest Who says:

      That ‘report’ is a classic of la visage po.

      ‘the force claimed the officer’s motivation had been “purely around enhancing public safety”



      • noggin says:

        So target s specific, and strategic policing to enter mosques, and the plethora of political Muslim societies, wanting to know whose supportive of ISIS, and political Islam
        … “purely around enhancing public safety” of course.
        hmmm … might be a long wait?


    • Demon says:

      The copper involved should be immediately sacked with complete loss of all pension. Also any of his bosses who ordered him to do it should be arrested and charged with aiding and abetting terrorism..


  31. John Anderson says:

    and what religion was the intrusively inquisitive copper ? Any guesses ?


    • Guest Who says:

      Uh-oh… allusion, Al…?

      Oh, no, a speculative question only. Carry on.

      Prepare for incoming anyway.


  32. johnnythefish says:

    After Miliband’s easy enough and lengthy interview with Vine (some early challenges, ran out of steam – after bollocking from his editor?) in which the Boy Blunder promised the earth to everybody but couldn’t tell us how it would be funded until he gets into Downing Street and sees the books (same with his ‘cuts’), there were just 2 e-mail comments read out – one for and one against. That was it. Not even a phone caller. We’d have to ‘go to the BBC website’ if we wanted to see the rest of the comments, apparently, despite this being a major interview with the leader (ha!) of HM’s Opposition.

    Then straight onto banker bashing and blaming the Toreez for the HSBC tax avoidance scandal – lots of comments, phone callers etc. jumping on the BBC/Labour banker-bashing bandwagon.

    Lunchtime news – more banker/Tory bashing followed by Ed’s latest munificence with our money, this time doubling paternal leave and paternity pay. Several minutes of interviews with young mums and dads whose reactions were not too dissimilar from turkeys being given the news that Christmas has been permanently cancelled. All paid for by ‘what we’d save on tax credits’ apparently (not explained or challenged). Then 15 seconds with a small business spokeswoman who very briefly had to explain who would really have to pick up the pieces on this giveaway before a few closing words of wisdom from His Edness ‘Just one of the things we can do if we start to make our economy more flexible’ (aka meaningless bollocks – unchallenged).

    There’s BBC ‘balance’ for you, see.


    • Dave666 says:

      No doubt it will be on the bank levy, after all they will still have lots of it to spend after extended paternal leave.


  33. noggin says:

    Where was the BBC yesterday? – re Motoon throwbacks
    .. Then again, where was our traitor in chief, our #jesuischarlatan
    Camoron?, didn t he explain what an affront they are to our freedoms? … that they are not in Shitholeistan now?
    Explain to Siddiqi and co, (yep! the Muslim Parliament guy, with the Muslim manifesto ) why? his treasonous group was there, still instigating against our country.


    • noggin says:

      Sadly this is the most factual, report from the time, showing the actions, the numbers and behaviour of the protest.
      Why no other video reports?
      has it got to come to this, to get news BBC?



      • John Anderson says:

        No wonder the BBC suppressed all mention of the extremists’ demo. Al Q black flags on Whitehall near the Cenotaph – and the police do nothing ? Muslims kicking aside poppy wreaths at the base of the memorial to womens’ services – and the police say it is “not a crime” ?

        A handful of leftie rabble-rousers besiege an office in Rotherham and it is plastered all over the BBC, who were plainly loving it all. 10,000 extremists on Whitehall, totally segregated by gender, ranting for hour upon hour – and the BBC somehow misses it all ? An event covered in detail by a multitude of other media sources – but the BBC is ignorant of it ?

        Come on, get real., There was clearly an editorial decision at pretty high level in the news department to keep the whole thing unreported.


      • Jeff says:

        I trawled the BBC yesterday looking for any reference to this mass Muslim demonstration in our capital; zilch!
        It’s appalling enough that thousands of ragheads feel they have the right to demonstrate along Whitehall because of a perceived insult to their supposed prophet and not in sympathy for numerous victims of this third world superstition. Far more worrying for me though is that the BBC chose to blank the event. We pay these lefties to bring us the news, not to distil it through a politically correct prism. Of course showing the country the enormous number of these Islamonazis celebrating mass murder would clearly damage their victim status.
        And we can’t have that, can we…


      • hadda says:

        I was stood in pretty much that same spot during the Jubilee celebrations and there wasn’t a Saracen in sight. How times change.


