349 Responses to WEEKEND OPEN THREAD….

  1. Doublethinker says:

    I hear that a new BBC panto is being produced with Broadcasting House as the set . At present the BBC drama dept can’t decide if the panto is to be set in Cloud Cuckoo Land or Neverland ,where no one ever grows up past 14 years of age. The News and Current Affairs dept favours Neverland because it has an innovative idea of casting Capt Hook as a white provincial woman, called , you’ve guessed it, Thatcher. Of course Peter Pan will be played by some ethnic person. However, not being to well up on Victorian and Edwardian children’s literature, they prefer much edgier stuff to keep up with modern PC and multiculti trends, they also envisage fitting a Scrooge like character called Osborne, into the panto. However ,what is settled is that the hero who rescues the main characters from the oppression of the nasty white people, is a Muslim in flowing robes.
    Paxo overestimated the mental age of the BBC employees by several years.


    • therealguyfaux says:

      It will need to go some in order to excel the parody of the Peter Pan musical, broadcast over NBC in the US last night. It WILL, however, have the saving grace of being an intentional parody, and clearly marked as such on the tin:


  2. D1004 says:

    News 24 at 8-45 am carries a story about the growth of a new diamond industry in Zimbabwe, non controversial, really just another business story, problem ? Well the reporter used was very much a local and his accent was so local that I found him impossible to understand even with the best will in the world.
    I stuck with it because I was genuinely interested in the story but I’m afraid I switched off from listening and just watched the pictures. Am I right in thinking that the ‘hideously white ‘ bbc now has a policy of training up locals rather than send out a member of the hive with their horrible preconceptions ?
    I can see pros and cons here, probably cheaper to run ( more cash for home projects ) more local contacts ? Able to fit in a crowd etc. cons being a damn sight more open to arm twisting from the local thugs if (heaven forbid) they ask awkward questions? To me the main problem here is not the colour of the blokes skin and his passport but the simple fact that as a british viewer I simply could not understand what was being said. Would this count as a problem to the beeboids fulfilling their quota systems ?


    • GCooper says:

      There is a more to this than accents. The BBC hires local reporters as a point of principle and in doing so abandons its original role – which was to act as a British source of news. What it is trying to do is become ‘the world’s broadcaster’.

      What it has actually achieved is to have become a hostage to whatever political and cultural views are held by the reporters it hires.

      Some of its recent coverage of Islamic practises, for example, has seen local reporters sound more like mouthpieces for Iranian or Saudi braodcasters than a modern Western news organisation.


    • JohnM says:

      I have the same problem with one of the two presenters on News Hour on the World Service. (04h00 GMT on 198 long wave) His (West ?) African accent is so thick that one would have difficulty in cutting it with a sharp knife.

      How people who speak English as not their first language deal with this is a mystery to me.


      • A Teddy called Moh says:

        I have the same problem with people from Essex


        • Essex Man says:

          That`s waycist , I`ll report you to the old bill for that outburst. Essex ,& the East are the the only other net contributors to the Government coffers & the economy ,I`ll have you know . London & the south east is the other one , all the other regions ,including Scotland are a drain .


      • Englands Dreaming says:

        This is becoming a real problem on the World Service and I believe done purely for PC reasons. What the BBC doesn’t understand is that non native English listeners want to hear proper “BBC” English spoken, so they can improve their English.


        • therealguyfaux says:

          Wouldn’t want them to have to listen to Voice of America’s flagship English-language service in order to learn to speak proper English, now would we?


      • Angels 30 says:

        I have a problem with all of them, even those with English sounding names, but there is a clue as what to expect when the signature tune is played on what appear to be jungle drums.


  3. Invicta 1066 says:

    BBC R4 Today programme visits Dudley to talk about immigration.
    A predominately white population in the market area according to the BBC reporter.
    Must have chosen his time and area commented on well.
    Dudley schools according to the local newspaper have pupils speaking 50 different languages! Now with relatives who actually live in Dudley I can appreciate the LOCAL dialect can be a little difficult to understand at times, but not as difficult as the reported minority African languages.
    Visit the area and you will see whole schools with hardly a white kid going into school in the morning.
    Somehow the whole major issue in Dudley, the highly contentious prosed new mega Mosque,(the current provision is nowhere near large enough for the growing Muslim population) was not mentioned.
    Permission to build granted this time, having been turned down a few years ago following protests.
    Predominately white people? Yes that would be the Dudley I started work in 30 years ago and continued to work for 10 years.
    Not the one I hurriedly pass through today to visit relatives, the Black Country Museum or Dudley Zoo.


    • Umbongo says:

      Apparently all the angst concerns EU migration. Mathew Price – the BBC reporter – even interviewed a Pakistani immigrant who has been here since he was 16 who is also concerned about immigration: the EU kind. It seems that Dudley’s white indigenes have nothing to say (on BBC mike anyway) about the subcontinental/Moslem immigration. Either they weren’t asked or their responses were . . er . . edited out due to time constraints or other reasons – or maybe (unlikely I think) they haven’t noticed. This item was just another example of the BBC-enabled perversion of the so-called “debate” on immigration.


      • GCooper says:

        The only possible conclusion, as always with the BBC, is that it simply does not care what Dudley’s white natives think. In common with the rest of the establishment it believes the native population should simply pay its taxes and do what it is told. Like all totalitarians, BBC staff believe they know best.


      • Invicta 1066 says:

        Without giving too much away about my work at Dudley and the surrounding areas, I was involved on a daily basis with the local businesses and their VAT and Excise declarations.
        So when the Pakistani shop keeper mentioned paying taxes I had to pause my breakfast spoon on its passage to my mouth.
        Asian restaurants routinely suppress over 50% of takings as do shops, all with the help of accountants from the same community.
        In one case, after visiting the major car importer supplier in the West Midlands I noted all the cars between £10K and over bought for cash.
        Several of these were traced to businesses, not all Asian, whose VAT declarations indicated they were barley breaking even.
        One visit to an Indian shopkeeper in nearby Cradley Heath revealed someone who was supplementing his income with family credits and Housing Allowance; so how he could afford to buy a Honda car for £18K cash was a question he couldn’t answer! The Housing Allowance was paid because he wasn’t living in his own home, he was living in the house of a cousin, who was claiming HA while living in his cousin’s house.
        The BBC are all for clamping down on tax avoidance, rightly so. Tax evasion, which is theft, you pay the VAT on a meal or item, the shopkeeper pockets it and gives 10% to the local Mosque or Temple is what I would like to see exposed; but I suppose that would be racist or Islamophobic, which is why the BBC and HMR& Customs steer well clear of this massive abuse.


        • Phil Ford says:

          Very interesting post, Invicta. Do you think there’ll be a BBC Panorama exposing this any time soon..?


        • ROBERT BROWN says:

          For Gods sake Invicta, get some hard evidence and see your MP, local press, spread the shit storm, get these asian bastards and really hit them, i’ve long suspected they swindle everything, it’s endemic in their countries…go on, hammer the cheating bastards.


  4. Doublethinker says:

    On Guido there is a survey by Lord Ashcroft of what issue people think are important and which party they think has the best policies on them. It shows Labour have quite a strong hand on stuff like NHS , Cost of Living, having the same values as them, looking after people like themselves etc.
    I wonder if Lord Ashcroft or the Tories have ever tried to analyses what the response on these issue without the massive propaganda help that Labour gets from the BBC year in year out for the past 30 years?
    Mr Cohen may think that this is part of the role of the BBC in democracy .I think it just the opposite.


  5. AsISeeIt says:

    Strange reaction from a BBC Question Time audience

    Yes, I know that’s not exactly usual but it has happened yet again

    At the end of Thursday’s show Dimbles trails next week’s guests and one Russell Brand is mentioned (YouGov poll showing 68% of respondents regard BBC-favourite Russell Brand as both unfunny and a hypocrite) he elicits murmurs of approval from the crowd.

    Then as the UKIP frontman Nigel Farage is introduced (polling up to 25%, Euro Election victor and two By Elections under his belt) the supposedly ‘balanced’ BBC invitees begin to boo and catcall.

    Hey, BBC explanations please?


    • Sinniberg says:

      I agree with you that an explanation would be warranted.

      Sadly though, the truth is there will be “all out war” raged against UKIP by the BBC and other MSM outlets in the run up to the General Election next year.

      I suspect we haven’t seen the full on hatred of the BBC towards UKIP but my guess is we will see it unleashed from January 2015.

      Mind you, even the smearing and mocking they’ve already tried to do has backfired and has resulted in support for UKIP surging.


      • Sinniberg says:

        It looks like we won’t have to wait that long……



        • Glen says:

          The problem for the bbc was that the majority of the posters agreed with ‘Adolf’ Farage on the point that breastfeeding in public places, like Claridges, would probably be better off being carried out a little more discreetly.

          If this is all the beeb have got then they have a problem.


