After 800 years Ludlow Castle is collapsing in parts….why? (Today 08:37)

Climate change is the answer…especially in the last two years…last year, we are told, was the second wettest on record.

Only it wasn’t……1872 is the wettest followed by 1768.  The wettest decade was 1871-1880.

Never mind that though.
John Humphrys raised a half hearted objection  to that claim stating that ‘We’ve had lots of different weather through all those centuries so why now?

The expert went (Rather too keenly) straight into the climate change explanation…..

‘Colin Richards, head of conservation and archaeology for Shropshire, said: “It’s amazing that they have stood for 800 years and the climate change that has affected them over the last couple of years has wreaked so much damage.”
Mr Richards told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “There is evidence of repair over the centuries right from the thirteenth century right through, but last year was the second wettest year on record.’

Humphrys quietly accepted that as the answer.

That is the problem with the BBC’s attitude towards climate change….its ready acceptance that it is happening and that it is man made….and is therefore primed to accept any old story that comes along with climate change as the ‘bad guy’.

Does it matter if someone claims it is climate change that is collapsing walls in Ludlow?  It does…because it falsely adds to the mythology of climate change and extreme events caused by it….and adds to the impression that the world itself is collapsing around us due to climate change….as Humphrys refers to…even houses are built on clay and the home owner notices when it dries out…taking the story from some distant castle to your living room…making it personal……all adding to the ‘urgency’ with which we must therefore tackle the causes of climate change…man’s emission of CO2!

If Humphrys had wanted to he could have checked back and seen that ‘climate change’ may not be the one and only cause…or even a cause at all:

Historic walls are hit by tremor: Parts of a Shropshire town’s historic town walls were damaged during last month’s tremor. (2008)

In February part of the Castle Square Car Park closest to the wall was fenced off to reduce the risk of traffic loading affecting the wall’s stability. (2010)

Climate change and natural deterioration have been blamed for recent collapses of the walls. (2005)

John Williams from Shropshire Council said the repairs could take up to four months.
He said not a lot was known about the history of the wall and what is causing it to lean.

Part of Shropshire Council’s Historic Environment team, Mr Richards said much of the damage dated back to Ludlow’s expansion in the 18th Century, when soil was piled up against the ancient walls. (2012)

Several major phases of work at Ludlow Castle have been carried out in recent years; the most dramatic of which was the rebuilding of part of the outer curtain wall following its collapse in the winter of 1991.



So it could be climate change…or it could just be ‘weather’ and natural erosion …or traffic …or earth tremors…or interference from other building projects in the past…or just the natural deterioration of an 800 year old building…or even …they just don’t know the cause!


All too easy to accept the explanantion that conveniently supports your own beliefs…..You have to wonder if the researcher for such a story asks any contributor if there is a climate change angle…and if so can he emphasise it…..Harrabin and Co must surely have a memo out briefing all programme makers to highlight climate.


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43 Responses to LUDLOW LAID LOW

  1. Richard Pinder says:

    In the Mensa magazine, the BBC’s biased and bizarre Climate Change science censorship policy has received unprecedented criticism.

    This is from page 17 of the March 2013 edition of the Mensa Magazine.

    It is the politically correct censorship of debate in science that is the problem today. Dogmas tell you what to think, that is why AGW and Intelligent Design do not do well in debate, and why those who support these hypotheses suppress debate, as we see with the BBC on Climate Change. The problem is not really the scientists, it comes from the Left wing Green activists and their influence on public relations, journalists and editors – especially at the BBC – as has recently been revealed by the identities of the people invited to the BBC‘s Climate Change Seminar.

    Hopefully, this means that the members could be the first to lead a boycott of the licence fee over this scientific issue, whilst the readers of the Daily Mail, Express and Telegraph could start boycotts of the licence fee over the left-wing political bias and the protection of the incompetent BBC management from criticism in the Pollard report.

    But after the 28 gate affair, I remember being told not to expect much before May of this year. But the fact that the editor of the magazine allowed the above comments must be a precursor to what must be expected from the ongoing investigations, because responses to debate usually take two months, making the debate about the BBC/Green censorship of science, scientists and scientific debate, peak in the May magazine, just as Tony Hall, the man who was responsible for this seminar takes control at the BBC. So it looks like Lord Hall is being set up to drown in a cess pit of his own making.