    • noggin says:

      My apologies BBC London now, has on its news pages news of a report of a march

      “The Campaign Against Climate Change and Million Women Rise have been told they must pay for their own traffic plans, which are needed before a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order can be made and roads closed”.
      “Campaign Against Climate Change says it cannot pay for the transport plan An MP who campaigns for human rights has described the Met Police’s decision to make protest groups pay for traffic management at demonstrations as “absolutely outrageous”


    • Arthur Penney says:

      Never assign to conspiracy what can be explained by incompetence.

      Although one wonders who are the cause of #strained community relations# Those 77 year old LOLs must be watched VERY closely.


    • A Teddy called Moh says:

      Didn’t mention the ethnicity or religion of the PC in question. Strikes me as sinister. It could well be the PC was collecting names and addresses to pass onto ‘those intent to do us harm’. Now it will be covered up


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      The statement ‘Wiltshire Police are confident that the police officer’s intention was purely around enhancing public safety and ensuring that the newsagent was advised appropriately’ is unacceptable, analogous to ‘we got it just about right’ or ‘I was only obeying orders’. In what way was public safety being enhanced and who made that determination? There have been calls in some places for the officer in question to be sacked, but it is the chain of command above him that needs to be identified and examined. Somebody – from some level between the Home Secretary down to a local sergeant who’s been on a Common Purpose training course – made this happen, unless we are dealing with a rogue officer.


      • Steve Jones says:

        Wiltshire Police’s statement is the typical, meaningless, PR bullshit that is pushed out in a Tourette’s like response by any and every organisation attracting criticism today.
        Unfortunately, it is now so rife and accepted that it is rarely questioned properly. The Chief Constable of Wiltshire Police should be made to explain the statement, line by line.


  34. Scotty says:

    Becoming Hetrosexual should be made illegal.


  35. johnnythefish says:

    Stories of Whenever I Switch on Radio 4 There is a Leftie Cause Being Discussed……

    #62,305 – Radio Manchester last night, accidentally left tuned in after listening to excellent Wagg and Holmes show and Sweeney’s 60s classics earlier in the day. Some prof bird from Lancaster Uni running a project for Asians and Black people to submit txt poetry (‘But white people can join in too…’ Awwww, how inclusive).

    #62,306 – Radio 4, 9.30 this morning. Wandered into the kitchen to hear some birds discussing finer points of feminism. Couldn’t they have at least waited another half an hour?

    #62,307 – Got in car, R4 still tuned in from previous journey. Woman’s Hour discussing poor single mum (very forthright – was she a plant?) still going to struggle with energy bills despite recent fall in prices because her benefits had been cut. Didn’t catch the charity our guest commentator was from but she could talk the talk (‘inequality’, ‘cost of living crisis’ etc etc)

    In all cases swiftly changed to alternative, more soothing sounds…


  36. Knuts says:

    I had to laugh at this, god bless Viz.


    • Steve Jones says:

      Could also have used:
      Rebecca Wilcox (Daughter of Desmond and Esther)
      Roland Buerk (No prizes for that one)
      Justin Webb (Son of Peter Woods)
      Fearne Cotton (Again, no prizes)
      Tom Ravenscroft (He will tease out the musical angle being the son of John Peel)
      I’m sure there are more.


  37. Miss Dominique du Slap says:

    I caught some big lefty wimp waffling on BBC News 24, this afternoon, about the rise of anti-Semitic extremism in this country… NO MENTION of ISLAM but the sopping wet effeminate geek HAD THE AUDACITY to mention the BNP, EDL and the rise of Ukip… can you f**king believe it!

    How much more of this unbearable and blatant censorship can we take?


  38. D1004 says:

    Another of those ” men ”
    Abduction and rape of a girl on a night out. Six years inside……
    Strangely nothing on bbc news anywhere……..
    Thought they were against violence against young girls…?
    Strange, must be some reason why they have not hi-lighted it.


  39. Charlatans says:

    Unconfirmed on twitter – could be just stupid rumour:

    Unconfirmed reports from sources inside #Raqqa (@Raqqa_Sl) says #ISIS kidnapped 3 western reporters from #Kobane, one working for the BBC— Conflict News (@rConflictNews) February 9, 2015


  40. noggin says:

    Christmas has come early …
    Obumma expose, Climate change expose, Terror Threat expose
    “The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever,” by Christopher Booker
    When future generations look back on the global-warming scare of the past 30 years, nothing will shock them more than the extent to which the official temperature records – on which the entire panic ultimately rested – were systematically “adjusted” to show the Earth as having warmed much more than the actual data justified.”