          • Guest Who says:

            If Twitter is any guide it seems even the BBC is sensing another blowback in the Farce and backing away from a coordinated collection of professional griefmongers whose PR contacts exceed their public appeal. Seems there were more media to capture the moment than anyone else. Have to feel for the infants these lardbergs calved off to serve as props to satisfy their coverage cravings.

            Interestingly, I have heard rather less about a Mayor bailing from a civic event because his lady partner was not very discretely redirected elsewhere.

            It is possible the multicultural aspects leading to this are less celebrated, and certainly less protested by the women’s rights brigade, and their PR shills, when the topic doesn’t suit.


    • Phil Ford says:

      The BBC says: *tumbleweed.jpg*


  6. AsISeeIt says:

    ‘There are many ways we can help our child to understand and celebrate diversity’

    Well BBC that’s interesting. Tell us all about it then.


    ‘We live in a world with lots of different types of people. Young children have the wonderful ability not to pre-judge others – it doesn’t matter to them what people look like, where they come from, what religious beliefs they might have and whether or not they are able-bodied’

    Yes, that’s true. So what’s the problem then?

    ‘There are lots of ways we can help our children to understand and celebrate differences. We have the opportunity to let our children know that life would be very boring if we were all the same!’

    But you just admitted that children don’t pre-judge or discriminate – so now you want them to be taught that unless they have ‘diversity’ imposed on them they will be ‘boring’?


    • Dave666 says:

      Mrs Dave666 will be happy that Welsh culture can be celebrated. Although when my offspring was young enough for us to watch childrens BBc together I don’t remember them celebrating Welsh culture. Still nice to know I live in a non boring multi culture dwelling with Mrs Dave being Welsh and me being an Englishman Complete PC propaganda bollocks Joseph Goebbels has nothing on the BBc.


  7. Thoughtful says:

    “Green levies on household energy bills are to triple over the next five years to nearly £10 billion, due to an increase in wind farms, said the Government’s independent Office for Budgetary Responsibility”


    So, why when the BBC are constantly harping on about ‘the living wage’ or food banks, or ‘poverty’ aren’t they bothering to mention one of the worst regressive, reverse Robin Hood stealth taxes ever devised?

    The reason is because they’re backed into a corner where ever politician will attack them if they do, and they might do that which is forbidden & no doubt soon to be illegal – climate change denial.

    The rich Tories love wind farms, Camerons father in law is trousering knocking on for quarter of a million pounds a year according to reports, and that’s just from the rental for having a few windmills on his land – not the total income.

    The Greens obviously love them, and the left wing Hampstead / Islington elite who sneer at the poor from their mansions don’t have the first clue about how difficult it is for the poor to make ends meet when they put their bills up.

    Yet again we see the cost of the false claims of global warming oops sorry climate change (now that we know global warming isn’t happening).

    No doubt the insane lefties will be calling for the ‘living wage’ to be as high as the average salary to pay the stealth taxes which the Labour party doesn’t even seem to know exist!

    One thing however is for sure. These stealth taxes will remain stealth taxes – unreported, never discussed and kept as hidden as possible from the people by a BBC whose very existence depends on that.


    • Old Goat says:

      I do wish folk would stop using the “climate change denial” phrase – nobody denies that the climate changes, but they don’t generally believe that humanity is changing it (or is capable of changing it, for that matter).

      This is where the misunderstandings grow – if one is asked if one believes in “climate change”, then the honest answer must be “yes”. If, however, one is asked if one believes that humanity is causing climate change, the resultant answers would probably be very different.

      In any case, the “renewables” option (which aren’t really renewables, at all) for generating electricity is a costly, unsightly, and unworkable solution. Any perceived benefits “enjoyed” by those who install solar panels, for example, are at a cost to everyone else. The “Feed-in” idea is a nonsense – if one could power one’s home from solar panels and wind, then one should be encouraged to remove oneself from the grid, and foot the initial outlay ones-self.

      Pushing the blame for high charges onto the power companies is a snide way of shifting the blame from DECC, who have caused all our problems, by denying us the opportunity to derive energy from abundant sources beneath our feet, in the unwarranted belief that by doing so, the planet will be freed from CO2 (which we need for life), will stop warming (which it isn’t any way), and the planet will be saved. Hallelujah!

      In the meantime, the old grow older and colder, and eventually die.

      Interesting reading:



      • JohnM says:

        If every Wind Farm had to supply spinning back-up for their useless windmills then there would be no more built.

        I want to see legislation to insist on this ‘minor’ change.

        I can hear the howls of despair from all the UK renewable fat-cat from here in France.


        • Rob says:

          I think these wind farms are a complete waste of money. The Uk is windy enough and it must cost a fortune to power these big things to produce the wind we don’t need.


          • Leha says:

            I see what you did there.


            • Llareggub says:

              The greens supported by the BBC fitness experts could spearhead a campaign to install home based treadmills where energy conscious diehards could exercise, lose weight, produce electricity and save the planet without stepping outside.


  8. johnnythefish says:

    Have you ever noticed whenever the word ‘progressive’ is spoken on the BBC it is always with a tone of approval?

    Blatant Leftism.


    • GCooper says:

      It’s an excellent example of the cultural Marxists hijacking the language. Change the meaning of words and you control the debate. The BBC didn’t invent it – but they are past masters at the game.


    • Thoughtful says:

      It’s interesting to do a little research into the catastrophic failures of ‘progressive’ ‘thinking’ when it becomes reality.

      Eugenics was a left wing progressive policy around the turn of the 20th century.

      Fascism was a left wing progressive construct of the 1920/30s

      Here is a contemporaneous quotation of JRR Tolkien:

      J. R. R. Tolkien The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien No. 45: To his son Michael Tolkien (1941-06-09).

      [Hitler is] a veritable reductio ad absurdum of “progressive” thought.

      The “progressives” who today masquerade as “liberals” may rant against “fascism”; yet it is their policy that paves the way for Hitlerism. Nothing could have been more helpful to the success of the National-Socialist (Nazi) movement than the methods used by the “progressives,” denouncing Nazism as a party serving the interests of “capital.”

      Nearly all western thought since the last war, certainly all “progressive” thought, has assumed tacitly that human beings desire nothing beyond ease, security and avoidance of pain. In such a view of life there is no room, for instance, for patriotism and military virtues. The Socialist who finds his children playing with soldiers is usually upset, but he is never able to think of a substitute for the tin soldiers; tin pacifists somehow won’t do. Hitler, because in his own joyless mind he feels it with exceptional strength, knows that human beings don’t only want comfort, safety, short working-hours, hygiene, birth-control and, in general, common sense; they also, at least intermittently, want struggle and self-sacrifice, not to mention drums, flags and loyalty-parades.


  9. Old Goat says:

    It’s the anniversary of Mandela’s death, the BBC are at pains to remind us…


    • Dave666 says:

      Is it? Must have forgotten to put it in my diary.


      • D1004 says:

        You weren’t watching bbc2 at the moment the lion king died then? Quite surreal, little messages kept popping up on the screen saying ‘breaking news, turn to Bbc1 NOW ‘. As the great wise one had been in a coma for several days by this point i could guess the terrible news they wanted to impart so stayed watching what I wanted, obviously I was upsetting them because the little messages kept coming every 30 seconds telling me and all the other naughty proles we must do as we are told. God knows why they just did not have done with it and just gate crashed the prog so we could all join together in the mass wailing and crying. Instead of which we had to wait till 9pm to hear the terrible unexpected news that a very old sick man had died, tragic.
        I also notice that today ! They are telling us it is the anniversary of the great flood that trashed the East Coast this time last year, funny they forgot to tell us about it at the time but as we all know earth shattering events were afoot in Africa, and that was far more important than little peoples lives in the UK.


        • Essex Man says:

          Yes , this time last year , the East Coast was suffering from a Storm Surge , there was fuck all about it on the Bbc , until a brief mention of it the following monday on Look East . They were in full fucking Mandela overdrive , & couldn`t give a shit about the plight of some Hideously White English Scum .


        • Dave666 says:

          I avoided BBc this time last year as as knew what kind of coverage they would give the terrorist.


    • Roland Deschain says:

      Is he dead? Why did no one tell me?


    • A Teddy called Moh says:

      I give thanks to that brilliant sign language guy who, because of his inept performance has stopped the BBC endlessly repeating the funeral ceremony.


      • Phil Ford says:

        “…I give thanks to that brilliant sign language guy who, because of his inept performance has stopped the BBC endlessly repeating the funeral ceremony.”

        I thought he was the best comedy act to come out of South Africa in years. Still laugh about it now. That guy had some cojones!


        • D1004 says:

          Sorry did not mean to hit the report button 🙁
          I was going to say give that bloke a slot on R 4 at 6-30 any night, listening to him signing will be far, far funnier than listening to Jeremy and pals slagging off UKIP in a crucial up to the minute we’ve never heard that one before mother, you must stop baking and sit down and listen non event.