    I think the reason that these investigations are currently unreported in Britain (I have been told that it has been reported in the French press as well as on the Australian broadcaster, ABC) is not just that they are investigations into a cesspit of vested interests, which are slowing down these investigations, but because it also involves treason, perjury, fraud and political links with the Labour party at the time of this seminar.

    It looks like a US psychological operations officer from the US embassy was present, at this time the democrats where calling sceptics traitors. This explains why the BBC has called “Climate Wars” its most important documentary on Climate Change. “Climate Wars” refers to a political war won by the Democratic party against the Republican party.
    But its more likely the psycops operations where to do with reinforcing the consensus of beliefs and social conformity of those morons present at the seminar, which explains why the morons now prefer to talk to psychiatrists about Climate Change, than Atmospheric Physicists, who have become social outcasts from their own scientific subject.

    I am also sure that this will lead to legal action against the BBC managers who made the decision to break the law as regards the BBC charter, as I know that there are scientifically qualified Labour and Tory MP’s who are pursuing this line but are facing reluctance from their non-scientifically qualified yet fanatical AGW believing colleagues, but a reluctance that would fall away once the shit hit’s the fan.

    The best scientific expertise turns out to have been a grotesque lie perpetrated by the BBC management to justify producing propaganda, with the purpose of misleading both the public and parliament. But thankfully, without the involvement of atmospheric physicists or for that matter any scientists relevant to the causes of climate change.

    The two climate scientists present where only qualified in measuring the temperature. No wonder that the only account of this seminar confirms the evidence that this seminar was a cess pit of ignorance.

    I suppose this means that all the secret BBC internal inquiries including the Balen report and the blacked out bits of the Pollard report, will eventually be leaked, hopefully by May.

    Hopefully its not just going to be Mensa members who are aware of just what a “cess pit of morons” the BBC has become.


    • TigerOC says:

      I certainly hope your May predictions are correct Richard.

      Watching all the UK news channels, and not just the BBC, there appears to be some central control (NUJ) pumping out nonstop propaganda and censorship. One also gets the uncomfortable feeling that it is the media driving the political agenda and not our politicians.

      The recent immigration issue demonstrated in Eastleigh has made some senior politicians very uneasy and disturbed more than a few nights sleep.

      Hopefully they are starting to realise that the electorate means business and really want something done about immigration, the EU, human rights that only apply to the perps and not the victims and ordinary people. This country is racing towards energy deficit on a green toboggan driven by the myth of climate change.


      • Michael White says:

        Agreed, but we will need to deal with the EU first before tackling the rest – it has the power presently to hamper or halt any corrective efforts.


    • AlecM says:

      The atmospheric scientists and meteorologists who underpin Climate Alchemy have made an humongous error.

      The instrument they use in 1000s to measure what they call ‘back radiation’, the feedback mechanism they believe amplifies CO2-AGW, outputs the potential energy flux the atmosphere would emit to a sink at absolute zero.

      Because of this they exaggerate surface-emitted IR energy absorption 6.85 times and none of it is CO2 band IR. The real GHE is because surface emissivity falls so temperature rises to compensate. The warmer surface heats the atmosphere.

      In total there are 13 errors in the physics. There can be no CO2-AGW.


    • Newminster says:

      A slightly less hysterical tone might have made all the difference to this comment. Words like ‘treason’ and ‘traitors’ and ‘morons’ and ‘cess pit’ say more about the writer than about the people he is writing about.
      There is so far not a scintilla of evidence to suggest that the scientifically-qualified MPs have any intention of taking issue with the BBC over ’28-gate’ or that they are even aware of it. This is mainly an obsession with readers of sceptical blogs (which, I agree, is a pity but happens to be the case).
      Incidentally I am happy to debate ‘Intelligent Design’ with anybody. There are many millions of people in the word who believe in it; they just don’t happen to accept the militant atheists’ definition of it, that’s all.


      • Guest Who says:

        “There is so far not a scintilla of evidence to suggest that the scientifically-qualified MPs have any intention of taking issue with the BBC over ’28-gate’ or that they are even aware of it.”