  41. George R says:

    BBC-NUJ’s Islamising TURKEY.

    No doubt Erdogan’s latest political demands will enthuse BBC-NUJ to re-double its efforts to implement its official trade union policy to get 80 million Muslim Turks into European Union as soon as possible, so as to complete the Islamisation of Europe.

    “Anti-West Statements By Turkish President Erdogan And PM Davutoglu:

    “Muslim Countries Must ‘Unite And Defeat The Successors Of Lawrence Of Arabia’;

    ‘No One Will Be Able To Stop’ The Rise Of Islam In Europe.”

    – See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2015/02/anti-west-statements-by-turkish-president-erdogan-and-pm-davutoglu-muslim-countries-must-unite-and-defeat-the-successors-of-lawrence-of-arabia-no-one-will-be-able-to-stop-the-rise-of-islam-i.html/#sthash.kskwubfG.dpuf


  42. I Can See Clearly Now says:

    The Gruniard has a puff piece for Saint Sarah of Rotherham tonight:

    The Rotherham MP was once nicknamed ‘Mother Teresa’ and now campaigns on behalf of sexual exploitation victims. She explains why her lack of political experience makes her the ideal candidate to help a town mired in scandal

    Sarah Champion MP: ‘The job is fabulous. The lifestyle is living hell’

    The left-wing media are obsessed with helping Champion keep her seat; more than any other constituency. Why is that? Maybe they think it is vital to airbrush away Labour’s failings?


    • noggin says:

      Like an inefficient little plaster on an open gaping wound
      .. useless … any future council has to keep out, the cult of the perpetrators, they are incapable of honesty, are held beneath contempt by the wider community, and are probably related.
      They used political correctness and leverage to pervert the very fabric of local government… never again … check how many more
      councils are the same way, because of them


  43. George R says:

    Islam, and Christian persecution in Bangladesh.

    Will INBBC report this, or is it waiting to put out a politically empathetic piece of propaganda for Bangladeshi Muslims in U.K opposing free speech in Britain?

    “Christian Homes Torched, Churches Threatened as Muslims In Bangladesh Call For The Killing Of All Non-Muslims.”
    – See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2015/02/christian-homes-torched-churches-threatened-as-muslims-in-bangladesh-call-for-the-killing-of-all-non-muslims.html/#sthash.879ufjCH.dpuf


  44. I Can See Clearly Now says:

    C4 hatchet job on UKIP next Monday:

    Ukip: The First Hundred Days

    It is said to be “wildly anti-Ukip”. Quelle surprise. Note the determined use of ‘Ukip’ instead of the capitalized ‘UKIP’.


    • Steve Jones says:

      The lefty MSM, luckily, are too blinded by their dogma to learn. The ballot box is going to hit them right between the eyes in May.


    • dave s says:

      UKIP needs to be the underdog to succeed. C4 is not even worth bothering with these days.


    • Scott says:

      Note the determined use of ‘Ukip’ instead of the capitalized ‘UKIP’.

      Standard Guardian style guide, rather than anything political. If an abbreviation is spoken as individual letters (e.g., USA, VAT, CEO, ITV, BBC) then all caps are used; if it’s pronounced as a word (e.g., Nasa, Nato, Rada, Acpo, Ukip) then it’s spelt with an initial cap.

      Whether or not you agree with their style guide, it does have the benefit of being easy to apply consistently. At my last paper, our style guide was so laden with exceptions about whether to use all caps or initial only that it was virtually impossible for all our writers to be consistent.


      • John Anderson says:

        The troll makes out he is a journalist. Bloody fool.


        • Scott says:

          Thanks, my little stalker. What a shame you won’t answer a basic question about why you ignore other people’s far worse behaviour, instead choosing to concentrate on me.

          Guess we’ll have to draw our own conclusions about why you’re not capable of answering very simple questions, won’t we…


      • I Can See Clearly Now says:

        Hey Scott! Welcome back! When you weren’t around, we assumed the Thought Police had slapped one of those Internet ASBO’s on you! See what happens when leftie bullying gets out of control? Caroline Criado-Perez runs the country and she has never even been elected!

        Anyway; you’ve repeated the usual lame excuse for not respecting UKIP with its proper initials. The United Kingdom Independence Party is a bit of a mouthful and if you check their website – which you would find interesting – you’ll see that the party mostly refers to itself as ‘UKIP’.