    • noggin says:

      Another one off the old “Christmas”,
      oops I mean “winterval ”
      erm sorry … “winterfest” ,
      er! … “bit part in the Nativity, baby Jesus … whose that?
      … Card List … yippee!


  10. Umbongo says:

    A major item of the Radio 4 flagship news at 8:00am was the commemoration in South Africa of the first anniversary of the death of Madiba Nelson Mandela. This is hardly “news”: this is a predictable event probably important to the people commemorating it in a foreign country but of little matter to the vast majority of the BBC audience.
    Another major news item was the continuing disturbances in the US following another grand jury decision not to indict a white policeman. As it happens I think the New York grand jury was wrong not to indict Daniel Pantaleo but, you know, the occasional bad decision is not a justification to hand the whole process over to a politically correct, mock-“independent”, serially incompetent outfit like, for instance, the CPS.
    Sure the race-hustlers in the US and the BBC hate it but there’s a reason a grand jury is part of the process – as there is for a normal jury at trial. That reason is that the evidence – all the evidence – is assessed, not by so-called “experts” but those with a “common sense” view. This is anathema to the BBC: horrors! – the “little people” actually get to say whether or not a politically driven prosecution is evidentially justified. If this practice were introduced elsewhere, the next thing you’ll know is that people would demand unbiased evidence concerning catastrophic man-made global warming or the benefits of third-world immigration. The BBC nightmare is that, based on that “evidence” – or lack of it – the little people will reject the BBC view.


    • Buggy says:

      I really think that they should dig the bugger up again, this day until the end of time, and then every year recreate the funeral, the politician selfies at the funeral, the awe-inspiring three-week long spectacle of the mass Beeboid migration to Safrika, funded by the kindly licence payer……..Aaaah ! Memories……..

      Anyway, we at Chateau Bug-sur-la-Teise have made our contribution to this sad anniversary by baking a special Madiba cake for later using special black misery icing and decorated with little Kalashnikovs, burning tyres and a miniature Nelly ‘n’ Winnie on top. To be eaten reverently in front of the permanent shrine in the cellar. I just hope that our tears don’t put out the candles.


  11. stewart says:

    Great article on Commentator site
    Sub head line says it all


  12. Geoff says:

    Last nights Question Time.

    When you hear a guy called Sajid trying to placate the fact that Mohammed (take your pick of spellings) is now the UK’s most popular boys name and when the merest condemnation of the 2nd best selling news publication in the UK receives rapturous applause, you know that neither the audience or the panel are representative of the UK at large. Off switch!

    Therefore I didn’t see the end and the audience reaction to the mention of Farage, but I’m guessing it was the same as that to the mention of the DM, which incidentally is also the 8th most popular news website in the world. Evidence (if it were needed) that the audience is not in any way representative.


    • Umbongo says:

      I’m not defending the BBC – since I suspect it’s probably complicit here – but it wouldn’t surprise me that much of the “rapturous” applause and the booing were down to lefty activists “playing” a – more or less – live broadcast. I think it was Janet Daley in the Sunday Telegraph who let on that in her extreme lefty days this was exactly what she and the comrades did. Again, I don’t know if seating is assigned at these events (I’m pretty certain the front seats are) but it wouldn’t defeat determined nutters to sit near the fixed microphones or sit in the most favourable positions for camera angles. The whole crapola of such mock- “public” participation results in a dumbed-down review of current political events which suits the political class and its BBC mouthpiece down to the ground.
      An alternative exists. I remember as a teenager regularly watching a weekly TV discussion where the panel comprised Michael Foot, Bob Boothby, A J P Taylor and a bloke called Brown chaired by (possibly) Freddy Grisewood (maybe Robin Day). This panel sensibly discussed – in depth – the week’s political events in a civilised way without the benefit of a baying audience. It would be refreshing to see such a programme broadcast today but, of course, it would not be entertaining (in the BBC sense where “discussion” is generally claptrap consisting of a volley of stale prepared sound-bites) nor would you be able to find a self-effacing chairman.


      • Techno says:

        Yes, it is an old tactic of the left, generally called shilling. A long term tactic to infiltrate an organisation is called entryism.

        Reportedly, the Cambridge spies were advised not to join the Communist Party because it would only draw attention to what they were up to.


      • Timbo says:

        “This panel sensibly discussed – in depth – the week’s political events in a civilised way without the benefit of a baying audience… It would be refreshing to see such a programme broadcast today…”

        ITV’s The Agenda is basically this, though perhaps not so in-depth – there is an audience but they are only there to clap and laugh at the odd joke and never take political sides.

        It genuinely seems to be completely unbiased, and with all their (our) money, you’d think the BBC could manage something similar…


  13. We gave up our TV some months ago and got this threatening letter, so I thought I’d blog my reply to it.



    • Dave666 says:

      Best thing to do with BBc enforcement is not to enter into dialogue with them in any way. As noted here over a long period of time the ,empty, property I look after. There is a threat letter every month the property has been under “investigation” several times. Never give them your name never communicate with them. https://www.facebook.com/tvlicenceresistance?fref=ts


    • Jack says:

      I’m legally licence free and I’ve got a whole bunch of those letters.
      The Occupier – whomever he may be – gets on average a letter a month.
      Pay them no mind.
      I wouldn’t recommend cooperating to the extent of actually telling them your name or contacting them to inform them that you don’t need a licence because this won’t make them change their behaviour.
      They operate on the assumption that everyone is watching or recording television ‘as it is being broadcast’ and is lying about it.


    • Glen says:

      Brilliant letter, I can just see some thick lefty beeb employee reading this with incredulity and calling the head beeboid over to wonder what to do next…oh yeah, print off new threatening letter and send to same address, don’t worry about the wasting of reams of paper they can afford it. The sooner the beeb is abolished the better.


  14. Snapper says:

    Having read this, I am off the clean the coffee out of my keyboard.


    Anyone care to comment? I’m not capable of coherent thought at the moment.


    • johnnythefish says:


      This comes as no surprise to anyone who has been following the real agenda behind ‘climate change’ which is a UN-driven world eco-socialist totalitarian government. The UN themselves make little effort to conceal this (see Agenda 21).

      The BBC are moving in the same direction as eco socialists would, but also because I believe ultimately they see themselves as the UN-sponsored world state broadcaster.

      See also Barroso’s acceptance speech of the Nobel Prize sickeningly awarded to the EU in which he claimed ‘The EU is the blueprint for a future world government’.

      This is why (I believe) the BBC is being so arrogant in its dismissal of any accusation of bias from any source as they can see themselves moving with this undstoppable tide which, if successful, will submerge democracy and civilised society for hundreds of years.


  15. Jeff Waters says:

    Under siege, the ‘biased’ BBC fights for its life –

    I hope that Nigel Farage becomes our next deputy PM and finally puts this vile creature out of its misery.


    • GCooper says:

      I hope he becomes PM and puts the present incumbent out of his!


    • UKIP if you want to. says:

      From the article;
      ” What every politician eventually comes to realise, however, is that there are no votes in bashing the BBC. Broadly speaking, the British love it. And £2.80 per week per household is good value. The BBC will go on after 2016, and some kind of universal funding – even if it’s not called a TV licence – will continue, too. “


      • johnnythefish says:

        Years of being brainwashed into thinking it’s impartial.

        Everyone has their waking up moment.


  16. Barlicker says:

    The Daily Politics kicked off with the ‘Tories at war with the BBC’ story. Rafael Behr (Guardian) and Beth Rigby (Financial Times) joshingly agreed with Andrew Neil that “attacking the BBC” is merely a routine and inevitable part of the electoral cycle. Furthermore, Osborne had contrived “a row” in order to deflect the argument away from economic policy. Brillo summed up by saying “so what’s the fuss all about?”


    • GCooper says:

      So that’s two Labour supporting rags and Andrew Neil looking after his own job, then?


    • Guest Who says:

      So, to summarise and clarify… the BBC responds to accusations more than some are levelling that they:

      1) Are a force for propaganda
      2) Dominate the media news, and sway policy
      3) Are unrepresentative
      4) Prone to bias
      5) Rig what they broadcast in support
      6) Unaccountable
      7) Censorious

      To address this, they:

      1) Rush to every one of their vast media estates to tell it often enough that the BBC thinks the BBC is perfect
      2) Clear the schedules to do so, especially their must watch politics wonk-fest
      3) Wheel out two ‘commentators’ not from any of the media making these accusations, but from their comfort zone best buddies, so far down the ABC representations, it might be necessary to create a new alphabet to peg their combined audience figures
      4) These two agree with the BBC host the BBC is perfect
      5) From guest invitation to edit, this will be what the news will show
      6) To repeat… no counter allowed
      7) Try asking why, and see what response you get. Persist, and see how long your commenting privileges last.