        At the last count I believe, of 650-odd MPs we have representing us, two may be considered to have some ability to grasp science issues.
        But even if they could muster a brain cell in challenge you are correct, they are almost certainly isolated by SPaDs & briefing notes to be totally unaware of anything bar what they want to hear or are deemed worthy of knowing.
        Like some BBCphilic posters here (and astoundingly uncurious or over-stretched BBC DG’s), if things are not served up in brain-dead one-line sound bites, more complex demands on comprehension are simply beyond them.
        And far from being embarrassed at such failings, they feel it shows how important they are to flaunt such ignorance.


        • Richard Pinder says:

          Most would be informed by constituents, if they read letters from constituents that is.

          But I think Lord Lawson is making sure that all 650 are at least informed.


      • Richard Pinder says:

        Well, I believe that both Graham Stringer (Labour) and Peter Lilly (Tory) have sent letters to the BBC about 28 Gate, as well as Lord Lawson. While Lord Lawson has also organised a cross party group to deal with the 28 gate scandal at the BBC.

        Just because nothing has appeared on the BBC, does not mean that the 28 gate scandal is secret enough for Members of Parliament to be ignorant, while in Australia they are not. Its just that there are a lot of MP’s with vested interests in this scam. But also MP’s who are realising that the BBC is a bit dysfunctional in contrast to the rest of the media when it comes to climate change, and are now finding out why.

        ABC in Australia is gloating at the fact that they no longer charge a licence fee, nor have they censored climate science, climate scientists or scientific debate about the climate.

        ‘treason’ and ‘traitors’ has a legal justification in this case.

        ‘morons’ are stupid people with an intelligence quotient of between 50 and 70, which makes it very much easier to reinforce the consensus of beliefs and social conformity of those present at the BBC climate change seminar.

        ‘cess pit’ is a term in English meaning a corrupt place.


  2. Guest Who says:

    I sense an angle in The Farce here too…
    Then again..
    ‘Redevelopment and rebuilding has seen artworks across Britain reduced to rubble while others have just gradually faded.’
    The ‘affordable housing’ race to concrete over everywhere may prove a conflicting meme.


    • johnnythefish says:

      Murals painted on external walls (exposed to all kinds of weather) of buildings which have a limited lifespan…… and they expect them to be preserved how, exactly? Or am I missing something here?


  3. David Preiser (USA) says:

    The fruits of 28-Gate. Funny how this Mr. Richards is singing from a different hymn sheet than before.


  4. colditz says:

    I listened to this and climate change wasn’t the issue but the extreme variations we are now witnessing. So some rivers last year had the highest and lowest water levels ever recorded within three months. You really have a bias against any rational discussion of the weather.


    • Guest Who says:

      ‘You really have a bias against any rational discussion’
      It’s possible you have a point.
      To prove it, maybe you should consider starting a ‘BiasedBBC is Biased’ website to share your views?
      See what happens.
      Maybe avoid a visitor counter, though.


      • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

        He doesn’t have an online forum to debate the issues, but he does have an organisation: it’s called the bbc, his employer.


    • pah says:

      I presume you know alot about river levels, living, as you do, under a bridge.

      But where does all the water go to when the levels drop?


    • David Preiser (USA) says:

      Except yes it was “climate change” being blamed as the issue, colditz. The “extreme variations” are supposedly due to Man-Made Climate Change. Actually, it should be called “Man-Made Not Global Warming Anymore Because That Wasn’t Working So Now We Call It Climate Change Because Humpty Dumpty Was Right”. But the point remains that whatever is happening is ultimately blamed on human industrial activity. It’s impossible to have a rational discussion of the weather when the BBC is involved.


    • lojolondon says:

      Evidence for highest and lowest river levels please?

      Note that the bloke didn’t say it was because of the river level, he said because of climate change.

      Today there was an article on the BBC that said we are experiencing extreme weather – because we had ’95 days of declared drought and record-breaking floods, all in one year’. Well, I can very well remember the ‘experts’ on the BBC saying it would take years to re-supply the water table, they declared a drought even as people’s homes were flooding. 6 months later, we had seen very little sun during our summer, and they still had not lifted the drought restrictions. The whole drought story was pure collusion, if they pretend water is short then they can increase the price ‘to cause consumers to manage their usage’ – like they do with petrol and food and gas and oil and cigarettes and TV and the trains and the toll roads and parking meters and everything they can tax, they do.

      Wake up and smell the coffee!


      • Phil Ford says:

        “…The whole drought story was pure collusion, if they pretend water is short then they can increase the price ‘to cause consumers to manage their usage’…’

        The problem is that if one dares suggest anything like this is the case one is immediately sent to the naughty step, I assume for daring to question The Holy Consensus (on ‘man-made climate change’).