        As for your rather than anything political assertion; when the Gruniard is saying that the programme is ‘wildly anti-Ukip’, you might excuse out scepticism just on this occasion?


        • Scott says:

          See what happens when leftie bullying gets out of control? Caroline Criado-Perez runs the country and she has never even been elected!

          I assume this is what passes for humour in the mind of a Biased BBC commenter? It’s so hard to tell the difference between “attempt at a joke” and “lunatic conspiracy theory thought up, and only believed by, the psychotic mind of an imbecile” on this site sometimes…

          But back to the matter at hand:

          Anyway; you’ve repeated the usual lame excuse for not respecting UKIP with its proper initials.

          Otherwise known as ‘the truth’.

          The United Kingdom Independence Party is a bit of a mouthful

          Nobody’s suggesting it isn’t, are they?

          and if you check their website – which you would find interesting

          We’ll have to agree to disagree, I’m afraid…

          you’ll see that the party mostly refers to itself as ‘UKIP’.

          And what? NASA refers to itself in all caps. As does NATO. BECTU. USDAW. And from the world of fiction, TARDIS, and UNIT[*]. All of which fall under the same style guide rule: abbreviations which are pronounced as one word don’t use all caps, but those where the individual letters are pronounced separately are. It’s a straightforward rule, and one that is applied in a suitably egalitarian manner.

          [*] Granted, their TV & radio section does talk about Agents of SHIELD and probably shouldn’t. Now, if you were to complain that UKIP deserves a similar exemption on the grounds that, like the TV show, it’s a pale shadow of what it claims to be attempting to be, well…


          • I Can See Clearly Now says:

            It’s so hard to tell the difference between “attempt at a joke” and “lunatic conspiracy theory thought up, and only believed by, the psychotic mind of an imbecile”

            One woman’s ‘lunatic conspiracy theory’ is another woman’s ‘straightforward observation’. The country is falling apart, bankrupt by Brown’s government, flooded with immigrants by the current one, beset with major problems. And yet.. the Prime minister sets priorities according to advice from his out-of-touch, super-wealthy wife, who gauges public mood by reading Mumsnet. So instead of addressing the big issues, we get knee-jerk reactions to special interest group non-issues like twitter insults and gay marriage.

            While Call Me Dave is watching the wimmin’s vote, he is missing the miscalculation he made on men being dummies who would dutifully grin and bear it. If he had understood Goodhart’s Law, he would have known men would not all roll over. I understand UKIP have recently registered their highest ever percentage on Populus.

            As for your latest attempt to explain the style guide, I assure you I know what you’re trying to say. English was my weakest subject, but us Kippers are not totally illiterate like wot the BBC would have you believe. (Sorry to disappoint.)

            But I digress. You helpfully provided some examples, including leftie unions, for comparison. So we should expect the legendarily fair BBC to treat them as they do UKIP? Alas; I find:

            But David Johnson from USDAW said bosses have told him jobs at Nottingham-headquartered Boots are safe.

            Alliance Boots takeover: USDAW union told jobs are safe


            BBC News and Sport output has been disrupted by a strike by members of the NUJ and technical union BECTU.

            BBC hit by staff walk out

            Clearly; once again with the Beeb, all organisations are equal, but left-wing unions are more equal than a people’s party.


            • Scott says:

              So we should expect the legendarily fair BBC to treat them as they do UKIP?

              Er, you were complaining about the Guardian before, so I responded with reference to their style guide.

              And then you come back with whinging about the BBC. An organisation which capitalises UKIP. And what’s more, the organisation’s name is explicitly referenced as such in their own style guide:

              the UK Independence Party is capped up ie UKIP

              So to recap: you objected to the Guardian’s usage of “Ukip”, even though that is entirely consistent with its long-standing style guide. You rebutted with references to a different news organisation, which capitalises UKIP anyway, and explicitly states so in its own style guide.

              Perhaps you ought to reconsider your “I Can See Clearly Now” moniker. Can I suggest “I Have A Chip On My Shoulder And Am Going To Blame Everybody Else For My Insecurity”?


      • dave s says:

        Who really gives a damn? Why no report on the BBC about Sunday’s demonstration in Whitehall?
        Style? This country is getting like the old USSR.
        Some style that was.
        To be absolutely serious the refusal of the BBC to cover this story is a watershed. It will end by finishing the BBC. Not this one incident but it is corrosive and an offence against reality and the truth.