      Does that about cover it?

      Envy of the world: No. Unique: Sadly.


      • Chop says:

        “so far down the ABC representations, it might be necessary to create a new alphabet to peg their combined audience figures”

        Brilliant 🙂


  17. Grimer says:

    Front page of BBC is currently distorting Nigel Farage’s statement regarding breastfeeding in public.


    If you follow the link and actually listen to what he said, it isn’t even remotely controversial for the vast majority of the public. He starts by saying he is ‘not particularly bothered by it’. Then goes on to state that the establishment should be able to set its own rules.

    When asked if a woman should be asked to breastfeed in the toilets, he countered ‘perhaps sit in a corner or wherever is might be’.

    He then goes on to state that some older people feel very uncomfortable with breastfeeding taking place openly in public.

    All pretty standard storm in a teacup BBC crap.

    Edit: further to the screenshot, he doesn’t ‘urge’ anybody to do anything.

    Edit 2: Is this really the biggest story in the world today?


    • Jeff Waters says:

      Facebook post by Nigel Farage:

      The media fabrication over breastfeeding has been extraordinary. Let me get this clear, as I said on the radio and as I repeat now, I personally have no problem with mothers breastfeeding wherever they want.
      What I said was… and it is immensely frustrating that I have to explain this… is that if the establishment in question, in this case Claridges, wants to maintain rules about this stuff, then that is up to them, as it should be. I remarked that perhaps they might ask women to sit in a corner. Did I say I believe they should have to? No. Did I say I personally endorse this concept? No.
      We do however have to recognise that businesses have a responsibility to all of their customers, some of whom may well be made uncomfortable by public breastfeeding. It’s a two-way street: breastfeeding women should never be embarrassed by staff asking them to stop, and most mums will recognise the need to be discreet in certain, limited, circumstances. It just a question of good manners, and in this case, accurate journalism.


      • Jeff Waters says:

        The depressing thing is that there will be lefties out there who will use this as an excuse to go around saying that Nigel Farage is a misogynist who thinks that women should be forced to breastfeed in private. 🙁



        • Llareggub says:

          I used to read Conservative Woman as an alternative to left/progressive dogma. Sadly, this censored blog joins in with the anti Farage stance on breast feeding. Does this author write for the Guardian/BBC?



        • Doublethinker says:

          Would it be acceptable to the sisterhood to show photos of breast feeding ladies, faces of infants and mother disguised of course, on page 3? If not why do the rest of us have to suffer the embarrassment in restaurants and other public places?


          • pah says:

            Are you seriously embarrassed by a breast feeding woman? It’s one of the most natural things in the world and nothing to be ashamed of.

            The thing that really pisses me off about it is that babies that have just fed inevitably fill their nappies straight afterwards. Not what you want in a restaurant.


        • D1004 says:

          If he had his thinking cap on, he would had said he fully supported it, but that for heavens sake if standing next to him in the pub don’t drop any in his pint. That would have spiked the dopey beeboids dead.


      • BBC Heart Labour says:

        Don’t tell us Nigel – we know, what you now need to do is seriously publicise to the country that the BBC cannot accurately report facts and that the BBC is clearly going out of their way to lie about you and your party and that you call into question, with evidence, the BBC’s attempt to smear and lie about UKIP. No good telling us – WE KNOW what the BBC is like, you need to tell the country.


      • Andy S. says:

        I note that the woman complaining about Claridges had herself photographed feeding her brat at the time. She was grinning at the camera with a triumphalist grin that says “Look how clever I am.” . The thing is that the photo also showed her to be sitting in the restaurant area with people eating in the background. I, for one, wouldn’t be too happy to see some axe grinding harpy flopping out an oozing lactating tit while I’m having a meal, however wonderful breast-feeding may be to the sisterhood.

        Some people will do anything to invite a negative reaction so they can then be “offended and shocked” at their treatment by the establishment they targeted. Look how swiftly she complained to the media. I’d love to see her flop her threepenny bits out in the Sharia hotel that’s recently opened and see what the staff do. But that won’t happen, will it? These activists only operate on soft targets.

        Lovely excuse for the BBC to give this woman plenty of airtime in their news bulletins allowing her to give her interview and at the same time breastfeeding her kid, just to drive the point home.


        • Grimer says:

          When I was 16-18 I had a weekend job at McDonalds while I studied for my A-levels (£3.20/hour!). One day I was told by a shift manager (women early 30’s) to ask a lady to stop breast feeding in the restaurant. As a shy, wouldn’t say boo to a goose 16 year old, I didn’t feel I could say no to my manager, but I couldn’t even look at the lady breastfeeding. I feel that was a very unfair thing to do to a 16 year old boy.
          I’m quite happy for an establishment to set rules, but I think it should be the responsibility of managers to enforce it.


        • Guest Who says:

          From volatile American cities to seaside B&Bs, outrage bus route planners know well what creates stories and who then will run with them.

          Creating content in visual form is now becoming an art form.

          Professionally cynical reporters (ie: the good kind) may react to being played in this way by either passing on clear ‘PR as news’ activist windups, or offering full context on motivations.

          Or… if you are the BBC and in service of the establishment, you ignore facts and distort editorial to take a small club to break off a bigger club and use the whole rotten thing to bash a clear source of deranged obsession elsewhere.

          And then see it blow back. Again.

          I wonder what the overactive Pakistan legal system feels about this aspect of female empowerment, as currently they seem on a bit of a mission from God to keep women in their place. Or Jail. Or a coffin.

          Not apparently a concern for the sisterhood in the cubicle gardens on par with this major news event ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady) of the day.


      • johnnythefish says:

        The ambiguity of breasts, eh?

        1. A convenient and natural feeding device for infants.

        2. An object of sexual arousal which the sisterhood would like to see banned from p3 and lads’ mags.

        Don’t expect the BBC to debate this point (no pun intended) any time soon.


      • flexdream says:

        You can fool all of the people some of the time, you can fool some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.


      • Grimer says:

        Great find. I’m amazed it didn’t make the main Guido feed.


    • Roland Deschain says:

      The BBC’s looking for comments, so I’ve suggested women should wear burqas in public. Let’s see if that lasts, since anyone suggesting they shouldn’t gets howled down as racist.


      • JoShaw says:

        An interesting comparison.

        Apparently, wimmin should be able to breast feed their kids anywhere they like, but if Islam (or, to be more more precise, its Arabic version) dictates that women must bag themselves up from head to toe, well that’s alright as well.



      • Bob Nelson says:

        Comments (1143) now closed. Looks like another BBC ‘let’s demonize Farage’ fail. Every single comment I read from Top-Rated was pro Farage and many had a pop at the BBC for trying to make something out of nothing.


    • TPO says:

      When I’m in a restaurant tucking into a chateaubriand, the last thing I want to is to look up and see some activist slapper wapping her baps out to feed some infant.
      There is a time and a place for everything. Upsetting diners in a restaurant by flashing your tits is not one of them.
      What next, having to endure a couple of rug munchers at work whilst downing your ham and eggs?
      Of course the BBC were going to make noise about this. It’s the hated Ukip and the silly Farage isn’t it.
      Funny how they never got round to Myleene Klass demolishing that odious little socialist turd.
      By God I hope Ukip hold the balance of power after the next election. Then they’ll be a time of reckoning with the BBC.


    • Barlicker says:

      The BBC would, of course, have nothing to say if a member of a “socially conservative” minority were to complain about breast-feeding in public. Though, once again Sky News out-BBC-ed the BBC on this one, with someone who hadn’t bothered to check the facts saying on the press review, “Farage has a knack of getting things spectacularly wrong”. The BBC can just drop little turds like this one on the floor knowing that the rest of the TV media hounds are likely to pick up the scent, however false.


  18. Jeff Waters says:

    ‘Politicians are not well paid compared to leaders in the private sector, Tony Blair has warned.

    Better salaries would improve the “gene pool” of political leaders, he wrote in an article in the New York Times.’


    Imagine the outcry from the BBC if Nigel Farage had talked about improving gene pools…


  19. Dover Sentry says:

    The Tories attacking the BBC is a Godsend for UKIP.
    The BBC now have the prospect of an emerging UKIP also attacking the BBC. That would be two main Parties at the throat of the BBC. And that would make overhauling the BBC an easier proposition.

    If UKIP had attacked first, the Tories would not have come to their aid in my opinion.

    Not only do we have the most interesting time in British politics for a long time, but also have the bonus of a writhing BBC!

    Can it get better? It certainly will…


    • Doublethinker says:

      Hopefully the DUP will also have a go at the BBC because they have a long list of bias against them from the corporation. So perhaps we will have a majority of MPs thirsting for BBC blood after the next election. What a happy thought.


  20. George R says:

    Given that BBC-NUJ is an enthusiastic supporter of the federalising and Islamising European Union, one might expect Beeboids to report E.U developments more fully.