        I was reading Donna Laframboise’s excellent blog the other day and came across this short, but pithy (and for me painfully exact) comment from her:

        “…Saying negative things about green energy doesn’t make one popular at dinner parties. It isn’t considered polite, you see, to dispute the notion that we could all live greenly ever after if we’d just rearrange our priorities a little…”

        Nobody wants to believe that it’s all a scam. That kind of talk frightens the horses – and upsets the ‘Common Purpose’ trolls working so hard in the mainstream media to maintain the fiction of CAGW as a terrifying and imminent catastrophe about to engulf us all.

        The BBC certainly don’t want climate dissidents to be heard – that’s why they have taken a clear decision to forbid their views ever being heard or taken seriously on the public airwaves.

        But again – mention this around the table at a dinner party and I assure you that you will very quickly be made to go and sit on the naughty step for using Very Bad Language.


      • It's all too much says:

        Unfortunately there is a critical shortage in capacity in the water industry. The six million new Britons dink water, use the loo have baths etc…. Not that the BBC would dare mention the fact that millions of extra people in the country is in any way responsible for farcical’ droughts in the midst of floods’. Naturally the BBC and the water companies desperately want to ration water and tell us we are being ‘green’ as a) it is cheaper b) the Green Fascists enjoy bullying people c) It is a substantiation of their AGM Faith

        The truth is that there is no shortage of supply no matter what lies the BBC spouts – Britain is and has always been a wet place!


        • John wood says:

          No! Some of Britain is a very wet place – unfortunately not where the people live.

          Norfolk had 624.6mm of rain on average over the last 25 years. A semi-desert has between 300 and 500mm


        • Maturecheese says:

          You may have hit the nail on the head there. I reckon all this climate change malarkey is just a front to explain the negative effects of the over population of our small island nation. Hypothetically strip away 10 million people and all the houses they live in and the other effects of their being here and you might find there is no water shortages and less flooding of properties (they wouldn’t be there to flood) less usage of energy less cars on the road etc. Then again it could just be a dastardly plan to tax the pip squeaks out of us.


        • Guest Who says:

          The statistical conflations that can get made are mind-boggling.
          At the time of the Boxing Day tsunami tragedy I was pointing out death tolls were probably not comparable with Krakatoa as,
          a) There more coastal mangrove swamps
          b) These had not then be cleared to provide space for hotels, thus accounting for the toll on Western sun seekers, and,
          c) There was not a mobile phone or film crew at every location to record and/or emote.
          So… a ton more folk in places they didn’t used to be means the numbers get worse when nature does her thing. Especially when pumped out for ratings with an agenda tack-on by ‘O’-level media study rejects.
          On matters water consumption, there are also the vast demands of industry which, if I am not wrong, will go up with ‘economic growth’, in complement to the demands of increased population.
          This may be grasped by most as a simple fact, but seems to have passed by the PPE grads in Parliament and their sycophantic PR boosters in media.


    • Nick says:

      Possibly true, but the reason there is a ‘water shrotage’ is politically motivated to drive down water use by ensuring we do not store it.

      The state has repeatedly prevented the building of reservoirs to store water and thus, when it has rained shortly afterward they can declare a drought again, despite us all knowing it will rain.

      So I say again, the state is intentionally rationing the provision of water to suit a globalist agenda.


      • Maturecheese says:

        Isn’t it all related to Agenda 21 at the UN?


      • johnnythefish says:

        If by ‘state’ you mean the EU, that’s correct. I forget which directive it is but it forbids the buidling of new reservoirs because of the imapact they will have on our ‘eco-systems’ – instead, conserving water supplies is the answer. It may be the same directive which has stipulated there must be no more dredging of rivers or clearing of drainage ditches either, both of which are guaranteed to raise the risk of flooding. Miraculously, on a BBC programme on flooding last week, an old geezer in the area affected referred to an old photo in his local which showed one of the main river bridges with its very large foundation stones fully exposed. He said they were submerged in silt years ago because they stopped dredging the river – and he was talking several feet here. Not a topic the BBC will take up and explore in any depth, I’d guess.


    • Ralph says:

      We are often talking about records that go back decades and rarely centuries which are often used to supplant reports of historical climate events which suggest these things aren’t that rare.

