Shock horror……
Black Brits are uncomfortable with immigration
To hear black people opposed to immigration is nothing new. In 2011 a study by Searchlight Educational Trust found 21 per cent of black Britons believed that all immigration into the UK should be stopped permanently, or at least until the UK’s economic situation improves. The study found 17 per cent of black Britons believed immigration had been a bad thing for Britain. However, what stunned me was the anger I witnessed.
At Goldsmiths University the panel was asked whether immigrants take jobs from Brits or merely do the jobs that Brits are unwilling to do. I shared how my hardworking British friends in the construction industry found themselves undercut and almost unemployed when the Polish builders first arrived on the scene.
At Oxford University, a black female student was furious at our politicians’ inability to discuss, address or control immigration. At Manchester University, a black female student was annoyed to find herself in the English-speaking minority on her Medical Science degree course. At Greenwich University, a black charity worker from East London shared his deep-seated irritation at how the local culture had been transformed by Asian and Somali immigrants: “I feel uncomfortable” he said. His candid comment led to an awkward silence.
One concern of the Great Debate founders is that blacks are not as politically active as whites. But immigration was the one issue black people in these audiences did have a political opinion about. And black Brits are uncomfortable with it.
Talking about immigration is racist.
And yet the BBC’s finest tells us it’s only Whites who can be racist….
Jo Brand: My personal opinion is that you can’t be racist towards white people. You can be prejudiced about them but being prejudiced isn’t an illegal act whereas being racist can be.
Phil Williams: Don’t you think racism is just being derogatory about a race, regardless of the colour?
Jo Brand: No I don’t. I think the definition of racism also encompasses political power. So you can’t be racist towards a race that’s politically more powerful than a minority. That to me is the correct definition of racism. I think you can be prejudiced towards a group of people who are more powerful than you, but I don’t think you can be racist towards them.
So clearly it’s not racist for Black people to talk about immigration…so let’s hear more of their voices on the BBC.
Ahh but you must note: Just as people kill in the name of Islam are not real Muslims, Black people who object to immigration are not realy ethnic minorities.
Well, the non white folks should feel grateful because they can at least say what they think about immigration. The rest of us would get the full liberal left racist treatment plus possible legal action, if we dared to say what we thought about immigration.
I wonder what the BBC will make of black folks saying no to immigration ? I suppose that they will just ignore it, rather than pause to ask why and think about the answers they get. And, of course, they already know that very many , perhaps a majority of white people , don’t want any more immigration , but that is because we are , as the totally untalented Jo Brand said, racists. We can be safely ignored because they have already decided that we don’t merit any representation on this topic.
So they will carry on with the great social engineering experiment. After all they know what is best for us don’t they. We are too simple , too narrow minded , too rooted in the past , too bigoted to understand what a brave new world they are creating for us. They are sure that we will like it when they have finished. And if we don’t , well they have had a great time doing it and after all that is what really counts.
Wonder what the “slavery” find in London will uncover. I guess the saudis will be moving out if the met do their job properly.
Well at the moment whatever they found is bring kept from us, that just increases my curiosity!
Bring = being
About time our established blacks and Asians rose up and dealt with this one.
We all grew up with them-and , in the case of my black pals: I could see their parents losing the battle with schools as their discipline was undermined…which is where the riots of 1981 came from in my view( I`m from Moss Side, Manchester).
My impression was that Indians and Chinese prospered despite this-but the Pakistanis went down the Islam victim route…and met a lot of my black pals there eventually(Christianity-Church brand anyway-curled up and died well before).
When the likes of Jo Brand become spokeswomen we`re stuffed…why didn`t she deal with Alistair Campbell when she had the chance?
If you want black victimhood by the shovel-Todays “Desert Island Discs” would suffice…a black Childrens Laureate woman( no kids I surmise, so who better?) has “Royal Approval”..thanx Charles!
If you miss this PC lovefest of the sistas in Hampstead…head for Notting Hill and you`ll get Ralph Milibands younger Trot on NEXT week.
Good old BBC…massaging the vagus nerve, as the lethal injection of their PC shit takes hold!
Jo Brand? Why does anyone listen?
A Bag for Life with too many pies.
So according to Jo Brand you can’t be racist towards white people. Ok:
Hey Jo Brand you fat fucking white slag, I heard that when you went to the beach the tide came in. I also hear that you love sucking black cock. Fat white cunts like you should be made to cover up so as not to scare children.
Absolutely utterly priceless pounce.
Thank you.
What really winds me up about left wing idiots such as Brand, is they cause more people to gravitate to the right than anything else.
I mean here is the woman who got Carole Thatcher sacked for making a private off the air comment in a green room and yet she has done a lot worse. (Can’t be racist to white people indeed) and she is fetted as a queen by the bBC. Bloody disgusting how the left have become the thing they hate the most…racists.
Ah, but it’s the right KIND of racism………
So that’s all right, obviously.
Bear in mind that Brand has made a career by denigrating men, so presumably she also thinks sexism only exists if it’s towards women. Delusional, unfunny cunt who worryingly used to work as a nurse in an insane asylum.
jo brand is a big fat ugly lefist bore who should practise what she preaches and live amongst all these immigrants she seems to love so much instead of living in her all white million pound pad in all whitey middle class leafy surburb in for racist blacks and asians,what is new about that,these white eastern europeans immigrants dont know whats awaits them when they come to this country when they are on the recieving end of racism and hatred from these ethnic minority racist white hating communitys that live in england.