    BBC-NUJ has just put this up:-

    “Germany jails Islamic State jihadist Kreshnik Berisha”


    But BBC-NUJ is less forthcoming about these developments:-


    “Denmark: Muslim bookseller gets four years for inciting jihad terror”



    “UK: Two Muslims charged for helping 17-year-old boy join Islamic State”


  21. George R says:

    For Beeboids, re-their Islamic State “militants”-

    “Islamic State Threatens London with Dirty Bomb on Twitter”



    • dave s says:

      Any British citiizen joining ISIS is de facto guilty of treason. I listened to the bleeding hearts on R4 debating the sentences on those who have joined in preparing acts against this country and aiding a hostile power.
      Nothing to debate. Treason is self explanatory and the sentences necessarily draconian. Any other age but this would have not even discussed the matter.
      Why do they bother these idiot liberals?. We have had enough and it is time for them to shut up.


  22. AsISeeIt says:

    Did anyone stay up for the close of This Week?

    Brillo finally came around to asking Portillo point blank whether he thought the BBC was biased. (obviously no need to include in that question any reminder as to which side of the political spectrum they might be biased against – Neil may be on the payroll but at least he doen’t take his viewers for complete numpties)

    Sad-man-on-a-train ummed and ahhed and hedged around (no one likes to bite the hand that feeds and those fuchia pink sports jackets and Euro train tickets don’t buy themselves) but he came up with a form of words along the lines of ‘well I think there are a lot of like-minded metropolitan types employed at the BBC’

    Then, oddly, he called on the BBC to ‘stand up for itself and fight back’.

    Bring it on I say. The more they are challenged and the more they have to defend themselves then the more they will be forced to suffer from some of their own form of foul medicine.

    This is more than regular Tory election BBC-bashing. This time the BBC have overstepped the mark. Cameron attempted to placate the beast with his ‘Panto-Marriage Act’ but the leftist beast will never be satisfied. kill it and kill it now or ‘our Island story’ (as Churchill put it) will very soon be over.

    BBC: The nasty broadcaster.


    • workingclasstory says:

      If I had to go to war against anything, it would be the BBC. They have connived to destroy all that was good about this country. Hate is a strong word but it is what I feel for these scum.


  23. AsISeeIt says:

    With further reference to BBC Question Time audiences

    A little bird tells me that at a recent recording an audience member asked an off air pre-recording warm up question.

    A panel member replied to the questioner: ‘You sound like a UKIP supporter’

    Needless to say the questioner never got to ask a live question or got any follow up comments – Dimble and the microphone avoided this person like the plague.

    Anecdotal I know but these things do add up


    • Geoff says:

      This is why the program is recorded, they have an immense fear that someone may go ‘off piste’ and not ask the vetted question they were meant to, one wonders exactly what is edited out of the program.

      A live un-orchestrated debate would be far more of an event.


    • BBC Heart Labour says:

      Someone has got to get under cover inside QT and the BBC operations………


  24. John Smith says:

    You know what I would like to see? At the end of each BBC TV programme a basic cost breakdown. How much was paid to the actors or presenters in total, production staff costs, set costs, IT costs, etc. etc. And for imported programmes the cost of the series to buy. Now for a radio programme you could have a web page. But for a TV show nit should be part of the credits so it is instantly available. We fund it we should see how are money is spent. Won’t happen……


  25. The Old Bloke says:

    Interestingly, I was sorting out the number of letters I have from TV Licensing and thought I’d mention it on here, but it looks like some have already stolen my thunder with their recent posts on the subject. Not to be outdone, I informed Capita over two years ago that I do not have a TV or watch programmes as they are being transmitted on my computer. Obviously they didn’t believe me, for, last year (2013) I had 11 snotty letters and this year I have had 14, with the last one telling me to take a clean pair of underwear when I go to court. Not sure why they want to take me to court but nevertheless they are warning me that they will. They also inform me of how to stop a court summons, but why would I want to stop a court summons when I haven’t had a court summons? I do hope the official from Capita pays my residence a visit. He/she can have the 25 bits of paper back as they belong to them, not me.


    • Dave666 says:

      The letter refers to “what to expect if you go to court” or words pretty close to that. They tend to cycle through a series of letters. along the lines of we have started an investigation through to the above mentioned. There are many videos on line showing TV enforcement officers calling on properties.


  26. Fred Bloggs says:

    The Elgin marbles, misinformation again. The bBC say they were taken by Lord Elgin, they ALWAYS forget to state that they were purchased first.


  27. Sinniberg says:

    I’m delighted to see this evening that the anti-Nigel Farage story about breast-feeding in public has completely and utterly backfired on the BBC.

    All but every single comment on the first page of the “Have Your Say” section is in support of Nigel Farage with many pointing out that the story was nothing more than an attempt to smear NF and UKIP.

    I tallied up the “Likes” in support of NF from the first page alone and the combined total was over 1300!.


    • DownBoy says:

      Yes it is another huge own goal by the beeboids and they are still at it as we move into the evening bulletins. Excellent!


  28. stuart says:

    so david dimbleby announced last night that nigel farage( boos and hissses came from the audience) and the bbcs no 1 luvvie russell brand will be on question rime next thursday,fair enough there but thats where it ends because the socalist workers party have threatened to hold protests against nigel farage like the fascists they are and no doubt the question audience will also be a howling and screaming packed mob of left wing layabouts and old commies who will boo and shout down nigel farage everytime he trys to make a politacal point,question time next thursday will just be one ukip hatefest that you can bank on.


  29. The Old Bloke says:

    More votes for UKIP then. 😎


  30. George R says:

    Chechen Islamic jihadist massacre:

    INBBC appears to blame Russia, not Islamic jihadist barbarians, i.e. INBBC’s “rebels”.

    Two reports:-

    1.) ‘Jihadwatch’ using AP report-

    “Islamic jihadists attack Chechen capital; 20 dead”


    2.) INBBC’s Ms Rainsford, ex-Turkey-

    “Russia Chechnya: Deadly rebel attack rocks Grozny”



  31. George R says:

    Will political ‘left,’ inc Beeboids, turn even more against Nigel FARAGE for speaking out

    about antisemitism?-

    “Nigel Farage: Muslims to blame for antisemitism”



    • dave s says:

      Short answer is yes. Of course the BBC/lGuardian elite will. . Israel is a matter over which the liberals cannot see reality.
      Farage knows the reality for the Jewish people of Europe. He must know that the situation is precarious and that it is only a matter of time before the situation deteriorates.
      Israel is a safe haven. For now this country is safer than say France which has real problems as does Holland and Belgium.
      Just wait for the usual howls of anger from the usual suspects.


  32. The Old Bloke says:

    I have just been reading some of the comments on the BBC “have your say” concerning the breast feeding rumpus. Thankfully, many are supportive of Nigel Farage, probably because they actually heard or read what he said in full. Apart from these, all I can say, is that there are a lot of brain dead people out there. God help us next year.


    • Guest Who says:


      Another panic pull early closing as a clear BBC stitch up goes t*ts up. Even some fence sitters in the comments think it was pretty blatant.

      Any media editing for effect should be ashamed.

      But as they are incapable of shame and unaccountable , either to a toothless ofcom or fully-programmed Rona clones internally, not much will change.

      Seems most politicians feel ‘just’ £2.80 a week for enfirced propaganda backed by censorship is a price worth paying.


      • Guest Who says:

        As I set off into the glorious November sun, this looks like another triumphant Kamikaze splash for the entire media estate vs. a public they long since ceased to represent.

        Seems a posse of outrage expressers are en route to Claridges to show just how discreet they are, followed by a caravan of media camp followers.

        Some hoping for a ratings gold photo op; some because there is no anger and protest they don’t like.

        And even on twitter they are being slaughtered.

        Seems rigging stuff to grab a headline can be seen as a bit too transparent still.


    • dave s says:

      This is the real news the BBC wants to cover. A non story about a misquoted politician who just happens to be a liberal’s worst nightmare.
      Now you just know the liberal fools are on the run. The pathetic attempt to smear Farage is evidence enough.
      I sometimes end with -the BBC is worthless to which I now add -and very stupid.


  33. George R says:

    Somalia: INBBC censors Islamic jihad massacre.

    As for the perpetrators, one has to read to the final sentence to get a misguided hint that they were mere “militants”.