      • Mat says:

        Sorry wtf ?? ‘ it was virtually impossible for all our writers to be consistent’ ? so we have nothing from your experience to go off ? dam !! well best rely on facts then !


        • hadda says:

          I’ve been a copy-editor for a quarter of a century. That’s what style guides are for. On this point Scott is quite correct. (And I really never thought I’d ever write those words.)


    • Dave666 says:

      Yea saw that advertised & it’s channel 4 so no surprises will be in store I imagine.


  45. Miss Dominique du Slap says:

    Why are these useless articles allowed to stay here?


    They should be deported immediately!


  46. George R says:

    What’s this?
    Paul Weston and English Defence League still trying to use their free speech to say something totally unacceptable to BBC-NUJ / UAF?


    (video clip.)



    • noggin says:

      “showing those those traitors in our government,
      and those traitors at the BBC,
      and those traitors in our schools,
      that we are not going to lie down and be subsumed”


  47. Richard Pinder says:

    Yorkshire TV, Calendar, top News story, an Asian man murders Asian wife.

    The main story on BBC Look North was a manufactured story about how dangerous the roads are for cyclists, then it was revealed at the end of the piece to be an advert for a program after the One Show. The second story was an Establishment manufactured story about very important Politicians visiting Lincoln. Then the third story was about a women who had her handbag stolen from a Hospital. The news story seemed ridiculously trivial, as it was revealed that she had lost photos of her parents, but to complain about this would not be possible, because the Politically Correct reason for this story was revealed, her parents where mixed race, her father was White and her Mother was Black. The rest of the News was about Singing, Celebrities and Sport.

    BBC Look North followed Yorkshire TV’s Calendar, whose top News story was about a Murder involving an Asian couple, no mention of the stolen handbag incident on ITV. Political Correct Propaganda, and Bias through Censorship has now replaced News from the real world for BBC local news in Yorkshire.

    For people who watch ITV’s local news, and then turn over to the BBC’s local news, the censorship of News combined with its replacement with manufactured Liberal Fascist politically correct stories must have become starkly obvious today.

    What is so peculiar about this is that if people complain to the BBC about the BBC replacing News about the real world outside of the BBC Bubble, with all this manufactured PC stuff, then the BBC would only dismiss complaints about its nice PC stories as Nasty or Racist.


    • Fred Stubber says:

      Shortly after Mandela died Yorkshire had two days of exceptionally horrible weather. Here’s part of my correspondence with Look North.



      • I Can See Clearly Now says:

        Ouch! That was exceptional!. I admire your indefatigability, knowing that you will be treated with contempt.

        Guest Who will be along shortly, to warn you to expect a communication from the BBC Gestapo for making their private humiliation public!


        • Guest Who says:

          ‘to warn you to expect a communication from the BBC Gestapo for making their private humiliation public!’

          Redundancy is all, but in the spirit of telling it often enough (Forces of the Lighter Side of the Farce division), thank you for the warm-up.

          Would love to read it, but my kids have warned me about sweeties on the internet.


    • Dave666 says:

      They would actually send you a template telling you that choosing which stories to run is not a scientific art and relies on various factors including the public interest. I have at least one of these replies.


    • johnnythefish says:

      ‘For people who watch ITV’s local news, and then turn over to the BBC’s local news, the censorship of News combined with its replacement with manufactured Liberal Fascist politically correct stories must have become starkly obvious today.’

      Which is, coincidentally, just as Hacked Off and their network of far left pressure groups would want it.

      ‘ At the May 17 event, numerous Left-wing speakers outlined their view of how the “public good” or the “public interest” as defined by a press regulator, should override freedom of expression.

      Jacqui Davis, from Keep our NHS Public, said the media should be obliged to “stand up for the NHS”. Jacqui Hunt, from Equality Now, called for the regulator to ban Page 3, impose compulsory training for male journalists and require all reports on domestic violence to be “sensitive”.

      Other groups described as “partner organisations” by Hacked Off’s website include the newly-established Youth Media Agency, which complained that the media’s “discriminatory” coverage of the August 2011 riots “singled out children and young people as the rioters” (72 per cent of those arrested were under 25) and Trans Media Watch, which condemns newspapers for “stigmatising” transsexuals. ‘



  48. Merched Becca says:

    Al Beeb reporting… “Ban racists from social media – MP’s”.
    All this because of anti-Semitism. So, just who are these people that are ‘anti-Semitic’?
    Is it ‘those men’ again?
    Answers on a postcard …….