      I remember watching some BBC reporter reporting on flooding who foolishly asked an old chap with a pipe if he had ever seen such flooding. The old man started listing the dates that flooding had been similar much to the reporters annoyance. Some woman saying it was ‘terrible’ and all to do with climate change appeared on the main news not the old man and his pipe.


    • johnnythefish says:

      ‘Climate weirding’, ‘extreme weather events’ – the language of the AGW alarmists, and neither having any scientific foundation (even the IPCC’s own report shows that). But, working at the BBC, you have closed your eyes to such stuff haven’t you?

      The BBC have been shamelessly plugging the link that only the eco-socialists claim exists – so, just like ‘climate change’ became the new ‘man-made global warming’, so the BBC have made the link between ‘extreme weather events’ and AGW so synonymous, only a mention of the former is necessary for their trusting listeners to make the link.

      Now go and do some homework on ‘extreme weather events’ and come back when you’ve properly understood it.


  5. JohnM says:

    I do not “have a bias against any rational discussion of the weather”, but I do have a bias against an irrational one-sided biased preaching of a quasi-religious belief.


  6. Forester 126 says:

    Central England temperature anomalies (CET) for the winter, December 0.1c. January -0.3c . February -0.6c
    So you could blame it on climate change as long as it is cooling.


    • David Preiser (USA) says:

      Well, I believe he was sort of blaming recent frosts for expanding the problem soil which shifted the walls, no? Man-Made Global Cooling, then.


    • johnnythefish says:

      Introduction to a piece on India last week ‘Now we all know climate change is affecting different countries in different ways, so here for example it means we are seeing more snow….’

      Frank Gallagher, eat your heart out.


  7. DJ says:

    It’s that ‘Labour say’/’Tories claim’ thing again.

    800 year old structures being damaged by the sudden arrival of rain in England sounds a little like the pyramids being damaged by drought, but it if suits the narrative, the BBC will gobble it up – but they refuse to jump to any conclusions about what could motivate a group of ‘men’ to try and blow stuff up.


  8. Mat says:

    Story is utter B/S the lower part of Ludlow has had no flooding so the upper town has by reason had sod all ! lazy PR money raising cr&p!
    Oh and I grew up around this part of the world clagydezscotts


  9. It's all too much says:

    In 800 years we have had both the medieval warm period and the mini ice age and plenty of weather too. In that time entire cities vanished due to storms and floods, harbours silted up, rivers change their courses, we stopped growing vines than started again (‘cos we were going to have a Mediterranean climate you see…)
    The BBC in, 2005 said….

    Mediterranean climate in England

    Huge swathes of England could take on a Mediterranean look within 50 years as native woodlands are threatened by warmer, drier summers, say scientists.

    Olive groves, vines and sunflower fields could become hallmarks of the landscape in South-East England as global warming changes conditions.

    utter arse by the BBC


    • pah says:

      They’re just hoping they won’t have to schlep out to Tuscany every summer to to[ up their tans.


    • Ralph says:

      But 800 years ago is ‘before records began’.


  10. SandyS says:

    I’d like to see the maintenance records for the wall and it’s infrastructure before pinning the blame on CO2. This smacks of “It wasn’t me gov, it just came off in my hand”


  11. chrisH says:

    Cost of damp-proofing the walls of Chester?….
    Maybe we all need to get our red noses on, and buy up loads of cagoules, umbrellas and Goretex from Milletts closing-down sales..and then dress the walls of Chester, Ludlow etc on a rota basis?
    Can I book Rocamadour, late June for a week…will bring a few Harrabin Chicken Licken wristbands to throw from my bandwagon…and agree to sport a “The Earth Is Screaming” parasol, gaily displayed at a suitably jaunty angle?
    Arts Council then if UEA or the BBC won`t “champion” me?
    This Savile Champeen needs a holiday!..the red nose surely needs no sad face…cos that`s whaty`all get if you don`t stump up!


  12. Chris Martin says:

    Actually last year was only the FIFTH(!) wettest year in England since the records began in 1766. 2012 was beaen by 1768, 1852, 1872 and 2000. So, on average, it was about a 1 in 50 year rainfall…… So much for the BBC and Met Office and their ‘wettest ever’ year story!


  13. Highly descriptive post, I liked that a lot. Will there be a part 2?


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