    “Somalia suicide bombs kill seven in Baidoa”



  34. flexdream says:

    I’ve not watched ITV News at Ten for ages but was dismayed to see that rather than be independent TV it seems to be conjoined with the BBC in spirit.
    Watching it I was baffled by the ‘storm in a C cup’ at Claridges – who takes a baby there anyway? All was revealed as the news item moved on to report Nigel Farage’s view. As if that is important?
    Then US police killing blacks. Mention of 2 officers not facing charges – no mention that in each case that was because a grand jury had found there was no case to answer. And in racially charged reporting there was no room to mention the juries included blacks. Mention of a 12 year old shot, no mention that the red tip was removed from his imitation firearm making it indistinguishable from the real thing and that he was threatening people with it.
    Finally Wigan’s own Dave Whelan has apparently used a word to describe a Chinese restaurant that is so obscene and offensive we couldn’t be told what it was! If the word was ‘Chinky’ then it’s still in use up here above the 54 parallel.
    So, ITV similar to BBC. At least you’re not taxed to pay for it.


    • Old Goat says:

      Yes, they’re all the same – BBC, ITV and Channel 4 – oh, and the press, of course. They no longer disseminate news, but more ideologies and opinions. Luckily, we have the Internet for proper news, but even that is being corrupted, wholesale. We must follow the prescribed formulae, believe what THEY say, and do what they tell us – it’s for our own good, you know.


    • Brian Mac says:

      Yes, I totally understand what you are saying. I would just like to add to that by saying that sky news is going the same way. This is something that i find difficult to understand. If you take two parts of the murdoch empire, fox news, and sky news. Watch them both and its like comparing chalk and cheese.
      But why?


      • jackde says:

        If only the UK had its own Fox News. It would expose the far lefts opinion pieces in all its forms, which are presented to us as news… particularly the BBC. I do not understand why Sky News is as bad as the rest as it is from the same stable…News International…as Fox News


  35. jackde says:

    What seems odd with Baroness Warsi (and the BBC) is her obsession with Israel, with which she has no ties. Yet this Baroness, who claims to be motivated only by moral outrage, is considerably silent on the far worse moral outrages that go on day in and day out in a country with which she does have ties — of which she made a virtue while in office. Yet Baroness Warsi ignores entirely the horrific and continual human rights abuses in her own family’s homeland of Pakistan. Whether it is Christians being burned alive or the practice of “bonded labour” (slavery), Warsi appears utterly unconcerned.
    At present, a Christian mother of four is due to be hanged for blaspheme and with this story…..
    An official with the Church of Pakistan has confirmed that a Christian couple was beaten and burned alive over a false accusation made by their employer who claimed they ripped pages out of a Quran and threw them into a brick kiln furnace.
    Open Doors USA, a Christian persecution watchdog group, has listed Pakistan as No. 8 in its list of worst persecutors of Christians list. Last year, they were ranked at No. 14.
    “The notorious blasphemy laws in Pakistan continue to have devastating consequences for minorities, including Christians. Women and girls from minority groups are particularly vulnerable, and sexual assaults against underage Christian girls by Muslim men continue to be reported,” stated Open Doors.

    What is far more important is that the obsessions and blind spots of Baroness Warsi are the obsessions and blind spots being taught to a generation.


    • dave s says:

      The Anglican Vicar of Baghdad Canon White has had to leave the country with a price on his head. His story makes harrowing reading. Children beheaded for refusing to accept Islam and dreadful persecution. . It is on Christianpost.com and other sources but probably not newsworthy in the BBC’s eyes.
      After all Canon White is hardly disinterested. He is a Christian and he was there. One for the liberal elite to ignore or discredit. Perhaps the BBC is covering this man’s story. I could not find it.
      The BBC is worthless.


      • chrisH says:

        And this hero is deaf, and clearly disadvantaged as he speaks fearlessly from Hells kitchen.
        He`d be on “In Touch” as a disabled hero in any other line of work, as far as the BBC are concerned.
        But he strips Islam bare with every answer that he gives to the BBC…divisive and unwanted then to the Islamic head of religious programming…let alone the lime pink atheists that actually comprise the BBCs “staff”.
        God Bless and Keep Canon White-God damn the BBC to hell


      • Jerry Fletcher says:

        I cant see that reported anywhere, where on Christian post is it?

        One of the most recent news results for the Canon is his Newsnight interview:


    • jackde says:

      “sexual assaults against underage Christian girls by Muslim men”
      surprised that this has not been commented upon!!


  36. The Old Bloke says:

    Advance notice; Climate Change coming to the East Coast of Britain next weekend. Anybody on this forum from the lowlands of the East Coast, get your sand bags ready and will the Thames Barrier be switched on? For those who are genuinely interested in the weather, have the Met Office spotted it yet? The holes in the cheese are looking like lining up don’t you think? Where is Harrabin?


    • Old Goat says:

      Where is Harrabin? Probably living it up at Lima, and lapping up the agenda, ready to disseminate to the baying, expectant crowds who now form the BBC Radio 4 audience, who dwell on his every word, and who are in desperate need of their next Harrabin fix.

      Can’t wait – perhaps , with luck, his luggage will end up in Iceland.


    • noggin says:

      Perhaps “orrible” Harribin is taking a time out …
      cookin up (sorry!), a global warming story with
      Micheal “the gospel of the hockey stick” Mann.
      Hmmm “Lawfare ” in full effect



      • zoid says:

        why did steyn go back to canada (well, new hampshire)?

        we need not only a robust right wing political commentator like him, but also an outlet where he could speak…bet the beeb wouldn’t let him finish a sentence before deeming him to be a racisthomophobichideouslywhitesexistukipislamophobefascisttorypuppyeater…from the south (the beeb loves northerners)?

        (what’s happened with the word spacing?)


        • John Anderson says:

          Many years ago Steyn had a weekend slot on BBC, chatting about his other love – Broadway musicals etc. He “knows the score” – has written “books” about the subject. But along the line the BBC dropped him.


  37. George R says:

    “Shame on the BBC’s Lefties for talking Britain down”


    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2863059/SIMON-HEFFER-Shame-BBC-s-Lefties-talking-Britain-down.html#ixzz3L6xjwDi9


  38. George R says:

    “BBC wants Labour to win General Election, Tory MPs claim.

    Tory MPs claim that the BBC’s coverage of government policies is biased because it fears that a future Conservative government will cut the licence fee.”



    • Guest Who says:

      It’s a conflict of interest accusation the BBC will struggle to counter factually or with accuracy, so get ready for a new raft of Dannysays from BBC spokespersons on a tell it often enough basis.

      The comments are great so far, especially the revolving door on staff. The BBC seems a secure berth for failed Labour pols.

      Turkeys do not vote for Christmas. So the quid pro quo motivations are clear. Bbc delivers the votes; Labour government keeps ex-Labour colleagues in gravy.

      Democracy it is not.

      Meanwhile, deep in the BBC’s production rooms, Jasmine is allowed back in to ‘assist’ a bit more each day on dirty tric… election coverage.


  39. AsISeeIt says:

    What’s the BBC for?

    Well, think about it – once we have fully legalised narcotics, euthenasia on the rates, Russell Brand as head of state (May Buddha have Mercy on His Twitter Feed), 2 miilion Syrian refugees are living in Godalming New Garden City and the Elgin Marbles are safely back in Berlin (NB the Greeks will have to use them as collateral for their Euro debt) – in other words once the BBC has achieved all of the campaign agenda – then there really will no point in the BBC anymore.

    Oh wait a minute, there will still be a need for a Licence Fee to pay for the 24 hour BBC wimmins soccer channel.


    • Guest Who says:

      Plus a few pensions that can only go up as well as really up.


      Seems an expensive way to keep 20,000 market rate remoras off the unemployment figures.


  40. zoid says:

    this would seem an appropriate place to ask this question, but is there a list somewhere of the bbc top brass and ‘talent’ who openly support the labour party or other assorted mental leftwingery?


    • Richard Pinder says:

      No, but I have been given the names of the BBC Editorial Complaints Units senior staff below:

      Fraser Steel, BBC, Editorial Complaints Unit, Head
      Colin Tregear, BBC, Editorial Complaints Unit, Director
      Alison Wilson, BBC, Editorial Complaints Unit, Complaints Manager
      Other Senior ECU staff include David Woods, Michelle Wiggins, Gemma McAleer and Paul Hunter

      Other BBC staff who deal with complaints are:

      Jessica Cecil, BBC, Chief Complaints Editor
      David Jordan, BBC, Editorial Policy and Standards Director
      Claire Powell, BBC, Editorial Policy, Chief Adviser
      Paul Smith, BBC, Head of Editorial Standards for Audio and Music
      Michael Fadda, BBC Worldwide, Editorial Standards Manager
      Stephanie Harris, BBC News, Head of Editorial Compliance and Accountability
      Lucy Tristram, BBC Trust, Complaints Adviser
      Fran O’Brien, BBC Trust, Head of Editorial Standards
      Bruce Vander, BBC Trust, Editorial Standards Committee Secretary

      The BBC Trust Editorial Standards Committee members are: Alison Hastings (chair), Richard Ayre, David Liddiment, Sonita Alleyne, Bill Matthews and Nick Prettejohn. With Elan Closs Stephens, Anthony Fry, Rotha Johnston and Mehmuda Mian being former members of this committee.