Brand reminds me of Zoidberg without his shell!
On second thoughts, Zoidberg is funny!
Fortunately the video does not have any white people commenting as they would have to be arrested. But the idea struck me that the content would be the basis for a 21st century re-make of West Side Story. Knife fights, so called honour killings could be added. Come on BBC; how about ‘Da Community – the Musical’,
This is what I have been saying for a long time. Its the key to the left wing.
They have racialised marxism. The white working class have betrayed them by not rising against the bourgeois, and finally for voting for thatcher.
As this route has utterly failed, they have decided to import their new proletariat. They have them made all ethnic minorities “proletariat” and all white as “bourgouis”.
This crosses quite nicely with Islam, whom the left see as their pre capitalistic freedom fighters throwing themselves with fury against the west.
Once you see this all through the prism of marxism, it make total sense. I wish EDL would aim themselves against the socialist. They should make the Fabians life hell. Deal with the Organ grinder and not the monkey.
I would start with Sunder Katwala who is an ex head of the fabians and is now head of British futures which is a think tank trying to reshape “english” identity.
There is criminality within the Black community. Pakistani Muslims though, and Muslims in general, have within them a codified ideology that requires them to bring the whole world under sharia.
We are on the road to Bosnia, but much much worse, as Bosnians had at least a sort of common ethnicity.
Each nation is an ongoing experiment, and its people are the elements of that experiment. By any measure, Somalis have shown themselves to be totally unable to create and sustain their own nation.
Even by East African standards, Somalis are “different”. Somali society is essentially a clan based nomadic society, with highway robbery playing a pivotal role in Somali economy – if one can call it that. Most travelers to that part of the world have written of the contempt and hostility of other East Africans, such as Kenyans and Ethiopians, for Somalis.
So we have, in the Great Multicultural Sweepstakes, imported millions of primitive Somalis into Europe/West, without bothering to find out if they were even remotely capable of adjusting to civilisation.
As Somalia deteriorated from nothing to below nothing, even highway robbers could not make a living in Somalia. So they have taken up piracy or fled to the West, which, in its unbounded idiocy has accepted these people. Look forward to violent robbery, and other cultural delights.
The war of Terror has now moved to the West itself, as our politicians, in a fit of ignorance or malevolence to their own, have imported millions of primitive people, whose goal is to destroy civilisation.
Oslo has fallen – “we have lost the city” – Oslo police statement Oslo police have stated “We have lost the city
The article below is about the apocalyptic level of culturally-enriched violence in Grønland, a district of the city of Oslo.
Grønland is only two subway stops from the Parliament, and one from the Central Station, fairly close to the government offices that were bombed by Breivik.
It looks like Karachi, Basra, and Mogadishu all rolled into one. People sell drugs openly just next to the Grønland subway station.
It’s not Norway or Europe anymore, except when there is welfare money to be collected. The police have largely given up. Early in 2010 Aftenposten stated that there are sharia patrols in this area, and gay couples are assaulted and chased away. “Immigrant Fatima Tetouani says that ‘Grønland is more Muslim than Morocco.’”—we-have-lost-the-city—oslo-police-statement.aspx#AddComment
So it looks as if the avalanche of Scandinavian crime/political drama that BBC4 has been showing really is an utter crock of shite – it has been shredded by reality. All the Wallander, Borgen, Killing, Girl with a Dimbleby Tattoo etc., with all its white fascists, white child murderers, bent white businessmen & caring, persecuted immigrants has been missing the point, somewhat. The real criminals are rampaging & raping under Henning Mankell’s upturned nose. He’s probably too busy to notice, as he’s writing the Swedish version of ‘White Girl’, that BBC abomination that portrayed a battered young white woman taking refuge in a mosque, when, in reality, white girls were being systematically debauched all over England by muslim sex criminals.
The road to hell is also paved with evil intentions.
It’s no surprise. As Tommy Robinson said, when there’s a fight in town, the black and white guys line up on one side, and the Muslims on the other. And why wouldn’t they? Pakistanis make no secret of their loathing of black people.
And when the day comes I just hope the Indians and others keep out of the way to avoid mistaken identity.
Too right.
The trouble is that Taqqiya supporters will unashamedly wear a cross to dupe the enemy. It is allowed in Islam.
another thing,the politacaly correct met police and the leftie radio 5 live and the bbc have reported all night that the victims of this slavery case in london was victims of a shared politacal ideology by there indian and tanzanian captors,what do they mean by a shared politacal ideology,are they members of the they support the edl.what the hell does this shared politacal ideology mean,ok.let me have a wild guess and i could be wrong,this shared politacal ideology maybe have to do something with far left and communist brainwashing,you know what,i think i am on to something here that the police and the bbc are trying to hide from us,very interesting.
youre right stuart, according to sky news papers’ review its a marxist / communist cult
I like how Jo Brand’s “personally opinion” is exactly what a particular section of leftist journalists wants her to believe – that racism is all about power-relations between members of groups.
This of course means that if someone beats you up for being the wrong colour, it’s only racism if you’re not white – because a very small number of other whites are thought to have “power” by some definition.
Never mind that they’ve changed the definition of a word just so poor whites have less legal power than everyone else. Never mind that this is racist in itself.
This is one of the most dishonest memes in modern Britain