      The Complaints and Appeals Board members include Richard Ayre (chair) and Bill Matthews (deputy).

      The latest news is that they have obtained the home address of Frazer Steel, and could be sending the address to the Times, if he does not reply to the newspaper by next week.


      • ROBERT BROWN says:

        Good God Richard,….how many are under these people? Back in the 70’s i left Banking, a multi-tasking, busy job then…and while between careers, engineering was my goal, i took a post with the Civil Service…..bloody hell !!….i was in a section of 15 souls, nice people mostly…but….i’d finished my alloted load by 10am!….used to working fast and doing a multitude of tasks, all day, this was a doddle. Eyebrows were raised, staff were concerned i’d finished, said it made them look bad….ha…..they were constantly going out for fag and coffee breaks, chatting…..unreal. I said as an aside to the section head that there was work all day here for 5 people….he nearly had a stroke……not a wise comment!!…i suspect little has changed even now…..BBc are probably run along the same lines. Tragic.


        • D1004 says:

          In 1984 I lived in Wolverhampton and my next door neighbour used to work in British Steel in Bilston steelworks as a paper pusher, he told me when he got the job in about 74 the job entailed making the tea and opening some post, all over inside an hour at most. Come the crash and BSC making a massive loss the works closed and he became unemployed ( he actually moved on to being self employed writing and publishing local history books ). He said to me at the time (84 ) he was amazed how long it all lasted and it was inevitable it would close…………I wonder how many at the bbc believe the sun will never set on their little world ? I suppose it never will until their power to tax the public is ended.


        • Richard Pinder says:

          The BBC Editorial Complaints Unit has now over 430 staff, so with all the other people, it must be over 500 people, but then the BBC is now dealing with over 1,000 complaints every day. So that’s two complaints per person, per day.


          • Guest Who says:

            Four hours (assuming not a director off early to run her coffee shop) to cut and paste your complaint in the first para and add their ‘we’ve checked but we got it right’ blow off and joke circular file sign-off?

            Sounds about right for BBC productivity levels.


      • Ralph says:

        When you watch any of their consumer shows (full of lots of allegedly funny antics) and they are always highly critical of an industry that self regulates. Why then don’t they apply that level of criticsim to themselves?


  41. George R says:

    More Islam Not BBC (INBBC) “militants.”

    INBBC’s M ILIAS KHAN in Islamabad uses the INBBC euphemism “militant” three times, and the accurate phrase “Islamic jihadist” not at all, in this ‘report’-

    “Al-Qaeda chief Adnan el Shukrijumah ‘killed in Pakistan'”



    • A Teddy called Moh says:

      in 5 years the BBC will be using the term martyrs and saying a person has been martyred the same as the news do in the Middle East when referring to terrorists.


  42. JoShaw says:

    I was under the impression that one of the main arguments in favour of the BBC Tax is that only public sector broadcasting covers niche material deemed commercially unviable elsewhere. Ofcom, for what it’s worth, says: “What is public service broadcasting? Public service broadcasting refers to TV programmes that are broadcast for the public benefit rather than for purely commercial purposes. These programmes include local news coverage, arts programmes and religious broadcasts.”

    The Royal Opera House website has announced: “ROH TV and radio Christmas broadcasts announced for 2014”. Here’s a chunk of it:

    “On Christmas Day at 7pm BBC Four will screen Christopher Wheeldon’s The Winter’s Tale, performed by The Royal Ballet. As well as the dance adaptation of Shakespeare’s tale of love, loss and reconciliation, Carlos Acosta curates and stars in Carlos Acosta’s Cuban Night. This exciting mixed programme of vibrant Cuban dance inspired by his homeland will be shown on Boxing Day at 7.30pm, again on BBC Four.

    On BBC Radio 3 there is another chance to hear Plácido Domingo in his 2011 Gala Concert, alongside Ailyn Pérez, Marina Poplavskaya and Francesco Meli, on 6 December at 7.30pm. Christof Loy’s production of Wagner’s Tristan und Isolde, starring Stephen Gould and Nina Stemme, will also be broadcast on 29 December at 5.45pm.”



    “On Sky Arts there will be a number of Royal Opera House productions to watch over Christmas:

    14 December at 10.15pm: The Royal Opera’s Rigoletto, with Dimitri Platanias as Rigoletto, Ekaterina Siurina as Gilda and Vittorio Grigolo as the Duke of Mantua
    15 December at 1.50pm: The Royal Opera’s Faust, with Vittorio Grigolo in the title role, Angela Gheorghiu as Marguerite and René Pape as Méphistophélès
    16 December at 2pm: The Royal Opera’s Cendrillon, with Joyce DiDonato in the title role
    17 December at 2pm: The Royal Opera’s La donna del lago, with Joyce DiDonato as Elena, Daniela Barcellona as Malcolm, Colin Lee as Rodrigo and Juan Diego Flórez as Uberto (James V)
    18 December at 2pm: The Royal Opera’s Turandot, with Lise Lindstrom as Princess Turandot
    19 December at 2pm: The Royal Opera’s Macbeth, with Simon Keenlyside as Macbeth and Liudmyla Monastyrska as Lady Macbeth
    20 December at 2pm: The Royal Opera’s La bohème, with Dmytro Popov as Rodolfo and Maija Kovalevska as Mimi

    30 December at 8am: The Royal Ballet’s The Nutcracker, with Gary Avis as Herr Drosselmeyer, Meaghan Grace Hinkis as Clara, Ricardo Cervera as The Nutcracker, Roberta Marquez as The Sugar Plum Fairy and Steven McRae as The Prince
    30 December at 8pm, 31 December at 8am, and later dates in January: The Royal Ballet’s The Sleeping Beauty, with Lauren Cuthbertson as Princess Aurora and Sergei Polunin as Prince Florimund
    31 December at 8pm and 1 January at 8am: The Royal Ballet’s Giselle, with Natalia Osipova as Giselle and Carlos Acosta as Albrecht
    29 December at 7.30pm (Sky Arts 1), 1 January at 8pm, 2 January at 8am, and 3 January at 8.30am (Sky Arts 1): The Royal Ballet’s Swan Lake, with Zenaida Yanowsky as Odette and Nehemiah Kish as Prince Siegfried
    2 January at 8pm and 3 January at 10am: The Royal Ballet’s La Bayadere, with Tamara Rojo as Nikiya, Carlos Acosta as Solar and Marianela Nuñez as Gamzatti
    3 January at 8pm and 4 January at 8am: The Royal Ballet’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, with Sarah Lamb as Alice, Federico Bonelli as Jack, Edward Watson as The White Rabbit, Zenaida Yanowsky as The Queen of Hearts and Steven McRae as the Mad Hatter”


    (Sorry for the length of this post)


    • Doublethinker says:

      The purpose of the BBC is to use its powerful tax payer funded position to ensure the triumph of liberal socialism and multiculuralism. It is doing this by persuading native Brits, much against their common sense, that a big state taking an ever growing % of people’s pay, and swamping the country with immigrants with totally different values to our own , are both good things to do and that these benefit Britain making future generations happier and more prosperous.
      Any voices raised in protest are drowned out by the corporate megaphone and any sustained opposition is attacked unmercifully. The BBC long ago abandoned any desire to be truthful and now routinely lies to the country in support of its aims. It gets more like PRAVDA with every passing day.


    • uncle bup says:

      It’s not you that should apologise it should be Danny Cohen


  43. rotter says:

    in other news, michael “the berk” buerk has compared his time on “im a celebrity” to nazi germany, the berk also said how he loathed bbc funded peadophile jimmy saville, and said he wished he pushed him off a pier, and what did you actually do mike? you waited till the freak was dead then whined to the papers, if you actually did push him off the pier you could have put end end to his filthy actions, very brave mike


    • joeb says:

      Imagine the headline:

      “Newscaster murders Savile. Pushes him off Brighton pier”.


    • chrisH says:

      Old Buerk was unavailable to reprise his Green Onions weepfest that he used in Darfur/Ogaden/Tigre back for the Geldof Mealticket gig of 84/85…never ending.
      Geldof would have used him for this 30 year relaunch a few weeks back…but Buerk was in the Celebrity Jungle instead.
      Says it all really!


      • ilikebigboobs says:

        This will certainly be the last we will hear of Bobbie g and his whingefest, seeing him on tv recently he resembles the undead, give it another 10 year’s and the crack addict Russell brand will be in a similar state, these 2 arrogant do gooders are very similar in many ways, the public arent taking much notice of his “revolution” nonsense , brand is set to face off against farage on QT, though I doubt there would be any real debate , just the usual childish accusations of racism, and censorship of farage from Al ja beeb


        • Disgusted of Essex says:

          I’d love it if – though it’s not likely to be allowed to happen – a portion of the crowd were to shout “Parklife” (or “Pondlife”) after each of Russell Brand’s incoherent utterings on QT.

          Unfortunately, the crowd that will be invited will only be there because they follow the freak on Twitter anyway – so will applaud and cheer his indecipherable gibberish.


      • Ralph says:

        Buerk did a good thing to bring that famine to the world’s attention and a bad thing not to point out the cause, the Marxist Ethiopian dictatorship.


        • D1004 says:

          Yes indeed, whilst standing to camera he showed the biblical scenes behind his left shoulder, however he forgot to show the scenes behind his right shoulder showing government MiG 21’s bombing the crap out of the same victims whilst they were standing behind the front line on the side of the rebels. Obviously a shot into the sun would have been ‘difficult’. Even more so with the government minders behind the camera. Another lucky fellow like geldof who made his name standing on the bones of the dying.


    • Richard Pinder says:

      If the Berk had any idea where he lived, he would have known that he would have had at least two opportunities per day, to push him off Scarborough Cliff Bridge. The Valley road bridge is famous for people being pushed off it, usually the Police put that down to suicide. So it would have gone down as “Savile commits suicide”.


      • Essex Man says:

        The Valley Bridge in Scarborough was made more anti suicide, by a building firm about 20 years ago , the council said they couldn`t afford to do it . Even the Bbc went to the Cliff Bridge , to look for jumpers, thinking it was Valley Bridge . Is the Richard Pinder of this parish, a relation of the building firm ,or printing firm of the same name in Scarborough ?How do I know you ask , well I have been visiting relatives in Scarborough on & off, for about 26 years now.


        • Richard Pinder says:

          The Cliff Footbridge and Valley Roadbridge, both cross over Valley road, so I was correct. I was programmed from a child, to fear being pushed off Cliff Bridge. Savile’s flat was south of the footbridge, the amenities where north of the bridge. The only time I ever saw him, he was sitting on a cliff top public seat, overlooking the scenic South Bay, between the footbridge and the Grand Hotel. My Great Grandfather was a Printer, so it must be a distant branch of the family.


  44. flexdream says:

    Don’t the BBC read the Guardian? Given the BBC’s continuing interest in claims over British Army collusion in the 70s you might expect some interest in the statement by the former IRA ‘director of intelligence’ that the Garda and others in the Republic colluded with the IRA as it waged its struggle for Irish freedom by murdering people in Birmingham pubs and Irish restaurants.
    “Irish police colluded with IRA during Troubles, says former IRA member”
    Knowing the BBC’s reputation for impartiality and fearless investigation in Northern Ireland I am sure there is a good reason it seems to have missed this story, even if RTE didn’t. But then it’s in the Republic where politicians don’t treat Sinn Fein with the respect it receives from British politicians and media.


    • Guest Who says:

      Possibly ‘not news’? Or maybe watertight oversight?


    • A Teddy called Moh says:

      Yes the BBC read the Guardian in fact they read the newspaper out aloud every day at news time


    • Dover Sentry says:

      In the South where I worked for a time, the IRA has no mystique or romance for the Irish police. Sinn Fein was outlawed by the Southern Irish government because of it’s extreme political views amongst other reasons.

      The politics of Sinn Feinn is extreme Left, to the point regarding North Korea as the ideal state.

      The BBC always align with Sinn Fein and the IRA. That’s why they are always going on and on about Bloody Sunday. Nothing about the Guildford and Birmingham pub bomb victims.


      • Betty Swollocks says:

        The bleedin BBC, the enemy within.


      • +james says:

        Funny how the BBC never mentioned Sin Fein/IRA were left wing extremists.

        Years ago I Talked to an Irish Republican who told me that the IRA would kick the Brits out, unite Ireland, seize power in Dublin and create a Marxist paradise. The only people stopping this were the Irish Government.


  45. flexdream says:

    Long BBC piece by a survivor of the Kenyan bus massacre.
    Have a wild guess which word doesn’t get mentioned.
    Apparently the Somali militants separated out the Kenyans and then further separated out those who couldn’t recite the Koran. Anybody know what the Koran is? Is it a Somali song? The article doesn’t say.


    • chrisH says:

      Wasn`t it more specific?
      Didn`t the murdring scum ask something akin to “who was Muhammads second wife” or such.
      Not the sort of thing anybody but a Muslim zealot could possibly know-therefore was intended to wipe out both the non-believer as well as the part-time Muslim( in their sick world, the jahilliya).
      Not that the BBC would ever tell you any of this-they cut out Adebolajos “Tawba” recitation from Sura 8/9 , as the twat waved his machete arond fresh from butchering Lee Rigby.
      Typical BBC….whats Arabic for halal-compliant brown nosing snuff buckets…for that is all the BBC is these days.


  46. Charlatans says:

    Of course we are not on the road to Wigan Pier.

    That is an absolutely wrong and preposterous national broadcaster analysis! The BBC really do not represent the UK in an honest, realistic way?

    One would think our state broadcaster could easily explain the severe financial predictions in the Autumn statement, since they have an army of some of the highest paid economic analysis experts on their staff in the land, courtesy of our taxes.

    They just need to see through the red mist which unfortunately has infected most of the BBC political reporting through their choice ‘left’ ethos, with recruitment policies to match, for decades now.

    I am just a mere ex-soldier and small businessman and it is all pretty clear to me.

    Basically, in 2010 the Coalition was bequeathed the worst peacetime economic legacy ever, at any General Election since WW2. No government of any colour would be able to pay off that deficit and debt under around a decade, such is the gigantic scale of the Blair, Brown and Co legacy! Such an attempt would indeed give us a ‘Greek Tragedy’.

    Our Country, a premier world banking centre, contributed greatly to the infection of many other nations banking systems too!

    It is of course accepted it was manly initiated in the USA by sub-prime and other lax banking practices, but our Treasury Ministers failed spectacularly in their dereliction of duty to regulate properly the City of London.

    They let these London based banks run riot, at great cost to the rest of us and also to the other Nations banks who obviously were encouraged to follow the ‘world class’ London example we set and that is now clear!

    One should not forget it was Brown Balls & Milliband, more than any other MPs who were in the treasury and are most to to blame for not regulating and the recession legacy they left. Just wish the BBC would get that obvious fact over to the British public as part of their inform the nation without fear or favour remit!


    The country was basically on the brink of bankruptcy after 13 years of Labour. They certainly ‘did not fix the roof whilst the sun was shining’ borrowing to the hilt even during those financial good times when they should have been building the reserves, (not selling off 400 tons of gold at bargain basement prices) and leaving notes to their successors that there was ‘nothing left’.

    Even, now Labour have the brass neck to ‘slag off’ the other parties for wanting to privatise the NHS!

    They really think us ‘plebs’ did not notice PFI, for example, which is going to require our children and grandchildren to pay off £300 bn for the NHS over the next generation. This is causing great hardship in the NHS already!


    Just hope the Tories now follow through with the Broadcaster Licence review and right an obvious wrong.

    Oh ..should have posted on Autumn Statement thread – sorry!


  47. Leha says:

    Fed up of hearing “Failed rescue mission” all day, these london media a$$holes aren’t fit to lick the boots of the military.


    • Dover Sentry says:

      I’m pleased to note that the military weren’t able to take any of their captives alive..


  48. Sickofitall says:

    BBC —- Clackmannanshire town ‘in shock’ after child’s death:


    BBC report fairly coy about details, so I checked it out elsewhere:

    Daily Star —- Toddler found with heart ripped out:


    Plenty of details in this report, such as the fact that the family is from Botswana. Things the BBC is clearly reluctant to mention.



    • TigerOC says:

      Tagati – ameliorate the spirits. Likely she was suffering bad things and consulted the witch doctor who advised her that she do this. Definitely 3rd World enrichment that we should all be grateful for (not).
      Not that the BBC or any of our wonderful media is any hurry to investigate.


      • Merched Becca says:

        The benefits of immigration and the multiculturalism that it brings. The bits that Al Beeb don’t want you to know about.


    • D1004 says:

      10pm news on Saturday night…….no mention whatsoever of the dead African child whose heart had been cut out…..draw you own conclusions. But plenty of time to show the Premier leagues ‘celebrations’ about the First World War Christmas truce involving a football match, all very touchy feely (question, should not the ‘Christmas truce ‘ be celebrated on the nearest day’s matches to the day it happened i. e. Boxing Day ? ) also lots of time to tell us that the South African hostage killed in Yemen had been on the verge of being released for a ransom ( I. E. It’s the Americans fault they are dead, not the f****** who captured them and killed them ).
      Situation normal, trawl out the news that you find disagreeable replace it with stories and versions of events which fit your agenda.


    • joeb says:

      The BBC story should be “Child’s heart cut out to sell heart in order to pay rent because of Evil Tory Cutz”

      There. That’s better!


      • GCooper says:

        A question the BBC will never ask: why the bloody hell do we even have Botswanans in this country?